HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-05-21, Page 1&T TI� WATERFRONT Several liwired4 Of thoutamds of bushe1s-0' grairk,,itill b itandlad at the elevator this week -end, with Are beats 'due between ight *rat 004* 32, t tonight w the of the Pekes, and She W I beo11owed closely' Into port by the Steamer Xasv, sey, wttit *No hnitheIAL,.or ,Arifenttne corn from uointre4,,, Qu Saturday -}ateaMers 44110 Keneac 'and 10, B. Ii$Polaglas will arrive light 'Ter grain cargoes. for Yfontreal awl 44 $4001 theOt... J. 1L Itlehard, will take on a cargo of grain for tie $aMe' desbinktiolv, „ eIittiver .Windootite aFrIvoix fri J. ,14 -Taylor. new, statito.v ug94t. hts: wife and, two.. riote, agel. twelve,- and' (liertrad'N' age ten, -InOtoreA. to. thole fornier .home town, of, -0004 Mx *3V4dnestial , . Yeaing this woelg auct Were feted by „ about,tWo 4400' 014, „trionds: Ptiler44' 19r 4. 't4re-OeTt tiartr.tn..,th settee), reela Of ZOO*, '1.,`,Tnited,Ohttrah- !EckenaWiller,,thairMart_-,ot the hoard, ,ef...ftewarde! --of ,!the *Plated **- taintw Olen Prointnent.-Part Wee ••Cheiritle9- ,ing the oresentatton or 4 Pt9Kr4m' Mosteat,:nu*kbo. r$t. e \ From their,many friene Taylor received ,parSe of gold, 114j.19t , 'silver basket Of 00.4etiens, and the', girls handsome- .pext •and.„Pencil 000, The preseetetiens, were-, melte by 'the 411361istev, `rt 444ieS' .Y.9.74)Peotie` uro., ,Mary story treusnrer, nt the eherells- aed superintendent o1 , the Sunday 44.991, - The Taylor miseed le/4 4riendie:asid.'ingtittition's • at ' 011-trord, was okotr/eador, Sarnia' on Saturday, With a eare-O gailone of' giteeline and 4, one;.:1-oft- stove 'oilf0.4r the 'perini, Oil rstorage tanka. 'cleared the, -..same day t trip, -\ 4)Itt 1311h4a)" night the 40'; 34(rftti} Ottora„ Are out*, octerioh., 41141etulttligituorllitn*h*Qt Torer MOt•Ghrt:;,.'• 3 wtek-e o, rs, X.31 Oetrvlo, 11 t with her daug Eurntr, rark, 00140. • •. r. anti lifra, ItOas "0 root XUests witic Thuus Toung street w atitl Sanderaelt, ot UaLt, vial "IdaY at tite home et au� s1rs. John Longmire, 3 110.14 street, - to14rS, .11er, home.,hte-afte *oaths In Toronto, u Improved In' liealth. .arttlreksfro*'Velee go of 16,000 .busbels 'of corn 'fOr':the•, 'Tite<L014,0 Cleared for .the bead of the.2Ukeeenf-VendaY.-• ' bermen from Otitairle ;'. clilelly'Stratford,I,ondOrk .4.. Tlionrns, ,preetical17.,14040001 tIe=ifiShlintfrOrn the.•*.re.41;_*aters..thean diata. 'Vest er1av a..40zen'',,outati*.r*, .eherelt secretary .and jooslog .ot the begged t peleh.eatehea otthe school -ookootrt-,4also, No.,,, setteenrA)Ulling. several, Oren' with Sunday s, &n and and Orldfelfic.*,' .Mrs. Tit • r4V/tutI7.1inet4t-,-the.brenttwaters Tyr, 'the ehalcr ent'a teatlierile.the;SilndaY .°114 "g4 --'1).04AbOut 2#91110, aiid nielgeoe `of VIT ; ylor PondOnere had, ithe'-fflfteea ineat • string tsey was a sch091. .4t7i0litfords, '.4n4'10,01• **: tWo. four years .before coming to 9-04 kbA FE .111eY now,reSide On'Oati*ht .!road,` • At the 'sa eriflg, 0.1*- • [Wedneti IeadThgcitiZeiI • family, and Rev read a ttares*ell:, address - .were signed the tattles o Mr.Hamps. ,tonight, eateeni htis.'ehOreiv ,1”:1 ,Itine.)14 itt! time know welt ntl sterliug;catimi.g4. iiijisaumlng ,c4d4uart Odear 3rOarseives 'to ent' ur elut , 9 r9 LflCV,•:ilaa*been4felt.The •bave 11 Ats for ,ipany ,we .fittv . octetgrettty By your..cteI liveg„ yon liav€ all our beart "In eirer7. 11f.lefte A.THERED QvATAVP , our -legged 'Chick was • hatn.hed . Teak,of nature was 'doing Well according' " to, latest report. -44r ' °tgit, ktt /41POPC#7* 3ViA 8°°n baVe 134134the home- of the, unushal. ,7 few weeks ago tWin, Calves -were horn to' 4,4eree3' cow 9*neti by , RESI'OSE TO LOCALREQUEST The ,-, excellent ra , � roept1on local, of tke ronation„,,hrona941# 'And s ,' mesIlige; on !WedlivadaY 91 up'fluetinpart to the efforts .fAkili(h $tadin Asisodlarion; Whieh. ritughyTh'es:,:f4lichard. wrote the on Corpora- tion at-:QtaWLL ..wItt,t1Wrequest 'Atilt • -.overt- erepened Agetriett, „1-41). 1:4 -,town _ ,mact „ootInuels,Ixoofureall.sir..d.efitio.ko.4, itiottle12: 4:7!ilieidd', Young Man Gets ed reduced to tO. ore • - - •Maiistrate• ! nadirts new OnStroier,;.'Oto .441-1x0, tinder the XlientettanKeieniaoder 11.;"E. - Bidwell, Is shown AB()S'2 4$1}.uitt dorked at Mon a). . euter soit. The St.,Laitroht,"thOhlh—na: a new ahnii wus holit .formerly„the, Cygnet.1 The ..aele400.4.1440.004-0?9e.ig,e.,sister Ship of 'the' 11s for' 741;ie''rilita•vile'(;*1:3tbi:ti10611;1:ti;5601ta'r. those 14c,ii,t/.004:44.t;ottguehno,s,0'•,iia07nr(1,,00.:cot,a,sr.4eesigrioltur t4o.r7: rat udIu i*Onte semevohtx , 10a.E. t. MUhton leaves early :n4t. eek te, spend the Sitminer wlth mem- bers Of het, faintly at 'Detroit' and "Iron ',U0,03444 gt-0‘ " ' Ir, and ,and..),trA4, W. E. Viola:10g, and ehndreui..ioraeo .4nA ':Owen Sound, -visited reeentiyi. with grl, .Parentst,,. Mr, tigtithonSe *rest, Mr. and 1rs. lien Alien have turned Iron 4, Visit withAltele laugh- ter, gitS,..,,paseins grO0tiniel4..itt Mun- cey, Iiid, Ur, •RoCorolcu.: ,returned with them •audspent the weekendin Goderich. • 10. and Urs,'Slet). Peters- And the, )1.1*Ses 'Aliee and Annie Brown, of Po, _ . treat,.Were.in town on iiitindaY on their Way 'heree after 4 visit to T.tutknow. ,Noxixobere they caned•outheir .tineie, John Cameron, , • -'• Neil Eraser an son John, of'_4hatitent petit Ale week. „. r 14.4.:94001,04 by Mrs. ,anepoloodi. who 0).1spend two 'Weeks at ChathitV. . :tr. and,' 'Mrs. j. A.efalitlibell• were nt kletelltAin on Monday attending the .,convaelitton 0-.4.tettisea- of liielitaater•- 'University", at *Which their, daughter, Miss, *Attlee E. Ontapbell.‘terailtiated with thfe degree of liaelielet of Art9. Mr, and Urs. W. A.' Otntitintrat• 49'1' OomPanied by' the former's: father; Cenithurst Ont., motored to Pontlaci'• 14.10h,,:on CoronationDay to atteadAlle,,Wedding of. Mr; A. A..0oultlittrat'S -granddieigle•-• 'Yith 4 vie: t .1 •• t) "I• WO' throug plk*, the .taenthera or Viet ;(1.4th, At a t_nee 1,40, OPProyed genteelly- a reSolutlett orwarded by the xoteratton; -to 41alrep all'ettildren Aatkieeted, 1;0‘ A proosetioot tem ntedittat It was Suggested, that n Suryey ht Made ,te iteeertaiti the 'WM- \of children A.114 weald Le ieltt.Pe. iting seheel• 14 the fall' aud, it pot tote wereimablee'lluttuee t-Alet gronef arra0104f4tit. be Made )vittr, the 10dleat 414ssee1at1o, to hot ,a..bilittleYeittle* The ,reiohttton' w44'0,-f011owit "That tlie inemb04, of the Ontario' Federation of Ocone 444:Wool: Ass; elation's, ativrove the prindple of gular Preoltool and. aehOol -health, *ttiiertiShin,. eaeh osaciation, wtrhiu„the rederatiow to give etfert, to sneli approval'. means of ipublielty througe the spoken!, •an4 -virtu% Word, °' • "That'eaCh aaktOclatlen be akeL..t3 advise parents, airing the month o Aar, to take. their, children about to enter school for the It to the 'family physic -Ian OW dthtSt net*-latetyethate,Ittly-kiit..tor 00,00040 tied 4.113*, ereittitteet that may be aider,ed neteasar)0,. , A seeend regollitiest enaorged,by the Federation, was 'Oee to the:. Depart - meat of Vdeeittlen, Okleg'' that the requirenteete foe ..teaehere be evlaeflait1 mad wore4iractiCflI It i', felt that with-t2e.preeIit. „ tea the oost ot-a, Aluirersity,„ sumrnet venrse was .too high, and • the of Continuelta study tqo great wltlLthe resnit that ntalar" te4Obets'2*,4 unfit ,te eartY.'ea '04 the choir, the.ttndayeehoelf the Women's' on, Mi.ssionafy Society-, the 90140 boa0, the session tted.'• • your 4, devoted,eirefee.: • ' %A -"We Shall miss Yon.' re to thiek,. and yet Our los. wili • theetS , We ere eertnftttl 'ne*,leame you wilt eOih le$41.1,‘-eervents ef"*,01tr terenee might!' Minn - 000464 uraene Of 'the' f.to that a ry, gr*sal manager 0E4 • tatton,replied "h",, Ie,tter 3°hh tv`,0911orrut--i'ear-914" apeI w1 hrAadeaah•:. )4, Grey township tOwashito. Orin:W*101'1. entiSe4-. *ea -0;i -`9t1t- tented to twOraontha0411'.. "UttgiSc 4.ievetia• st6t1,;. 10'.14a* 0-'10404 '1"Ate. a token' of -.per regarilleniii <, Ave Would aik,Yttia to atterit., purse' of money.' :fieepy fathIly in theeon- gregation has: COntribetee to ' it, and not they .• alone, but Matit others e in -the e�minnikhty**Who' - to - honor you • - "We pray thee doe Maybe witli'yofl• in your new".-heate4 Uay: the : Leta bless you end keep you and eye' you peace.' • Mr. and .Mrs. - -Taylor again:- jour- neyed to Oliffore: last night to be Me', guests of hone'', at a imeliti evening 'held by the Clifford Lodge, No. 211, I.O.O.F. - Mr. Taylor has 'Spent thirty-six years with the CNA., beginning. es- baigagepIati At, 'Citiartat lit 19451.; 'What thee he was at lasterietote, ChesleY and enterit berate Online' to • doderich. •. GODERI(.311 'BENS 8001tE . In tele of last wreeles•editione refer- ence ovate Made to a 'reeeird:sizedeegg laid by e white Iieghorn hen owned by Mr. A. R. Stant' An Anilitlesian owned by Mr. John Heverie,evicleetle. 1-111P3,-D6Y144-,4---w911442iTcti-.`11.44--highlY respected resident of.etoueriell. Peened' 41.WaY 'iteldenly et.- his honle -Que- bec street, le his seventy.eightli yearo, .1,1e, Doyle Neaa, a :,•eitiee of -et. 46111.M.- sentenee you to- two menthe in . jail, Vete where for years he Was sexton of concurrent on both charges, •with an 'the Church was elosely. identified 'adrIttiottel. two_ months : if you to With the,latelitery Rev. Dem" Murphy ;Make restitutlim and pay 'toste.” In assisting In‘,every ,possible Way to glerdebee Was suspended for ene year advance the glory Goa in* giving . a on Prailk Drennan, ' aged. tstenty-two, generous6"antli svhole.hearttet. support Ashfield teivriehip fare' 'worker, who. te.. thitt Worthy ptlest lit- the early. 'Pleaded guilty to the theft; of *pot dktig„ ing'911s''..grinother's:711:arne to;,st $1,5; old -age thension cheque, and stealing , that. timotate, , ..”aihis Is 4 very seelous •.charge," eommented. His Worship, "but I - am going-te__ be easy On you ,i)eceetiee of your youth. „I do not want to smut a piling man like you, to the reformatory or the penitentiary: .1 iam.. going. to days. "*heu tr144:"-li barn en 04. .4111; neeeetleied , feta /Wm,. Itlehtoin; **.t)071e *cried otenett. Uobert 'MaeDonale; Dren- mites in early •thildiMod and ter over. ean Sold the wool: at the. Dennilller. 'sitty-tive .years .hie• beautiful voice Wait Mtn tot. ;10.511 WEIS heard in the, choirs *western On- made, in the face of an, alternative of , taxi*. Many times he left Itie weilt thirty deye*,fil • to itseigt in the .choir at lioneratmas4e*,' -• With police 'Investigations still lei - and his einging •Sottetied the, topetwe der way, another rot:eked was asked and thtered the hearts - Of thete. In by the Crown Attorney and granted. trouble.. but not over -,e1Mteete-et the solicitor for John fergOtten.' ifegaVe freely of h_le,tat- and Praia Gernies, of Toronto, forme eels for the gtory of God'. and-'"Wite erly of Lneknow, charged With forg.' beard of that Leghornte echievetnent elistaYs attire In the many useful and ing.ahe uttering a not and being in and produced ali egg 0fl sriferedity that ,1 eharltable werke %festeredby the possesilonl'of stolen ;goodie measured 8 by er' incheai Catholic Chtirelt. On 'Saturday Morn- ,Pranic Donnelly,•aeting for the men ing Rev.. Isa.thee Nagle; teeter of St. objeeted to Prank Garniss' beteg held . . A- FII' RePokir owes. ehtirehr 0trerett. the high Masa without 'hail. Sohn, , the father, wAs *„ ...„.,..-... of neaten" and pretielted the funeral ailtiWed bait . .. . Given by Mils Edith Taylor to' gnat 'serrnan, white rove nthet, raneh ."we are in it position to prOvide, - Preebyterlin W. M. s„ , . conducted the Sesvice At the temeterY; bail," said evened_ "The. bonditMett. At the aieoting of the ..W.U.S.- :of 3lttii3r eetro*Ing friends esilited et Are here ready to put tip as much as Eno y -ehntelt :-:00,,, Ttioodo-litt--**co. ,the., iettlosi,,lifor," Doyle ,itsuriived $2,004 „ball. My client lies been i.e .tionally One *Pert of the On4ttle) by Ws -*Ire '(Cetherine Delaney),- one fig Morerthan two 'vreeks: I think, Profinclar Ninsts-,' ineettni will -tit-0-4- itiOni. John of Detroit,- and. three.datigh. tile_ pollee have lied ample time to in. by Miss <Edith, Taylog. ' ..:.... .,_ ' . ter' '' We, Victor I: Dean Of Duiralo, 'vestigate "anything' they Alai. Want to Jo a elitendid. restline Of the three days -session Miss Taylor, drst gave itembitereg gleaned -1e th' bust* nese eegeien end thengaye alt eloquent review._ of : tee ,,itddreases, Of. Itete; Mr. •. Wright., Migafoeaff in the refute 1104 er Dist:riot. and . of „Ws" Douglas et, India ` (forni#rly, or, ,pieltleK),,, . It V 14.. tiktehey. Witidaer, Atid, look- lute . lira; Ildleritiv Of Strtitti% "I Ain, opposing 'boil," sald Crew* 0 . Danced of $egtfortit' and. 1. W. Attorney flehitee "but If we are not Denten? et Lottdoit are nephews. ready to et) on in another week I will " withdraw MY 01400100." - Bell 'Wee refuseden-d tif.e case ad - wits „lor _mtL11111, ,oftlYem -that there, are Stu00 enr011eit journed it week • , 'Charles .0ooPer and, Itkg. Evan, of Baytieid, eiteh :paid $10 and costs for spearing .rainbow trout with the aid - of artificial light. in Mission bands Ontarto. ju LYLtUI ▪ program for the '.obserVatiee of Vic- bers antillaries were Urged to let.. tor it. ay nett 1)104100,, '3•143r1-ith".-• low up junior membership eertilleates,.Vitiloits activities are eChteittled for wlth seals. The .prohlem. In nits, the day. * • glen halide 15 learlershiP, 'and -004)Perti,‘ ,The Vaithaad Golf .014 ahholuleee' Itieceltnit encouragement Vet* 8treased. its �fficl (Melling for that day; with Al branches of the Work Were touched a Progranc.ofimerning and afterneou, upon and Irian/ valuable .suggehtions event& In the taortieg, ,e0intriebeing giveit, The *tint Of the %XS. this o'clock there Will he putting, ar, year is one htmdred per tent mem- 'Preaching', and driving coil/Petitions tership, 'There la only one, itir, in for ladles, find a nine -hole medal play Willett this ein•he StecOmplished;o mad eimpetitionfor men. Tn. the After.. Mtge Taylor, !land that Is by belmo, neon there Will be a two -ball Inbred Inteneely littereatd entetiveCt _foutgorne •ntediii. play Oompetition: t&Ift-(orclOtt eni1017 etetitity, had 'hate their 'eye articles 'Oh dIsOlaY had been, do, nett& for the hale, irielailitig ,plete outfit- for a girt. litisS Anus, Ittel)oxiald: reported Mk 4oveu bitting beetrinade by the Welcome and. weifete depapttnent Lot Month. Vlie,Setipture lesson was rod by Madiebeld: and Prayers *ere offered by Mrs. Jas. Itisseti. Mies etiomaid and Mts. Taylor. The, irmsident prof 11. Otail frost tea- that the' iftioettieis fat the year • ISMS kilotStelugOiNo s; cog.. nothildi flayfield 'road, itOrtetkii .tstinfpl, log wound yester- day when: she tell 'white housecleaning in the attic of her home, sr 'tithe triplied ()tee it beard Atiii opened a pall •Iti her ankle which required medical at- tention, and "seVeral. Stitches. etAsiiibutsibirvit 'HoNoago Vitas rent 'Cranston, *40 this week entered ,Aleitiedra heSpital, as turtle- witx bowlers la-trafeing," Was the ,'guest of honor of on tOe' 'weather, and it eonditions' are Vie 'Willing Virarkerst plaits of Victoria fioribio they will Itoldt their 6400 Ilnited.eherell at a Ineeting at tourney Of the Set:tate" at the gicton, .11tae• parsonage on rtittO last; MIAs Street 'greens; tillrianateaf 'WU president the' *Use, received a Orel), ,CoMPact iron. , • 'III the afternoon the oponkig game her friends. Tho' t.oreontation was in the Utirort.Pettlt 13asehtill'LcagLIe inade by miss reartitoope,,' wilt he played t Agricultural • dent, who succeeds Ufa* Cranston as (loderich's old.tittie 'dials, the 2nricli:. president Of the class. litisa Cranston team, will be ,here and the game shotild iesponded very nicely to the present*, co some thrifts, - The lo4,,als hare on and; after r). brief busioess.seission, had. 000 good practioi and will put itie niteting Walt jweught to a eloao ,teent in lite field. The •gitito fMII a moot enjayable; luncheon tot 1480 d'eloele; • The printed "order ' of 'serviee Said It Was t6`'he':ik maple treete everybody said was, a infilgit: tree the ri311404tr took ee granted and- in.:.:;his account ,4,er the Coronation ..Dity eremonips said that the titit' a, planted' by the fair bituds" of , „Wry Guide captains eaPtaine- WAS. 41040, But *wasn't. It is e":riceean, tree, per - baps better -, eetelae:the mann-, **ash., 0,06144.attY Wort _10ii..-14,0041110/.49.1.9.V- iiiiisitiful treei'••4 • The Maple geand- tree, ,but - we have- sor• many of them in , Goderleh that they. are—shall we say ., cOmmonplete? -At - any • rate, aa_Johrt park, the Pro- vInetat horticultural iecturee, Said in 41 recent address here, it • is well to hivie .veriety in our trees Father, as- Councilidi Bingham points out, there 1$ an ethieatLv side to thejnattereand the Children should have the op-• poreniity of becoming acquaint- ed with the widest poseible var- iety Of trees. He says it *the •• intention of the ciVie parks come uitttee, 'Of svlech 0Ougellior Cralele le chairman And Mutt- eillot Bingham a mentber, to re. piece any trees that may. he de- stroyed by heavy winds, or that ' for anr reason may have to be reinoved, Witie..trees.of varieties 'floe tow common in our parks or on our street.' For lotance, there are oily one or :Oaks itt the whole town—On • our streets, at any rate. The Eng- lish -acorns recently Planted vvta in time give us some iseecimehe of the famous "British oak." There are other trees that may be introdueed from time to time and they Will netko Our perks , much motif Interesting. - • There usel. to be severta row.. ain trees in Court Houle but one by Otte theY digatrPetredi •It'is to be lamed the-yonng tree - planted on Coronation pay. win tnrite aid &tibiae trite -bile. ,speelmee ef .ene of the most • beatitlful of our trfts. 'It. Was past masters' night at. meeting and banquet Ot Raffling tar Lodge, NO. 300, A., tied' GJLC., at cnriow on Wednesday niet%, ,anct :0,e:high light of minCin eteet-f • de Ow- of )0welA, to,4wh, m e, one`a eitarter Member the I ge. • • The recipients of these treasured mernentoes, only three of which have 'beee Presen.ted 'to -members of Morn- ing Star, Lodge, .4tere*Willlant Bailie, -aged thg ehttrter member (if the lodge and. Alex. MacKenzie, of Auburn, ei,ghty- twieyeer-old member of the order. fifty-five years a past -tilleater,- has , been a Mason eixty-four • years haiing Joined the Goderld lodge in 187a before asoisting in •the •ergenization of .3itorning Star Lodge a year later. Zr.IlleKeezie has been n member or the order fifty-nine years, and is for- te.niiie years a past master. ' The presentations were made by War. Bro. Hugh Hill, past 1113.0.31. Tbe late John Wilson, who died sev- eral years ago at his home at Auburn, in 'his eighty-fourth year, was the •only other member of Morning Star Lodge to receive a veteran's jewel. He was a eharter member ef the lodge, vvhich was organized with nine mem- .Costello, son of Judge T. M. °oaten° MILITARY CAMP f`e" etrinliany Will Go '• Pine 11111 for Six Doe Training • • Military orders recelied by Captain D. R. Nairn this vire.ek itavito that a epeelie trifle will leave Goderi4h at 10,20 a.in.',Sunday, Ottne 21, to 0011. vey "0" Company of the lifIddietiet. Huron Regiment to carat. at Pine Hite noaCTIOOril, for six dityee-of {try taetics. Company will. be under Capt. 11 A. WNW*, of Clin- ton, and the tsame train Will pick rip "V" Company at Soaforth, under tho eolumand of Major 'Tilos Verve', of. Olden. "A" ,and "A" CorePtilidie from Strathroy and London, Will' gh separate trains. -Nearly two hundred men will re - Pre -Wit the Middlegek.IturOn Roe.' 'tient, and about .forty Will entrain fora Ooderiche Carop rine 11111 is tlie, MIA *lode eamp of IttilitarY distriet NO, .1, aed about one Weigand% men, will eticamP there, ma uLguintta Light Ittfailtry,, Kent 11010304 of eliathatui tue%',ps- e‘rx gebtAl‘ Virhidsc•r' " and ICitchentr f)cots tatiliera, bethe 'other' Units' topresented, at the earaco. The tout ,coraPirtfes of Stiddleaex- HUN* Regheleat are id PreOrnt under. 001g tigid,,,tridning three *Mt it ter. • Miss pen,e. Oonnort) returned • to their Mr and and ars. Chas. Meakins (nee home- on Essex street ott. -'Suraday. uigbt•,;•Mr; and, .Airs. 111ealritis, Who were married at Detroit a at a Monte ago, have since travelled:I rough the 110014,titend Over .0,000 On Aids 'Whit mrs,.:Alber evening gaite n the 4nuilieeeu Iloine. and 4 4 'others gardentg- for le. all **Oirlf,'°fOit. the*:•hetter tit -O. tions in and f:hetWeeit • !routes atul schools. , • . •. - The apealr0 told a lutantreui, story, of .kerural trtistee ", who was set!"."figninst.having Mate Sehoel His tee** "We States to !California ,'4.nd..return. and if we have a HO oPtt or,r6;' Ittottoliknon.le.thrizitinodi Hislerns:' pluuyib•o''er'eriattooh,itsvpoe spoke sall, were the • guests • Of Ws. ,raineA items of interest gleaned Hamilton 3,fonday. Ur. Sinttit ter convention- • • . VOA.- auttiftra4%:, y ro'el War churek 1ehsa11,' on Sanda3r. • County Clerk J. M. Roberts col - leveed at his office in the -court house yesterday, victim' of a fainting spell, and •Was remOvea to his home by a hurriedly. Sammosied physician. Mr. Roberte was able to return to. his of. flee tbis (Friday) morning. Mr. and Mrs, Knyvet Neftel and son James and Mrs. Prank Allen mo- tored to Sarnia last week -end to see Leslie Naftel 'and--.Taek Alien -as their ship docked at thtit port on its west- ward trip from the coast. While at Sarnia, they were the guests of' Ur. end Mrs. 3. D. Mills J., Keith, Saunders, of the staff of the hank or Commerce at Galt, Who underwent an operation for appendi- citis at Galt recently, was brought to his home on Cobourg street on Satur- day. He will remain with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.4E. Saunders., on sick ,leave of a couple of week& Accompanyiog nig .sister Norah from Toronto ott what was to be an over. night visit to their home here, Terry' hers. • and. Mr. Maeltenzie re- sponded in reminlicent vein to the presentations. Among other speakers were ttobt. Johnson, WEsI. of Mait- land Lodge, Goderleh, and Dr. B. C. Weir, past master and junior warden of Morning Star Lodge. Others attending fromeloderieh were Wor. Bro. 11. B. 31. Tiebborne - and leros. Prank Clark- and Jas'.' Reid. About -sixty persens .were..present .for the meeting and banquet. Annual Gathering to Be IftId at ' Auburn on June grd The district annual meeting of the %cements Institute of West Huron will be held at Auburn oft Thursday, June 3rd, at 10 a.m. • The morning session will be devoted to reports of the varions branches and other busi- ness, including the election of officers. There will be a good program in the •afternoett. • Miss Bess illeDermatad, superinten- dent of., %%Pamela's Institates, will. be present, also other speikers. All la- dles are Invited teenttend. •, MISS. CAMPBELL RETIRING and Mrs. Costello, was stricken by appendicitis on Sunday night mad un- derwent an operation on Monday after- noon. The two children of Ztidge and Mrs. Costello arrive been attending echool at Toronto. • Terri' is recover- ing nicely. The nurses' graduation -will be 1 at Inox Presbyterian church on evening.'ef June 4, followed by a do nt the--Masenle. hall. - .011t,'Wnit.revettled;-akt t forty new. *lobs were organiZed Oti4 tario' teat year, making a tota/ of ever 300, with a membership of 10.000,..• The ehlef aim of these 10,000 eersens. drawn together Under the bond of the Federation, is to. interest ell people _thilslron's welfarek and to link' in conntion purpose the house, the setteel and the- coinmunite for the welfare of, Biplanes Preen:lad the ehild. - ° Diplomas won at the )nusle• festival' at Clititott were Presented to • Hazel, Boyee, who tied for third place le a elaas of eighty-seven contestants itt the girl's solo Class, and to Mrs. Rat. Bisset, •,presidetet of the Home ant School Club, which won seeOnd '•place at the festival In the Club choir com- petition. Inspeetor E. a 'Beacom, who made the presentations, spoke highly of the quality of the singing, particularly that of Miss Boyce. . TIie festival winners contributed. to - a musical. progratu with the test eelec- tions suog at Clinton. Other items on. tile program were a playlet, "f Say Safety," by a number of 'pupils or Sites Laura Johnstores class; reeding; by Lucille Patterson and Betty 31e -- ,Nee, anti a duet by Catherine Cat Ant Edward Jenkins, to which music had been set by. Mr. R. F. Player, • musle Instruetor at -the school. Mrs. it. Bisset, president, announced thin the garden party, to lie held on Saturday, June 10th, would be hon- ored by the presence of Mrs, IL E. Iteece, president of the Ontario Fed. eyatioe of, Home and Scheol, Clubs. 'r omma.a.t.kow. friM4011; Position as need of OE (1. I. Cannwelal Departmen After eight yehrs on the gent of Coder telt Collegiate Institute, Miss Weide Campbell, D.A, commercial specialist, le banding itt her resigna- tion and retiring froni ached work. migs otrapeeilhas given thirty Yeti% of faithful service itt °Uteri° Oolle- glateetnstitutee, having taught- at Sar- nia, Niagare, Palls, North Ility and doderich, cas head of the tionurtercial department in each school. She is a native of Croderich and hit a always had her .,,,honie here, and presumably *Li continue to reside here. Mr teals nation, it la understood, will beet:MA.0 effective at the end of the earrent liehool, 1St June 20th of this year, 1037, is the one hundredth anniversary of tbe ae. 'cession of Queen Victoria to the throne of eireat liritaltI. It has been geld of her: "Her court wee pure, her life serene, Coil gave .her -peace, bet land roPosed A thousand claims to reverence &wed In her OP) inothot, wife and queen.:' Those words were written of a ,,woman who was On6 4)t the noblest this wortti has ever seen. ,On May -Nth, 1810, a little bluteeyed girl was born at- Kensington /Palace. Her father, then Duke of Kent, was the fourth son Of George III and her *nether, vietetre Mark lionise, the youngest sister Of the reigning Duke of Cobourg. ller mother had been married previously and the Queen's Atett-sister wa$ her .ority playmate itt the quiet years of her childhood. When the "little English Stayilower,” As her German grandmother used to call her, was born it was Or no means Certain that she would ,eVer ascend the thrOtte of Great Britain. The Duke of Clat- ear*, elder brother of tbss, Duke of Kent, and afterwards William 1V, *as married on the SAM* day ae trinteeit Victoria's father, and two daughters were born: of this marriage. Botb, however, died in infancy. The Duke of .Kent died jot eight Months after the birth of' his daughter. His deata was much regretted, as he was one of the most oopulkr of the royal princes; 'Von the death of the Duke414Zents the Duchess sent for her brothe,.:. Prince Leopold, and from that time b,e, gave the little princess a datighter".1 euro It was decided, on amount of the uncertainty of the prospects of Ale-' andrina Victoria's aseending" the throne, to keep her ill ignorance of her great 'destiny. The Duke of gent Jett little mean* and the Dochess lived •very quietly .during the childhood (of the little princess. She Wtts ettliOUS to guard her thtugWr from the ehattr* of hearing that site might sou* Or he queen. The Duchess of Keet Sette bora 4.0 thrifty, German hotly etal did not itepeove et all of the elttreita- ganeta of. the members of the Muse ot Ilanoverrot that reiteki be Jx stilled into ber young daughter's Win% • (Continued' On page 41Y;