HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-16, Page 4afterziOon, hen %I:144070/4g t
'thelta, of woo
C. Calder 1*.prootiltmt;.•
z10114., Wowing.: an14.0,04,110.,,
1'444004: 4014,' .$1$40, by:141*-tiOlt
ebnite, tdoeefan 'DOreas.eeeret07«,••of
trAtl of work in Inaba'
ii0014 ,$441te',01410.11*0. Wee1 and of
*-L:4000 pr',.1Vektettt.' 'retlet
oung 1441.04"-,.ihran.
pets t oo1ort4 ativIng
,lehargeof 31r8. 41. W. l3Jaek
•"- *liner*" "
aid1ed *s. if it wer,
ordered Coulter -to
vo? blz moixel% but
to ear whleh prevIonsy
r Coulters
llIg 0 fekee
, a eued•
iit 43
°wan end repo
ol t' Cowen "ealled
niter was d
,thich bowled bI
overing 13e ran
lathes, t a
34* w�e *
The regnIar monthly meot
Arthur 'Clyde wifl he be
id the OklArriP41146v.
ening, A.pril 3.1)tht at o el
Th..T 7.Xlitate(
altfard W.‘44., "irottag
iled by guest epeeleer.1peeIaI mw
who heve will be even and all ar
wa foriavited t4 attend
pIiys1cafl, and among tflE*wer
Ingn fromut e eat'
tion,e, nunIcIpality o1 the to
of derlek the oincfl
board ot health of .‘the Own
doh, the Ootletteh getitoal
tion, tbe $nraea: Ainnume, tbe
rs and directors ,of. the. 'Cana I
ehurb win be ttoi.
22, at 3 ogrieric, ai
wate400 st
he -regniar" in
tOtia Uome a
be 1%014en Tbnraday eiening,,
224taltod,tic',0,0antrt."0, 4: w it k 1 1,,,r,, tj tike hito1113;14'.4POgrael'ttoru. m
, In ;eature
he evenIng ttnd therewill aiao
orth St. Vnfted
Vhurftlalo AM!'
, -
el Constable 1'. E. 3fcCoy,
ova to Blyth
Vie Jack Ferguson,bit they,
able to 'get,
uga from Coulte
low -.0 or their
The liold-up wae tbe eeond in a1t.
teen tb*Jn wbicb Con1ter'bas
eonsklerable sums of mone;
for 2OO by a• .deaf niute,littO*4
Mold 7; whO-was ro,
ota)io to tilt, AtlanticaTbe
deaf mute 7:13brouit)ktv*wt100,,telo rough
back° to Oodoi10 *Ad on 'December,
wits soutoneo4' to tbree l'ears
In ,Ixe 'gum, Of, .$14 or 01# stolen ney
tigaton-toutteritiary,40 o4het
ther MS' ** Lapland
4ohrour .
OAF program.
4,1,4 07,,,rx tt gaol: 4,4roottatill tbur II .t.w:81
ittiOn ' Ottia 119 n 0
0 Igig , ',,t°4,...t.IeuitAut m
cicia"*C1"01113' 4441d,"-annu..,": Stas"InfiranC122Utige'0,4314:' calptehli;t1rit '(1.
the..F. .ft'tjtra-totiOlta;ro-mitapto,"4" itatI141 ii7 '' -
AL*14. 4* A. Its.00:0 grao.s.H.og ereOtUaronvrter4 jot:. ,
44'01, hob$000'110t4.4 , forttsswiwta., i -, fprotess '
reet143 of, 010.4
IndIng Dnetote r. (*nowt N.
elp$034 J.: W.. kWalleceo
'4411444; of
Dunlop, vil4, 'POntell4
: PattersOfl,'
ilundreds ef ears Join
futora1 .eortege 444'forni
sloii 140te:.th44 mI1e in
Iast roa,Ooota.".0,311i.:01
• relitt414•Onfle4;ftrattOr,
•• e
e ebui
'0; to .wi
D. I�oney.
ce p 10' t
hylnraHhiaa 144H°114101119;iligsttllvro°is survived 1Pr"
Minnie Oh and* Young thx.ng
of London, O1t.; a . 000;tila*nrs,4tIotiirtet, Ivid;Oix.:4137,thoit5virtei10:041;;;41444,:mnc;r,,004,0:t Ar$4,
, Y ed.'
, Xprft
e Martin, Oddell "ton
0, .d IDAV,otdifor 4 e .Captain
r.ent`r ot tho galvatioti my, con4ut-
the service, IntorMent No* m4d
)X the ornan's
•* 04100 will
' 2001' ,to
a year of t
SiniP ••
well as ' front. wall
Vlie..Cattadigo Nationo
h 4tri
Fif Spongc
W. for Ulm Cleaners
for Va00114 Cleaner Pc lb.,
Moth Paz Stingors• afla.AP1,:leP
ing or 1)4211'24g
:rner oNcizt furs'titi,
fully protected.
oodVor Cleaner
tbe voi
e»1i Hurley, OC+,
,04:atyptti.., • :a .40u-fla*,ilquo:04;•• :the- Easter
Mrs. Mary
.ftoufai."4',,ftra:•aiinner.a started at 7,04a,
01,oi 414
leZt 1j all- _-., •. ..- found dead n the ffoor of Union chool, namely: Oharlle • Orr,
Itohert :
e Una- 40*da
-o after bis healtb. • Mr. Eurley who fiM Agnes'Lick-rifilArLAT'elf age, uc- eessful auction sale :,4:747Ar79;17-'suc-
'4t Wednesday
ii,tirt4,,P.,.11.r.vo.010Frjday evening, with twelve Iftembers
:11r4:1::::!,:.:,,ft.',0;.'0040, i„.41,004, Union of the 1,#,0, 0 .0,fr".0;,44e regular
He was -4rted,
wbo died
:Ow* :Pie044:-.:
atham, Mr. and . 0
tore o story b$
• -olio AO it In Forester.' 4ny
ref SheU
,ilmost ...every 011 presentative
1:41Ittitiv oi t#!11/
.-400 A, • tier()
‘1174 04 lia•Ar% -ioO°111P
And Eatto*. At$0(1411,00
aooted at the funertal
Cullough of 11!otontoo aeetetavy*
Idda,-, of Orangiviliei• *
310$t Of- Stratford; •E W
noton, of Toronto;
(1' Frank )3141r, of atilt; • dititoit, .arter la- VI -siting her sia-
oilgine, "of r-trinnifehde,',- 'and' IN W. ::tort-,,,,foi ,elson Obderieh,
of .Ultoheil, besides 1#0 'tad Aregnight; and Ulas'
well-known : horEetacti Q • Azul Autella Of', Carlow,. Were
v,jobitor., iispitors, Atorzt,colUonslay, 4a0le- concesaion T•rAl$ Pro
ts "N. orrAti -poCock,40it.the••401OtntelOsa0).
o ''•oItoahnat StfrvIving '140, ;,(St;...4.ohn Tao,'
*lotto ',ITO'. was -taken., 41.0. gii401x 0 Oliougo
'‘Viirh4414 itO11i,tvo Apiit .,1.110etfto
• 003 1%.*E:Al AT FLMt
When . -;,b6',.; triOpo, . 4. le while
47doit,00*I-O*F.:,44:16* of Mt.
coao,O.#4,i.tra0orOp'. '14`..00'-',1)1. ;hle 'lett
wi'Ist The extent the."-InIntrWa*,•
not known until,H,4,0447,4004
•emaoigiae,4.-Ot-,,the.;00.1k,ande bad tile
Let„tdo-,:uye,.in„ 0949 „ the ide of
,the'`.,:•t99,4. **Act to.,°.9.,itIenci;t4):AISZ
And; some coni
ting $0X1.,,e6 (P, comics weds go to t the. victoria street , taete
pine The 433;
- wArt1), .16), he furter- , ehuvoit
braty boatel.
Me- . , t e , Peter's were ,„# Pal's0Atig
tielf3 '04 -I e
te$ a ,
totttalioa 311/14' All "Ar° h?"16 6ndot,e41- only '4 few at morbouse de-
tr4 • -foe
foi{4-arT, quilthw 4fterugan
Scott sPO 4 ,vorzr enloyablo
• ' Atrs,„ Allcc-110) neighbors xviind Mrs. eet, t „$t. $andal, rtev' on the „text
gn(I 411( vi "Ttu'Y 8e ‘, In,' • ° uelpfill` address bave
on wbieh will •
the h rae".- not e yotv that
Saturday rather • haett . Ivo „ • , r” t
vo'sheila te.,end.bring forth, trel„ , a
:or the. fir4rfarnig: On, the *11;11. atrsct-J'01111:1*.e' olrgr malia$afit
of tbe Father,
't4Y, Walter Itid(1 via,V o'
give it you"
quIrea. The asseggitetit yvag tinder
Jctstt 1 13 and, 144i;V:iTet:niria,..;011rAsel6f!i'O;u4Prl -
oh istr ge $ you or or stoup ,agent Al/1$' ii0t
the clerk ,tho'nuitticipaliti hi
'Ivriting. of 604 overchaim . !'
six days After tIllt riot* bas ,
lvD eeft for l ot tins 4Yi Ili 4ctilot,tilini;::Llrti:DwraoltPolt:rtltrtht(i'ei!otiittrito1-1,.
tbk Uullett: T4Oina,s 1444
hanl WAS. the,, asossori, that; Mao.
The notice. Was: pOnted on.; light blue
oaper, Woodcock, printers,
-000004 and Is 8 'x inchoL The;
:IS 080( -
11Sactlantent of tilla--proliertY t.hl9.y4r:
.10_1611: bst_uts,_. vile lecture win bo,*ceorap*Illea_14 Notable- Ankilvttearis—Vt.'
*101. PleimAw hardLoolOtod riC-444; • 4,11 =ore Patterson very quietly.
"""1 "Steak. are asked ta 'meet Ur. .01dout observed the ,fifty-thlrd anniversary
in the church at V010ek toP on* of .their wedding oh- lorld*7 ite their
teroute *tote' *01=oor: )e home (lit the lath conception of
ehurP.- b 11 ' e d or a nbut 1 e
• that your trait shoUld remain, that
Dr: Vaatetrs, ucicnight 1,1 vith, .,tranflmothey,, of 150 1.50 ..acrea taken right out o
erer, inoluding lra, R. lgrs.,glohn 5„leKnight.
131691onstlii Ohio*. and ',Mrs... .,narry ,,Besdlo: was able get, a -fair
of NanConliert 44(1 atifount ite from thq oud, • -On
I ,tende
Smith, of Ito 41a0 at* George gap/000'a tiro, ,‘--1"-
fixe funeral., r. and' Mrs, • i Uosea Boltabauet
CLARK TALKS, ye =ova, farm ;t
Adeihcro 'road and have taken uo,
TREESAND FLOWERS residence, in tiytb„
bad bis' kne
badly taut 1 a fie0eat aCciden
Ole to t(1):(10,10.,
tff °flier spots%lie 8°°107;liad °Ps. Mr.and mrs. Amos Ford, M 11/410e.
leaf ,4;ker ,240 members, the largest ford, were vi'sitori"Nititb Mr. and
number ,Of recent Year Ta/lor. -
944**40rlicitullethe 't30aHutlf 414.4 c'tt°4e1 )111ailfratied Travelogue,—A splendid
that` med, opportunity' of bearing Fey; Denali G.
11.14out, of Toronto, win the ,afforded
plostain ,
the people thla dietrict on Tixurs,,
Dowell,, da' April 16,. in Jranox ;United
POI Worifoll, Ir., and navpb., deriont "ehtlroh, Auburn, , where au ilinetrated
travelogue On "Atria wili be Oren.
have reeelved Irot4.44 the ,tittPeeeond,
weddlug versaii of flifr. and
'111trot, ,George Whltioo, of Home
both.the bride and
groom of tifty-one roma ago. epent
part f their life 1* thls district, be*
and ,ieftet their marriage. Mra
WbIthel, forautAy Martha pobettont-
:Ifs* the daughter of Alezandesi and
garabVohertOrs 40 *liter of James
rton of the lgth cOnoteaton of
)0.4 realer
b They,
- ware
vad $4 , $1,
Were''unIted in ,Matria
at .the kin* of the ,tiurero
the.1.141t10.41bloti4 1410*. 911rvc.!
Wen now*,-Iires, by Bet, .Mr4;Sa
dera0A; L at -that time was mi
later of Benrailler and Bali's oburches:
Mary' Ann Eillitott* OZ Ninga, 0anto
and the late.00011r ltettriett wet.,
their attendant*, ,POth, their Witt_
and, golden. Watiding* wort (*brat**,
at'the,Ord hozaestowl; where, ,their`,
eldest„,ton,. lOrneats. now , vet.' thelt
to10n woddlit will long stout out
id', the eleitteti or the. •IPOOPle hot`e,
Some 41*141,41x fritiult and neIh-
bor* gathered 'to hal* •,,(110/00t witb
'-Usttihinit and RA
noickr, and Wednesday—
.JACIE nmont, Bob ,ttrnr, Moth* Roe, Barna Ito Oen,
140•14 Stokowsky And, his Onvphonki orchestra
us an -niray 01 fivlen -innittet$ ix c the meiodtotia and entertalnlng
uskal oorattly
roadcast o
A aradaYo Friday and ,,lateirdely—
. 'tho nuudnint, and an hinfocent , doctor It t . riouted for ct
Don't niXs the "tittle suavest , . -
them, *ml 100 ioluot.in tuna* itua
(*alga/1st in the (oohs- MHO&
Patterson is tbe ion of Peter Patter.
0* and Helen 101144 +who tame out
treat Scotland in 1820 and *14'
eeven- year* age took 100,:the Woe.,
00d on the itith ecinceosio#,titaetit,
'sea ufthtt-tlatte You *to virSII*1*.
Niteroi* was bora. atm Patteiraon,
of 'XVI& deeteatt. Ber martto
came to mat.
(laded* teataaddrp,
on was biota. tb
to the'Nfaittand Nock.
* tochool. 411341r
edm*ted Otte and 110
are be t*
aelt4o4 although
rattltaou tell
tool ontiskOrnIng
building bad been
built Were the pie
It 1 weit.ni new stg4ye
nCUI3S, weTI4Itied wlth
'13 kt 10, 46,K to 32yi'..