HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-05-21, Page 610ast
Atgroccre Served
teatattran,ta, and 1;0444
Mother every': rt6ertguilst°174(1.1r1ItediCe'T '
Iogg in 1,00(104,
r. S, Ioy ..1.-31rt, E.
hes accureiX a peattlon 10the
at, Loutlelhoro and. he Oct. )airs.
Ieft la st,' *reek ": for 131,1114 where
will!. reside or the present.
numIer *On .here attended tlie
tival ,held, at 'Clinton, last
Some of the ,,fitiolls-lrom the
ril ere .epug In -elierio.; Florence
erson , Wig solo, :and, .1 'Grace
therhind and Gladyt NO lit tang-
10itz Sundar morning.
riday evening at 8 o'clock pre.
-Service Will. -he 'conducted.
Ounvalug, a fortag,r pas -
ow of AVAlten, ,
AIe:•Attirdief'..Of -iToronto r %va,.
vialtor" withbet parents,.
•-*(44. Aohlitson. Woods.
can 3IeAWey, . of raramenot#
was a cent wttli Mr. and Mr.
JoIn Swan and 'gr,,.;
Urs. D. Todd -is,. a visitor 'With ' hot
,daughtet,:, Uya4 D. J. IkietatOhi. iV,1107
1411440,-' luteresting lantern feet414,..
'From the. ,Od 00.1,neland., .the ;
NoW.4° non-.4glOka"
.4.ioroos In Canada,wasthe inain feat-
ure :of Ofe.,-mOtitlit.,'of .the',-.XtrXr.;on,
$11 da$'orenint Iona Swan read the,
. ..
SoriPture letSon and Gordon Milier
faNered...vrith a tole,
Mother's Deb' $4,0fii40.4retheeti
of tbe4iervloo was "Ready .to
vozo,, Taylor ''read storZ. .P1046' T-)6..
TIOOsek'Y'a014 .."The King's
Vagf4",, WAS the title of one .read:by
carbline Ainaphrey,..Mrs." Ainlrew
,Gauat, ,sang an appxoprioto,
"Seaga li,Y*.311otiter Sang," and Bey.
147. AL Wright addreati,c,
•n» iluty',, on. goods • 'Oetuin;
u or,g0P4 out. ;oz 'Olbraltar and everl.,
thing14:'extremelt cheap, • We •gottla
et all "minds et Zogit$h ot,Amerigim
,p"garette# rauen eheaver than IR the,
conntele,S,', that made rtie;a, • AlaOr
rtfelek :such at ***rat, pipef, eteip
were 'about linif prlce.•
We were taken on a tour OZ thelettt
zul. X never was :SO' 'Proud pt. bei'g
Sr,ttisb, .as was ,wheli, 44*the tor.
thltatlensk and'•;;t,he: itoigovenIca
44,034•....the..1141.tIsh, PovorOhoOt...for
the-elort th%. in -
British -Gnat 09,01014014- the 1#11
There are two: and *half inaerc og•
unnele ,through, the- reek, 4)4.•• koltr•
111.4(i,4014 inc tliat there- 4;01;41141,04
ot cannons,Aretally amtaiShert la.the
r414 as. wen -40.thoso. open to. vIeiv
These gnn$, could corer every inett of
WashtiluV, May 17.
.1/14p4,...'o ,Tor.Oute,,
151'' IStre. lIugJi Davidson an Xoy.
I:i.e.:110 at 1`,1* home or Mr. and
Davidaeu over the :week,euilk '
Mlss Alfee 4:oval*, of Toronto,
er :lVtr;";'Z-
.t7 attietiliteit funeral of )10.
lat Mrs. 44,4f4 Mkeubead at Art„04e1.4,:
St Thitridatio „
ra, MOO* Visited .NiFilth*.relatives
at AUeipit Over the: Week -end '
• :Ur,. $44 NallUter, or. Detreltk ,at
1!31•404 :the ra*eu,c0hTtil nuptials 404
vIstd .relattims' lest week.
M. and Atrsk-lAilln.nr Stewart ,atut
,14*41o, of •440,O0ch.r' slMot
Patilt tha-hOnlef Of Mr. arni Mrs.
•Arbor , DAY. was Celebrnted%404J141.00
vales tta4',
adea....,displiteect pentand Peu011a; add:
utterC*.diapliteed, elateOlothe.„,; Ote,,
,tebOoi 'natl.yard. present a tidy ApPea14:.
the viOrk was completekt,„,
;Miss ;.McItwain provided eaudY and
,peitz1nt$4 ' -
rrenr.01,.opptsunets, 'p.I.ea.ty of 'flak.
willOW* thia ,comminitty th.1#
Year. , •\„'
he .stralt in thne at trouble, • There Marloiti Porter,Arnoin and
'ereA few IlattlefihIP,44 and.,..aeOPlaelea T.nrze Rnnt Sunda' In Stanley town
fn port, but not,matiy,„„
No wdlis 4.)t...S.Pri/40 were APA.,
TO, time',the water, suppl was a ser-,
Eons • problem. ' The' Brltish, GIOVerao-:
`Went :then. seleOte(X 'Iliateaon ithe,,aiCio,
of the ,roOlg'• and bunt 2,e0nOrete. 'Pt,* 04g;
turfaeet, that ce%'...Or ab�ut torZ.Y. Acres
in area, • These are .taliert .•
niteirtsfr' • • .Tlietrain'taliS,:on,:thl*:',ect
efete; aS' on 4 roof of a,bouse, the
romp ,40wn .-IatO7nlarge ..trckfOis;j0;e000`
4 a o eye •
• t 1 great 'te4tmllliOn;gallOn....,ieservoirIn tbe boart ofthls
.gieut reek of tkIhralt4r; It_abSoOls
enough mlueral''Iron, the Ittaeston*,
is plped in the usoit
*0- Iciiing E,45.4
,Q0010 t.,
• Atial.3.atfariSioprcos•ima4;floPersoiloi •
• tailt1}0.81,13400 0,610 At Aro oproxlmatit/ mac
• ErrAlltDAIO 5.1.43P4110 C4.11.8 at 100 appiotigiately jug poring*.
. . „. ,
100S1.0# ACCOMMOD.Ari* 140-,cAits iiOortIoNat.,
ship at •the home or ',Ur, and . Mta,
EL -
gin Per_ter., ,
Clellients was in Toronto
last Week •
Union church Notes.—Last VrIdaY
evening ,the.nolmesrille list -tett,
*10110 li'nloolg,P,11,4ttlInion,chureli.'
xt young • ' w pre
About sl , ptioxiie were s-
WttcOnled' the fientt‘ after 'whieh`-)04-'
"Orkin Trewarthtiook-elnitge-2-orthn'
meeting, and Miss 'Charlotte "27renar.
tha was 'the organist., A duet,
Zorcl' Croatl*V''Iftis sang :by -Mrs;
Edward ovigg And lilts Edna Thillet•
*ik* Yi'7,;prauge--;--reti,:.
'Sweet teatei,ibe,f4ift, of :Gorlirs x,ovo,!'
ooq, . .
..01,hroltar• haffi' it Setal.,:itroplr,41.•: Ornate Leiatire
and- 0/0 different' varieties ° .111;v6r18. Wan taken bY..$114i 'Alma'.'TPeti,a/1-11('""
.h,tivo-;been -Itstr-turientit -*ore-givn
e -by
: i)iit‘'.ecl ,ateitnil* the.,(nerth, end; -a reati,w
'Qf 01.61raltar*, .1),,asAel.., tbarbed Orga.04."-'hy
tit gletueitt With..,4,0*kral young o1" ,jso$0,. goo. Ootter;,,••aad.;,-"fistrumeutia:
diets (not ttilt10,) keeping guard. ,Inuabers)W OorcloU alid,LlOyfl Stook.
eattle to gate'.- where Tho'uteetleg Wail-A:084'10th 111 414''
. .
1101)46 'thilkeisotter '.14'-'61:4 conducted several games
*side of the gate were General .11 and teatestt. f which lunch Was
Versoon we y
it vsere on guard. pat :fragedtetion,
;tetirtt.),c11:if:. dna' 4.4,reOb:srrot.i?.outte, 7:6351,Pdt .4th ots.,
were getting:their' 1..enIe' !,1*- on Sunday, delivering 11,01itterxincig onx,iistehtdideit•
16 "it "tb'sit'6** Hugh 1 t
'':tjerl.eirentag, brought
seldlers doing ,seboys t d and 4 ,p1;ettaau ,wusosi,
lad" member and was til6St 111111-Ovii. d who art tU"i' Lord? whom thou. Perse!'
The 'Britih pOlicenian was. a br::ettri
r, e e ton Jesus .w
tiS do AnYthiPg for -11
11,0PUr May „
yterlaf, meeting of the 'Women
I1ssloa4i7 Society of the Pre4140,0
o Ataitland :mat in Clhabnerfr chard;
":41;iteeliuiehk • Oti Tuesday, .kair••••'
There yrAa.,a good AttentIrtnee, •
f,the morning sessloa,,reporta were
Pre$Outct by th,P,',,s,tagtarito' of t)4•4
•var1,9*'? departments. These were
*-0.4t.•• oloullzak.14'41100st*very, #.erart.,
*01* toliorking' taarliv4,'progress
Greetings of 4410;04 • ',.'Presbytery,
whieh. was- In wssflIgat-the',-841nellmok,
were ',eonv'eYett...te,t4e, ptosbi0F44'..l.
Xtef4 11Ohn. X7'0110C1r. . , : , •
At the afternO0a,'*01ell. an 1;tel,..;'.
eating nildres4p was ;even .•by ..'"4XISs
Alarr,,X1.1104., Anders*. On her„, wovlz
4nOnt the 1'oreil01'•itt'*XPh.eg-
Tlie Ethel•'..$6efett
4ritatlo*X0 :the .L.net annual, Pvesbyter-
Tlie report
ati9u0.:Wa$. presented, ,h$• -,Mrs. tC
WhInney.ot 'Duagagnon:'. :'• In thlSk,
thanks were the 1*.e4,14
.$$'1000,01 WAs.:.teAdeiett te.0 Al* farally.
of the. late *14( .qpnt..10riii... PamP401V of
1.4oleaWertittloyaltY-iaati anlvart. Were,
11$1.1.t4d 40 in .'W,Oni* in their. 'Werl5
for *1.0100 04, ,to. all Pisoloiltile.B,
for ,fhelt: '.4erviOot loyalty afld
„...ktite,0100.*S.,00*.ett -10_11(0-ea#0.
aOnsort.' 'Owen
tt. ;better Ol),....c.nt.Pee, Of '• Sabbath ,
Pay: w4a-10044 the foOkoi
ber of dltforook in Canada was de: -
lore& apsl-vret,eik„Wthe too -tree = against
thg of...ateelrelle', hev''.era 084. Sympathy
was olottitsii4,.,vtfloi,the catise - of
'peace -and tile furtlierance of. good-.
will tliroughout 'the world. -.
to go about twenty 'feet into Span
. ad Bay we . were euteett° it it hard for thee to kick
1°1 torrItnrY, ° ot• , ugalast the Ptick•8 (Acts
in Sp4n. .'Thrte Of , . trta
ers ,Posed ne .toO'k their, P • ANGLICANomEN ATtlEir
, t
hires. • , troto% BlaeXttOtie„ Oreent 0.
stop after Gibraltar vits Deo**, Laymen'Aaso.
-Y - the up , .
AtellgiteTrPsut ttatia itn 311! 1.1 e, 1et cannottt. rt PtPa'14ed' at 'a Pleating' of •"114•,,,
siihI itvire'e'tt011tin: 70111: WS41-1121C't'..14::ree'licoliudgrh^' A*St$ciail*4 'at '131t4' :FridaY- last"
Out of it to know some people
*;191110.04,1240. 7:.
he':billeera for 10.477; as follows,
were installed' pi', 'ger.'A. Leggatt,
ix4ii.loTt(roe of m'Aittkotr ;Py'60,bytery
president, 407.$, Strachallf
Brussels; ,president,Uris,',IC MacLean,.
Winghanil vieepreaideitit liars •3.
Iiiii*laterTeeaWaterr- 241-.1rice-pres14-
dent; 3rd
114)133 1",,, '40 ,-.rice-president;.,
Ditvidgen Dungannon- ..13th *ice r
'dent afa'S.
,..lugh44;;• Vrese- secretary, : . Qlive..
ottk,..1gnevalei convenerot nolnInat4
ing . . .,,
cprn*ittcet 'Mrs.' ',Ill, .' :Ng PAT,
The rngtaum.,4$1,0131en Bund: won '.t,lie
aWar11: .for the .•hIghilt: • row** '.,' Air`.,
.04tIoii for ilt4,',handtvOrk„'r4,.'• '-.The. riires,„ •
entatfOg. efithe 4!:#11.01E ivriuMett -ohotti.!-
gru,Plk •cit'.•,,giss .,.....4xaSoa,, .Willlamsou,"
Mlne):onark to the :111.4.1S:fa'1InslInk,',WaS
morle• h$..„ the-henera*7...X#0.4,!Ur., 1,.1.,,',
stkaoblo:t of Bintselo,„. .,' - . ,,, . ,•,.,
' -, :•' ' -;.' -".Elt000.$:;401i,
In the '..i'01,1,.4g* flwe: .44 .a i.4.11t
altfor';0„*„.'.giri.s! groups and. Oung.
women's .an4liaties„., ..... •:. This was 4. new;
i.:OOtoi:O,"-44.4, it iirevecl.',a''Oggat,•:sOgoa$,
ta..4.6,i3,opi4orS;Attoo.00:tvoroue, vat -
bus 'iaoototis,..,:itttil..iw,ressniso to: '00,
roil; tall .a•-•• trtiore.ezitatIve, , ,eg.f.-,.eire4.,.
grouri,j014,,,what. Oented. the imoa. -
lereat ' In :, her. flndbliltiai'.' §00te.tYi' dna'
much valuable later-Matte:a was -t4ia.
Att.e, -00040,,,' the 40*1:. Pro$4.'
vlateepretnit for glri4t, an. p,
, young Wr
,ga:,.*Ost ,SPirtrigaV
dress; .and,',Miss.:14(..'.E, 40' er$oU'imala
06.1o.e," on Mt. ,VOrlt, .4X ,4,4174111.`* ,
• .' A .rate"Tretit, -**•-.$1,Vel):•411,-Orgs-ent'
4: they 440)4 eagerly toll*. oossage,
gt.0.4it. Iteitv: Allan ,04,40h,the church's.
rnisslonary that Conitry.'
4sip...'iiJ1hdtIXi. '
'il-s-'• Aii,,9.edon:Arir,' the . Christlan td
:preelanv.Iiie.T•Oespei.i;'.tto„.,to. ,.. .ef tite.
rot *o#Oas '-itt...11attelihria in eireii
4.00der.a-alethotl-,. of ' transportation, and .
,alli:±t40,poo00.04,1,....:,Iroot, _ape's; A but -
*ii1V.iai. AL.114-spi,titaati#9"ifiiii;'56:.`014;,-
was far, far. behind in toinparison
with.; ,other . thifigg..,'whielt. are eoPied.
from the Western' World, • „Mr, Iteogh
. pleaded for arStringtholing.of the henie
base '4, *rea`We',48iiread. of Ml$S1.031419
..a. ;greeter enthusiasm. for . the Work
.t#Ough. the Whole of the and
an earnest d'ealte! On the part of 'alt t*
*in- souls for '‘Christ. ' .' . ; " , •
• The .dedieatory prayer following' th,::.
.. . , ..
vrc4eyiet. 4itteteea.cortyeraterog,oaond,it.*: 40',gritiosrlien,*:„
Igl7t.itte° li4Preen:4O4flif,'h:7:04
weii • •Ortitturat• -PreshYterZ
witn-muell -to Sherthat ti4e,
The regular !teeth= of Norti stree
MisiQfl Cid0 Will be held'Wedrielit•,
day, May 26, .at the 'home; of
,c4,4414:mis t,11:02VaTthlee, at•A4rtgoles,eleLs,:r.eet.,..
th:l..hoeoredewr1011,41 wbeopla,e. tIlpe,$;e3clactis'piteeotin44g.p.ot
'Ataxy at: the public library on Thuri,i1,-
, •
..A.scieritist says : that'me ought to.eat
..rotatdit:44tout7," head chellfe. -efoc-cfnu
Ple;0' •
correspoiuding'segretiry; sins.
Orel*, Dinetale; 'recerding' secretary,
Urs. lqorrison,i Xineardine;
mice. secretary', Mrs. B. .3TOia;hriwt
Whltechurehl treasurer, Mrs,' z.
Whitechurch; M.isgion Baud'
secretary; Mrs. 3. F. Armstrong, Tees-
Wnter';::, secretary,- T. A.
'.0.10,100* 'Wlagham.;*:, 'Home . • Beli*ra
secretary, ATM. A. A, J., Simpson;B:la.
tail; life, minibershiri secretary, Ws.
' G. 14arold„Shannen, 1..istowel,.speff.e Parker, Olitd "Ildings
, ."!ThO' voett-, JAStte43.')":, Other. ,seeretaM Xts.- .11.51v*rsr ItiPteX .stiPlqd
this world. jive a ,prettl ;tough spealcers,, were net, A..; C. Calder and secretarYi BIM" -.W. Poutfai,‘IalleknOW;
Yen, Archtleaten lonea.B.O.tenian, of 'welcome- Welfare., secretary', - Mrs. ,
'tate, I -Gotteoch. ,04.Ulddieton, of 6.,:neld,:Teeswater4.1iteratuid.and,ll...
Advertise in the 1,0444,r4r 1)3-1,10*lett.-7:0,t-',44of bi4r*•-••***1.-r .
SO*• 46.- 1004.4.4Plre
beauijfnl %%IL fccpt
/4 r*4 Yetiki ef
by Cittutaux tooPotri
.1111.A5. ha v0 proven
the 164ue, of Lig
ii900*.enittotbb:. :g.%
Constipation i on of the greatest
ills.of one's life;I•and ono of the
neglected; 1,t canoed by :the.
aoglett of. not paying prover tate*,
-Oen to,, 4'4 Naittre 's Call P,. " '
You may keep yOur.bowels regular
by *sing 1...,axa14.Ver PION
-as, they help to regulate the flow of
bile to 'not properly on thelivnr,
and'one prevent and `vanoye eon.,
eep.a.,vii') in riat_oadie'irce„allast, •
or hrown eiset.. Fitted or ell
btu -*cheeks; -Atteit---tir—sUpon
hpocket*. kre-Summer Sale
, .
. •
5 -.ant
.wz I save, morieY. 6.°'er
OrtiSiltrimer Sale
y Sallo Pants,. greet '20 V)
Prices and tellYour friend's.
#en'a Doeakin, ta*ti,t, .014e; gvtel.afld
tedoSil, ,h,tea rte*Suramer
• t
. •
Men's All -W001. Wind.
-breakers, zipper or .141tton
•styles. Dark shades otilt.
Vre4uramer Sale Ito ink
yea- -and -4.$104---Xie
"titta at 19e 29e and 3
/6,..04'04004140!44.000,111 84',1440 406.4040,444.4.t4i,
Uta*4 Sweat -Shirts, *Or; biue, Mardon; nary atid
white. BOUM mid sipper 'iteakat
'Alt $fizet4 lite-Suatmer ale0
Woke ot Aten's Watt Us
and au", Oft 011, t
Prt-Slutrkur Salt444 *88-4
SAItOrt, 0Aikit$
ptot ...Pants); AA 161,$06,
iiitt ..,,,,Ittl;VV001014410,1001i 0,400
dotti Shirts,
tet CbOO�
ris, Afl *t
YgriPlae Leather Offordc'hiatk teathei
rubhei 11.061*;. MO'S i) p:r.
Kre.Stimitterc„,„ • 1041.14,..16.8**,40;011.4,00,.4,a,
:mnt of Men* Dark okambrai Work Shate.
own or double gather". threttghout 14 to -11.
treiSommer Saar
oreellide Work Olovoc gauntlet
treAtimaxer Sale
:too as toeAt. of ,tintteru
All sots. treiSuranter
. .