HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-04, Page 61a4 Mill nd I4 ht% for itit Wit 0 feet thicitt tiais no 0 gets Its iltht from * Iarg °to, In the doMe" hove the. floor; \ Well thl* Onottith ot %Oates vIfl tell rot* something *boUtripreaee nil Itlatei next\ ti (Continued from Page 3). • eat* "We leave the WA* 'ea ttPr.small White rowboata for ,the The entrance ;to it le only �ki throw feet, 'high a44 we have' to • own lin the oat to get ' thrOagh,, wor i experienced nd7 as the. recede he miters. The 'next illeaarail7 4006 the boat. into *motto; Where the Water \seems to , 704.0 itt014 gorgeous, of blue imaginable. Even and looks blue- when plated In 11 WANa wonderful sight this grotto; ' • ateamer., then took us to the g,eaOrtand Lord 13eatty's prl- /404 was tn the harbor. .We U. **kat Hotel Tutolsana. Geor- *ad Wife Or Germany were there ,She timet -Thlsis a bealitlful aPOtt stay was far toe'short, We pout and bought a. ,pretty -Whiting and. then left' by steamer ,Istilt intaet4 It la about high. and' 14 fee; thtck. 014.4y :01;0 to th0. old: 01111 the eit stretehealfar 000)14 as flotne Jios floolikeii.•In inee, the last .0reat, Yeketina Square , 0044er one of the MoV 0:1) mitte, stoneand marble, statues of, 41%1 '..*Ith lxnmenre loAmioinvonvo; •,,,cotrii,e41is_o_.au.01,x(tois,uti.uspeher;iir whieh 1e ee We weut out to the fa ou ,ciotsoult, .0004 around 4g' an iVeete4 the ,Old ruins. - In time 'ago • it oo#tod.5;4)(8) people, wbo toopine and watOir the angt games and See the Cbrlstlans ea tea., .11' ree4los.' the* to ,tiung.Or, • We drove along the Appian Way .$12. 4.13i, Setae, Of 'the1 stoles', are stilt showing'- ii Remains or.the Old aqxledUe In erldehge; _ We passed by the spot Voter hack the vision or ,Chr 41040 ldm return to ,Itomo to1b, elite& At the,:ehareh or Saint tian w Wer0 ...givea--1•Can At a To., . the publie utffltiei commts4on; At. the toWe:,:hali Tharp, ,Y,'41$14 -110,10a. motion was. passect - to• raise' .the ,Salariexi of' ilineinen to P? hour alut them', !‘svo hoUda-s'00r, year, vri..A4 Sr* .:4grrAng0intixt : was arrow .4'as resultoftk. recent, Oae,*443, ettlIte:or rhe part` .of the linemen, ,irrhO' • re, 044 014- 40$ per hour. A." 041104* &op ',the, I4044: 11*fOt - 'electric 4,f,ghtiar,44000, 4he p1ayin of 'their *4001cef. , '2gamea , • .Agriettit04 Park WAS referred. to the 8001114001ot. - ; The :chatrmair-7,repOrted .4401011. or Canada bond, ceat., due Joie 2" .400' , 1144 :,.beea: •''Ptireluteed, teethe .eleetrie,light seerirt. fend, " ..? • LJI Asietx.dAstvArA -th th UW ot tbts -flL ,..,w4.6azgrarruiario' erte.. of tbe catacombs. 'There- were .- znjIe. of ed up a guide and he theyied crooked' tunnels in. *ebild IssirtH:Of the city.This is the h.orne Waal eertaialy hate to be los down ,Vb,wirlor4 Industry and we. went itA. ltenknOVOli. OOP' aatOrig US - `'..ox.rt 'with .nineteen plitro of **eves. '• ' • Isdastiy inulsbes .1 Italy!s greatest industries lilt, production, but at pres- si114. imiustr, y has praetioal- ii*d. -,;..:.tirrotighOut most or Italy ase *dies .of raniberry• trees "(the silk worms), .pruned right down trunk. Oralit„is new growing these rows of trees, . as tho ie re believe In intensive farm- ftsrery foot of -available soil IS eaSvation, Donkeys' and mules amiti siend extensively, as gas is Mc a is our next stop, then Fior- e ud WIlI. OM ,wb,en I caa time. * • • *AL 1,0111.ottis next letter IS written: Ittindon, May letlit • P*11,..---On our trill. from Naples Seise We took the train.. *Ail lines are'autteoven$ and ',medial' They are • very fast . ...taeh•coaeli is divided. in. tpipito:vehteh hold six Or All.baggagetaust bet tak- 'ehtht)articheht AlVA jneed 40,0Ve '$0.14 , heads. "raft Seer,theek yarn, baggage,' is if costs ie to 4t Suitcase 'than your '1044aWA.Pall_•slOwn and oil_ fa stea. them ,they ,opting 10. ignoraneo of this Ms Cost Maelt and blue. t' all. The 1404.13, ,00 the train ! asseettellent and they give Ott about oirses, Aa,. In all hotelii, you llimee; lab pay' extra for 'ten or Offec. * *ever proVided. European the • ••• 4r0.4itiath.4 ehing ItOrge we Passed tunnels, sortie Mueb of the -countri 'titers, Itteh under eulft • Moat 01' the .Ott'tte::4Ye vorY, ,Vittleath There' seemect be 000. tranyirgo'AIPT at-ag Ottawa..., and sister, ;Mrs, Her intit.04,. pentthe we -end wi and Mrs. T. mitgo And Frances. zier Attended the 744n1L-Pe0Plela Vox', 01,010)1 et the. Thlro4 trOhYtery at 1.1rtli Saturday. • 21109,43 .Anna TrOdq,,ren ,44d 'tt$1.-T4,10 te416.404.0.W-4Pe4 ukt,' Ay_ t er'apreata". Visitors Intr-weekse"a-it wlth and Xra, 401311')ftenAtY; were: a.4 Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and •.serisi and tier , and was glad to nseedayllght Mr. and,Mrat„.AndqrinkarAtaMilitY0t again. • there :were a's few' skeletons -00,474e 'along the way, but not like the thous- ands ' at Palermo. • the early Chris- thias.,,took refuge: down here , at the time Or the persecution. The Monk gave us "much evidence to ,Preve that both St. Peter and St. Paul.had onve llved here and that ,thele...bodies _had been, hidden here'atter the perseention. We later saw where their -heads are now kept at St. :Johns Cathedral, We .also ;tan- where their 'bodies are now kept in churches named atter them. it, St. Paurs. church Ahem Is a wonderful statue. or Moses by .Mi- ehael Angelo. - What Mussolini Says Goes . There Is not much night llfe in Home; as all the stores drop porta,: gated iron over the window's:eddy, in the event* As a Matter ..Or fact,' this Is the:custom in most or the eitiee that We have visited 'in Italy: One . thing Is very, ,nOticeable' an. 0,0711.1e: . there IS ao honking of automobile. horns. M1.13 - doesn't like it, so they. just don't do It. • On the second morning,. , Spent; in, 'tome 'We visited the beautiful etturon. .of St.John. At another ,chtireft. we eaW, hundreds or people tiyaitiar ap twenty-eight steps On - their' heads awl -knees. We their visited ' St. ,Peters, the largest. .Cluirch, 18 • the ,World. It is 400. feet long. It is Magnificent and, IS tall or nietVellonS ;paintings and stataes, 1 stood. on the. 'SO% , Where •Charlemagne 'add Charles V were crowned Itings of. the Iloly Roman Empire. • The doine-lo oVefridiY.reet high and is adornedwitn beautiful paintings ;by Michael .An- gelo. , • • • "- Atter Vie*Ing; St. petertir:I thought that no .building the world 'could contata,..$0 intiett Wealth, but a -few minateii later, ,vviien, Vit*ientefed:Vati.. eita eity, 1 reamed what a big Ws - tate 1 bad made._ .111e .beanty and wealth'.ot- the. Vatican and '31atine.- tIliapet-Are :staggering; Our guide told lAs*thrit there are 13,00 .vioma 1* the, is, and we Pasae4 a Urge' anda of.,Statues and'. paintings byi the AtOt Crops Were"1 tlita ever itnown,' The :bra* contains over Iwo million eoples. The museum IS initot taro reltes, witn eriotigit geld, dlnmonds, ete,, to pay' Off a .national. debt,'" • - We'Inter SAW Mussolini's hone' and . , gettAtal$, live ;" in, povertyi dutrighlg by the beiatita1 hole* and enorraeliS.gardeno, *10014 and Orehar4a, the hilisides. WestOM et but had. to two Oro for Our: rOisor,AS, Thar loiXidatitt., ',Atoll, Utah. 040.; re. colleeted In Aida ,yft.ot aflni• ean, trace axiy tourist In .1400 hotel la flonie tios4:bitott*.tito Mans. negleeted 1•0•OttY out tItte,e uth,tot the old Roman- yoa• atblngfeetarebeetrellevcd - v• EVCii taiglit both* : kot *Mir. Dzy OrtfUll# tiv" massage Zarn.tiukto healing ointment into atOPS0 *40 and between You wiLl be Enazed,by thy t taw loophi oln now walk on .A.44 We 1.41tedthe tagnsh eetaOterY- whete and /teats are • &Idol, Rents dLd nOt OVeng. ho"'hia name' on his•mOniiiritat„-but" only these 'words; ltete tie,s1 ono *116Se" Ilittne'IS In-wittor,P ;:.•11e,heliered. Illinseir to be a; failure auf that hte name woiltd never - , Italy has inereaed In opoitatIOA. om Ututtlion to 45 .041iton twee the, Great' War. 4tumpolint, eves a great for all thltdten' born... The ItalistoS, Othiltily heifers] In proptitanda„ for painted On Walla and -fences alt (pmr- the country are quotatlons from Uttir. solies SPfttho. Som of them tan ooreethinglike has Ashy en#Miei an inueh, Atsnor"--utellevo'i: flot oemutsif",4060. tutu 0,00 .10 on and.bulld and 4004aari flibt- and --*In"....4.4taly. nod** tthe Mediterranean." mitto were •Ilandredit Of *Such iatIetatOtit. "WhIle we ere 111 tome they were batting muler of Vet: subetantini atanda for a parade' on. the '9th of Vat. We 411* matt togro ,eguas atone, ttorn Mrlea, that had already attiloed. •!eattlifttlW 00,34 In .01%0 stone vraLt ivaa a 00 ot ttitk rtallan rt In 1904, neXt It "f7t0.41notbor hith Winded Othloota. Them Is stlfl,tepatt lett for eouple Ot 14114) 111M, better .gst ,Vok at 1 *kw In Itoines We vistted. tbe orid Romn tatninf *heft 411.03 $sai had his tatootia tritOrephal *raft and / itoit a* the ,pot *heti Mxnk Antony made Vat tow* 'opted). , two* is a toot littotiattno old tntt ery *avi% 18 tow. It y# ***teal* the 104KM tertiary Mit 104 bnititit, the* 411t- ' tit .Oetttatl.. X *A *Oa to •lito*" who Ate remaining for a .time. Ur. and hfra, Hayti: - Aaekett ',Ott faniii,f,. of .,ilite)4.ett-'0; Omit Sunda at IlerttreleaVen'S. • ;L: • Arta Mrs,, Hall, of iioderich, visited on Sandal ;with Mr, and rii, 4tss:. geatdoi, Treleaven hair turned' home after 'spending several weeks wlth Mr. and Mrs.:Dave .Mac. piaraild., of Nile: • Hassartt. of Toronto, will take charge- of the 'Service. next, Sunday In Crewe chureh He will speak in the interests or the Ontario Temper- ance rederatioa,. • • • Mr. John:Martin, of Paramottet, has been engaged as teacheF.ltere for ati- other year. • - . • • ' Mr. and 'Mrs; zivait Taylor' ituil," daughters and Mr. and Birsa. Ifielrett, ef Lucknovv, Visited: on Sunday at, Mr. W. Drennan'i. • Gratitude • • drirst Soldier: "What's up, Bill?" Staad. Soldier: • 'I 'sent my.. gtri: two letters ei&y. day .Siace 1 went abroad, and ,now •tihe's married the Peattnan.n, _ , 4 04 , Weath'e44teir ,t1Yrbie 414°- Mr. and gtrItrIlselna wet Norwa 0 X,Avr taWint 'Vesisre. Stanley AM 1411A41, of Todd, 1304,0041iller and.A.rnint It*m. day Tir,ith. Sr. *Mt Mr ae thootlog or , .tho, X.P,1.1'.. -At, Blyth on 00, art, lett Monday . tO,. 04tuartte:4ed the aitkoMki, P..7, ,..1)7,.ter*I' at7.42:.; T. R. Tixiiter An the atloa Coairerenee at 00, Mrs ,.4. v,na.a. . t-r-ti,44:44',41331:ebotir*Icili*uino,w,;14:0i$14401.4e:4:7,:tiviol'etriiito;r4;:r.:10..:IV:v4,Arrt:intd:1:11riste:orOwtoetrte. jutrritointo'l :0'io:otox:71r Or,: 00,,,,estbrow:: and , .. , . . . the er Mrr Edwin rzg,; eGregor, 0410A.04. Pant, . and, :Iyire,,•• or pnieqo 9pont.',010 ,,:tireek,end Alto :soak 30u.dbii;t,, another,., AitOr, 01,11a4sister, f,:',40:4; :P4701104, 11114 ,gtoo, Ortice.-Orauter",Ixer 4934111°*tr- 111#0.f-*tear...--',000fte . Ot'Oatt" 00°1*., InterOt or the ()Atari°, Terapermice *404 Orange. sermon 1141•11' '01104,: 64404 :OA ti,F0-440,110 on -4.uadaIN One -,13tk ltl .440441, 3,1,30404ft, .0414 as his 0,aids4k. :loin', at 7.30 p.m, Nyltki*At' '$oct".. 1,tespoiathilitt., to .the,'Ne. $.2,4,,444 .Ao-ifpo Hamilton ors.ro144:00hor 040 .kikr0 *lite -A:404 ptioiAg 40.14.tose;: , the3r ate4e000404 to f.X8,tatO''-at'llig olvnt: guets of134r,,:444. go, Orange' 044 At 7 p.in. or para.,* TI40-W 1401400- Messrs. , a0bort, 410*.(k. 041.,itV,1,4:*4.:4011vvrr..00 '-"X20.0,240,a",.....,,Xr*;,, '000100; . Agnes Leltch, Mr,sraird.Mrs. Jas.- Ow.. • Ot.':10a0Vs. An - den aud Jimmy f Petro14.• Xr0, K4117, gl•leaa,'44.00h, Meretek kixt* Vr14,0,*ftet!",,,, 1.101,' Of -.4,1iYtkiteehUre1",', Mr.. at.a.,111.1r4.• 40Ni, .at tim; ',40,41* o. 11ritt; Benson 00, Cook -and irotOgf Otpio44. #0.,10; Mr. Jas Leiteheor Brus-sels. Mr. cdll order,: or .Detrolt, onioyed, wriot od4 re.le00,701i4 '44&.lioullar the are .otiendiptc. the meeting t4).4•.*•14.0.•'4Thett,, • ,• . don coureteno#, -000:4404 at, r•, • i10114,74‘iye. Mrs. iy 0...'41,000.0e140aPt,:1:144,(4.t.oa ji; ley, called one day Iast week on bts 1$14, 400,Dorothea, who wilL spend ,iktraa ther'weetW.,ttk ,Wiro":" iight4i•-",0tother••..:atkte er;-4,LOW. •;10:• :MA'. *Ixt.m.,40r9 0-00 Y.P.U.:, ITAL have nor*Ing the Thadtr*40SseEt gigktge of th0,,a.0,0rYiee the5 02404 ora and Evelyn Culbert,entertained ehurch,geXt Sunday, and the ereaiag last Friday .afternoon at ,their Om. to 4,0000trwIll hA withdrawn, tameileneoue shower In honor of olas'iltandlorark tiubr-inte their friends Ifisa Mary %Mint bride, g•the °iris' gandicraft Club •WriS The living-reeln was PrettilY held lkiMiridaretv#100.,w1M111.40, .de,e4r4ted for the oPeaaion and us- "Sadie. :Maigharles presiding. ' 'Oonclext In...04,‘ -1$4; late VA.' OW ..1,v4n' -1:030anded' • to by eaen 'Ipara,00, 44WW.attrivetti'ewi!rTC. Mr. Fratik Riley, tenor,°4' ,101 0 llg, garment haager; .she The ' ver eus p Junei.—'Th e o ' or 2.111Art Jun4;:l. . Mr; 1 o o Inytsion. road . .Ennning 14.44 40130;4410 *a4 family,. ,af Dtttolt, , rom Carlo* to. $4+110r*** 0404 *POO Ow ' WOO.Won4 with .1141., iciuntt, k There is quite 4 0;00 11114$0 'OtrWst gr, 044 104 '944' O n and WI* ete0Ive,48' ,4 , „. ,. .,r0rxe,* " • itev Mr, )41:0P012011" .of XPrIa.‘ 'V47' '. . Mr. OW 'MPF. llosigirroo:44 rata" ward , 'toot .0eggytode-, the on.*.tt ,or , are itininir ;440 ,weoli: to. '43e040130T014, ' LUV Prelotttertnn•eonreg4tlan a* SIM- ,rheritt.hfr. Free 401* seemed it•Pocitteti• 5 /1/4. preaeh We ,Tuesday, -.*ay gratalationts-wp-44.004tr text in. th nite0 ch ., 0 leMen. cz And ra.X.I.don JOhiniten, it r6°111040' Orle041$4."4*°' ttoe wods, f ,Toio,„ 4; ..10#r ottori.- met !sof Nrednesd, eveninge`. With the , tlVelt•the 'nettse,.er, Hie votee„." '• 044tare- convener,' Edgar 144sning, W- There 4).e ner,-.,00.004 0:4040 of the 4"t1,;.°1L*V"''' 14er*Ote'or,,,Suaqa).• woo 'part . of' program. • Ken i .raftou', as Mr.W11 '.4; •Yr 'ill 0 1$ 'SO "- from "ItO • 4a, . .t read , es„ a., „ . Attead,' the ‘Meeti4,of the zo440u- Insna 12 and '.g.idgArShejiperd.galte. the' "(104tereifee,at Windsor, begintliggr:00,,;,4eyotteaat.t001,0.- -1144* ..04444‘r 044 . Tuesday .0o4,04atceOlnit,untLl the, *rat an 41terestit4t paper ,011':'"Books ' for Summer XteMliag•71* 'T!* 'PooRislt# Mr and Mrs,4tian Ni/liaon ,iert entirge Or the Onsineas; 0i044-42*, on 40444* to :visit their ther4tonlot5-,..we.ro; three,rpk,:,irtedi.4#14Tt,).0. 404 , rt: .0atopitte•Aeoting and blrthday party 'ik.04t, to, randltoo,.. Yon .;th.o.i evening or 'lune'. �th. Thi ;11".. .W1Jon--1,144'.,,Anentint:Waa'ihrnilglit to .0iae0Wit#Jy • , viEIted :withfriends at Wobdat *mislay. • nos IN ASHFIELD *mow Fire 'believed to, 1,14.Ye been started ehlifirou Plalings.with .ttlatelle* In A itYlott,Voluplitely _4000%4 -4 '404 And Ontents near • WOW Owned by Blesett. ,S.toelt-WaS 4afe in Bissett 414 not live on the " 4110Nit BILEX TO SING Next Sunday, . June etb, Id 11 a.= StAildard.411:00A station OVpb, liat- bam, WO kilos:, will broadcast '.•the 0414g eervice of St. Andrew's tilted Ohurch, .1Chathe*t• The 0010114 wUl e ,giris c�mpleted the paperuxqi.718dy intends to mtLJie- log ($1,146- orange crate clothing closet liome at Detroit. „She Is follow and ;Worked on the- eurtaii for D. their Teri ,be -health Vuno'h s'ervect.'1* the hoStesseSi. pineiovan0 f4er.ltf: „ , ..AAA Oapt Reardirtgrto was 18 the role; -'N‘:,°fr000jad7nosita0Y.hva,4tr;ribat,trti'Prt ple,ttitirO:0"tiet,t vv. 148 talegt after the Maas' had fallen, from a dredge' And,:was•.,knocked uncenseleas ,Ntee.11,figoriThe Meettog. of artily' evening at ItuditiroW, .when • ULM- In shallow, Neter. Captain Morgan the, -%,P,IJ;.,was held 011 A0,4014:000,' IRKf With :,:the ,president,*MIss Isabel ,m111Pr;'in the Ointig ,:and,;Xisi Jean Therk; as ,plantst, The .1F404Ptorg report of the Tresterlat•heid. nt Blyth en sa#1t,40yrak.gkroti,.,,x09. bet Milier Oate..-An."04t11110, of orarifi,..Mary: „lode: a .report, or the group on kTfAlth and Aleoliol," Arthur: '-,f,tataate- of ;that on "Construetive Use of .Leisure -,time," Gordon Miller on *ading. and Norma' Weatherlieed reported. the .eVeaing, Meeting. ' • ' • ' • •001,41//0114:-..mxigrgyiq • . • . . The 'xinnllaii '0OnventIon. of. the .1Itt= ron 'County: Educational .Aksoplation.of Trustees and•':ItiitetiOera'Wlit be hei3; in.'llie'04411-0i.lihr44,401,..Xs.r1;s043., OH t,narfiday, ,04°.„10th,;50t ;1036., .Tratteesanit,,iatepaYent are .urged to attend, as Important 'laattere, are • to :disougssid.• speakers vvit,t speetor, Efr',..4)*(10,0M, andlolin•Mart-1. Mary ML1Uon,..danightet or; . the late '1‘try. 0,0a*e tb 60:0' of M. 44401.4,';.'0oxfiwg,:'.04 of and Mrs. !OP* .V0Ini1nai ot .Sault -ptiotllow, ofllciated. The brlde *LS', attended by *tot:Agatha:: '4.10temap,:. o,f,Dettoit,,n:teco.of the grooM,..', -The' VrT)041.was s'OPOrtett.hy.'Mr, Jas. Mil- Ilon, brother of the brlde. The' bride ; A vioeked,eliarrairigia a. navr wO01.• tripetr, ,suit with patuiey,blouseioarsi.'hat and wjiito aeeesSories.' She tarrieda beliatirat bouquet of; Ott roses. Alter the eeretionk, • Party re- turned to the lienle .of Mr. and. Mrs.. Ohtis, 40,ongratn; :uncle, and anat.: of the ;bride; •Where',A-Aligii0One. 041)1Yr' wAs.,serye4 :to immediate The eouple left later.on a; short honey- moon' trip and in "rature'.will Make their. home: in Datrolt;.: They are f011olvedby the beat wishes ora host leaped into the water and held the pr Jared man above the surface Until ;aid arrived. ; , • The DnaI Mire was in kRoderiell `-harbOr...laet winer. and *Oa= Are* ic& around steamers early in the tpririg. • - • 4 • , ADYEATISZ sitAn - 13111WIIIE tgNmiuign, 1.4--mr. Leo Oke and two Children, of 'Detroit* spent t40 illoicroost, With hI mother" Mrs., • Olte:" ." " Mrs: White and Mrs'. Sh00130#001, Michigan,. Were Oalling 04 friendsl the vil-lage 04 '3414dar. The Women's AssOelation wIU meet In the church 011 Wednesday arbernoOn, Mrs. E. T, 00114441r "PPent. • +the wee147044 h Hamilton. ° Next Sunday being Conference Oun-k day, the Women's Association wig; con. duct the service in; Beamiller cliUrti on. Sunday- morning. •-• , ' Mr. and Mrs, Will Hunt, of 'Toron- to, were up" atteading the tuneralk, of 0411%041,ettke-r.._,-.91,4t 311';' 4'0* ustpue: ' , visited. at Toronto an Sundhy' - Itii.--kfofdoir"*Tinacrib714-""------ -14d,don, Visited With his „rather, an Sandal,' • Rev. Geo„ Wylie is away attenumg 'Conference at ;Windsor this Week. . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Yanstone and family spent Sunday at Stratford; . Mr. and Mrs. Girviu Young, o_flaad- erich, visited with Mr. and. Mrs. J. Long on Sunday.. ' _ • "Some speakers," he said, "elect:eV; • fy their audienees.. , ()Ultra' gas them'-!. Wiintoinc, 131indAtiyer, Ont., us* years .ago I underwent a serious operation, and ,ftiterwards my nerves got 80 bad -I would break down and cry for *Mit& ,at • a -time; 1 feelg 'Milburn's H. k N. Pills ah(1 1904 welcome relief. , • 1"lioNir that r am painting 04.0'411 the change of •tsiitehuyig of the arias, :have stattod.to take the rtfe '111f -Mirtea, are again bad, Ana, at times ' holed H. &, IL Pills again and .f1nd 1 ain able to sleep better." • vs, t 11.00100# .*rncartooldzig caxassi*'01:404104i#4 of p . 014 "1i ' DSot*z WOO1r41111 tossitufr rOug, et,* 00;4 tioll power1do ct lot 1 'Old' toupp1y "lre 411F 10e ti1430, who • al*ore ,o otiartietlitsi* misoni *Ay De Xito sity•zoi,,., on. of Omni k. .1r*#anottles1oiu W� Ithinic it th. stogy tof D. SO* trighteiring idd bit.sst you. And viik art lax* t it* younty" Mood In your ns will lap with '&1*M when you ' to4 Give youxiiii thcat * It -wee. b.1�w.