HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-30, Page 71,„4-110 roltralb.g. organ. d, 'here giati rfor* ornitx ot u44.0pog. utogtter of $01-xl digs .sre Ilitorested 1$1 r Bract, o 'Orrice*. day, temper tnir r04V Owners etri edtitied,' to eelnodel ititehena, ar to add. liWigaeas Or ex Where, Where 'finances do it ia .Stiggestett tbs.t Simatturo be Polished InhaiMO% frier oeOme Other 'Plikee. ring" change la aba01.4 • I t same thing 1 OY • n gardenlngIs d • txioving pIaflt3 frOrn one bed to another, .04cf d1terent' ereand ere* :-•1334,4400044-, • ,picture that 0110 tliat gelObt express the lridlvidual,preferen- ces of the owner. ,,..Thezeu•are ome people who are anake & changd one a icar4e4'or 'out., ,But wlth most Plants 4 ehfft 4 9 ellerfttv festb1e. but 14 good. for the plants themselves. This, does not 4:0441 that" permanent trees, and shxub- L1 , never know „when , oeit treed Mitiar4V*4 1E AL CAP beuneticaof linimenlfr seanStrCDS , CPA "re,inev 41:44 ear freely10 relieve n.Y.enteS9n_i:V. ekes tiff- nes, .49r016 rh-eum aches, etc.;Sales 4genta ' e I F. RUchic 4404. Tov.nfo LiNimENT, otgas- and anristals., o ei�w4ing VI 4004 result jrom spot.' t s *of I. re marded ht 'T .' In1 , di, , A e V ,.- , 4 ' elate, , t 'Seven "ere4 *,, ti . * P A or ore 4hAtb,. W .3400} 114talt. IV ..1Ottitil,"„12,1; 51X044 'Otertretveg' 03,0.9o, ,;,,,„ ,' xVr,tb "Vol)), tuO0, ,' 111,0: to' 3•4v ,be use1 eettsort; encf ane aother„aka/fiend' ,. Pone00/042., of • . :Goderieh ,_ ,n` the,lierertraali, to.r.'1444ild* it',":3 4'4'0;0141'p, ' Ow 0400 ts'iovOwnol cehalTAY• adYkilge tm• "410#,-Art.04tmitolt$''.ftk _Au4r0gt''Sligolltra. neN, 'Mr*,53 irt ; 1 43**,;,^4ottz;,,0110, ramib_ry. .4rrte?..t.,:4.4 4.411iinnerhill. i '0 00i,' thrse.or ,.four yearz.'Qt4trWirftlreeel44 ' . 4'.114.4 ttr•ifaItBe-abont--t- ereeP in, :centres, beeotne. epiiita-imiltes Lie: ,44001;‘L-otivor,. 4 I I *1;4411'g''2*11z4* el4t4Isell' by the ,0*.in.s ot '..3n.lieS 't• il4',..:'•In 184,:Alfee, Shefilierd . w111460044,,,e*ha ed. , ' 04 Thirty 00vier 'Were, *Married it tali's*: the proper tlane,' the '10tixe4flet Var$44140:10,ti,V41 . t. TI.... Mr. Irelitek; ,lbe attehdanta tant.,moving: is net: • eriveeted4.-- genuar. 400*, now g:g. aotoo., 04, wightm ,zglatio$ , As; 0e...object. ' at, tojitoe, ls., 0,, ;$heph01,-- 441;1414014 , ,M. ter 'remove 111-.'1WeaktArl,'Wrt ,01.*,:griOituLgo:, 4100';t11P7'. .iregt, 40.ht.AO, ..tbeli`'' 00 . at as *gable, to let .in, light,.44 .eir toed -.11-041-0.i-Vitl!,:34-r0:-, Ato,-,1,1,0(17-410w_ to. gog0,4r6,06,synizet#64 4..10.?4, 000 ,i,4, Ilv,000",I4ast 1141kavOii", -, ,Th•ey Itited . not,. 0000, 'hoWeYer, . to, prune .early- . there for., ....tiVenti4tWO. years, .,,, then 441341111g. °jig's Uke: 01,144*eh, ' &PUPA. '.Ploved? to the• Base line,' Where 'their , es ()vier110410400d, : laPY;,1004 there Fri - and 4.,0,614), ttm.,,e ,toko toot:, . .010..1; wbote,' , r,' Govto'.npried the . Mr.., and ' Mrs. ' Wainer itutladgei With .43.ilakeq.40, :443;:kio404,:con.,• ;Were: ArPhie w6-sforee/thta". Were . bleesi*# 11.011)°t4 "w .../SeVenteen.,`'clark then retired • twelve Y'ear0..( 00t11.' Pa8sea. Mrs: Cant*011-'ntid TOnini* , 'visited .41,N*41, .044deNtir'. five' Years -.fig4^ ." `g,L.r.s• With jr. an '3044t:cah ,0ovier4tOlts beak to the 00* Goderib .tow Sunday. ,theY,:..411' *001 to church' on -''tho :Base Weare pt..;,z • report that Ur,: 40, line 1» a luniber iv,egOA•On4.')Illeti IVILL ggiott is well 44 viany 'ft- 4V-% h4tise •.`541$' the Ibmt 11(!lt Iltv°1:-. friends" wOuld. ;to _ :-.13) hi. the 'district, it Was buill in . or e goo OK WO meetts4 41-0 boto or, Mr *owl , attenda gre4,4. D, t. ; , A , t 14 1)0 heltitit tile 0 VI . Htfl And r Or IliAt *t I 4 mbelo vi^akf V: vidett h\y, 4vor.#, /4*Voiton and Or**, e Ahmenta Wire ,serVeit et *WO IA The dame * ‘e . e4,1030. t-nd .I aud Ir Vret,t et T e fAtIlea ' regular -1494 etrAY te'flg"1444)°, 4.,vrItth't1:1: P., The prealdent, ten prealded*.. he AtitAtie-walso 1 . nee lustrecently t oX how0,L Ulu tO aro; Nwtidaliedtri to 04,, le. rP4 • 41.;'''‘, 'nla':rdsPenO4r,".'.o4.f;j,t0Ae)id'Olit, tio). valotim tne ortur • In :t1-144 vAllgge, uorlo** tit '1"4011dout 1,0tOt i*orka to .* , .week aftet Speitidin* (•,•''ln. the'11‘.1t11.1111701c,),?‘.; . , *On, ant Ilrat 41t. 114 t "t40‘40,0r ..traYers; ',Other rrotOrripa hQwe ,terOtiAg '0401. 'Ogre given by on OrldaY 0,e14,1),Ott a eek In Watson 440- ..TorOto; • • • • Mrs. IL ":"Ugtt4Ws, 0 'OW ,o,411 'Irro:,11gtota'Sggt0buior-Speitt,..Sixiday was **Wei:ea an . , 'bpi .004' :Sam, ,SeVeral, moolw,twel.C.44440: to the *AO. 4Piht4.01. week -end .ar tUgl,r c•otzt, ge* InterOstliig feature ,41 ltterfigOr .„*Xst-AllgeOr001.04. Of '.00.treit, SPen .Waa. --shoVverl.for, Veeteelvtiu.prei,.' yv.oeku.dAili tut,. T40, .itiottAt 1v4a brougbt ,to Rev. and - Bugler Ms. IOo- c.10S0,,i0t# ;00:4400 .-4gOtt Meg/axon* .1uneit was ...Ppeitt last TridaY in tond:044,H ' - .4tihn .400vtt returned Prt, , , To - on. 010 old Mrs, 0; flileagan and Mrs. Jelin Vealfan, Or much of this r ' • Garden * • Level ' „wor ',.garderis wrgt snayb e '0 at to handle, n Where, the wrier IS 'OreParedlo 'go to a hale estra, ,troohl.0„ *ore- striking results Can eotain.- 1.$1 ,be 'Obtained; witii'•ravinea and elepee„ Where the 00 ; i WaY•'*0740,14.0*' ',.--'1-allel---g140x4.-x4das1ii..0.367 gld " .Quite tt A ttivg•xeittoieu W00 caUset • reseroble" rolita,..tiire. Al e ranges, en . , •11 Mrs ,G4,6 let i a , formed an e, betfr fE•e7 Will' ••'-'11141- ,them'Alpinif6141crivers.'„are grewn' „ ,fIlase., Ile, . ,v ) b • fields, . _,.? .14, -,*.t.204 'little short Oproil$,*" , 't . ,,, ' ' - " ' • - "' ' - ofo7brotb6r,, William of Clinton 'and , ,but the little girls could. not be. 'tut), ye4i„...-.0riiv .osto . . itstetl• in' :grandegIdren and throe', great'grend- :they ivalked in. , They', ihad . ,boeif, e tter seed" catalogues.7.do hoidAhe ,orildien.' It vas . white „Mr, and Mrs. Sleeping in a hole..iiiider a beani, in .the .5 Or''''14;0044 ,,OP'*:4' A 10),(4. :-St • (4, OVier 'lived .:ett. the' Base line that one. :barti, and the .11,laeo - being' dark the .P :i•6:14hOt*Ill-00441P'''Oatitreol'itirl,rerablY:.• et the eaddest tragediesle thiedletriet two children did net know when night *eather*heatew 4,0u1441:04: '100 ,144"4/ .14'1' oecurred. lielen LOckhart WaSispend, 00111e on. • ' t4W0.4thirda !their ./.10,0t94 egular* trio the da with Laura iGovier • a *---""-I- . l?iatighei4. tha :40e : :0000.,:pocketa of' P 4 Y - • ! • • -r„ vidla n ,4 short dens butsso,43WfarrtSraloo7;fft5A- 7.17-rr , woiittIcgi .4*-wOni4a***igeril'a \:oVV-csr^Wawanosix.,tind;ger . re tat:reinitte -Audtew Of Godcrich tOwnship, 'ten Viand, About 20 .elclock; hOwever.. rentoi %taw Ferguson, ot,Tectuo, 'oent the Iveekoortt.,,nith:*her par- ents, ent0;,.Mr. and *a. Wan: ‘VergiiSert. Dr, E. P. 'LeNVIS,., oCToronta, was the -Week,^entl.#nest Mrs. M.• Woods. and. Mr -s. ALCWIS' returned to 'To. rote on Monday. 'Mrs,. • Lewis had been tile 'guest, of Idis. Wood for a. fe* weeks.. ' 11 hito; his zage. with* tt4 000. 4.:81X :1)001 tenin t nay (me tlito nk lolt oyer,4rou 400 04 tg 010 sometime, * IszalrPaltm.rthirik at h Better be Se any yVet4uniscitanelillrial9 efriniU as feign dee'wide litre tOt CC n. TQN liament ct o, ot A ' • granddaughter, when she got into elf- PORTEIVS- BILL .444..Alopthe'ltkUteliree 4bathigg" In the creek, ritit*.‘0,,areari**11404 -7-.4*two no,ulty , .arat. trail. over ;thedere.; just wt 'of the Govier heine. •MI. deiLle April 2ieeSueli '''' ".• He t went t h i• seue end /- RATES $ist,P74)1i50 NO HIGHER .001tVatilkilts, atObitaal°100 10001141,01rEL41111 TH lATIl . , 4 1. •:1"4"1114. ''f0)11, raLngret , TAlalr A, ;Do Lote tAxl fitosHytooT 0* WHAItF—ZIo • er ov et we o er e a deluge of Aprit showers as We have they were both arowned. That was ' 1ENMILLR. April 47.4 -Rev. George *Vie attended the Presbytery Meeting in Ooderieh' on Tuetday. Mr.Rivers of Termite.' ,00mpled the tilillAt‘or B,e*irlille' ehurch oi Eanidal- morning and spoke orrbehalf of the'tern- perance cause. , and-aith...4arties Jewell, who &Pent. the 'et/titer en Florida, returned home - Iest*eek. • • •'' • The young people met as Usual* on Sunday evoning. Mlss Dorothy Walters gave the t�plc. Precntitlon to, ye:WO...wedge-A large wn1r of the 06106 reti,,a'' reception to Ur and ttrtn• Xelth .bataper on Friday evord*r last. of .their hOrtte.'. A. pleasant tittle mrtee. ',4P01# in Igames bf 'vtaekett kinds, and reftesiMiente, were Served nt the t close." MeS. Varatorie on ,behalt of the you ipeople teed- a,shOrt ackiresstopgratulating;Mr, and VIrs.:KeIth Gardner -on thelr'4.00eut inktrimosi$I adventure,' and ,leetertd4ng to thein the best Wishes of 40 present for siteeesStnl. ancl bga*Yllitute Mr. and Mrs. Gardner were (tnAde the 'ittiptints of 'a, beatniful, lamp, and flower Tose., The iiresentaftlork was -Made by -*Eris Ilvelkm a06,:13, tett and Mrs. Moore. ,Osicint,:r4repl1ed int a fiverv-°*4110.hre 'qui" ' s h 3 • PO te ErmekLIAla II imork immeno B1_001,1 arnamie I E. ainfu *Par: *tart to ittesk 'Out it is an evidenee itt* blood ,010ggea 'op with fit,. • parities? ota topitto urk, be thoroughly prated ifs a good bleed medicine. believe the better bleed eleanaing, Mediel.tie Atm. Zlood Zitfers. lido to remove the foil matter' . ...trOin the hloOd, and °lift the 'blood is purified the toi1s. disappear' and yottr•trilseri -- 44 "od 4014., ; ; • the lieterWeele The creeks are twenty ear's- eve. 0• litglier than ethey were ea,rly la the spring' antlIstill the rain • eceitea dowo. unnsual play, „dealing .with the. Ansere as if it were:, only • 'starting, Last' Wan Oen War, was presented in Bay - Wednesday during the, high wind field town hair on Thuteday last by quite a number of barns and houses the Young titeople's Departmeet of St. were pretty Well stripped of shingles. Andrew's _pelted church. In spite On Sunday, May 9th, Rev. IL M. of the inerement - weather and the, feet Gole will coMittet a Oerconation ser- that the erefluetton -was postponed Maitland Baseball "Leaguese-The Meitland League Basebtee'Assodiation. Met Moeda)/ eight in the .0itinge*hati. eed0u0t of the weather it Was not Very well reeteeeeted and the decision as to tbe• whither of 'teams tette left The fallowing effacers Were an- ti* the 43, 11 ,e11411, 1 3 , t igrk been }!e ws wcni t * ,,,,:fie I • 6 i 4rider 1 %. 15,,, * •Vitah o Too: 4 ov. lns deal. notdead, have the - Oti it ioc her up in er roont :1 keep iter re! Take yaur deaI eaewhere, Rellin vele not Vrantins' any or .'emP'. 0403,Y. eA04Shoret* ItrellnOrt, 033 rage back tht CraIg. Wattling dow, Parelt 40,W 401 OW \the exprea1on that "-wblch ntc&nt e.ided on crit rather Vhs» Must* That WO RelltnaVa •• Meat daneroua 1(1004'1, as tord,ditri Percy had good to know. The saloon roan% th10,41lier lifted ghtly and, he attempted a wryt "Sorry Crail0,-,700-1104, With a touch of "OA sorry'*bent 04reYt -Otto Cring.,, I hope you 'folks worOelet tide httle affair 'keep- von. *way from Oolti rtk nO 110.11r. The statelteeper there .approeletea ;your 'trade i and dont like to See the vista store gettin* All of it,' It was no secret in Gold ..,/teek ; that that storekeeper -01 hem, he Or4r4C/144$ a figurehead for Sae 'Roll • "X dont. know anyLhing that'( ki;" A otto th,e' noron '73160,estui eouvention at London this 'weeke• Dr. and Nits. Wm. •Fowler and Mes- ter _Billy, of Lacktiew, visited friends here, co Sunday. • 10114$ 3.1tagaret Groves, of 'Toronto, was the guestof Mrs. N. Woods Sun- dai 'evening,. returning to Toronto on. Monday morning. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, John Fraser apd family \have taken tip residenee hire, hewing located In telee Thomas Thiliefe house. We welcome them, to the village. • • "The Thread of Destiny.".. --A rather poilited-: President -4 X„. viee- ette-G-raee---eherele We hope tMiso ,Ate the cherela, - • Allen'Bettlese, group of ladies -enjoyed a qtditing her . home one, Datnage .fram..Raill artil Winde-Notedity last week. _There 'was one oleo V- Mrs Reid. Torrahee's, where, a leangannon; Vice-.President,111. X. Phil, have some liggs And hentieg, to •deeor- , lipS, A.uletrn; eeeretery-trea.surer, B. Marsh, Aubtren; ',Assistant- decree:try- . . treaearer, T. eon, , u .. , • , to -r niatiy.xe.ars 'hue:there .been such a '1^:alelfirli: ettethis time - of year. The creeks' and the river hate been swollen . far beyond, the- e/Seal. eeMener fields have Peen. 'E.4 - Male eempletelY tinder water. , Cul- verts in* fern lanes have been washed 4 away and .the awaraps.are again filled ,up. The regent .4yinds caused mach greater loss than was at .flret suPpoSed. Ste many roofs were,,,daniaged that it h4rf been inipossible,to repair tiled alt'l rain is soaking into bailie and houses. A considerable amount of .grain has been destroyed* ''Seecltri4 • oPeratiens in this district are :at a Standstitt • oneacCount of the ram. Theefill Wheat islaokilig'gre0E-.; er.,Ite Many lielde letd' beeome ettife brown. 1016 .110vieti are •eiote, apPeering the'busbe • We are \tor* to report that W. Z. Thiddi*4 qutte libt home tete. •Tile regular I:netting Rteex Vnited IriP.11. wog )xoUl od 1044*Y laght. larttiOerthirr bad charge. Roy. EL O Wilikai led peayete . The SO*, tete 'paseage was 'lead by • Stewart Vertitutore Arthur' took, the ")Zioyir ':to*Vai.101 ()Or ' Mkt Portithy Aide/Mon presided At the piano. Vilie'bine ow VS11 12 the eenteet and thieted entet- tain With. es.-17ana, and e'oeial teen- %tal BELFAST -soetal. the , lingers were employed. both homes a dainty luneh was ,gerved. 3.0.17 _w.ho base teen q.ulte 111 with. "flue" is still 'confined to .14s • Little Wilford Was, ion of 1.‘ir, ind Mrs. Morris gteip, • has been very ill in Goderiek'llospital, but is improving. . 1irs. 'Robert .101Waini who has been in Gederich.-.; hospital after an attack of "flu" . that 4 lett rather serious trobble, 'was . able . to be -brght libra0 last Week. were guestt at tb Sirs. Ernest'' Bell had been here turned tonie • Miss Irene- .ded Loudon, .spent Stind, ents. * • , The seeding that OS oft to a geed gait two Weeks ago ties been halted owing to so Mit„ 41eldie New on is making splendid- progress. e bite throWn his eratehes 'away. On get ,fttotold now With the bel eatte. k. .131aiireiLSV, 26—Tile l'eSdhir 'monthly Mee g of the Aittlit.150 ol , listketes circuit, bOIA.eat .the home of Mrs; John Mullin on Tote; day, April tOth„ instead of the regu- lar day, the 27th, oli aecOxint of .the ,priesbyeetlitl tO be; held -in Ckederich en the latter date. There was a good attendatiee. The ladies" quilted Melte Mrs. George Labe took the study and Mee. Sim Sher- wood read the Scripture lesson. Miss Melds. Zane, who *aches. near Coldwater, „ spent line- Week -end at home With her parents, Mr. arid kite. s at‘ Agts1.1 PeAgrtte **DWI Mitt i;te *sot' ' 'NI lb PIC. **W. Vitig • t• GeorgTQnP e Itlas Cook,' of Paramount, is assist** Ing at the horde. of, litre, Will Alton!, Mr.•Mad Uric .1), Alton. spent the week' -end with -their daughter, %Ira. ,Percy Oratam, near Sheppardton. i ' lxk; held it -opal:: for, Iiini7,..4.44.Pavy watched brat reiid et -eye -tie , watt eenettiet to lide... aver tomorrow." Pete. Relinian tabbed his sham blaele lielid*at:liatal4 Oran; and !went lOwa,rds the deer,' Sem Cirafg stalked arid froin the shatiws Reliman Called lila men and get into the saddle. THE "'MAP • CHAPTER. XVI Though for some: reasons, ,was worried when. he • Slid *..a*ao. trem the- winbw .attal, batit to where his own twe mat Were Waitleg, for him, there were ethers whieh-tmadetie heart Orig. Natelie Wee:Iola 'slie was Willtrig 0 tell her whole World that Elie had loved, Lord Jim Darcy,: gambler or not, and that now she- cherished hes triemory. That was hearteeiree. but. DarcY, did not like the tern clients were takine. at the Boit. .23Vhert, he Mlelned- reinlock and Hart a,nd'ied the way haelt hoii 'gauleeoutedetetIld etoPinaeYaerrIsY4115(10,11;P•11;73:*cthleTY11111, from night previoes, ,paeked the .night to their hideout in the he told them of What he had ,Robert. Seetehmer, prompter, intro- heent, and gem, old what were his ,een,. duced the play and all heted• their elusions. 'parts very creditably, Nitige Was arrhia 13 mY personal affair; of course.' Supplied between acts by the *St. Au. he firdshed. "But Pete liellman is enter-. drerv'e orchestra. Members of the est -cd in it—" • • • ," east were ,Mrs. •Sturgeoo, Murray Vete etit telee•reelunale-ledeee -Grainger, Meta, Sheardown, Ns)rtna bin)," leinlo:k agreed, Visit'. °We're Welsh, Maude. Stirling, L.Stevenson, baek of you, Lord doanything Fern Wheatley, Ituasel Gea-inger, Jean yoli say? Dunn, Mabel Scotclexter,- Fraser Stir- "Numant up to something." Darcy Hug, Kathleen BtftC0111, Helen, Scotch- muted, as he rode slowly !along. "Be cool - mer, 'Marie Harter, John, i yowntdesonn: eth%dzownox ehuljrdlt ncaerailts-tfiseraye he Mary • Snowden, Elizabeth t ,•sts. want% Al!. Scotchoier, Fred wet.Via4 Zahn to Gold Hoek tomorrow. tetaye ' lis, Helen Welsh, Earl Switzer, Elsie -1 be We better be riding that way our- ' ititebie, Charlie Wallis and atri. Mac selves. I'llhave come plans for 'that." lee explained no further there but Toms. When , ,bo ,e se crest' ,e n,-e Irotbeet w0tud among three TI oro4, Suddenly, In the dlst&ZlCe, pufO:0rontte4:0othi tw.i, eut6tmortii * her1Vle 04t.0ri t iodbof the t itlatrrorooseexs etiettileg rporie 0 t dit_oritutgr ceelten 10 et et: Ile etir:ck tlia,Mthe:1:1144144Pe::merrt)mItettE,;:iicV4)11:tit;13'. l'AaPteng'*" :c11" did net realize WhitlhadhaPPen srd '61)1t1intt thente ttan't-inS rtiX *Itt • utheadrocitat „trona:tin Is5citi:41i.t.;t:oheiot white rifl ny: 11,00a. Nataile 4 w, r hers*:o the trali on kneel beside rutted dna. 4*^/at9kLA t „• ked., q. Crai bad.` -beet, wheckedl •The athassmn WOS0A th Awe ot. the, ridge eut of slght, ,doubtelay, making his escape - with.sfl speed this Minute,' Itlafey:tou1din0t get there in tine even to catch 0, gUInPSO ot him; Betarer. tbat, the co gulehing would have to gal- lop into some ravine, circle tAt 10014 Rock, and be int the toItn longbefore'. news of the tragedy got there. Raking his' horse with his ,atpurs, rli hit t.0w11tlY as the eldrited4)144*. cou travel, oh ;67 Ore ;around' theZahoulder of the hilt anstrelned,nri liat',a,ShOWer.t)t ' dust and gravel'beside tKin1o0ie:and Brt. They, toe, had heattl the ahola and Natalie's Wild cry., but they itad, , not seen whet •Irett happened'. " • • DareVa face was white with rage.. Itellmara NV^04t1" he gritted. 'Minkm. he can .carry -out his schernee With 0rit4g otit•of the way. . Or maybe :lint his - sidewinder (way of squaring /*canny,' toe the.straight talk craig., gave him. The murdering, NW:elle& etelt. hell! Come . oat" " • The' thundereue-brOwed men did net ask him .where, but followed,- Beret la 'tho hearts of with of the that they etrele noteeer. ° the inteof Watt) *hate' - breaking. Bue aefotee holne 'of Mr. and, 'Their: son, ewho settle weeks, re- - - and trifend;- of 1 with her par - Wrs 0 NVierrifFiLDi APT Edna Vincent and son,' of Veligra*t* , cook at the.* ' The wind laitt ,siderable dattiage 10 titer of the 'eft anti one Of the Witt WW1 In. 'Sties ,lanniereott.,itoilgert„_ tent were Wolof d" :On ,t,theredsti , nigh shower was given," daldwellf (fothi01.* 00.1er). at the ii.01.0 and Mt, Wililam Clare Vincent y with his. sister, itt Diartnid, at .1,1arni10 ,Tatrt, Dan itetiger, of Al% visited 00 Sttrid It Campbell . * 1 Mrs, W. It tamphe daughter- Mrs. • W. Crewe, . On Sunda earn' Toronto, ' repreSienti 1,emoersiace. Federal pulpit of Westfield 1 27.— 3liss 'Merle Ander- ss Zelia '4 • sty did 'ton- Iietion. The td-wast*keil urch windows :the wits -a Ii04014 I TIn- miscellaneous •Mfg, Seel • Margate • her *dente, Ckiiier; red .1tisi +week , Murray ' Me- .do• derieb town - • 'With Mr. W. Is viSiting her Crozier, at .111W, lir. POtts Of the Ontario n, deenpied the Darcy vas making plane for the three OODERICII TOVIrNSIIIP of thee, to separele. en that rideethe next day and take up positions high in the airionsoweleroi. hill*, front, which they could •watch the c NempApril trO low. He szareely knew what it roptnten Ton, 27. Iteilmari might rs. W. J. "Stevenson, of Windsor, Istr:41:trut tur Pee,ts.ch‘e've his ends. , visiteT ber parents, Mr. aud Mrs. The thme got a good reiglit's sleep and rtobt. Davidson, as 'Week. left their hitteeut soon after daylight, and Mrs. Dave _Elliott and Lily, Of the when they separated, Darcy mit down iflth concession, speet Sunday with through the brush and went up * Melt/ Mrs. Mary Phillips. el* where there *as no trail, finally The baby boy of Mr. and *Mrs, Mor- .resodng 4,,,mace ton which he coo xis Hicks was removed to elederich see the &got sex tomtits and the hospital on Thursday morning, stiffer. road leading from them. Ing from pneumonia. . Be had not been watching long before During the heavy wind storm ef ho g&W riders leave the Box 0 and, move last Wedeesday, much damage was alreerteAY alone the road to *here it forked. done on the fame Trees were up, Either foaled to Clold Hoek, and the rooted smeller buildings flattened, distal:tee was abut the mule. One trait and more than one barn roof threat- Went poet another ranch, and the second mei= toward the south to aveki * aeries Union Church Nette.,,,-Thirteen Mem- of rocky ledges and a creek. 'berg of -the niet at Mrs. Rohn Party swung into his eaddle and Dav1dson°8 on 'Thursday afternoon molted to net position where he could and quilted another qUilt.,.....The re. %meth either fork of the trail. He saw gontiler,r;inapeitin:vet Onfilitthei,net.1.0p.hIjo. dwattubretihd, lthh: 81:117 ilerawhethbetcier iverOefthiewialirg enotit°Iviirdio. with ten mombers, present. . Maup.rie.e: IdandidennietitYk oothignr—Bunthe Mellwaiii bad charge of the Meeting j'ed orate,' oettleekt. .a.rteehrtIte-pPtly14eri4--iPfrerotli4etdhe It"teethee. '""utu troTsititt.tie.d‘j"70 whoorirter. aethe mart" h trsd.*: tinder" Was reed •by 'Harold Gardner. Wending to sitrnel UMW: or Sart if he a;binhaedesilliiv!eiSatts.riegkiMP.eNtnailOTTliiti:;w,efiqs,05. w4iiiTe'onirso:birtel):14:7:30tia48:::::erorn/dtti: 7!0,hooelikhxdrestjuolvhadizrietrib4eitenotigrnIlitotpri'DsIsaioarclironitic heenis°, ssw theta before they rode to tbe 6Pot Piens were Made Jo entertain rit M" Bert Stuntmen • - ter soelety some dine in ..)frty And Stummel was going to the Box C again committees were • appOinted. " The to. resume his argument With Craig. Meeting elesed with a *hymn *On Sunday at Won flev. Gordon C. Baj. trier of °yew church, St. Thema*, Oc• ertpled the pulpit, delivering a splen- did "sermon on, tide subject "The Church's- Duty to itself." Durink the service IV �1o, "111 the garden," was sang by Harold Gardner. -, • , was wi1t. down. to hear/sem • luder4 told them they eoultlf, geod bls 40 exposing themselves tehdethet, otherwise they *might find a tr"ay. to help dirover Sam 'crate% murdered. " Jim Dewy led Itis men threneti the. • brisliquid rocks to another,poeltiorefrem which they could look directly deemlnta the trail. Sam praig had been earsiefl one side o/ it UIck teeter liselehisearins around Natalie •traliee tretki)1419 bad/ andeves pattteg her 4=4/. on, *1shoulder, while her head *it ilktri0d 0*. his broad ehest. That sett* lted plain siginfiesecteereare Craig WO dead- e_ 'the three men. watalied WW1 Zit* tiolter helped Natalie ntoturt,_,And_thia", without a backward glarteek.the aid put ours to her horse and, lode 'f urioualy along the trail toward the tsritre 00tio to tell whit had happexted, todonning: that the killer be found* Air* suPP0let, Ilia lipe were tight and gritn, there pain in his eyes as he vatehett her ga, Then he turned to Kihkeit *Ad note Reilmanes behind this,!* Alhereli a raet of men -out he right SiVarri.41.4414^ - man will put Or..* fine sbow Hell, tend to be trying to get the eoetrderee "Yeah," sidd 1Cinlock, nodd that means we'd better not be,iMirid where around." "Eight!" For * Moment tterelf rbOultilt tensely. There "fettle**, voted, take s. chance on eirelingeirened, tat getting into Gokt Emit? neivs Of what's being said ant done* titinieth todded. "ShortX ettie it, ACM Jim," he said feaelle. "r11 Picket Me horst *nd drift down the guith afoot I know Where 1 tan pick me Up * change elothei. Everybody that* *tire etis thinks -that me, and. Hart „ art preeMetta." tolnied the north. Vfl let on I've wine int0 tOW13 toeteltr grub." • "All rieht,' Ilrirt and I will go lewit to the hideout," Iet,r,y said.'Tod set back there as woe as you can. Sal* Stiee, end wait long enough. to hear evetir-, thing." Nodditig• his face grin. lidreock tette awar. Darcy and Hart 'went beck threaglt the and'eireled toward theit btde- Darcy guessed, no doubt still in a temper. out. 'Hart had not imeldned ^that Ole posaibly ib Worse one if he had been in,Ciold Rock drinking set night. It might be fortunate that 01%4 and Natalie wee tiding to town by the other trail' arid tituttimel wal% meeting' them. It would give Stunt:net time to do taille thinking before they met, again. • 4 At, let 114 cheerful face of 'Lord ./114 Darcy could look as blackly thunderous, as vengel4 as it did while they, rode along side * side. -Nobody but Pelle itellrete eteltiAt want to murder peor old km Daley muttered irotki heristettli hard, thinned lips. "Craig didn't .11*elt an enemy in the world: But Ac 054 knew that it was of -Natalie Cra!g that Lord Jim was thinking, of the ache that mist, be in her heart, and he:toted net go to her.to comfort her. Hart suggested: "Holt about Bert Stireinterr iiteett-r, to know Strianmel diartt Derey declared. "I sloe hita rtdin along the north fork as the 14501. C peoptis were riding *104. the ;With. fork. OW*" 1 cesuldriV t them„ ,ebeldri teette *4ostixsltIon to A* the Hart made another hew could the %well or tri6 gtri by, DaW, Lord Jiro, or havin* (To he eolitiniltd) .111156.: "What does that $01ta yeti& &lees rote*: 'Ws it aceilt.„" .Tubb -"You MOM a boy 04 Pepe": "Alt., fOr hes altriktS, Oist, ettoot , . 1100 '4", 13 3 I