HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-05-21, Page 21. •
,044sIsbCh 8*t
and n that
Star, JO Itabiii
oitiot coot of a
.wt,,, lilt Io
.4 44. columns, IA 4
0 ertY 4 error
4:'OriX:4 ct, *WU.
• ...ittilvertiser'arld.re*
' **nett .4# advertiio '
1,,Y' 'n„oted.'14,41tithAtt.,
',.'1144 ,corrected' '; by
4.'.4 prcporLlou 0!,
r.t* oftie
se• If
'Phone: Nfght 84.
gIDA -4)
• Tito POilerio, tar,. dieo it With n i1c1LuitIOng..
In tbeae OOltnntts'that the prineiPio tt stake ispF„therotent
diseuestott of talbOr attars Juts:bu. -.freedote .0t•tIi
lyeriters. tOargalo, from time to time, ter the • *Moat, pos-
„$ible return for thefr ;fibers," Alitnosr, tasks,
challenging or threatOning.7tbe''Ireedom, Of tho.W.0*ers to
bargain?. $0,hod,..".. it ..1$4n---"nehi.)4„'0?,'tur ai we 114„vo
„ • *
Ottbls It need: otity be said .that',Ottr Goderieb eon
tewlwrLLrY',MOO, be 4 Very rteor obaerrer, a'
beeu alert It „.might have noted that; the only IMP
rgaitting therremlor ot Ontario „would . concede at
the Outset of the OPitawa, „Striltes was •the,right„'tb4ottrOtio,
throiigh $otne thitnuoi 'approved by,:. that),
otttmN 'not, treedonat all. There tst>‘' "treedOnl. „
to rgattr .Wheit .ohe 'of the 'parties • to „the. #eitetlatleaS
„k told that it uttiat. net 4thlinte with nterta'9,1 .orgeniza-s*
00,4,, or be represented by Ort4tia people, W4.110
other party ,to the nogotiatioya inay ,have,
,..tiona•-it: Vetoes: andbe rekeSeiited by Whont it Pleases...-
• •. But the • Ooderith paper goe$ on todieeloge: ita' Own :
"attitude . tta: the following "iiingnago: ,•
Is .:this..4.1so. to be borno 1
• rout° Star -- ,tbanIpIon- n ihr words, tbe
It 'ina.Y. be -a logo. element In
Vito Toronto Star's tity voustituetiO$ Ito , vOrY,
maU•pereentage of ' the -poputation of !Interior,. and -
It ,wilt tbe 'a tad smiStalto for; this Stutil perceatage
to 'Pros! its. Chitin's „,ontioly, to the distttiVantitge
;)jury et the -,,tast Majority of the people"
ts„ Is evident, trota .thls. that Ito Obdertelt Vtnes
olJe(gen is „.ttOt - only to the activities of • the ,.p.r,0,e but
to AnY, Labor organization 10401:4 as that ..PaPer photses,
esseS, Its eittims 4004,4 !that, : AtutortOnatelyis
-attitmle'of -are-uot SO frank About . it
• Optierielt contemporaf,...y. While they, are rraF'-
Ing of L. 44 agninst,the C.Lth. Many. erthemwould be nkk 10 •
denounce 'the of L. 'it the (1.11),
out of' the Wity orat...the. sot..1/"...were Orguniz-
.#1.14. 1)..-egetJating as suceesetuily ,sthe 'has
• been XiOing.„'... „ga0/4- of • the opposition to the MO. 4(pb0Slti0fl to 4:
sueteSSfgt• Labor organization -Of any
'uvh orgnuizatieni,".ttio; apenring of a fairer
Eihare IndttstrY's ;Witte' tor „ the 'WOTIPers--.reStilti,--
'4.to ,the '.dtmailvtintage:' and.' injury or the 'rot inajorlty
• the '041„iiii' IIsnet , .1,aber, well paid, ' buys
o• as. and s indre thitti . . L4hor
4ffOrd,',i rangers!, and the- treV. QIIke Ore, 'most.
•OSpetell4 Avbe,,n ni4rhet tintOfit 'pro:Operetta:,
trZttu, The Toronto Star is With: reference to
an nrtMeIn these ,coluninnutter' the • :beading. "no
04, i)re,410 loltrostr` hi whIelt it was -tirgett-tlutt the
te*e:$f,'Of TiatieP "(meaning In Olio .4110,
r). outet he *otthordliutte to the Merest:et the, *hole
0444. Tbe 4")Itotito viper, it 1 to, be obcrvod.
the -point ,althost tompletely;-• _
e. on"iitto-Atarlutto-'-,517:often -nutde the: statetflCllt
4efreeclotni. to in4g4,10 reetItts unrestrleted ebotee'
presentation ..that it .,Atie Ontes'!„ tO,•': believe It.;
itut the. Art140,40. .,trne-4thethtik
• In„cle. from A:, oother_teafiliek; 'OP*.a ebureb niIp1t, or,
the eelutnna et.11. great itOWsPapet," Ooktr 'irreeitent to
TOtehte 40 Braltliton itoly a that the
to,,veller tun; dttre'tills, ntsenitie over or Piton& 444
I* ;gardens' et..otlter pity -Ate prithlsee that., tna
-inttrrenet No; the traveller 10.5 .to *keef*,, o the.'phh,
'road* eV00k it he does not like none its eqtei,
Does The ),forOnte. Star dein that .0itnat1a,- ItCwIthout
.ii free 'tees „tio&tse there laW aggihat flbeI? La'
nint4 recognize that Its 'Ireellem to :bit0bt"‘;.*44.
teetrleted.in interest just ite "Ober Iree*
Votn, are reatil*tett In tbe'0.1114.10 lAtettit4 teli18.114Per
144' no •'.)rief for Idt. 000Urn; but, ne,Vitento Star
i» aere1.401bblittg -clesetiption_Of the trot:like*,
.attittdie„ • Nohodyitt .i„,eballenging the.. ft -00467 of, the
Ireilteri to 4fgain. .
Wben 11* '101`.040- PotOet .0044 that 41,Ailier* well
ryb-aa more goals, and ,Ulore
taboh,otiald afferaoli! It li 044 $0at. alit sirtit'
* '91,0 the 111014Itilin iIght wploy,' eieuse bbt.
T.4'e kihtftwaYtnan,, of " Lebot
tould•�t 'cow* *bpi id buy. *ore goods
-eonld get hti Windt on the money* The thereto"
tbt the0,..fornter shottld be content . Ott up.:the
;.t 4efak ,014gAtt In
4taada to. ah an Oteut that the, real dittrlete. bait*
lrnpoverlebeiL If Tb'
eom*un1tte would like o ,4te. the *Os* **Oen/0' f°t('
1 -bare the hig obarii and • tho city people«ai•
tot thenieeIve wlth -the rettettort 'that 0Agrleut.'
well paiti, buare goOdt and • mom eltt pro-
*thatt.'.111-040, Agrteultnre. 00014 'afford:*
repeat what we. told In Otte "forMer 'rkat
P014•10„intereat la Partnsettrit., Ana to ototflinir
far from *1•4414. eat .AtAteteent Unt lotoht0. P*Pet ba
'eome we int In fuli the *Aide In thee .t4e1tinan'S
of ay )" to *hid the VAtrento ,lutpe
1 Y e e
o- ***ea ' uentIr.,„ qi3Or
Per.0.440- tht,,P4P4lation s
avul It wilt be a „Satt titiatitire or thja *mall percent-
oe.$ eleitns 'undnlyi.. to the dietttlot4t*ge
awi.1 of tbe„-vohtt otalority.. ; the .
In 'the peopie'Of 'Ontario. tol •
er4te . the bilittging -Otte „Province ..of..4git*tors.,
frOot .4nothere.pottntil(p.Wre41; "ht090 14'
Stties, the, Volt:Ice. The **Wilde et; - setne.'„
h _a. pore
adeb, 0„ 00411
net/ .in;txty
•Vre dopet ,'4.now. *by - Toronto • 4ttr„„.. „sho
„ tite,, *ieropreOntatiot4„:,.
f, in-vIng ,
Instfl.F.e.rtentl$ :,,04.',ott on lite, wrong tot _ ,
the eentrOyOsyk, , it feelS;.tit4t,".it
Ve„ its tAii$e
is wron. At any rate, i 14t* •greatly dlUppoint4'I
*aro, loginerly bnvfi
TorontoIie tiltstr atrIkes rather ZEUg
Ii I tetortnot* to the' ptIntIpleif at Inie
t ‘,14tkei eeh2e *1141 SOP' I
"butvtintipies retzatire.'-,-**nd the olnklitie
eke, iteordirig. to The Tort:into Star;I "the.
I144qty and tteeiloin of the wn4sioess ot the,.
trotIone of the itothette to
toiT,tline, for the uttooSt veesih.lt .rotrirn
beir lotbor*" ,
1o,f8tinn4Ing 414e1arati41, of ebnr;
been tbreitteni
workers to berptiet N'obOd
The TolfointOi }tar Ir
riteitt trier of **tint
It .iitoWa,': 'Zit: 'Toronto,
al, about *4. "Sat ti6 '
Al 4
of the, It
JII OW Miini et` 'our!, reader* remember '
take Vac* At Agri,
y t, 14. 0( ‘rr. :Ten 341111 10x: t5p e evening,t, el ;..srluttweleet' t;4,ffget:Ir:
o'SIT°?4,..47u1j,g4seglv,.1417r-,11,4:rt", ,04'4;.1-4414ar • -e*tr.i
And stow
lo are, •
„ „ th6.„,4%),�rth trg
*04, „will's, glory On thee ogeaeionti.
Oth tox4eesion or West vrixviroto$4. other 443, 0; „,$tevytxt„
ro,„ Aeheeca C4Idwell" hnstgra_1;4-P,1 'bronOtt ,aigna,1 . 941109
er hoeafter, see:wr '0404 411041'' printed ,Pregreina-t,4 og these lei
etirtn;, for ,„,,gr.*. r'Oq'„tIe ,entertainreentLwo s.' ..04t bad „,,turne
, •• »in' ltott$Oele4itiftit
•• ,`
Ml Unt,y, Jane 'Robb; "who rtiPeAt. boxne. „0110., WAN:,of oveyther,
o' Winter In „'.1',,otttlott„ her 4isteri',•-3,§$0.;'.. the other $9\N41„berfltkilr$8%.'„
Uilnet hoo rettirned te the onto pt. the Mtn** en
hei4/0 UOP bt.'04161',:--Vr4 W. Rob, were Misses WOstpn,farabatn, .Berry,
Onlhe 4th teotteessiOn of West V4v9117 gitmeh and -Ai Aelteoott,:. Memo..
'no'sh;;;H,Atio„.,10.1* 4,04 they pookro „
the but were ltsilnir-•'hnt.7- (40 ;.•''.*:11,-;.).-" and "Vetter; ,
, , .
loelrg aWayt, fea
rOm ipod;,*tre4i lista ; "etartn,anti, Po
.414 Bertha. Popp 1Tratedbor 1Q. tool ; 3IrL thrk-and.lefias
i-0*Ionnoutioom911t Inade x,4niter, venth birth04-Y: -..,Vojto,n igstiorootita, „ ,
nV Lap . eittertalnling twelve of„ her 1 ..ttlendo 'Anothet-' was 4, program a 'gra
Lt? be ,n(Itlecl to his rIPVIn00 wits .iyobably, not, unrelated gotaehren, of ,tondon' whoao. OPero eine On the `evening .0t 111111.
IWO •X'tritish Po/moth* that ,I4O„,3400,*1'..„Ter4t0;'.7 , to." ,Porit. Ctitediwiart‘, Oieert.,"...hetti'll, the '10tal!il
• • to thefilet that be Is appealing to the electors for a new hirtlitlay was the saVV 40? .41;10 3Oliott 324 1 The talent was
e• part' and Wita tWel..,3fears f.tortcui AliOs WYnn, ."Ooderiett'a.„
lease otlice„, fano would suoose that 4, 'itstvgo, of this
140444.414,WOnlq'be eetesIdeted by the DetnIttion Rarlid4
Vent #hetere any. annOuneenient by a' Provincial, -Preiniet
" Vukon''Territorial It appears, had- had'4'„e111041 440041On-et tho traUnfer„,el authority, And it.
seentwthat gr. '04ttulicr was Somewhat preMaturt' In h12$
StatenAPnt; 1XbOre'. hove .been so•n \In
thematter hetWeen.`13ritish Colutubia' . and the. ,Ottawa
0Orernment, but dollnite\'netien be taken until 010
Federal?aril:61164V gives Its assent. /iv the apantlate*
tho peep10 of, the 'X'plict13 are protest14 against the loSs of,
their ,.rhome
'.W‘htt 1Ziliten• et 6erser not ItoPrtant as
4000 Yeats Ago, poisuratIonibne; shrnitk from 27,000
1901 to 4,000 in 1635, ItseluSien Cot-
utobin *quid .make the latter, rOvineelife second largeir
(1 hy ne _Inetwitat
Jyntagw0flItTu er4-
0 'the Yukon, from the proposedfinge Is no
a 1
. eannat. ,inuelt„ boasting -,about ;Or good. roads
, .
, . . .
klederieh until those bele* on.„souto of., gilt ,,OringiOtti:
tbotonghtoes toeittle6,„ -The peet4litt Weather sof
hist, winter 40' a very.' Oceet „ tiii.surf4ted: roads".
. • .
'•Ottli 4 te* 0e9tenarlans...can 'hortat . et having
uniter $12: --XittliSh-,sovereigns as glieen Victoria's
-,„Vatty „OpOpie 0! earlymlddle age
Ijvkig , ...„1...titee:'he able to 1,4*,..'thO'ssittiee';;OSStt
46 ;tilt; .present :King la- the sovereign-'ot their7'tiine
„onil.,:detttit.14;ss„ .ot its .COntentoOtarle6..„ „wilt, Outlive
.hlia,,Tviro-y.eitr-olda-- of th'e present day :stta.re olienaY
1104.,*(60,-.Ahree-15.1ng4i but the will hare to entilve
halt' Vnt" Oterge Aikt-twoStiecessor:s., before vier 0*
,xua . the, .ount '
take nty. pen. in .band *today
o write 4 poem :just for .4itty4-
or April's. slater,:,penslvo, Sweet,.
. tire- White•-dateleil, at her ,feet
oral's 'willeratiii.Aoclgling
11,er .-poetf 'with woyilso;
Her'helde 'he earPeted.VIth green,
AcrOss still pools ne*.vitilleV4 lean.
• Iler tulips will parade the park,
• -11Ordawo he-plercod-hy -meadow .lark
Her lilacs will Perfume the dirt
Swift hottaty. rret everYwherer
• Her quiet hourOvill paos too 000n
To drop e pasture bars for lune.
01110)_4_034 40MS*."*AlitTJN
twindser star)
• parents .14sp, go.' kaowa•.vOcttliat,"';' wit's ai)Parent)r the
lirother: KeIth also Ps.4.1001',Ver40:440, the-„tirograpl;',
were present Loiopton.
,*.koittt, Tettirno,'ettue.
ay to: too tbese young 1adee, School I4terary Society.„;'„ May
'The W. A. of thect/riited ehurch ere 1 O wlth Miss Jesale,
'elblir*"101:041); °:'*,tiert*‘
AI* :i00,101.0tta.ltikk,or, ,mto .0001*
. 000ta''o.''4oaday.: and Prof. DePeudry; a solo, "When
week -end nt 1rs, J. Barklera.,,,Nvot.oi
sad- Urs Albert vii Zero las: Wynn; 4 :4010, ,:"ZOOking
• • netil. 'leen ni#1„ ,Of 'Westfield" and -another
and .31,4',,,and„ Itiett,.'prdner.,_.'it so o
X:44Olino*, •' R ilif wth'rvlotirc, ,,obligate•by, •
4 e
' The resiguation if146 prog•
ram; vas et\ n
lor; ;ittfilor. tetteher 9.f 'S v
, • .
I I 5
OdaY' moving tbeir oniehoict eft
her:: date, Was May
• Dr.Aire;.'"11414;'"ttarler-the'"It.ttsP1400
Outgo7rneti,]•.lia...0:putobate, do" ..." Oortion... ,
ontii ilieit.s tor ., ,Rno*: irttrob...-„"..';',;•daderieli• • '
wIll cont14110, the grocery 404 ,4oxa,, e 14aSeS et„ thef,r,engr4eglitlea et
., the PI,'Ograln. included th
k.t Oodl,ot.MisiVisitors on Suday with Mr. and. and Sands, Mesrs. Dickson, Cooke
.rtod, ot.WS, rail / StewartMrs. L. 1oore were MS. 1'. S1UiU antt ,Th,,, 4,1,1d*Themsonti
soiiOndorielt,:and ,
bustoll,,, tite,:, co4z,ossioit. r back .-cso' Dr404h1S, W.111' 'bring
of West 'W4.wittiosti ,,,,,04!til.11,9"...MeMetiesi, • .$ivonid „tailkf,
"-nil 111
018:0014:1Vanitiet. 3"ane...„.Tabh, 4"tisPitt ,Are.
•OttIONt' 04t1,,le(1,'"ott titet
r „
aunt, 1r. and Ur& VOL 13t4k• "'dated recently . at
, y' Bert and :
ge.1.14.4k4., . • ,
/11,0 4WOrk' Atirlillg the Dungan- •and. ,Urs.",' Iticharil.P4rks'41 fl'iiran-
Quaker Oats Daily Is Hard and Fast Rule.,
one s vumm
moping' FL. Storol
In Quaker 944i
"tor you oto-ortiglitoto
rho Rion0„417.0-4itur--7-
!or doctors POT 40 neou
0,4$46p46012,, *OOP OP Op
Wilco At you44 *Pa old,oft**
zosairwitoo diots, Uric !t 'AltUltiCti*e
sinbunt oftbewefion.i1,0421$4
QuakerOatt cootolosito*,,,poodstiest„
, efots great protective food olormo4
Olds ;lois us oil W` ofpo41,„
hir panic
then 49 ;••
citroginessif ofV_ricks_'1,-focio*Lnittentettalaiair „
tevesliseseerets Of 62'ismterear. c'ttfclis.:',. Sat
sos,i*y. J.eitiAlkoifitoottOa0a,coP!of,
ger* ssteP , 0 m11141,11111 or,„.
a' few weeks. - „
and gta. .0641*11_ 0.0
fainilyspent Sunday with Urs 3040 -
lot 'et Dungannon.• `.„
Sancitty,,...Itett„, H. 0, Wilson kottatteting
toolt4lg*t;'hAoi.'oetE*1111-09°0 t911$,W' e°,1090,(CiatirlItatslit
.4nniArersali$ 60rideeS 1!...leteria street
United .ohnreb.
Urs • If
Hawk -ins,
Lth htti‘
dards and
1000,0„ ..12tnagantien last '-rettureday,
Ur: sta$ri,..T.,-..A9A4.,,b9;*P„ returned
rt.te"tater' 40eniltng,,...e. "few days wlth
lir. tnd Mrs. Wilsoci, of Midland.
-41o:-Avpoit...::.poott,t4,,VeiknOcl' at
lier honte:2,noar, '• • *
Ottitel.4 ..er: Tittvers .44,- this
viciiilty hare soedkag,
. ,
„ ,
• Dor non 'Cemetery"will eontinue thi stun- ,WEVITUriti; May 1S.—Mr..4eOrrgs
met: Aur who are interested' are, .S.40, 5f10Ali1111,.4;"
14.11i-IU4; :tale4eationatiOn0 at the Dun- Haw. 'Wooden aim. 41104, and
.apoproettleitete.t 3r: n ,interes,414ttnitd- Itt:Itlituti°11u!:,0-1)<)6yv:71141Haittinti(teec.",;:c4'41telir tat Mr- :arti.1;:-..11,0114:114A.ha.'tU4ets:
god onproove uothorts 014, sor. . •
22011. ' ' •
tfrs.tert, 'Treleaven visited during
the .•:*0‘' "irkend ..her parents \1
gatina4, pest -ofdee; -Their holo,'..wur. be .AUS. 'AteOcriVe/1", at'fMrs1*"":13. 14ekett"'
iiig yice was tem 14, the united_ church.on &maxi Xi% ad mrei Vete Vincent,
Sunday 'Morning:with Iqr, B. A. Westflctd, also Mrs. 3°ssPh X11'
,Kenzie leading Iwith-the litotborrol).4Dblys. ..1.;)utignhon.s?3_11.444Sailihst,,er.'41,1,aahe. 17t, )40;1„.0 baunita:
service teatiotsi " Fire, . „ „
‘Ivrv..4".caerkbdtilt:::.,977,:agti,e4t11:" s-e-r:Y:11:t?3). *r:a"apan$21t :rek":110::ean„;.r;T714::71111'61
• We have hieit looking at the pletures of the stricken
1.11a eatturg la,,tlatues. A shudder of horror tame -16' its
as we MW t terrible state. of those voti000 clothes Ind
been burned off their bodies, ' Thelt torturevrracked los4*. an 'eStee)na. and lifelong
persona *tie terrible JO 'behold. And the look ofterror. dont., ''BOrn on the now aeett-
hp..4:etro, otti.,:jracloadti;x4frtsil: tenrt:e,a4,04tab°,:ktt:i.d:efitait:50,‘NIrede4:1:gition-11ea:1:
HoveY 130;40)4 1°11
vereary f.Atrat3d, Atroleune an
of Aire and ',1,Ntrs„. litteyei .1.104 Mary, of 'Sly. 11, ',visited • on
10 4nut Mae. s14,11`Ehter ''atXr., and day withIlt" 4141 VP;Walter°Dcilt*
Xlifiti$04 Ama r.;' 4114 Urs. • Bert - 'Toro, *UT,.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mfoort-411t,U1040.t.404414*',...1.4t44- ea .
Gordon glt4tbt large 'congregation -,. *udaY*, at the home .ef.18$4',411,4 Atrs„!
attendedand the solemnitythe. Sernian-learte.ri.,Se0Oth..
bojtismals and 0! eill7rti'12,7.k;vritea! r''-'9U31:6t3;+:;;1 t .4 14- 1944.:-e1.34,1i.,1*
I Z. I
sang th0 4,t W4 -5-n; °I.'cuer.
(lerfut; Mother of -
The 14$ti Janie*,
the death of atunee',UeVithitiney, which
eurred 'Oeclerith‘ :heapital • to
Itherlidal', the tovvashiri,,et, -1044.01,4.
oh their likes was enough to 'make the ,blood thtt to
•From those pietaree*equined to readagain' the ta
tOrkii of llonter xtargn,„"0,1.0, leader. , Speaking:lit eona
4teetlog with the strike at the Xtoustos ./tIroraft tompithy
of Us Angeles, Martin Vila': q think ,It fo kottolly had
to:PO,* WIhrbeeause Sone worker' thought he ,Was
gat -
ting a hod -deal .from his employer, .' lf Oottglaneapeets;
' people to ride inhis planes „with' any te*1 tienee of ,ftfety ,
he must be *are of the good wUl of 1114 enipio$00.0
We road that agakt, then we lookedat the Aeit4tte.
thin” Or "the'llindenbOrt Itaitittiolten-pasaengera:- Ott
lerevt„ again, "then we 'ahhddered. with. ,tiottor solo,
tie of nuleen
*. It *4" *
— -fteiftee..4a,.„reaourcattit-A.,.ouldr„.t. oven
• witt..4 aO lt„ air-conditioned
A. heltal)aperthida% lretalen Ot Vehni5on..:
Order •patalethi ii4v1ttg**y .40,ntivs,4
• •
- Anterloari *ho, Itei* giVen 'titer thirty *4 tan'
‘,...fu.stons, mitre the 'setsetet � tttr* bloed is to eat 01014' 'of.
outorta, try It:some titne--#$ott wor0 keep It a•isticret len&
- • .• * .*.' it •
. . •
don't hare tol'argoe sgaltiat eetenint16044.? 446'.
exeltsitte, gittsit tallett a fe* ContraanIsta and
good, loolo, At theta."
NOttn" Attif be tostrileit 'MAU In 1014
itkl,,I146t114te"1.it 4hOWIt, thet,-they-wieb to be elietine-meteti:
"The old
' vornttiont doestet 'stein to :g*t, ft*. Idea that If
Ahoy ro lett a felor flk»t dollaro itt, extra tales they ii$004
It on implutlefor-Abe
* • *
So $Mly' Thin& fig not *bit* to the, Patio pooltIon.
*Oh -of an expeoe-Itiotti
* •
tilUtt 'thilt 0004 *MU lint,tAAA
ototitqt* to ihvoittigate an , lnyeetigation
* to,
oast from Mamie tioluto that nraler
be (vet of too brgb, *Web, ontr*.
toteitetli pirediet.,
renteitit work tot *1.1„***oon
to. One ot the
'00 nutde.
tato otte tog lit
Pled by 41.8 .Only airrvlving .,4)retheri
Itiehard,.Ueivildriney. $1.16, In „iittgust„
of, 1850, be *tort)* sixth P1(144t of a
,tarally of, seven eerts and One. daughl
tor of the late John Bobert ngeWhit,t-
neY and Isabella •Kirkpatrick, pion-
:residents ef Aahfleld. In 188.6 k4.
WAS...niattlid,„ to, IMO Itati-,4011 $obtr-
stein* vitto,' predeceased ihint nittetet
.years. When a young loan he put:, ,
ebaaed the farm on' teheessiort 2
*Welt was then a vIrgln &reit 7- -Th
be eleite4.1, and ihttdo‘Into one .of the
est homes In the ttilitntshipi, and,
tore, bit farnfly of oit daughter and
.t*Onent,'*ere raised,. They,are
. .
Zeal* OW, )1‘ert VVilliattt;
John, -eon-
«selon 1.; Aahtield, `and Lloyd, on Ott
tiAnit 014 one toothers
ard, ofieohteskdi 1, tittOlvett., :11001
re- 0110,1. gr*ttdvhAdOt.i. A Pa* of
Altetiing tb.atoter* 3Lr. latirt4,4b.6*
W44 *stowed, by who ,knotv
W004 Oftttiftit 41.041ber of lOriteikitke
• eeIdoin
absent from Its service* when )xeitith
'Ortuittecl, He waig ,an WM0441,114*
borne -loving than lad *atill; be. greatly
Wed, in thek,houte. A. large number
o rolativee), 40044 4aa• • ne14141}0t*,
paid a, Anai 'tribute o re4peet,'Ithetti
the lutterat was held froth the family
resWenoe 011 eoheesiden 2, ottibrield, 0(1
iiatnrday titternoeii. The ,oetiflOO
Were eo4idnetet Jy ,itot, a it
Don010 potttor of tkAt140, Ptostottt-
liar thurehe'', /*gag bis ;,einatke
• words "2ttert7-00tith the ego.**
the tototiktet *pat words of eonitett
to titoise bemired, pointing out tititt;
everything frethis world finally tomes
tO, an etkil, 5114 nothing Is *1414044.
Oro in the hlite to ten* is .there *by*
thing that stbkIee,and we ,ahotild
'cleaver, t fit „oarneltes Or that IIft
eyettd,Athete ell 40 lieppineta and
joy. Ile pea tribute to tile worth.
ot the late Jr.A',NteWhionelti, liohlose
qutet statlfastrteet Istacle 'for him *
arts friends. The-reasoins were ten
itut to rot in the Utility piot
In Pungsionon tenteter$0tOttg borne
by James 'IteV011iroley,,,, Dustgahhon;
Bert ,10:Whihttey,. "Ilidastra Staritto.
4* toe IteXaight And Akhouter
Bogie, ot J0001(1, *411 Jowl**.
O 1 tribute*, whieb 1004 be*poke
tbe-Ir ,trieee**0*, efoilloottlis and
tee'ut, woke' 'IL*
and ettl, Vitt,
tate* ***
Owl4 10 tortattuit4 Uhia
the s.tly
* wait
,Mrs. Arneet Test..41111 .04 'vatil4.,ut
Wm. Relti.
Itt'illTibteeets,..ye:ittuaree.uli_gbaars,dboe4. beensetfor Friday-,
'ed to
he4r riage' inIve 4;t sjenct
daughter,. 'Afro.. Orozier.„ „
Ing the "past three *eel*, Witikher
meoicia of victoria ilome and Stimikoo:
,;(10b ,AsSist. in Program,
fimi34„n„.ttexbo:er,i •s!:htooinLelnolor6,,,Iiiottty,a,4 i•
144,..414A,11,t-Ast AO,P6
.00,clerich ladieS *ere *010enlect 7DPY.
.,)33,11:sro, RAroothuunroWl. 043:hix,
Airs..Albeitiraylor, presidet'efr theand Skool.
clRho, vas' the opettlierrShe gave
an interestingtalk on the 14lestkr.,eon,-
veution ot the Federation at
4. program, provided br.thefieder-
Lek ladies, consisted ofreadings by
Ars, George 41o1unato1 tind;
'Ilous by X114..... 1Y; 17,,.! Saunders, first
nice -president of 'Oil:ion NilieliT,-ite:-
comPatited.by miss M. ?diterf,Onsicl. A.
contest was c6Iniwtta by V1i4e Alma
lisitt; teacher at shipkit.
" • • ritnich was served by the Smola*
ladies' and a, pleasant. 8.0011171: hour was.
enjoyed.. Mrs. Robt. Bisset tendered,
a vete of thanks to the hostesses
behalf Of the 7401iPers of the.tteclerieh
'elob. • . •
- . .
d: With Pimples
ialittle 'doit I but tliat impureand
poyetithed bieea is the oen eit whieh.
ttestk red, whte, pus fined, pimples de.
Neierr, e0:14, :thrive,. and that nothing short
of a '„*.igerous, persistent blood, purifying
fri4Ettraout7yid11-. eradieate-thera-trotar-t.
'Burdock Blood Bitters Iiimiehew.had. 'Wood
andtt, m. f: bad bloodpimples.d banishedthe 41104.
:20.trAt lentitottleff. and be eartvinted..,.
• Holidays are,foo shortto
permit o out* for
troxiiiii. it is only good
uclgment to replace woi
or doubtful tires with
--Cioodyears before
e ou
to e,
tto30 DRIVING.
odyea gill
)40es of frouble-
t per