HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-05-28, Page 311* P •,0 .An EmpIe OtT1,00 was 1144, at , ieteria0 ,ifehetti ',ea" grida7 , , • 'Oternoon, wlth More than 'three 41144 red" children gathered la 0)4 :101,0r hall to take Part In a 'Patrietis, erannatratiOn,. Stonehouse Oal-riaan, The fro wit t 4114-4Witgt4" Cana4a,!' alter nith two'petViet xeadlngawerer Oven ,,146-- Betty. ;lean ellee and Istrellie, Fettertfens. duet Wagt‘'sung bi-4-two-VixtlergaPtett OttiSilst, ,Cetherlee, Cott and Edward lenkln$ and nage, eYee, wInner e 'Clinton fatale 'festival sal* a • ,Uer, P4')'**, Ube gave an IntereStIng talk o11 Itte -Oritish and .the proceedings were, .'brought to a toiose With the singing of -the National —A Viiit to the *,fr. Earl , Ellie -write* to ,hIS filth* ehant two feet In width., these ,t'%, gutott>, tro# Stresa,, natives Arai** but they are ..Te4.111,, 1st 4ttlienS At44 4escent..Thoy r have their own` ttuarterS molt tholniaude. are 'huddled togetOr le: tit4 ,11,0414 Of ieyerai hundred chielta, on the:north sidf, of end Gardens 10 1110 intriOv"C0a1O:ot vVlarif,'Oelleve it Men in Uniforrnor not;',ht.ave estahlialled''S'401.41 fre. ct.443xt' tor tortmt to the *liter 1' "e:tut - flUsLULO 04014 which ltegieut:' the ater,, DIONNE Q:0114S rftWE ON QUAKER OATS Mothers Lftgod to Follow Doctors' Example one Ns.cls 3;Pu dIcOvi$ 60-10r41'la'1 ivratiputi1-rnanosi000%. •that help. yoog 1d, combat .,Ttsr rt• ,u h,d".4.- , • )-7aers0 4 in ilettliern Italy at „ a gorgeous VOW "NV:114),fif "..sk UlASSelinfsand several. fes relgtIkdigtittari-Sa lived and beld their '1,StreSa Ceafeienee"'Ss. eouPle, of yeare n&o. The betel overlooks the beentls uI X41114o‘ lsfagglare) eui the other aide of whielli a couple of Inlies distant* T*0 a whole range of snow-capPe4 moontains, -0411410.ln trent of the hotel is g 44 of eeldrs from the beaus "trees' In -the prden t00.; x.aa,k itght iIithVor;::MOtireVil4Meltioreouununt •th4t...eans'04siblYbe.' Itaagl-ned; The Arab :i'volg.0.14',Actiolf*'.0ostitix*,',1141* to Weer APOut:ilfty per cent Were theln. Vsnelt, native ,.eaa.` have harens; of ' tour., 1: would he safe ill -eeVeUtIIIVe per cent.' Of Alienl,shoWed';visible Signs 'of Suffering we were at 'the'ROYfii• Panleli,An' Ven- Iee. It 10',40 .muralaen:: Walls and OilAnga., Well, let' me take you '41/tier% which .. -ie Frettels city‘ in. Alger*, ill Northern Africa,' 4rOPPc4,144 hot-446'ot .1.;30a.m.' and, went:to,Shere by a ' .war- 'bridges * •Gt°,1c very carefolkTf, The e ,T$010‘and.h.large natneit '"Canada' All the streeta:Are-on the 14114 received..„'The previotis higu. was:last aneher 11,$1; 31111441'-..k Sid Od. QUO' StreaMS Waters feakr when -the sttm et• $15 was col - from -vile diseases.. - ,‘We fassed through :this. maze ot .narrow .streets and „creaked,- passages Lor 'nearly On: -.attl,stho aec- 1104 densely ,portu a to keep -from touching theSe eretiture% 0 .hullslinge7 -8,1* attest two steries dro\Faed yet. • *1'40, 14.4elleva, these 'dailag arnphibious cblekS are endeavoring to follow the lead ot their, Orial. 404 Silt% 'The chicks arevient to Scratch" ,aloutthe shttre of..$nog Al4ltor, and it waS-Wkite; 04. Oat there 04q-,j04014on, tiorteed the -water, near Shore few' guile'. were picking, op •minuow$, He was ahoot to go the aid' of. the chick' when he saw a#Other. scamper Madly ever.the. pebbles encl.:hurl Itself Into the .shallow water, The pair or chl,elm 'floundered. around for a time; filtliVeci, UP by their .downy feathers, and -then seramblesi ashore. Leonard 0Sis' it is .not unusual to gee *sits in the water, and node hail 1404 and the son never gets to the toadwaY, os the .narrow streets pre- vent it. .There Is .an entire absence of.saultary copditieas and these streets are used for eVerArthing--,and I Mean everything, -We hadt0 Pick oursteps 4 _di o of lelue Lane, Phireleal, training tor ,at the Velleglate' obr( 4oyeAtr ,g,41,4 44404014, 'the nwly- dorated .f(tr': gether 0,47 'Party Thursday, la tste loane *uPP.1114g: the , ate ieromsniment,,, ithrougiv the 410100* 'of°, tolk. au ban'4040.0 an4, .tstleir. 444 *. ployeit coverat, rotor gn:ixie0. Ot:-sligolta, interest waS: an„exhibitiort, •of. tike and.-VarW *Ant' ,101".§..tnes, he, get-together WAS' eabeitided the serving' �f • 'oioewato MU and „ „The party was the' official opening of the ;gYulnaeiOni 4111001 ita Moves tion. , The tilling alUI 4,4ekbeards are etealn, Wells arevlastered -0.14 Metal tixtureS done in. alutOutuu, ,Doors %Int windows are greys Tne 'entire gymnaahno h41,14.10$ Is JOined 't0 tile *4001 'by. -Short tuns nel,, also has been Insulated against summer's- heat .and wInter'a cold., S. A. TAO DAN 4110E1IPTS GROCOS TO CLOSE, TOO ation Army, annonneea the •tall day Ille'tentent* and for tor the Adjutant Byron: rordy,, .of the Sal- The greeers have joined the weekly held on Saturday exceeded bis hopes remainder of the totoMer menthe will and established an allstime 'record for close at noon 44J11 Wednesday, except tag contributions here, 682,45 being in weeks in. Which, there Is a bothitti. • -• VETEISINARV lav at auay dtt Purdy on we got -askew w.e round the *102 Are poured Into therefrom above, .aud lec 4, Assisting Aitialt 'otehs,tn-evislenees-_s-AIVth,e-AraS „itirthirwater..ratiosdown.a..gusiothe. atl1XdaY.-;--Were Pertly, airs. WITH .Q.uaflE'.04211: ck Ipm•saistoelltlik's'r-4044n1titiottitertiOlos •.,00ttstlessets or 62 -different- mute urclo. See •,:lf;k6,; SOK.* for',fletails ,of how-to seta 4;07,9( •,-,t1OStsusItst ISsiboekS. „ . 0 mit.,..,togethei4vith,44$14_„-ark. , s, • yiarstittir'QF rafeNestislier- , gr-treesers, ur meruS au ---tot*".-conaitt. orb Ss'-'Steet-Attideeretttryss'alW.Reisis took us jj :automoblles 011 9. tour 1 - the .eity...4 city:: a ,c9ntras‘ 40ors , wute.h, ny tue. way. *Hiked nue ' yrixie.tie:tel.heera,Ptt 1-30.1.1nDlonar; aCilt(tipt.D°E1*. took a peep into some. of the e'pen. all' of Goderithi„Cant. W. Gammon, A 03e tfirkible Vane that strike you in the small • of the back, right over the .1radners, are nothing • *ores than a, cry for help fromsthese organs. . 'Thefts &di pains Shistp pains and (stick -twinges polutto3iii'fact that your Ici'dneyS need attention, • . . Dosti"-s-Iran—ey Pills -help to Sake out the stitches, . twitches, twinges,.,Slimbei. :tip the stiff back, ilia, give relief and comfort to • those who suffer - •• Troia Wesks b.m0 and Aebin-gbAeless . . Alg119': °An' 4est* 'deorlbed as 'a consist of oike'.0#hy little roOM With city of contrasts..- The guldetfirst took little More than A:bed In. its Goods us to the National Experimental BO. were being sold; and to give you an taniiiilsbarderts.-. All kinds of trees idea here is whatmost of, die butcher,: and flowers were growing luxuriantly shops had, for sale: Itottea meat Over many heves. • The paint, rubber, that smelled to high heaven; the ih- haMbots and euealyptes trees de4r-, testines and entrails of chiChena, whicll. ished, while One cactus 1 saw mist ,ati old are a delitacy S hundreds have been twentysfiv4- feet tall. We. thea drdve atouad the newer section' of the eity and found wonderful mod- ern - apartments. These buildings would do justiee to.any•elty in,Canada. lt n Ite side of a huge Algiers is hai o t hill, so we went well up it and got a line " Panetainie view. We got out of .the cars ' there and: were adviSed . by the guide to Watch our Step and our money. Before, we, knew it We had enterea a narrow -Street about four or "five feet Wide. Sometimes it was onist ofbeeps-feet with the wool; and boas - still on them; bladders and ancient:led • tripe. Really s- your dog would turn 111 at,:the thought- of it. • All I %have • said IS absolutely, true and I. eeold say melt meres.but we did, eventually. land at a square near the edge of this native section. Deformed 'beggars were *Itching every- where and snarled- If they were not helped.*, We were advised to leave theta alone. I thresy down a cigarette butt,. and Goodale and Lieut. IP. riend of 4ea- tOrth. • - about a - dozen ten -year-old . b07,si positicin of being both a lawyer and 'pounced ensit; . Vhei.ptisaed it around 'pastor ef First Bletitailist ehurch ,In and.soon I was surrounded by a how - ,Angeles. He was accompanied to -ling meb of boys wanting a cigarette. A. policemati happened .along andt witha of r si`billy". g . the Free Meth t e .aroderichsobveny, his fatter, who at the (is er and legislator '•o - of • ty-Six is an active min - the use ohis oon scatter them. - dist Church on this continent , Ent:miter With aeggate The forceful speaker took as his I went Into one store and bought a •text. verse 5 or Psalm 93, "Holiness fez and bartered' two e onekaz - - - 8 °f becometh . Thine house, 0 Lord, tor - cigarettes find 50 cents for an Arab evdr.,, Ile declared that the failure sword that I was asked $4.50 for. I - of various religious sects had been , • in the other and the fez on my head. • on- this contitient and that their fail - witnessed by a large number of people had a camera in one hand, the sivord A. diseased veiled woman beggar stuck tire had been a, great disappointment you dare give throughout Canada and the United get some money . II to hundreds of 'men and women out her hand covered with sores to a thing yeti are mobbed by others, so States. Mr. Watson blamed the ie - 1 shook my bead. As quick as a dognitiOn of "quality" before holiness , terrible cat call let fly. / saw it cow. for the downfall, of unsuccessful; res flash she. closed her fist and with a ligtous bodies. "If it were not for $hi ing and •ducked my head. e 41dn't,, this fact there could be one great went into the next door, which Was religion of today needs a holy centre, - miss me by an Inch. I 'turned' and antranvet bn 04e rut. -wttiett eoverd .and a moral centre will. provide for A.rabiark mosque, ani in my hurry 'm- telling you a holy centre. Without a moral nearly all the room. I -sever tramp on a rug in a mosque centre fraternity is .substituted for with your shoes on. Several. of oar fidelity, generosity is substituted -for ustice, love is substituted for trut party had their pocket s picked. ?jh, The Arabs' method of doing business Much- of the holiness today is nothiag is to ask about five dines vvhat they more than an admiration society. We say t hope to get for any article. It is a that holiness Ls a lovely thing, a case of beating them down. They thing to be admired, and when it will do any_thing or igarettesand f_c, coraes to carrying It through we sometimes back UP; smokes are very expensive in Algiers. „I got a carton of ten ptlekages for $1 Religion requires a'positive preadi; in Gibraltar and took them to Algiers. lag against wrong. That is What - I had a lot of fun bartering with.. causes wars, and religion Is something thew. ' Even at that it is almost imighting wrong. Holiness never - of a war, something that is continual: the - possible to break even. ly l.. I could go on and tell you plenty surrenders. Holy oeople are natural don't keep holy about. this dreadful place, but it is born fighters. If you. tate in , the Morn-soonPe be ing, far.. Switzerland. . fighting among thetu.selv. es °pie fighting- Against sin they will ate and 1 leave earl "did When I 'got to tlif beat after see-' ddeac, -. obstacle. Theie Is ii0 ' stleir thttig- tsi every . r*,,Teedless. to, say, the iirsrthihk I lilbig 12"Ylin"$ will ("ere°llie Rev. CA. Watson of 'Loa Angela Officiates at Seriice on ..111±...arssia -"Quality is being put above holiness today," declared Rev. C. A. Watsonof Los Angeles; California. preaching at the dedication service als the Free Methodist church on Sunday Morning. Mr. Watsoa occupies the unusual dual DR. 0. ES. Mina% UX., Se° s ssItEORMARV...01711440tts,-,,,- Grodttate or the tinisietaity ofsTosson and graduate 'of the pistol° Veterinary College. Office on Kingston street aerose from 4. Calvin' Otto's stre., Phone 200W. Ont&to St. Mber Olittbroeirs Me with, Toronto, Caul LEGAL CARDS " 01443444, neer , Kunl 4aLita arrlater Selieitere tin Life Eldg. iititzet, tetsacci virtirria. Telephone t Zialh 63 Toronto g. fl1WOL3 tkamlituome., 'ogiRoPeAtrion. 4}Tia Vsamroarr, wrest= Equipped-Ivith olootro-diunloo, Electrorl.1C 01o:trio treatment and chin* Prae/le. ChM*, orilarde and 'rterVente dissetteceS Latlys ill attendance. Ocs _ hours 2 to 5 and 7 to a VA. on TUesdays ?rldayan4 Saturday, itikt ets Wednni- day 9 ' to -12 *an, • orgy. Consultation MOO be had by appointment, 'Modal and.thlkratio et-lintebelL 1.61. ' X, ATMISCA - residence 0414. - alto, corner of South Street .and Brt4 ,Phont 341,. MEDICALs, DR.F. J.. It; ?OitsiOtt. NOSE, THR047.. Late liottse Surgedo New York Orpth- thalmit and Aural itospitsl, sosistant at Moorektle10 2.Styez.210epltal • 0,114 00144111 SqbarlitTbieg 'ileatiitair Landon, Eng- ..13""SaterlooSt. tisti 'itelted'.11114eisugtPralledor' d. Tele- phone 261. • Next visit Bedford Hotel, Oodserieh. Wefteeday afternoon and. evening, June 30th,- from 2.00 to 8.30 p.m. only. aVEMOMIA-Vresitlent, 1ex. Brow* too. soatoth VIce-tresidenk Thos. Mdylosi. Settfortlif Esocr.toisr, IL At Aeld, Selitertb. 0011001004410Xi BreAdE00Ii, roe** forth; Jertle$ ebeldlre _Wireltoni; WIIIISID _Londesboro; sOurio; Ieotbardt, Dublin;--'.iiii.700Miliol;tY.--tkoderieln io& -- stiestorth: W. It. Ardlibil: Seatorth; Alex. lvlawips. Blyth; Ironic V.(40reSpr " UST ''or Acams—rmdred Ckxlerleh R. R. 1:4stmeit Wett, Min*: John E. reppo. Eruceseid. R. R. No. '14, NV:Member, Dublin. E. it, No. I: Chu. P. iltewitt. Kincardine; muth, 'llorn.holtn, B. R. No. . , , day 'Wit Via I was iiilitt a 'Sfilt'' t,detit a ladyi; fio*rer • gatderi. As 'I Was leaving' slit old ‘11.Lirilit, for being. Sto ca.refiti . Of.,,MY ebOsintliemunit«. ' . .0 • 14 4,1)itit!i iii-ottial. it,' inOrtt: !I, said.!Otit't pet of my job to be oateini; Betides, I got a gitdert.att.itonie myself, so I know holy yott feel abottt It: s - ' ' rste been deibig tileptititte Work in Oils' part of two. tor fteat yea's. Ilioat ,erei7bOdy idoiolts nit tb.* teloplone man. I liOpe '016y:it:OW thiy -COA trot the to be oatetio, 01 *elf prOperty." 4 V , Oita, ;a porconil'ittterect itt,tytiled Of telepbone eraployeeil . iii, th ittitoe ,totiv4 up oitcr A, to -0,4 of Yeat* Olai WI* tnalg6 !irfe aticiettti dependable, and a pleatat Ovule. ,yottitei „ bah- 'and sitet After the sermon the church trus cour, 'and -- Ing Algiers was to have a thorough clothes. • S7 ' 43°Ine clean lee5, HT: wmuna Itivers, Mrs. Clark_ - ,,,,,, Will...tell you about Valenti°, Sicily, and Mrs. II. A. Moriatt, wife of • the p ,, pastor, advanced to the altar rail, In mg next letter. . , 14 " TrAirtaterif . Palings where the, dedicatory vows were ad - The . 'Another letter tea* Mr. Elliott, ministered by Mr Watson, who) also written at karts, is dated. May Sth: offered the dedieatory prayer. ... you l gave yOu DV impreSsions of assisted afr. Watson in the service. Rertv!!I.II.VitikittiltiatilatTit.otfh:riztroardstrtonrd, Deer DMI, --The 'last time I wrote • Algiers.' I will nets give Yeti A little Previous to. the regular period of wor- large elty ,on the °Italian .161,and of .the thee meaa-bers as the church and; ship a love feast was bold its vrhleh idea of that I fsensisin Felon:to, a situated on the side of,h1lis that I am of the Province took part. numbers of -visitors from varioes parts Skill. SO Many of these. cities are afraid I Am, going to havedifficulty distingutgbittg the fr4m the ether ""'"'"""1""'"'• when sorting out my snaps. How- -. ever, t have bought hundreds of col- ored postcards alt along the way and -that will helpme. vire' landed at .Patertno about mid- afternoon. Ileres as in Azores, LisJ bon, Gibraltar and Algiers, the na- tives eonte crowding out In is rowboats full of goods to Belt They throw a line up to tomeoine on deck. On tee' other end of the rope Is a baskst. ‘‘, tou then yell .down t' them what yon 11 `Want 10 buy. trp collies the basket for the Money. -1,iien you lower it and when your purehOe it Put into the basket yOti again Olt it AP. The's/ haveuaerteoryiro everything for Ate from wreket e itt tl 6 lt tto la the C ' e Atter doking it,kalerra0 *we 'got in t s 010/ 4 'lio2%age TEIOVIAS 01114DItT & SON. . Live Stook and General . Atictioneers Elgin Ave., ,Goderick - • Thies. made everywhere and all efforts made t� give you satisfaction. ° leatiners' .e41s Note*, .disemulted. Phone 116 A WHIM WELL CONDUOTITD, 60/1VIENIETI1, osoosea lee ROOST HOTEL -410 WITS' IBATII wrote roe rewire • TAX& Ai DE LUXE TAXI. 'FROM DEPOT 011 WNAl?-4I. How times change! In the old days a girl WaS afraid to, do as ske Pleased until she. got married. . , PICOBA - PIPE 'TOBACCO FOR A MILD.COOL. SMOKE • aiyi$ IfOLC PROOF :OF. AUL% BASIC* .SERVICE - for-CoMOUtio__ ' florae Heir/ger/Wait.-- 1. GREATER Itt.1010.111 GREATE111 STORASE.ABILITY 3. so*** litoucT4sp.ni 4. GREATEi 110E1111,ASILITY .- 5. taut* latE.Asum - 001y,roztomag hAsvitt 040 'OW Went &St unde,‘ Oitint Artirinela, '.1);o10* -.(000thit04 COTS CIJPIUNT -'k* COSIToTHE OIIEL Simplest refriges.. ting itsaboutitor ever, hiiiiti Gives SUPER•IntrYstt Orating ,saving: 5sE hiE MOO, with an actual eleettie mete test. , • COME 1I4 OW SEE NOW INO CAN MAKE • ANIAZINIA 11AV1KOS SY ROVING THIS WAYtoo Pito°, t - NEWINSTANTCUREMELIFASE IN EVERY la TRAY Only frisidialts Has iti Instindy releases keocubes trot* tray, two or dozen at a time. Yields 20% +meteice by ending, faucetmeltage waste, COM* in ‘04 tee its quick, (lay attiott.