HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-04, Page 5tIto,fr."4.„ a' Ns's asiic back Braces. boflar DayS Special °1°426s. Dollar Da es tb. .X11 sizes, 6 6 A o en! • • 4' CY arinen In marOon wine only. All sizes, Dollar' Days Special ... $1 00 A 11/eh's ork Shirts Dark -blue • or light "ialtie, triple stitchea,. All Sizes. Dollar Days , • , . - for .,$1.00 Men's. Fancy Socks . Cotton )Qcks All size's, Dollar Days Special 7 pair for $1.00 Metes All-Wooltiiht Gr.etWor Dcrnar pays,Sp.e014,.... • " '5 pair .fior Men's Fine adcIot Collar atta,41ied. A Tie -to match each shirt. All sizes. Dollar bays Special $1 00 ye' Khaki -Overalls or -Bloomers All sizes. Dollar iDays. a a ; ...2 for $1.00 ur prices on Boys' or Men's^ Tennis - hoes during Dollar Days- MittitS izds,, 6 to 1-1 • '89g Boss! .tizeS, 1. to 5 ...a. sizesi 14 415 -*4=-3-v eniernber jjjL WATCH While search throngl* obi trui'k. In the Auto At Irla hoine ot 3t. OeorgiVo Vreoeent,, Ned Sale eatne op - 'OA 4 'Well-pregerved, relic ot the year 184$. It was the, May 241th iosoe of, the i'll4r04' 0$100ttO and Ooderielx, Stratter(17:St; and 00.P; 'geld, Advertiser,* pnblisW otdot. loth Thovn,vistritt, ‘!Pititaiift Wosi. It Icas,..in the *Arne year that The Buron $1041.'eorinteueeti,,publiratto0;: end- thikt, the newspaper InfoineOs waa. tionrishinglit the/ tligelu evidenge4.,4 t*,..:ritsttt.'that itivertignir patronage was po'generono that the Vublksher of ,The Iluron Gazette, 401 _ .14: 011114' Wits, innoinee4,14 ithi$4sSoe Una 41V4' Vo-vo 4,. -.t tj,w,ie STOItE 3r* FOR EXTRA SPECIALS A ont' f�rTp ropTailor have fit 00 Strachan & tlaara% jrohn Stewart antl. Wataonf barttoters, '..Tvqi ot the loultOt: Eltortifiementi; are of patent medicines, for, Which CdOOVI)er Crabb 14va,!t ,tbo ageiit. John--„Menonaldr.4isltot, 2heW:4 - tempo+) are* in the townablp ,of 11ola and Vrawanosli.at..,prleea,v troln 1%. to 14.8.4).: per Arte;,. 'pafiiht 40 AO titne within ten year. There a're 4 ntontiO of sherIWnTho. tices, signed aVel)w)letIonald, SheritY, by J K 000 • !VADY 110tel AdVArtioents` There Are ntlial,erOtia, Iota atiVertltit, Mentarind 'practiCallY alt mention . two thingS-.4be Stabling, and the 4004 of ra4onleotta...wete, being .14,44e to pOh.. wine4: 404 liquors-, One ,taivetlkee • Ush :the. paper - twee .4 **0* t4E0441 afiVertISIA that hia'hor, 1 "tur4shtd of onee a '.s•ree :.'''X'1,11'bri.§0.10, four pages Ot aix col- umn *tlebi and- Of twenty-four ,. A .• I occu- piedelve 1Ib° ays al4c1°Crer,f.ITO40,114(ttwo. are 'The 'ke,44114.g.'ttAT d Co e "- stn Court, annOunceS,the,nest sitting -11 des two .- sexitiMental ypeetaa", twe',00lot4no-ot -4, et the 'COUr4 he.heid..at the gaol.•0004t.leci 'tktor$fr two "iorqgs, 44. gen- 1The-pr4tent„, eourt house was not then • with the hest qUaittr of wines and 11- (4100is, and his- cellar is oto4ed *Ith 'good: sparkling Ooteber.'•' "- 41),00, Seegmiller -‘offers 4 ni4Vg?it P. Morgan, clerk ot, the 1st' Divi••• erai'newS, mostly of European affairs;hunt.) • . , .1hree-eoluron ,report of -,the Buronnoculo xyd4' pOstniaster ((Aver- at.Which, the chief -twee .oslaraases" of- a leng list or itern 'Of. 'business ,wita the of unealted.tor letters. Val Ai, ()Until, t Ore service Witt $earip*aed w7 at Windor on Weilnestior, 411.4 ifolirtm Who WAti oeventp-ilve zOar# ot Age, serveil tbo fotwr Uet110. dist Church and, the'lluited, Ctinrelt 1uOtgada littP'for Mv."‘ ' 0 40., to .4,xnpuhr ,4!"mrei.tha 'and .two 48400*V:4,1 10011.tt'a4esli?.....,ato,r4gee,, .t.ji;'r6Lno•utuhoenia(;13vtei3Sittiht .e:plonnMi-nliga ISoe tline,-. by -.00111)',,golinei, Of 904orloh torn- lodge of titio. I.O,O.P. with the follow - ship, on , tut 00001".--genivs O. liu-r"- ing 'Olfieer$,: Hatnilion R. ,Distrlet;, .the other; intleli• longer, 9° : : i ',N-.04• I011-Skrietal, N•e'; IQbi‘ 6•a 1, .4 °/(C°14tv"lirS'' Ogr°4‘34214se4retary*Magan Hamilton, surgeon- '. ' It t ' ' s • - • • : , George Browne, reaSurer. Of. local ,news there is .-praetlealtY ' ,Another announcement Is that "the one, ontSide*of 'the re -part of the as- Roc wflual)i. 13'elt, of Stratford will P*VE'eS 4114 l'arakraPh eh the eh6er-' Preach in St. Andrew's church, God' vance •of the. .Oueeri's birtlidaY. -erica, 'on weanasday, the 31St May, at 0 rtgq deo Tryintit,Aet4 fe to , kektAg . kelt* Who for Ottle ,e4tOsc eenducted.it tftnittire and UhdOttiltinkl. hui)ineset 14%,004eririt ::before theViOg.. 01)Oht twenty -Ave $0131t AO to 'Prittti toriL Whore% UO vas'01144Utt '.:111 .tfithilir :W44410;444' there On< Ile 1144 been In for 400 t114.0.. :soir -RossP.orkOtt',1, wasnla$0r, ot Proutterit for several terms. WI Ifiss-Sarah Wliohaw, spinster o 'keeper at the hone of With, Goderieh township, paased away, at Alexandra hospital on , Attu,- 4010 Uli*S W14!hav4",tt difIgtter of the late Mr. and Urai John "Wilalla*, was in hoapital five MOOthrt,' She was Six* ,ty:tive years of age, The ,`remains were taken to. Walkerton on 100481, for interment. * Advertising Colanans Are Interesthig 11oc1�cT,'-a,nr.'; tor ti4 purpose of 1 Tike ioyartising oolitmnSt ' hoWever, moderating in a 'call- to the Rev. Alex - are distinctly interesting: One vevY ander Nr.Kiddi, Of Attnillton.• it noticeable feature " the nun(hei:, towc-Lipid Themaa'....KneeSliaaV• are ad - is thlie*Rokif -7***,•Ii0fronstYiesPme ":"OitigeWthiftlitttidffoiyttil.1%.14-, that time•in this Part of Ontario and aential-property for sale. - the Ooderich. papers would serve a "The Oomninnist •perir evtdently bg large territory. There are advertise- not of .reaant origin, for in this! news - Menthe from Toronto, Stratford; -MU- paper of 18481$ an 0.eeelint of a great el411* Harslyine, Montreal, '*Preston, meeting of the COMmunitits of London Buffalo- and Lewiston, but far 'more. (England). at 'Which Robert Owen 'rare- Hamilton than' from any other spoke for an hour in exposition and Outside Plum"- 'advocacy of Cornmuniam. Local • advertisers include HenrY- wires, sons' And daughters should not „NeWman,' halter; T. Nicholls, ' tailor 'miss the opportunity of seeing, 'hear - possible,. _ thla Edward C. Watson, Painter; Alexan- .practical English farmer. ' der Melvin, wagon,. and sleigh, shop; Ur. Street will also visit a halfIlenry: Hands, baker; J. Rutledge & dozen agricultural rolleges in the Co.; saddle and harness Makers; Gil- Unite° States a :where he will deliver -Benson Laing, of „Hollywood, Cant ; George PLaingMrGNigel bert Porte,. hoot and shoelnaker. •Dr . addresses before las. return to •Eng,- Dr. . , s. . Hamilton has 'a -professional card, as land. Bruce and Mrs. Paul Robarts„ of .Windsor, and Mrs. IItiMplirey B. .bert, of Toronto. There are thirteen grandchildrefi. Mrs. 'Laing was a valued &met) and social worker in Windsor, a member of All Saints' Anglican past regent of the Border Chapter of 'the 1.0,11E. ELmITR.T. BELL ' .4011$ 11... IVW4111) 'After an illness.. of •;several Wteki, John Henderson Edwark•yeteran 'lee-, president,,of the CloderIch Agrieuitoral soCiety and the -Goderielt Trotting and • pased I Paoli* Assoeia 9n p sae way ast night at iiit(-1Mansa 011 Britati014 road.: Mr. '‘Edward'.4v40- in his eighty,ntnth Year. He was •berli In • 00401011, townsnip,. a ion or WIlllnni Edward and Jane Henderson., put wife,^.Sarab Cathcart, died in 1011. - ,Survivkag are three sena, pr. Wesley G. DIVIard, of Toronto, and Lineoln J. and 'Frank W.. both of Detroit, A private funeral ,service will be conducted on Sunday afteritioow' it 42 r#J11.;*....int,Sta1t1a11d-Aelue _.....omi....;646666knor.otozoorzown. 6o-roroor666...s ^ Wtth th'et A C2jCstor of 404,14.00.d8 4004. Ite y and a7,aO Saturday— SHIRLEY takes 118 hao: totIelirk0! i850, S5eti7t$74it:i.°:14 draina that:dips into l:P,Y4cireIsto,bov10n00.11 of Vitth ` W Wk 6 east M(1IIGAN and ST ;1ST fETCIII :Contirtirt4,1111E, REA' yt ShowLngonee sin4,' each nlght at 7.15' xi. t, and holidaY 8 to ST ' WEtTFIELD, June 3t-0-Tihe Young people. ef the Westfield 'tinned ehureh met on Wednesday, 'evening for their panel nieetingt'• Alice Cook led the. meeting and ift Weill' red in prayer, Anna, Nfennwell read the SeriPtUre end. Aubrey Toll Sang a Sore, !Sternum 'Radford then gave a very .In- teresting tople on "Friendship." MRS. F. H.- LAING Friends* in doderieb leaned with regret of the deitn at Mrs. Edith Liiing, of Windsor, which occurred at her home in that city on May 20th, In her seventy-eighth, year. Her bus - band, Col. F 11 Laing, predeceased her only three Monthscol. and Mrs. Laing and members ol their tatully woe annual summer vrsitors int (lathe -gen mhity -years, -occupying-- their own. home, "Cherry Gate," at the lake front.' Five children survive: Alfred DUNGANNON DCNIGANNON, June and 'Mrs. Burwell Mitchell, of Detroit, were guests with the latter's aunt,- lfrs. M. Hoffman, and Mr. Hoffman for a few • days.• • Mrs. L. B. Pentland and little daugh- ter, Pamela. Elaine, and Miss Claire Pentland, of Detroft„-who were guests for a week with Mrs. A...11 'Pentland, left at the weekt-end for a short visit with.Mrs. Pentland's parents, Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Taylor, of Rockwood, bo - fore returning to Detroit. They were accompanied by Mr. Ronald Pentland. - Mr. and \Ira.' W. IL Walker, of Brussels, were guests With the latter' sister, Sirs. A. B. 'Pentland, and Were renewing former acquaintances in and around Dungannon. - Mr. and Mrs, Norman Coleinan and family, of 'Detroit, spent the week- end at their stinimer cottage at Port Albert anti .visited relatives, in the .neigbborbood. Mr. and Mrs, !Chester Duman and two ehildren, of Pittstnirg, enjoyed a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs.*B.J. Durnin. Their little son Jimmie re- mained for a longer visit with hiti grandparents: Elders Eleeka,--Inthe recent vot- ing ,tor election of two elders in Ers- kine. Presbyterian„.ehtirch which closed ,Ort -Sunday Ittst, .the tvre. ehose,n hy _ the congregation, Were. Riehard Me - Whinney, jr:, and Janies.Wiltgon: Their ordination will take place ort Sunday, teacher of the junior room of Dun- gannon public school, at aDsalary of $600. MisS Outibl's duties will begin with.the opening Of the: fall term. She sueceeds Miss Olive' Farrier, who *re- signed. • • - • Women's Institute. -Twelve mem- bers Of the Women's Institute at Dun- gannon were present for the regular May meeting,, for wbIch Mrs. Wilbur Brown gave her home en Thursday afternoon. After the usual ofienIng exorcises, with Mrs. 'Lane Ivers, the neWley-elected president, 'in the chair, re)" call Was an$Wered by payment of fees: A letter of thanks ..from Mrs. J. 0. 51ontgomery was- read expressing" her appreciation of gifts donated by the Institute after the recent are.' 1,Irs. Bnrton Roach was appointed a dele:. gate to attend' the district Women's • Institute to be held at Auburn June •3. Mrs, Charles Elliott was aPpointed cotiVener of the standing -Committee on historical research and current •events, and Mrs. R. DaVids,o,n . con- vener Of community activities and re- lief In the local branch. Mise Verna Anderson, who was sent by the branch to the Girls' Conferenee at the- O.A.C., Guelph, in May, gave an interesting and comprehensive report Of the'three- day gathering. 'rho,. little Atlases. Pauline Jotm and •June Richardson favored with two vocal duets, which weie much enjeyed: 3Ira. It, David- son gave -a resume of enrrent events which covered some important hap- •penings. It was decided • to Make contributions to the disiday of fancy Lord's upper will also be dispensed June -20th, when the sacrament a .the _work at the distrkt annual. A dein- 4.,, ty lUilth Was served by the hostegses, S. . grboat Report -'The following 18"e Slit. B. Roach. AiTS. Pratik Jones and AprIl-May report of the junior room Mrs. I). H. Popp. ,er Dungannen, School (the niiiribers in- 1!)l.Xs.:1(,ANNON, June 3. -Mr. IlarveY &care the pereentage obtained) t .jr. ,Pinnigan has *timed to Detroit 111. -Gerald Currie 84, 'Roy Jones 70, after a pleasant visit with his parents, ,Alian Petrie 67, Lenore Paterson 66, and Mrs,. James Pinnigan, V'eujig 10, tillie'. ,Stewart 76, 'Harold ta4nust, vt-- ,,tisbiltp*, were guests on Leonard Rivett 50, Sr. II.-Pred Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell. and ifiriogten f4, SI0i08 Curri‘67, idakler Sunday with die fortoes ..hijah-j, ihktersou 65; Jr. 1-1---1)erian- Rut' Mrs, Campbell, .at the hetile.of grand ledge $2, Leonard Chisholm- 72, Paal Mrs. !Charles W. Alton. " , 'Caesar-% 'Pauline' Soines 63, RubY Mra. - R. FitZgetaltI attended-. the Sherwood 62, '3`.. C. Alton 57, Oliver nurses' grailnation exerefses at Strat* Glenn 49Harold Glenn ! First Class -Bose Errington th41, miss .marprie canothtint , was' ono. af graduate&•l'"" . , 4,.ford on liVednesday, when her niece, . 14nti Turner 85 (tiesd- th Y, Jane Richare ,Son 82, Helen Smith 78, Ida Rivett 73, Messrs. W, Mason )1cAll1ster, .8. 11. Mary tarie '12, Ifenry Alliott 60. StotheiS, Robert Davidson and sAllan tritmer Cliss-totni,176; honors 131; Reed attended the sale of shorthorn pass 10; George Ellington 171, cattle or the Cltiverdale and Maple.. Gwendolyn Stewart 109, Theme CuY- dale herds owned by Mestira. Oestrel- rie 100 (ties), „lune' Rutledge - "filA ---, +cher and Peek, of Creditori, on Mred. Bertha Popp 101, Marie Chitholm 151, nesday afternoon. • . Joyce RiVett 144, 'Gordon Schultz 143, Dungannen Win -In the first game jack 'Glenn 140, Kenneth' Petrie. 115, tif th4 season a the Maitland 'Base - Arthur Young 86. ' . • ;ball Iliague Dungannon tiara defeated umber on roll, .394' average litteri-,* - R.00 Thorne in, an interesting game ' it ' .. the latter plat* on Wedneidity even- li•all*-,,OILIyiE a. rAttntati, Teacher., ink, the Aeote,bein4„2. in Dungitunen,g Mole-Sivatti.-arbe Anglican chtireb rettory, Lueknow, was. the scene of a .pretty wedding on •Wednesdar,. June 2nd, when unra bell* eldot daugh. ter of Mr. and Mtg. Sartinel SiVan of ItipleyY, was United marriage to Ilarvey, Mole, youngest SOn wnthim Mole and the late Mrs. Mole of Dun- gannon. The eererrieny•-tras - pet - formed by :Rev. S. Geoghegan. Tte bride was pretty In a gown of torona. Hon blue trepe With White areessories. The 'bridal. oouple • were unattended. The wedding breakfast Was Skrivtvd at the horne of the- ,hrldes grandparents, Alr. and Mrs. Aretie 3ohnston,, Ash- field toWnighip, Later the han0 eouple left'hy motor on honeymoon ,trip to Owen Settrid and peinte flOrth heir . On trettirti the pyoug tentie teak on the groom's farm north ‘ro. DungannonrO, " MiSs Etta Quaid, engOrged tavor. Dungannon stored•thrtY ruts in the drst and three in the thirdsinn- ings„ While Colborne scored one in the first arid one In the fourth, 'The line. tip• wits as follows: Dungannon - Prank Peritland,s-c.; Cordell, Miller, p.; (non/atter Eedy„ lb.; Irvine Eetly, 2b.; 1Wilfred MeCarthy, lib.; William Wig - ns, s.s.; Alvin ShervvoCel, r.f.; Par- kie Wiggins, cf.; Matthew koley, 1.1!.; Harvey' !Culbert, alternate; H. J. L. 'Eeily, base umpire.; Visher, (=Ore. Colborne -T. Fisher, lb.; 13. Bloom- field', p.; Z. Parrish, c.; C. Kerr, 3b.; 0. KitigaVille, f6.; it. Grey n. 'Parrish, s.s.; 1. Laitiarviiite, r.f.; D. Anderootti 13; Parrish, It, Icings - vine and A. roster, 1.f. Lady' f iones begging a favor ou might, tit least take your bands out of your pockets" Tramp' "Well, the truthI',Iklv m *Iglu* a pair o' braces.' After an illness of six, years' dura- tion, during which he suffered without complaint. and with true _Christian fortitude„ Elmer Tholnas Bell pasnd away at Alexandra hospital on Sin - day night, in his .fifty-third year. He bad been in hospital three weeks. M. Bell was a -life.long resident of this district, being born on the Bayilekl road, 'Goderi6h township, a p.n. of Ur. and Mrs. Willis Bell. He mar- ried, Miss Isabella Johnston, who sur- vives,' with a' sop, Marshalli 13e11, of Toronto. There are three sisters and two brothers, all 'living in Goderich: Mrs. _Thos. Jahnstott. Mrs. John -John- ston, Mrs. Itoht. Johnston and Rob- ert and 'John. Bell, The funeral ser- vice was conducted at the BellhOnie on Jones street on Wednesday after- neon -undo the auspices of LAIL. O. 182, of which Mr. Bell. was a !bobber. Rev. -S. , R. McClung, of the Baptist church, had charge -of' the service. Interment was in• 31altland' cemetery, the pallbearers being -E. U. Cleveland, Tad Drennan, Elliott Drennan, John Johnston, John Bell and ROL Belt ,.........-.... . • - GEORGE R. GORDON ' • The following from The Vancouver (13.C.) Province of. May 28th refers to a uative of Goderich who left tile town 'In his early years hut who will be remembered by. some readers. of. this paper George It. Gordon, financial agent. a Pioneer Vancouver resident, died Ithis morning at his home. 722 carder() street. A native of . Goderich. Ont.. lMr. Gordon eame to British Colombia in. 1884, before the C. P., it wascoin- pleted,aSettling in Vanconver in latiii after, living e for n •short tim:it Spenees Bridge' and Nerth Bend: Ho lost everything in the. Great Fire, but quieRlY • re;e14tablislied himself,. ' Mr, Gordon Was active- in chureh work. having fated sueh` Oleo as Sunday sagtol suPerlitendent, treasurer. seem. tali and elder at Shaughnessy 1! tilted ehureh. He joined the Independent Order of Oddfellowa in 1894 and was grand representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge in 1902. Fle is survived by. his wife: a daughter, Irmtmede. of • Pasadena; a son, Alva McIntyre • °Orden, of Powell River; three sia. tem Afrs. Annie LeonsIde, of Vaneou- Ver. Mrs: A. L. Metaehlan. of Car- men, Um, Mrs.- J. C. taidiaw, ef VatIeonter; three brothers,- Alex. W., M -Alberta, -Charles' It- of Vancouver. and J.- 0. Campbell; or Vitncouver. Max Roffman riparierieed Tailor haft geOttelled his shop In Thin- -ginatiOn-Ittillelalireriareir -110- ,..i01.45.010,4-4.01Pring7,--:at Avasort4,‘ –able speelaIty, He also ,v'ishes to announce that he Is agent for the 1,Vell-latown_ Tip -Top -Tailors. • House Telephone 13 r 13, Dungannon:, 20-24.0 it BUSINESS is GROW) Iligle*Analitir, Strong, Wiather-seasoned Plan tor tpaat 74 years.. • Our Tomatoes ore all ear varieties', heavy eroppers up to frost. Sweet and Ilot Peppers 'a 11 healthful, as easily grown QS tomatoes, but in lunch lesa -Ivaco t elfaously. Stewart Bros. Berntiler Nurseries •Ph�s CerieW 2 • • FARM ERS ATTE:NT-10 WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND • CALL VS .FOR PROMPT SERVICE Our.ten Will Shoot Old and Disabled 'Animals TELEPIION-E "YOUR NEAREST STATION COLLECT 'SE/WIRTH' 15 • EXEI;ER -235 ONTARIO TALLOW 'CO. PETROLIA, ONTARIO: • A4 . ASIIFIELD ASItil•ELD, May 31. -Mr. Robert Illbbin is visiting friends; at Toronto aid Greenbank. Mrs.' 'Prank Ilain'and Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Dunce., of Detroit, , are guests at the home of Mrs. R. D. Mac- donald. . . . Sir. and Mrs. Robert Scott and Bar- bara, of Windsor, are visiting at the hotne of Mrs. Ifttineth MacLennan. IDelores Bogie, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ThoS. Bogie; is in London „hospital on aceettrit of an -infected IToot. ltev. .1: K. .Metlillivrity And .31r. John Cathcart are attending the Gen- eral Assembly at Ottawa. Ur. RUS9 Dissett's barn on the Blue Water highway was burned on Fri. • • day: Certainly is Gotid For Teetiving. Children DtrOWLER's EXT -OF' WILD riisAwBERRI L TAYLOR, ILR: No, 21, Brussels, Ont., writes.:— "I have had considerableexperience with Dr. Fowler's Ext. 01! Wild Strawberry. “1 have used it all my .life for teething children,. and it is certainly a good medicine, and we never NI to keep it in the house for diarrlara and summer sompfaint. We have also'used it for anlimils in larger doses with good results." • , On the market- for o'rer 00 years. A produced The r. Ifilburn Oo., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. I GETS YOU A GUARANTEE6 ° ermanent Wave • Now is the time 10'affordyourself of this spindid opportunity 10.,get a Wave; done by skilled operators, that you can be sure of. Our UP -to -date Equipment allows u_s_ to offer this 46' Low Price Wive: OTI1ER PERMANENTS Dreem. Oil Permanent - 150 Helene Curtis Prize :Winning Compound Permanent - :5.00 Naturelle 7.00 Eugene - - $1.0.10 SHAMPOO and FINGER WAVE INCLUDED with all Permanents. Soft, deep waves ani natural curly ends. All Permanents guaranteed against burns and pultbnms. HERE'S A REAL.BARGA1N SHAMPOO, 'FINGER -WAVE, and the new helpful "SPARKLE -AID" RINSE --All for 'All Popular shades in Rinses, 25e. . ..EYEBROW ARCHING 36e, MANICURE 50c, both for r7 Hot on Treatment, $1.26 - LADIES' ijAIR CUTS '250 NECK TRIM 15c Open evenings for the convenience of business Maim ° S BEAUTY SALO Ph 4.44: