HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-09, Page 10�mcUUne,301
4141; Au tenez prsnt,
114 1600 :trOM, Telopiwne
re Stparg#, 13Phool tax, was read *0144
• 17.‘ r of
• Sten Street and the Stitlanek ?orir_iirtiatte 'or
irtioular4,41iikt X.413,14$41' StO1M."441
Accident and Motor ear
' The Lopata Life lositrance co.
envie, 'Iwo St., °Werke;
211S NELSON 011,/,,,Ofo.
payments $2.00 per $1000.
a L. SALE=
Agents for Goderich and sur-
ItOnding diStriets. "
•0,11 modern eye service. We
'that every, case ;$ diger
.And requires inclividftal at.
on with modern equipment.
examined and glases fitted
at reasonable prices.
A. L. COLE, R. O.
Optonietrist and OPtielsn
rs serving the people o
work on 10MS' or
off relief.
Workina4 Compensatien Board does
not ,apply to our to\wrisliin. -Clark ' was
lustriteted to reply.
Counlaillor Rathweil Was delegated to
look into Miss rand)? Salkeld's. emu -
lint re roads arcanui Bine Water
Treasurer *Sallreld reported leceiving
$msa,00, subsidy dt;e Ainder,The D.
artartent of; *IfighWaYS etatetnentl*
.A Petition was received twin Some
S. No, 3 nskl.pg to- be assessed, in S. S.
1100 4. The Clerk was'. instructed to
send Opies of the petition to both No.
il and No. 3 6ehoo1s. The petition to
bo dealt with . at next meeting. •
Mr, W. R. Lobb was appointed to fill
the vacancy on the Telephone .Conatuls.
slot tamed by the death of Mr. 'W. J.
By-law No. ,3 to borrow money from
the Royal Bank for current expenses
AMS read a third time and passed. 41.R
pop, aim* —seed Barley, 0. A, C. 21;
Mr. Fred Bell Interviewed the count!'
41- also 2-Yeex-old °olden °low seed
re iruhed stone or graVel in the bin or flats: coal brooder stove almost new,
delive No action until 'next meetirw •
ceiptocity 500 ehicks, and model T kkard
tia it wlIl be necessary to call for ten-, Tudor sedan) tires, radiator and ger.1-
de .
• . Orator, almost ziew. • LEO. D. CHIS-
.Ars'• ecoUnts paid: - 001.1M, Bayfield -Road. 3-411
H. C. Lawson, premitutt. on bond -
for R. G. ThOMpsoa. ...... .5,00 ,R. em.A.-4 100 -acre farm, frame
D. Z. Olicidon, relief account 90, bar. 'Pod
conpuram. your outottucungs, spring
H. Jenner, relief actount 3 00 viatel; con,mniently locate:o; 00 No, 8
O. W. Baechler, relief account ... 22 46 bighwea, between clinwn. and oode,
A., D. tikfcclertneY, tool for relief- 15. 75 rielt. inly to • the Executors of the
.••43 Jordan, relief amount, -14 13 late wm Hill; Mrs.. Wm. Hill, Sr.,
en .
astoleb .; ternte; aLw
ila posts;' Vert dinit4 l'ooin ;Mite and
large hall raek, iva"0„,1Urrit 11.1010"-
. Ilstrztt. „ It 0 ;,
Go.ctert.03, Oa:
or 1-1A/t
tOnr nr. local '-4041.natations. 7teccesitrY7
.Salary. 'Write to, (BOX 1, :TIM SP319,A1m-
.01 MESA, - '
, ,
and:1, fartteces to
' 1 clean, gardelli to dig or anY.lcind
Ontalcle wOrk.' Orders left'At 'Clever.
\ernznant tested,. • no. 1. W. ;Bake _Shop wfll tegeive. prompt
YOUNG, IV R. 5, 00, derIch. rtoo attoritirm, guttg '..:PCMIOTEon South
Carlow 2026. •opPositer JOS. IrritrIere. • 124
T° RENT. —A 5.rc�med. apartment,
hardwood tieers1 beantiful out-
look; near ,riv.fr .bank„ • '4 "
, ....., ,. a .
TO RENT,,* -4.0 a 0 611 St pairld's St.;
with •garage and, garden, JAS.
H. JOHNSTON, Phone" 102* ltf,
OR SALE.--lsrash Sechin, in excellent,
condition. MRS.Ii. KV.ASKELL,
Bittekstone's Apartments,, West St. .4x
VOR SA7.4.---Pasture 105 acres
A-• in 'Colborne Township; running
water. J. M. JOHNSTON, R.. R, 1,
Goderich. .
o Yotir estes examined by
A 14111P,„ for 17 yee.rs Strat-
Jizd'e aeading Optometrist. Ex-
tWOrk only at most Moderate
Essfithked—Glasses Fitted.
Consult -him at
_Rolipirtapree' Jewelry Store
''' '71i,7,,.101. -6-14.9a077•17, .'i-i.,...j.'-'1711.41111:1•--.
. 0, Ol1dder4 relite'ade*Ount. -..:„';.-..1417
Thos. Riley, relief account..... . . . Al 24 ,,,.„.,....• .,,,,..._;_,,.........,.._,..,., ..• BORN
P. H. Jenner, relief account 6 03.l:X)DD.--At Willcandra f(ckspital, go e«
Wes: McLean, relief aexnint 5 27 rich; on. Sit .. April 3rd, to
Ough Olenn, wood for relief .,. 14 so • and Mrs. Wila, Dold, Of Auburn,Calvin Outt, relief secount..4,. .... 1000 _ •,_,._ Ho, os_
M I.I.Easilli .—ap . west w wan It, on
Howard Sturdy, postage and SM- • "q
,,,• Saturday, Anrli 3rd to gif.r. and; Mrs.
tionery • • ...... • • ill 4a . pro! ivreQutpul, 4 4)0,,, .
Town of Clinton, our share of
-PENTI.,'AND,—In.• the. division court court charges . .. • 5 60 t$1,1. Detre% on 'Oa tircia7,,,e,prIt 3rd',
Supt. pay voucher no. 6 : ... . .. . 25 '5*' to M. ,a.Tid 'Mrs, ' .4, i,Prf. Pentland, a
Council then adjourned to meet on daughter, Pante*. 14.#10,.,
lifonday, May 3rd, at 140° p.m.•••AR° ____,,Aln sAiLA 0.00114.:4251.11:1
. - — 'il•( , .
GODERICH aaBOY • NOW lett, ,'Or," SaturdaY, 4RIA 10%; 4-414. a*. 4iftshx prices •tO;,t4.07.,ettre or'the tour+
eielt.:tt 060,1013144rei 0 Qta$77TIBItt Wthell;
-- X.0. 171.054*--POQ-N.-clerk.
• (Wt.—At Alexandra lieSpital., Order,.
WORKING IN TORONTO begi Milli'. Wife of illolilhon4. Orr, '1"4- ' -rapaor0114421.414ider*- ‘v,04'Whikkeerat1412. 3r$53:01;
„....--•—, , n her 46th year. • ' • , •• tt*,.-;,iftack,. vacket**04-0.0. "Leghorn
D aid Lane, son of Bev. D. J. an ItYAN.-2:In West Wawanosh town,* puUet.i„;,,449,20, , 40* , onnostare ,:se,4
Mrs. Lan ltas completed his conlie ship,. on WechieS&U.v, March 31st, El- -pullets-:42t. •'`.13arrett • Ro* ' 'PAW
at Shaw's Business Collegeon'to. Win Ryan, on •of mr.- and are- 4.0g: $2.195, CbleT, .. *..In' jNatTre.- ,_ • L:' It0:1! "Inbc•eil
firm in that cit7. r1On'A•Ffriendit, and Wald Ryan, aged 15 years. •"4-': Pullets an ' eOckerels - $45.p. ,, ,,,-liveek,
and has entered the office,/ oe a trust
iturFELL.--At- Alexandra hospital, C.)1,1.,•!elNekisrt ,:einhullttrOitioitein2011411't:'4,44.1-• rov:ed
they are legion in 9,14erielt, wish, him • on Wednesday, • April 7, Eeren-hap- a
every success in IgS wOrk. Don wasa Mich Bourne, 'beloved Wife of Wm. Yonlicitktte..*Invatied ed$2,44;etietricirtlincse'e-vire,genuMer
Charles Ruffell, in her 44th year.
at the•Odderich Col- -
Funeral Friday, at 2 p.m., from St. .'CROTilarg64simolteator ()OVerYteltaditto°1=114311', .:Wednes*vel
was an all-round athlete
ability and Ills uitabTe nu. George's Church to 'Maitland cemetery. day and Ttriclay.' at 12.30 ..ribOn. :OW
IDD. -.-In• -Ashileld.---.7tontaship, ----on .-„musie,;,- ....---,Jz._..- - ____
a shini proildent with Plano
Tuesday, April 0, . Jane ,Armstrong. , _ „
widow of the late Henry. s. need, 1 47.."WET)„ Head1:42:1614/7,rehee61:one.77,*.reroTo 0.! 4)11Y't'r:Ir°4
In her ilth year.
—Mr Tame$
FoWler.0A1.1,IWindsor,011pari oto 44,
totinS Aitrfe, PadO,A votor-trip f11111‘
aar itud•retUrn with '141a
Mrs. Tlerrlet, rowler front. Gotler4
I •• t
para Wito itfrliwqr•-10,-.,-Itild-
Ur,s4 Itesso/N, SteAtf441, •and,
Afrs Ttobt. Wilsoni • Son .1tobert: and
ToiS, ;reason,. ot'Ooderivb, visited;
UrA, ,SPrenle On 8440. \•
anti 41r4.; Tas. Afer,aehreri and
0111140N soot' the *:iv:eek-
'end 'nitth' Ur. and, Ura,.Q..'Popit and
their par,ents
, and
• n01,44i4‘ 413 "Thos
4t1Yett: .141,.Wireaskseci the PrePerty for;;.
j.thetr476.1.4PidX"'`,Or.i O't tor,-,PINTIP)OW,V,r0tr4441,Pfe.modots, 40,a stwent_og.and.biard
3.4; be receIveI byt Ware store, M.r. W.
the, cOuntY, :400.00/riattsslen uraIl •noon", .,-,1Aos;r:ottrala4.4,tbe 100 -acre
}larvey Treleaven and
4)Weedn4tpecoetimap0441;'ctrk,1,40\;1,,,tilielotti0.004,4, 91. Tens to to; tarlito*,,.rbvelastottglnu,ctitH.ko
\ 1.3.40n 1020•'lleo 'With 010, body and Smith. • Ur? OnicOrt Obt#Ins,i,'insniediate
one1,..turc,1-034,,7.ri,g,0,, truck withotit ossession. The
body, to be taken, :41,4' 041t..1341,4740ht• mll 040, ,ot 04.4E4iihtth,qCt4Ont..03 .tbe
Tenders al.#6 be received for .the uguea•ta•tue; and, poxI of the J 4;,
Sar -
supply of salt"..fOr road.: Pnrisoses, len"! age eatatet.bas..:been.SO/d"- to Mr. ,Datid
•• 4
ders to state nriee'per ton for 1007 re,.',Qarrotte14,-(1,43,0 ejogAstv:R 441.
ottirement.s 91 the. Count3'. prpveinents before.:' novtig. Mr, and
T..R..,PATTPRS011, ' 'alchaltds on andifamily wlU
-4- ; • County 'Engineer,. reside With lanni • '.
Tenders Witrited...
\ „COUNTY OF 1.11„1"tOti
infg undersigned -anct*-,eridOnSed
"Tender for 'the', inetallatinte a water
System,” will be. xfteived, Until Thum -
day, Atoll 29; lati, at 10 a,..nt; for.the
Installation' and eliPPlYingnecessa, thieolighelAt ;the da, an average or
entifinnent Of' ples.snre.. Water eysteta four •'; peOple, occup.tod" each \ car, the
and a water SOutener at- the 11/00 grand oit 'four. thousand vOoPlo
COturtY Horne, 941;00. were • here. Among the 2hUnil)er • we:
Plane epee can Meh illed 'Vitt ROY° 210.144$ faMilY4
lefalesep4ep.: "
04, Aeafertit,---0.it,•.; „.
(LOWest , or -8.tlY44i'der ilo?„015031,411,1X
=opted- " •
Tetbders opened at Huron
Coitnty„MO,. Clinto2i..,on the above
fled da#,I,'• •
• J... M. °OliliiiStOcic, -
InsPector,'Iturpri":0,Urity • lloine,
DATED At Seafortlii, 1037..
• .4-6
Lorne--.11C*enite'' has *alien at work
4•9!)419:921:- 0.700)wlthstood114.144tectgataf la,ers/t, twhee:acenk,
Slght.eers drove . long.414.;tanfht:es14588.0n..
#14idaY 0 -view the: ruing or- the 'It
le ;estimated. that no fewer 'than Otte
thousand ,care. Were on .the"istreet
4 ,S14904)
r d
This thno last yeaV,'. We were all
tailing *bent and.„§tnclYirtg plass' for
the 'Y'itny''Ridge icoroony. iN-Qw, the
'.subject .vf7.convorsatiptiAsi
Nitni,"00e. was
OvitehlI9.1170,..,0,writer adopted
an ,aloof attitude and refused to be
more than 'mildly itrterested tho
,goings-on, • go, made reinarks
'about la* crowds, poor accommo-
dations, and, not being ':able "te0
'OXI.vile511,11'411V•yagalleYlvinareXeA'P4,ciagelalitialitY0. '4°Wt
ligs•airimgrOVatito tvild en-
thusiasm. With -;the ATOO slightest
encouragement and tim:,X0414M14,
what -it -takes are:wonld be On our ty4y
in leas' tinuftbatt„it.:;ta4esto write.
Strange 4eCAn, is no
te40){e4Ost7,,,affzeonlwer41; 4,,y#:eud4o.e,1ieoses4:_"•tVv,s,,_,la$t7,•taitr-
h,h;Ttee''ne4' faBut ltro,1,4114rtk,.744717elid45:
WILL are thwarted in -ambition We re-
etoelle8047;;,.Ari4/1"*:•.,:aodifteluiP-1,1* „1.:YiPm'IE44—lictlY..6.-/t-ti:liicid:Orerrl"tribV7pnig:(11fruozfplEri.eiti;e7F.,)4Not
n is
IQ/ gile.tkAUt'414#011; 51441f':”.
and )taikief4,450S d ats,„ have all
gr1141.';•jateht,e4041:24444di:.'.4ri::: * 0044 ..*:40:;k01V; exercise ';b3r
'utak "raclio•. PrOgratus,•",
. •..T:* -a; • '..4114 4
`,„.4.. kgo:,00.140:441,9;sit.,40**strikbi,
Ow Amt!, ,g0trze.„,142 the'cordn'atien: •
E. s• At;othOtfi.?*101tir''
attnisey (.1th..1frris. 1#0;11•9411, 0._nev.. W. ,0,44 •t** ;A' le/0/14, Va,t
Popular stude
of no mea
gers m
and einged instruments. He is well
enfoped for both business and soCial
Mr. TiVnt. Rose, of Detiolt, spent ,few
JI, days witit-'1iis parent.before . going
-...-T—...... .Sailltqf .ttor the season
who 'kno'it of (Wed* Old Bos Or Girleat .distance are invited.
*he name and4Addrissa. as below and mall -to DR. W., V, °ALLOW,
• 4.0 • 0.1 •• ...... *••••••••••••••66,11“,••••••••••
oney by Prepaylog
it Coderlob :ion Taxes
ax1)***, may purchase Ireix
'Os foi 1937 Taxes At,
vosiblii. discounts °
T. Cikot cott.
- Ape, t es Apr, 15 may t ti
$ 9.89 4 9.93 .
80 15
:00 . 49.45 - 49.85
Prepayment Redeipts must be thdorSed and ptagated,
2164.41th tile 1937 Tax Dills during the first installment
Purchase4dir 15repa.yrnents Receipts early am: have your
motley tatting. 5 :per cent. interest. .
Lf ° you cannot' buy all Oosvi..budget.our Taxes this year
by purchOlnka receipt eatit month. •
June,:biscountsvill be allowed in addition.
NEIL R. MaeletAY, Tiz Collector.
Mr, Richmond. Orr, and fan;dly take
this. opRortunit3r, to thank the neighbors
and friends for their kindliest; -and. sririr
Pa:MY (ilni1ag Ltha '104 filness and sub.
sequeut •death Of Wait Vre sow
Mother. They also wish to thank ,t116
'stiff and slums 'of the Clotlerich,nolpi.,
41 Who were so kind to het and those
Who sent Bowers and loaned -ears • for
the funeral, . .411
Miami Mrs. 4. O., NtatittoMery and
family wish to thank neighbors . and
friends in Dtmgarinon for their kindness
during and folk)Sving the fire which, de-
stroyed their home and place of bust.
nee/ on Thuraday night of last week.
Mr. Thtnnaii Rivett takes thb means
of eirpreising.bil thinks to all Who ren-
dered timely assistance during the lire
ighth distroyed hb home and plisce of
Witness l*St- iveek, 'also te' those who
--AttorestwAio-hit-lurnittuer, ete.,
A tot.
lowing the . . 4
,tina- mit. neg. niriin wiiih,,to ex-
tend. their sincere thanksand apPrecis-
yob. a the enitnY relatives, friends and
nelghb�s, for their kind expressions of
=pithy; and total tributes, also those
ho helpedItt any,way dUring.thtr sad
bereavement in, the logsor thew son. '
- •
Dont fell titt Oricentrate on ths one
:goat ibbiect hi lift-etiOtestl. Dori:t lose
voirr oatience,:, vitaitel.our time or sOlter.
lour toot -tic •
" *61 mato exttisAiv;• Ow ire the tools
of towards.'
• 000 torget that; the marwho ;taf-6-1713
•eloelc *Ill ;never be more than One Of
404.194ter.0and timstit4444,410,0t4ea.lirOwn, of•Ilarrow, visited in the Iiihage
Ws, week; weretb.--;101oNiituti,l, -,Tt. J. '61-10;:dat4ait week. , '
*tow, starittotity. ?Echlin, of Tomtit), iddted
TOrOlit0; MaTgiket TeWrilicl; Ow- frier* in-Beimillier over the week -end.
fhainOtion; (Jordon S. r444„'Ifinghain; - .
Benson Pentland, of.• MetaChewati. and St440. fibroid Walters spent 'a
biavy rain of -A6hdis, ailght has few days •wIth..iiis mother, Mrs. X. H.
'Maxie ,ilian.".'bt the 'roads 'almost" irtioas; Walter, last Week.
sable. 4 vinshoiit' on the 4th tooneeasionBrownis back to resumehis
rout, ot Witou1c,10$ titight glaveduties 4tepr1neltkat of Bennaller school,
a serious niicidenti sisterwhen atter the, hOliciap.,
SteWart and Titer. „
4hcihth with her mother, MrS.
turned to her, honie at ight*
Friday ,
much improved-.
The Woman it ssoclat1on 'Will ety4,4t,
at the 'borne of ,IVErs., 'Ott
"Viiednestio,y, Aory ,i4th t V p.m..
Tne young girls and boyS
'church attended a trenvention at Exeter
on Tivirsday with, their .teacners-, wiase
D. Walters and Rev. G. Wylie• . ' •
Mr. E. T. Pfrinnuer ,spent the week,
end in Hamilton,
• mr. and Mrs. Plankett, of North; 230:1r,.
visited with Mr. and Ms. Strallgball •
OVer the week -end„
phone s r
Easiness 120. • itesocuose 217
1,.11 cans Prompt.* attended tO
Or •night. •
rhenei (Uwe 335, 1101S01155,-
garet, during. the feig,- drove into It.. the mr..3...,;A-:-'04ringi.,--7,1314'Vent thef,Deef •'
car was badlY. smashed, but Its oPell
Miraculously escaped serious in-
. • •
Everett la,,,re • Ire= an
set -dant; 1which lif-ivrso"--ittaufeet
1ie4D.',,ettr )14 :While 7tittlxig--vroOd'at his
Ur. Gordon Itontgoineri, 01 London,
1F. LAseater.'NucsAiori. • • •
• • 'Slit ttr,ineek lfontgtitherf visited
sister, Mise IseXelle mohtgomery, mime-
in;training In -01yert ,SOUnd•hosnital for
RAtt CHIOES.-7When'iola get 'Wit:- has Ideed ,guest with -his patent.s dur-
v,POW GLADE Single Xerith
tegbOrri Chicks you-I/eV-6_ 14s from
Our c$111. 44te.ek, and frenf our eviro ,Okocic
001Y. They 'l an abundance of
health and Vigor. it is not tow, eheab
can you bu$ yuyi. chi,Cks, but .110*
$1N1r, ad f4ars, Iorarilc Savage returned
mui!h thick yaltie „ get or Year t° III" Rit4ewaY 4441'In 411°11 -
money. It. doesn't par to • Put afar' teeI0261334ttchlrAill, fitted f:ernitlatiVeas si144:21,441113t1-. '
feed futo oor eblcks. Two extra rielt; .
,thgtttg.s,ePeto,ur Peiloilsott buyexts2X,"45111 wutiolle.r., reance nHugh, have returned tranandvislititnleirsoinni-
BitY Meadow Olade ...,Vhicks and be Toronto and Vnille away, little
assured of results. 41,1- etock Is blood- Itugh, haii, the misfortune of slipping
tested; Gbilernitientsixiproved.' and with a rug on a Waxed floor ancf.strlic-
' ing his head upon, the edge of the bath-
Let us have your orapr early. Price tub. He received ,a .Wotind tifttailtatitig
for March' and:Aprit itto „eaoh, Oity fl A't?' '6100& 1t .
le 14g%. eriee discount on Iatge -,rne prll 010/Inir of 'the. Henle suld
School *pit:), WILO IWO Tileioday attar -
orders, W HUME CralTTON, R.R .noon at the home a Mrs. T. R. 'turner.
tioderith. Phone Carlotvo
who preskted. Itlettiotr oZ *MOM, Was
held regaining '41a follows: • Preakitat,
los.. a w. outoti; vice-president Mrs,
T. R. Turner; eeetet40,4 IOC W11310 -rd
Eitelvart; Treastger,—Itts:John'. ii
holm. mug rattier gave reading from
the Home and alebol Club '-"ibetriewo
On the anbjettof "Varridniftrendig
itt Ediatatimx.'',- .fr. Gretna:1r'. Pinlmey
,piesided for election of,officers.
Um. Burtori,,(Rotelt gate her home on
Wedneecialt afternoon for a. special
Meeting of the, W. 1, over which the
,Prealdentf WS, ittillattr grOwn, presideli
/t us detided to give a donation 10
some bf those . Who„ Were $4) iltifOrtthiatO
WIn thel°6eteoePros4t. rn:re, (ma: orthetirheta'bekv4giri
*ho, 60 'Wedaieday, happened to he
eeletnating„ eC tituatay. isoihe ways and
means were ,diectiesed 01 ndsing Matey
for futtirenee, theee fib' be discusted
at& Pecial ••mieting.tO be held On et-
eVening at Mr.t 0. W. .040.
voutdsolgtesrar,.wJamesiere.,;twart44114a,:roginotsha roworlet
reletives.- oil, their returu they
were accompanied by .their mother, who
had bean** patient „In the Cloderich
1108;041 for upwards of s, year.
Ur, and Um. J. aitottgonierMAYe
*d into the, McAllister, res
litetitiremerit;-stlio injured his foot
the lit 01 the Are, I no* able, tes be
around «i snitches. , •
xt is reported *non gooa authority
that the nuperiat oil Co. will erect *
new service station mi the, Property *d,.
irtng tarot- Ifoltenale'S Clarke. It
will be required .,*Witknoe beck from
the e
NIL% April 6,-64114 Beth. McPhee
was hcstess of a very' ipleatiant sur-
prise in the formof it( miscellaneous
ShoWer*or Mr, and •Mrs. Rut-
ledge on March 31.st, It 'was spon-
sored by .the Young Poples Society,of
Nile. The afternoon,,, was spent in
games and Other forinapf amusement,
after which the dompany sat dtsvin to
dainty supper serve* by the totem
and her mother, Mrs. T. McPhee, The •
table VAS bteutifully decorated with
pink and white 'etreaintrs. • After the
supper the hostess preeented. the gifts
to the young couple, which thelride,,
ackn�wledged very befittingly*.
quitka lotof sickness is sti
netted Around Nile anti vicinity.
Stewart is still. 'on the sick' list, arid
Mr. RtiliS Taylor is on a fair 'way to
recovery. Mrs. Geo. K. Rutledge.
TieW one on thexitii:tuffering with
•cold And pleurisy. Mie. W. Finnigan
is able to be around'stgahi, 'but Hulda
is laid up with the 'flit. •
Witnint StewartWho Virellaied
the W111.06441 Una Sine few month*
*go and; tut, some of the timber -this
*inter,' has resold it 40 the GoderiPh
Manufacturing Co.
1:1130 COACH) iti4 116W.
935 0006a S'Entitili with Trunk and treater
1193,1 MASTER CHEW. COUPE With 11,000 mites on
4028 'CliEt SEDAN, ;excellent shape
l,the frost is getting pretty' well out
of the grOUrat MAIO* 'sotto the
roads ;ImkasSable,
tCetotwellittl,lieen 1.id up :t0e,
few dot with fin.
Biwin liteginal#1,1 Ryon
A grit conininiittY attended the
t , Rtionsad i Mr. and Mrs. Vrea swots of Ocil.t!
DentBensonVeagati, .Sam **Ilers and
Wdrekt .1-41111.,
mong those,who: time'
tante *trait Mtg., Delia Coo , And
daughter, Ws. 'Wheatley' of Torontel
urotai ute. ;
only child of Mr is and**, '*11%**11111"0" of the tleteol
Ryan, teliowing, a brief butcritittt
MOOS Of lege than * iitek's 40'00*
arin vats 11, quiet 'ireettlenlemlft
year, and Attended
church and tehool prlot to'hii:
iflneea. A Itkeeble boy;
hia Wiles and 4010144 by
friettls,, he *4111;1>e, mimed by
lieW hint. ProfssilOnal trnrz-
htg and expert
medical sttendanes
kevoderkh and
Ohio( to, do oore thsn
Re Ponieroy ot Nile United Antral
l' Service; during
•Ish and Lett*,
Chairs, Etc., rebuilt, recov-
ered like new .Choice iof
latest materials. '
Guaranteed first clasS
workmanship. '
ieen Ann Stools, made to
fit your needlepoint.
Reasonablc prices.