The Goderich Star, 1937-04-23, Page 1'Vhe • net
by the .1:40ne Olub for
of Ooderich,hatt been 'p
4 Intl to Indere
I hoed tomorOsV (Sat
0,1t0Oie tor this 1g. evf
of 'the kifialen,,if th
fkie held
4a; lAltett0roxaor*, .*'vvill'n1) I
meet nu, tho Sqiare at IsTorth",,s
11(m'011 Oiigar
wlndow on the 01.940; will be gIei
almost every type or doti Ali(t fo
decgmtted 'trieyeles :and arrlage'
There' Is eure ,,to he a. 1arg eutry,,
the ir,d4g 1
the tttle
ostponed twlce
t er, 0.44 It
,urdaty w
nt in:the lye*
weather 1,9
pants will
when they, toaio
elrovr th,e'
nt1 an 910
ii, taek iar,I
10 omb18.tISM. 0 w1
it* a narne, • Lut on
ealled a btad,. and aiiother
the ditwIug:44 tbat
well*ttorn .make \
Pitt; ,,. Itivalleeit: 'igtdc
ford ageordingir reeelved tli letter.
. The lnstance br1ng to,Intuti anoth-
er Oeeasion on widell a prwtt.l 4olter
sone, time ago roalied A. lettPf bearing
4 ,Iitawing of 'several. street* of tbP
town iyit tbe _destination , marked
by aqThttV* 11. 418° 1-1
However post omee
oioki lLke tlie Publie to
en :the,t,,,, hate!,' time off
10:,0014 ather 10401
awe Of 'tidiletr.lrinhe .01
'tlutn iuzzle, over 'sot,o,e` '
o inake arrmugement to
t e Corouatlou
08 nd*
nd or.** purpoe 0
tk erL,
no *mong tbe ti o
ing yOUng'0
in favor ot ;,f —1nd 44,
of the corona.tlo - - Qtzeen VictorI,
was toki Iu . tv
*nt1 the eecuttve, o
tot resigned. and in ik
* b In good1npe to
* &rt tA the 'Sveidc
.s -wU as iti, otber doillit*
tlie un&nier eason,It la -thought
ri**ble that. no turther. time shouid
lost In ililing the *Elea eads
ring the antl PI -good
4 bopeti there004
:uout at both'''.
ic are open to
, of I
yeavs, 371
take o
AO Cour
omer*t1 WtW .:haS. -
ot baIiItr ttre.the: last :.three
ttrda I d "notlei* `frotu:
rney'GsueraVa Departitient t.
rthe oMee of ''Otilainit (')ii t
Ung Wig:, J. hcpbitrd.
,h, the 'oit1( -6"t I)lvJ.
, . —
eterk, 'about -. three. ears,
vtU eomblue the dittie
and bailiL• , -
tois. !,
^ 4,
. oI.(L t
d 1z
..of preseat1on'
a piete
eut o b37' 4 e ' .,.ipStruro
, the,, 4`.,.,'Of00:0,rt
Ugton streets,
n by George
the *
(h1371i ,st,:kxut ittita€44 ,. AO° t '1)
'licit evetlt Ute
/wail rain*, tke stori
l'Ol'ene‘t'reet4trt,14:::::104tO. soo
° itt7 iiittilt
lit tloaer
,itOWit*'eo ,t thty le " e
snooped. an
mit; ` ritki4
treets.nnge4I 18t
lneys. to' P
al patrOWly
WalkIng aim* IlamU
Tbe tire* ;front
oki harn on
Alletiee large end
)m trees anit --Utte
b04404*. Elgth
ite Oht,Ott.,*0
tion a *
,` asking.tbat the;
OUflltJi* elosing of the a
ian for * re
,wee- made to',
tlmee wtIoderiellt,tf
)ti009 gripping -
terest, was -re ted
-members of the It
21 when Mz.
acount of kis
my pflgrlinage of last -JI1.
said. 2tr. Turner, "for war Is
g▪ er *aft'.planned at ogIia. itt 310.80,*
but it iras not;:ontii,eight *04* fifo;
itt 1930,- tht the event toot jIae.
t as vevy won
too !,14-tiewt!bet
matter, Matin that
were as.
gro andointtug out
Intake Ittaa:00t In thii* with
tbe low .nt 404044 444'
ftit auninier tsort,
that son* ot the unezi
men be put to Work eleatit
the banks of twit refuse and that 'o
folder* lie 11061011 tined, ' •
.A. dos soli realved
loeaL braneh of the Canadian',
leion.offeet1ng.'40.-oporat1on„,'„,in any
.eoenratioli. of COrotuitioi Day'
The 04b11:0':-Ittilitt,e4. • 'voizottiOlitki
wrote notifying ,itiotureit that a Maple trees.
foilx :not tittits 1 TI II
' V 1 . tie setY
,.. "in
titotts of
igl ti Page601ory
112 the ieg beloW th
ltelieS, 1,c
,�ontestaits in theti:iatortesi,1
tiOtymi' 1* there.
d ft°. insniti
boat 4441?be root f the :`
csn off, wete fourot:t:wht4:In
'w0 ts,to
tr*pibootlflg prctte4
the beacll worth.: of Oda *
warned t it catght by police thei Ing ti
wili be de,°eAitroples 44 a warnIfltnunit r
ojbers *cc 4201144d, l'ArnOotr"02 Taylor 14'
ea ge-OWner4' have bet1lod uieuclittuu
pollee that-
of bottles which ob*1000$4.,
/)" 6
106t4littera with jagged pteee5 po1ntmnt o.
ave been the beach *a
Olittt0:04 b,rials:.7* mart t4sPi:Psvetal
of whont .haire, 'been' ridn.
the ig,40494 , g • ala*
tbe o
threeyounger brothp
Oltdinitting,sete t ts„
on Meat hart, Oiled:our( ta'.
serjou 40000" Sgt14
tionanesa or ti*I. 0/1#0ee, and you
dr; it rlifully,t*---
frtO,O0t meil lottbefr iI,and
emilitek that per* words Ouid., nor OtEWS
4Uti!.;' SA4)4444,,,,eri$6:. hter ,ittatd, *(c*Pt.'.
70. bust $4'°D.',1? ett4ada'br:r4v .0n4te); atrtye4 light
Freneb 410,0ern4nent. inoniorW; ",.eleared,, 10114.0 1611"
Ing 178 feet.highi out 01*4511' Mitt Will1a*.witla::0, eargo trent". the
z11e from -th6 or*114. rott*Ilio warellowse of the trod 'erleit Salt 'COW
tkenebee; wkich bave been • • ,
In ma -144'4', wairdeileribea-*e dream on Tueeday sinornint the colUr
etf' out 'of \iKone. :Gianels COtiot :Beienorl niade.;p�rt
' .ineidentalli the statet NIA& Dears ttIn4'.Crete4tn4 Vith '200 tone of
tlie 4oles, of ,11,88er"in1sti1ne....Cana... er)leh were ,,,1111104ded at. -the
dians,.!wastaken-froto ast vict Rennin viretorn icavidt 1-100;.IILU,y04:1‘ 0,
quirky 40 Neello‘kflovikist whleh bad „atm** viottv4 light
not been iteilted since tlie fourth The oteitniete ,Geo; 11i0;f.
eentufr, B. 0Oote; And r), B. Senna
4, road built from 4 Leo tile were 'Aida ,ont this *print and were
,ratinuntentk ,two and one-half lfl4fri dL *41. or 4111nm are .nove, Laid lip
;tants', imait(44,11' vtitti lloYalton an& )Pii
town' elotir ,:eould' be, tarried '
at a eost of )0%yard asking 12
;64initli desired, the •ootrintissien't0
ge.ithead Selerred`,/e water,
light and harbor ,Ooniulittee. ‘.
' The' igithratiOni Arlo- asked petni
Ion -to hold' day- on-ltiaturday#
*AY g#4, pApfrtoi 14 0014
w k., - mut granted.
thisa 'iffeeesing.
lord pulite* of
way, to efAsot that ,aPplicition
.had been $31046 by the'Vealirttaetit to
the Botta at Ottikway Oppzioatio,
at *
445" '04*
that 11*
a* auditor it
r •,oertaln 'lots te
a d
the ou1C `ht
Ad :8400 rt"
ea at OtsliWtiod„-on,',
E. Reeee, 'president:of
'011t4ilo• Federation, of ttom
Selibol.cAssOchations, .addxlmAt
twang, here in'
and Stud*/ behoot. teitrAters. of SO'
George's church, to % the number ot
about forty-dvet enjoittl'o'betuittet 411'
the perish hill 46 ginsate of 'the chnreli-
Woman'SAluild.," tabitik were at,
hortage ,of Shipmetts in tl4e, traetiveir detorated with brass'Yagely
seSk� `th5pet l'Aikeis is -reeponalble. The lay, .6f ditifottila and ` tapers In
Ye,t;',up Is for 42# dednit*,-period.,' *it in:ay 'brass, 1161(108;
tile* tendtitted b7 te be., 0, 'week or two and it tiay he Seated -',It the:head table rith the:
months before the ships ,get.',Orders to ehairtian, tett. esifier; were-
have Meant uP -once wore in' preittra,' Air* CalderMr. lx_140**, PS,01)104
tion ,tor,talltngy All after -crews ,have Wittaeot: BrO4VII, Ye_11. Atehtitolni
:been lal(t.OV.„ , 4ottes4atemam Mlss Mary liSeuteidi
• _ tistel )34,opte,: Welt known among President of the Chutchisinitain't
sailors nefie,--iihrriti'W-clittf-eneneer'
.00, the, *teenier ,flondeon4 siettmil $0.,* Anderton, brgantst and „ ehoirleader
ions, and Wh'o hat had ttletig".legithig. and bir, C.-W.454.0es, vestry
,tareer,: died_ at Fergus tbe irat of the' After IlirKiiiiper commuillti Singing
week. ' Was enjoyed- and short tletthes were
rrequentos of the harbor maintain *aide, bY Sorerni '*tialtors of the
the Itt.t.--"Itartior IniproVeratut 'choir, Melon% E. IX Brown; "An,
Plan'!,,iiitotild' he. pat -intO -derton, IC tiliekstene and
tuedlitely • The major eyeapte'itt tJ1 ,A„ -*F. turd, Jiid Ardifleiee.
Ithair Rawer& ,%te turner
marked: ottne prone to wonder, in
.view of the e,rente Which, liaire °c-
o wince ttiat'time,,if Edward Iola
acy pioupg, „that '..thiff*opid he ,141..
at Major 11116,11ic aiiieitatieiiiiiiT"liralc,
We all are thankful. that, at least„ no
hint Of the trordite 'whieb. -has hefalt,
/MS was AfoOt to, niar the, ,
ere" are:- sOroo 025: rehleterie
eolk 4141he A11Cett -Isoldtati4 'Prance
ind beautifully
e found not' tift- canntry- we .had
an4-, torn to bits:" said
t, *$:0 levelf land of,
404` hamlets nd
mod -ern, titles,' *Mit be-
d 'out. Of, etuttahieV,*
'London he :riotieta little.) diger.,
with the; exception,- that: the
.40,04 old storea disappearing
,continutot 14,, to tid our test
meninade atitte; flat -.00derteit
Aaeotiation he* 'arranged fOr
Public demonitration bt. held in
litaetat 1411 'O#64*$' e'renhig, Atoll
27, at, 8 pm,„
The demonstration will be tondneted
&ova of the .Itatilo litancit,; tted
rtniento Vtatiat, *AI trOuble.i. Wos'.
g1i1n tippitanos. wilt*. on. thew and
$eta•wilt be, made, shoWing how these
aces *Ott *oar radio ,rtaaeption,the 1
the"' tin be elinititattd.
etollamittet IAA geske
Ole ta, atm* th iftet
f' *Oat tall $0* atakti t
t o attend* Mole belpfet
bit will be given in the at 11
140', it rounds, *e *fl
o the fed 'that the grea
o 1041 "tiateitera .are
bsar the iloroanitiolt, *mkt. Uni
the hett -06Seible tee*11
nee* theit stale
rt' !foetid ,be to got
ot tot'*i061aualtiet and.
A — •
oViet offentlet nithOnghr YOU ,friee 08137
three esharge.a." - •,, .,-.-...,, , - ,..;. „: ,
'I' ,reitifne tide, la. your .lirst.titrie,tti
urtr Sia-lfrforthilt.101,4 thibt, broth-
er4,' 1:int: that 40001'. .ratan . you, tau,
carry' .on .„ atealtag . Until., you ' are "taught '
And. 00 go lt9e;
• `41. Ain $014 to 40Otellee each of you
10 three Months at herd tabor. 1
het* it teadhes you a leseon. on
pight weli lut, been sent to the keitt..
Setitence Stls
, Asines:.'„}Steeb, „or-Saltford, was
rottdly leetured by tiie„ Itaittattitn
aftet he tOld, bis emi* of the.ett-
taimatances 'which' -104 to charges
againtf him And his sixteetryeatold
goo er,die,,,aftemptett, theft of coal and:
Wood: from- asat, property.
' Steele swore the fuet had boen
en Son, Mid that Archie
tr c),.7.4.11. *night Wetclunao hod.
etoPPeCt46iIt' fr9111
refused 10 ,put Ma- sou ,.00: • the stand
to ,conitral his, story, .
'no$9,,..0age, of Sttatford, apetiat
agent' for the„- prosecuted,. .
or 10 empinyies-avk
ItOt ..10.14g it01110111_Ya.P.1.016
Magistrate. Makins told Steele.
Am glad the WY' was not put In the
box to toll a yarn like that1 do
not believe your story and I 'ant ge1iii7
to 0010, You raid' aecinit the bey*.
I Slit not like to 'ate little boo --4rigge4
a.,,,(httig like thiS,
gm, goingto suspend- sentenee on
You' for 4 Year,!' Worship,
ft.:pun:eft Steel{,. net,
to court again. -
A Chtelterl Feast
Iohn Weiss (ied Fred tiftlethihi
did not plead or elect When they
harbor-seen:A- to74*Itite,enne4nAt4 .gutating,taiktottt, •
south-east cOriatt of 'the f ducted. by rift. 'Odder, Was wont -07"-W:
Net only it it Sat, -eyesorei At is. Oland, otoprac Bridge' and "Si)0't also were
knf, but It elite * ineallee'4-,,, there plaYed.,
has been 'at heat one acebitineett the .„ A: voto, of thanks' 4.tra.S. tendered the
*Ott' 'hitt lettnnatelt it' United, out onttri by 'Ur. ritown, txt, *halt of 'the
ta,*66, opeo aithoigh 6014 ktiso )441(trtge. "StObbingion,
hate besulted MO* etwinualy. A $04* in behalf of the 14oadar whool,
stet who woe-v*0U to awls* teachers,.
tbe debris onoiradelt be Was eranding
whlle ithhiag tilted Oak trooped'hint
Ate.- Be 'OAS *MAI Oat Bt (IlatiOtte 310011itfili
a whe were rielittot, adete, "les va. ,Wind..
AtivY so the 11M it looked to *nit so on" WWI ptgton OkligWen.qir
tt. tee0i1 in baiting the OpOt eleitued nesday during the *hot ilitinti; 111200
A large metal ishavint$ loin on the
3#01010,4nala tthii Sarnia, engAgea roof of the taloAt, factory was' 6101vn
as escond ea0k on the package 061 t the gronui, rt. L. Sego WhO
.1S1AP'stior !tot triO4:this_ recently p,tirthesed the taetott, had 00
fr*Af WA4 tithe* from th. Ish411 **stilt ,ohjection to itlit 'wind. "It oared We
rdit1n :and ,gwatt ltiAnit, to. totki
:a-11attat. trbo Oath. Sat- awn' ,artywitii,w,114 0441,
attaek -of atiOtadititle ' mi-0-",*°"-."0"-mii*""'"~"
to Unita for oPerati0114 RAM RAMZ
Bettytopi *Met ideated' .
.n104 op 'golgtay, Wu
hip to 'enter the liathor
illiata this *tailed. OW',
rt on TtiteditY 4,0Atted,*
**king POtt et the heed of
filtapima, wife of 6*Pf.,
well-known Thtke
rled at Ofortn Bound; on
tosomi away lest Week;
gtior (Itiptt
*lay Mends in Vote&
ti* whiter here lerent
reel* $(10.
This week. two aline* whitetiett try
Weil* Otteit in lAke :MU** freak tlite,
The , Ash were *vet.
titio fie** about
White Ur. It A. SpottOst, proprietor
Of the ,Gioderith Identittient 'Werke, was
lualklut it all At an Aahlield '140nte on
tutedet, hie attention was drawn to
a diaillthence outside the how -*Ott
bis ar X4r,•givttola hait,
he Seidel* ***be and Its Way sur-
face AM* brightly in the attilight
getag onto** he was 1* floe to .titie
At. large rani batic elOitly **Ay from
tk-e*r lower ids IWO Whet *bout
obsty pekes , distant oisa, tittn to*
the side deer a 0* **to, ,bittlog
It w1k treiteadotto for*, the onto
ui*1 Md 6,1041$01Y Joe* 10
1* '
,t,,tottit' ook:. ot
• reit at the. plan
It to Quebe. - The
n r work *
Struet' flompann.
Not only. 16 *WS" . Machina the,
largest .:single ,Pitee everptit,. out by
the loetti tirtn. It Is also thtiargest of
iti kind in.:-.08oade;
With- .4 forty -Not chassis, tile
maelline*ta oonipOsect Of 4 400 pylium
der Atweay-fourfeet in 'length and
sIx'feet in Alaineter. it - will 'turn
out 400 tons of -evenly.: dried and
hettted, vivre! in' one 'bour:! ***
*It Was a niftier teat of tnatineeting
to load, this. behtMoth. • on a _MO cat, at
'the an anglilary from
Stratford tving used,
°r WE.$ttiit„0474:90,v,,t4etroetictituolloolitteeno
to re in town end one
11111, In Colboro
0". Pltrk.,roofk!'-hternrt°-°„-tha* °IP
brought under tentrol* •
un:11147.*tlioteri:11407"de.oafit'rwaartSnk,"11 c*,
Cedar Street, where (4.
eau lorm; ,T Ke
the *bilge were not 'need
WO 4 ra;",.13slon Eurdy. of
'IcalvatIon Arlo citapiti.'litt
•terday *tetived.*Ord-lroth
teN, 01.17,0. 040k Of their proniot,lon to
Although 'Mf-ein nietored . fro
Goderith 10. Kiteliener On .WellOeighkr,
to partietD4te itt. the tenth .annttat •
Western Ontario tAwlint. tent.*
ihtir• one month in* the makitfg, ours' one, Albert Tastier.' ;Joe a
,In earring u :plOe for Ctioderleh trOnt
anion* _the hundredsof truntliers
bOWling Alt this week.
TA$tor Placed. setond :In the
, singles class with a three -game sore -
,ot 160, behind. the .leader.
Those attending ,frortt (toilette
totaled throe live -matt team% 'whith
• split Into, singles and doiib1e In the
evening at • Kitchener.* The „tellzuti
Hugh: liteGuirt, Fred 0104 'Roy ,foloyd,
Alberti Taylor and Vesuir t1artiu; 0112.
iidcitanua, :George'. Methieson,
Orainio, Tom 'Pritchard and *IA& An
nat; II. (3. Wilitants, P. P. (!arty, Dr.
et A. 'Clrahana 1 1) Eastman and W. F.
Pearea Oh ,ehaige. 'Ot steating throe
hens, the Property of kiss Itatio,biste.
bonaid, • Oxford street, They wew
teraandol a Week" on the .clittriteS.
,Litticehlid, atter match*, *Optic*
141,604iiry Acticsu for Triad
Before Mrs Justice "
here are sortu-nozi,ltity,easa for
the itting-ot...the :supreme Citzrt
whielt Opens, at the.eourt house -012
Vitesday next, with Mr, InatiCe
'stone prosidiror, there are A0* it01.
'Charging negligence 04 'the part Of
the town.- Mrs,. A. NV« Anderton is
ening, /he' corporation or the tOstii Of,
goderlelf fer,gt„400, for ;Wailes re.
eeired in it yin on -the tor 1414hYve*
Istetth4, *tett .Notopoittr.,
tut year, resulting hi a -fracturtd
foot and .
Caroline Bennett, of' Wroxeter,
aeeks to, obtain $3,073,21 allegedly
towed from the Citor0 lituttett
estate by Chester Sennett, of Ilowick
toWnShipt *The ptiiintitt, exetttrili of
the tlitorge. 'Bennett estate.; claims to
hold protol*tory taitti for the amount
tion for *it being 011!bie "413.' 0'11 Of the WO.
reanired +111,000# - The Deratnion Road Machin -0Y
ttlie"leavill egillor*°d4tfo'ri:elet 011.7":1147":#;hel filtotig:1410:thild:ritetttdot,!: 41:046:31‘.a.t1tottit:oort: :tite06"' nretteolf6t6ber'r itiltitgrbec.8,0:012-011nliste4t: 44111'
Niko, Allege that Ahottrt "telt is „owing by Bort t ,pottsi .0t IrOtOlim
the ,Talttlee4ilti .110104 'Ivrt4r02,' they
, Wetter"; Oatario' last ' year; Also tO
amid the two Men contentedly stared over
Otofty te, isther:041.4ttircibt7hwt,iitit,bt:::: woreithoueTealittlyheittreamt:e,litecirtitolit!*ncetet,:geiti6,61,:ta4.14t:11:3', t ant!t 1i te ce doirditt!or744
bating 1** thltd.' foto" hide” A .eotintetelalit Of $tais was ed.
titled by the orrair,
*it* by the *sittintift. compertY for
TkII etterto commIuion ataci eOnipenaatione.
Wm JewelI Colborne tO nsiii0 Putt* ,VrAlls *10f the company foto
farmer, pleaded not guilty to * (tarp December 111034, to tlePtembe AO.
under the *utters* and, 'Servants? Act ,149601. „
Of retrAtilf to Si 430 wages to hirt4 MIniaie. Miy.entwel), et Itto $
bad, Arthur 'Elliott.' hetreatt4rabla* of- the bite bita,
It s* *hed hi` the' defence- Iferbett Pleaeruate siting Arthur 404
• usextow, Ain -it '44 'When efforts
to frighten it away failed Robe -rt Me.
„Nall wtta forted to 'flee fro*an *Alt
black tear yesterday, maim, of a
(1.',V.11. section gang, • Working feint
itlie$ west of here, Unexpeetedis" *tit-
cointerod the 000$ound female which.
ambled out of a ineerby= anteintk.
The clatter of. a, tin Cap On. a Pail
fita. only available weaOrif Wed, to
frighten the. beast, vrhkh took attAte
hint., The ,bear was-40Kit (Addis -
tallied and turned. back to the swamp.
Twoream atek a beer weer Shot .oa-a.
farm Six milts north, of bete.
irompet6Itztes .tile last Week und
of .the torrespending week of iust,.
year., as ree.orded oll1etaU3 we es.
1031 1036
„Max., Situ. Mat.
April. 18
April 1.7 . 36 bo
Soul; -April: 13 AO-
APril, 18 ...(1() '4 82
APrit 120 ;,..48 30 50 -
vita.„40tit ‚21 ...A6
,Thurs.. April 422 35 47 27
that act oriting,to the terror of an Ititit1t0: riAter,. ettentOroF of ti* *111
agreement Elliott,Was to.tittite 8100 of the lite Itethert Flsber, Of
foe one fear, half of Whieh was to be borne township, ,for 'the- Snit '0
pul4 itt *totals during the *tett the $iYM.OT, fel- be ski' into timy, onit
remaLnder by *swig* at the end of the for aidanialatratiOn.
year ORVAL worked through fotir Th* otAintila 'dal* thia **sone
*Otter Aotttbft aS the atithig wa fhe APS itt the h4414 ett AVM
Walk tot hatter Wriq. • M. in the 'Minn Ot Ma, Itlaitet
'Winter inotithe. are not *try said* Is *IWO her 100444- had Ibe
Mk to .*,,.*itettie4** tentrite1t.t4 the placed itt * So4nt aecou*t and
to, ot /men work 'dark later eause4 his Wife. to
throl�tbe *later tor theft .board 'plaot in the itty jToiae,
rs *d toIst it. 1Hott broke Ws ..she',41.44 intent*
o ` eat on', the farE �stbot TMtr.
MVP* Datitit
.134440strivi ifternoon, atrout 6
eteinel4 the tender of 4 CIX.It.„ engine
wa detailed aeit batked pioq a 414Ai
bur ue the, Waterfront. The accident;
which *14 of a Minor nature, isaa:
(*used by the heavy rainlall which.
undotaitted, the tracks, roaming tho
OM and springing the Nita. An suit.
104 ialta bere front Stratford Tester.
day morning ,tolift the tower keit
op the raid's,