HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-09, Page 9•
April. '•-.,. Mr, and Mrs.
"' ictor Whitley .and;' fatally spenll un-,
day with fziends.at l ,tilotr.6l1�.. a,
Miss :Lorraine 'Durnin' Spent: the
't �rz: iia. *~�
:,Wt 4f#. �u �
TWA e �
has w�,�. ,
Mdsses. •. Anna, *Mae. and 'Beatrice
Treleaven' were he ae from,' l uekaao v
.The,student . ho. we ' .hoing1or the
"-East'er 1io, idays, returned on int
tot resume their duties; they were; Mr.
Colin Crozier, to = Stratford Norman
Bernice, Durnin to G,)C. '1., Goderich;
]hied' Wainwright*- and, Hair et Whit-
ley ; o Luek now High School; Alden
Nasty" to his school near Auburn and
Mr. J. D. Martin to Crewe.
Mr. Fred Wainwright took -part in
the amateur contest in Goderich on
Tuesday 'evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid anti their
sons spent Tuesday with \'Vawanosh
n ilY;'"liieetl2i�',' h7S•t11e1='W'-'M.
S. was held at the :home of Mrs. Bert,-
Treleaven on- Thursday ' afternoon
with fifteen members and visitors`
present. A 'short program was given
and the -Missionary quilt was quilted.
Next meeting is to be held- at -the Par-
sonage when Mrs. Bert Treleaven will
be in charge. ,
A false . step sometimes undoes yealls
of • travel on the straighut. and ,.narrow
The Hydro Store
Quick, Clean, Economical
rr Agairist on
.�� .
m .' ..��-nom+-'•,•
F Atmit or
Entered �,�a:,,�r��rl�''Vest,'
tc� Act of Parliament' ��, Ge .ge J. �e„�,�o�y
Limited, Kiri St.. \'est, ' 'oront'o'--a"thL Det . -t! \r t.ultttre,.
e�'i!�:rx`-�:�.,.._,u'y�"'"e�%4km�-�7:'-'i"''�"-'�'`""'�'•tr'.'^"�.'�'.`�cirw.i.�.�'�w..'r°",:t,:�:'Y•::'^,'i""`41+v�Mcaa�;a�'�'�''ti,' {y"` -
'tau. blind with angewr. Rellznaat1 and yelled,. and his 'blacks began the
`parked the combination,. and pulled
open the safe, doer. The noose was
promptly jerked tightatound his
wrists again. Ria 'services no long,
necessary, he was 'bound, trussed up
like a chicken ,by another rope that
,appeared, and one of the masked men
saw to it that his gag`was seeure. And
while he lay like that on the floor,
cursing them. With . his snapping eyes,
the pair calmly looted.iis, safe, work-
ing without speaking.
neatly stacked piles of .money formed,
the loot. There waa an unusual
amount of all of it,, for Rellman had,
expeotetd to make a shipment to Sier-
ra City en the morning stage. Now all
he could do was helplessly watch his
- assailants help themselves to' his
wealth. Ante of them was chuckling as
the'', sacks of gold were brought out of
the safe. Rellman groaned through his
tight gag at sight of one of the sacks
—a small chamois bag in which he had
a prize collection of,fdne nuggets.
. One of the robbers glanced at him,
.eyes glittering ,ifl the dim -nett of the
ro<• through hie mask.
of a bad Haul, Rellman," he told
the saloon owner, in a low, husky -
toned voice. "Ahout three-fourths of
it is stuff .you've stolen, at that. This
is the first haul of the Riders of the
Mon. You ought to get acquainted
with us, Rellman. ,• We'll be making
more hauls."
eve Tj std a i'rawar I wiw,
one of them iblowpg out the lamp as
he passed. There were 'd few barely
heard thudding sounds as the two men
dropped through the window to the
ground: s.
Pete Rellman acted = immediately.
Painfully, but almost" unmindfulof
pain in his violent anger, he rolled
acro%s the floor to the .door and began
kicking against it with all the ford
possible in his bound condition. He
was bound in such a way that he could
not lift himself an inch from the floor,
Much less reach the door Iatch, And
his kicking, under such conditions,
was not of sufficient .strength to at-
tract immediate attention from those
in the barroom.
Outside Darcy and his gleeful lieut-
enants stewed their loot hurriedly in•
saddlebags and rode cautiously from
the town. When dawn came in its full
gold and crimson glory—already light
had been graying the hilltops when
they had ridden away from the Rocky
Way—they were far in the hills, far
irom any trail. Picking their way over
the rockiest ,country where it -would
be difficult forany followers to cut
sign, they leisurely made their way to
their hideout, picketed their horses,
cooked end ate a hearty breakfast, put
away. their loot, .and. went to sleep.
But there was no sleep in Gold Rock.
Joe Gooch, approaching Rellinan's of-
fice door at dawn when the last revel•
ler of the night had drifted away, had
knocked and received no command to
enter. He had started to tan away,
when he heard , ull` thumping sound.
Rellman kicki, against the door
. Gooch flung the' door open. He let
out a long whistle of surprise. 'Ra-
man was on the floor, bound and gag -
The - Hydro Store
Use Hydro bulbs for lighting.
They are guaranteed.
Kidney .Weakness Responsible
For a Lot of Suffering
Your kidneys are literally sentinels of your
health. They are the titers of your blood, there-
fore it is well to keep careful watch over them.
If they fail to fully perform their function* body
poisons are .lest in the blood and without . their
proper elimination good health is not possible.
Doan's Kidney Pills being a stirntilant dieretic,
stet directly do the kidneys and eaglet them in
Mashing away irritating • body poisons. (live them
trial.. •
that happiest of all seasons
Have the inside of •your.;lmnie htened by a new coat of
A piece of new FURNITURE wilt add to its brightness. A
pleasant'surptlse awaits you as to quality anti `rice of Furni-
ture and stoves it our store.
W. H. -Blackstone - WEST STREET'
Modernize your old seed drill and save
money, Merely by attaching an efficient
Preston Fertilator-you can make it a
Combination aced and fertilizer drill,The ,
ll`ertBatoris all eteel,and can be attaed
enaily to standard makes of Seed drills.
It•so, any grade of fertilizer, is positive
in action, and places the fertiliser down
the spouts with the ,,r�•ain !
Write far complete details..
t1ll:�* 4 i
ke'listair: ►lr!getj krhl.
All through.. The
ileteittOray 0 Earth* IBrasdeir
+Mail] terra a , etiel a d c.
"We vat nger, healthier
'hoe Netog6 0.6
trip, Pete Rellman stood en the plank,
sidewalk and w'.vatehed after the, stuge
until it dis peared in its usual
cloud of d.uet.., Somehow` or other, he
did not feel so. confident.
_ The stagecazne 0 the long hill that
was they first hazard of the journey
and ascended slowly. rAt the crest, as
usual, Chuck Benton stopped to give
his horses a breathing spell. The ad-
vance'riders had gone op around the
first curve. The. stage had stopped
?p- he -p gainst talgh •ail=
of rock.
Chuck Benton and` the shotgun
guard continued a desultory conversa-
tion about the possibility of a road
agent attack,which had been their
topic since the stage left Gold Rock.
peared, wear' g their' robes and their
hoods, but if by of thein had a con
structive idea he kept it to himself,
This was something unheard of—rob-
bing' Pete Rellman, the boss of Gold
' A close search behind the resort re-
,-vealed nothing except that riders had
been there and had envied toward the
north trail; where the tracks of their
horses' hoofs were lost in a maze of
other .tracks.
The blow to Pete Rellman's pride
hurt him .as much as the. loss of his
money and gold dust.' That thieves
had dared attack him personally was
'almost unbelievable:1-le sent his
hirelings everywhere he could•think of
to ..3vat�l , aud� s n,�and t t.o liiols
many 'in p\ -;:a- Rgck who were secretly
glad he;�'.ad been robbed. To maintain
his . ."estige, -be would have to catch
the thieves, prove• the deed on then
beyond question since- there Were
those in Gold Rock who- would •resist
his offering up anybody as a -sacrifice.
He would have to string up the real
xnisereants on the tree down by the
rushing creek, as an example •to
others. • •
Two'days passed, and there' had
been no clew found. Men who knew
they were under suspicion feared and •
trembled. Rellman had sent riders to
the top cf the gulch across the creek,
where the horsemen had been seen
against the moon, but nothing' vas.
found there except a few tracks.
On the third night, the games and
revelry at the Rocky Way' were inter-
rupted when there was a sudden
tumult in th"e street, some unusual
uproar, fol -there was no blast of guns
as accompaniment to it. Rellman
dashed cut from behind the baa; and
rushed out to see what was happening.
Men were shouting, running, pointing.
There they were again—the riders
against the moon! They were gallop-
ing.n.1i,g the.,riin'of the gulch, bend-
ing low in thejr saddles.
The same thought was in every
mind ti what the old squaw had "pro-
phesied. According tc what she had
screeched in the street, that meant
more trouble for Pete Rellman.
Pete Rellman had his ovvn share of
superstition in his nature as have all
inen of his mental 'calibre, but he
meant to accept this challenge t in _a
material way. He dashed back into
the resort, barking orders. He armed
his most trusted men and scattered'
them through the crowd in the Rocky
Way;• sent more of them to patrol the
street. This was no night on which to -
take chances. There was more money
and gold dust in the "safe, to be ship-
ped on the morning stage.
The whode devilish affair was bad for
business,' Pete Rellman soon found.
Even the most case-hardened miner or
devil -may -rare cow puncher had no
desire to mix it with hold-up men, '
when it was none of his affair. Men
kept away from ReIlman'e place that
night, after the appearance of the sil-
houetted riders against -the moon, anis
the Rocky Way was almost deserted.
The bartenders yawned and polished
and repoliahed already shining glas-
ses, swabbed off the dry bar. The
dance hall girls, themselves miserable
and frightened, had no partners. The
gambling layout were doing rib busi,e
nest at all.
itellman raged through the night --
and nothing happened.
"Maybe they got scared off, boas,"
Gooch comforted, as the two sat to=
gether in the small office after day-
light had come. "Or their plans Mal
• have gone amiss. Or it may be only
a bluff this second time."
Rellman sneered. "Yea r they
might be waitin' until tonight, f inkin'
we'll be off guard," he said g ' ly. ,
For minutes more they .sat silently
in the deadly quiet of the room where
even the sadden scratching of a match
for his quirly by Joe Gooch sounded
loud. '''hen he glanced, at the small
'clock -on the wall:
"It's almost stage time, boss" he re-
Rellman roused himself. "Call the
bcys," he ordered.
Pour armed mere came into the office
to carry out the strong box. • They
carried it through the bar -room and
on outside to the plank sidewalk. But
there was scarcely anybody in front of
the resort when Chuek Benton stopped
the -stage there.
The strong bots was handed up and
wedged between Chuck. Benton's feet.
"Paddy" Williams, the regular shot-
gun guard, climbed up beside the
driver. There were no passengers for
Eureka and Sierra City this morning.
All those" who had intended taking the
alage had suddenly changed their
Three ,;,ltorsernert, heavily armed,
were kvaiting. They were to ride ahead
and investigate in the pass before the
stage erne along. Rellman gestured,
airy they rode away.
"Keep your,eyes .open, Paddy" Rell-
man snapped 'ominously to the guard.
"don't think you'll bo bothered this
trip, though. They'll know well
trough we'll be watehin' for 'ern."
"My eyes'll be peeled. for every
jack rabbit -hole, hoc's.." Paddy aqui--
ed. airily eonfidett. ' 'Dotl't ycsu
worlr, t+ c ,•
• (To be continued)
(v,zo tu1ait; ,+ fes t Bong tnik t ' • . t
'Wass..l'ti'II'$l�.t ,r. rrsr� t... 'i t: d
her eiglitleth 'trirthga , on .ThtarsCla ',
,�lti`il Iet.' a • :digs
Barrows, s,, Wi o' w'
bore Ott th0 fatrtu w iI. Z t .sho s aili nye%
t fj(4y$ fa,irly goat], health, and' has a
wY.'iEc�ditkr dC'hY1''1f„qsc p.- _ 'i.
w' 1 s�13.i sreeta a1al' a nannht'r otti:
Miss Burrows on Thursday.
Bias :lX1zcIzt>il, .,Il.`., who is being
oared for, •hy S110 .Itutla • FQ1ter, re-
:elrecl c;ttlte tt`'shoeon—Saturday when
the ,litems]] home was burned. She
was brotight to the roster home Sun.
day el. -ming. 'We i isi► Bier "a 'speedy
hiss Label.. Foster returned to
Stratford Normal on Monday after
spending the Easter vacation at her
home here. tbe
'oaf,''` set tInto :a rut wttl► y`a>ut'
he,ts,. St !u;re not etu2,° 4 hat tella
the NvOrld,i eeX$'04rse4.
There are exPeeto414 at Y '400»lagartet{,
hats,; se/f-eoaildent fats, I -don't -care
Don't Bet people zntsltd You, stzxd'mak
hsaenhe .-o
dre s you're wearing. Try them all on
sozubreros, off -the -,face, wide
high or haw aTowns, dot let the mirror
be your guide.
Judse—"Do you wan u lawyer to
defend you'.'" -
Prisoner-,-+"NPt particularly, sir."
Judge—„Well, what do yell propose
to do, about the case?”
Prisoner ---4'0b, I'm quite willing to
drop it as far as I'm concerned,
rq4 ,'li4M ���
144, w, 'M 1 �� 1rt
Enamels .Wax
HE TOWN OF, G(JDERICH, in recogniz-
ing the valued service its two Newspapers
have -given through the yetrs extends congrat
ula.tions to The Signa1Star Pres�n the amal-
gamation of the two public organs''The Signal
and The Star..
The readers of these papers will doubtless receive
greater service than ever before, and at the same time,
for the present at least, the identities of the papers„ will
not be lost. The new organization is wished a bright
.and successful future.
It is to be hoped that this co-operation between
the Newspapers will exemplify that of the Towns-
people, both business men and private residents, in a
year when Goderich is looking forward to holding its.
OLD HOME WEEK. After 10 years Goderich hopes
to have a celebration which will surpass the Centennial'
celebration of 1927. The Committee in charge is at
present working out various forms of entertainment for
the week. Those residents who are not active mem-
bers of the Committee may do their part toward imak-
ing the.Celebration a success by making the -grounds
their homes more attractive and by making ire= •
rc vernents to the' homes themselves.
he Corporation of .the Town
of Goderich
H. j. A. MacEwan, Mayor.
L. L. Knox, Town Clerk.