HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-04, Page 2tr. .„ ot.•••.•7"•"•:••••:" . '...i,' -7,..• „•: , ', .,....,.,. ...:.::.1 ...,,.., .,. „.,.: „.. .. ..,. 0:010i. _ • - . •,. • • ...• artle4,•• • tt , ' nee- to tt' profound troth . , . . : ... ,.. , . . . . , ..' .,ben; be. iseaed 'the- warning that vounty, tOutt,elle,,. re . edit, (\ ' ',•''',tr .,0„,40**.. 40, tbelr OWit,';:undoing :When' 04,., .4404 atlipg -. .1.0 $0.'vo#00y,i4retionli,,itt*.$0.**:;14$00,0;*.it'voiy', -. - ryfltom44.‘ ,aretter!*t,,ef the ' ,P .. ': , ; ,. ,t ,,.',, , .r4, , ._..--•,., _.. ...,, ,,, $tipe„,r,-01.4.00,:$4:$0',44,14e.0,04*411 ,:t,k0.4,0,1,r0111,3..; roads'. '4•ft$1•4.4.0. • 4•":.•.,4ri4ki*.ko iistoFttioa#:_.,Oiat• WO 00 iiiv14,,*,,r$0,$.44 the,',O44,$*:.„.00.1,44,4,-14,•,•4.0404...-,-0*, ' 04t.'441,the7,,iet40ilitth.04e the: „010:';eoitor4.:!,-.4t, " : ;spit* .,e044-0,0,' are, , ito* 41.0.IO2'.1 '0•4..0 'Metered by -the rin*Altere.iane,'„rarther 4e14-0Or'the.o0iititi:;001t.04,, ' - It.Iiikol).0,0..,0terkoo.,,,'*14t..*:,*eit,i20:1,:44.'•,.•tie. .4ili',1?4010.'1,4f.*,07'.4444$$ ,0,4$4,e,44,,-04.ti,,,,tatt0t,i0.00,o.to „. ' 'ihOger.'between:,,th0::.Protinciai:- 'Ughtiatuto' ,'aott.•':.•4be. -.itiuet' 4000.1,4alitieS. - '* 10,4: Or 't0W.0041).. acting ..g,r, , ' 'aki4,indirldnall,r '•:Would-haye little,"10,4nenee;- -but _.. - -, - ,..- ,• , . •,....,..... .., ...,,,, , . .., . •, ..* et.' -the. !e0titt1,00),iteit SPet,Oa'44,'hehait• ;70t the .01nallet.i. LA.40'.' 1,..:Aft,;:t.0..14,A#010.,:i•'4:i!? a„*4"st,',*Itit'-* „.,.,,,.:L.,-, i• -i..,,----, , ,,, .,.7,:„;.. ,. ' un . :: to,*.e.. ,ii,-*oxiiii.oritici14.7101fACtb,e1#111.**00-.04 ''-:..' . -'..,-.-licw,..0.1.40.,;otifi.„. ' : '. ' . , _ ,.. . , Tz'':',4--iiiiiiillialti,iii'''.4 italiiiiiiliTOttrktiiiii•ar to . - .4, .too4044iiIi"14 :v‘iisey$4oe.,'. : ,.. .••• ;- 7: . ... ,.. : • • . _ !' . . .... ! '. A..' ,e04401.110,000, factor in- .dieltiting .ite,e7,Or ,end• at'', , • theiitY..,0 the' -t*Oti.iiti.:,6-4$110104. 'tho 1.;,elot,.t4,neo et,the*.t! tort*ti" AttoierfiaUe.***1",-0,04itar.0 n:tb.ft.kittV'''''*x.'1 It).44' .9P. ' *„.!,OtliSr h00,3I,4;7. ',Tho .0004.treo,unglii!raight be--thoton#b* ' ..•.in'lvayhr.,,et itte:0*.peoitoif .bi.it,,,,,,t441,d ,r4thor '1).* th . , ., . , , . • . „ rOittie. ,IO - VudertaliO. ,i.t,t1)44• to-'4,d4."4,4,y.tx$4,ig ',,orthi`i , ,P0134,17,**1*O't. 010,..14,44.1$40,,e,tike,:fatt that..the.money, 'Y.:Whether "a• -4 t•',14:::ilte,' r4,i*inie.or,* the Ootnit70, coMes ' 7.7777-Troic ., :,1i3O„47,011-41)--‘74-0-#7,-0-41-04*---041-01-4irlioot-.. • • • at , r so i• onOst Dor' in•AX, ..1014.; • is -Oueit •OUr *re - 44' tl 1 coltmrato tOr br **muter. In 'writing ted br • • • !,1" to lo • ui*, vat stud y .t/011 ,t0 the .0400-4 ei*u. It !treated -tor the Vrovine,e,', Vbeotra-, or0nerht ond unwed rafit altrOaetatitt ,UttlertakirtlX will be rtlly alS4 Oat MO tax beAt reineted. Wt. ' t?„ ' b, She roans' lteovieso 4441yerory win, be bieS 740 to ffrotoe oburett, A r d Oend btee etlartte.,,,a ee, Alt are. it 010001.4*..! In the • et a. • to rred ;totes Pear hero •len. - tt? .rthe 'inmate* of th;)tOlittn000,erbeisie, toro-t „there woo 0004* Viendidly, . • ThengeTers 0014 after tie Oath, 'a vflitta't*.plart'Aktft haea *la** aro *Ingist, through and the how is ver., 130 unusual wea•it that WO sent on *atop:447; red ter Hydro. ,„ • anoi, t,40 ftery,.,004, th4it,he Was, po impresseil with Item.* •tors At (it (1. Zstevirtotro, over the tents Ito to reoditeb_etore the Ch rote Por Assodationt offeloond wore Mr,' and \Atte, Geral ..,,g,t4,1,1,t.brer..**00!;70;"4,t0t0.1, /004110414 '' '. *ail, ta 44,1z ,,,.. -zlovitort And,,-.,,ehoti4,,c,,of 4:iondron, ... . . . tk, _ ' • °I 01thrleaXioanaberrtAtotatt 040044' ia#4, AI ' 11107100 011'1000: Vtlk.- .0.* 'their p, ' ' , O'''iatrOto. ',-4,104. ..t.t,04':'01010Orri:40,' bereby ,utake end'Iatblish', * .', , ,,:,‘,../ilitte*,,Iritsf.P-• ,•'; The ,, bell 'Woe 'co* Vater ••bialtWay• between :',9ii,tel#, an , 'lea. - • • , ,-,. . • . ,„ , • , ..0 . , 1 , t 444 0Paiitd.lta.14.fiifOintort, ittullr;.OrDetrOlti.-1***aeata.-4 ' W111 tbe ta***(1, olayalare ef the !COOP° P0011#4A4C, ANY ,rirst***""0 orldOr atfir 7.• • I . • W. were $0.001* 0.1,! irtf •over the week.ottd. • ' , 40,-diasetto of Atutfolo, and 03, 40**, lisitimerck were 011. their oerents, r„, and ut4Reh, 14004 **(Sr * Mr** Thitttr!arit atA. Miss rrettlioriolott t 102ere Wed guest,* et ittr„ ani rots, querrie. 4,1r. 444'. Al.cfs; Itarehl Weateto treitt,Vete. gue40 Mr. a4We 0,;er the, *004744. ! gro, shit Xre, rvid one and tito on ht•Detrolt„ were sliests, over the oelcoold „.• •with Mr. \XIoltord Weeton, • Ur, .444, xre. ohorliew Plater and • - k rmess • 4 •st •-, 1 •t and test Pleat 1 Orite rates' on •• It040.3.040,13isP0000,14 ! • t emPa4710.Afaa-TN71'•ret'etvafti , attribute tor intaiu*t tortablr and Pie a tureen r‘i,$) the rt. '34 , pitte•4 interOt *hie ta .$6301441 It law as• tokinir vort , were Arlie ,Zocit: r were ;003ta et XX.' arta 0,” Pavlit ight Bet • • 3r propert„y t4stii Incona , wert04,4,1141 ot• no *co, oitt ,uuds44,0;,, 000,, ,ttar# f/terenson• '•iitundo$•, • • Ito( „Vara her: -1,14-, Ise! 14614-'1%1100 Detroit, and _ „. „ . :Of; 4000t. /Otte* •ptrenttk oak: over the . and ' 'under, et are ;Atli ‘t, et!' gotta igeor 'Ir4her,, 0 Ut„.'and %%Se 00 1110 tion of„, ltY rig*, Olnit t teetionate 'ot..-ectiln.1°,41APo#4_44,144---**1 glettnor thel„ 'Pother.' 4 • t ltifsstai Harrisonotto„ool e, lotting RAY., 41t1;0. fryer' Me Ifeeklait' here' r out 'Mrs TordAlLoit a Rea 441110-World1*,•now tir000e. , , oat , tiO#1t , . • • • • ,• teetiye, „ , : ,•"' riot all.•$nod" worn or loalee'anfli -CU* ' d,ou $ got „. , ; • Itoiitr, wet,* ,4;11,613,t uglats, iso.1(ttrten *tad hirst. (;', • INA*" Ice tiv*O0d:tather$ taatherai-111 Oat- Dora the leher and, AM* :ROM • 4 I t 1 '•• 0:khragetaesltp *aft sa quaint Pet ta0',tea Oil elidealtletit$1,, , • siVOOdai the e at43‘..' 4. -i •1,4dirtordo .o4. ou4,,, r 4, , ,.#,444N, Y11.4'40190. 1,43,,t. and, 1' 0h0,440 Said 04reixte,t6 )evt1/,''ibet er* • Or/ beme., The ver ,we're daY * o'rir *tie wee *a* ensiy,"•.ato ,thedeodo*ftheir-childrenaltitlitegitire, otto „ir . • • " • 4 . • , ,tests%ti.k.,4$140* 1,4000**01*70.r* , ' '-',TP*0•44 , ter* ot t 1r ehphood, 74;44 every flower of the composed 40ole(aud infant, of •144-, „MO rouin, erDetrolt, spent , idea anO•t • ossaina or the 'WOodatortith the right Paoh, Sotehnler, Ur. AO ,a44. spor the weele.ong ilor„ the vilektencl. ler.,04itit Glio$40,r reto eto the- *Ate \against ti4Etles ow. won= actor Rev, . 21; 1+4,1Vitle andd, ihront • fire 1401004 nett;,•,TIter, vefurtted to Detroit on on-, thetas. `. 4 etise,to-eh the•banke of the broolts out ehairtnan.,.- Ural Reek TOrronee't Imre with )4rs. ' - '00;71 *et° 41.4 play_2(Aiong treely, Ede .frfliteto(the .ellatto 00144 41* tGla).0* las, splendid, 011.144: le! returned- to -amusing on *WO., •10.01411000ex".0 Utsse$,Thoms: !,11. 00 ,goide4,sanohthepOith s' tuoreer,' 444 the *4.8. the e,t4e$1. 14, the players. and de* Mr. and •Tirs. IN,,..sseye);'-eon, ,,14`Orguson'Te_tbtried With Ithem-Stut.will Obi* ,the ittilowritho 410herein, and the White•eletRis serves ,ll*U0h1 Credit .10r1 the „0,1e0(1,1(1- two eons' Toronto,. Vent' the *eelo. ,0P0,10'.! ,eS'ts PrOoln. , that float Over, glant *mot!, Anal IotVoe' the 0134144 014 the, Plor, vir*O•Put ' ' '""'" 13°VerIe 411119 •„set, theIont, lonit'Aloya-,to be nterry thoustind, - 'fvira • 1.0, Walls; atict the.tifht apii.t4e:'#41,11-"t the *,i,sc,7 , wonder at • ' ' •• Altem:. devote rb914,JOindt. all',the *feta dle ' and eonunoeta,where Inay Pta1"ed,.. plea* , #24 waters -Where '033e440:**101;*. snow -clad Wile where Of -oar 00,0,64 realnany -04* where one ;Oar *b..0,( ' - .. •Nti::...oik4kPlgt, ';skate, -0.-•:,?04;thee434,0:/ot ... '''.ifoki!..O 'Atli* ' i • ... , fiiiie---0 the -woods . --Irreia;--F ' .'-'1 the =birda. aral-the-,:tcho ange-nolies; and•alt di .,., sz • * Itiv clihntt 4 41 • -J but /dot. that 41,40sc anj: POndlOte ma be Porfl' on** , earriett lot tbo amaitorbotly. *too role Is • •' not Only, the be0.itii*-4t.lcalse 'the .chespeat the. Tar. • .her awa1* the autheritj, Will*,•eantrOla the 'expendltire, greater the ,opportunity.foi.**ete- and extravagance . and the, groter the sett Ot:ttiporrition, t, • 4#4 hity •meinbet of -the eonnti, connoll will adinft. • • ; 'that.drriet taxation; 14:the 'ehyopest• "form ot taxation but wilea it, 0010 tO afidhlt it Milt to tI*704-unty ,tav Tote luStead Or' -iiikity.the'Vreirince" to ittdertake4it - • , j1,1.4„.;7 004 the •flit* peoplek,intlireatiI, a rim *14 halto th'e, 0144, 0ounelthealtates„.• ,perhaP4. •!netttiat;, for it to 'explain; thikirdearly ana. oteoui..4, ihe-' tietotti.,,,:i.od the 040 elector" ;too 44011 .ralla to graati all, the eleraenta problem but bap -nor* 00110t1 e00helltet ieSpeniihilityc to. do what eves 'I* best and. to'dlacharge his duty to tali con- atIttients even. it mar he "diirenit to,get them to ilee the 'problem' 'it) •hand,' a they thotda * it? „ The are conalderitiona ails* from Warden 10'rtiat tOmark�. at,tbe.OPenitir'Pr the 'ilarort eounly,cauncl,i UzI*'week,....remarics. which, it 14 to. behOped,,,,Will be talt. itto'heart aid -gin the *eight whieh bellevi the • , . • _ , • . • iiEPAtattlKINO , zoirorttinei tholOvegonver theinfonnation that ° Prito$4* HePhoto, the latiberoalPteteki of Vatario, has *apiitr.,virith Preto* gadvemoo* Mug, the.Xiibiril Prem. - e4kItinatle., 1110 3b4tter at tine .1* wItkit atlmotdy to torae.extent diskupted-pertles in`Ontatio-.00.? ,XXotiont sattuaear ier„,.Vnig of folleWing •14stiotnAtt141. poU,, while hehim** la.,,tleternitned .that 104,411itailtairaeate *Al not be *LOWS ?Whielt. at 01 ate le au iiiteroting lito,00nikat. 'Whit #tiat be•aten. `J , B.te IOW*" 'LIBERAL •. , .0001 treabklal. Arltish Columbia. •' Sant Aof 1:10n. 151., Paton* Sot oiotiaot ter*, Mr, 1Not- thi!oloatt* follorlitt of ihittr 1Thaw of torty.eight.,, tionaletlatifth *heWere ,o*tot, the ..Viti*vet -rt •Itterlote *WM* ioek. a, 'this iSattr's' tin* •" Am/ 4eeted el-ght ratiabera tmax, *to *e* 1r this, , - AO*. "tWo or ' A tt tit Of* 1,12aktite#41 White titlite" $0140 •311•Itiwpoo - *to 14*0 *la the•nallithorilit tire leetat °toed • in the ttlioeftft or *Ir1 11* 'Up Of Ike poVerriniont.• • ' • ttt ftari 4.• . *0-4 044 tO the *4$33.. oarturea • ,/a,not •(114 *a* Wale arrea"ewhat :Itatral Ito (*rondos* when it ebb* %at lea listattoiptt Church* 1110 Whet' of tie *girt 00,, WI**. -4.111kitaillls. ottalk* *PO 40***Crilitive ia*Orpnit. 04022 In• the itinetieal • •ttatittiont looking it atP, Weitiaiear await iu. the tolgittlet • Otie -datidod *ambito ofile 001 *Prat 1*. titar thtk • itteett,on, et blow** it longer 'Mtn *110, tber 01001101: • thinpf a10ng no, tait that the hteirome tove Viten , berate oita itas •ebtiit'e, 'tek. In their levellateeta, • ',fiat* 6(.0 1040010tot teeoteon thht.1ehrit.sitd -took long eaotegli tor tteepl, to ,tot,y,IL • rist4 ottora tOrollia, setts Ot- the :ail** titatiaeo. * 110 tatataitie litarti**ttillet we* eioer attlitts b**. bob* k"t** bet the repitxrt.ef, 11battra .4**peaasiaaa, of eakaat for, the *ea Wika eritteal *Met • Is to bla aetaattatiase Olt the ohkOre aite bola* bee* it&aaat for 1 Th *OS watt or 0047 _04clnatit bead ** littiweantittes' Wig 104 WOO itht or 110 Gleilortelk *Wit be see*, oftgatefoist cook toad latiatelk **************** ^ ja:1:tr 10e• 40.-.V.43404$04, -but wh ba -bern attend. 14t.,0011e,fe ' , wee vIiltlng Mr. nd ifrs. Itobert Scott and little I3arbors:4aaf •et lvtaqser,,,,VISited, *Rh •• , • I ' :.:24111.44471; Oatntt. 1 14-' lier 'UOOKObsle,:4,Of -,,-7811,1fsand dsOrik, 1,faGregor.- . Miss G -race eft on Mon- A,S*100,i00.40eahocked to -Jiear of ,;oWes around Oalgary. eia.*3'110:*iiiit e udde death -'',41tto':,. en- gaged.44 :.',14,1i4tv,-• fnitti t Don .1t,":44eVenzie,"::-,',,, •• -The '#1,20.kat; take place on. Thursday to Klntail ceme- - d. Mjsses Barbara, of New !ork, and Sadle„..,,,tAil47,4-1,‘0,A,itte*#4,0,14,4fekl,444.tootr!,.,;40*,, it.s'ts0ervcat. • sym$• 7:* • • , • „ ' , mr,!7„. •Hettlertnan and, 4110',Wer elrer. the wee • e.”. ' • at:itheir eOttage! eie l'ir4lettib' ace°'.4(1';iiii'!"0-.0`..:tet414-a:64i.':10411101iltithi''''W:1'46ii:1140 . a.r,eeont, 00(0 •O'elee14,' 140,„ and- Mrs. 'U ' 4,04$-•st00% 7 • 4 , • • • Aft rgeret"4"/ • 1'0400 r of Jame Carnie, on the - Bronon line, • Toronto , • • • e - • • •• • • ,Attitir tritat410:- iratorretfe4te ° sr ea , , - And 0.4.14)gnt ar. 44tW' da$ " -41.t.febeF htisse.s- Morleji !of trolt, Oen ' ' R. M. 4il110 01 ; • • ; „,, 1,04 a tantpracest, which1,t4 tue,.ta, • b‘ , „ .41/.0 we,eiktifi o•Av tea - Mr and vontyrei there foutaj., 'nit* ''.1taid- Wig:each While "Merli.Stcl;FiliAxInq,„‘-.J•onston '4214,1Aro. , /IA7 And •911i4304 Vest' 'left on 'a •..,,trip Oat. 'Slow tt• ' bush ' dewt the 74Ste rent* il bee place atXireolde at night, with .44 etures,that Tfq0- . . OrianeC r without , ny •onet.ink ranee,or oare 7- •'` fawns ` „ . TeAag, 140A 10* r„ *11,' -th,g• holetoroos, irksviring ports o! Atia,,..10y.e. the* Rev G, of.'weakneOpttnd inuloolit04 040(teu4 tit Pakt1.4' C.44 • own strength...-. • 1.)-eaye to thera ,the power MakeltiOtinggaI(1efl two - frIensblp lituk-or-poSseastn -oevpanlonarand-t:,--to.•-7fhentr:- -gektterf,--(4,:t. ' 0:010 , /,, eve ail merry song* and chOtteeil 400 „the o I e ,near."d•rtionde of Detroit pent the‘week - ' ' *, :to 4 q' • ' 4 L " ' ii gisf . • . ,. • • . They,4.,s . ed;Ill';'qii'atitit:•:q:Atd'iits! iothaerislti(iblilitti44gee$ a- illi: Al '1'.'s),- ' .14!'itt,Iglir".44s." :014-filii-,100Xii.:'n' .stizo ', _ '. . . ,i, .,..,_,... -, nutJ,be-seen in the brine -wood. to enjoy 'without let. or thoIteltel 000, 'they:, hln 1 „ with lusty vetoes,' • . • ' ' '••• • • ",400$1,, 4n(t.ti; those no ionge;-ehildren 0t7" yotith,e, Orio,*ers, X. lett.c:ntemor1.;-.. and -beilteatk;tai, them -- the INiutnoit pop,* of -Antra,' and 'Shakespeare and Other poets,. It thete.bo,othereetbitho end thSt. Vier itay1117.0-;" -the old. otty$ over 401)4, rt*i*.aUd.talT1rwithOiit:tithe, or o . "1100-: To: the: loved -laved moWj.trOWns, X be.. 'ineath the happiness:- of old age, the love and, gratitude Of -their -Children until. they tall,- ..asleep.ocigilliara 414,0 Pholpio, Professor rotteritut, -04.1Siv-Ititerature, vp,to cifty, with. Oeorge' . •!`Tallts. About Sooko. and AuthUt*,"! • N'IraW400.0h. : , J.! res $ -4,plo to be haelr.at ' .• • „ • ,tta..***. : torOnte:4;•this, , • - •,,•• tz.4„:01101yq•ii,, 4k• 1aa#, 'Walton have • 'Limitral3;11,, Jone•, ‘)eberman o! • • ,Aer,,_:4-.':•,;.,•11r. and Mrs: •Frod,,Do•rl40b„,-.44,i). 41Seevered tew, ...spott," ht. 'Of no. seriirice, the. here, ...text „, , recently found rfere, g4eop:4,0t,.. .04,100- front, during flurint • .11. -.tallitik4t# the Stlaclar,• as 'Pikat.oro.0**•:'0*.jOille"; 4!•1141°Pt $.04h,1141;!. ',0000t, ,t4,01 'woe " 414 peheh that is • ID); be away at 4c:otter** - 'hiehihaft -4,0$•• "thei0 - ‘4, ,..00ttseefi 4.Ai1",,x,oplok -'0t the i$1,4*,,r,,'Ttioi*.*-01):, *true- : ;114r,;•;.4fid.- vor., were the-, '"gueot§, et, "their istr4', $4:1#7:O,104.•0el'ept*,01'ei:04$410, are. "teol•,' tore,. rti0e,'Were.!eat0rth!`itipit0rs,":',4tritg';:ontS. .wOrth-eatehing; • ' * therweeli,A-: „ • , , ,the ----.- ...1 2 . teet !Inzlen Oh; :Cone Mt; •-hsti; - • • Ph3,1110.,,,ht, testi* .hfr; Ana. Ivre, Ocos.; *-01.ett'onti, '''0414t* eatglit "st*e0, tip.st` week-e't for. aii-the aroily „except Toni••h,OUie for oi with„ cianohtem,or p)adon, ,oveat rOundar.,,a-total .of /OW P0Utds, • shprt „visit. et 'Sunday,. • '„ 8911; With %.ro. ,Xiiiettie•inother,-.11„rk # • ,, • • - • • • • , „. • • Gordon • .7*Liiior,• Blyth, Visit* ,p4,0900„, •-' • ! , , ing.'hift -gtaulhreUtPo Irie• • ner. Ahd: grt` WM. ! • Ta$101`. • • .. --""'"" • • '• attendit' 'the 1,0ndon ' ,Air, and Mrs, a. Taylor spent Thuts. /ore -Ace -Of -the United•Vbinch at 141k: ' Colnroad..?Vnited, church, 4Windao, tlds. Week. , I • • a f 4 ; .. ' . * ' . • the stem Aga,loe , • , ..- '— ' ., vor -the. end, - - roan,' ' Ateerican , , I o to ,', be conelcierabie touritits„, ,taksig! rttatantiige -otthe AO , - ' ' - It. 't 400,, tliiodt .411 010'4_10'0kt ' therind '-the-Decoration•:Dar ludt. •.:-,,,, , . , , , 1 ER WISE -' ,- uto,;43:obily rhtn$A., At4014,, 44o-, 44.1,,,, • .003,, ,041, iiir. -000140.4"! *00' *4)1 V.,rnetit Attrher* •.. "- • , ' - ,IlelazirergiulOtt WaS lioniefrorai9oo..1. . soot; .60. luogli.y 00 ,tdhe -sits ht ,, s • ' Traffic Mts.:heart this vicinity 0Yoe• y$ore in, alutou.lor a frtedtuined the ew 'days: ex'tbr, oanod,Sugurd$4.1.*$'heppit" 'rd and f4101131° 44%4: 11° 1:ti-t4b flain4ge, 'Intl dane. t. tli? " repo. 4 ear over on , Ilitve returitted froga a ttip -to Ilraht- , 1,11. 8iorin toonotruokm e4) orrilttt ifr°41' "4 t It(St week and are us/ te•imPeillg' ' ° ' • htr.and hire; Oliver Arcitrien and . Doris, ot Goderloh, " visited with litra. i•• XV,gt91:4• ,4 • . ' . •7 , •• ' ,„ • . . Andi. scP.the Pan who was-dettt off without a i3entlnient;. was married yeeterdaro . • • • • • * *-1° o° . ' The heei•lionie,14Prov'enient • Plan -la the 'oar. elitS decide to! de their'quarteling initecret, • The. Elan. 1030„inItented. .t1A.,pnefunatie was.. a tac.ketoeta • ••• - . • ,. • * . "144 t011ialon,"„eaplgine (*hoot teacher, la When'two" thing* tolne together unexpectedly:, ! $seh as tit** When tkree .peopli are together *ha two -of' theta are • talliingabouttAleir titratitta MO the third WhO 11 *Uteri* . . tor „ . ZIO0tOra air that we ahOuld WititItaitteUt-hoOr 411011 • * m'eil before resualia!, Work. ItS1 uri.tettra, pleatia note that word !4after," • , * .!* 06, a f "Th# em-tbit tonege etodehts stod1,', htnnovouslat t ,,att othange, "aren't the oilea you 4.04 tA *Otte. .`. BURDOCK Nomasto BLooD paimme D TERS ' Wart gat"' litailhhr, ilatteht0r et Rev,/ ,, • ,a,n4 241%. V.11114m Italthbii ‘ot - 'St ' 'r.PhOtiaii, toriterly .ot kubUrn,,las.-jrtst, fialehred. her -toors*. tit, geltaster VIII-, Yereit$ With. aratelais honors.' ' _ . , wile regular meeting of the liaptitt• _., ..x...P.T.,T. wtos eld on, ,sonday night, gi,-1 vier itobertoon- preeiding. *The Iterip, tare 'waft read by Xtillli Ititith011 T,010 '• 'Peril:Won Ong it'', 010; 'litaijorle tad •Llo/d VilltuktOn 'fevered with a oltikr and, luotithorgan' duet /Prink, Xtalth- Irs led In prayer and * httorite verse or ,,SeriPtore- Ws* zileu!`!•bie" the ',.rdeis-. litho. . Iliktold Ite14 tolt the t-Opte,..the • teetAireelc Alden sty, teaehe.r to r tour 'teara 'of" No. s sfoisoti undo his riotioutioal to. • biNktd, Of treatise'. _ . Ut.littsiatr will: be ratased here's, as be took *A *gait* It- ' teiretat 111"tbe! itr0r1 iif-the idloa. 'the: chat* ind.the conanimlity,.4 - -.iit Lie Atagetettitord, int* been recit-ed bt- Mr* Nelson itteUrtr ..0! 't4P, .4,tS. -t4 •,4! ra'5,11 1,00;40*.i. '' ?It • X ' : , • ' there is:nothing to tehtgathy, buthoW Li it ire alwaja bolted, 4)14 to, a .h.ridge. game when. jetqo in 71304filii-of-a-101titatretret---- ,* - ' - )- •7011itt 614 tbikt 444•1t eittk btrit!*li.Olftt Ult 1144W the. , • ra0tera'tiA h**41.'t }Oat. 31.er nerve.; •* idatiolidataffor then, *diva That • sootb4 ss he 1)03*r •hesitatee,te t b.af1*t I2 APT** , we never* hear of wootat - • 1` they ton watt th*t lout * . • . *- * rit014 Strotbrd. *at **hot* aa *tion. loin old. .„ * • • einototater *talked to * Itirtivare *tarot '4'i watt*. nutt Ilinteat -:the end vat* of ray 'sago.* tfird wart Clerk r °That.** °honor Ifthii it0 littr • .Ottatotaert knoir, yot, 44, witconet *too* • The to.*• _ . • • • • • * b,;iir**Ite Is IC, sweats .WIdialievituaVtatiot, -.964,---* • It#141#04*-**11! 441-V43141X - '-'#14$4 , there *trOr'ittY1****Mireittt. to, horrohr. • • • * * rof theta* heita% at 1004 lip**, haelivelt tv hot -bobilv Otte* of Osht*I., ,iottevout *tve 00W •pattiog oft Aot atlas ttntfl litOrld, *tetra ;10* little two, settled, , *, * lit ' *V- . • 4{. Ost forefather* wooloiret have:hoot too, lkioxiote, for *rot_ -atietek It !hey hoka tidio 4114oloeturs 14 tuir 414y. * leetttrer aaja that tottarket laateit looter 11 the *X Orton*** for that wee that at tilde leAtod strach• the mote otter **old* her • • * • * • •lhoto le the dotty theatre:of the Worlit-titot «oak, att •lety toyorttted thitte. * * • • tootkot ottett$01 the *lotto et the ht. tottokoto Ito tot Itertitdith* it Mk* att- 1 bo -1 ' t • , * et* WO thee 41"1064 0 4 • 7,.!:r..• " ". i;iii*Itif.;t11 • '• hen* O ) • t 3*8 e ttl .ww• ; bit Wm 044 *Vogt Attontiiiesh. hie father 0or one' year *ad the* *eat to lloren Dakota, liter coostoc.haelt to 19144441192. *hat* he trade for two).* two Wore Atatfaira where hae. eitta *Wed. Wine in - *tarried to Miriouset third dasetiteer ot Witto VPim- Wompoftli. I* Voill.**Grak10 kW* ikith TAW Alteintir** lotiotUfr Tont it *It *****trthe *WI Ss tastooto at St, thgetwo soya *4 too MORI to Awl • , ,to • • ' ft, • • 0 • 4 • • • • rtanrwr.tak,nan,•te.trasert deve, • -,had 601 in/re:Sit tittr itart4Iwg:1484.11414 Adv!plit8i°'utI itins,vro 0.14,1,n nor 'Wavist;iae , °I3m. our after ant,",147°'4 4 S • athi 'thetriend - • , .a„iter I g ettiTingS,X' tO,01‘ •C4".1 . taken. ..e•awp,• • „ • • ietely,4isaPPeax .1,0„int 14VMU, Tesi** ctt Coast itt to • • atilLitweamo‘a , ibouramada °tau** of eorftioo, 1 !!" • 4 Vf_?" 4 e 4:0/A 11114 !„4!,?ifiy„, 411:1 • tiv 1 •1:?': Pitt° o 4 0 Vag (4fit:Pulf .11,11,7:1:1)7; - 4 ••• -r• , t• rth 77, I • r logoomoraee tight in tortfoo(ut eyes bow Coodyrart's VerUlt.WAY traction litopaalthir • backwardorsidawata • Wyo. they *at ararranit*-14•Imatio lootaanoportiot **err solkoheost • *all be 444wen yoga oletvef'oita assa , 4t_ Irt". 4160•0. • t . PIM # •,7•1 # WI • • • • , - • ! ° • tits, • to . ?It .„