HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-04-09, Page 1,4,11, • liatwaolOw -404V. triP44114,11'4 .''''PASVPIA;•PAV:01. In lie inld ititpx 4‘,ScINYkst' x,fa4a'''$11.4* lit430°P 'wiegbrO11014' 1"/IO" ilalt4(* libatUg wlth the fire ettar11', '*st fuss:Stet In 6V.. the1Y''P/:i 6 luill01#1:°'n thewest tsere tot411, century."tie of the 'treat destroyed. ex▪ cept tate14:, t for sOnl waifs w,b10, *Ore lett: eta.44Ixi ittet. -burned ti,Wa,$k TeuOPV4641,0,37..er# dered temttorariV"-1.,,,utneless; 'arid ,the monetary/ ioss'tS, l'eatinatedat $3,O00 - or '$40,0002+ , The bulklinga • destroyed :Wereapg ilentgorsiereii general. shirkthe 2Iont,* niVVY rage and serviee station -R. A. Ato• 'Intidvitare stere,, and ,"Tho ..etee, betel restaurant.. The Are 'started.' about lQ.45 pin.„o 5 s Ilt1.4 I 0, 0r4 ore--, e & e e rom an over • heated, ".:stovepi ap rthooth the',,:frante.\\.`nObie '4•Ttei!': its -northward tride the ;:itaagettale,liarti***6 tore and he trOtt Antil,d1OW, 4the':flre #,as;,:c,hecked eir.Abe:,conerete *all; of ,*-,,,thes, 'telephone eitice.;,' Tile roof ,of:' the o •'Ike waif, ;ablitzei,:-0/44 ttinato chztige'..of`wind, coupled;,with • the rain atid Sleet which Olt .04itit00-• night> allowed•theilrrOlghterI4Ao'vp.t.-: slop to the furtheeltrOgreitt. Of the. , ontlugrat,104- ••• Biliket-Orlgado at .,sorgcs 'Of ineni, ifortaetA a ioleket-;:h.r*e. wblle, ,othera saived . what ,Iintn1,00 they c�uld ?iron); the- but. they were 41-neble 71a0Alb" the .40A*which alire.04,40 ,400titoraerre ' honte on ;:one Ode :Utne- .41407ger** '.-ttarige '00 the ether'.. In qtdek ,i040oes5iota. 'AO*: Atiokeinde's Intrittismi-•*tote nAit 4171*.., Ithett)1 :hetet '044 TegtO*Atit-11)1:‘ Pre* 44t.tbe tlaMea, . -,„ , gadef,'-40.41red the amie,ti • 4901e- 4 actrarat -ether bulldlngz were ed 140- Nittriardf, Manager' or the .nuri..; gannPn -tsalePhone cetira1, plugged ;lir 031z for helpto 4re : departments At "Pedetiett, 01„704/. TotOneliti•Atiburxtand Xineardifte. 'The ,ci4rvi ',arrived rst, but • ,,tlutir ingdytnent *,inatrequite andtSe gaited', ground rapidly until the Arnolt -arrived with its, at. Jump. *6114, si*V elitermi were Pinnt)ed dry u thous:Ida of sznotzt.. *stet were poured on'the flam And 0,!ter.b.$ bul4unitt, At the 'Ve•tiene 't/ffice' Ur. WhYard iaJt to hi Ott while • the rottf, of',the Ind tdndows•tiVed .131 berOte''the itt-' totae bat 41,10*,tt tbe Irt1/164i I'4) flU W.,404C'li*Oket. thiltilt *00 beat 'melted the telePbOtiie sob* Abe*, 11,45 -p.rrt.; and au, 4102_3*11110ASOn: *ea Shut Off matil. neatly 2 ,otdoelc, when a *lit perati line *al rim in thtvilitti aalutta • Urea Windo*to the ..phone teeth.' IPirdit4 also • gave out about liat. 1,.1.*ei. and AreinorLaryl„_.eitlasttst._;00%. Won** and children, .stumbfed through the smoke With onl rodeittional Ilitalies of 'brilliants at the fire caught - •• !eirs,1 Men and boyi brioed tertifie beat to drive -111d .13eVt. automebilee frOin "ilatotiretiale's garage thrOugh sinoka and game to safety. It was - only & Yet' *4(4)(1.ntinlieri 041. Pair 5) , the desired h fire 4413oi ped at;ititlf.Ottz't or 11 erx.'110t not onbWtyHes- tsr the tk .:,.. years.. „.hr1gade--01 ,:000$10t04. :".bed-:afl - ovcr the '• ' . tit, memberqne put It, receli it$...# t'..bt way of reeoiii :„'24', :lc*: ,... that of uhti3O,.'tiiiveervleee, 0 ',.-Intve,,,,,'hs,n fItt1ng1. rcogtdzed;/,'Oirt..10;',others,,:,:inclnd higfeiteln:".:Whiett':thei ,,West Wn 'wiluosh'Fire InMu'anee00 pan e. to ner,In o1borne The ebtl Ion . „ ts , on; and oiild 0004,4711114%94115*"7tSUe'4). cart41:11Yd Iring on :,;:a0;t1::#04""ilt ' in th I° 11; , de-- turned over, end., for end anfta otnee.44)nllcetd 4.t' ca4leett044 iiltlae nt ttho °It', .rattoloo,icri , * one4r),Verk o bOokro.1:06,44,e44,,,,,Ilt,tiiitt":..it't'o°1;O:ZYsfsba..'rbuteli.,,,iottEit4441,,011:0,0iion:erite. ahe ct' . , . tottnd, nor viii, the- /14/ne..134114-- Is - to„,x:n1.41*.iiti:: ,, ,.ai.tw:4:41 !oitioc ,t.: _,,,rtg,753-, iyoptp, evto'hve:::D. ric4,har:t'ilitii77 Ye'l*t 117°14,10°:::4: *ititoOlotin•;* n 15"14)escaed ” 64141'4* • , Trees from $000,70'.,Engl PlantedBe .,1,10,t0 0 ovenatieil, ,Day , , . . &Ale ,sehoois of Ooderici,V,With. throughout -!'-the. DoutintOti,*, Will. Observe Coronation: 'N'Y'gaY''1.gtii,- with the.,planting'of Engllsh "..Xfoyal.' oak...trees, „;,.brought trora,',Winaser .forests' One tree, will ,.-planted On the grounds of Vittoria: . seheol, and :another a*.'C'entralselloel, it was Stated at a 'rneetiag of , the pub.. Ile school'board' at 'Vietoria, school on. Monday . night. The, seheei adidten will otn out itt. a bOdY or the cere- moKes,' wiitek,00.141if will be 'held 4:0444,4*1**Ig fkiteol:pitth, JA*; Oinginnleation ft,O,tite heard, asked that-piitteittleiv. be ,evert.40 0. ",*rfuetiti” condition of the la OkniOc Ce.1414,:atAellrA.,„ of4Inerous''.,teiriplithits''ftinepait; entSr the, seereary Wrefe„ !Alt in' felt the school, yard rn.ust'no longer he left In its present .dhigrateitd condition," The Club asked, that immediate action 110 toot in, draining the grounds. The, .property .cOnitalitee was itisttnet InVeatigate emulitions ,and report to the board.; eon -km -14 cation -was •read In whlch the Victorlivtionte and. &heel Club ex- tended thanks' to the board for the, 004' WO* done in outfitting t manual ./trainlog MOM at Victerla ‘.sehOol,. .• "A report ot the PtOvhipIat trustees' atfl 'ziatelfirers' meeting, 'held at To- routo 'dining the' O.E.A.••torwention last week,' Was grvenby, .Mrs. 11, Mooney, , It was had been take* In at; 'se annual Public sehool concert -held . inthe lecture room. of 140X PrefOrterlantliurettretehtlY. Net nreeeeds ot th0 eliteittabitient Will be divided between the **O :Verne and *tool' eiphtt. 4 vote of ,thanks was extended tirbfr,--It 14-„, Player, music instructor, Ivito ditectkNI-the-,eontert. seplohdid' Attooto and " token .of appreciation .for the tie of the- lecture loom -of the church the seisairni of Ito0Xchurch watt voted the Atm of $15 and the ,thurch eatetaker the atiM ot $15. , •' : • Principal' at M,'Ahackletont of ditV 041 eehOcit, VepOrted fer , Mareit as 'folloWcs Number on rell, .2.10: aver- sgo attendance,,100.9d, Or 00.0 per .0144 penny bank dePosits $04474 For Victoria, ichoel. Prineipal B. • f4tonehouse reported es follows: 14uM4 34a t average 'attendance, per out. penny bank depos1t, $81.8L eteis a hig, gapion the west side. of Dunkanti 1S-,0,6111. street where wiped Out five buildings ThursdaYihight, The *airs of the garage,ar standing but nothing , is left'' Of the' frme stores On eitlie'r.§ide. At the left of •the tiortli, Is X corner of the gutted gapage building; at the xigh,t telephone office building which was Salted by heroic efforts, it10,stQrched por- tion of the roof can be _plainly seen: Rebuildin•ttfe'vgarate has al- ready colnrnenced.. .• . 4 r iIiost 'WO ,•-,Tbere is several milhlon: :dollars*: worth of property In Oderitli taf*.PrOtrOtek‘and *SA- If the Or.411era of thls Property were, Ote wWlng that the firo 04000- .10.'fitilittric.1100,..***Iterie,there Is the- }ire 110tierifrotte*0 Assocla- tion. 'to I,er'',,o0o91.0004; It ph*. • he costly 'Matter -tee151eil erieb' to Allow . ItS,.11reifiglifors And thrift '.•eilillPillent‘''''to leave - • the tOwn,. town eminell. some. tiMs,.$0,,,Miala,a regulation. that 140 equipment „Should'. not he tak- en-004de the town 101104 • At the same ,,tinte, there ,Is much disappotment, .erie citizens. that; as, matter of no* the town'a fire ,depstrtnient dld not go 44 the .„ as- sistance of the, ,H'soretV;preased. of...,'„DUngantiOn._Vert: *atilt" ,a1190110..leave Voila to help Bays Adequate Atteritinn. Will Be 'Give* ugiontati Needs of Barber In reply to the resolution passed bythe town counCif at its meeting on Marek Sth, reqUeStinc the filling .in by crlbwork .or other struitute Of the gap between' the outside breakwater and the end of the, river breakwater, the following letter- has been reeelved from Hon. Cardin, Minister of Works at Ottawa: "In lour letter Of 12th March ,,YOU convey to me-- the, resolution- of tile 'municiP41 Anouncit wheteljt it is urged that the, Federal `Department of Pub - lie Works construct a structure to join the river keel/Water' and the ,outer breakwater at004erieh, ' 'The matter vvill be gi.Yn most eitiefitLeansidevition. 1.would, how- ever, take ..this-eccaslon-716-0 that the matter has been looked into in ,thek past and it was not considered that the urgency of the work war- ranted' the very great expenditure in- volved; This satiation apparently largely exists:at the present time, but, notwithstanding' thls,'1.-eantissitie yoar town count'', that the adequate degree .of Attention Which las been given, by the Department to 'the legitindite needsi Of the harlot. at Oederielt in the past .will condoneto have my iiipport". The Signal's Ottawa Correspondent reports that it is the intention of the Departnient to Make atgurver ,off the harbor dud* the eoming summer. The, 444,000 Bill l'elsiborte outdoor itgotovediot. 'project, ..tnekstling ef 4411-001e0 frOM' the'atzeets and Jayiii qmder4ruUnd'..condilita and ciOle4 in the saexn 1*1! ot **town* was coMpleted 104 otn4 a of lot& hs At the lob, step in • rote& in town - .ttsweite, ..somoe. to-•worie, **a .done ki the .**4- 4ntlf of the totiOi OM tom Ago at *00st of 431,0004 „ In, the prd get tree trimming vas( done tog tree aurgeons'undet the stipenlilon lat the 11*ne*'" i'VtOl*ttbinetitof new ,'pa� a„ new - td itt the central *eke' cat the for the new at lotion's already hairs boon .ittatalled 4sho otincelbent, home* iite new arrive in a 'Itis Pithablef *net in, will ocelot * interior the 'office tiro* new, and *Ong 115 1ttsii&tioit addressing *thisopeii fetter to the radio "fine" iegineto, sint-vsers,, ef eteetrioni. *011anees In Particular, we are lith)itift 10 itrotaie itt each willlngnese to 0.operate With theiLlocal, iltadio. Association in its, effort to make radio .i'ettiptiOn in tiOderielt .something approsiehing that goal Irbil* We as ..Atittie it the desire of every "listen-er :. • :The ootion :into been Alike& re' '"Vithat M the /tadie Ass04' tiefr ,doing la' the _tatter Of.'hieal. nterfer -once?"' • • As 'Yetir secretary, 1 eta assure you that your eoutoottse has never letup itt its efforts o complete.- the took It ivetty,ted at the citizens' meeting Ateir mule two years age, .,.•- rem* Of A close Stoat Of Ali mitganiste dealing with -Odle And it* psobletns,we 'have -contatted %Orr' oolltrte: wherein Information mfght be gathered widert Would:hey ptit% aggravating and 'florist.' local interferenet Many; rsqueta Ve,beeri 'sent to the Depart. -die Interference at Ottawa,. eti Were reloaded to very , to, **4 botieetere itotte tio onto to sor atd, - itovgti the soiree* of Ur. It 3 Doehniart, 31 i, 'who his given tonsiderable thought to Or treable, we Were favoted -with s Visit from the dot engineer of the DePartment at Ottawa. 'This gentleman made * very thorough stover of the ettialitleruti Willa Included test measurements tO diocover tbe. *foal :gtrength In our stibietpent report front tti**. the chief ,engineer Showed that doderitti was lower than the aver- age In signal strength, • . tehts means that. 'in order to bring in, 'Most stationsWe are forted to;In- etease the volume of our eeti Tbie increase of volume „tends to bring,itt interference ' *bleb' La init stilflclently loud to ,cause trouble When. tile vol. tune la redtio,d, ' the Ideal :eothittiOn !OAR be a pep- ping up- a the broadeAst stAtteir. Vhis Wold itteart stronger-eignalea leen Yet- Inne would be required i* tbe Which in turn wen% been the ,nnoth- ering of,* oftenamount, of tad sired *Wait Out with toositions as the* 4 we needs muet flnd mint other War out of our • trona& A4 a result Yatt defliMIttees (00141rniest osz Page, te).- Whit Tye on' Saturday attelidect the funeral at OttaWa lyrOther# A. E. Thorns,. who W,00 killed, irt a motor s.oAdent at Vinelleeter ozt Thursday last; Ms dea, occurred when & seven -ton gasoline' ttnek.ccollid, ed with A carin a funeral ,procession, kitting. two occupants, 0,114careened from another ear h -.(,to a head-on J0111804' with hi'‘ own velticile, He- died -instant but 4. cOnipani9a escaped wlth ser - bus injuries. • Vin Thorns is survive* 'by: his wife, Elise Tye, Who ' is a, clanialter of D. Tye, a ooderkh; siso by 'Vitt children, Prat:tees, .11110, -lade and l!i71P- AlsO ,rittexiding the tunetal with Miss Zdrli Tye were 'Dr. and Wr14', 'Et 14. -TO, of Milverton, " and R. H. Tie, of Ool- borte,, Northumberland Obut#. TRaFiC CASES -Showing the effects of a brief Os; tle, encounter owthe Square on Mon- day morning, Elmer' Bleere ColbOra township truck -driver, and , County Constable Arthurctentanit'gre4 before Stigistrate',3-, A. • ye.. terdiy, the former 'charted an officer, dtivitig without a permit and without license plates for his truck. The officer faced it edtinter-, Otto of %Moult, oteasioning actual bodily harm'preferred Moore.. The cAt§es were ad,Phitntid .4-'iteek; much; to the disappointment of a large unm. ber of spectators who attended to bear the case. Moore taeed 'His Worship With a plaster over a. badly discolored *left 'el'te and a $stiV Still markedby the list Of the efliter, Whoife left bend, broken - In three places by the straight left with *liieh Ite derat'With.goore, was in a plaster tiot:' The tutees. Oeetirted, When *tete allegedly refused to *Company -the, aire'er "bile he Made ,out charges for dtiling Withditt tierriiit and gate's. Constable Zetollttgati, it Is eald, Was pushed or'Stilt& •,,:*hett he attempted to take the keys*** the truck, and the 'brief tiattle WAS concluded. ,when the Odle& ,gate Moore 'it • Moore Wee 'placed dit /coterday *lieu his boutteumn,re to renew bait- 4,110Weret; Iie eeetirtd •nuother bondsman before eourt ad- journed ariti,b1A tail of POO Wits to neared, „ "The law puts the, teePontilbility on On to see that your dtitetor brew 4. proper litetnie,° HLa litorility. bid Itegier, of tgeirtfortlii, after Memo/ bad eaded not gniltpto employing• an un. ftentied driver and teatlfled that bi4 driver, Melvin" Aterilinan, Ld tod him he hod a, thartiteMil 'Yon *Mkt lime totiondisa his ' mid. the 'Oa "the fin* 't. iloutinnod titt, $01400 4). 41:t too Aiet areand the cornir_until oar Went 'into a intid and he was tm to light • . • . BO VINO .SOON The Atzt iiiipjto-enter bar. bor tide ritstr was the 1,,tuperial Oil tankerriocolitm which was *toted in by Captain ittupeii ItnIght at 2.30 o'cloek Thttraday • tuorahig.: :witit a oarg,e of , • eini000. *ohms or Eaaoline. . The trip was Mad* Without unusual 444444--;azui Whist little -Joe' there was proed no obstacle tO the•01110, whtch oxivect','"W*,'0,0104tato .0os- ahead et arrival.-. of last, year when anythingknew „about the If *0. Imita;* probably would; have keen nutde 40 give help In lha satiation.. The people Of -World* sym. Otingannon- ihe- this- "pathlee ;Very sineemtv with their (Wane 'which has befallen ,thetn. They hope ,the setback will he onlY temporary and that In due -4We-the ravaged,:p_ortien of the, 'village will be 'rebuilt and 'that • Dungannon will *.rise from, the 'ashes of today more busy and prof,3Perotie 'lhan.„ ever. aintort on . -o in Ott stern* ,Sitperior. :,,t*ha,socoute,:yciactaie4-..06aitteolook yesterday morning on the, return trip, there -was no•time for a welcome by the town fathers, but Captain' itnight Is en* titled to the new hat symbolic of the occasion. The hltr. Bertyton probably will be • the first to leaveof these ships which wintered litre, es she is slated to sail on • Sunday for a 1.41ke Eriport„ to take on a cargo of coal for port William., The steamers D. B. liarma, J. B. Foote and George R ,Donovan' OW are preparing for an early departure.pro- bablynext, week.- Athe °W‘el'eltelot rn Ci5anadexPamPitectourat vfilhens.Yard1)1 :FOUR -LIME LADIES . ENTERTAINED FRIENDS • ust ?ridgy, we were given the un- usual and much-seught-after distinction Of being invited to the play, Presented „bY_ !Wig of Goderich's yourigest set. Tbe program, which Was "hand block - *Iv" teed as i011ows: 'Vews. (Time ylay starts -1:40. Aotors: "bhella, mbeth; Variety, Claita." The actora h :play, they offered tap dances, songs and recitatiors, eeth number imluding ai entire thange of :onetime. • The 111-1116r .41A1-u1ty a having no music was over- cOnirt »y the performers hununing their lawnstieom.paniments. rtf, pereharice, the ;dance, or the.song. was not corn - Plaid by the time the setors left the starm the inertly kept on dancing or singing behindthe atenes until theY reached the end‘, -then they Atopped iti well regulated companies, ;thee were no, lerg • waits between liteties," .Alkigether, the evening proved a MetotWlor actors and audience • HEAVY RAIN AND PROST • .PLAY HAVOC WITH ROADS The toad tolantisslon of Huron eOUritY, meeting in the ,oillee of T.- E. V.itterson, 00firitY •Otiginter„ on Wed- ileadaY, were informed titnt heavy rains 4114 frostintit rendered many county reads 11110'001e. Washouts are Mime -rens, lit many ,plaece they have appeared for the dot time, and the roads north Of Dinigatnion and front Walton to lityth are badly broken up. At Abe meeting oh Wednesday -a netnber'ef aecldent eIalm9 were_caat "sidered *nda fitted:016n took place re- lative to the asicumption et roads by the 1.r�vince., It was (leaded to tender for two 4ne.yri*141111.1tt ttueitteg*'othenttiterit8int:ubitlitt 1.)10 Arinbeiro'ilf444°. flied:coin' 'Woolen; witteli met With Mr, kottersen, are iCteeve,t. Odle', of Morris township, eheir- nutit; 'Role Chee.ter Mawhinney,.:0 Stephen township., And Itceve Veorge, ,V:ettgitri„ of Colborne 1eriths4410, tehestet, of Toronto, WAS, ilk 'fAMtitt tat week. litildred Vitotlake.,', (if „Ooder, windily,was an 'Vaster sristtor her **sit, Attc Go, ,,Dearti that. *PLAYED AGAIN TONIGHT • • The ,Arthur Circle Players of KnOX chureh stored another 1za Jong list -of amateurtlieitiical triumphs last night when,. they • presented , the wtfil known .stage arid screen play, ."The tate Chtie- topher Bean." A full house whit 'essed the peratmance and registered delight With the amusing plot And witty dia. logo... The Arthur Circle his been presenting plays atintuilly ler ans,n1, years and the attonsire nutfit looked -forward -le eininita in kloderich. "The Late Cliristepher 'titan"' deals with a Deetor Haggett, his family and their, maid Abbey. Or. Haggett is a slinple village doctor in New itogland with .a .dielike -tor greed or under- handedneta arid he tries to instil this feeling into the ineinbers of hit house - 'wealthy and to get her daughters mar. howevr,l going to let nothirg stand in her way, 144ageoelalettas' silo i -g" her great ambitions being to become 6 , . 'Wien numbers 'of visitera from- Isle* VOrk City begin to eall on Tioctor lXag- gett and to ipiestimt. hitt% toncerning ti*me oil paintings that had been , left there by a young'artist; Cluisiopher • Been, .who hedv-ifiled of drarkeimestand 4111 incurable disease, Dr. neggett bee*, Semis of tda dhstists- for ihkkovy Ina& tots and treed, tealithnr that the r4e. tures tho Men are enquiring ii,betit art priouttyilborb•elesay, ulevs,itabmile4: takoThroutugrpous titrett distrust for all the calk:* from Now Yerk fivini Mk *bout, Belies picttiree and it is easily, seen that she is reludant to go and, look tor them when told to do k!"W Dtt'llaggett. iWo *hires to. Haggett leta go.out hands to it Itir Whitt pietare forger, before he teatime that. there bt aty ahuc fle Minos& sells a mini. :.art -dealer narnedtiloseti before 141twe1l baven. port, the art edge ou View' vikii* rievnipsOr-comeii to the reeehe And values the pictures properly tor Ifisi Wife and he, hating thought the Plettiret hidbeen lerY care. leas witlt fdiein and Mooilagett lxt leentin ineetlug on F1da7 night last, 0ar 4:1:1 to tt'..:xlitikto 041,0, •ise4i.;4de4ne,tt.' In lek His owere Tn. NOW '411,40 ingObetck !q*.l4 glett. Plages.iitlid•# wA,:SO.'9.11444014'10,tOr'. -rnii41.04-ef.latPert: lip.•-Uio'itite44:0.141:4,041.0e4:790t.::144.:0144u:00aperni(U41.. yreml.2401,11. stating' that' It should be recognised.' In': some littIng manner- And inviting 4144:1t01711:t Brown sald tu:o Legldn watt -prepared to tO,000r0.te. •41. any Owe adopted by the ,counell.. coononior Ilinghant. thought ..that the.,.tree planted. in Court .House Parat the tizne Qt 1Ingk ,,°.0e0".tge soro tf04 na- ,4• One n'-a6inelorinat, wway°weep! ., ---'?'1*,..;,A#titia.5444'ii4,00:ea. to -eohoit.( tee of the whole 00401. Hl!"Worship talggested that traille- signs abOut;46wri should ;p:ruletutemtue:ttit,o:::::$.,lgns should- be ereted. This was referred to tim:,Publie*Orks ' 'The, sexton otiStaitland.OeincterY re- ported nine Intertnenta-ht.)starelt. '-lltii,..Ainife.1)iteCartity.apPlied,,IOr,A...- biiilding' permit for a garage et her home •on. lgin avenue, .and-Ieseph. Oihsoh for On0,, for . re -Shingling, hot . house on -St pavlirs' :street. '- forted. to. Ore committee.. itnillfer0 Ceniseets The' auditor's' report for 1046 was soun.unhodi niet tot trt t.0:4 t.g tut 674 ot. ;n4d7 *frit 07, referred trt: the. coniinittee.. 4.fThrOngliaUt the .P*Sr year • auggesttons have been made Wh my Ailed -of. bookkeeping, Some these ' dont have already been -f011ovied:Off •'afttitherltrocedlire'lhiit04btiokforth- treasurer's staff to keep a • general -ledger, Your treasurer bas Intimated that be wilt -see such is done daring rilit tolvl:r 341-3 per ceat.d check of the tax roll, t ofunhtoseipul.a. arrears by direct toin4 ml ent, "During 1936 several- -allowaneear were made on old tax . arrears; hitteed, on the theory that they had been Paid but not credited to ,' their .account. There ttll1 appears to be -approximate= $1:0Q0 of taxes in arrears kilter w hich are in dispute The ,dochden, as to Whether or not collection, .01: these disputed taxes is to be bi fOr011 rests with the council.- • "Your tax collector is handling bis departtnent' in a :very efficient manner .and the new tax art'etirs. ledger recent- ly lwtilled should be an assistance to hint, " • "The public utilities commiselon books are well kept. 1 would, gest ledger for the waterworks departtuent. I am /letting this tip as at the lat J anuary,. 1037, to assist the 'stag in getting wouldlngitstandryteisod.• the council seeing to the gathering of all data "coneerli-• ing any capital properties of the town. 'The . present Agates used' are .rnainly rough estlinates." • 'A note ,fr,o. m the secretary ,Of the (Continued on page 4) To Safety When Fire De. stroyed Bottle BLAZE Fire on Saturday n4ht razed the farm home of Ernest Mitchell, ilth con- cession Colborne „township, but not before scores of nelghbors„ attracted by the glare in the sky, ,had ruidied to the scene and carried most of the ,,turnithings to stately. It was intpo‘. sible to save the home. • _ tA.kutiTf .t11he:osrsst Mar- garet Mitehell, i., who was serias. is41in.te7viseariedeetelytvou the burning building in the bed cloth. - ing, She was takento the neighbor. ing home of C. A. Itobertaon, where she is under the are of ber nurse, 311s Ruth Foster, The Are began on the roof neer * th-linitey, and dot intimation the chells had a 0.0$thitit, Rose voe when they heard the coaling roso tho **mega n they gained rapW liodwar on the dry wood and slit° Although a wind fanned the fit ettonglY,-.1t-yrobahly-wita-tho4n of tAving the barn, as eParlo and em. bets were blew* itt the oWosite dlrec Tite xlitinage, estimated at STb tWrOtt:titreovered OrY Vtbhtiellitierittingt flre about 10,40 p.m. was burned tO $tOttitd *Ore laldaight,