HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-16, Page 3r.
ebn- D. *cog*.
‘roolOgt oX t10,* coin*
rather • 044en1y ogA,,Wod«
neleas-',,nesening; &pril 104 t the home
V his'brother,'‘ Tlogert.gaolDe014„,
taL 00'114 XetUrged about :the ndddle.
...TentuarY 'from, -Vietcria',
I'oggdog„ . where ,h hadtteen•-; for•'thxeo
igr.itb* as -the 1**tegl,t of an Ocident, at,
;Vocardlne,•„in.',,V,Inett• Id* leg was ,114,441
lractured. Ee had made a.Splendid- re --4'
very and was SW- tO-Tya*,.Tabont, ind
his 'death *-as due to an attack rot ante
lndlgestton. . • ,
seventy /egg •
was & ekeg of the late
'Dosiald ggePogo.14, ogrit' 'Pioneer* Of
eidi,arid, !farmed :practically afl 145
lffe on the IltWeerteeSsilon-OT thi, torn-
h1p. In th /0440 3107* he iv**„100,wn
tone:,of,Antffeld's .Streeg, MesS. Old an
.40iete, of tigte; „Xattir, years 'Aga, ' at the
at LiicknOW he de-
eaited PeP414. Pew4gt the:„.fanloog a.the
letie cbsmpion, in the throwing of' the
Ober, 'ft feat that hkro
,ef, the:Whole tOWAS.114N:
- Mr: MacDopald is; ,SOXVIVO b tlit0
• btOtliO,M ,-;11tOO.OtV• ±);"i 'Off 'K±ntail, and
.430X;4 :"4.*IgelV Be was not tm40/1414,,
,T'Xibit!fnneral go 6. OP. rodso':stott
,,noto was)comdjicted .by Tei. J. K
GiIlivr&y, Of, .06140
cburch, and was very largely attended.
• I1The'interra0
he KlntaU
being Earl-M9.c-
Jamea M.
I 1
mono* Pay. Practi
\ •
eeord1n ggreg eggtglinea In
. balgilotheet anl oper&t1ng report,
*044 ,l,OSY E4ra,: ,14,1Oet*'_g*.e
eittniim of: tiv$ 1311611C-.‘litilit1escom
o G�derleh1for the e"or eiyn,o
December 3lst, 1936, amounted to $65,-
',01. 'Total, operating ,costs 404,‘,Oxt4
,charges amountetl to $50A77, Wit
the reSult thelecal, Votaintogton shew
a. profit for tbe year of VP
,tot4, earningw,13bo*a. eoat
sumer*,;of. domeSite‘',$erviees of 'Which
there are i,19t, pay )0•Olkrix'411014:14,
Or $32,328.4. mm sor.,
vioe$2 earned.41.5003i0s..'gg4 The re
igrniXting 41042.O9 is • er$1,ted to, pow-
tkii4,_,etreet -ffillti#Oti, • ,There,, As is
total o! 1,442 consumerS In 0051eriehe:.
and -tbete.", *to tZti, oltreetlights,
o'''•Y,e0OPt\,was lAgee4,.., betel* :the
ratgrIgg," Or the,.publie -utilltleS • eglw
ndasion at the '* -town halt on ,Thurs.,
The ,coMinision,.,•deveted:, eonsider-
ab1t. tlme to the
teeSideriStion Or the
• egst. of '110014 for additional ser,Vie0.
1ded thatj.1-,(4,:014-•,Oonie;;WeeTe.-'-e'oin
tt 0.1441e4...$2OStAtdr-4.oa
•decoration *t•light
for the nare:aittd '',Oroirt'House at
.during the. opinion: week.' •
The , Secretary was , Wit:rooted to
.tbe„toNiin.•-:cOngelf .that the eoigt
o_t• instting'tear. flood light§ to
egOrt! li0Se Cloch, ivet0d.!'.be
FO* :yotientk „
aka,: TAXI..
VROM 91100,1"
1 I
• rigtr Ey*
'ear at the-
• erincirAC
Olt 0
Attie, 41,04,' Yeam of age, lest ter.
4.t,ril ,
Saivati0 , i in .iieV' 044 p*teixis .)1,,, morning
•• xpettenne'on
'' nt 011,
e e. 0440i,tr, '40,04tolOwt: ,''.0.weiaionva.t..
.. . .. ..
0, ; 140'10
,r.40,, ..00ti. VharleSt,tbree• ,
kee0.401eC-OluenOt interfere With tile eigki_ „t $01,„,s. iit'ogol ‘4,114 -rit
lifixosk*toiewe,,,:,,selottoi, ,wei.-wool. ..eseapel4 wIth.' their iiVes, •
"If ,/t11.0i
• Og*Ide- 'world woad,: out) , 'Llqta!!•101,4,reg, :1`.01gras flint, i e
t ten;
llgyte--tOw#41" v. AO. --704: Onitentil'irle4'. tatBl't4*- Wilive4V.AUitt'-Uts., noi-40i.i'
0 ..1'1'lr giliit14:tita-4.14O0.e.ti.itg shPA.il je•41.':411":''",;',:gtZ'eto t=gAt' '0.
to SO.Y.'gbont'the-work•'4. warden nivt - --r - -.--, -V- ‘-0.0.4',., ttOVOil. t4O. ' .0,0# s.,s40.
OSO' nO4er. the -kin our prliOneN" ' • e.,4,1„;!.ekt,'"O'ettlio-,sto-vot itiltii)*:;4 ter;,,
ll,l,x44:iSra,,k:taYtite., ).1t$'041.4,14tri:6400.5At 404101° 1!,474i8T:toti4ct014ti).P: : 't.rt44411111tiltli*:4' °'ili;101;?' run':ilit:Allv:00.04',:uts7ill'ileS,1:11;:pxoli.ifis7oiit.
-,Of the 1,16aS Club .4t. their meeting lastana o'' -01100 to the etbet-Wroe%
, Tut/too: i4g,ut, ill:, -iota:, ,130,4tovd, „. ,where the.'• threo . oittuiren 'Nvere ..0,000,..
Many year of .worl4.' in and„ ,kino, 1•ex,' ' -1341 ''''41"4 the' wle'le* '1°4'
OntartO Visons andegorts have 4,411,4 Lesse5,1:',0e thtee el11141"14 he 044$4
11tue4,0,1ro,ruiltdllile„.,r4ilutirot:,74.4,7,ttwo's,t7petlii.ei.z!linti, -urtit0441,,,Ils•ti-rtivietiatohgeu,dourtnoestica'ulr title? tte„.,
told many 'heart-rending stories Or int- 7, ..,- '. *4 Pm 'thentseiVes
tughinterest With *hi*.'he ha e','4ealt,'. Aoavett out,. ot, ,t .e window'. , Xn the
in big YOgr,g ,Of ,exPerience., - IgOootline .g '-geighbori -John CuldwiAl,
' "A , boy at the '',Uge ,•of •seventeen' k*,4,4' 1141'4 -,..°16,' .ftahtl° °I'e a the'
'should never be;sent'tg the Pealtea., ,a.e...41,iten, and ,with:bift....sen an to the
tiary," said ,Erigadier•,Suntou. "Thor*, :utoPPot, 0*01:114, • . ' i '
Not VO104 able to locate Mrs. Littl
:must he some etlier way of seloonhit. ' -e,
.101' him to. ,t14.0. , !pee. ,Therti, 14 tk. broke In 'the. back door, Whit% Wee -
40 hetphig, the. .07 intetta. or send-OVer ' of her ,sons- and Mr. Caldwell
+eerenso Vhat. at the WIT 1,43,the ,rafot, tt 034,000 ow 00.4r,. be . kfo thrOugh ..,the 'flames to where.' ,arg.
, o9rOgo.tion, egitfnres, both 'Othibially heart • and SOMething stod 'AA eveo 14% 100,404, and .fOnghit ' their Ivor
"lt,tsv.t4o,hi--,,m,44tttotxkALtlav il,the tioor,, . They earried
he greateSt.pree.-otriMe10-ue -----•-trgf$4.04. _.:ur*rOmx-
4iY-Forte.,-tbe-verOcea,,elii 'et,,seettiada4s1- 01 ;°A. xt• thlmetihitS7 0011,04'13i*
wo';';e0,4-totdor.:----.. --- . - . . .- 0 . :AVT.".1,Ittistr.:114 • ,
-die "ileckttilleed. strongly' those who' 11,21,4 Pirse.tj 'ewe)" "2..efore li,e arrivt. ,
Ignore the - "Jail bird" instead of ex. '94A NUS uurried'a4"at beY°14. tecog'
ties Who "'"railroad" aeenSed• men on. a
glgo anthori ',Ulm %
Earl and, Cliaries Isittle. Were" . badly
tending' 0 helpine hand
• ' • ' The: three children were uniojured.,
•• •
tlie IgeSt tth3de aiiProiPed'hY 'the'Guild of rdree.sem, V91/401144,ter5 and wners
Itwthew rE4tircreVvivee'
waS.401iled a reduction
In .the water rate,. 'the eommission
,deelding, it was impossible to make a
•reduction in the Present rate per tee()
gailous. •:•
,Quotatione, were 'received for a new
Street lighting system' for "the' Square
from .,the. Canadian ,Ilfa,terials
, .
Company, 144.
,sEirontim, kora 13. -June. Snell,
four-iellr-old.slaughter of =age' con
*able bad a narrow -escape.
from serious injuries when she ran
Into the side of 'a truck on Seaforth's
inielu. street tete this afternoon', she
*uttered-. braises: .sAnd legislations.
aunningdirectly in the path -,of ,the.
truek she Was Saved, only -by the qttick
. .
criminal record *lid eircumitential honed about tile #00 4116 woo, The
hoase, whiels was not insured, wast ap
To Much •CoMmerealisln absolute loss„ nothing being saved. ,
Phidit.NO Juatifi,. cation for In. erease, , Present.,Thnii—e.. -..onaervatrw.. e '• licregretted that there 4.*"as • too Mrs. Lugo is sur*ilred' by her two
Leader Bennett May Reittrit_ftom Public Life in Canndn.....tordts Much commercielism In social worle sons Ala one daughter, : Airs. -Ames
Day Act, To Be Rexised,on modern-Lines.„00*veri*ezies Bill and mot, enough of the real old -fa- Soott of oviten, Sound. 'Her husband,
--U-S,Steengthens %the '- -Coinibtiles-----,-14,4-L'ii id . .se, ____. shioned work bf digging down 'under john Little, was killed in a bush sect.
. . , . .; , , PPPulic ---by- . num.-and-lifting* mars'utsesmak'ing **man- dent Wine -yearesego.- .
• IVIOtitheil.
MY Ulnae, Special Correspono Burnt PAtil IN TROUBLE
'cleet of The Signals*tar)
feel that although' he has slipped his
plight. is not irremediable.'-' •
Brigadier liuntoil stated that the
Salvation Army forms an •eadless
chain about the world, with4 citadels
In ninety-one countries of the world.
The seeaker Was introduced by Capt.
B. Purdy,„ of the Gederich citadel, and
other Salvation Armks officers. present
were Mrs. Brigadier Bunton, who
sang, accomPanied 3Iiss L.L.Joh,se,
ston, a London; Major' IL' Wellman.
of London, and Capt. C. .Bonar, of
Clinton. .
iteartY vote of thaeks *as ten
to Brigadier Bunton on motion
of Lions Prank Doenelly and R. C.
HO% KC. The iipr•reciatIon of the
Lions and the vote of 'thanks were
extended to the guest' by President P.
E. Iiibt,ert. •
Wilt Decorate Axeh
In a brief blisiness session. the Lions
decided to decorate an arch on the
Square for Old Home 'Week. 2
Members 6f the Stratford Lions
"Club_ will be guests. of -the local clip
at the next meeting.
0 CA*
471, t
thigLle BIdg. &delaide" and
4.01gln. S301'
-irormitO 2.
• with, oleets4utibette"
soectoonio electric treatment' and cblrea
Prgotle. Orton% organic. and neri00:$
diseAses. )4.00,0 ,Attender(40.
hors 2'ta 5 and / to 1$ 4pg4 an Tueidiy.
:loriday„ and 00,44447,„ and on -
d -$4, to - 1,2 lea; Oisrht-s-,0000illtiitiOie,
Atei be heti lIPPOintineni
and Thuradae at Mitchell,
coexists infititnkt Board. OttiOS
Ottawa, April AL-Quitee an excel? Evebli W10441113 'loads .611110 at structionS for Complete .0verisauling
lent report' was submitted to the Stratford to CiSerges. of Theft At a Meeting of the board of the
IIA?use of Commons ,b$ the' special. Goderieli C6ileglate Instittite on Fri.
committee en. \farm implement prites „W4gStlilan,.. Of rtlyth, the.
day last, piens were made for the
under. j... F., Johnston, Liberal, Lake i-'10Y9terioes blonde" .Of the Lloyd car reo.ovation and decOrittion of the gym*
Centre, as e hairinart. The committee theft enee of hive years Ago, was ge. imelore, an improvement which is
rested.. et T4ondon on Monday and ,long overdue. .
taken to StratfOid, where phe pleaded The gymnasium -which is separate
geilty to three charges,' 'cot theft, from the school. ',building, is by far
She and Wesley T.aman„ also af Myth, the roomiest in Huron county, but for
Were ..remanded to jail a week; the some time the interior of the ivy-cled
latter on a thatge of stealing a annex has borne the aspect .of a barn.
cainere-hair coat; -
, At Friday's meeting W. A. Coulthurst,
It 1,4 alleged, the couple attehded a ebairman of the property committee,
dance at Dublin, and. there took a Ilk- w'as authorized to proceed with the
Ing to artieles' of clothieg not their work, which will include painting of
oven., Taman, it is, eat& got told feet
found; among other things, the fol-
lowing: No justification, for inereaseS
in prlees vie present time, eonipe.
tition Sales, but. 'little effective
'competition in the water., of prices'
work of the aTtret .!sabstantlar'' profits. earned by thi'a
maeufatturing companies hi' •recent
years, even though farmers got be-
hind by around ,200 Million dollars. In
their farm impleMent 'purchases, which
run around 151 millions anntially;
er freight rates Should be .proyided
tee for Western purchasers; ilistributiou
and credit costs are excessive,. cream
separateri should be Put back\ on • the
free list; reduced prices are necessary
also on replacement perks, WI2leh:are •
unduly high; vvith improving ondee•,
°tins, thCcommittee felt the manufAc.
turing con2panies, if they. „Ladept
more reaeonable attitude, could look
.forvvard to a peel'od of relative pros -
'Verity. The coutraittee baa been
working for two sessions- on its in-
vestigetiou. •
0 •
epitome rates were
a to tke i4.9ners'
ue ec bve;‘...,431.00,00q.
Hind (Or te) telephones-.
. reduced trotri 20 4e4ts to 15 cerpi. or mon,*
over D type (effective with May .bills).
lnsfaflation charge -• •
Bush -lea's ,telephottea reduced from $425 to
tat corinect!on.
ere instrument Plad.OY Pairless
- tele hoes, terllteee4 SL1$ 1.4°1-
'thaMei itchiceti.** &Om' 460 ,1,0•„'
1.00 '(4feedve' 44
Shod aut. Liiiig:Dishinto ;Ws'
0,0'...eot'peteofkto.perio:calift 'reduced to is
etiti, The extra tosicfor reversing 'charges
,on to nearby places cancel:44 (effec-
,0 April lot)*
• p
'The ec type of .equipment aVailable for
the hard-of4tearirig is reduced frorti $2.50 t0.:
$1 *nth.,
oat • 'ytkpr telephOne., Our,
t OrOOTttatiri, 044 tP ,,e1cOlairt the'
enefita of telep110110 on the farm., It wilt save
,you tar more than its. cost, 'etpeeialli At the
:.,P•• •
Prime Minister Mackenzie Ring said
the Government had been making a
rsPeeial study of ways and means of
,taiting the profit out of war, fit,0 far as
!Canada is concerned. The Govern..
. =Ant attaches onoiderable importance
to the outbject„ (Kr. King ,,saidl at -
though le admitted *difficulty deal-
ing with Materialtt generally essentisil
in. war. and those generally essential
In .both peace and war -time. The
House approved of the striet, &Origins;
and permit regulations introduced by
the 0ovegninent for the eoetrdi of
the Canadian.manufactere and export
,of arms and Munitions—
$i. • Bennett May Retire
•*Conservatilte Leader It. It Oennett
Is gob* to. 'ho114gY 'Irratice and,
, Germany(' 'and 'Possibly Italy , had
Ittissia, after he attends the ,itorona.
tion. Ile fold . his party tenets he
will Make an announcement aftet. his
return: of his intentions regarding the
letidershiZ It Is *effetely presumed
he wilt imnettrice early retirement
'fret* lOariadiart Aro. The
,06neetiative parliamentary iteito �f
forty Members might-. select House
leader Or the nett Session...before a
natiOhtit ,dotritentioil *Mild Called
to *elect OW leader. Trobably the
sveteran Sit George Perlek would be,
temporary leader. ' • ,
• *knit- pointed thing* Were Said
about the jtidielat tommittee Of the
pirticularly by Eton.
0. rt.. cobalt* fernier -Conservative
Secretary of', State, and J. V. Thor-
son,' Liberal, Selkirk. - Instiea
Sibileter Ernot Lapointe reiterated
all woodwork and fnetal work, ploter-
and a day or two later returned the Ing the walls and insulating the
(seat to the &knee hall, the act result* ceiling.
frig in the arrest of' the pair. J. W. Fraser, chaliman of the sup-
ply committee, was Kuthorized to se-
cure several typewriters to tmake
necessary replacemenes of machines
used by the commercial classes.
A fine report of the recent O.E.A.
convention at Toronto was given by
J. J. Robertson, who represented the
Collegiate board.
Miss E. Plumsteel. of Clinton, is
teaching lower school classes in the
absence of Miss M. Aikerman, who is
on slek leave. It is pribable Mss
Plumsteel will remain on the staff un-*
ell the end of the term.
• P. J. MacEvvan, ehairman of the
board, presided at the meeting.
variance with its earlier rulings re-
garding rerleratontrot of aviation
and of radio. Mr. Lapointe held a
Provincial conference was necessary
to consider urgent ,amendments to the
Act and it is possible such a
conference may be called, ,thli coming
fall. Mr. Thorson declared Canada's
Constitution 81-ou1& not be a strait
jacket but 'tallier a living tree grow -
Ing constantly in toed with modern,
chaueing conditions.
Tho Combines Act
. Prolonged debate occurred on the -
Government's kilt to put teeth in the
COmblees- Investigetien, Act, Messrs.
Bennett - and CAhin *hart:devising the
as far too draStic„„ Later,'
servative Leader leleighen in the Sen-
ate brought forth the biting sarcasm
for *alga he is noted In deranineing
the 'bill as the greatest Proposed 14°
lasion Of citizenShip rights in Can-
ada's history. It may be the -Senate
witi againthrow out the *et, the
most Controversial elatiSe of which, in
only Ilght1y varying form, has al-
ready been 'tutted down by the up -
Per ehambet on three".oposions, once
wider Mr. Bennetes- terra and twice
'oloce. Many believe ,Canada should
have a similar procedure to -the Erib;
ish poetic* where it the Coninions
Puts Abrattgh a xii4atire three times
and it le turned"dOWn each tittle by
the Lords, It become e Taw iss, any
event. Ileforni the Striate on var-
`lode „Omits vvotild '.eseetti to be dis-
tinctly overdue,
Quite An extended debate took Pieee
also ott the Goternmettes unemploy-
ment rellef hill, e*at members trO-
tetting that the Vrayltitet have not
poified on to the titles; tiuffitient of
the ,Vederit money grants for direct
,r1Ief. Ur. Woodinvorth thonght the
divernment should' onintient
money to itittittite a WOrk-for-Wages
program ' and he suggested higner
taw On valuing. Titian -tie Minister
Thinning pointed out that mineral
ristiate '.cortie >Mainly ander the ere*
j)reviattely eiptessed, that" „
ten, Federal ocivetlinr,4 44tsep 40iont, ft.t4
tom ALBERT. April 12.— Mr.
alid Met- Thoma§ -Richardson of Sen.
forth ealied on relatives in this vicin-
ity on Friday.
-Miss Ethel MeRenzie, -student at
Stratford Normal .Schoo1. spent Sun-
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James McKenzie;
.Miss Matilda Quaid, who hes been
quite ill the past week, Le improving
81°111Ya.ildf mrs-Itietard need visited at
the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Will 'MdLean
of Sanford on Sunday.
Mrs. Prank Willis. who 'has been
with her daughter, Mrs. VI arl McDon-
ald 'of Ashfield, has returned home.
5IIs.Ma.ry McKenzie having spent
the- 'winter ulith friends at toatinville,
roomed to her home &ere on Wed-
ale VLt ahOuld no longer seed SW "1,1(.): 1.to 1/taYit • "king' the
Canada tett termed the trier 'written ded:, $0. 0/.6
theirs- on that industry.
ma ;On' filo Social legieletion- Tu .
"moat unfortunate" and at diSttnet, r. t: „ t cimae
oni tor *sou, (miner ra.
report of the royal etentnis• sitin sei
financial and taxation relations. of the
Federal and Provincial Governments.
, Aid for War Veterans
C. ,Power, Minister of Pei;
sions and National Ilealth, Stated the
Governmeat toeld not aeOpt the re-
commendation of the Veterans' Assist -
ante Commission for s'pecial allows
gams n6u-pezisionable unemployed
veterans below the age of fifty-five
yeats, at which age assistance is
[cited 'under the Veterans' Allowance
Commission. Mr. POwers feared ac-
ceptance of the Commission's recom-
mendation would open ,the door to
demands for pensions to all who Worer
the imiforin and might cost the Gov-
ernment as •rauch as ten millions an-
nually for the 23,000 or mote unem-
Noted Veterans. However, tupwards
of $11,10,000' will be spent hi assisting
voluntary committees in taring for
such unemployed. Pensions and
other veterans* assistance are tasting
41• 414,11imelit around 5.0 million dot.
laris antatilly, Mr. Powers -stilted -
A consolidation of the Lord's Day
Act Of 010, to bring it more into line
vittive` Minister of National Revenue, with modern conditions, wilt likely be
Ised a question. of Celailorship excl., Introduced next session, Mr. 7.4pointo
eised by the Canadian XtrOadeltating informed the Muse.
Corporation and, he urged; * centred E. 31. Warren, Liberal, was re -
board of-Verteorehip to bring about tamed in the North Hearer/ by -
More uniform, condition*. Transport eleetion and tboro arenow no va.can-
latirdst,cr Itiettre sald .eht aricd klit8, des, in the Range. Miring the week,
authority tinder ihe Act to fake two new members,' P. E. tote, Liberal,
steps to preterit controverma and be aonaventure, and J. A. 1)farsh, Con-,
detent material -being, broadcast, servativei, West flainliton, were in.
Programs, be ask, shOnid he suitable troduced,
for -11te.yearmold children an& he Operation of the German trate
WOW: deprecated Wigton* broad* agreement,10 its first three mouths
AttaPoil Otbe toligkeles retelled kattada having favorable
'1310 0* -11'v oz ('nada rOgrted balance or trade with that country
,against Vederal aid bOng given te for the ilist time in WO Year*,•Trado
A4bertairid toheeithefitit AO Aut vem lainiatet 'Euler titiated .rnsthe, agree,
thOlOgh ' fnehb WAS iftfested. SamueI VACtor,
ant OilattateheWatt Liberal, Toronto, critlelied the
$1,O0• ,000 b7 way Of *KW; t fanatiesi Nag 00vOnnient for its
TM**petdIa the pcoecntkm ef Ifwa **I CsfboUta.
Pr ,
ighTstrie 'mut'
1",; R. MOOTS&
,lem.ate,„ Noe!,
Late House Singetiti;New York
tbalistie and Aural Hospital, assito
fiQusre Throat IfosPlisl. tondon.'
eyes teSt0, glasses suPtiliecl. •
63 Waterloo SN. Stratford.
phone get •
Next, visit Wednesday afternoOn.
evonint, Oth, from ZOO to
P.P. only. ,
lyt. 0. It 21CTERS„: TO; B.V.„ Z.
•. 1111)TIMINARY
Oraduste of the Uthrersity of Toronto -
and graduate of the Ontario VeterleerY
Mee in, M. T. T. MOZVIV'Sf_.,..uoinu.
ton St., 'Coderich. 'relephone: Day 29., •
night 249:
Lire Stack and General Aitetioniers;
• Elgin Ave....01mlesicts
gales made everywhere and ill effOrts
made to give- you **Matignon:.
Parirdrs' Bale Notes discounted.
Phone I*.
ivcittoP 301AIL
.111rint =sun.
GrirliGlinS--eresident. Alex. !Woad.
foot. Senforth; VIce-liresident, Thee.
Moylan, &earth; Secretary-Tteastilor,
M.A, Reid. &Worth.
(DgalliCTORS-Alex. lkosdfoot. Sea.
forth; James aholdiee, WaltontWilitam
Knox, Londesbon Chrla. Leonissrdt.
Jas. ceenefly, GOcterich; Thos.
Mona% Senforth; W. R. Axe
flenforth: Alex.' meltiting, Blyth; Prank
McGregor, Clinton.
caor cyr A0311215-33dred VC°,
Goderich R. R. I; "mos Watt, Blyth;
John rePPer, 11rUcefield* R. R. we;
• F. MaCercher. Dublin. R. R. No. Li;
Chas. F. 1ew1tt, Kiticardlne; R.-0. Jar.
An old darkey approaclied the rata- muth, BerthOIM, No. 1.
Policy holders can pay their West.
ments at Calvin Cutt's store, Goderich„
The Royal , Bank, Clinton, or J. S.
Reids, Bayileid.
"Parsee, sub," he said. "Alt wants
you all to pray for tne.Alt's in a bad
way, sub. Alt's got a floating kidney,
Ah has suh.°
"No, Rastas." said the minister. "I
can't pray for lphysical things like
floating -kidneys. 1 only pray for
spiritual things." h
"Then how come y041 all prayed last
Sunday for the loose livers?"
• Cilittraetterge
."Our civilization` and our culture are
a% MIMS Of contradiction, and It sonte,.
times feel very sorry for people who try
to make sense 'of theat."--Dr. Boyd B.
There was a large attendatiCe- of
members of Huron Lodge, No. ot,
1.0.01F., at the regular meeting oh
Monday night, idlest the District De-
puty Grand Master, Bro. Salter, of
Exeter, paid his official visit. An- In-
thresting meeting was held, With in
instructite iddreat by Mr. 'Salter, And
At the conelusion,of the meeting 100 -
eon was served by the membera of the
Succeasion Duty rind. Gift
Taxes mean that there may
he considerahle 'reduction
in tie net amount received
by your benericiariam. • •
If you plan to take savants
• of every economy the
law, permits to ininindare
these taxes. Vt. suggest that
yoU co,nsult ris arra•Seelarel
the benefit ot our lonii ex-
woutto its
tosixot* osvatio