HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-30, Page 3..rft410111 ' :0 P.:'00deli01" hair' graMbling4AhOUt "the '•'•,eentintied weather, '14tC,O*Or papers come " a- with aeeennta. qusioua. ods itt the lower i'Vere o tarlo. '0.1."e11t k 60X,,,t-ttgitother poIn ,onnon,;.where'..the *eters of the Rlv er then** ;Oat' thittr:feet 4hO*0 t.the nOthyil, ,thortaand0 peet0e-iire ..''terVerartir, home**. been eon) yelled ''by y the rising , , leave,thelr bome aiidetrefuge at 10er Ohtto; T4ffte :we praeticafly at -a, stuid- stUt4.LOUdO!3.XOd ,0eovered.1,00. water in ome pIaCeL Fortbe \vevona thne witliln highway No. ,21*twen OQdeieb. itn4'BayftiSld, was • :redItnppeA,, e 1).00NY ra104,7ffgeh.:11,00ited VW" road-bedend ,aused Itoade,anffered. cLdtrably In the ivnotm „di* toWn fbe' eteatix 'downpour' 40 toned': ';,reade,.to *4efi an exteIbtthe are badly.,battetea ''''.qattle• Oct full1 (). establlsbed - bore, the, 'Men sorevage,- • during "ie0011t* TOM, of atiOnt;threo inOhes,, "h tact. the V*010041911 sof the, last,1 w�k bas topped the usual flionthly 141terart'. 0.0.0 .1nehe* or ,tagekk'sine"e: rsr , The rtotat..rainfall to date Atelerth $ inChO$t• • ' . . „ While ;:reany:te!vll* and cltjea in Western lesatetW-I'etWer.', trOw floods ,114.a"weeki the tbvin-Vt:ovaviieji.„. 000 the ,b911.101( fet hash 21.o.Welrer,p, buret ,bsinice'c and, 1110044' the, falriYu$0. At the. wept end ot matuaha Golf, Club. • q , 11, 1. W. Carrie- #as -the only one. of flve delegates from St. George'a. telic4 Lorndou on, '*onday lorthe jubilee meeting of the .Huron Mrs. Carrle travelieehy train' - while at e • Miss Ada. BiiiItt„tnOtOr , were tit 0(t 10. Ont'en: and, Old,” that roads ,litto.,',1013d0h:' %yeti' ":1041410440.' TO, ladies -made 4.ilothi!Ott*Ot'e.0 Tues day,mortdng ;and got, titre:04411 tight'.. •• Iulstent In 1ti demands tov s twents . rutLon ittV- ,ebares,for domeatie 0 ' tele* , eonsumepi of power. 01140 thne ago the loat eomuilsslon , wrote th , gEPC, of 00010 a%ktng Or, t,ho, 000 to reply was,r r.eived' ueknowledglng reeetot or, the letter. but the B.E.P.0« 101110 AO flit, thet,MPOPS0 te the ehteWn ' A- ,the Meeting Of the vonontssIOn The tired, ,WOn out mother =not mane a happy home if she is sick and worried by the never ending household auties, She gets run 'down and becomes ' nervous .and irritable, downhearted and discouraged, • can't. rest at night, and gets up in the .morning as , tired as `wlym she went -to bed. 'Worsen kiffering in this way will find in.*15.11burits Th 4b. N. Pills a remedy with which to 'recuperate. • their health,build up the rim lior.t..systeut, and - bring back their bodiitiiigor. -A p1etire of th Thmlly -together hu bevn40,004,k.: ,-b,V-.1Orwardect by 13104Kldd to IRome•for.bectotzei.otthe 004beM1ng., Wlen'thikline*Sigeftein .tb Vatkan,4:tpeemojit will Aieread...by. ..7414.'*011ener`a.t.'a,..:-arootat'Ssrooef'w030 held 1i Eryda.le church. The day ot-. lowing. there:Witt beta. moitter pLcalc, at a catalogue of ,Street, 11004 '1411114*". 'ffOhlehit:14L:Olttiitiet toici10.010W,lannOt i.o,ra$:;,.:004**E *UV aside for "Ur! ther.40141eration,. "We iave- , 14$'41*4 O 1A340.4,0*..::, for ';'ethAti*Otio -tnrerg." eht.9144," 40410,e,.:farnt....finigen*Ota, v Oviiv1447. 14tut it'itak\ 400td-ei to wrlte the m.i),,p.'000.**vg and., for * gcto g*.t. ;ustated , atiectlen et water, Orttkeo,'010, *44; oziotxt. S1•4." :.tts,O,' $0*41,%revretted"thete. . Were many new ,iiet***'.whieh kad .not , hetil'.tePette41«' WW1: itiltructed .to halt' 5100.:.,100riStiMet*".1411.04 for addi t.10.44 's,erVICOa'..frol11.....1111111Urr ear.: " , • ' 130 -tigitogtoo, (.0 wrte the busineas.',Men.••Or the town ,0Forior -veryIto .0vol*ts, - ,tahh, attic,' ,-Arv,,s1.144;the objeet belng to htvit'14 41100.1** ,reeen attve ,tbv 04110* Ovnorn1 1,1311evtrio OvnuAnY weson • 1, boot., tienSt, Or tbIng Wela 7444itir: that we are 'insect in, the, very near future. We hope to be as, toxtestia itt the letting: of ovntoot.401ts the famous Mom* ‘.4Units hoPle The Masse family Is (Ii.4114'aiS' 01314'.'bi!,, the- fa0t ,.att: but .e*Oadtadir,arT.: he01W 044 I0110$1...1011°, 1$0410,_ _t:' The Oldeetithild,*-heirt•,i5 tWIN,IPost "Nr040.4'shogt .240 VOuntle. The yotingest. is. abOut• •010riths.'0441 all these. between are strong, sturdy frlendly 'oungsters, ow on Om Uwe: hanieitead;"and-teirer-odeior:111. sAVg OF WHIT' MY HORAES., ' Ax event which,:will beof interest tor horsemen throughout Vreatern. On, tad.° is ,thesale of horses and Mang - equipment. of the late Dr., J. B. .White... 1.y, .announced for Wednesdayi May Oth. The,sale is tiiitake Olaee at the isitleuiturnt Park.- . . , rduetio of o lioder lt ot the 2Oth,s..4. $2.00 rsepower ettottift Aut. 001.$0-**poiEt.so 'coot - tem. was ,B. %wow, Ittio4 of •ritt.-*1."1poer!0OrVie nounced affeottng *11 whieh 80,292 CO' 1et, will.11aVe the ,41,4,, dued to.*,1;4t Isto ;:per.,- ,Thla servlce di&x'ge will 00, ,outanter..vQtykisilirno lieretofore have .000..'04414t, tbeili0er 'to* VOtta�S now will' Pet 411',40.0er.inenth tetra:to.. 'The .1:11t.O."04110)011• •1,1,00010004 to 41400 cousunersthe'.N.#0.1"ik •0Yst0an more We1t.4111,04 purse was prestOed to the than'419',90O.; .and .111,-"hageo:, , glut! by the ladies. - , Oxtt*:than,'.one4,. 00X1 The .0*.VOOttlre and. =Member* Or 'vne eolvto, soctat the iiei nor departloig aettorto. tlre venlnip was itt eboirot,ot 14411,4* *who haver been ettive•el ft **toting wIt,h the \(71 ' - )1 Ptogralft. They were abode Stite1iffe, and gra, 4.0*. liVit4e7k be preok. 'f,lent" of the- Om% Wou* Catnpbeli wotimtd, NOW the ladies in *Olegr,r,r12. :dee* Altair Oe re_thOttiP. enonsattended erIe townsbip, ,was taken, to. legato. dra.,:lieS0,tat on.,.'Mendal etterneen with 'severe faelal and „head lae'erao. Vona and paint* body brut** received When he vas knocked '40yvai by a Oa ,driven by Arthur Hoy, 'ittec4.0,f; The reteeideut, eeentred. outside, •the 1-$1$gett 'tome, two Inner out Or °Oder... leti on .bi*hivitY No. ' Young Moore and Harry and 100 Veagani children of *eve 'cleetge weredriven home fro* $01190,1 by .101son'iCrick7tir HOderieh' ship, and the eat Stowed 00 the rIghti side of the highlviii. ,The _region, al:Wren . ran ..thrOUgh. the .,rain, towards their .hOlne and Bobbie ran aeon the -road- OF:wards...the' BleSett home, right in the pith of the.)Efoy cat., swerved, - but the eide, of the ear, 'struck the boy,, throwing hint to the veMeht,- nem, Ad an John Webb., on olatl* awe were Pteeente0 to Mts. Chee. Kel rindMr, Davld oPteni« ' .Speelal. their inlx, .b)* .ttesstt. 71,04 *00insOn, and Gorden .•14001)00144, prizes`2 donated by the'Onnulttee of tharga of the renlot, satlphing Anlieheon *erre et, which dancing was enjoyed, With a prograzn songs and- (1400 ,as z• Songs by, Mts.- 1500,1We An Mies Margaret litoung;. *leg danceT ordon we004414i ittep 44nve_s- NeR ThOmptiOn«, )3«,, Mrs.Bert A1440onal4 1r1sh • b7 ,,aira. Sot entte; "songs by ',Gorden. Afeethwield, to VA* oWw.guitar accompaniment. the ..Pro*,1000, stateetttIas7ied by. Mr Cinb ere 4Xtremely graiterni, to those • 14,404400.4, #4140, _ vhe had charge of Friday's gaithering, •3tatet cjats,1,.,reductIOnsflIla n1 tn tlkosA who. during ,the. tfet. " eatmeliatloit ortit'e or gthal contracth and• redrafting • in the caee oZ -three0± the.104r-COPIVOtS with tltet 41*1$00. 1,M10, istatement eentlities in part: 'VA - der: the .1011" OViith1er cent** the' htission„ was vieckr.oigigatlop. to take .and tOr.:°,147,the-Year, *ginning 'N1)01.exiiher. 1 1936, troli0Oletitie04:00:04**or; 04sto,e00040000tthe , 5***1'1.3r. The real eOst 41,03 2flatetiallY creased .heravse, of the latge, Wastage On ,the lezigttanzmission lines from the point Of-ortgir.i. to the oaside station in Toronto. rill,"vtricealo:boiheultromottviv;etc41:0110tta:T.304mtflillarnOnQtr:::lieratepilinr! Mon- treal and over 200 miles from IbrOlato. ',the coirmils404.ie at present under.Colit. .4.7vet ttise,, 0024 lie uSheig 276,900 hetee4, ,power from Ottawa ValIey Power Vora - Pent Gbitineati Power !Company' and MaetatenAtitchee:VOster‘ConanailY.--Dur lug .the present year the commission will PO to thesethree. Q110e0. contractors, from -whom Polo 'Is being te1400,,•*P.. proximately -0,050,00e iretemt. of *10,- 965,000 for 7.31,009, lameelx,wer. whieh .it was under 01,1,00104. to • POT under :the original Jcentreeta,„whether or not the POwer 00•01d be utilized.. Included in.the 103119"0-44 $402;000 for 120,000 borse- polier reserve power, • • ,"The actual reduCtion IA price of power to tbe COattuttnicipolities.of the Niagara eystent,dtilint the twelve months 4,e.,6 1, and to the rural.dis- tricts ,hf the iiyattesni'lVilich also ttenefit. freM,„,thei,yeduction. in the wholesesle .eoit,of:Poi#_.61',Hlik,Oir • ttd--lit''21074.1.1• over. ABOOtom . • ROY scours .SELLING • CORONATION PROGRAMS • 01341bs of :butiptaa "Salesmen, farmers, -arehool, - 'teaches, have bought nDodge cars.. Shipnientsof 1937 Dodge cars are more than •Omibithe sanie period a year ago—and the flood oforders continue*. • Delighted Dodge owners are tan' ig other's,' Oil:Out*the,: sunailu'. g Dodge economy —21 to 27 mile* on a gallortof gaottheergaZ:Od 00010 up to 20% on oill" An, tk there are additional sarings on. tires, . 41b- rication-anctt.okeep. 114614 of the rare corahiruitiort of -ettra'v411:1-e* eiktithre-Sar: features „ Oats kit* 1,101rtiodge Will give you• . New :,"Silenced 'Ride( New ."i444,4ittete .interiors!,. .1A1.111t.i iou.5 level floor!. Even stronger all -steel bo4irr Gerane pressure bydraulic brIalom the • . world's finesti And yet yau can buY a 'Dodge priced tight Own among ' the lOWettepricea ears. There's only one way to really be cOtivinted that 'these are the true . taws Go --td Dodge -Oa -Soto -- - 'dealer io'day and tide, in a new 1937 Dodge—" -give it a good test. You'll itran why so many thousands have 5Ni/itched to Dodge and are saving ItioneYt P, • Or Uhl et itsjefiltene Atteteut tiiiit, Colombia .tit4v$,I1 to 10 jot. A** ',0itit4topited' ijkatotist tot Zdevithi nowortnei seoquest. Writdtb Ch 1 Corporation of Canoeist 'Limited (Dx.dio. Diehtion:), Winching', Ont. iai Counereiet CredleCorpet-Atierr nt plan of %may payment!: * Suppert in atlY waT. A picture 0 Toronto as a fishing station, preSented. by Mrs. Meliwahe, Was greatly appre-. -elated and 19 hanglng ,1111 a' place Of honer at the 'MO. • • On MonclaY. May 24th. Goderich will be a tAirniaig point in -a- ninety - mile. bicyole raiee itt whieh wires of riders are expected to • partielpate rent-Georgetowk•-44610147.0ititi:1111W. ilton, Torento, Iciteliener and 'Strait" ford. , •• The ninety -mile gr,pad is being planned .4)y the Bicycle Club of Strut - ford, and will start from the out. skIrtS or that city. The route will be along, highway No. 8 to Goderieb., around the Square in this, town and beck to Stretford, to finish , at the city. hall. *. The big attraction in this rare, by which the Stretford Club expeets to revive cycling enthusiasm, and mike it an annual event, is a silver trophy • donated- by G. It. Dltchlield. .It will' be the first major Stratfad cycle race in many years. DRUGOC1R AND *Oar-ilth electro-msgflsttC ronlc:eleettie treatmsnt and itt,endatkoc., to $ pm.on Tui 4441.11:, and hen** 0 to rtt40 and day ." g to 12 . nay be Aso ,by sppoiiitment,i and ThitratiaTs U, AT8OZ, residence an Of11;et eOriler or South *root an &i. tenni* Tt0114, , COO* Ai. . Alp% Ititti:At« Zeta, ifin%e„Ouigeop, Row Iteric'tteptb• - iii4..A0r14, $1040#10« listittiilt, MoorecL'a *0, Iteottitsg:..**1 Odd* altilie Throat 401041, London, A.Ityere tested, moos, 100114.4.- e3 Waterloo St. 841Stratford. • te* phone 201. . Next visit' Wednesday afternoon 014 evening, April Nth, • tom 2.00 to 1.430 oz. out!. • FIRE- INSURANCE: iu-aitzwe witti$41 rum INSUR• AtritOM co)atatcr. orinctitS--Preeident, Alen. Bread' milk; Vice -President, Thos. Moylan. Set:oath; 8ezretary2rreaaiiter„, M.A. Reid, Meaforth. • • 0:40MOTiorts-;-.Alex.. Broadfoot, Sea.; forth; James Sholdice„ Walton; , Londesboro Cbris. Leonhard", butblin: Jas. 1111044 Moylan. Seaforth; mohlbo4 Seaforth: Alex. Mawing, Blyth,; 1Pron* McGregor, Cllnton. • T.Aurr OP mattris,igidred greet, 05derieti R. R. 1: Jame' Watt. alT1)14 John r. ooper. Brocilleld, R. R. NO. 1: Matercher, Dubtin, IL R. No. 1; 011141. r. 'Hewitt Kincardine; 13°.'"0. Jar. nuittr, Bornhohn, R, R. N14 I. Polley holders can , pay their spew, anent* at Calvin, Cott% store, Goderich The Row Bank, Clinton. or J. Bayileld. prating Costs .11i1t4ARL *ZiRle3)0* - Ckleflt0iOneer ,i.„.„, , Iv Cainacii .4,, aiviala t" Ark inlitodo ' ToLnato, etly.it t , , • tf 01-44.atitzt 004, 01 five laort40 4e.ris From , Art*eittiber 710 it.9070' _1/4 .d. to iirovenilier I 1036- 2/194iss,44 .41444e exPen5p5 pot t del:Stela/4' ' atiO4 4i0eivrited 2.7"eettts pari Milo, ' We 41144,6 the$6 coots ate !Owe'. Mari, we '0: o,tild get with ,a47 other ' trulicti, of dew an4 wh' :olio . Inialik r . - Rafted tOith these 44tifte. We .have ' .4ye flab* *1937 bodge, oars on ilia ,toott vow itla We congergatuZitte*04 ,trazitdpezile.tzts over; .44 deo wejoit, ;omitted 40 , , Mothers of the Goderich 1st and Zid Boy -Scant 'Troops, in common .With others in the. Dominion, the British. Hmplrei .itt fact, the whole world, now have in their possesSion officlal souvenir programs of the or - °nation. of King (leorge VI and Queen. Hilsaibeth, which they have been au. thorized by His Majesty to ,sell itt behalf orthe itiinr eteorge'st itubilee 'trust Fund. , This thirtY-two-page magazine, whichbetirs exeellent close-up Photo- graphs of -their Majesties, the, Prin- cesses Vizabeth and Margaret Rose,. and the Queen Mother, also tontains the ritual of the ceremony. in Virest.,, ranster"LkibbeT and pictures and word deSription elf the croituS, „swords, •ours and orbs to be used during the coronatiOrt, There also is a twavage map of the route tof tho, doronatIon morel], by whlth.those following the precessiou by radio can more readilV • Vhinalize the deseriptien by 13. .p. hhithitheers, In a foreword to the book, which Stile* for We, The Itoyaf ilighoefis the Duke of Gloueester *rites: . "All will reinember that tang iGeotee Jubilee trust was authorized to isstie the of•. tide progratinMe Of 'his late' Majesty's Sliver jubilee: ' • "The CorehittiOn Program 'hot, With • the Mies approval, been prepared'in like manner, arid, as before, the Ifrfr teeds of its sale wilt 10*4evoted to the, Trust, and thus to the welfare of Britain's youth. • • "It is the object • of the Trnst that, I carried by land, *seat and air, this • 1 prOgranime shall reaeh British sub- lectS Wherever they way be, In city, Waste or wilderiiets. Its pages may tnahle one and all to partielistite.,,More li4;ritt spirit -1f not Itt pertion, at the tenlemn eeremoriy *flitch, oh May 12th, is being enacted la the capital of the • .Hrtinire." • These.desirons of Obtaillillg one of E1! se programs- are urged to do se aislthe Supply here is voty •PAREWELL PItESENTATZON Oit Wedgcliao � tft....t week, ott the eye o bl detjarture on transfer 'to ffamilton. D Vir. Steven/too, teller at the *31oderleh bunth of the Dank of Moottettl, was tiresehted stith a band, seine .eleCtrfe dekko t foolireii gift freM 1t1 feiloW;eniplOyees. !In the Unit. OteSieltation Was Made by *, A. !lief% noiaitger. liar; 10.100,$on ft Mi. ''X'lititadef to take oter " &kat the **in bran* 'of the hfoatreitt at *silo*, . 000411 SIX itt V? !it ID tattntitt H The- Canadian Legion is giving a -Coronation dance itt the Pavilion on May 12th, when special features in kkping with the eceasion will be itt- troduced; Lucky door prize, and Boy &tout beaeon lire. Red Rubl's 7-pieee orchestra will prdiitle the tousle for this merry evening. -Refreshment booth. 0.10 vitrinumpty. DR. 0. E. 254711CR5. B.V., 60. VItITER/N--ARif&MOWN_ „ Graduate of the University of Works, and Irraduatc of the (Mario Veterihnry.. College. 'omoe in Mr. T. T. Murphy's. Itamit.. ton St., Coderich. 'Nlephone: Day 306 night 249. E the Steck and General Autism:60 Men Ave., Gederith Sales truute everywhere and all effort* made to give you sattsfeetion. Varinars' Sale Notes discomted. P/10zie 114. Whin you leave your estate to your—wiles can -you also It:Kowa& to her the capacity and the facilities , for tleidt4 the many camgrastmdbia and re -Invest.' =Out Prohlerns with which she Wig be facodt This tonipany has that facilities uad the expertente • to act at **mot and Trustee with satsication all concerned.