HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-05-21, Page 8,whleJi buk ud a rands, *itt, toss by the Du3Inun , P to Ottecit per f uf VOtint tiCIVAIK*4 IhY thezu *ttra venes lotion*, eiu auci pow auy betered au weft towel*. for xlio.tiveo gata mirror;oVer the tatiln O all, Member* of tIe hou$01th rif iou It $11. ate fittnit'•which,H t r,ly. sod .40esaoL pernilt # . Parties, rem :Beigrave appeared fore the moil' asking that they ru- a dechilett given at * peIaI .,doeeting .of conceitheld on- April tvire$10g; the 'Installing .of oaf* 11100 In t1nt tritiago„,444014. botb „te tompora or tiniieOE a, to .tlw nOglat. "part ot thts .mat.tgr. , e.fleeite romie1 betore any .rther ..eetlen• wont& the% ,pinions... 'Of .01,101tor would 1$0.,01),tittoott 'As.. to the toWnship`s • Said street 1100. ' '• ‘., „ ..„ to the Moto* of nd 4 1 i0 oportpnity for .splaslitl d filatures miten the thower en. * ' 147, be iiled,any ,netidrabewitit Le pftper ro. eire°04 :)°Z' may a*tolhitt.,11,trwiitr4 nd 'a 1 to t Wall35 'CI of 001,0f n141 e1eited recordlng secreta London 00000 W.LS. of the United Chureli meeting at l'atir Street VOW' g ondOok.00 1?r1d440',-iast ' , *Presenting 4.St. 4310Orges, lic i,hurcb at a meeting of the tlie 0000 of Rurodi at St. London, tbLs Wee Calder, ItrA people's warden; litr4 8, Platt,. "Y .was ofspeclai Interest.,.. al '114:11:!.**11#,..1°:4Otr.1,:: :'tlie::'3V'''' 0 :.:14*.tott'iotlttt!'"1o. 0 tetlillt :0. '0:: rea,,,,. .,,•111,4-1(0 ,, tz Iwas1-'14.*',tit:-:* and Loii 400'''' 0014 to ,,,,b014 40Xt.:',at ' -Ill. r tib' ':'' Yoi4Y, 400., " • o reg 014 r, -Monthly meeting of the Evening..—Auxlliarl. will _ ,Sundy '4090 .t.0.0M, of the ehureb. The, and the chapter of.the Stitat 'bOok.W411', *.t in l'o.':*tiaa-.)44,,...14040-0.4i..; was IiId at orth atreet;itriiited •elinrch on Sunday mornlug, in whlck4 fuU led In;',04*:: .ser- vbe. • tVii0 eliolr ung 414'.0.0vp.and• Mr. Cee.11;,,IAtteidg0,atift, 4fre R. .1.1.r,.:rizoor• 44ttig 700404'74:01.4'.sernouin •The„At A. o St.* 4.3101' ° 001*.,A4 inontlily met1ng en Tuesday, 4tk the Gufld room A. re' port of 00littiiit,,k,40.010totart of tho Whielt.:.*40::00tered'.:reOntlt at I,oznon, .'waagiven by, the 'delegates Wbo4,ttta4gft,.'3104 '.0.•0410* llutritt and Canon' *1841000 _address on bis VrOtlt.'.on the 1$100,4 reserve at Parflet014.'Alta.,,' , , . Otliti$,and Daugbter”:nlgb t etheine.or the Aitunt Monday evening In MO'jeotuzect0 Knox ehureh 1,F. tch wns attend over 100 memberait t 0„Madelelne Ltpt o he qunt1Uei he human syeteek but no haa a wider vitamin -content thnz • 1•*g§f .e,entain vitamins 14'..Bi azul, tittontlAt'A 404 of bones ki ° of Asirit:et:81 rnt:11:4t14441t4tf4111.,t114:1:' te• r :Q.rxutittlur4011441)1:11,4110:0,140°tioc;%er:Zttlwidek o 4t1 '°re." e'4'ntitt.„ 1$ r et esent ,in moderate tiliankt Eg • CroqwttN S., request for 11 (I)ZLath)fl In##A$lrandQ" Of U0,1#';'.t1414)::'‘A:Mirtt;.4YY4:1'#10V144kt'y4401464.1;i4t,ef:g.)7-4,:thilel „keep of thi0.::,c0Oteq,•,10.rilteseuted. Jor .cenaideratien,„ PV.rehentetirea, 4I1111( were.present and gave n lemon- tration of the -*Ork doiie liy‘,:ettple, citIm1ug 'that :printing .(..toata.•,,ceold..,be reduced .eettelderahl).,' zi the ,toWnsilip. tltrough. the we Or one :..�f.-4,1„,eoO, 'Vonn4; liowever, do not, .,1e#1"04(4:,,oif4gi4g:,14, the; '''.1nizttla; ,,,: b4oues$,:- 444 ftwo‘ .,Purchase, of, machine as 'demonstratedr Wilt, not .be 000stoei$for tlie present nt noY rate, AMbei Of„,,t0ad' ,aceonnt, lnelud- repairs to cruslier, amounting -in ,....ad'svertilitnt,..$2,4o,,, add' ndjouriied tomeet 4 Y.41104 ordlnfl lep*14 butt • cop •;110or 0white itook 'k of 3 eggs tale • .•l'Oltch eggs,And,'elrY en tow *44. „floor' *44, ,gradually tlie steel. eue„Mbnite-, acct.,eooL Cover eg;is wlth inixtore,. reit, 'Are,'• bre .,, rntaba.' and ','egg, agatiV, reit* erumbs,. try7 in 000 Ink. and .,dralki4-00,brown paper. 11i0,,.:10040•000*„ ,047,Je served', with a tlitiii.4000;, :014 equnl part of whlta and eream, and:, seasoning, with grated '.lieeseri'.,#alt, and paprika,„ o: , •' ,liosoliikot: roll s ss„n .,.. , . , ,. : , „ ;toni4t0Os',':,-. 0704.1.1.4).:',10.000so,, ' tabaespoo, O.I.igat,,.,.. V.104t*,ri 1.,••Cleri,' tablespoonsbutter „ . , 1" sliee 'onton' - teaspoon 4. 'ASO • ArA n 0 b ve ardwood, tloOr ra s r Apply .(Z0WA .VIncnt street,. • one l8„ 11T' 0 zeiZ anstv<$.011h1)00,rger,',1,044PtsP,,,,It'oltto9tr'.41;epti,0140 '4f7l'atge°°14141411)114'x'It. VTH „tte,14:4$11:itor:r:y1'14°4364:1:°1:1;z'041:1").0°0'041:S:ir'114., -or 4°4' st room 1 8 and Utcrdert corner 'react ,40d lain 4,0.1 * n '45 g as t it: oppositelofl.:14ts1431' e Thos.4,2 .11111:7,A3::436 .w;t214:2, 'iot$440etif.*0:t,,e..:- 414g: 11 Ms. M, 1304an Mrs. poemXul s,on, ther,' r wIth a PlanOr:s01' tbe :)1%talier. „igarv;O:i!iiii6te.rOt ieId at Lond� woe, •*141t lac ectca:10,.y4.40 • .to',:.tlie'./31.10Y.t.e4t,:,. the ,andiOnge*: '41,ter?.tlie ciesoi:of .meet.tag 'Mothers, ;thlioed.,4,01#,.1;•101t-ho0t;tpg0t1i0t. , ANTED, talttot, 641* of';eldetli.. gentleman! cbiefly' at ht, State " wage, e • ' ,Wr te pox -,10, isglavsti- • *:::,_15L -fir -4;-• sit .0 .;an „. Uosen, peartd tOr,01;- ,t1K 6.1i#01.1, ,41til regard lingoOr. -$0.**„ road. '11fty' stated. . qitit It 1. the °cool& coulU .see fit li to 11,rxe. ,444.01,41.:414,jh.er.,,w0n1tt,4* .,preciate'a.:,40itation*.totlietp,Oy, fl ;ion of a 12O debt for trucklng. and 40 defra. oSt of *our-, 3 Ing a,.,$.4400'',4r04044, thi':otopi#4;,.,':Mr; OsenS.Alit xettd;',;#.'iietteif rom,„..thetr, he eouncll's taking.over. the *Otitinget' (1 • *Witting titot".,thio Inxb a40(4.,;i tot - " littAviAL litittlt, not 6.xtetiC VOrttnit New . itd. *:did. you thiuk 0t1 ,P013tion„ latfi„,:thindttii4 jenesr, ,„„:•lifra; "Beautiful, *find .so ineimettte, -11,tre, didWt .know wliat sin will: until' you .canie * When ' ttlitioiloiioe or noweiff rot. dquets • to, 'rltot0,' ,eivi.0.riatite4.1 gat.. 4eneto often., grow, tficioe 'it. special,' Place. -,•00ualit 4, .of tile vege- table patch. or 4 to* at the back may be reserved lot this 'purpose, Isom* Welt -designed beds .cit. mixed 40041* are spoiled If too , many 'dower*, are Pleked,,,.**1 then *gain there are ear• taIz thlup like 'esteet peas, for lye that have little attractive fol. but beairt1101, blooms:. These :Might .14 welt grOy, ott behind the regular bed*. • .• Suitable iloirerE for cutting are as follows; • ,Thtfarf—Pisdales, .gitetattlutbak, lattrif, ,gt*Ida, 01104104 ' - liediuth...44,1ostues, ktunlaa* Poi) ett* scabies*, sweet. 1;stas,. aster, coretVals, dtanttam,- Mignonette, Stocks, schistantlins, • • T1. 'Very ion; stemdied(littdiolits :larkspur, stiaparigasis, dahlia*, 'ati losalet thrpianthenitude, ,babyta th, sunflower, lupine, Vine" I a to oioticiett our an rt. In epp..4citeuto ef tog, atirkieg it, 'owe hg touh to *of, fence of verandah, tut Othe'r Is a Intstakett Idea -harnitui to brhk �r cue work, but, there are , tlit utiktia wiAlt1,1 rting iv* for . con - alb:. tinder •-,theser green D*nUK are 14. to be an'excell atat of preservation. Aside trots. the *et -that Climbers add little troable to the job Of Shah* the ettaidwork *road doors and-whitiows,, authorities eishis. that 'there ire herstrol *tette Whatever, but on the ether hoed. there are several telsetase 11*2 .tsivaistava, „A liotise, e -Walls. well *Oen with, Boston Ivy . the, Older seetiOna: of'Cinada the -,haidlet, hlg type- of Virginia .creetier; lntieh 00Ier hot.iteather, fel! the sim- ple .,reason, that 'sun does not reach: heatitbs,Orbing,,brick- or atone As. for verandalite the ',advantage :la :shade. COolneas and privacy Oat :natural Wiens: :tee °WOO, to need detailed eXplattation. • • •%nett, As hoot •perman'ent mat- eriel at the deposal of ;the: gardener, 1n the. manlier districts Of Oinada, eloSe ding, 0Oston try .vtith Its Sloes* „green' foliage summer, which turns to, a:brilliant red • after, the first, frost Is an 1404 elimber for walls or building*, .,T4thef the Irirents ottioq, *Wok ,toriottaier *44; (141404 In, both aelf and types, It the Obit,: 'aentheriy.: 1040.: of lot .944 .v0at toneeeslen,„ he4: $0)41:' the ifOngture. tligteof :the. 'easteililitait„,01 the '',1.10041 Presby- try1,Proljeit)ri' " Mr 1Weereath'.aPPeated before the 0401 :04,14 lor'Aen 'dnya-:,* Which to pay the;:bnla4ee Of money due oa 100t purchased bit,,Or,',Ot 'A/cc:FOUL- '44areti- 'Wo3ted retinesting,:, them te." everything pOssibtein, Co-operating .With,the town etilintell*,•to,,,aboli*,ber,erage- roOnl lit 06derlelt, • . , T31144)1.44k* Vhtit tono.011 #04: at • hientsetung' exorable *, ,iOts Ortr which„gr, Ogre:et - Vyndall-N rty4.,: 'that a a 010,4. eotopo vlinfehes, of #leglrOs or :abolishing - , _ _ .boverage- room* 431oderic4„ •' iel'ftblado-VhIslwlm .That e� vi$14-0,4 aSseasmeut toli. be held 4*m:1404r:it-I :ritidatroOlthelm ..artint ;eollettora time: ettended one toOnth:::, The following 'Xfatenient for •, April was *dyed. from tile clIector: •.penditY scOliteted, •$.31•148 „ftaxeSC returned , tOuntli, . Oats :paid eounty,, ;41.00, he clerk 'was, Instructed to, retUVO' 11 Itailtine**bl111:14 Afzi r4.'Ir‘tiox,•"Aloo, • oopri cot,- .reSidUttion re beverage roots& Vretuditer • reeeived *WO ...from dolt terhale',OrIst 1/4, lot 5.80 in eguie- t4ry4, Trfolaitatoliatiti. That road ani& orintendehea vouchers, and other ac - ft. is,* .quicker grower when owe .tounta,, ex ItaXter;a" tind„, IT. tOstablished :And WIll cover 'will up.. Halting* . o liftr'*44"alaty torts Dutch, -load - atiperluterale 4ttel1ere, itn's tP1Pe, tenraPet Vine and /elematie $258.44i '1); ',1Lf Vet* for wegit sotto, $64T. 4.1tCiai baud* of :mot etre. suitable tor, . Verandahs, rIieae should 1#04tOistzi on trellblee or 'other Priort. Vbeyhive attratiire flow- ers : and effective follaget evee14117 tb float taro in the group.. t0t10k. garil.hei, should be very iptednetlife. Affairs, and, from * ttou of ati Atte of'ea' Itid tor thne th $1i14- le expected *$ Watild result /row .tr abatiav-art*--usifter .-0,rdinary tonditiona** Where space 1* Ill*: ited it Is poesible to grow. two ems, Yen in thoeertious or4Cawda lief* the somso sealant is inelided to be Short Zile Is done, by planting VOW* of Iketf ssatty att* like 3ettuto, radish and apistach, In ter maturing vegotables ant .teassattoes4 131 the time t *inning to 1***1 full room, tke ftret named grOup WM be ueed" and expenses, ..t10; T. 1V,,tra,fgle, public IlabilltY instirance. $85 'Wm, Igttllovi;, ma 0100.. $01, tioartg molt et goattii. Inanant, etiloivitwritbiatio Thatcountil adjourn to meet June fith, at 1.p.m„ Wt FOLIZOWS, '` with, Irel44!-,-, . 06, co eggs : ta,..itSeranthled tllis... popper.; then thc4en'144141.11 rea 6Nmtek.Z . ' it." PAU/ Scramble, Sloniox:1.1:xi,,t4tsal*,;--:' oexs.pent-.., ay °447/ja4 44°'‘44"' Corn, 0000°11,4 A.a ti'' *1040 parsley,', . ,. oilgreen peas. of '. Aist, ,I)0,, Used "'ll4Ste4tt in- stead e'i a ma be uxde orinfa.4merel)Jirtnorx4 entree ;FARMER N UNDER PLI Long Available to Fariner� forMny • ImPrOvemients Pinfabing ,etialpment: , All =tures permanently 4004110, water .1 anOir system, 4v110; elsterns,,. water. tanks, Vanity, Windmills. „ .13011t4re washtnias Water •beating " equipment. Ater supply and! sewage „Oen* te,pitblie I MAN' WANTED "T eharge �f kitehen Ma&c- olf Club for the monthsiof 4une, ud August . Apply 1111S. GA:Tr, aith.st, Phone 121 Ogg*to left at c' kind leve- igoity4 otote Shop • NE on *dub of work.:°v4elltteceive prompt St., opposlte tten is., io-a- .6)044....11:Eilr,,Ertrot, Werag0 dl$P0sa". I..* optic otelo, • aela 4ros,:iii3Ot41.1:13414tovvitle.i3:?or equieat pment), te s";:. 0. t. og k a* tr: Itailiatien,', 'valves and acceorles,- part of ,jie'atinit. trete*, Auttirdatie' heat eentrOrdiWetc thermOtitatshtpasurestats; etc. „ lJnIt.'heaters, permadently. 1 led heit-,tirculatingdet.iteal.'„if Private lighting• and: power: plants. Electric light and power conneet.leas on "farmers! ,property to .power lines; -Vire sprinkler 'systems. •.• „ woattolierr =prong' ga.nd. ;lee. „ Ice -making piantK. . Fitted stookofdoorg Arid 014, screen, Barn pens,.. ,etat1,4 outonst, and troughs, water, troughs, It buitt4o. . ' `. ,ZAttritoyo ter‘ ha!, t,racks. and 03system Grain ,itat fruit Oonveyors, tiniest' arain..elevitors.. • • k*.i1 xuiils, storagevats,incubators liechatiletti cream eepaftetors,'if bliPlit'iiniti$* nen imitott' ma- chine. ,. Llghtnlng rod, Ped lawn .e.Ortaltkr and irrigation aye Additions to and bdildidg ot.6110,N baths, ' Ah6aa And other farniOn. .„ , ew garage, Addition to 4:W4ding*, elitist rood,* or separateSOO 4- .1t,tlit°11146.(1:Dem::itituchfoetslir:oettf vousi'd,,,bxdo‘ 04011dingeltin' d(laatiltro.)' .000i or -Iiiogg rAIY,41r4.2.;,97J,‘, TUE', * *:1,ifeWillnnejt :C411(4/:x044,1in 'take this !AVMs of express- ing . their heartfelt: gratittnie ' to 7 the ':and .eieighbors. for their 'kindness' during their recent bereave- meit through the- loss of a.,10iing ind- ent TheY. wish, 'also to. thaolt 411 wh sent 'lleivetb and loaned' the • of Priuceu t Ooroii*- rd party t,the hall rtd*y Teat. OW ootott persous ,attade& The hall attractively attic*** With dell and buMing restrict on a laindooste, *tart Of litt# )44Seities I Of b&hat4 ftoL 1„ WOtthY mistress of Primes* Wry La. pree1ded. lodges were 3tao Lodge, two,dinia#r and. ca on North street on r f the Aid 0 tat Atm 1* 310111 at Italpit Otters on ThursdaS, itTth, A Atirtititi 1»' Jean Orlce B 'Atka 'barber shop Tune tad. oPPOrntratent,„,phoile J. E. Meta at 000, The aervlces on 'Sunday net Raltation Atmy Will be tonatteted bv Itin,Vey Obit erode% of Vondett. This 11 the atuturst and.at the evetaing sistet,litg the altar. Serfle. ittit be held. Dr. BL lifers*, isas ottice groat Hatailten street red* *treat fro* zy, rb tea otwers AO* , . $310..g o$-* 40:6txit(t4,,. Court orPeitsiott to bear :;444' f10.040.tho ,toiosatittitaiionstr,O,te a*, i;etismt*t beheld 00;114.0004 rflt0e!' Tay Opeifees: all:,,:„:00itneSvIlter appeals. ,should„ be. Mailed, • to th4, .,„-Undersigned'iletlatet. than 'Uti7 parties tseessed' fer 'deg* that , have alne07:.been: • trOlvd,. must, iettirn.----theitag47..0:_be eseceso • t000ksok Mork, 124-0. BE. 2, 011nton. :4000E: 041t000110:' NoV00TO prt1t4T0xts. , OT10E 15.,01111011V: OX,V1W to,ait persona halting, ant Willi' AVtintit' the estate of.lkfargiret:'tllxabettt'.0ameron.. late' of the Teisd.„.,..of 4lotierleh 'In' the County .Of tiatelt,, who (ilea on of about tlie 4th dor' of fay A 04- 1031,' as: on :and After tbat date the mitate will be distrIbnted' ; among the 'WW1*, entitled thereto,:ihaving regord.ortlY to _pte;,014-101`trof which- they have:. notice; .IJAM AT tiCititittOrl this 49t11 thny of May. A D. 1037 TIAYS & BAYS, 00detieb;..,'Ontario ,;$01ititots- for the .1xectot'-7-Acteim- 10.410,2o. „ modernMeanS eye* setvice,We teethe that *Very ,case 15 `age t* and tgqn1res Indkidual 'st tOte wlth ino.dern Oluhr21014.; res'ettanteii-444 044ies-Aktol at, rissatruttied- prices. C tonotosk•yea, and 0p1101511 '0„ fiery e people 11#a • Mabe stkuMpet Cot 'Maiden .Aunt (toher nephe*,, poor :Pre/teller) 4Jams, why' Yon inter the ministry" ileeause,Z Waa ailed, he answer, . , said the,,oldIad ,,stlitiottet,_ lt wastil,a0Me Oth0,4i' . A61$6 yi:itt„ heard'?" , NOTICE! The Aett meethig of Iluron county ;Council be )1014, 14 the tailor „ coinolenelat '•11.1EITAX., • 4tr,SIII Chataberk- Court Sense., Godetieli. On, 1st, 107, at 2. p.m. All .terouttap.pctteee or deliptttettotti, opireitroi-e-ititt---Ottor 001rIng attentlOn or: Connell Istleo14-be itt the hands, of, the :`.elerlt, by. %ay 30tb., 0:01XE In the Matter of tbe eetate ot Irfahot, late., of the towdt, netk In,thec6ittiel of Hu- ron, marrled worean, detatied.. lirottee Is berehl given pursuant to the statute* in that behalf that, all Persona li*ving doling • against the tetatte Of the said :trances J. thilier, deceased, Who 'Med on or *best the .141i dar:of Jul', ,LD., 2914, are te- trairad-to terwara ttietr. etaln* dul P0 ven to the utiolersistied selleitots, tw, ofl se Wore- the *tit ita), 114110.4. • JOST, slier which date the admit& Will pooled, to diatribe* the, estabe Wing '110ra *AV to sited be. o Oult, the dais* of