HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-30, Page 4e ett ehur rrnRnof UnrOnPr*bytet !r0 *or Orthip thur00'"'w ireh parade oZ 62, „. wa* re than hi.$00 to attend divine Ansileari was n* rovoltin , e words ot 1 -thosgth1ng e . 0Polte` ',0 % , *tea w I ve: take 4.0o , . orid in paSt 0011tUrilMF.. 'and .$0t edlog generations iutve kept in-. that instit tiOn vitiiiit Ivo 011 „ ._ u , ,01111.1.)..',, 08 st 'isou%ve of rogrot to tixo Church*hen 'that bod thig her' on '`..Zn..eadity ---.'t 'llginud'lt- iatf yrtr° r plt*1 WO fit iti I I et flt..ogorge.4, Y, Tv 1,037, a , iet .ngikon urcit# ere were atiOut '7'144,0r otvc'et* , ve,i The r , llYiveln10144;exrit 4)1*.t-0+0 4'44'1'0 0, he,. 4 Jialdlng 'a. orc Ite-44 4.4-,0..6iiilor, fetter , . „. ,ot st. or ,xl-lxh. , -oottes tharOh, Vote the ihti0naI .00.4 ite 14;4 meeting it to wilt Ulm *not 01; twKay turn uratia7,6 Mar Otlit electi4n of officers and s hoped for.10-11 3Li, address and, brought., greetings :t eet$titt, , enb$eet was, 1-111,f" The reinaindcr Ot: the WeetiO nsineka -routina. and- the pretent*tl0fl ot onithittee report rida Idenee, iIntot ante -on • h, at BOO 9- ..ve a god iiuppW of. 0111410.A. OVernmenterged iee 14.1* flonieitto pie.: Contraetl3 taken ife natial.fi the 'Me Ili'. VJien in 4 f. tce, call .41ra for prornpt service • antV- reasonable Aiohr. entr Age btrni It on- trottog, twentr4frnie Buffalo, It(00E1 040 1;151"1 falpOr of St. AtatthOw% apd Voung's-reoPle* **a leading ao0too o The. nit , - , Nrattbeie .ehoir; an4ovaa. a . 1°' livi'* °n4tIet °°'er the oronto ConaervAt9r3t . - , funeral servAeo 'this afternoon at 4t 041e.„ ,00.., many 00,0410its . bet Brophoes- fnaerai clutpel. Nintertnent ta •wis.-songbt while in Winplucg, wilt. he ..in 3fairland, cemetery, , tOsr ie aiso *tone 'verY. h* quota • al1 'bid •4 ehttrming" liersou' • Nell • 44 We have a large assortment of Pi 10e, ISc, 20c rbtb Other .Boxes two - Pound and,had -41 44- -TIPles, brig4r Witu: tua„,, ,ouvi dent ofoderich, in the Tiers n. widow of the late Mag- 1004- dig+0010:914 thgreb-1,.- ',01t pointing 'Activity nson, Alva pit !ths S)r1ng It .is In- -, heraeit'to aihrith, *tour PNIF tOoeting• to observe the very decided thre hours awi xiote .tatigne ;j;1;j; Lake Ifuron. ilreanador,•*t ,thg' .1)1Mek-.."-Q-t ber\ son, to 4 'aerMellv, bUt they, 040, chatter, for :$VA•00i•,-.Who. was ter 0,044 *orris litWausko at :Iletroito ., • 'Some people cannot Oaten live *louts* a a .134t hon;.&t Seemil year, of late Ytarat, had 'opent h°:41 4134b::: the et the last .• ntitute4' trOln Pit6, n 'to 1,4 a- on re tion luo oe I d o 04 I he dau c • •,(l.eerease. ob., Ino. 04. .449'. • 1-!:!',. was a •t,.tii d oio . an .An hie - that ..*0'1:041,4 P(1011911, e'541 dito thtloh arleb ottendane in OW'order tree fr • g' and ,t4Prd *If3f1.9.10 ba# , ditlioult.te-preasn.t.." iii#*4 'died 41:102% I'ear atter . or, Th •IItOeth-antitireratirs.. buret'. t poitiable, \Offer 111014` tome 11- ,Terou..tootl:pott. 201,, organizatiO110* are ,''7e101#4te(/' t '00, *40 4 4ovete0 mon$," bq v1.14*." r 000 00 (4 116" alaa1' 11" observed, "there Nrotil4014 :11* a * t ehUrch; 'She w44, 1 .: bare he4ra' 4 gl*ak,rell-,,,,,„,.+1, of tiler *in •atten(1,- 4 cOrree Sion "Stn. iteitO,N,.1•,1:9 • v - 70$.eitonstacred mark ''r t ged Se114 itithsorli)tiotto, 0t their- ficv kooinsibose Vrete tteniltharch,*: 10,1)tnhil.u'illlivoary °At' ontP11., seoetto7. ,Ixiv,'Gte)11x,roe*Ist tle:Lftliditt:i;1!A!1441' crittetstu, ori:1107i. A largo. 401;k' gregiat1.0,01/..'t car' 4'01; 301, ilelPereSin' gs 3.0 0,9.44-.14.ev0-410, arsa, ellahr Owr %%3011,44 zottlt4tet via ,4 10$ `8/i"14. 4 li*rns of atiY ledio reember* /tt41"/ again -leading as'sOlate (lent Q't e aos. P • • G. li $1$00,. • 11 4,v ThoTflIW1 of st oJw take ,the e4 Clalttek et.7, ourej.14! M. Alken, $e ,retari„ ..voortea IYr. 0d. t 011)4r and igiot-pred- -unint°t°,4t1-11-*' come 40. the iSiting. *4 • ti hr • ha 11'4 vviiiteehroiell t xittall v1.11'1:18/1 }I bnSahl Is 4,4s.iaiways.100....,Iong e-atilt..voin e. . , ibid.-11t.tte); p• telltUt7.4T,"; -'00terali'..11se. 0 .4ct ' 4144: TO' "P14"I'.11:"' a' • hi :the -literature, 'ehildren;..• bietilCr; bour.••• 140t0.1410g.:.t0., 1110. ter.,r bt4aoi,-(4 lc :out, , ..lotxtrotsr, tw •.1** '$.4)t.. 411. 114 •Aoriors • ses )le find a handare W0 one.Soirri:,b4e,r4t) jogg, 18000 the$h11),:tr:pettvztliej:t Ivas, orgito)gcl, at le:siautto segrota,tiirttu.V00Quramit heetfi asOnlitprAicortls.,e00 40-4ye gettrd-: C44.1014C04tact. Uer• 1*(mght tread", triwards ;satin l•liniSliekt. for 40'4, aorrow- to Maur .hoes and 4nd lieuVelt'.terfor decorating,' . One og;t4e, aY04344dea ..,frol4 a mut1tude, of two -,ermale4 for a satin .finlsh 15 'friends to '1447 stater,. 'iloat„LAudi.Annty: oat wboo bas. 140 Aght refte9- ,gatt. )Potdter,. Alori, value, the relieeted light ia even- Tb 0.1.1$0' Ot'was -tb;0'W11010 s.4004000' 410:Illness was ;.4orn wlth,there no , tottttU'ilr4—mt ne:iter once did al40 eernw - ,:timael-Aou4;11)3,pous,-,„ vow eyou tis Wecies -*SOMA, is one ,of • the ret s t nourishing • and pietizing: delicacies a-hakesholy can _Ore' its patrons; Tido light, gift WO Cake made • made- with wJ1SIIOWfl' Flour*. bnsa distinct banana flavor and each bite will jtitt melt in Yew tuotith; The &Odell* be11ana froi1ting 'Is a perfect 'P!)111,c tot' a ,iterret wait ,till your friends' ra.ve• "about it yourself I 41itha needed 1.4 luev as " an bY,.• t afteri In,6,eattiq'in. the 4Se ,0t 4,0•re°tk4)4130 Intern:loot iv113, all inean? ,w4 L1 Ofl tue Al$e of intoxie*nt4:, •• ,e2•,AoterY ,and the o0,11-. aria of Irezek1411-,' " The ,ana(Tor4 • v, Avo-L, -pres4: ,g46ro- ;.1tarclan v, ix, „1/..&„,, 11 If° "34.11 ' t' 114:0"t" .$(1ek events *"4 g.0.e00141df ' shouldnot re -quest that '00tstitili r„.0419w.,, t towo, he In h t of plot 'e'S trergo.uoso.ovitto,(1.ste,04,,t;r41;0.,,,41,ix. ti°s\bearers etNv, thio0 not Oulit up tvs .414r-$ im44 ,gitt r an, A. —11 be AiIan reter th; 0410er. "We f‘ent-,ut x.orr:000),Beat , tfl .tuose h#re from, ,01 p t we' l'etti 144C0 P4111°; '411 ItepOrta• Ot the to. Air. 414,(1,' lflC tar' h,e'llt atid $01 v t,‘ •visqle' p.yo ioOrseit. In '?:'ilinkitt:t' '.-ratt$, tit :.'"ht1a* * t1/:31tt. Mor - 0,1).(4,13.10°111'.,4 oar dint41 trot‘ble; turn to God ;17111) In'it:1,T1911'igt°4ki40' efAlopa'&,„. mat. nothing'. matters till:it '1%1)10, j1;e, U. • riglittlie 'things,•.thst :are ,e'f,oba mordopt.,..00doiloi: showed Mis f trilfir.ititlAeif$X4T14 tkeorpt,§, "a ,$ioaQvg :$33,,,(40741 •del'rtiolen,•°11:tigat'n.letT%ti:.'"friti;11•c"'g'• seiit t(1- 64t°11e-e'-‘' '41114°. •treft°4 "The Sun oian No 'Aforc N-4ftell '0. 00,1;10! 14,57 • - • •-. •• 'crature seeretarY, revorted an lacteabe Pght;" • • • ' '4i Of the'study "hook and :O witak were •s)initor :loving•..xonory su°8t114041.r-1Pqe4 tit. Lovely lit*er/ lira$s vago on the -• of • 1:',.3r1.0..,-.00.007,41,444` 1•14'by'; . '1Itatth The -study book' 'ter . •,. the year 10:00tilie41 but Preiiaroi"h*s been .rade' tor, the next -104 ',ineiritlite pleet100. 404 .1,Ondc*- bore, ,4Aristidit .steitardship• eeerelar$i. recommended 4„ pamphlet on budget plaiinitig„. allOcatior4 shottid tlOt be censidcted a ,,te'X'Init 'rather '4/ nn ob- jet. *if 41:- therengli stady storm -rd., .si„t) in all ,E)1,0i$04 3Vere Tondo Amur iroubles vOuld .end. NItits Ituriel:Moorh ' NanareD LoxnaT, IMO* The • vis.nittge took place very quietly ,on, 0440 afterneenicApril 23r4, in St. stePhe0.1 'church,. Unilon.F Onaland, .ott tag. Stith:rat**. Wet tiivaglAter. Major and hirs, Clande Pote ot Tarot., to, formerly of tiodelio, Oaptitin ;Richard 'tkertiVai IltYptrig P Of lan4. The brklet *het 'were bet ithorel- costume, a stmxt blue, salt o111,0 delighted t o • $.W•an4.en.•,. of., *Ingham; 41f1ses, did .60! ;rontot;:Dr. and , TtebSen, 1Vol4eiville, and ' na OA; Clark.ef -Detroit, . oahr,. tint alwaya a bright $1411(..t to the vogue for satin '.0nisher,by' the: ;friends, ,The funeral. orI104' Ista's .washable,''.satin ,enanled, mide‘14 held 3fattlieW4 ehurell on',Toes.' showin..1,m4.410. 04/0.„, was., used day day afternob,ut and Yrtt$ "c044110t4 ineSt -ettecti*ely House Gt4t(1,00 AeY. • 4004 'pea: tua" atati,,r Horne Coin - and* cheerio' voloittes for bqr Intredtictien ttil, y'sear et Seini-instre vralNrat/' .1grgo- One, tank netWitht 4tantling A request for net. flora), ouSe'1", and other butes, .. ‘v944$6. totOr beautiful eats. Interment was Inade'in the family p,1.0t„ BoIssevaln cemetery. T110 lialibeal:Cr4 were: ' C. Prebertsert,", Ogrohle, and C. Uutellin:, ,nanien.',1,11,ysterY, fairlanS Medet.,111oulea. , In tiiI4itentitien W. Airersell's• • store. In4ting. * • ..tOry:. Sale Of .8ette,Opiistre,,, v43.1.o4.ogeo a» exce]leiit opportuliltY to obtain Spring require1flent of tis InMenS - HItOUG1I-tOODED DISTRICT , friends aS;•-Whoi.:Ositedat her hehle oo street last weok-eeid had n thrill fondaSt.:.•.-7 044, ladie$;!s,. ltditvon(),.°!t'll!"t'rt1 flooded areas o! the Lon- iet. - The tr1j was made vithent' hoWever.„: be judg was trying to jury for the trig of .41, OriWna 4 'IOW Wasbeing uetioned as t hits litneSst for, JOY- 'service, Ottni .41)0.40n...holieve eapital man—,4'Ir it It lsn't t� ire cOntitlyingt:'1Qt oeyer4" limited time, the foil0i1411g pecials Fiie deat4. eGairrea, 1301.0411i; gall+, -on. $undaY; ISO,' of Yettre doratlit11L :Deceased, .WhO was bona ”' 1$5ti.: was the Second ilatigh.- ter of tile:late; Ur,,. and •SliS,'"William H. *mita and a iiwee _soolt.8.,..or • this ,town, and .had ler relative:11.d Ooderleft at: 'diffeient, , • ' • its'. obituary The -13Olese, 7,11i11.,17lecorder says:. - She received• , her '‘edneattleri• ' oriven parriage. Mr.audienee' With 'a Selo; .abe- was 13°18aalala 431`°°. • Plane b Os.% ,ateiivritut 0;07tictior veZit4; Lane., Iteport of the . nominating ram- .and the Oat ri;e0bYtOlar Meeting 'Was. •or Irmo, settatitiyout.d. 04.0140 return ,31-r,S, ,liamilten Made the, defROA: 'rat of different- nationalities:attending .*11142h4t4te 41* howl at to Vrest.f* 7 prayer.':1414 t Vre,.$1' the Schoot: .There 14 a Frenclreaaa,.. they bonnie pa,ric",/td., Bowater, n. dent, 3,IrS, 4. Oardiner, 1,r0/ ;0 -Alan inisSienery, in the stores of: 011- Thebride* la * niece Of Mr*, • vged to the viatfornt ona md4e,d few Mai. Work is carried on ,itt-the'Dast- *in and Mrs. Baker or 000* renntrIrS, 0111111(14.MA members or the tra, Provinces,. 'and ,so the gospel, newi ,koner tonteitred on her. The morning, Is 'baint ,Fituteasr troiri Oast `to coast. - **ion 'dosed.' with raster hlr. Witson and singing of the "Xationsl; 4otheni. In lonor tlie new Ulna., The ladies of the. cliuteh srved soutptwina, Omer at aoon, "And I,. If X be 'IOW up, will draw *IL .01en utttO Me," was the, oubject asdgned to the, leader* Of the ieor ship veriod at the afternoon sesorot. IVellatopil..read the SeriotOre 11 and led in ortiYer *04, the. c wasilialteit by hiriF eft (I. Itarattoi tie Ntritt COOttot wa In oherge of the discussion polod On thetoes, "Wile* ststit '.."When wan obeye,--Goill blue 'suit. After the tearediony Cantain mittee wee reeelva 444 the elliors held 111 *Ara last 4atte4 '..LaChine Nut twos, kitlor 0; month% tour elected. After the offering- was taken Hone flame in Quebec • bus thirty-tWo ehliV Moderator:of London Conference, brought ,greetingp/rol11„the -Presbytery'. aml-complintetited ladles on their fine - financial, *pat kindly care Of strangers and,theis training of 'Child. Den 'In millstone"' work. Mlt'a Helen Lent sang a. solo watch was Yeti **nab enloyedF, ,doopeZ conteaer of the tesolptleautOoranlittee„ brought in the iesolationj thanking All wati had been Instftnneltat itt mak- Ing the 'Wed**, st''etieeeis, •:irPhe noininatIng totomittees foe next 'Y'ettr I us.fOliowat" gra., Be Ashton: Oortie; Ura,Wt Min*, Zurich; Vasa CIVIC '0016*, 1,Its,. 11. B. JVooter, Zion.„ ' ' -.1)eletitteW to 'tendon 'Conietente 'Brent* meeting to be held In l�bath*m kIita,7 rt. Oteeki, Wroxeter: D ALL STATIONS IN STERN CANADA 'ooino Dates: al; lkfaiy 21 'to 3i, i b 987 .• turn 14 •day'S`, iirstoxiMAT:Eti OENt Good tu,Coubes, only 6,‘"t� VaTiOnS, .izes„.dQu'bj't Stit,'Ipdr doz.. :Rods : • "..; 9F Tteeli,, • . - • - 25C-, to Tackle Boxes. ,BOXeS. 4 4 0:1Wittiotrtaskets An i'mptesaite-menioritit latticefor theft Who had been tailed to higher aerylre. wade .contluctedi tty. Ura. Moor - Tat, names, 'inftsitt all Were f4owe4 by Mrs, ilite 04.0 re the Tiertl'S Prayer:la union, The ***Wed. gueitt'speaker, *roe O. roruer„ lilkA014 :preelatiut.. tbe Doniirtiott Board, was' unable to be presents owiug to ..111nest In ber IloWerer. ira. Loveys, homer rnh'islon eiecuthe secretary,- peoved dt4Ighttid substitute. Ilhe first ,iPoke of thetaistiontOst who ate nee eio. • ' repraseitatites having the bgat inessigeU 'the world. Thew tes,f4. below* 'iteat *it en :it _trip 10 the IvatIlY li-000141$ and U0ollt *kid*, abe TlittO are veep* in out Inocl froin enty tountriee and *07' detItute 14.040e4' where &Wog 13eux plled from bales itt Douirryine there ii a plate b#4Vitig an 10004.PtiOn' tell Ing et tbe (*Ittfrom the women of undonito,, Africa, to the ,wcitnett of, nada. itt a canning mire in Brit - Columbia at learber bait her pupil, wharf, -They are being giteu .servlce and. Altarature. lgoti; in Oro- oftett under diffienK Thereate otoida •results In he work among tile Indians,. titt-he. g Joked Ititg tigtF * thief rep1144F `oily years; atand for :tette' He resdlaelt wind' solostotts had dont tor people on I& maitre, thatch or - are, ,leelug ,tsater attended *rid r %tett* am**. . Mk*, ,Itlasala Fre-iieh of File Hill* *OMR vtatts the * itleteratneat hopital 'bra Want. Xtratiot. of -hooPttala la -the *Wit 04144 Iiit4* tharchats. 11a for * Iseopttat 111 Mb.rta are the a Mrs. 4astcs Woods, ,,Siotooral UrS. 4010410, Zarlait. KIN )Ir0.-J Venroge, ' • .° * 0101,601„, Tae,ollitera Or the year lows t Oast prebt.044 Ur* Greer, Vinghasol, president, W. iillierdlner, Itondosboro ; dents,. Ur* R. IL Ittedrensle, Egmond- vIIIe; Ws. W. r),1000e114 CIInton Ws Wia. IstitilaW# Mirth; Iiirc ',Weak Oxeye; Sr& SI4 G. :NOE vita ; recorillog secretary, Sas* Mary SlYth; tor tit wage, woo M. 0.Murdoch, Oo4etich4 *tete* bidet—Christian obewartistdp, Miao L. °nuttiao '11desboroi evenitig`antiliar. Mrs. 11-. OF ittattensle, Zgiiond vine, initale11 Pifele*o. 1,tr., Andrew Aansliton, potter; CAX.T., Mrs. W. V. tote, Goileficis; nilsolon bitude„. Mrs. W. riekard, Clinton; bahy bends', Sirs. 11 3. Patterson, Itensal associate 'hf.i9ertIF Mrs. M. W. Alktlfw sainkir, Ntro; Cotelortgbt 1341th ; 30r40nitt1 Nionthis, Nu*. W. Wen. vroti, Wkighatat stranger, htro. 111$11 tel, zieter; Iltera1trer4Ar& .14attel, Ooderich; tesofterance, Ur*. O. 011,1eepte, Whiteriturelt; wok, !Ulla* A. tarpon, fteittorth. htetahers et alteollee itittion.t pottfollo-h-hitt bon*, Oetlerieli iltO11, eirith; Ntrek. Vises, .14(40 Per Mae, PIO regdimt berth tare. - Ib) parlor and standard .sleeplut :ea at approxanateli tUe per mile. 'regular seat er berth fare. natitlift.—Vickets good, gohist -via. Port ' ATtliOrt I., Ott,,Arraiatrong, Ont.„ 1010Utgo, or Sault Ste Aux*, returning via. ass route and line only„ Oedema routings. EeriamsttzEts--Withtne•Ilinit of. *let, *both goingrand TetIMAI*--414 Pat, Ar. Ont., Armstrong,- Ont, and:' 'Also iret Ohlibluto, 3:114 eault ate. %tow Wt., and west, Inc seeoulanceewlth 'tariffs -of thIlted Ststea'ants, „ Wealth cannot buymore-your • heart.. cannot pay inote,4hati .the genulne sentiment. in. Viewers; Beres love+admiration-rdevotioz-- itiose:'Wermly" eipresied. On *titer's. Day, of wil 00*, lot Flowersr help ,ntake, “ Mothers' . Day Suggestions , 4 ..'(IiNDAY, May 9th)' - Choice collection of ethr FLOWERS in good I/Klett; BLOOMING MOTS. — ' , , , , , . , Ail, popular- and seasonal, varieties and prices to fit every parse., ,- - ' GEO. Exist. 105 GoDzIkien, Out: . . . 9-10 SANGELES,CAUF.:lludzonEight- 39 mike per gallool ZerritPlane-41•5 listed ley the 3524Dille omy Ilim•Ana American Auto' beat allodier line topped all other lead - Those oats skre.Ne. 1, too, in site and itzarouna voomineos • with irtoinoti, wiiteiirase iR Terraplane,snd 122 and 129:inch n Mason. And 55 fufl cites of front scat comfort for three. 44 140t6 than in other popnlaz cars. power.. • lifieng from 96 to 12/ In safety... • with bodies di veutozotir 43 Eydraulic Brakes Alari they on prooja