HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-16, Page 7'V AsApril 10, Vetit;*-Tikein te. OWUQF,n 1 Oo,, harterrslc)f tlie' fug by11ndtug ot Mr. Justv .iiske W. (4reen, yereele toneilssionote. awl his Watt; Capt. G. Orewer o 7` o to ,anti -'0eitt, Wendell llown o fAtt*ie) ,ne•naeSi itereeeores who ,tterie nOteti the 1214010' at Sarnia sod- To, onto between February 10*hod lits e' fine ag4ttiat,',', the ow*erl •wa nposet1 Of Pe VOYage. ent0 by .the rtedevicli e" from s arle:wil„ Augnt. 16,,4113 VertilieSte," That 010.1,0A.lhe , n Gravei Co eas of the:":CARe mule from gStrile, ber 12, 1936, Without :a Or; n t the JWoon ON MCC1JL!,.EY 414 men tic otos t t o Avicoiltu , • 01431 touVention of the . decatiOnal* Aesoetatiore Marks o POrtent,e,Miliatene'lltetieentient4 Itre,* pesein Ontatie, Not,1511,104: the: dayi, Of .Egerton ItYetion have o many ..outotalolititt:,doetoPMW*40'en4-#1.040' as are taking, Ake- at .1;40 present time. Ntrier'befote.',hair0,04tteationists: ,interested' themselves o exto4sivOY'' j the tWker,;,,tthe...;SibOOJ system. Never.; before has them' 'WO, litX,S;' testing otvilneee and , at no tinle in the past has there .beett-etiOt concerted interest on the:V/141's *ol,all classes .0V,,persentt n 00,1 pronietiok of the cause of odnesgon4: fFhe education : the ,past has bee .tested .01410004 *:04,0t;New eon- lOna 'dehttOld: new pith -Oda.; ,.Whitt: was ac1040*te for yesverdelris.1,1,0ks-..* icieotrfor'-todOt:'" ton'.in';thiS, rtolOtice,:'it generally agreed;; has gone suilieleUttlY far inthe '• process of standardization.,.' The trend, is sWey, front;mauldiow*It t3tVileitito' the..SaMe$0004111q#1.000M:Ork410. t44.0 -*0 'mill, toard greater diver- sity ,aoci intreaseu, attentio00, 110,4, yiduai,t)40Otialities and interests. Culture and Utility is recognized eu1twe and utilitY *tett :Walk hand -in -band ,in any* VellAtelenced,:ferrn"otedlicatiena:pentt,. i4,4011$ is being HILL, ,, Z ‘.4: is '4, , ,,ed-: armerS ar , . • lnt:.,''Ptt`:,.theIancj. JYhe *oting PeOPie i ave their''' play, "afety ,VirSt;',:.ready.., to present ,find tend lyattin,g`,1.t '0Olti'tlitik.treOr-ftitlire,"*; , John -*tlarrie, bas 'ben gonfine4-. , o 3ier bed tlie, pot *iieek.,. hut is oion4-- ---4,7-4.40ted,4*-' 'ert. ti;:oli:Aliat' '''' 04iPki, 4hion. . ,,loornmg vet. , ,leeeived,...at . 1Yr, to meet ,the oeedS of the futures eitilt,,Of ,Bayin h.., Newton, son ,e.f is an evolution that it. ...tailititigItleee,' d ',.ikir'0:;. '.Z.::1:11e„wtOii, ,. l)troif,,' in .eat;eatiOns net. ti;Tei20/11tiat:.. W-4-11iO4,4On,*ridaY. in '*ilicce*pleti tIS4'. #1'7010„tien:•*weti,::,alricleiit.' 41 !:.an neh,sYiniatiri.tsfeltfar.these farmer 1 luinOgetrtnt;S, regarding • • )zetiSiene :T,''' , residents,'-ef, this distriet, in their sad, eoureei,. eeetndies, -,in.' the, elementary ' -1100**8"'euiPW';4178.,''' 9'4. 0.,Vilottt, an 'f,tUil: secondary schools, ,ohahVes,' in , ho , ,aunt, ' attended'; the."-futeraL•, a ile-:, tYPo Or O$Ipirnatietef' lie* MOietnent: 0404 4relie0,..:nien ts e. tt.ePhe*:., 01,,. ' in the ' training of teachers, end-,: re- die,-4SrYttOt '.dietier0 ircionneettort with . the content f tke comuiitteeseen our* Of stittlito in the atetsecorolory,achents. Now the le etduntle, :to , Madeto'fit the .ghil rather than the pupil being, placed in ' the position otihaving'to **allow Me a' dose Of castor oil it he Should; dislike,*oademia studies; .iThe .• new feezrow a,,studli* is hesect 9*. ,inPaPtion,Lthat,.'chfldren have different aptitUdes,,'.040at it is the teacher disceVer the direction *114 a 03ibraiiould Announcement Iva in' ado' hv,,,*. on. *Pre-te',X, iSiroPooti, -moister .of Educa tient that the, first Ye'ar, of the reVISed. course ,of 5041.0`'W0.014:te- VI* into *operatien, irt-gepternber wee'llelit' ed). All007con#041,..School. Ourlii," are ,tee.eeke,:the •sanie, .eourSe.,inA0.. first iosisTk:Voglish," sWilit studies 'illte2his, ; erton,, ,of the sul4e0.matter of the Yitri'ont with an ,1 stiidieSe ovthg,and*:-obte:t utcbes.. leg Probably the roost* encouraging Teporfed, last, w a'of the emoventien was the report • 44,Orttilitie ,hats.k itOn kit , brakA)'*nd. „ b rekejtellmon ,steOtl tifl tike;,plauk'Sitleivaik e.nit'ivetelsett.afte. t'hit siege,. imtil.tt, disappear:0*. in its 040/ dost itionichow otheri he Al4,,00t . feel „sot .voindent. 7 ' :77 4'1.(ni::Itilglitt;;;;:10:44:1,0,.:;;;11.111741!‘t:totAipti \PIO Witii1110 Arid Wizard et the the Jeep o eeeltle- liersee '+ik -hilltlitliftr;iikl not stelved in the utmal til . ,.. a ast :::::41411.4.TNINAlii:ii,illor.StIt:1140:-.r.78:11„ ., 4- The stage itA2that,teitis)Altitutrt, \44,1)44111.finio ,:,,, 004114, Catioh 4.1404 'the pOsstbilit$ 0 a root 'agent attach, which 11.44 , tx, . tior topotlelste, ,.t.atlivein,s,tzt.ilnieftert, .101xotniti )4,*; iggett When we get ,t9., that ,twarrotv: place*jn.the 01001,,,Patidt? Williams, as- sured • tplace,shitilitii:14.7004t!o titrilai, 11, ,i.'t ; hi ,?,' 744,htallgtil they do ',/i toc)ithaii .hiloVytheintgsstsill'eah*letivtiit'evete vier ;11011 iIter trip. Wouldn't dere g� haelt and face Oilman, if they .gat away with Itn/* . Chuckg11:°11.41t°11 'Ile si.ctilille4 431tv!‘.:' o ig,opghty littkal:Etntd,,:turmit„:roilmd,Obrk.4'.,bt.:9Te.wds,hee,"!1:,e!te.':0::S;e:101 hVi'tlYe ekw liellman 'yuttiflifliTs-evelC-oiltet;. seems to me they're, piayini it, right kterful, toe. ". - - , . Toddy's no4(.1 agreed with that, as he put the shotgun he held in the eroolt Of his loft arro, ,gct out .o plug- of toe baeo •tifithitis right hand, and 'began biting off a chew. Chuck Benton was bending forward,. his arms crossed in his lap, the reins held loosely since the foot brake was locked. - . • ° At the top of the wall °frock there N'Ytta a smell sound neither of the. men -orethe- stageeheard something Inte-a soft swish. Something snaked down swiftly, A loop of rope fell around 'the -body of. Paddy Williams and was :jerked taunt in a movement that was lightning -swift. He was yanked off the seat, and his gun flew wide, Oat- terieg to the ground, as Paddy, too, about him, pinning...his .arnea to his estideuees;k the ground .t,h: noose atil ,1,..tight A, cemreanding voice roared from up in the rocks: 'Toss away your gull. Benton! Get your hands up! Pronto!" - The speaker could not * be seen. Chuck did not, hesitate in theorderof his obeying,that command. There was Something in the voice that roared the order that teld him a refusal would bring down on him o barage of shots. "Rohl JO' the voicebellowed Ilion. , Paddy. Williams was, raging --es ,he writhed on the ground, helpless in the coils of. the rope. He was. fighting, struggling to get free of it and reach his gun which lay hopelessly out of his reach. But the rope was kept tight, andthenaround the rocks eame two black -clad, black -hooded men on black horses, weapons ,keld. ready: "Kick down that box!" one of them snooped -E(t, Chuck Denton, in a deep husky voice. "On the double -Q!" Some of Chuck's best efforts in the cursing line were wasted as•his heavy boot kicked at the box brieween his legs and as it clattered in•t ' road, he yelled at his attackere defiantly: "If o'ny Lord Jim Darey was alive an' here, he'd 'show yeti, y' -thievin' sidewinders!" . That was all he could do—give the)* a piece of his mind and a sample of his best tongue efforts. He wira'ellesr less without his gun. • And the trick . glance he gave at Paddy Williams showed him the shot -gen guard could he of no assistance. One of the black -clad, hooded road agents dismounted, hooked a sling of rope around the box, and got it up be- hind his saddle Where be lashed, it. Neither of the.stWo •eeemed to be in Any pertictilar hurry. Thetnign.who 1nel dolleeted the teealsure box mount- ed again and. rede bock to where his partner Was waiting; He stomed then and looked haelt at Chuck Benton through the int in his toed. , - "Turn and go back to Gold Hoek, rienton,".earne.hie husked.order. "Let thee, advance riders go on and get tired Wttiting for yoti. Get goliel" Paddy Williams's shot -gun had been ;taken by the second robber while the leader was telleeting the strong' hot, As the two read agents rode around the roeitt and disappeared, the rope . that helithe idestgint guard began to esti and Paddy tot fret of it, Check Benton Was Still doing eredit to his Inill*wlea er, treining at he -turned listlys with sagging ahoulder5, Paddy Th the stage , *cording to ordere. Wert!, Willianis climbed up on the driver's seat beside him. The blacks spran into the harness and started down the hill At a furious•rate of speed. • The stage had been robbed within three miles of Gold Rock. Npt a shot had been fired. Heilman's advance riders, armed to the teeth, had been -,ter4-eiYieO and geography; health, Writing,. : .Mathematics, ," elementary Sstio°p114'04::rx:rjl'-'11‘c1;14.1'si' Itu:65114*:41tileiett.:rot4,4atr14 :oinsiet end art. Thie, fitSt.;,Y0ar. lo re* gardcd as a testing year "n which an .'Veill-bef,pretrided the, etndent to explore the field of his own ifl, " Coursesoeco Ceuree ecorld year the. prioe410 of. ..-voluntary selectAen, ear introduced is proposed that ,'foUr'ecorree$ shall b 4•,1%""e$57iraYEtehOlt.r.4 * thi .;s'%tr'ke*6u°Pstit50'en'Jt%!:1;:nleo'rtit,;::,lo'ijitlltivirg31,tte,: 'Vr'es,!)it 4_1131,% ;‘"\.81,1.°, text- inipertout • 11 torpiini',ilt!7heoS,4117..be°alker''.'thlae?1;1111,cro. • • - necessary to, leove, the ,bowels,.and ' N5'settc-iip stat e of poisoning irt' :003. LIVER system. - • litilburnis4,6a.ttiver Pifls quicken and: /ealkite4, the liver. Their, aetierc, to:eloaose,,it from the clogging ' *Purities; helpa, to', open up a free flow . Stagnant", and tostore, a.. itetitili'oftleebovetts..A1:druggi,ifts,C4rry them.*Atock.,' k;tifn was tile voyage' • to „Anstralla-: art; the third;# 400re highly sifeelaliZ- tb,.:,Coaiin`onwealth?s"" iteW capi. ed courSe in the household tat,. 'elanherras;,..Wep ;01ileisiit'oPeried in thefourth, A,Coininercial,goitrse,:The .1927. mat; trip Was. enlarged• Onto revised courses asSumetleat'thegtett,t,. woritt,teari inade,aboard the battle-,I,lie_ entered into the spirit- I t all 'Intsit4Merettldentsde net .1iYeeqed';t0.-YhiP Itenome. •and duril3g w1ihh th wltb eeet. ,• ,university, : ettOrni)ts.. present' Xing and Queen visited ant ,ttee event 'sets -.the 'Spirit that dom. ,VO'revetit adult vocational nusits.'only-,Aestralia hint its sister dominiere hutted, the , entire- voyage -for onee ,Thf,tyttlo rounded-out.1..stew .Zeitiala but else the CaratrY away froin England and sailing hht 'tr*Irting of those- pupils who leave lend% the West Indies, Panama holOved ocean once mOre ,the . prince schooi at the.-end-tift ,e tivtk l';:eurilw.$7571.417e-7- '-111.etscee".; , the preVie'llus* initlettoo, .ail.eoMPlete and druil' 'And insloted' titten seeond-eeremonial. • So today we have the erinee recelvtrig thee atteertieelle.of the letrber" before being lleaed in the ,,teaditiooat manlier. first years of secondary school . secured - -an -absence- - of--lerinatity - tlemeiitary geli06113''' tArin5,4hout the cruise. 13.e visited every quarter cif the battle,. cruiser .. The new -courses for elernentary froln bow to stern and , engaged , in *schools were still in: the process of de-. every eport ' wbieh the ship afforded. melopment, • the, -minister ..anneurreed, A great deal of work was xiece.ssary but added that he boned , that theyas plans for functions ashore were 'would be :reedy, ' for tentative adop- Made -while the Mite and Duchess tivu beforethe endof. this year. OOP*: kept in_ dully communication with *eraltrends in these courses were list.' ttegiand and the 'Infant daughter thor. :ed at follows.: Greater: •attention to svbere---,-Amerigen,- and: -Pariamenten, welcomes were :'eXtended to the partY),„ -Pell arid ,:lamalea awl many other pelots. On their East Afriee, tour in 25 the Duke: And , .DuChess "erosSed_ the tine" 'and His: tittlesty was given the usual, initiation inba 'pother Nell, • ttWe's order ,Of ;those Who have sailed far enotigli•tehly to Cross the equator. But when the world ernise aboard tee EPelaltleS$ number work in the triary grades; more practical 'courses in arithmetic threnghout:. other grades, greater 'emphasis on 'health teaching, closer eerreletion Among. Subjeets like civics, histOry, and other socialstudies, more suitable COno-p/etion courses for' those leaving elementary School at the age of 16.- Therewould be a richer content in the work of the irarjOns trades, and a lengthening of the ' 'regular -,..eletrientitry, -scheeP"-• Period from seven, to eight yeas : Further - there would be better provision* for the study of muSic,,Maritial, train- , ischhgwalisd: .th.e: rural -..;sernination Reforms 4„ - Widespreadailsiatiefeetidri with ex- aminations on merely factual know- redge Vag exPreased.Annountenient; 'was fade *bY 'Geo., P. .flogers, Chief-Inspeetor of secondary cahoots, of new *developments by 'Which an itt- teinpt would be made to test the,ana- appreciative and interpretative abilities of the pupils in the 'Middle and tipper forms of the secondary School; a move' heartily endorsed by Dr.. 14, 0; Wallace, Principal Queen's University. Dr. Edgers .stated also that the ,.corarnittee on revision -of secondary school cOursts had l'econrr. DASAVit00.15 MN'. MITRED In . Car Craslit;Northa•of Seaforth Last Uredi‘sdaY `Nitht. • Den llunro of Damliwood was . „ cagy Injured 'a ear crash two miles uorth of Seat -oral: on Wednesday night • last wettli; - - • Tile 0441- 'Occurred ah001; 9,45 .0;g19*07,, tlie.eastdtiven man Geromette - of DesiiwOod, trt- vrlled 115 fetit in the ditch ,and roiled over severai. times. , The car was • gavelling north, an the fleaforthMal- ton road. With the men was irlilda nalers, also of Dashwood. She and Geroinette e.sraped serious injury, -The three oteupants of the ear Were iaken from the wrecliage of the auto to the nearby home 0f 1-164-lieller, and later were 'taken 1to the Seafortb injuries and on Thursday Dr, F. J. Burrows, of -StVfOrth, „ealled- in fir: W..Nt. Gilmore, X-ray stiodeitst. of Stratterd,4 and Dr. Thiel, of London. and Dr. Ti4e1, of London. Gerowette 414 SUSS Maier, after be Ing treated for shock and braises, were released 41rue-the *uospi.t.o. ne ear,- which was "wreehed, was oWned Munro, County Traffic 414 be t Officer* Xorman•• L -ever, who investi- mendedtlie,rtdUation uuelunn r 0 • t,1.1 • exatn. tis and, au,s4,..410341 one, instead gitakted, stort4t that •t7r dlta06,17. nlette, had no permit. The road was 'good at the scene of the accident, ac *cording to the officer. Charges are being - culture were the birthright of every Of. two Os.mitatierts in Inch, aRblects br es e asi langilagelf hematies, Front Di, Duncan litarthUr, Deputy .Minist- er ef Education, came an Announce., Meld toreeastblig the extension of the leeerernendatiort-iretern etomitae;' ' 11 t14,14:netintetri:' Wi'te made also "41' tit.'% the convention ,of the restoration of the increment ielfetinle for tositherit in normal and model "scheolt,'.a move that Ishonld be 'heartening t� all teach- ers. In the . future, too, candidate 'teachers to, be evaluated on the 'basis of rectsatiat aptitude for the teaching in,ofession,,,and- more Ore,' fully "hand-picked."'The new system of examination for,candidateln for ele- mentay training ,teettifie.sttet ,praekles for ,exatainotion by * %molt group; of. Department Of nikeetieriexaminers of written papers and evaluation of aptitude by a tOroMit2lit6 of Priniti$18 of the normal seholat, Approkiattonst literati* The tepert of the Deputy Minister that nearly * million, dollars more for educational purposeiluid been appro- priated for this fiscal so than last year, And his Osiatearree.thot the bot- tom had been retched in regard to tut. tailment,,of educational expenditures,, was likewise encouraging news. attl*ort, for modern trends irkied*- tailor lirtig nliged. by /inspector' IL A. retiring Wtsident. of tile 0., Z. who laXe4 that 'education and if you read the .A4. ymi are timply doing what -other* - sCrther6 are. doing attd if other subtdribers'. are reading. this. display they ar • also others' in this Uwe. • ' It Pays to Advertise iritTgwelaltedieitentu;r41°1arsill' Thb „endorsement gloat educational progress by his Extellency, Lord roree4502it, who 'was the firat Gover- nor-General e Canada to attenit lititting of 0* 10. E. A.0 '04 who Ap- pasted ;to sound 4U4gitient when he odd that "the fine, old forti- fying classiest education" of Oxford and 0antibridge, int*, -nert- $141W -t0 ,,ctirtrat, watt. Of the Con-. Generally speaking, the,i631 eon- vention. struele * now high: hi. Urrying Mit« the objects of the association; tO, elevate the character, *Watt* theln- terestcf atia imPtOve the efficiency of the professionof teaching and the bnitilletstalionistrit_t,im; to Stitt**. late and develop an outs to-opers.- tion And intelligent consideration of eddeational 'problems' by sill classes Of persons concerned* in ptoritOtitit-the, 'tank( of *education} and to bring tOs. • gether for the dist' usilott of their OM. mon problems teeeltiersif triteteeel eiri **tuts, administrators and *71 citi- zens interested in education. had eoinpeIled leave behind. Wit ' t it Out with a V rofaiSh e•'.ret od, lord' Jim witi utenontet Hart ata Darcy,0014 ‘,40,0 trail, out dowz pe through the ,brueb,. trove} Stalei along tittedge of the vox** , orne401 wbe grouod was ,hard vtion14 net hoof,.pritite, and '1,4eitan the*, $0 ttAok fthettlie4Oilort_Ovo• Ocao- Pte ellnfett *gaff* . ,,e., thiPter', 14siterri.0 the TX 13 (wet' wrath 'ea lied the point of ineoheren ,A,VeS 11)M, MadMan-and futile to de anything abo 44wrongo' as viy 'sat maimatt, In i streightiaeltets, 'Mt vigilantes atix mew whom, on the slightest pre text they could ettspee.te They msn handled them). beat them until elen Of terror s*tipt., thvoug uoltt But not the slightest tie* to be found as to the identities' of th rtte(1 'agents, - Though they may have this situation to be trtte tbe three in who had thrown Fete "1411men ir MurdetouS rave and the town in pant, .1.10 pato ett4 his men. had detSols. Nor, did they .partici#10 • 17the passing' of the- Floral tin- blein Dill in the 'Ontaria Parliament on 'Moral 22 11N17, .the white trillium, ins n as trilliun gramil- flornm, now becomes the legal 'floral Polh)ein a the Province. Pntar10 ha*, Veen -1419W in dealing with the; question of a Provincial flower em- blem, for the 'Ontario Horticultural 4ssotiat1on- has consistently 'urged. conSidaration of /the 'subject- for the past twenty years and the efforts of its offite'ra and members have atlast been rewarded by the legalization of tile *bite tililinni, which was adopted at theirsuggestion. . . .A1 a matter* Of fact no Province,. Of Canada has eyer shown any great haste in the-seteetion of a -floral em- blem. In .Nova Scotia the question was first mooted in 1825, but It was not putil 1901 that the trailing Arbil - was legally oilopted. • In the follow! Ing 'year. Manitoba made oiricial selee. don et the wind flower, and rater on Alberta ehose the wild vise as its floral eireblon. The .wild rose la also the floral badge of Iowa, and the Prairie ivild rose represents Xorth Dakota. " It is also twenty year ago that the Ontario Ilbrtieniturai Association dis- easSed the question of a floral emblent for the POmittiOn, and. iltbougb the InitiatiVe of, the, Association led to tonsideration of the subject by bort!. cultural, . sheletiesi; unlrersitiett . and Other lustitutiorm thro,UkhOut .the no - pinion, no final deeleion was arri*ed at. The maple leaf has been accepted by the people Of Canada *Tithed legs/ Instrument or public prOlairtatitm not their emblem, and, bas-thuit btien ac- corded nxtta plate tilting with the rose, the thistle, sherarotiti and leek Of the peoples or the Itritishleles. The roseIsfloral embleto of New. 'terk State, -While welt -known" national elibleraik appear in the gent -de -11s of Vance; the linden of 'Germany; the amaranth ef !Sweden; the lotus of Egypt, stud the chryitenthetoure of SIIEPPAIADTON* , •StirAPPAlitOTON7, April 12.—/1IsS Slaty Survive 1* not its *ell as her MOny friend* would like to' hear, .1.te.,; Lloyd Brindley event Friday in Stretford. Mr . and 1ra AIe lokley and Are dvoiM Ithteti, "'pod Sunday with tr *rid Mrs. O. 1444. • Mite Della•°.tfenary enteetalted • nunibete,otarietel. ait Tueteleyb ttte. afternoon was Vent in 'pining. • 01).ia4,fkAt***4*._t , mind. . Oti their hideout, They res�L . For -the whole day atage hold-up they! lolled about,: eating:art sleapingund letting their .nionnta II* au easy iime of it. Andthey.tot of their ,st-far sUccessful ,exploits.,,, not without satisfaction and some*gtee ing. :: ., , ' . .. ', - "We're smashing at ..liellinan alt right," - Darcy observed to his , *0;4 man bond. "That's what 'tve started mitt to do, and we're doing it.',!. He made no mention to them that inighthaiie:Olhei-and' iftrietTSVPitiiiit ,.N re(iSollS also, for smashing et.ltell-Matre For the time being, his long-delayed ' search ter the killer of Diamond Then had to be delayed. With his own igint..- mielous exiling from :Gold Rocks:A.40W ' duty had been laid on lira, -DOMa. - . duty to the living who had been ill* juree by the Gold Rock saloon keeper., ' Rellmen's reign must tease. He had '. done incalculable damage, intl.' ',stilt others were threatened with httxte ° among them the gir/ Jim•Diticy*foted,, Natalie Craig; and her lather- Het eould not forget Rellmares Waist ',9f ,how he would -bring old Sant Craig to time if he tiered to oppefte,:hini. jim., ,. was remembering that .alt his lif* . Dial/land .‘Dan had fought battles against crooked gamblers; he had at ,last died bfiettliSe a having eXpotetlt one of them. New Darcy hadtaken4re, hand °the ease of one'Tetie'ltellittart- Dialnond -Dare would have wanted it • that way. Somehpve it seernetttorhtrOY' that if he was never able to tiletover Dart's killer, that by bringing Ileilinalt. down he would have dcze somethiug tO,. exeitge Den. Though altviiit' ite„,tile' ' „ba-ck of his rnind, was the thought --- some , - tome day, he would- know who., had, shot the . mon who had ..been ''''!,,,Tint, Porgy's 'del, the only father be bad. ever known, More than father.' And • then.... . His thoughts drifted until he 'did not realize that the two men were go-- ing on with their lowevoiced converia* - Owl, that one of them was eticlreseirre: hiM. He heard Bart 'Iiiigh, is "Where You been, Lord Jim'? Out in ° the. star trail? Come hack to earth,. Ithat's the third time tasked '. you * question." . ,,.; Jim rouged himself arid grinned; "Yeah?" he asked. "Whit was it. Hart?" "I was askint you what We was in' to to do with all this gold an' stuff Wtt- been eollectin' from that. hairy ittriulse, tulit.7" Hart repeated. "It ihere amounts to quite 'sornethin' already'n "Oh, we'll take out expense MOnetti , and keep the rest for the time heingst, Darcy told him. "What welt do Witt* it can be decided later. Andlre'll.1W ride against the \moon fer o few ,,; „ days. Let Itellmen think. we're don* and , gone." He. paused, thensaid, slow- ly. "But there's,. something elle I want to del -right away;" . Dere, wit lithilting Of the :BoX C' and of Natalie- Graig...She•thotight he was 'dead, he .supnesed, the ,Sione .ae. everybody else. He was wishing that - • he could let her know that *,1/4taS not . Was very much alive, in faet. Stilt, • that would be dangerous just now, be* 'decided.,..:,. But hevanted a sight of her., want" - ed to know that she was. aright,: that Rellreari bad not been. working in that direetien. Impulsively he decided to take Kinloele and Hart into his eonfi- dence about Natalie, to let them know the real situation. He did, while the three of them loafed in the cool shoe - (lows. The romaotieeminded ex -cow- boys teaeted As ,Yirrk Darcy' •barf thought they woulttoThf5y were *II for - seeing Lord Jim Will Mit*, Were more then anxious -to ride with, hint and starid back ef him, So, when dusk finally' settled, down again on the hills and the green,vat;, . leye, the three rode away AMA their °hideouts, headed for the Box C Ranch. ,It was easy.ridingon the ranch side of Ithe rldge„ after they got out of,theit bokttr vite6-1' A.cco.A1-11.1. 1<ITC14 14iM For,M YA, 4.04 SAY J&CKgAt own canyon and &loon the first sle • Moog the Valley trail they went in We, moonilent si,wJy, alert, watching the shado"- 06 down to white the 13o* C rattetrhouse and outbuilding*: sprawled in their setting of lush range and. • They eircled the DC.X C hnildingk, avoiding the book -house and total, trot soprio.th the house from the oposita direction. Sam Craig had built Vs, „wide -spread ranch -house gro:sitt huge trosi which out off most of moonlight. to'a black poteh• dowe. Jini batty cliomontitot baadta over his reins to Its.ft ortoe. Careful* be 404 Otte he hotrio *Wt. ' (TO I* ttatitiVita)