HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-30, Page 1\44.
Kingstone HoIdsat
petent to Transact Bushu
in Action. Against Broke
Dockel Settled
.prerne C�urt on. Tuesday.**A47.
°. that the Inteillrs.,,tterbegt.ItSheP was
'xtot't a0ahle, ,etk. ,444-friwiduit
her ac-
tion In, 41)04 19$4°.$11f--:olth.
,oyek,°°:bei 1.00;.15,0ingo.10°-$0‘,444.01°111.
.14:3614t Ainak,neeennt*Ith,3ier,°').1a'$.;.
'baud* •°:iow 41a0 deeeaed.
•Itrhiee C,190.740'
01.1 .
.740 year her
attt tranfneerea„,
.:,,ikos,4l-14:*,:of tiie,
• filintilt 46!°1,opto-ur.
lciagOtone -44004 as
1)lliffltiffS. directing. the payinent into
.raziees,°*ialier ttle, • Os* •.,Of;$.5,074.0
interest at
Iso jald. Tbe pialntlffB'°14tfeen
f43fldUlltS are to be paid their costs a
'ttetIvrOn .4.0UOtt,0,4#4, ellent'Ont;Or
• said
• • 4
was. ineaisiele:-Otniideistancling. What;
• . wee, slstern of t1)6,..°.,*01,0•04,;• Xtr4
101$0110° '4.)lo'; 840044, $
stke in74.901;'.Antt;'.8.4604440ntall••
'from that time, taking °°A.O4d0.***
for. the wore • 10'101, Thi� evidenee,
•eubstentiated:bY:' .several. ',',Other•
:After. gr,..,40ittlik,r;4104: „I$aaeary
0006424. '0400ertt
'TWO Twell-known ' ()Atari* niete
• Dr, B..° G. Ar*Qtre sOf '1•Tereatoe and:,
"gle6..':StevesiSori, *tad. it -the
tarie° nospitai itt itioudottt Were °40:01Q4
• the ,seventeerC*.ittiesses,- •. •
"' .111 givOt'Judginent in favor of ,thepTalnttffs,•
,Inettee Itrigefone'etateit Ie
did. not ,Itold theleiceeutoris,..Arther„*(ted.
Herttee -',Pleher; reePOrielble• any
. °
, way.
!I9 j?lUhltIffS. 'were IinnIe May
'-0nrWen,' 3Clithel".-Dreirtn.M,
'Cietwett, Alie Vora, Eutit O.nr*e40:.
. lase CotWee: and, 11..en:FlOa'Itnt1iCur,
; °
eitagnseet' in Frnest COO -°-'
on. Thursderni'014,Aig ".10.0tiee Itng
stone ' handed dOwn'"Pltment 'i*galtist
it M., ,Ernest, forinee:Wit*etton'eteek
broker, inthe stele., of SX.,97.2440:-the
amount .ot a Claim entered by
• otas. Evans
teetified he itiraea in .500 °Sharee,°* of
Teek.iloghee .with" inetreetione. to 410,-
100 Siseoe, He taeeived, neither
' 'Cash nor stock. , • „ •
•• Troeeedings"agalust E. L. Ernest,.
of V. M. Ernest and Cei.defen-t.
dot: In .0e teesterel dropped.
Of' the reennitting 1x case 00;,,thie-;
, docket tour ?were, Settled ont-of court
•*zit two, ; Were, adjciurneil;•,: -
; Agreement. Ittegbed
*An agteenigat was rtateheri..'hitfrOe4
liorties-in ow:lotion 14, tirleh Caroline'
Bennett, -of Vereteter,'„songlit to ob-
tain $3,073,21allegedly borroWeit front,
-the. kieo, i)3ertnett tattate''by .;theeter
. . .
wenett, of ,° goWleit ,
p. S. liancei, S.C. Annatineed
•settionietit had been arrived at 'betweetG
the • Pominion Ito -ed Machinery tem.,
puny' and Bert J. Votts. The Plate.
eeplpttey ionght to reeever
$1.'07X92 anegodly
• who for It ',year wit pot* agent fo•r
-the eoinpnflt Ln 'Westerit Ontario; • A
• „_001Interelitine -entered by tag' wee in,
• thvettitt: of- S79.,1:1; • The..tere*At
• ,settleinent."Were net ,divtilged, .
•Settlement' also- Wee .rettehed„.111an -
attion for $1,O0 instituted by litre,
,Andertou tigaitekv.tb.e. town ° of
Ctoderleh for injuries, recelVed: ki e
tali on an ley „eidewalit. .Settlement
agreed upon Wit ° • °
flay, K41, nonouneed. the'.
twtion, Sellera va. Coulter wa
' settled: l'hilliteld''Seliers, it Toronto,
&yu'ght an teeountleg :teem- leteph°
....-rOottiter, 'of 'BIyth of Moneys lifhteh.
Caine into the latter'a hands from the
estate ot thritethia "Selleret *40,180 tt
have ber will and tdclicil ,set
°ages adjourned litre glitott.
obtimiti$, 4to action, in whieh
Conde and Vote 1060.the Imelteaik
-made a tenveemtee of land to delete
, $3,000 claim of, the estate of ,Wra.
•Coombs, of whieh
&odor ' and Peelle *a, lieliweitzer,,
°Elitabetit °welts, °.Blytli
• spineter, sotight $800 datiateett,:,fete
-SChweitter and Wee*/ Walker in
cornieetion. with. Mlle o ateoc.,
evert 'rose yeeterttet morning ,ittee
•toneluding the traelnete of tee tinting,.
*see StiPtifirl*!,
row• ,*
111 rie tOwU 10000en held •
st'SIQu ittet night in eonterenee, with'
sonie oefehre boilneee-men who .iro
Opt., pose to 41'0 Over ORO or the olti, Art
menttttaft° 4000Y, tor'' the olAtuattetore, of
• Com Home-Clintoil Visa*
Has CentraCt
.00ettag oethe•Ceunty
ITeme °eomiaittee,,,of ,(klA0tY
n .
'OK ou:Teuesday afternoon. tee, tefiel0
• the*.Citilten arm .ef r, Satter '* Per-
due ivlit A0%44 top;the'lliPtallAttaa.
°Of a. „neW-vrarter.:4stign:°0V-0,6'..00nio,-
The- 'ePeteaet -.Wee W*1000. T
re ;sit :tenOerst•
• •it,
eh,oes..' .s'egotettioust Will itxt° ,04 n ,
next 'W ' and there:0704ra 401, , OW
, htn
good . .' of 11*, oBtablitinnu4 Ot 4.14s, . $'•
4 '110‘ir-ind .-tririx.. ate.....'„. : ' Vels$, '.44°-
''' to ':olnik,
JitiVeVatiRtMli! propert
,rootaup-Awben a 'irn'olt twin al by -
.W, • (*king iRdtazunta road, *Li N°t'' tc9; sentenee
faiihed.While'44 re$reeJteat,ticW,Strt. t'ciltOtunate.bli
back ever, the the,' $0;PNYalic. , on TraintiOn, $tranga,a,°. in fOit
tioet. AO .pvialiett. •t4tongb. r,ne; 'front 01102":06nlisigi,'",*
ot Ye Old PtirloSity• -Shop... 'Window, tend: over '- a, :. peri
tiameS,04',01 Oitered` 0.14* Eteiv.t4!>,k' $004.- '.4.A,Kot °Anto.
yards, in, au.,°.direetteas., and: the doer.. a ' failt4* tot*, '
. ,... ,
0g,1.#0, '00 l',11.0. eP4tehed ',. In three 004,..gft lot Ire
'feet. • .A. *oke4°.`°.01etntoi° and.farmlint': aaw OW.- e
r°Plexnente In t110.:',Oliott.: *WOO ' ,,w9.0,° .bi*Inct1ten.N4,
.evatterect ,helter$,Ittvt,,‘ - It, *117,0 '.an:
Maglstr*te J.
ter afternoon,
tret.1)114 ptea(1,
snid 41e,
• t $tx or aeven
toltt017, they hive
tet it 'is then
gAt, 4rolik*
the*, NirOrto'
e pollee wttlked
Mr. CbM Nitomttle. slOnt.an
genetat 444,4,4104° tho-064erldt
Oittlflatl* W1t0 Jot* rettirned to
erleh after live months' Ttsit to. En
lend, °, reporte-ttelt;, be
04)4 •14arked•-pi*spert.ty..
to e meet Prberant.. Xte beUeves thee
is On a .,:ntr,ttl:::14,,•,',A$ tar* .P.x t
011tneAS. It 1$ *lot; likely„ there
0 0t0t0t..tirtete, and
l3rttalif: .!:41'ttve,*4417466,11atic''in't"441,111tOlth°is
14,1104 sp6n$11)1q/° for A‘t4.0 104. WA'
:At: 0:7 Itt°4.*43ttuto:
theek retlirMament A)rogratia"hes. imhued
•vator' 10
night t� Ent' ths r*u1
• , • .•.•... , •lizentky' day..'for-* eV*" tlre'eni. 1146- ° ' It Wit allii' 'xi r 't
A, new pressure aystern and water '1°- ° - °.. . ,- , - - it ..-. ' '' - °., .' - ' '
.4°tt °;tflig,".too,izi 't,*ittr t .3:,..titu.,.,- tr,ci.,,v17.,.;1;f7,4pv:::14;v1u rtr,;-.,)Afoilor:iptot:10:itirml,--ior041:rof.-„te,
Pam vePlise44*.the ,vroiltti',, .040004 teok*V00°.Pf: glass in tit* fre,ljAf the Onined°:to, Ills ,, blp,,„ foe;the.,snr,
bg IS te. 'be 4Ohe°,'by -Cotintr.40eme '444?P'''.tsfe..11,414t!tt41,,,, '''''' • °I___,.' vi+r.A4:°Y341,_'*? t ,,. __4,'.)04,1011•A4tit dew, n
., , , .. .. ... , .
1400 .. . ----- 'svileitt.,.tmolFe-p4.40,°' ;;IT,479.wner, 'thereby
.*tie Piiir.atttee`.4• 0 -.Pfaffe.bil*e• ki• ...* . 21• 0110141, MAORI .1•AdlAbitab17' 'est** ,4*nerlidtp°. '
'iltd..41.t.thf: ome.i - •.,,;, Barton WO '.14*.thii7,
MO ' ' yeste
, ..Urlde e•
erk -the 4,4f4,.i _004.41k$:, a week. "There
,•,, ',' gr'0„IN'tii.° - 'i' 4): '°:*Ajek'that
rda •
34 ' anOtlAeli" YilatteV v'e.°' 06414' Ilk" to
• tecinite't'A
,frejsre MiXed 4iiPle t..1**,°, for flif ore
.•. ' - ' '°- ° rt-
ng one
.. s :ttUf4:1"4-.1 ifol.l!f: -'.-4144-11 ' en,
°.,." re „ ' '
e•F d _ _ A Case . ...,
. .1100, te...,;,40m4,44,koroity, zu#1.1 , „ year-old,„ _ 13.1sair,
. . -
'Oviii,l;throtIg11:0Pt Aiired.'eatiat7,;'1114: .3'904 :maw-, f a .*!gott,t,y 40 'fiko
coronation •,L:1"...-,t1i41,74nier*,-; liiiger°,, AO ',Moo:et ' Onrges lor Oet admitted steal.
t�oIr place af,,,ftfe-atton':aonO'rnited, :Ang.,,' f 3.41;04-„Iteetelielre; garage and
eleireh;`, 'pleat limelltee, OA Otiisila$' Sc from il.e.y040, -fiiret. 4v.lionsau.
Entering- relit for .eeieneY for tee
youth, iptovvo, :t.t0°,„:-Itolinet sale,
It ' °Oka. . Zee.,fles,ar. .40Atlfatice. An °A07-
0104'. and '0,kat: his inn91e-, would leek ,
sent -to lite. °fah lic $),Onx tookont;
ittfOrlii#1004giitt li. nail he could pi
' 'Zileille:11,0114 • c'llad been out of
work. •
, ,
, ,"silif."- -*said ' TX ,NVOrs-hip, . "there'
1 • r Ong** .X hope . you
was no nee to You ..at y ther .*teerileeee. Y
lirill t" '4 4 ' . lieu, Crown At-
torneyseat alWays • have* --,e . s".
',tties'.--$.,:lr:41dtgd 1-,::AleiiieleTtir." 1 en
Cti•seWilk,XXitekettr, etaiteeknhow, r:.;
' v d lee ane )eleetiote w en,
Of velet$ -they iltd; not have isrello
r attOnclanci, at :
'!Feckelti night laOtii•eallea.
of•1101•41011'.002: °000hratIO4 oh
nation ',Vale WY -:°011#rebee
ad.other local opoidtp.Ptions' were. 'rer
veseate4. -.TMeetieg wee, ene
'0$1,111$ttetin7 lit: *laver. of*'ae. telebta.,
.404,104 it was lete-olth:,1t4later
geon„; !filo aeted ati*,clittirinan ° of ,• the
'ineeting,*„to for* committee 'to draw
up . a program for •i:#6.° ,•°
• many .,aed varied; Were e° sugges-
tione •:.(i(ivitecte by those Present, '8404
alt,euggeotieee- ;Wile -0-'0444er-et 44,
tti,k40192-atta *,r,h,to**be'itt charge
4140eretle-leteree itg.,(edeeMorael, lot
0.4-411e* •
suggestions.,.. 'ieeinded,
eludizig,„th*, of tree atUC torot
.00buq- Otte -014 04'0* the nOrttc
,Plauted at the time of Atte Itthilee of'0 a
itale...0...;.theepenotsiehte40/00aits:•'•i ,
,41tis P,Oetee, keervice,le:the .0404
:With .ntitised choirs attending f prem
;Siltation' of °col:Ore:10 the 'Logien and sotion 4.4300.1 Hill: the. °Moo:.
Maple' 'Oat ..oluipor,, *WA; MAthigiEtaborlikte— l•
Parade :With.*°beacoe-fire charge %Plana -10 'the ,Seiiipti •
Of* the s Boy „goats •at night,
irelele school, PuPne 444. be, 'nee*: 'ate 'deatlekitelf.of ‘ieball in this
seated with medals enaldeinittio the towit. .(for loth.. at least) • WAS
• Oceasiele. fled,: the "service- * the, park .sounded 1t(ek of° :interest in two
probably will 1711i -be- ‘gonducted, ,over ' Publid etteeleatiete meetlegs, neeOrd.
eeneilfYing eeeteM, .ing to two otaiviatta who°,0iTnett up at
.Theee' enggestions Were, ootitse, geftball'..Meeting Tuesday night
04litentatlee And dealt with and evuleeA 4.4trituntreee4 ee,..throi.
- the „tertenittioa -committee. e their Jot -with ,eue, 2atoewristed.gaore,°
Citizens be Asked to decorate Five persons tUrned' 0- at a baseball
• tiptoes 'suitably for the day., •_. meeting inS Week 414 UV() this
4.niong those present.Vere nearly .011 week; Whereas the° 'meeting Owe st,
members-, of the to -04 eOuncilt 'etre; D. the i town .11111,..bas been ..jameled at.
°X,, Lane and "Wee W. P. Gallowi' ot, eelepeat, *epees, -
Allaneele 'klhellter.400.V4 1;40°. •'.f" -•the tieWeeteere were weleeMed
glad -
Mooney,' MO. 'Zees' /tee:coin," Mrs. be'Into tett toottbalt-leagde Whielt,
°les, and 0,1atte Iter' ,otiig :under the name of
*Ada,- at. Maple Leat Chapter, 1.0. ljestgeo,. 114°4 boot, .4n.
32;8'2; Ohl& 13041r, Itaiikr 1‘2,.H.-04114,„iarged,;-ta talte teiteife'teid,
41....411Crty Mooney, w...seeed (tea, jo, lace, ereeeeeet, woe -111 the
D. E. Cal/414011. of Ooderich Pot 100, eiesee. air -these Wislf to play- the.
Canadlafl tegleal, Pritteiesti,
Stott, Of, the .C011egiate, Dietitutet Dr. 4• -tecottragetl' by a West. etteeeesful
. Oralmna, Mrs,' Gee. Soenston, seaepe htee year,„ the sottball league,'
Stonehouse 'and .Prinel- ptas :decided to approach the town
Shitekleton, ler the-Ohne° mitten With°,4 view •to 'having 'bleach-
:lichee/1g D. 114 O'Brien, of the sepitri ors-, erected et Vie** -tatk. and the
:ate sehool boar.d;• 00.4 A. C. Calder, 10$1147 retsiltfileedi,
Rev. 1. tatter Itev. P. Ti* ziotgok„Ooliat* tStet..0, 406.4.
Ace. A. J. ',Attiaorho4ees,$er.';'S. Me- tetra lubber outfit under, it$ *log and
Clung and lle-i.,11.-A. Iderlatt -Is-. now °toting, about in iut effort to
ant )1.tratde, et.the.„Sitleittion ▪ .organletee en -Jrder-tteen Ieeeele,
Edith Tailor and 141ss, Margaret ,whieh to°--entetite,creeni. of the, lo(lal
Watson, - of the 4irl. Medea:, Pk_ 'pleters,„ W*. Dario* and S.
Watsou. Olen C. tiodo Itos4 letylor weee 'te• get lri-tOtttit
• nitigtetee: of the 407 Scout,.
. „
'•'atteraQ6oi.Aon ,20t-4,.,101611- ik.'1.00
i,united-.:,In.°10047,i1a0e° 140Utse,
ter', or:.gra::,-06(10.onancI-• the late
04. ,Ot 1104004 The ,eereMOIAY' was
00.terinee by Bev. A. W.. Brown,
010, 'ItIOO4'.' bride Mel ,groore.The eoup0 wire:.
...._noattefinleA„'• T,116
church ° „ Was telorhed with
110,1 fioiverg°.
•• The tawny of tete bride were present, .and: e number of *neighborsand
friends. ''Ottt=of-toeyfi-attenditatir,fwere
• Mr. end.. Mrs. Ernest' Hodgson and
their family, of Ottawa, *where Mr.
6 on*, hits •eirapertant -position
,have pael.elght" or Ow 11,01totQ
the oia Stad 'ffutte%
-00: 01007,3:144PeS -thit4 .0'0'er before.'
"4034$ this wth. '0' X oaw-more lite antl
,WItge'the„rederie Government. . 'faced it oarge'40t licaowIngly. having
. , , _ , , ,
**1.-Atre: f'fill.mtlet. lett ,In'the ;stolen, .-ge*Is,,,'4110,. _WO reanteded
afteirtoee' amid', •shewer of rice and !Week. Police, Wite 'arkeited :Hackett
goo-, wishes for digit -Itroen.ireymt000rni :had.
'Which be pent knoti.,
'State. The" be'', at tlie!r' It to be from the .0.
lioine theeeouree.01 reve'weelis, uone 104`.1.itteltnoVt
• a
-0 0
tit his :recent resignation to takethe
***1#1,040$ Ohl * , ,r
reontly (*foto/4(01d 1*1$ *100t1i, , b!1xt
daY, intainti" tho,oldoo
to v6kikie otett°4 ttr Asbfle
stone Itt :glut it ft 0
t.,040 TOUtt'Une Ns" 0
Canada fro% 00°.thkad kit 1840, died
itt 1%12 the ripe 01(1 age
'poem, of .COititni,SiO1**.Ot judian,
ter • Charges. .ot.'resisting, otheer and
• delving Witheet aliOraitt and withent-
markers, -PleferrOdi:- *against Sinter
Ut/gre4 t nehieesind Leone
LPJJ.pilot the coMiettitittut,.-CountY Ooite
'stable Art d'ettniage, :Ira- be aired
next week. in curt. • Moore received'
"shioer"' ant:yfaciai cuts and the
officer a broken hane, In a brief tussle
at Moore's truck, •*lien Cometable*
Jennings allegedly attemptee to .take
the man tactile:06We Court. Moore's
bond. of $500, Was( renewed.
' On Yummy ebirge
'Adore SchneY? Picked ne. rhY Con-
stable /Reit Pete* at Eselield on a
vagraucY eharge, was reeigted. to his
fate.. In diteorted English the wild-.
eyed, wild -baited exploded:
"Iff a -mat !Oriel un for no vege' vy
utt course he ,hass no gwane dr sup.
port." *
"Are vet gteity or not guilty?" (let°
manded Worship: • • -
cettektly," cried Sehney,
°Ie,,,ipoerkee. luenea..ifintoo:oet•yi.,u, rthe...r „diatribe ,of:
"Remand a weelr,q *tartly inter-
jected• the htagietritte, •
• Orville Welk, ot WItighttM, pleaded
gait, to charge of -hiving liquor In
airS' for trill:ale Oeltenbia under
tee 'lleederal Oovernixtent, sees-14-tOWn
nee,' week -on e two days' visit to his
btothers, Norman and 30110.
nrd0r-U44,44Y, had 'been at Ottawa
for teree weekes eenterrini erith the
Hon. T. A. Cheer, in. whose .00Part*
meat is the • Indian Altaire $reuele
preparatory to taking over his new
duties. •
$0ealtine to The Signat-Star, Major
XaelCay stated that It was with'!Some
reluctance. he had decided to retire_
from politleat life. He had retire-
eented the learlboo riding In the Leg-
itlatme since 1031. • In, his new Poste
Oen,* however, he believes .ice will
have 'a ivvortlewhile twee °"-looking
atter British.,Colitmhitt's 24.000 Ire
The work will -not be alto-
gether new, as for twelve years Prior
.to 1931 be 'held a position In the, same
Department. ()lee, will be at
Mrs. •MaeKay accempanied her bug"
end. It :was. her filet visat to tied-
erieh, iwbete Major ',1faeltaY Is *01
inown. as a member ,of the familI" of
theetettit *tad Mcgs
Delving -inte aPte44 etor5'
one finds that takePtIO of , at ilar
refused to. llalte* be Was ,107 7011
ttt:hu tttl 00 soft lag teaa. ti e out to, 4t I: nil: been irreality at 7. made
'Cif;44 A000r4113:1Y' two* wrote '
s 110
,Ot• : Wage Inereatteheti
beeifateatited;_emeleyeee *of :WC e
e3C301i;00.40.4.At4; .014 alL, 4
btiAtit been 40,4*(1-After- 4-4rititiF
004 'Inet, th0,-000,, manager 'one; 40
last Week., There ., was an undettolle
'Of 'Strilie!' for , several ° days *at the
mIU,but ditiltuitieS were *.•-qotettlY
patched. up. the , °wage : increase, for
the GOderielt. tail only, has .alre*OY
-eome lute ,etteet. * • °
the port ek,1e.
o t-Ige'i:Ntra.:4#40:401"Htolet-117.417ea
r Peal rom-OlaWilt
4.?us,?0;14, what itt ti
°,eleered. at. iitten for Wootfok
lie. ballet U10144111* tOW!tft
t. 14' Oa, Arm, or. le A. fla
ons Provide Big
Event or lassies
Alkh 'rake
lit Moog, Doll
Sons. of OvsVa , Sound, Arroo.
a tto-011,,,on'TeeedeY With:* -'.iteekciPa,4
,'106. ,tor ; ,odiiti0it'Uatmfaotor,-;
tug Ooinpauy, The gatv,4',010414
ore, 'Shen ,feet or. log.r,wa
164(14 4• tut* huge platform
ottlte4. • Weal lamber..ar0 at
the of the *Dart • Th,Oop.' were
0 up by the, barge ..at ' Or 4,
to vithiOtk,°11.0Int,t1407 11;14 'boil tracked
'The barge 4;44,14:
eieared t a
The iteaMer, Superior arrived early
Weduesday,' morel*...from the bead of
the lilies* 0140 ° of \84006
bOaltela ;et *irekt);10.iii.Aind barley tor
tbe tiotlerich, elevator.
itOtV,r-144191AVIeff9tfor -
Tee steenaei eleerge Donovan,
which Wei' laid 1.40: attery.being iltted
out for the 1,00 ,seetskin, reeeiVed,
sailing orders last Nieek4gut and SOS.
at daybreak gond'ar"*Prning,-,te ette
ter tbe. gotta .
THE VitlaN11188
Temperatures or the last week and
of the correettonding week of last
Year, AS recorded -officially, were an
1937 1930
t Mat, Min. Max. Min.
a.eril 23 47 • 84 38 20
'Sate April 24 38 • 47
Sun., April 25 -.54 44
Mee., April 26 ..4.46 40
Tu.eee April 27 50 38
Wed:, April 28 41$8
There., April ga .4„ei -ao
A. 0. 3!dontgotnerY, Trafalgar street,"
whe Is In his eighty-ninth year, is in
line ter the title of. Goderieles most
cautious ,eitizert. Mr. Montgomery
doe e ,not believe in waiting until
trOuble comes to hire, or even in meet.
half-way—he avoids it vont'
• petely. PoSsibly. his longevity and
good health are due to this trait.
„ Mr. 2dontgotnery, Is a confirmed
receipt4t0arder. Ile dropped, in at
'the Star office yesterday and eihibited
A Star subscription reeeipt of the
year 1804. The receipt Wits for one
dollar. .
- Also among numerous old coins he
had a Vredch pent or sou 125 year&
old, it, having ,been -minted in 1812,
and two other copper coins dated
1820 and 1025,
, Superintendent H. T. Edwards arid
Treasurer A. 11. Erskine, of the Child-
rett's Aid Society, attended a eotiven-
it 'other than e....'private:tretedetice, „ don ett Toronto on Tuesday. ,
CtKOVV11 Attorhey 'Mime* asked and
wee granted 4 ten2had of one week 'in R
67 33
•40 tie
02 04
•08, 44
03% 00.
of mted Chijrch
Elected 'Presbiterial
The steamer O. 'steam
op once more, .baving received: salUng
orders to dear for the head:.of ttier
Lakes,- , The Minnawill clear, tonight
or totnorroir morale
Work is once °Mere' tinder t'.4 en
the .dislearttling of the -dredge menetel
Meade, whiCh Is *Weed by the 'Berm*
•ittrUettonmPatl$: Of Toronto.
Laketon Slightly Groundeill
The stealagit .1411i.etokf„Peig*a.. Part
ton :Ulmer), of the Cfaionat,,,eteas.lr:
ship Litte • after safely 'eehipletieter
hazateotte trip 'tient, the heed' tie
Lakes' :darner -a 'terrific -Wlinf-atornt.
grounded -In the harbor ert'Inakt
Pert here on StrturdaY 4boet,12,15.p ,
The laketon, 'white was dietviktel,
about twenty feet; was oreeping *WV:P.
IY toward the 4 elevator at t1WW
erti Canada Flour Mill to ugloed
cargo of grain When she vou*040, •
,baryfiatt ttteAsylv°Ata.
The water • level in the. harbor -had
been lowered several itiehei hr 8 °
strong off-shere.wied.
The steamer WO stuck fast for 47
half-hour, but managed ,topull her-
self IOW by meens' of a shore line.
No damage was done and the ehip
skirted the shallow epee but she *1443
caughta second time, on a 'rock'
which had Wen . troiltble last Year,
before site finally slipped' intoher
Water in the barboe was lowered
at least eight Inches by the easterie
gale. The ,Laketon cleared at noon
on Monday.
. Nets Seized by Game Wardens- -
It was a case of mistaken identity,
for two game wardens who on Mon-
day confiscated a Jew gangs of nets
In harbor waters and, after tracing
the, owner, seized his fishing tug ov r
his protests of innocence.
The overseers, actingon a ttip that
poachers • were setting -nets in- the
harbor, made -Lt. quick • journey mid
picked up the nets, which Were plata.
le marked by buoys.
flowaster. it turned out the nets
were merely strung oot by a, Weal
(*amerced, fisherman to be washed
free of moss by the waves.
The poachers still are at large.
The eleventh annual meeting of the
•fluron .Presbyterial of • the
United Church of Canada convened in
North street chortle Goderieh, on
Tuesday: There iwge a splendid at-
tendance. MrsW 3 Greer, WInghato;
.president, occupied the cheir. Mrs.,
Woe Laidlaw, Myth, and Mrs. Chas.
Iohee, Exeter, led in the worship per-
iod, the former reading the Scripture.
leeson from l'salni 123 and the latter
speaking ,ou the subjecteuDe still and
know that 1 ata God." Mrs, Clieetet,
Johnstoh of Ooderich exteneed a
hearty welcome to the delegates and
members present. 'Mrs. A. W.
diner made an. *appropriate reply. .
A. short time .was given to business.
The minutes of -the late Presbyterial
meeting were taken as read and the
mihutes of the Executiee meeting
adopted. Pittance and resolution com.
mittees were appointed. An .invitit-
tion, was teeelved from NVingbatu for
the 1939 meetitte, one from James.
street, Exeter, having been prevlouely
accepted for 1038. 'Mrs. It. G. Nay
calledthe roll of (tutelaries. trhete
are 1030 annual members and OM life
members, a total of 1093. eirs. E. E.
alcXenzie of Egilidedville called 'the
roll of evtuleg ontillaries and .re.
ported an ihereaee in Wings and a
fourteen per cent. increase in„ member-
ship. One new antillerY wars organ-
ized In Main .streef, Exeter, Mrs. W.
P,*,Lane reported, a memberehle et
201- in 'the misson circles. . rout . mese
&dee bad been fornied and one had
theettat, statittg.anthorititil at wing. ed Sox Winners.
hem have something tO oar to Weish. • •
WINS, GOLD MEDAL rOlt viouN Five -Pi
n League
At el* recent Musical teetlifil.
Stratford, MU Senner et: Listowel, c . Lzst
-feemetlY -ot..Ooderich, won the gold orie kig Games PlaYeti
,-,Medal with Si marks ° ter'the Night—Wow ,froto. Royal •
'clist -tinder fourteen*ears. The class • • Alleys -
Wait keenly etettested and °the ' • •
ntatok (tlie° Opleol()---wiettehighlY Cour • Wee the coneludirte ianie* being
. .1;layed hot night ° In, the 'league At the
with other towns and arrange for an • plimentary in. his rentarke.„
erganization, meeting,
Llsts.Ot to:Ins:wilt be presented - for,
apProvel at ,ite „executive *meeting- next*
TPeedaY *hen, the ,seasetee
sehedtile will draWn, •tuji for the
eiveteam league. The testis Are 'vie,
it.tiana; vrobywiatia, itapttata. St
ereOrgeS4 North° street Vetted tend the
tett poderieh Salt !Company.
JYINIflR $01411iALL LEAGUE VA lush* whey; .10rAe is rap ,
W. Al push' Wait soil* at Streit:4rd
• 'Mode Vote*
Oengrstulatioxis are • attended to Mr':
Wllliain A. BUsit OA reedit vocal twee
-team et. the fattatford. itt nett* ot Meeie,
spent the greater pail of the last four
At * raeotitie'ot: the. Zeniee Clairol( 1'10,r*. le eee Ikea?, eweeeffela, eee„,
The team *Minuet °Oracle'
IspentOred the Vette,. Club for the
little:gielt Of' ',Gael:idle held' on; the
Sclil*te on Saturday afteri1Oon,' was
the Most auceeatttil to'datev4itere than
otto ittindred turning out With
dolls Arno, .estreligea and on,
./tiddie-care: Till& lig ° event le. the
liees, of the, yotinottees *As postponed
*ern: rater thete.thle year owing te"
inclemeht weather., ,
'The flee -of children, Wittabed by
handteds adulte,) etretched the
length of 140eir on, the Senate frina,
'etolhortie to North ,istreets Where the:
jedeteg °wait tea -dotted by members
of the Maple Leaf (heeter, /.(1,1).X.
The. parade ititc,led by ° tot* Orgatiltatt0h,
Paraipbell on tt .tveorated ttleyote.
'sue wore a bunny °wit, and was eitite, °Si*,
Ay followed by 'a ecore of tots- with Antlititineethe
:beightly and artistieilly decorated ' deride in Ow
'dolt (*triage*. tleveritt little mimes Mete Iteletta, only dat*ht o! 3(1
'Ware IteettY paper tostuesee+), and' Mrs. Itleherd 'Wood
eferything from theme- to newspipet City, to:114,1140y Zikat
04)tt 1t
and *rapping poet wet toed, loge °The briite$ attottoir ItO• t rl•
in Were about °eighty tlindr4* 13#00.0. !Arrow 6
witil della .1.it Vies wets wadtag tOolt
of *tart 04 a* etilOt **it -*itch °‘)*k .01ittett, Ittorkt
Coons pot 14) 014.
it ROW, loolOtottioliox
Ail intereatin* 'ile016001tratIOn, Of
radio, Interferenee Wes 'ghee et eitse.
Ito itfau on TuesditY evening by Die.
tea leePeeter otinaior- and
Zugineer Ilottard °of the Radio
Ora -tele . of the rederal tlover01.0'ittt
It °was '...riheittt *leis tOtinktrin
heusehold APPliant0O, *$' th* iiti
&slier end the loewittg solithing
terterkwith radio itteePtIon; awl how'
the tige et%#,.."10ttek tan tendise the
static and reduce grettli the annoy.
,ence to the letteter le The , de,
.• monetretion, Wee °given sender tlje,
topic** of the ° Cloderkit Moo -
elation. tee* wite not t. taro tittd;
Softball Uttgtie st'kleorges var-
iffilL on Motidai. Calder and °
Chester Mellen were elected. "eir'ittsideht.
!Led ,eeetfetarsi-treltsurer, -reespeetively.
The 'meeting Was welt attended by
reptoeatatIvew tom Knox, Victoria
Street, iNortit....street and -St 'itteergegs,
cherche5i4: es well.as it *delegittioe from
the .tfertior Orange „Lodge., .,1014
anlieroe vote the, Orange •ZoIlge. feint
Waw itdrititted ,the 'Ititgtte, briegitig
the total nuntber teittee up to dee.
It was decided that the !schedule
SWIM be • drit*ii tip' At Ati, ereeatife
meeting week hello. 'Itostiel101oom.°
Member of the Senior ditirch,
League, ffitolttlaeit the eepport.'ef that
ee, toner 1140 and ter son*. time,
past 'hat, Jrocettlat lient *Intl
tralning from A.. ieoeit of West-
tea- it *Ail Itith,,,at tateate
lord, Ite tame, host In ilia data, re-
ailving a. .medal. The Wowing
litahdar, mint *1041, obtainukit
**ratty-T.1m per eent*.inat it tow,snarics
sliort,Of the matt required to °Wald the
gokt =Oat
.1301"? MO be,rememberett by the
Oeolile of Ooderith And vletialtf out the
yomg *an, who. on * epl4.41vtriili De-
Isutiat' day, scaled setenty-tive feet of
the ninety -toot nag pole itt frOnt,of the
court hetelle iri order to runt it halyard
through the *0 that the flag
might be, Wet&
Iloyat bowling alleys, Georg" Dtteeh.
side with a' six.point, win over Doy
Lloyd's' stymies. Albert Taylor's
'Mete Sox were in third plate.
The chattpions are Doug. Graham,
flugli bteGuire, and Geo, useehter;
second team, I. D. gastman, Dr. A.„
'Orttletm, IL L. tiloya.; third team,
Verne Smith, Bert Sanderson, Albert
Averages have 110.t been compiled as
yet. •
(Final Standing)
Games Points
Red Sox*,
Stymies .
!White Sox
No Sox
Blue Sox .r
Five three -men teethe battled for
Cash „prizes at the lloyal alleys Wed-
nesday night, The results were as
follows: ;, PAStnian Cleo.
Mathiesob, tett Sandersou,
2nd, Dr., .14101d. Prank Martin,
1,02-0; grd„, '1Ittut.
lees Dal Sok maintained t e 'leader= adnated tato an evening auxiliary.
The members of the ciftles are very
active and Mutt faithful wort; Is be-
ing done.-
-I.., D. Townsend, Delgrave. ie -
ported thirty mission bands, includ.
lug a new one. Three. bed advaticed
to "mission cireies and, two had dbe
banded. Total memberehip is 079..
Anothet daring feat of * sintiler nature
was perfortntd when he.ellehtted-to the
t�p of alt. eighty -foot giknost Iiniblees
tree. and iithlle the hattil (the l&ge ride
tailed I )
h fmn
It to the boiise,
an I pet
• 14 39
14 • 37
14 30
-14 25
14 gt.
.0. O. 1. T. Work
Miss Mabel ,Dallie, C.G.I.T. secre-
WIS. !sent a repot which was read.
There are 125 members in eleven afill.
fated groove There are three new
groups. 'Two otherti have closed. Mrs.
Xt. 3. :Patterson, Uensall, eeeretary of
baby bands, sent a 'fiery encouraging
report. There are seven inetv bands,
on Increase in tnettibership of 106 and
an increase in givings of 41)18.16reeeltt,
ron Presbyterial, baby bands reek
• second higheg in the Conference. Mrs:
Coleiough of Myth, supply secretary,
• reported that bales weighing 4195 ib.
and valued at $3:388 had been sent
from the` • different orghnizations. In
hese were 201 quilts, sit afghans end
four. blankets. The 'clothing, etc
wAs or ft higher 4001IM as Inere net*
, New Ships to We Launched
.Two ships newto the harbor will
be launched shortly. One is a new
twenty-fourfoot' fishiug craft made,
last winter by W,aIter Shannon.
.intends to use it In ilshing at Teber
%tory. It Is powered with a tatter -
gal -meter and will carry itails tor
The second is • a aintihtr
craft owned by IL L. Watson. It
has been entirely .remodelled for the
1937 season, '
-Bert elacDottaid has been fartfrom
idle •Since bis iLIfless last winter. 110
tas built four new skitand rehtflit
it rowboat: • Ile also has put a new
Chrygler engine in his 'launch, the
"Captain John."„
So strong was the easterly wind of
last Wednesday afternoon that, believe
it or not, tile water was blown. ont, or
the Baytield Inver. At any rate*. the
river was lowered to such an,..extent
that fishing tugs were lefthigh and
'dry. A batch of two thliUoa white.
fish tre, whiett was to be placed *
ehe*.elaket--off Sayfieid, was brought -
to Gederich when it was found to be
impossible to launch a boat-ift DaY-
ffeld. The fish, from the Sarnia hatch
tries, -were dumped in .the take oft
Goderich by Bert MacDonald.
IVEDN148Ditit IIALP4110LI1A1t
Commencing nett. week, and coatinti.
bag•...Wit the knd or ,Septeinber, the
1,8o8; 4t o material bad been used. o et
Pritchard. 11001 Meelolre. .Taek An
flat 1,848; 1.,8,1St- PISO lobtlat00,
, Doug. traham„ Itebertsott,
deo, Mathleson woe the high .stegle
etime 'prize with ZO°.
• Albert .1,itylor° Wen a $4' Man (Prite
tett he pliteed fourth in stogies
mt*.titioit ett the totith, Minted Wes-
tern Ontetio.ti*plit, howling,' bourne)*
itt Alta:tenet ,fisist IVOR. .10 bowled
evening unelliary had an alithit ot
what is required itt alatette. RThere
wag also on display quilts made by
the evening auxiliaries of Winghant
And aorrie'which were Unique and
worthy of befog 001(0. ,
' Mrs. Win. Dicitard, Clintoe, Mission
art Witithly seeretary, reported sabi
setiptlone to the megtizitte *41016
and to World Vritilds *01 461, a si*bt.
etoritinued en pito
weekly Wednesday haltheildoY wiit
be observed by ihoat of tile .iocal ra.r+
&ants. Shopper z are advised to make
oote that on Wediiesdae etternott
nett many ot.the stores .wilfb ioat4t
•fr. zt. 11. Otahatn,, lieneett stieet,
suffered a badly vilerielig ?feet 000
day this week while helping tree it
eteotut *tint/. in6rourni,rtottild,40tAttrttloya,
up for 4,0 few day*. —