HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-05-28, Page 7Of ALGIERS -(Contblued tron PAP 3)' the surface, in sollti rO4, and 1 W linagine there Are Mile* ef thee tate' 0t\i)$' band ictli maD1 year AP. They were.' need 'asa retreat tor the early Oh4stlans when they were being reeeuted, And until,_104 N"Cevo ied barit41 giatind by the trehotte44,140.,to$00 ilk Wended our *zt, TN-1mA linteret,,e,c(of,414g Pr) Aqt of icieorte•4;;4N141,,e0 . ‘. „ . 141mitod V.*.ing St, West, 10rortoo at the „ 'ot Agrioltur urial; We guldeand,' 4:40111O•''014;Ilt inet 01I1' Atit. 110-16),t r .attor.,.: ..it *.AW,0144.1ark 4044 SpOOkY, ney yet „It. wits latitig',Ottatteted..O*, . ter than: ,many. • were 13ipoo*,borri400...7,(:iapitaate eWers,-. etherwite-: I:4Ortt '41114i • infwre drit fU1C."‘vq.4 14.41„EalgOe4tett .*anY*., .0400 ,10,,t :Witk'.0tril.*;.'t$S,', "4'0140- *:..gtOntri•conitt,..nht Withont"'' "nt•tlot?000 7144 • '.teStinten4"-- -hat were :no Tflltls vIttu OooO4.1', -'040044,, eorp.Se,'"f.• FIVere, 41,1t ...tugged .:Witit.7.the w11fu\ .sosesesistet0 atit$1.1.1,$90);\. (piws `, 1st( im,,joipasdali Tooliplastt $9.10; (ptus 0vwrn1.fit lax $50.0001-3965), " ?Illo4 SP 1.41thldtOS Cseesa $14.0117,3',' 4t1ee oywi..stl lax DO,titet6111653/...041-. 1014160se* DO J.:6Si* • glikos,."-:44.41/110.111400., *4116.0,411 sit**.stersilfa(ceessi ' FolS'0610. to V0e* is.olote oiiJftraRiP0(ISIIoCoSb yow.AlI 0-Stne-es0440.10ealolitotintioltia*,'04400.00,.. b‘0300. Aol$0.0000410.6.esia..,640161itioisheleitieseeekdosetkiasseitsesusit; a...bl....liel#1010 *We ;10004,4sivilealiVe0,01101e4alielslilldess .0;0100 letattleie* rico eleilliSlide *WO co* • loi11,06M11 11 -SAW 010,•11 $44-',414ked " Pie* lnclol p.rchassf. • , , ' 14trioa1 tliat-1o.St, i* *otitis Mut,,s0N.titOJORS.P •C,AtIki.41k LIMITED. TIlburv OsIA HIM -WAY ur° YOU bay Year 1937 ear .Seleetis Autoirt!tic Shift triAlonai itt small avant 041 00 all 194iladsona and TeinOviell here were also .13,0**4*- *tioa of *eildeitee„ •• ' box 'was a i'VrOnt 41**14 the sOetaeemhso. Merder:Of Samuel Craig, and At is alsti 111 'There Ira4.4, soctton ±Ormaltst 4,141ty.' 114$0,* ,0331.was • Lott*: genini9.5. " • tless;4.an'd ione-'40ttvik: *Ma" roerYed ft p t ltd4pinair. bur" 14. *Ade, PrJa.e.eas The tat* were weArIn0 osarhint and '•S'Praneta the re their. ion, Or0V01$4, 4044t,gg. OW4*. -oral) that , herabro Is' he 'Shouted to ily „ot few 0 Moatoi$ earenta.. 5MrsW. 'Ur* rtabor 444 311$ ;toted to $t,rarttrOill(, :4),1#14 'Aetaar,' Or Toro weelc-enkt-with' Ilitcle -entuU 'T*435TOWn1ed penta few dal* Oi lag,- week.' .renewing ,a114 144r#.„ PalOttt, rstipOlt spent tt.C, .11011,441$ ,thett rOpeet hoxnes anl,'••Aehileitt,' lAiSs gill,roy,. or Ataiklmit‘ guest ret. 'Ur! and A,;.'Iratisttait over tito-K,,wok,einl, * Urclitod MTS. Wilt rto California; are visiting With tike tin* ,e's 'Mother sod brother 'here* Nivt20. rfrinoner„ •orlfAitottenor, As. spending a few dales.ets. • hOttit.' here. - • • ' • Qatte a numhei en3oyei1 the Program Over (110,4 on. '1010.aYs' Vol400.4 • Bey. George WYlle Wait trffie Nit, it, AIM lost a TAIWIDlitt 4:0W ini"' Pft're Ohiied 141a' MAW' 444' tbeal*. "SO .YOti"'".re ' the' rott vigilantes, are 1$0018',,bir 4tikedea1n ''''‘,Who4/to v101'0 .that? •Thel,* .are ten 'ti4, befreeinIALIX to 1,000 4Yte.,,,a4110„::n014-1.01,,,tr:1w144,,O.,...411'44-Volari,1%tor40..1.0y44.1`. :ranYrthltni4g *0V,14,0"4411.10 .1t0N"44 #.11,10 S'Or 811 *ay*: Siona11y.e0rees 044 -Rot '.4es'y -g•ovil °A hi's Men XS angrily "idnildng 1100 .01:0'cerPSe0- . pointiug to the yigilatitit 'enief. V#- h. . It 1 Nv ' ' ' ' • f - . ...„0, t_,01 NU ed Monrea.es, hieh IS '4 JO thin , t#0,7 , g0i1), M. aab..or'0: , 14 - rolerroo. It 14' noted' here. fliA.1 maYhe Seale trito 0% . tor Ito wonderful ovosro, ollit IS Bert Steulthers--1' .4 . . • ",, - -0ifige. Two Men, With guns out of walls are 4,' 41100 niidtag.* b14 the'. Joe Gooels' Seized his tipperthnity' their belster0. readA 0teed guard in coUtpletei/ ,Inkald. *WA go . duringieduringthe eXeiteMent to -Mitke n Wild front of the .door.. It Wee thorough. Foto was an. altar which gdot;hot: dash. Hie,. Qek4d aside. .t*0 et the 1,y oparetit. ttkat the riders; of Dot e were ih etinunand of the situation weighed lenS,'•and It was Or 604 $I- men -beside 11 1112 -41od: got to 'the rePes. .-t yeap to bu ,v.er, It took *.t.wenty...„rild 00exi grabbed him ;andsIsuried him 'Itt 00,11,0elty WAY, and NI* eseitete 'thisNvlitq cathedral," h • was bekun.:- in bad; int4 the cleared:sPate. BOt lee their forenia.4., wes le -.Charge.. NU:Ws sysess„,x aaee ,,seass ea esessifr ,eleSeelles' esaedes spurt had necomplished erte re,leellorerftiorebd oituttea.ndit orvsdletrh: to", sinesli,l, on this trip; 'ItOin St, Peter's of Itente thing for him -L -1w had get hold•er a rigt down the and the.Vaticalx h:line,gu :n. from one Of the raen vvito .grappled hombres: Start the game and open thI hviat , TIM. not attempt . to deSerihe With bine torn IC:swiftly from its the bar. Boldness 11.9 usual. - This s -se value of any one is be- esasseSs • --' -,. •• - , - here effair'll be over pretty eon as" ' i 4:n141 eeMprehension. ' "Xebody tricks roe!". he yelledhis There wasi , ' t' iiilb,- to the bet anti ' We then' drove to a grotto Whiela is eyes wed.. eoehoeght ssou could get ,t0 P110 garablieg tables. Nick Goiter feet 1.5011 asp•.on top of a .12111. it rid o' me like thatoliti you, 'Reitman .. escorted Natalie Ciraig nut of the re. meant driving six Miles. up a winding, Riss's you-sysie and your fake, ,vi,is rormteammdottlite4.tinye Ntg,fsueneer:1 Osttstriele, sivoli‘evroet 61114eintlillsoe.4.,..t. .-'1171tIel=rrnien4atri4eisOse%or°11.1..r1.4esest)::44 44tis.-1-4--ifillat9SS,4--.;:n-WaK14011,49SsaW,/:011.gisegs:p:P,te.stirsesirgat :ottil,(4,1-timote,,,iif;t41;e4a61.6sttsvilt(is1171t.thasr,egner‘tovattit; ev044gte. 401t!.',dl'Sre bnua robed vlgltantes rnnrehed on•Jowerd: the aooy. Zto e itoor, looked aehort.P.ttirenill' Oethee11371°°01g11 Illfteant happenings.-. grant* Of BOX C men had roto .toutuAn, itt tont aiut Were IrastlIng AIM roegblyssinte hiS Suodisys- The XatIng,PeOple's tniei M Sunday evening as Us4als *r*. !, to: Nernighan, .of Torstatt gave 'aJcsis. eXeellent address. Speehti UM* tratiA • rentleeeil. ' • A number from Bentoillertotrr - tbe, tea -meeting 'And conCert at- Nile, on Metidey \night and repOrt. OA tithe. • • • Dt•Pilser-401tOOSE A. hanging* electric- light bowl in the, pol.ice. office it -the court house?' for litany weeks a target for penny-pitekt- Ing. •ofteers, county officials and. news- papermen, Was 'emptied, the• othei day, , When the -, stenographer cow- pla.ined the light was -insufficient on dall days, .and, the coplents were turned over to Adjutant Purdy, of the Salvation' Arrny. Tile howl contained elghtY-Six. cents, and this was built up • CRRAP[Atd' Ko;;CAltgligg. • TAW Islet Vim sum a $1:25 before It was donafell,- ' Another campaign was launched on Xuesdt.ty, , "You have:my Sympat113', alf1 nian'” Whyli" 11y wife has a .new hat— Bald she's calling on your wife tontor.• row." , . wkixTpcuulteli, May 24.--Mis and Mrs...Alfred „.ayjor, of Chatham, spent Sunday at the homes of Mr. George .Naylor awl. Mr. 13. S. Naylor. Mr...and Xtr-i.'IrVin audsltoss, a Belfeet, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Purdon, b‘rlday last. " ' Mrs. B. S. Naylor and M. Fred Newman „motered to Handiton ' on Saturday and 'visited at the home a Mr. and • Mrs. Hendershott. Mrs. .Newman and her little datighter, who have beeu there for some weeks,.re. turned home with them. Varnishes. Paints c_< —117s)„Enarnels.Wax 0 lk °U,0I 114 Ott In, young ehildree•COO oi-4,o1d is .ziat a ,thing to be liiregarded, ai,s it a Often A grate ;natter; and unless -attended to at. once may cause fieri01111 trouble,. ' ' . .. .... . . On the &et sign of it tough or te,id tile mothet Will find in; Dr. Wood'a Norway kite Syrup just the remedy required. . . . Its PltraPttit88 alla effelthreivtims sisr )6osening tie .phlegm is such that the trouble May be checked be - ford anything of a iierionS **attire acts in. ' Children like it;. takis it Withotit ittiy` frit& Etrsons who know, of Godetich Old BOS;$ or Ofrit at St diatartee ire United 'to 'in the name and adtiress *a belovi 114 milt to Oft, W. Ill, CfALLOW. doderich, Ontario, Addinall ...,01,14.111.41.:M11,1611 1141,01.1.4411,111.1114.6•11, 71,13: lint- ettikble .the Oaratilttoe to send *4 iiiiitatiOn due coniSe ..Anniversary services wilt, be held in the United church here on Sunday, June 1.6jeleklettv. ictilirSoidK.ifirnse-- Haws, --- ettourdssm- - es, • A.M1=G4lre=alte'nf•-sras . . sbc)t Joe Gooelea gun efattered , . _ Palerma Was the first Italian eity isited and we found it full of sta. to the floor, he started to sway, then Ph 1rougIVIt nth Itepthan';, tnen made we v , pitehed: forward ou his face on, the no move. They were disetlowerted, did eel,- rough board floorings • .. not understand the situation fulls .. diets with dezens a different types of tainly isirovss IsesV.te dress. his men. I. CHAPTER XIX. The vigilantes were. Rellman's men, attra'etiSe uelforms. iratigines ninny would enlist to get a The Road Home \ teo, had always been generisily un- ck. derstood, ,they .ssssmed to have, gorgeous uniform, AWL§ Wour0) screamed, then surged f°r"- .. Pete "Wilmot found Isinaseitt turned, shirt pasade,,wiiiit; we were Ore.,.._ansis ward - seized and held, ungentty.s„,ne...esoss_slegas-eseaskilled rind his body removee. times, • and. his dving con.f&elint-loid...itecused the Fastist was' • g. NO\ 'many Will *rite- you later about my geu- erat. Impreeslons-ot Italy, but seelltse It to say that this cotatry is literaity alive with uniformed men. ,The streets of ;Palermo are eonspl, cuouS by :their cleanliness. They ac- tually sshine in plaees. • There seems to be no speed limit for ears, a$ we were going forty-five to fifty 'miles per 'hour a14iig , main streets. Ass in Lisbon, the drivers take a keen de- light in making asmuchnoise as pos- siblewith their automobile hares. Palermo is noted for its attractive horses and wag.Ons They doll their hoses up with all kinds of decorations and their' funny little carts are all painted with 'many colored stente paintings. Even- the farmers' wagous Ined%orfttedwith bright, Picture's. TheeoicrillelabTa*R...*bg of their iota; whipe, though, is iinVitett4Pst„,, ears. Pa'ver-ywhere we go tbe native$ seem to spot us as Americane and "think that We are loaded down with money. I have yet, to find 12 place where tee American dollar Is not accepted glad- ly, s.ometiraes without any discourit. I have been using Ameriean Expross traveller's cheques, at,tol the tourist lira of Italy. • • Tourist Trado,.Cwitivated The greatest soui.ge. of Wealth. of Italy, at present, IS the .tourist, and we are catered to. The hotels, al- though full, all reteive grants from the Government- and se,. fates are kept down., This attracts:the tourlet, Who spends his money 'freely On. tbe MahY interestieg thtngs he•kieeS. Our par- ty .alione must have spent thousands. Before entering Italy you have to make a declaration of all the foreign eurrenry„ that you have, YOR1 the4 clean out. your .poeleeta andflet them count it. 'Upon lesetyig the country you eannot take any -Italian, .money with you, and' mutt het.'have. more fo- reign money than when you entered it. This is Utnesoll.0.1's metlied, of 'keeping the money in the- 'cinintry, Judging from the ettruber Of tieldteteitt Antis form tie will need it,'Aithatigh they gct onry one ilra (bc) a day while in Te 75,000 Men he ha S in spitite get` $1 a dal. Well, this letter is long etieetth• 10;tivi Paris tehight for London 4114 tue COettiAtiona WIU Writes Yott nett' about Naples, Itts Vezitkelife,Ilie tidbit f 4loon*cii, the begatiful. , B4y Ofs Naples, Amalfi drieesiand ptissibly the Isle of Capri. ainst ltetlnuin Toe OnOch tered heti stormed, called on ids own men in Valli. Those W1410 were not being watched, who, were able. to go to lite asaistance, fetrred, to- tio_ao nosv, -Men leaped to Joe Gooch. They tuned him over, held up his head. The Shot had- struck him in the .breast, and the wound was mortal.' He opened his eyes to find a vigilaute hood in front of thew, to find two glitteving eye* looking into his own. "Got me:" Gooch choked, a glaze beginning to film his es. ev"Done f Jr $ • Me, blast him!" The vigilante nodded. "Yes, you're done for, Gooch. Got anything ti 64Y?" -1.-1 k1i1ed Craig—Itel1man--er- dered-7 "He was going to frame Stummeir In the sudden quiet of the room a pin could have been beard to drop. 'Ine vigilante hurried his queries. „Did bia...,send,rlake Wells to Darcy?" Ails); Winnifred Farrier, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.' W. R. Farrier, and she and Miss Oilve visited With Jr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston, of Cedar 4 Valley, aud with Goderich friends on, Saturday - Fifty -eight schools competed at the recent Huron county musical festival at Clinton, and Master Clifford Far- rier is to be congratulated 011 reedit ingifirst place In the boys' solo class. He has received his diploma. Mr. Bert Cullimoro was the accompanist. Clifford is a pupil of Mr. A.• E. Cook of Westfield. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke, of Am- beratburg, spent the weak -end with .her &tiler, Mr. Itobeit Carrick. s -{Mise Clarence Cox left last Thurs- day for treatment in Victoria hasp!. tal, London., 11It. and ' MM. 'Russel Reid, of Brantford, spent the week -end here with hie =Others Mrs. A. Reid. s Mr; and Mrs. ten )4eCienaghan and family spent Sunday with ,,Sir. and Mrs. rred\ Ciiibert, of Listowel. • Mr. and Nirs. Jasper MeBrIeri, of Amtiobrbuetrt Usrsp,nlit ti3841ennd.alsn tIvIvelthvillabl ge". Mr. anfl Um. 1110111 Whotnpson, Of Alton, Spent the week -end *Ith -ber parents, Mr. and Me. Arthur Worst. Children "Astray..•,This community ' eVereetii141,;tihgtletliteit ,WariLerndthat:nSunday tbe two °taught -OK Violet- °and Kathleen.' !of Mr.. and lira. 114 Brill had wan- dered Into the briah and'inid7netliebil seen 6140 .10 ais'is A' 3eare1-041... was formed that went through the neighboring woods, but the two were located, completely' trinied-lirOnnd, on Ithe 1(ith tontesslon,. of West WaWit- 000, near the, gate of the farm owned by .[rs. Satter Taylor, and were re- turned to their tuition -Is parents, If '1 were you."' a jeweller adviSed, it youth"I Wouldn't' bate %eat& to hit dearest .Alice engraved on the , ling. ;If Aliee ehangete'ber Minds you 'Can't „ tiSe the, ring again." :VI:tat .wesdii you suggest?", asked the, Ming man. I ;would suggest tbe words, ,'George to his lint said only loves." ••••etko...0,bars., or did Was Darcy a etti, Reitman unjustly say so?" •Darey—always minute, Rellman sore—Darey wouldn't—cheat Stunt- mel—ItelInfan wanted—percentage1 winniu's " •A dozen men heard the huskily rasped statements. Reitman was lyeis lowing that it was ofl lies, fighting in an effort to get free, until be wits thrown into a chair and held there, one man half tivottling him to keep him quiet. Joe qootb's eyelids were ,flickering, he was gasping. The end twin near now. But there must be one more question asked --must be! The vigilante hent nearer. "There's something else from a long time ago, Gooch. Who killed Diamond Dan, over In Redwood?" Gooch's eyes ailekered upward in a question sec surprise, Wit Last 'aired)? astorashThent. Men had to bend for- WArd eagerly to hear his answer. "Slick—Townsend shots -Reitman tuade—hlroe-1-4odkout..... Refill= '44:ot4ier narae—" He gasped 'and (+eked, managed to get otft but two other %Inds which to ail the listening men save. the 'vigilante pier were enigma. Ilest slim Darcy understood, and It those two'. Words ,was cleared pp for him n. mystery he had feared not to solve. Jose 000eh's dying words were: ."Hair—roots—" Reitman of instigating the murder of Sam Craig. Men begen thinking that (}Iles -It would not he advontageons to show partiality for-Iteliniaii-- itOW.'- • • The vigilantes baieappeared. Gold Roek's night life tureen again is lomat. Only Relltnan wiid ;foe Ceeeits were. missing. the • tettston But the guards remained in front of the ottlee ddor, add two more were posted otItside by the' window. Pete Belltuan eottld be heard bellowing eurses•and threats In 4ihr office.. The affairs of the resort hall swung into their usual tontine., when sudden- ly there wats a .eomtnotion at the door. Three, nten inirst in, thrusting tht...it Wily through the crowd. They were dressed' in black end had hoods OVer their ,Ittia(1P, a different type of ,hoods from those used byrhe vigilantes. Withoot speaking, they stalked to the' head of the bar, and one of thein leaped up on it, standing to filee the crowd. All :three of the men had weapons, but they rentained in hol- sters, The crowd '-111, • the saloon .40eeed dead Atilt. rooted to the spot. dealing cards were suRended ilansite "f4 the man on the bar ut- in naidirt*, tered bls fintt snteasel" he "Gentlemen, attention' iss it, erits. 1. ",We are the 1flOOfltjre anybody waists to know. act to announce that the money and dust taken from Bellmrices safe, and oleo .frour the stage strong box, le In fi safe place. We,„have used only a few dollars of it for expenses. Sine the most of it eame from Reitman and was the game as stolen, I Suggest that rwe make a fund of it and appoint a committee of goodcitizens to deal out the filed for wherever, it's most needed." "Who are you'?" a voice -cried from the edge of the erowd. • The man on the; bar geetured, and Hisao& toek off his hood and. put bn the bat be (serried. Atibther gesture, and 13art did the same. Only a few there knew them. They had me been prominent in the camp. "Yeale but who are you?" Darcy lifted hia hands fl 1141 toes; off his hood, to throw it down on the door, ' 'tor cl JIM:" The cry was "ta.keu tip to snov6 ins a. repetitivewave ofun- belief and wonderment- all over the room. "Lord jim DareY 1" ..nere wag) aluIek eta mpede ,a way from the bar. A nubs believed dead was suddenly before them. Nobody believed that a ghost could conduce himself ae. Darcy had drew, but there was something aneanny oboist- it. See- ing him there was as Rhea:. Then he gave that peculiar, strange smile that everybody knew, and they crowded forward, tbe dlinee-hall girls the men lolvrling at him. hurling astonished questions. "Oh, rtrt alive all right:" Darcy (Tied. "These boys here with me Will tell yon all about it. - I've gst other business Plitt nOW!" * A FORMER E310DRRiECit ,TEACHER The Saekittoon Star-PhoiniX Of re- cent date tontatas a likeness of Miss Vietorist Miners, B.A., 13. Ed., M Ed,, who has received, the degree. of /fas- ter of Education at the. -University of Saskatchewan. Miss Ulnas is the'. first woman and the seeond person to receive 'this degree at Sitakatehewari. She VI te. former .igirt„. .0f...the Exeter district who genie Year0 age WAS -an the stag' of tietorta 'public school in Goderiele She is new prinelprd of One of the 1,ub1k 4409is at Saska- toon., The vigilante chief atood up. "Joe i;leoeb, the killer of Sam Craig, ifi dead," he reported. "A good many of you heard les confession: The trial is ended." "How about Rellman?" somebody In the eroWd Shoute(L • "Everything will be attended ie. One side; please." The crowd parted to make a lane, and tbe vigilantes started down it Ur •Ward the front door. In from Inc Street rushed -A -half dozen enravd men. a "What's goin' on bete?" • the for -- most one shouted. "Who're these hombres in the hoods? We're the real vigilantes: We got caught, and hound • Kellogg's Rice-Krispiis cost so. little—for so much! Yet-they'm really delicious. And so cridp- they crackle in milk or cream— Toasted rice bubbles, reatly to serve. Easily(digested. Elam good with fruit or honey' added... At groce.rs everymhert. Sertea by restaurants. A Mother Conic,. stofy panel on every package.. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Quality guaranteed. SO CRISP they testuolty crackle in milt, ur I'SThe Signal -Star clubbing rat, 4 and Rave money. . . t,) 4d -r *t.WAI.drs, OF*(t., Obit' 144bW1I't' so J4RD!! 1401 ot45,7t tOs.Etcorit) -4er,7164,004' MY Asor "A`WitrztKiVia 1o1 LIFE ..:114A1: MAY 1OUR ARM ACT 614003/4X.A0StAteek 'AP TAXES ALL 114e. ovr Aem! Labk %*1.1.14140Mi Se it. owbeFFraME E omit) 1141 t.O4IE,A Y.