HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-04, Page 7'
• ,
e1 Yi9itO nnong theIr K1ns4ir1dge
Oa were Dr.. and :Wt,it!!
er Att.d..Mistor'.44t4tote,.. r.'.4WIttred
O'Brlen, Mr. and•••Mrs,' ••%1ta Joy Mr,
Mra • Art Atitiar.' • Woos-,gattan,100#-Xtaltou,-,-.MAater,i0.4.,
0,',97„Itetlig •and7A0#iToqt,
• 1te.om....Deteotet„.:M12t.-I4thirett Cos
4e11c and. Ir .br&t)ier, of London,
Mr. Dnn1a. Dalton* *be, •has beett
ltying In San rraneteeti for &cveral
_stur*t. en:,DridaY! **tending
to .,OPtnd,'•t.he .0Oottotat home,.
',.§otorgtot..,.;f,tont,hOt.,•t.41„t3u, Loxidon.
Mlss .Moeiiea Martij has •,••iietarOd.,
„9.;qto4'.. %Out .9ttitellett. to Oendlit,f,sataf
„mon at • ber 43ionie. .
We. are sorry to
nOte`.that •ber • ntethere )11rE4-, S. . Mar-
tin, isqutte 1; We bvpe she
eiltigelr; "reeotere4-:
Oarvey, jr., wlth his
Thotber 'stetert',M.,
• tisli4.4 thelr frienda In 0.4004,0*:7;
Cargill yesterday.
- "
Mr. and Mrs L. L O'ReUly ar
san Vrattit,-;•ot PukPr-S.O.It'itttOt and
Attfti Ona Iletternou, of G.nelphr,callett,
on pones' of,.their friends yeater-
.: " ,',4
, Mr.. Ana' *.ltitiO. Irr40 'Tee510k...,,' *of 'St,
Angustinet.'yiSifetl:at '1.-vt.;Onuorrt-4
tyeeteedey„. ' • • '
M. • litallivan„ *With
entLlgirae Tem, Joy and Viei;'$111-
liven; .vittited' in Dahlia On ••Saturday.
,T)r. and *Mrte, 0.40er
•-aad '.1..***•OrCatoter• visited at
Ohs Itinahan% W-4*-41.104hg on
EatUrattY.- • • •
His mghtietb-`iirtiiiittt.—eoogratu.
latione Ire, extended, to Mr. ,Themas
*C441'N'eTt o;ie. of ehr Most ,esteemed: re-
sidents, upen:•the.Completion ,of liIs
eightieth, year. Most of his flintily
celebration et the. iatittersitry ..and 'a
3r4.4110.4„:tiAtt- ,..waff-!VM01,44A-1-01n-
*an and, native or this teiii.0% will at-
tovi: the ,Conortatlte A#0040104 or
Our:0034W, to VOnteet 04 riding at
the-oext'VtOtitteial election, Watefrer
'Parted heretoday.'
*gliwriIt rittated,j4s.bpetc.a
proached''t1t,, 0010440 legitioettAtivei.,
of the riding Oa bas th.cridortottOtt,
.ot ',the Proylaciet exeeuttve. HO,*
most sirceessful,.fatleffi . en',
has iiisvaye taken A, justifiable 'nritW
In keeping, liis tertia and home in the.
very :;beet'.`of. etakditlen. In spite pf
• his eighty.Yeat9 he Seems to have -Still
• 114 the 'Alertness and ambition of:
youth, and we hope be will 'be spared
for snaDY years' to *owe to be 4 malt
to the .*community and a blessing to
• his 410,0ted family,
Diner; "My doctor allows meonly
one glass of tiler' •
Waiter; ' ,,,we•Jiate a gIasei
that holds 4.,cantre".,'
'widely itnown toAre,, Where he 440440
ac1ioo1, 444 ,1,10,4 OP* many o bLs.methodf* 4torcome \and. weauiflg,t1t7,
saatnietada the and. .ree' :1..eleiS • 4-04taratfrreilti" •
lattves.• ,.,,lsfr.;:Knot as a'result of the.* " " it•
• ,
are 1.14 lA *i'tnn aild
D. the acreage IttetitOte.
'bestr-** . .0100i:the X0I) will be n
*1,01',,,itunt• $1(141140. 'toot tb*o. -the -sil**tt er
:Of lett SeettteRsfetyestable 'Weitthateeen*
ek, *houldike peoVided. 4 '-:400ell. intis* perall„ •
QOtt'1144.1".4' .4° the it t•leAsils'Sten. .14steen Ontario 0170touttt
_ ttotailwition• 0,t• ,tOotteante• through the mIld
auti wtel; ground oats -40)33 tiehleit the, wwer In • excellent,'': 'eoltditiene •bu
1'W ham ,b^ sit,ttflt 'Vg-uP4.1405•••:etrkt,yebelillealn the *Xtretne r
Ora NtettnIr4g-gt
nItft With 40. litter 4
I 1
wilt Stiirt' ,nilthle.,at..feedr,at about eirahtteo.: .0010.40,e,
teeo.,e0 foot weeks of ago, old 131`..,040 amount o'f .winter'ltilltnit- 0014
$441 °E3"44ttli' 'N+e4k.411(14141'e'eadets.'11)Attehea that WOreent4 1001 eete
lug quite freely. 'Cadet kooh 4 PrOr-e este)/ eteaw, leatuy weatllt*.hatelliV
dare Itheek .14ddeutal to .413°1* 44k/114' 'tteMO grounds to fear 4 heavy Aean I
festatieg. later one althengit epta s are
• •
The favo• iitt; tmOtr
women, whii,dteite
besuilful wEn topt
furnitottt. Yeitro 9E
prat_ _ticirT 0Verignae
by CanutiatiC house.
wivep liege plov00
the value ' tit* vitt%
*tit wttl;knowti,
vitetion nemtteatietterl*:.
.00 -40t01::10.- *14# :cf,;',044%,:4,A,F1,4'11#: '4011Oottgio'". '40titt 4414**
. .
' of-trOlit,rotatiert*.iti
•belng found an Im-
1;0610 -40tor -11% :reducing•teed .costs,
he.ahove;speeial. dee The ,chiet adtailtagekt of such n peed -
The lorento,Olebe•tta tiee,atel • (1); Xainta lug 04 iln‘:
• e
a -i"e
•il, With
the felloWing notation: PrOvIng fettilitY, laeteatsing:,
"4r. R49* in Toronto lett nitht tie"' ylelda.; (2) nseitilnif 10, weed control;
elined *elahorate,e1)/the report from A**ting' .the-gontot Ino4ot-
Willghtut:,,blit•Stitett"tAtit, erep 'diseases ,nr;.hathig various
caked hottlittttPtt:*-Cr erept, On • fresh 'sea ',oath'. year;
'tlyo candidate Saton-Drao*-Vheth,; snakete,* Mate* dietritintien of lae
eilleztreald'aOO4 :the :110Miluti,16/4 1.0111:''• itar• ,thtenkhent •the year :potsibile,.,:Dt4'
'x.nox,,,,would not, aes .,ereasing 'the -yield \t -,ter, "Ore:Is one of
though': !Old be had been' ,invited the ,beSt. *OS redneing eeSt Of pro -
Consider •the.,.pteptisaLe duction. and 13.3: this. respect crop reta::.
tion, plays veal part. -
• ,
ClO4nifittesa''Weded. • •
,If Ontario 'live ettseie breeders. are
g ins
Entered'#ctcliit; to Act: Of tP,404.0„ett- t a.
Limited, Kin t ot 4tic.Oitit
Ile gtoturoit toward.d
-goapt threw. open t jdor
'llia714* r*Ao. lboosiii,It
.410t,Ptetide.d'aiOnt, the *kr ;11Wit..'003:'
,4tt, too -1g04,He lookd *Ilt?ad' and
,soonly . , .
:"Utdattor he good, "So it was
ra,puttiV: oreeit*
"400'00k:1N, 'conteail4i Yit1$
nc trielt*,.11elliattra.,-Daro sat.i atom,
' *400; sClooelt itilled:;Oralt4 itat •,$tat,
Ored, hint to 40 it, .100. att4ou .010'
ordered- •Sitele. Townsend . Di*
boo; *14.0t..4vott*rot nt*Patt,potoeo
logjq;00,-A4 ached** ,Ittototare ',• frightened,•,i,,4ittoni0ed
plies are :pletilltuti. •4n; tact • -0*e.eit.; titure )‘.4ot'cliptl'• tottet •and
Sive Intleutd$140',ItChtittlft:••,,.e Vianting-:•:14*ed'i -NFAtit no-tree0
Of ,neiti4t0O-ottii4ittt,•:.44.t*Atiee., tboogbt..,titat. hee4.
,tnoitts,,hUte!::'hett(.10.de on ,exee $"Ott,fXtellnitn31.
:It.ii,t(tt.1.1strbA7b0°0"1.et'stble!.itdo'::,1410°!pc.etlees'me dead— 'tu .. .re"4.tttl*4ed:),.k.a4.11.):*:
;:ttith .the.',.• • 00404.1 • "4tietloo Watt POO- wii,f0, had to. -ton -attat:•004 Red-
planted- tan as McIntosh, wood to iheenk:troM '4004" at. end
per eent, SOl4 Xner'.Cent; $0014 of'4",tOne Stttle v4,0t.,11,*1.t44; tot4•444,.
01.?#.4**,010.110$$ 'Or 0.11,,olOt ItO.014 'tljd 7001
.*„40.:-nt!'' ,COrtitted, :GOON", Golden Melt hear .t.*4..tost.0g opos on.
tea,404,, tv)
Many OW peteltee,' of. r:strawSlites.:Are,.0eopos. my ,•ton rto • got to st.tio
*tug sot , • • oiFtwilmr, Rellintia." • ..- .•
*- ePett,re,.:*;'•Pinnite -sone • enortles and ..N101,..'wore staring, ttotfAing: 441;o1r,
stra,therries, are 'anowttig .igetid'.ta, They '04 *;10.t know wik.44t4at.Ols'itap:
,heety.bloeM'te'.,,MeIntosh -404 sow' about, hut it •‘;vogii Plain•.that„oemetiting
apples 4.04. *e31•10•440.4 vittli-T,13)0150:44%._ at‘i4atiOaal Was 0)01,4.0 happen, Jim
ext• -.44. ••,-().17.0400, 30t0).- tow *ant •Ditter eneang down 0: the„flotir end
'erOge--'in. :103ft • Wealthy
anti Salome have .a Meditina,..thetvina
—Miss,"Babe" McAllister • and Zelis to maintain the luerative market• ,eee, Tolman Svecets,'a fairly .gooei
Harry' Mooney, of 'Detroit, vietted which obtains Imlay it: is not $41#"' bloom'', • SPY' Orchards generally batewltb '
relatites.here °Vet the 'W0ek-endeieut that this': have Plenty of god .patchY, dienlnyof bleaSoma, with
Leat Friday itien. Jig iiievuto-kOM Ittl•Wsle', ‘•-•,11t-order.., to keep out- trees - ;autyear
pidea_ayers .interested, the .iitneountle beteg entirety eft this season. '
e„. • ".' Wintveh"teirthee-eirttlitertteete.ntoul ••
II( Iri-CliniAiirrattlye.v.vaeNntotertifinz,
son Teddy, ,of teebnra,1 slated - on had. remarkable .suceesse in selling live
. ,
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo'. Fa1 stock recently observed that, next to
'coner. - • the- condition: and quality of. the ani -
Mt. and Mrs.- Gorden Orr, Doreen mars for sale, the neatness and cleane
and.-,Barbare, visited on Sunday With littese around the barns were the Most
Mr.•and Mrs; Cs. Sitter, Thedford. important footers inpredispesing a
,,, Ir. a McAllister, of „Detroit, has 'man to buy. They indiaate the farm -
recently returned -henie after a visit,
with his sister,. AIM Itol3t,
While here he attended the POWelit
-0 Itvell-wedding • - •
Vnion Chareb NoteS.—The regular which his herd is bringing him, it is
"0% IV faitYair;
The tegularmonthly meet rig of
Knox eintect Ladles* Aid was hole in
the lecture. roan of the church on
Friday,. May. 28th, with a good turn -out
of Members. The preehrent, Mrs.
.Jame' .oectipled the chair.
Urs. Gerdortellisset read-theeSeripture
et'aPride in MS IMSIneSa and give the
in3prestion of prosperity. Whenacid XtrS.• T. Wardlive- Taytoreled in
er finds a breeder enthusiastic over PreYete ' The bunieess_part of the
Iiis bteed...ttad,, ptoud.1_4_ the eueeege,meetleg was spent in arranging for a
garden Party to te-teld• on -Tuesday of
Old gome Week. - Mrs. Williakm San-
derson gave a 'reeding which was
greatly appredated and the meeting
was brought to it close with the sing-
ing of the choral benediction.
meeting of the Y. P. U. was held in
the church on Friday evexting, with
seventeen members .present, and Eric
McAllister, In charge end Miss Marlen
Weer at the---ergan: ' The topic,
Musings .• ot Whiter Scbools," was
read by Marlon Colwell and. Mr.
Moorhouse led in a discussion. Mar,
ion' Porter tben took charge of . the
badness. The meetieg Closed - with
:the Mizpah•Benediction...;...On Sundae'
next the service' at 'Union' church' will
be taken by 'the, Tetras; people,: owing
to Rey. A. E. Moorhouse- being at
Conference. Service' at 3 p.m., Sun-
day school ,at 2 pan . . ... la.
*Uoorbouse ocentiled thepulpit
Sunday and delivered a• forceful' ad-
dresh frera "the .Sernion on the
Mount,"taking for his text, '`,131essed
are the poor in spirit for they snell
see God". (Matt. 5:8). During . the
service e solo, "The Stranger of
was sung by Harold Gard-
Youth -4M. Snow, 1 'love your
dangliter More. than -words cam tell."
. Her . maybe you.min
state it n igurea."
Aching Pains In Back
Alvisys Draggy and Tired
Mae. jettra Feeteetne Breadalboie, P.E.I., writes:
• —"„X had dull, aching paitui in my back and, alwayl.
felt draggy and tired.
.0t..essr Doan' Kidney Pille advertised and .de•
eidedte trY:a, box? "Whett.1.1iii'd ni&ted taking it
feund,thez were liniplitif.nae, aoletestinued until
• thattssetel-thteeebtOttle-s. •
"I'vrabighly.reccomnend them te all wonienwho
have dull, aching paiu in the, hick, or who feel
• tired and loggy." •
A printed ot The T. *11b1Fit Oat. 14,c trotOnt414, Ont.
enth Florrie
August 1-7, 1937
Attention, Mt. Ottatte $,L, Man 1
}lave you used the gummed Pstickett:" you got some
.weeks ago, or re they lying around your desk, forgotten? •
Please use them, and if you require More, telephone No.
35. There ,are-st11-14 -few fat.
not difflcult to sell the cattle which
are before him.
• • * •
Lamb Prices
According to an Announcement by
the'.Canadian meat packing industry,
buyers of lambs in Ontario and the
West, on and after J.uree 28,. 1937, will
pay, two cents more per pound for ewe
wether lambs than for buck
lambs. Buyer e may also pay. up to
one cent mbre per pound for lambs
of most desirable weights and of good
quality than, for lembe Weighing over
po and. up to 110t pounds. Up to two
cents mOre per pound may be paid for
Iambs weighing over 114 pounds. Un-
finished and cull lambs will be paid
for on the basis of their relative
As any abnormal marketing affects
prices, all lambs should be docked, and
all buck lambs castrated when ten
days to two weeks old as a sure Means
of eliminating the buck lan3b from
the market. The advantages of mix-
keting feWe end wetber lambs are
Many, the chief. of which mils, be tab -
Wetted under tot= .heads.; tWe and.
wether lambs can be niarketed at at4'
time during the 'seaeoti as soon at.;
they reach dedrabie weight, and, fin-
sii Bive and wether lambs do better
ParflettlarlY ilatele the keatten.
The elinlination of buck lambe
avoide possible lowering of lamb prieee
tit the beginning of July.
* *
, Frait,eriiit..iteport •
° The foildwinerepOrt. on the .eomMer-
dal trUit .industry In Ontario was
furbished -1V' the Statistics branch on
•May glst:
"Neater's, Ontario (Toronto west), ---
All fruit trete tame through the win-
ter without killing, but in the Niagara
dieted Otte a opt:1We of *tilt *trees
succumbed teent:the effects of the
1930 drought in certain areas and
'Ijartti of steehiterdit and Were replaced
this,eoring. Strawberry: planta.:ate
generally in .healthy condition, but
Maur Itialittetionfistkew pateltJe stand
.and are, thin In the rows. Owing to
thee,eiretYght... the .beaklegacreage will
he illtPrOXinnitely tteentyetive per Ont.',
.below • hot year. •Ilattpbertiere fire,gen-
eraltte In good eeinittiott.exeept *bete
tresitenett from :the, 1961 drought. In
'Georgian bay district and loesalited'
gettetIn 0304:X1E10ra Peninkilia, some
new *Oda of easpbettlee are reported,'
,t;Oobe";-belOW nOrtnal in APPearnitee,
.Gte_pte -Yintlestre generalist.; in, geed et*
'dittont...with the leeeveri from hot
'yettefe-eveltig frost and later drought
better that expected. Heavy 1*etitil-
tittitUt. hat supplied plentiof nielistare
for cletelepinent, .
Sprorieter ant! Wing growth were
isenteiellat retarded .owing to early exa,
tessiste'SreSistttre SuPPIles and, 'geol.
Weather,. but In .general alt *earn-
teendo4 ottbard Wray operations have
been Carried- out -; satisfactorily, al-
theegit otprtpXitnetely One week ,later
than nanal. Growth Is
*tenetveorchard plantings • have
taken place Ws:season* portitalails,
In Vete O.Tord, Middle**, Xottolk.
and •cleotglati, Day diatelette - New
ttlaiitialtee of needles havebeett beittY
in Easex tigin, Xottollt otid. Niagara,
while a considerable number of pear
tette itaYet been, Set etit In .0gtit and
Niagara. :there has been tar little,
'planting of other tendertrait tteei.
Blooxn prospettslor *Wes are good
° to.mediont tor alritatteties in Weat-
Ontario, with the fielloidut
• optimist Opis are light in Witte
,i(ent' and .Ntiddleitextitiltreets are light '
In Middlesex; Wealthy hate ft poor
showing In the OlgittOdord *tea*.
att‘ttratenstela are poor Brea.
In the Nitigfitte V0104014 tteliebeet.
.pitainh aonr eberrlea and atteet OW,
rieR alt have a • tall' 1$1000-4. *.Vetits
.b * 1:141 go�d bloaaom ttt.
• In the Stony Creek eeton, where
niber of etchtirdc,ar lIght.
.lat did net
tooted to'*te thelt4
, -Stir letlierTDO,. old timer
nat that
tio Old nOt mOte ..trout .rhore
0044 in ..the tr4loon, *otos* Alio
t4.44t 434 betw.4.4.4' twto ot.ttie,
ill**, the molt 04: Veto ,Xtelimat4, and
oii down toward,' the' , rushing, ,oreett*:
*hero the hiattteea:greut,-.. Moat OtAlte
t,rittr4.10110w,04.' were Ott'
'ot wallited out et the
oraltU44 .topped ent the 4,14ctiltlit,• with
grt &tnd$114toott.bei40.,.444.'
weYt4 out of thts i)10% •,tkoti,r
.$4,1,44 'tinily, • "Itit 40* -Phi
i;eekon...r`, . • .„
Hart drev a long
'What now, Lord 31,141":1„at asked. Won-
Ileringlt • -, - • .‘• - -• .• :
• "We'll. tern *OVer: the ling we stole,
and get ha* to living like white moo,
'thank ootod:,• But rotof gambling—
tOrever. • Never was eat oat ,to be a
gambler,. anyhow., ,Plantond Dan al-
ways Said 'NeW-I knew be Wee
right, :The 'range for ite...heye. Lott'.
JIM- Darer, tard 1inger, is eztiting
Onteterelint MVO, ,toutinaiL"
"Anti •WO'V.e got to go•Ebitelt to 41,0„
gin' again," Mar Kittle* eoniplaliked
Mournfully. "After us trainiti,' to tie
.lirstrelase bandits,' K.serY time I see
•A full moon, I'll want to Put on a 'Mod
a ,
n 0*
.t, and t1toa
4ttiti'itlikkeitPent'. ) '
ild 'peer ',to:Went
ansd Mr. .Jim liarbour, of 0s
spent the itettre,ttati-tti
grftt'altitt Shtt04 aid brotbe
. loo.ou,;the.,4slifield ciroult nex
ilas1-4nortilog, at 'Zion*, aftertkeint
Haekett'S and, otentag at 33100..
We; ere setts, to: hear tt*si
den`,)0itistiatt ;mat .0; ',vh*
ti,. MO, • .1441'ep!3 *10*p. :
made a leap for 'Rellmete Before tile- and go,. out and stick somebody up."
,stueon 4."per coot 1**,40043, hio , "If you ftel that;"' Darev paid,
down to the creek' and look „atWh5et hale* !shot out—hut not "Fe
to strike. His flugets. „Illaelted t reteiReliMaU'e body swinging against
Relimatite bristling, gray nAnktnobes, the light at the moon; That'll stop
-plece.:4,•,48114!P°1' '171e111:01:. tax7:117.;trOet .titere. He found
.44 hair, leavieg„heneath, it a './Wicv*Iit-ir6virlitt'.41tlittr-Ji4tWas
been_eunnittgly fitted lo be glnio'4.0er• A couple of 'elderly, wernen, and went
that scar.
—- trafg1lt to her. She .g°t 411-ann
De.rcy's teeth were Showing in a rushed to nim.
snail es his other hand shot out and '"Jim—e° shquestioned.
He "nodded, spoke (logy% "The Box
grasped a htkndful of It'll:mit:1S 'buz-
zard-bleek lukir and, iliftedt
'he me; 10 411 ever, - OnlY I wish we
'C'eo ut1713.:.3bruirnigt ,?a,ottnermitlati:lerbaCk. He
to Reitman,
"See this!" he snapped to t
nearest him. "See these heir roots—
was a mighty line man, Natalie."
red I • Red as 'blazes! That was what
SHEPPARDTON, May 81.—Mr. and
Mrs. E. Netins,.of Leamiegton, visited
wit1f41i. aed Mrs. I. Poster.
lL r. R. Melspod and_ Ted 'Vrooman,
of D'etroit, spent the weekend with°
Mr. and Mrs. W. Vroenian.
-Miss Mary Gordon, of Goderieb,
9Peet a few days with Mrs. A. Gordon.
Mr. an:d Mrs. R. ,Millii.and•
of Detroit, visited with Mr. W. Bogie.
Ur. E. Haggitt, of Detroit, spent the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Haggitt.
.6.41tioro •
young people of the Bluevale United
church VIII present their play, "Clover
Time" at the social cendected With
the anniversary services being held in
the United ehurch here..eti.June 1.3t11
and 15th.
Mies Agnes. Gilleapie, Muriel Witt,
Doeis MeOlenagban, and 'Adria )14.3'
Carrick, also Moms: Milian Moore and
Clarence McOlenagban attended"the
Presbyterial Meeting at illyth on S'at-
Tears brimmed to her iltes and ran
1,T4aelleGyot, jieribiLitzgeittit.,1.4aTttliLkreltitltr. poitt.
hands -Went- out to ntm..„
over. Her lips were trembling. Her
—because he was afraid! Maxeimi%
(11 ,,e, 01.-e 11041e, • Jim. Ise -I can't
Brill who. ordered 'Diamond Dan,. the . -T114:
finest man who ever drew breath, shot '
bear tO see the others—not for a
in the back:" . .., . ,
For a long time tireY rode along In
Reitman sereeched : "Wien't afraid '
silence beneath the moon.. Jim made
of you! Knowed from, the , first,. time
no attempt to break iuto eer thoughts.
I set eyes on you that yeti, was the
—. Mast she svase the firet 16 speak.
tell's • spawn soz co' that . iptrawer!
.tint." he geld "sOftly, "1—I heard
tp. his anger all else was east. aside.
them talkieg back there—they saltier
"You thought I wanted- you to 'play
saidyou are the son of Diamond.Den
crooked cards because ii' the money,
"" I' wanted to tell you—Pre heard my
and maybe some othm
er things, didn't "y father ktpeak of bine lie.said
.youl Meyhe I-did—some. But the —
he was one of the finest, squarest ma
reall reasOn was I wanted , to .know
• who ever breathed, tio •would be
that 'square- preachin" gambler
WI"eproud of big' sop, Jiuk." • quirmln' iu hell at what I'd made. of
'Diamond Dan Vila not my father,
his fine educated on that'd come Nt:talle—not my real one." .he told her..
stsoopin' 'around, tryin' to lied his ,k111-
e'Aly real father I *never knew. .But
jeoin,lt‘ 1.3,n.ini' ngteveaikrekjnowmaind'ef.owrasa •nmoitnuietettihiei, i_ny it fe was
te !
o titter father. All I've ever done 111
Da n—ao pos., or man could have'knowe
has workifor him, that's what
try to be like him, to
Slick settle you when you showed up play the game as he taught me to
here in Gold Rock—or settlin' you play it—fair and square.- Be was
myself!"• - ,,,,, the only father I ever knew -1 wish
'Your mistake, Rellman." sn
app'" he had been mite." And then, as
•Darcy. "Now I'm doing some settling. they rode along, he eold her of ali
My luckett was my bullet that avenged
,,. Diamond Dan had done for him, bed ,
Diamond Dan, after .all, though ' been to him, sang his praiws,-
never guessed it—hoped VI see the
He must have 'been 'wonderful,
trap drop under the killer. 'Now, Jirn",". Natalie breathed s "I wish I
you*" .. I had known him. Have you got a 0(-
101 through the crowd taen were ture of hitu" .
murmuring, aatOn1Shtd, at -019 new. JIM Darcy smiled In the darkness
est ,eitmax ite• an already- fll card' of as he told her he had. But he was
thematic 'events . They were. whis- making up his .mind that If Natalie
Wing: "Dianiond Dans eon! Wbo.d _:.
ever sawthat one and only picture
garet %lake, of -WitiPIPOt, Ia
relattvellPtliLt'vleinitY*. '
gts. .11311 11,04 ot ofilt. hf
* 'tow dors, at the. Wine ef
Mrs, Thos, Attilereen, -
Mr. and Um 'Thos. titt•ke )s!,.
0,‘ateitit en' Thnr0(147. °.
-,,Mr. and grs.,1. M. tilhAttick
'Sunday afternoon with .her father,
'Xtiehard TWaMitY, OUngfinnete.
Miss Alerniee Blake, of „SU*
.Normal, is speetlieg Ole week at Iiez
home. • • •
-Reteat visitertrwith Mr. and.
S. J. Kilpatrick were: Me...and;
Harold Vetere and, Stanley, Of
wood; Mr. Helen 401404010: .4 Ito*.
dons and 1nil Mrs.. Isaiah
rick, of Trowbridge. Mrs, 101Patlf*
is remainime for a few da$19,
-- mvsTmakifItine.,4,---itistre
Snell wad Vern -McDowell and
People's Conference at Vieth oe alttar-
day. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. j. E. Ellis visitedvitt
»d Mrs. MeNee,: of:Nile, re
r. nd Mrs Win Carter' andlitile*
fly tlaikt ed. on Sunday with Ur,- afati
Mrs. "Itustel Carter, of, Seaforth.
The young people's antdteraarrittt-
vice bold QV Sueday evening' was it*
attended. Rev. Geo. Wylie of Thee
miller "'was the...speaker...for _the Attiot-•
ing arta took for his subject "The Wase
of Life," lde text being ftom Job :tit
2. Mrs. F. PIaetzer of Anburn 'set-
dered tvvo solos whleh were much ane
predated. Mr. Cherles Sciitt, pretsi-
dent of the Y.P.U.,,had charge.or lb*
service. ' The Scripture lesson -woo
read by Mr. ()memo McDowell aisli
Mr. James MOOD!, jr., led- in praeat. .
The church was decorated with ttnast
for the octagon.
ever tt,' guessed it! Lord Jim is pa-
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Patterson and
children, of Detroit, epent. the Week-
end here at•the home Of`liits father,
Mr. V. Melt Pstttertion. •
Miss Logan, teacher tit
Weet WawaskSh, is laid up', Steering
with &tete* threat inf,#etiita# and th„e
children are enjoying It, cottnie•brnon-
Mies .Dorothy Pollock,. Beg., of
Guelph, is spending a few days at the
manse With ber parents, Rev. and Mit-
J. Pollock-
• 6
Mrs.Walter Lott was Vtiled to 14 -
ley on Saturday to attend it finierni
end epent the weeleehtl WItb Ilt:t too,
Mr. 'Weeley Lott. .
Mr. and Nits. Huston' .and 'her iitiugh,
ter, Marion *mit, of Viiitna, Mitt
Evelyn ElProUle, of Godettett, and
Meitette Z(Off Add John Xtelfit .of
brldge, and Will itellyo of St Augus-
tine, were 'vie -kers' on 'AtAndity at the
borne' of the latteric grOitilt*Other,
Altar 4es. aCrofnellus,
MOO Dates son." 1)arcy made no de-
nial, no etplenatioe. "Well, that
'counts for some things. " No than
was _better known in their eection Of
the West than Diamond Dan, =tau of
mystery; eor bad any mawever been
More adinired for "equareness" or bad
Stauncher friends. And so it had been
Hellman who had done- for him, too!
Vo more than justice for 'Lord Jim
Darcy to settle that debt.
Darcy backed away from Reilrnan
with a glance of loathing. Be made
geeture and ,Kinlock and Hart, with
some' of the Bar ti men, cleared a:
space on the floor. Deny put beck
a hand—and Kilda* heeded him it
mule whip. Darcy'a tones were low,
but ringingly
"Diamond Dan didn't deserve what
got, Willman, and, / didn't deserve
the scierred.,bact you'd have given me,
but you've done plenty to deserve -one.
you Want the White or do you
Want to shoot it out with me."'
IteUmen was .apopletie with anger.
Miss ,lanet Craig ;pent the week- the oddeett and Most *Vulitive object
ead Aulnitn with her aunt,- Mr
- -16 who had ever.otood.tm his own bar-
WM Them •
room floor, with that terrible scar
showing White where it divided his
briefly gray mustache, and his rumpled
mop of buzzard -black hair and eye-
broWs of the mine above the venomout
eyes of a rattler ready to do death
shoot it out with you blast
you'!" he roared. •
"Then you're as good as dead, Reit-
man." Darcy mild calmly and Aulet-
ly. "With a six-gun or a derringer
iria a dead -shot—Diamond rtan'e
teachings, Itelltnan, while he was
teachleg me to !gay fair. And It's
tot in the cards that I'd inis9 you's.'"
Be Motioned for the men holding the
dieeredited hose of Gold Reek to turn
him 160sie, "GiVe him a gun!" he
• ,...
Rot for (ewe the ordete and the de-
sires of Lord Jim Darcy were tossel
aside. There were men there whose
ireitirlee at Pete Rellnianse betide were
too fresh—they had not bad the long
time to cottelder wbich Jim Darcy irrl
had art he had eotight Dan's, killer.
There was a eurge of men toward
Pete Heilman suddenly—Box 0 Men:
•Itre struck out Wildly, screaming, curs-
ing, but a noose Was tossed over his
head, and tightened. nA "dozen men
greened the rope. , Pete Itellmart, elate -
Ing at the rope, trying to toroth,
but making only otitpthg, eithidnit,
gurgling oovitd!, was pulled and Ithotod
toward the door. •
The thought that watt In Ilht tiara
and -Mrs. Will Evoton and
'Deonie, of Detroit, vieited at the twine
of Its Meter, Mts. Bert Rea, on Sun-
Miett Annie and 1%tr. :tete kenneuy
epent Sunday -with Mi. and Mrs. Job*
Dent of Auburn.*
Mrs. (DO Patterson and Miss Ste,
san Kilpatrick, et Lucktiew, spent
day With "Ur. aid .liarti.-Albert Patter-
itotiett Darwin,* Who has spent
tbe past six nietifita, with • ;her sick
brother, Mr. Ale*. Ariderettit of West
WiWantrele was able to hey* him
taken to her home la Toon° last
week, and Miss Lorna McCieriaghan,
Who bed been, assisting her; hits ve-
tt:Weed to her home. .
Dim from ileitii•Attatk.—Mr. Chas.
Lever was ki reteknow on Friday at-
tending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs.,
Moses Champion, who died very sud-
denly on Wednesday atter a heart at-
teek, at the hoteeof her „daughter,
Alex- Ilateng, •fte. was it
attlightOt of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Obits. Milner of Donnybrook, and
ileuvet" four ehildreni Harty, /ohn and
Mrs, •Ltavens of lAtchnow, and lira.
Matt Gardiner Of Wilighfine Fent
Mster Mrs. Peter Lever
of Oast oWttotAitost, Mrs, reed Oliatn;
of iittiiittisi !Mt& ,Spationati of
'Lond4iti* and itra.., Fred jlrabam of
00tItio and we brother,
of London.
he had of Dan that it would be
trimmed of all its surrounding read-
ing matter.
"I've got a ,kind of a picture of him
back on a ranch I worked On In tbe
Sun Dog Valley," he told hp. "Fore-
man there named Kip Carter keeping
it for me. Wrote him I'd be coming
back ,for it 9ome day when I *canto
looking for a job." He laugbed a
little. "Reckon that timeabout
come—time I was lighting a shuck to
top an old cayuse."
{Natalie laughed a little then. too, a
bit forlornly.
" Why, Jiml" she exclaimed. "How
you eald that 1 You didn't sound a bit
like Lord Ant Darcy Just like any
regular -cowboy,"
Darer reached over and laid his
hand ott hers.
"That's just whet I anshoney, and
always have been by, rights That
what' Diamond Dan always wanted
me to be—not a gambler. The gam-
bling masquerade's over, Natalle--I'm
going back."
For 1 long time 'Natalie was Went,
then she ttald, it bit hesitantly:
"Xou've got IMMO money, Jim. Why
don't yon buy In on a ranch of your
own The Box C—it'e a big place...... -
1 don't know if 111 be able to run it t
without it paefoersee"
Jim eald eagerly: "World you,
Natalie? Would you let me buy in on
the 116x ev and try to get , back to
what 1 was—and worthy of ..kottZ
I'm only a gambler now, but some,
Natalie's volt* was iniSitilr cow at
she raid: "Maybe, atter all, you
wouldn't want part of the Tfax r. H-
it has a big handicap.'
-A handicap? ' What do you meow?"'
Natalie did not look at him. She
turned ker head and looked at the
moonlight touching the hills. }ler
voice -was scarcely audible, when KW.
paid :
mean. TAM Mm Darcy, that may-
be you wouldn't witet the Box CI be -
canoe there's a girl goes with to
"vatalip! Honey!"
Soddenly there were two horses on
the trial which s*emed. to. be one.
Only the moon looking down knew
just what happened then.
Tilt.I END
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