HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-04, Page 8Owen Alt
KretUflg ly Fress
Ver the tactthat he
*it: ',.thelt opiate*, tott,
idnit,o-kitt-the ,,proposed trh.)
orostoosa Veld -Pa*
ttoe Oth was, to be *
-e?,c 1,04, a ttifiriUer of euncIl?,:
rereura te‘the 'rnathor
4 of the ,second ,d0.1)!*
p 0 Wog,
osti, ofle of the two
ate" aolotst putting the county to
Ate' 40.--„-.P,11111)0,41011 ' WIt1),-•tlw
Wasthe:.firet Man to 4r4W7atteit.,
.; 0' the, eVeateptible,::,01,‘$,Nt*
t `8V11.0iet liatkate 007
axed hat- nly,Ahe nine counties
A the letter - to the ,eoutfeIllthd
en ittiltedw' •
lit la ,ttot")tist an O*011431eft
';,',130trmatu'*"!The trip
hot Juelti4e, the hgn'.,
et; and * r;Othet'o*Pon*es..*:Ineurs-,
these of trotisifortatteh,"
the: IhtlIviduel
.Wjirden watt 111 a,Ve0P4 With the
vs ,expre1RefI by the peutefoorg
• askedb the presS to make The iibes
;tog * 40004 of Reeves,
:70fhlittiey„ ',There, lic'ere,
nitments , the laSt)'*Ix.
Motor P11100., Aet
10deeetIti as*u1t. 1.. Tbe
o t ilf,`:rattotte
repurt !n Whielt he efslted *tttnt
nt vLuthgQ itt tho 'et*
Tb UNties are now free frota.
Istlbatiou to oldlt,ge peuelooa .**4.
*WOW i1lowaue01, and itt" etich
,uoty ther Is \tn, be eotabli*hed tt
joeat Want 'of ,rnetobers, twO.ti
be toted, by Ithe minty otine9'
ree,:hi the Trovinelitt.',Goveti.
tor the oniwele. or ,iittotving
IlppUentlolis for penatotos et allow*.
au the two cOutttY teet4
one fs., . he a r O1tiat4',.„&n4 o *The
.0eirernocue, apPolUteesne I3 to b.
The ek VelOtek, .•Out that lit fiiturt,c,
la bead Of theyeoulity *Oust,
.:admIttette* papers4. for peroote titters'
:lug the, eopitty, Heine,
'.440ther ,thatter,,referit4 ,to by the
,clett . we*, the new toothed of comPti
Ins the ttehoograht*. ;There, were
*mite 01111001,tIca',„ 004 the clerk, in 10**,
tertwetintt.the Mt* hilt dopt-
((1 what 1t bel1evd
SA;be the eorrt
ht:erphetatlotti,,'. - .
The ro000, ieterteit
Pieon'A. eoniniittee for eonimetntion..
County ritignotii -
County Treasurer .*S1•0101io, In tith..
notting his report"' of ,reeelpte 'nod 0 -tt
Pendltntea to 14tir, 01$.4onted out
O8t *dnce -the TanuaI7 Se54S100'."-ft.,,1ot1.
that',* the catulti Was,
Oudot, ,4,A00t100' t'-0.',.%gt$'.'1,tifA, *hare.: -,4fr.,
old -age *halos , tout mother,*,,;, #116w4.
11.000:`for!' the first three • •tnoriths '.,'Of
4110. *0404
year. This -inennt an ec-
peliditure ;0,000, for which' ao.•,,forori.,
•Tislen,' ;was:, -*lade that •eatititates
grouted -'0,1r 0011aell In 1,anuttrit:-a-d
Ae*Sitatod.' A rot/slew ot.••the.
niittedtax rate. V)!4 • rfortsed:•rat#'; af1,
recominen1led,' would be
ed,•as,t011owsi•••ileneralt; 1,02 milbcf
•eunnt*.'litghwais „la();lng,t4;:" rroyto;
c11 bIgw8YH 35 mill..• -No ',thin-, leV'
woiild, be.64404" thevest: of :,etoehgeii
• ton tbe:tecaeOter abowe& everv
ijeUtvo1II. have .a
The tbiienret'A, to.Port' 0114.,fiquPwc
Qfl Motion Or Reeves • Bowman: Ana
SlAdera, ••• '
. ...,
.1 ..
: dei° tfitkt ' bei:. got . for the vrOk
A fli),,Atirp:itt ' 'court the other
.111 drunk because hIS
• - ,* -,tettm: to tttril tiP"! , ,......a.,...' i
***0"'"Y4 t t elebrato• 0 ali.
' ' - - --- Atter 'fiti.;-- a 'w 4t hart
s o . „a av, ,.
' 4 irlikerthlttlf110''WS11 ,; t , or
"•Peiteet' riglt ' 0 wants to.
• Ay!: "If 'you're begging
0•04 might tea, It- take -7PP1*- 44nOt;
out Of our '1400(40°' ---." ,': .
- Ttanar, • .0Nirelt, ' the truth Is, -litly,
ilii .begglie .8 `'.001t °I 14°°"*"
pe,' The .:Sigittil:-.Stni eltibbilit'tille$'
and'Aare * .Ateneot.:
.1t Has Many Otbera
YUSer WrItOS For' e*r 1 shltered wlth o .gatotint pain he- "
breast-heAe. The Onr, rend •X tonic' eget was -4004, and that
me for :Or
n.*.lex, got AelnethIng to eatIt Atoppedy,',eotaing.itgatucH
The pain botbered tne • worse at nlgbt. After
ig Ahtee.bottles or ,Ptf-,X0r400ttA StOmftehte X , was too frOm 41.4,111,.•
t on Iroproling and hAlee now been free,troofthia. trouble ror- four •
•, • „•• •
. „
.4STOMACHIC is useful in 'flitet4oliting; •as, bloating,
Olt)" and' ti.tho forms of :itidige4tiniti, •especa11y isefuI in
cming gnawing p4,10: -,,after eathig, and nght indigestion.'
Dunlop'sSoIdat tOre. •
(Gower) got 1n7 money."
htlio sto.y utiheolt*tto3"-'
.`":srheh, be coottuled; Ina .Wo -
ship reiharhed; P''',Chereo has been AA
eV414ttee to eettheet thls •inatt With: the
thott.7. The 'etitirge *At be (11**,14447
'",govfer:!- ho; eonthitio4. ‘41ihri.Is not
rour,IIIrittfoffeitee'ahd It Is a *emu*,
'ttene. ',Oeute*.te you to two 'tuo*thfc
ii a1I at. .hite0 .tabor,
ltobert 000t.tal; .aegteck:
trIal and jury on two eliirgete.r
;Ohittitnt *.otex.0144$00,,100to
,ortott-'74;; and- of recetving 2OO ttat91140,
the .•ditioit of, Montreal to par E.
Hall, ..fli'ittiatitrer',.-'aiutleahdhletitlt
verting *010 to'hhir,..0iihrt, ;no',*01
ptelgith4a0 •Itearlhg 44.a.'eek,fOr'..4hite's
,•r0Oh4.0.4..,',01., a $500
.drzA)ff, sitAnsm
1. e.t4YA. BPJ0.
01, Ot4Nt*A4t,
livt. 4P 4106. ft•
Ks/ 0P,*0.1z€1*Le,
,M0A4w K111-11.
0Air):4 MORt1UM
For Janes .McIIwsJn—Thi"
' eb Rot Si
, . , .
al honor has- 'been won by
James Mellwain't ten . of Mr. and Mr.
Mellirainc Cambria road,
Is patrol 'loader' Of the•Zion,-Vatro 11•• a :*
the god 'ooderioh BO $00et troop, in son
that, AS a ' rsklass- Scent, be ,Ilait
li�n t„
• ..
•badgeandgr0de!'flhtT0Ufld cords.
•13,10-44er Onta
ed Yk..:',$eontt040t0*0':Oten'
110.404',It00w:::404:-., *00404 ,.A0,4Irtli
11tteen,.$4vetd•-•*014 ")Ot
11i0t • night, With the, SAoge,,,titst'4'''
at4SIStant, 'VreNdtteiat:'retnni
that $retiox *bid will *0
down, In a , ,perntanent,' reeord• 'With
,others - who _obtained 'their:, .fthies
..Seout, badges between September ',, 1.
404 'ehd -,.'otd,i,,' A; , lopzto siievi ttt0y,
earned .the deeOratiOnS during the pr '
.' Oattol..-•Xteader .' geil*a been
, ,.
wifh•the Spouts' tours. year* beglnntng
AS a . Pub. He Spent, .ayear .*Ith' the
Cuba and then, within. a• year of pia.'
sing his teadergoot tests, .he became A
.0rst-elaSs -ffeeat, reaelfing ' the, King's '-!Xhe .•servioe ,:**.a. OendOeted• • h$ ;' Ite's
*Scout standing by passingto0 tests* Nit, Starratio ,4101ated. Int',..ttoV,*.Dro. Al.
tlin4der _fireman, aisbuiance and 11$00i,..At :"111,4ft, „ Att.'fOrit:07'' 1)4,0t0f:
u1,110; 'health', man. These she : Must' .herer). Pohorth',),,i,viate iillied,. ' 40
. , ..,... . .
es 'Annually' to . retain ,.,,the ,coveted ,f1,tim e ',ill**.01401p0, iif , 'MO
, , .
:01,41, ithe, departed
, ,
e earned ',six Prolletenor •badirpti in ,,„. '‘ .,,IleVc Mt, Murray:and
' .spolce ,Iii; very' appre,=,,
his. three 'pew* e ,_stoot, :,,vihtell,.. P -v*, , .,.-.1,-*
ogfitiet li.14,16 tlie‘;igree4-414'1401,1VAlti. '0-41Y.,::',.tel*f--4: '''''th1,14.41)414*,:' -.ft,:q7kfri
,routut teids., . ,., ,,.. •., ',' -.. , 4,..4_-. Oifis, Otto a fte,..4e. r.1400*.ile'.11ali°
' - " 1 - -' rendered- the'k ett"relt".• and ' the "e0111'
31* itt. the , fourth* inenIber-: of OW, . • ,,I, • - ...tr• - II- • • ',.--,
4.44ertell' Ttoo-'10: earn the ICIn0 .41114iPl:. *$.1.404 .,, for
' - litti.toPe ear*
, . xtektoo -, A 'loving. atut, deVoted, . Vette
alulAs, f.:liorii 04* . brothers, 400, .' of,
:X101011iei'alat Itenr*:,, 'Of •Vannower, ,titif),,
kie0e Dinigannon
$01,191''',Pler1404:Vntr',t0 a ,Oar,ge,'0't
stealing, tour bags, •of 'oats, 'the-,:prii•.,
rt* of hia. nIotlier*, 'Ors. Arthur
bert, /Ina:reel/1*g, the*U' for-1$0,:',Atatiug
the money was used for repair s to bus
ear., At, the tetineet,of''htfutother,'
agiAtrnte MakIuS ,,•*tispendedi
nth's 'driver*: license for sl* -moOtha„
tubert was placed $tlf*eildOtt g.g44,
*** 10),' one
- Endurance 0entest,
two-dayBlyth feud was aired in
conit; Joe KeUy and BertEIliott plead -
Ing gulity to
htfrgeir of otetettdet,ilie:
4 , .
*146e7bGr 4011* And ew.,,eittLeg;
*was 'going'-.1100‘tom work and
eaught elt*'abusingt ..*,tehog:Orgt14k
4 640-$4,144:
while,- went .h
.viras2,41Celly's, Ars ,
.,eourt, but ',,Avklteit.-'Admt
afiearattoo- because of.
fight' a while age."
Sentenee' Was suspended a Year ,
both young wen,
To Txtemtat•.ndkr
on , 14 in geed. repair. an
alt 00Yealeace5. ,Immedla**•,
alert. OalL..*1;,-,•%0X41-roVrAli. to•
' Ott.
• seIrettoreent house* both
,wood neer4 garage od
',Oat etret. Phone
404 thetittre4 good re
SP- C9040103ttg4, IptiAleClittte PA
eide. ('ultat lowasr$TAXt or-
V1OP, 15-lOt
Et ft, 1.4110-0,110 4T014,
0.03)3110 ;and eaulinOW0t• 11140M
mato 4 egutO, cabbage .30 MOM per
hundred., Caullnowert *fast,' and ether
plants, 10 • cents per dozen. 11.
TAKIX1134)(K NViirlitet Street, ',.$3g1,
taunta road, near 'Sunset Hotel (torn
at )31.trOlte*I#Ore)4 ' ' 19-20X
iLO0 :11-'44,4#4444, r.97;vd'elleg°4e744::74NI0°7,"
re010'sxxig or" ASIIKE
ilasTXMIA8, WILL BE PP' A4001V1)/pt
bs‘ the undersiguea up to 13.30 va,
UNJ 21$4 LO3T, fortho.congitriett0ii
of hereto' as 01100«,••
foot AVIA bridge oh 'eldelIne 0 and
.,egneession _30; &bob, Sixin' at. gOtt''
4;:,tbert; rettii4ktg will at
bridge), awl., wing on, +bridge on een-
epode* -5., Tostnehtg,to fuiniL4lk steel.
A, marked eheclee for 10 per etA
tencler to accompeOi tender.
'.:111010 VtrIMANk. 000,, oP0X4OX
11-0act Clerk;
nor ,to tot
x gaultor°P4 .bite of -W11°'^
TIOTA any .08-1112. "calikei4
e, peper, 0°°` Ilaving, £n tli
t ratabeth,
Po° of. oodeticlx
CaGICR estate ° -plants, per dozen 1the Town:og ale(1 o
outtud robiartTt''bria rond and ore tlie 4th - day �f June,
Elgin ave.,- scotitirectpoo,4744/4- 4.124 1937
as on and after that datt
elitwilt be distrIbUtd arnOflg
taste!no' ei4nly t0171:e,
U 41"7-1:64'"":'-ii:."4,..1°'4;tol':::tna•:.t.1;:li:7;":"Orlie:13:::71:14'-41-1. ''SC444414te,'I'7'';'4:4''''C-IA:':;*k''"h':ell'ilstees..e:144t:s'eltIrtliollit°110'tt;'411:*.:fl4:1'11:444.114,.440,t was
008, wbera he -
7 tgc,''Welsh' St 'name; was
t,,,coixtbitieaH ,StlidellO'r4A40140;00;P:41i' ,:(,ft.:4,4,.'..17:07::.1,P0,ri).?.,,,,ii,,,iviv:01:6'vi#4,eeithare.d'iiiii:;t:041,:oki.x.'
' er, ' ,vic,,ilezioije: .;J0,,413.$8,1)::- .,40**.oti t'4, 44, .,..ii6.014,e04,,,--.tor ,:,
v tetq'
, 0. OieTrlago :iiiinneat •i0.11,, ;'w--, ... ., tio #0.• •,
r ee'.,,,1.44$ta'sh'I'aelitl9"..‘ii- t11;i140°)%;;''S'ilr'C'rU' ''':"'''"Ifri'7f:' 1.: al'ill'ii1411$.14:".‘10'' 411 sat:40 ) ;' '
ro :
rtl-' - toe' ti`.., ',and '''On . '-oAre-40.0,.,ifteo,rEA. ttaig,, .
George,.' . - ,-. ,..
e ','Bon.:, .Dro plii4s,4. iver:tbe. vtr,., o,hvy,gemloi74 :
tit,,::04.2„. '',Elanday 'att,e,,!*` down i: -With••' Iv .6 ii___..1. vs..* 14?0X, '.. ,got
at *ita•tr1,adenilnet‘trrue, iv., lit,i•:.•;10heoln,:ifs'.., it€uot°=10. i, ei)eitt,, so Itto,
Vetssetaill, ••• Oe.r. - -`'.. Wel* Vr
Caere' :wag,: adjourned..,a week,. 7 -;
. ''Zi:0, charge. againat. 17kish, resulted,
,froni,An. Aeeldent pp, ,bghyfAr ril'o',
' ' r the:•tru**';, , , .... ' •
,frightoed."Ottii of tone horses owned
,tizie.p..., 11,:,,tuti9gritti::._ =:71,43.,:.)7,,,tutPlag,.„..4.1.1i#:4..
Int lby la h'ired,..Mt.tn; „.7isresieSr ,,i4-Jlto.,
.4getent 'Others Aro-, '.,ARSIstinit
•Setintinaster, BOO ..renninenea, ot 'the
2441 Treop;', and. et.800ttts. Don Croft
and - Jack:Itershii**"'
The $40111,Eitar, :halt. • lintalier et
Daring's Sort' ' BAC, of
Quaker Oats trade marks handed, into
the Stgnat-St*r Offlce. A greatirrai*t.:
ehlidreA hate calledtor books intt are.
nOW enjoylng tbe tun of trying out
some or 'sit of •the-a;ditterent tetittt
and a Ottrober of their . VOWS , Are
,haring *lot of ..eXatettleitt, took ..:0111
In at Signitttgar• 'otitee and get Youre.•
l3ring„In your Quaker : 'Oats- trade
;tuarlot ,and tot -100t,s'today wbtte
one jitetevi. 31tre:':,,Jeidoink°„ of Goderieb,
0040101 ArAti4fOtir '114004tOtlietik;.
Reber., ',Mid,' iioUlir iof (Wert* • Tont,
MelCenale, of doderieh, And. Mrs. K.
Ater•e0d, of Ietrolt.n 4' • ''•
%'11e`"•1 Pallballtrera were ;•'..GeOrge.,
Dtata14.-• - Watson,
Ken**, OE 4 Musgrove, 0. xx4Oettt,'
and • ° •
Itt•NVO; • Zoe' 1st r. lick Cur-
ran, a14 bad the misfortune to frac-
Ink. some Al* 'while working at th
"hoilse of Mr ,pantOeil, at Dungan-
non. •
Views; teat MA Harold Blake
were *letters With Viro-,
'Mrs. 44tanler ,rinek Of°- :Toronto.-- '
Mrs. Will Begley: and daughter*
Mrs. tor** gall, of Hamilton, visited
-at the .week -end With” :4t.:‘, and
Mt: and Mrs. ilayaoiond:.:Fintligan,
and, tout* vitdted, riiehdA near
13e1 -
grave on -
Mrs. ltriiest Poet* Of tiltatee„ who
At few days with .ter *Wet,
Wm. Reit, has returtasd home.
Ur. attil,Mrs. Joth Maki apl M1ts
Derotte„- of lifikrekottc, vfat#4 -or
,8nted**, with 'Mods heri;:*
Lea la a :deliciously!' different
eo iiiia#,As; very eaallt mode.
1te AO" fiettOng, .teasPeeaor ef
Illittatle • blaelr tea, Infuse: tea -111
:On* blat- Of freshly 'boiled Nrutei for
lx minute. Strain, A ;pour 11-
41.114106 a twoqpiart 'et. While
oda Is •Illas
(knife' COOPIli) who
_,..111_110101141ton :New Ierlr4ott-, etteturia titait with, her brother*
PvilltPtt)i: OtnAdlito: girt; Miss Dr itoy,.Staelthotist; ItidOaray,
ifladrilfre* lajlte daughter ot Mrs and *
ifuneral"4 tate We.Ellen
.-4 *at Ella
4 '
• toOlt Poe from the 'hoot f
ber len Intin-on ,Saturday afternoon -
asid-was largely. attended. .11.
A. Oro** or‘lilytiOtalted, church, wit*
charge. The :leatibeatera :were
te*-0,•,1*. 'Itett3r;'_•*11M-ea.I.Seot4 ;Olin
it Oblates Stewart, T. Ridden
and Ilatute 11001u:eat •***in
• cemetery. Zito Nottotah
Oita In ttotris towtishit)
year it ago and Spent the greater
Of her life In tillsyleinity. 'or
r* 'As made her hos* wlth
/oat*, -944140; Queen
Hir husband+ 3Ohtt•••Virst11siee
away , tWentputtte siore a.
lr?ITiUg are font sone
u ud• Xnehatitti of
tt of Xtorilet,
Nittl. **nit Vet
•atittert tad two
, layth,
litt*. Pros.
..; toobott.
quality e
iti proftt, Meadow Gind
your bet vesPineot
tion, egg sise and„ Size of b
Meadow. Olatle=4104 is out.
denot Mtge
chic or inferior -
ow' Glade Ohleke and be a
Prodta140 Production ne
• yater,
• -,of we.....,sessozt ha
e 1,* W. BUM Otaavr04**
rhoub 1413 OarloW.
. teacjr wantedfor
=Grade 2 roatl„ . Dutes i6 coin:ten
September, 1St. State Alualifiv#1011-
elc011i.atW and ',alliary, expected.
- .Applications received. ,Uatil."11ine
' -,* ' •- TA IA 1;,1•101Ci
, ,,,...
4 Secretary, 004Arte
, .
• -dirt June 3rd, lol*It000tsoni,ko.
ivita;::Iri.•Prlvate tOnerati.SUndat.T, ,
frOm ,einerootr*Itannijr:read40,:Ma
U4i1+1. ootti4t.ety;: ,
CA1D OF !"rtiAL,Piwrs
W. *0,14 .1•Viiia'
IR to- tender ••• their grittetai. thaay0 to
*1004 for the Mall,Y! itlndf 10$1**10s,„.
or sympathy Ala tlicir,,bereaveluent.' la
of..4heir,brOtheri, -40h11tati!
liot,add:: •
,144. cups or iraimlated. sugar, and
'Pliteof two leinOns.
Then .shake or -stir, contents went •
'Until sugar' i thoroughlydissolved,
cOntabler 'YvIth told *Ater. Do,
not .allovr tea to coot -before Adding
the Old' water;'otherwloe, lIquLd. will
bedetne- (gond*** . • •
VW.* Is now ready', 'tot serve In tali
gla$8e6A with-`cb1ppedict., or ea,
stve 'of,-,lernOb .bel„,1:04.4(lje
'1ftd filike-"abyve • Oahe • • ,:twO.
uartsof lced tea, or Eeven,tall;
our heartteit thanks to alt those
who extended- *helpi And* stuipithY
during our recent betetitementti to the
z or
goz,so Al ......,
to tkok,' thosewho so kindly ex-
tended sympathy and help during the
trYlng time, ofour bereavement, , Vat-
tionlarly, the ladies or the :Baptist
Church and the management and ern-
orees of the iloderich Organ *eV'
Sari: alao thoat, who 110 thOuglittaily
11.218-,%400,tor ,oth.e,.fumironneratS A13
f JuiieCharles Gras
'hastleft for sQlsit ,with- her atece
Ws. Xobler at fllgb River, Al*ta'
.41eXtt,hdOr OitiOtt , has gate to
Beardarbre; ,where he has accepted k
dersehi ef 4.Mbethi‘And Mrs.' 411)°thli
Alitititili)it , _
Bender, of Lokulotl, , va1ted. Wirs' and
re. Row'. vightton. and. other
.litues Otero, of ',Iitilteetearei
,itvire.3., !jet sister,
.0etald, •Dendleld lett thlt.* .ter
.0rotat Betteht Where he itaa *tare
• Mies :Ada iStitolzhotree has left 'for
•tertuttitent rtitaitini by "Orli iGriei•
t B1tis1i 11104 .barber Shop Ione
For appolent phone4p; latIlatt,
at 000, -- 20
The monthly!, theettng• or the.W.M.S.
of 'North, street 'United church witi
bebeld in the ,ehtireh.Vitil0r,Oa- WA'
"(liti; lune 7th, at 3 Pam - ,
AlitnieltiOhapter, 1.0.1)X, will nieet'
At thepublic library on Friday, /toe
At 4 pin.
The 'auttuat garden party of St.
George's chtirctif vat be tea pn Thurs-
day, jilts:Mk-on the teeter vomit
The regu-lar inontlity Mel'ititit Of the
Xureetie Alootiae 4.41eltattdrot Mark,
General hospital.. Wilt be”Iteld,',
Si."•04*. rtidat June 11, at the
aurae,' resideneci *No Street,
:Anniversary serileca at Zaiitt4
Ant Cuttedr•chnrch, ,-wlit- ,he held oti
kadity, Ittne,•27th, Ref*,
Bremner or ktrucedeld, wilt-pottaott at
both aeriCeta At it 11.:*#"- attil 7 p.m*
•trhere wilt also be iCatra*herry testi-
?vat etoVedteetlay,, ;Jude Ism, on the,
thumb lattn, ,A good **ram Will
be vett. Admission 8&**LW, •
1 ti•
Maim ''reiittern ey sexv10 We
that airway 'easeAs
and rival* 11,41irtitia1 at
6010 idth -4401100
,ARA.11: VNT,„ Sue
4Clioe34 tar haavlAost att
*lames Artraloter* wh
oder the dodoes ca
heart trmitolo:
Ur. tod,litra Wm. 'llistaitt.
with Vtr* sind,