HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-25, Page 7•ereeek• Vtij4 DUNGANNON At Q*010 treet Unted Church ' PoroO,MPLONAtele., MaVela Emily , Owe ia,euture WAS *tutit24 • in, uotr.fr, vtate to Charles ' Movonder, POrnin • .4iett3te4"; Iaui,Xd011ge the groorn 4,4413,11a) late Mrs. Ourniu,'441 of Dungaunon. Rev! G. G. Durtoleleerfortned the cere* newly and Mise.' reettie-'B. Burton was Ihridesenaid and Mr! Kenneth 41114t Offended the grooni. , • It' TO, fOrli ttileINO'S • IS you live in, an eldiele house, with very ethet • enOlo4 Xuni furniture look low '411.4". Squat, ." 'try VoInfing the, . ceiling • a darker .o9lor than the .omile. This, treatment- .will .eed greatly • apparently"lowering" your -ceiling. I r",fraggint around Or day,. unable toJo • lekusfettalcs,- ena ‘with the thildrenee 'teelingPlistr kb Ito alatiiineiit on "nurse ehen. tha,klinV$ tuY cat eiereee Vilma • • IcidaisitdIthe-SyStein eloes with Headaches—hacksaw' frequent -1Y Kidney P11101,01* deisr„. kbe sYktetei 0164 nature a cbarnc,,,fa'restorn health • )114 ener; g.LsY„ 0.- Slice tic . ,Av IIIels S JOHN$TON CCUL,LgY fr oronto,,at, (continued) Xiideek 10)1110. "We're with 741,j•,,t ',4*.id..4.r10,',?,11o, said. ” There was k--harely • perep:r..ibto ehing., to 4141 .00rey's • losh,01,?,tders, be- n,eatit Jake V+741.'i jljfitting voatas he *ant to No*-Wellt. .0 • the hOrsos.r 4hapter144••, AGAINST, TOO '14.0ow e.htkmi.„4,into "tke. • other .. • • , ...... .. coc* ictifff EI.XC - • quick,, Clean, Economic ..„ soesitio - .t) 14M61.11 eeee • ge, Mat ee the display of various tyles tuid-ntakes at The Ilydro Store 4etiM nei„ lokveff-sro7ttTiOce—e-Ph'reist,rfl Ile talked 'and, explained his plans as he rode,- prapi that leo-014 never have. occurred to the eimPle'r• '•minded Men 'who had thrown in with him ,with• their limited meriecei, proCeo. But those were Attributes in folio ars whiclATDarcy,vuhrd.' These,were nton, of type, he we knew, too; an • he easily beanie ,acquainted with them. Before the middle of the. afternoon, urged.by.,their adiniring docility and their engerneSs to follthv him in the adventures 'heslield out, he felt that tr,n4 them, and returned their guns. • • • Late in the afternoon, he called a halt in aSlittIenaVine, deep in the un- tracked wilderness of pine -clad and 'granite -walls. ' They disneiunted and •pleketed their horses after wiafrer- , ing them at •11, spring, drank at the spring hemselves, teal stretched---ot the ground to rest at the base Of a ,granite eliff_that towered high and Aboaseistat.‘,Atirsveakt,pereseitil a veimorszlial.sucer1ds6f4ene ows, with cliffS.and mountains majes- tically' rising like sentinels to guard iliem—a universe away frem the tries of Gold Rock with its teeming tide of viciousness against Which nien.! Could only futile inspotOitly. . Jim Darcy's tired eyes flickerel to closing. He opened them to .rene.r, to Hart and Kinlock: NaS at MV what we moot now.' Ws lipS, curled light1y. "Odd,thaeatellrmen elldn't see it tP;r4h ;me: 'too, While he was uhen They •rede: sJetvi$"!loot the ton& trails though the other/rig,. .V.110,4,; whioh.brought."0, aini,oat When they, carne to the 000014 AO found it n ,tlurknosS. . Vista, , w,US' laW;abiding •pluce,,not a wild Snip liko GoldRock., Like all spots which were a center range :country,‘ it had a. general •stote, however, for it was the base `of s Itt GOPERICH-- Us," Hydro bulbs ior righting. They Eli guitrenteed Their tied. their hi,it'se, in '•seelnde place in a ehilup ef..,Toshu4,ttee*,* the edgo' of ,,,the end*Ont,:fer ward "onileet. Darcy knew where the,store4 keeper lived in :bachelor solitude, and led the ;ethers there. latoolted on the. door of the cabin. Inside, Wlante was semehody came to 'the door gruMblings to open it and find ev masked man •holding rentaver. at his headt, and two, ntere•-nmslted men 6tanding behind him.. I "DOn'rbealaraed, ,” Darcy . Said, speaking in a deep, rumbling voice - "Were- not what We4niay took to be -- not hold-up pen. We don't intend to rob, you. All We wax* is to bay some things in your store. Get dressel and 011ie on over there with tts."? -Darcy Pushed through ,the hlf o ened door' and went inside, Inking Kinlock with him. He stationenrart outside on guard.. The ' frightened ,sterekeeper lost no time_in obeying 'ttrdertherwere-aii-cortheit-ow asysiown- to the store. Again Darcy put Hart , outside, to guard, and took .Kinlock in- to the store with him and the 0:01*0- 4ceerier.. , That storekeeper' nfay have at first thought he had cause to be frightened out of his wits, huthe soon- diScovered “thiflio-WitT5.-Tbitttnate mart. Sonitable fall last bight, and this clay has time before he liciUleut In a Stock a Iseen what you might cell a little stMea unusually fine underwear, end boot's, num. ',lived sleep, I'm .trustsag. yon. "You can, Lord Jim;" Hart assured heartily. "We'reyour men, me aria Dart. It's risky 'business dein' what you plane but there's 'something darn fine in it, too. Be mighty bad for you, if you're caught though. They wouldn't even gave you a trial. They xiled,,you and if they catch you near Gold Rock, it'll mean the rope shore enough.". • "If they catch me," Darcy amendel, his lips, tightening to a, grim line. He got up and moved a short dis- tance fiemethem and -slept •on the ground. They did not go near hini. but tee]: inrii &zing and got seine sleep themselves while their horses reetecl It was dusk, the world about them was in deeper blue tviilight shadows, an the last flickering crimson of the dying, sun touched the highest peaks when Darty awoke. He lost no time. "Let's ride," he said. ' "Where are we goin', Lord Jim?". Kinlock asked. as they moyed toward • the tethered hems. `And where are we mow? You Icnovel" "We're Airily a short ride front 'the town of Vista," Darcy explained. "To earry this thing through Wemust have 'food and clothing, and plenty of am- munition. But we're not stealing any- thing in Vista — we're not stealing from anybody, understand? Later, when we get going, we're simply' tak- ieg something from Reliman that he had no right to in the first place. I've plenty of money withme to pay for as well as fancy • velveteen trouseis, f�rOitO011th000 been reported -that 'Sam Craig of the Box C intended put".ne; some Mexican vecqueros to wore:, and he had anticipated a volume of fancy trade. The vacqueros had not mat- erialized however, .and he had been unable either to return or to sell tee steck. • And now this masked man with he deep voice was buying ev,erytbine •of the beet, for himself and for the. two other surprising bandits (if they were, for Whoever had heard of masked men who woke up in • the middle co: the night ever doing other than teke from a man without payment, infiess was. • a gun slug)._ - The masked man was buying widerweareiermi socks, shirts • and boots,. velveteen 0 trousers and coats, fency V/aistcents ahd black neckcloths, new hats for the three of them food supplies and an astonishing quantity of ammunition —enough fer e small -sized siege. Darcy called -Hart inside to have a werd to -say in makingehis own selec- tions while Itinlock went out to stand guard,' Then, taking it turn abOUt at sentry duty, the three disIflisSedO in the new apparel sild Made bundles of the old to take with them and destroy. Whilethey cheesed, the storekeeper •put the stipplies in grain seeks, whieh could be thrown across saddles. As Darcy paid his sizeable bill, he told the etorekeeper: "The less said about this visit of Imre the better for you," and as the storekeeper happily etuffed bille and o tAG 0 II ' - PC onn utes s4eiro et,* tohet, olontr of recent fig. 23 _ eldtere letteaeOn* aVerege or evg. 1,4 voice, In the yvarbecau$0 is sick. • At tow vivo, tune txto,..t two per vent of the 'working population Canada' 'are off Ikerlx because of sielt- yetmovticiptilitito tow Canada remain *MS 6 he ,raerri#404 " 1cnaWA ler* fact ti 'hyart dbItaliee infctiofl teeth,. and other di VO'retlieed MiniMellft health eXfteninat.tOne •Nwetet: ti`"s' • ''str ThrOeighteat Can dti, 10: whole -workieg 'peaulation, an aVerage of 0014 four fell days Or year are lost.,due • . . row reliable statistics, it Meted that ,about •70,,Perettents Of all s rtnd t AMon the, .4dult population a • Canada, it is estimated that aboute00 per cent. .of persons from lei" to 40' years etre not fit for, heavy work bee eaueenf largely preventable 'causes. It is further estimetedth4About 00 per cent. of Canada's population from 40 to 60 years are in 'need of tare , from controllabif not preventable -eartSes. - • Canada eau have health if it wishes to -pay -fee -its Tlikt has been proven by the effective results obtained in sttele, programs as diphtheria inutiiiniza. time pasteurization of infant Mortality reduction, typhoid and tuberculosis control. s Means sit Coutrol . There are meane available in Can - mitt for the effective control, and the eventful elimin,ation of such diseases -cancer,- tuberculosis, diphtheria, 4tpleoide-eif the.. people would only, 1 arn to aee these means. Catholic bishopA northern iec 6 whieli extends feene Alaska to the North. Bisha* erre PAls,12%, 1'611 aOan fly back to his northern diocese in ev new amterilete. The bishop, now in 'United 'States for eye treat- ments, was rescued last year by 411 aeroplane ether he had been marooned soinee=00-eneWeast ef---the-Matitenzie-Rlyere food and inedieine parishieners in distress during the .,"_stangettari niorith'S", with -the aid of the aerOplalle. BiShop Falaize is seen above waving from the satin of ' -neeetemehjee es and • to pay casl'e for them, Darcy snapped. "See to it. that you don't let anybody spoil the deal." . "I'm all alone here," the hor'Se refs- er swiftly assured. `11/Iy boys all i.vent down to the toWn to a dance last nigh and they won't be home till d:riner time." 0 - "Good!" said Darcy. "Let's get besy pronto," q• They selected three splendid black horses, and Darcy paid for them end got a ibilr Of sale made- out to a ficti- tious name. The three 4ehanged tneir gear to the new horses and rode away, admonishing the horse raiser to keep a still tongue. They led the three mounts that they had hitherto been using. Up in the hills again, they turned the animals 'loose. Through brush and under trees, through scrub pine and over shaly levels, elong the floor of tt,canyon• and up a slope studded with rocks, Darcy led his uncomplaining companions. It was about noon when they stopped at, the end of a little box canyon where there was 't trickling stream and n patch of grass. "Our headqvartei•s!" Darcy an- nounced. "Thought when I found it, there might possibly be a use for it some day. Always was good at find- ing hill hideouts. even when I was it kid—r He smiled at soinci ,memory' which they did not understand. "We'll just throw some sort of shelter to- gether here, and build a cabin later under the cliff." "We must be plenty miles from Gold Reck," Hart suggested, but Darcy'shook his head. "Not so, very far,!' he replied. "'lima men don't know these hills like I do." Kinlock was all keyed up fur his premised adventures. • "When are we goin' to get busy, Lord Jim?" he asked. "Not for a few days," Darcy said. hors- "We'll get in cznditio,n first, be sure we know what v.'e're about. A little target practice might•he'd good thing, for instance. I've always been pretty fair as a shot, but have been out of • practice for some time. And. ,in this garne we'd better be able to shoot nsiglity well,- It won't be like using- a derringer at close range." The others found, in spite of his modesty, that Darcy was a quick and aezurate shot. They Were but ordin- strys- -Their range experiences had not led them, as so often happens, into range wars where a quick gun eye and hand is of vital necessity. For three days they wasted amenunfteon, prac- ticing. Darcy showed them all the tricks he knew. He invented devices to emit° quick thinking in 'their brains -which had become placidly sluggish, O Making it necessary for therri to give swift thought in drawing and in ehooeing. And in between times they broke their hones better, got used to them, trained them for their horse .purposcee Finally Darcy felt reason- ably sartiefied.. "Tonight we ride," he told them one afternbon as the three were resting. • Two men saidenothing, merely nod - ling,. and Kinloek gave hie gun -belt hitch. When night came, Lora Jim Darcy led his two selfmade bandits through the darknessslowly, 'through rough country and over the ridge. After an hour's riding they tapped e hill and saw the twinkling lights of Gold Rock belosestlieni. Then Darcy told Kinlock and ITart something further of his plans. "You mean ethere goin' into town— now?" Reit asked, aghast at the idea. "All almie? You know what it means, Lord Thee if you're caught." • "If caught," Darcy said, and smiled a little grimly. "You two stay here and rest until 1 get back." Though both men wanted to protest about what they considered the rash- nees of the act, they *had already leateied" in so short a time, that the word a Lord Jim Darcy was the first, bet ana only word, so Alvin they fetid nothing at, he tutted and rode away 0. thieugh the shadows, ke.ephig out of mootlight asmuch as poseible.' . O At the edge of the town, Jim Darcy pieketed his horee. Afoot, be crept toward a line of cabins, at the end of wilielePeste the One Welt had beet hitt home itt 041 Rock. ercon O be tinued) othe " Are youinaking s tit the tsilldogr Bobby,: wrelL '116 atelirtii4 4•••,• r cc 0141 tbs. Unlined' unnuull large 'eauenuon4 toldea;.titoves nua. o e :ion, -ze the eonotnio value of such. 111 tbo, pleguthi‘e, a Oen* wasto irom, preventable, 131ne,o. on trotn.00lt tlaY.; et ver o Wifer, davni**, rut i going lio,bo Oueficelee,r rows UV* 4' Wh- Weallt$,M11 A coins into' his. pockets he prorased gladly, hoping•fr another such "raid" soon. They carried their old clothe; and -their supplies back to where they 'lied left their horses, and rode from the tome For hours they rode as the mean rose high in the sky and rode along with them. . Through gulleyreend blacksgaping Icanyotis they rode, through amen ,hand over wind-swept hogbacks aleneYs. deeper into the pine - thicketed mountain cotintey; 0who Kiniock and Hart having no idea where they were, but trusting to their leader. Far, back in the hills, they came to a stop at last, made cooked bacon, and warmed beans. and ate. o 0• - "We've got to have, better horses," Darcy announced, when the meal was finished. ' leinlock shook his head with. posi- tiveness. "I don't mind bein' bandit and, stealin' and maybe shootin' up a few folks, Lord Jim'," he objects -el "-hut I. don't yearn to_h_Lne...heSS tPlef." - "Were not stealing horses," Darcy said impatiently, "I'll pay for theme', In the ,saddle again they rode until almost dawn, wetirDrercy always lead- ing and his comp'enions caring little where he led, assured of his superior knowledge of the couutry. They stop- ped finely at the crest of a hill and 'looked down upon a ranch. They tits- moenTed and rested, making and O srnoking fresh quirlies until they 'saw Oa -man come-from.the ranch house, and go to the corral to start his morning chores. They they mounted again and O tode down the slope, dashed up .o the • corral gate with their neckcloths up and their guns held ready. "Get 'em upl" Darcy barked. The astonished man at the cerral gate whirred around and complied with tepidity in, the fac.e of the gun muzzles. • "We're here to buy three good Ve • ou'e0' veldt under ths uste SAVE toiro If Clip this od•oenicetreot .,, . pre4tot ; • it to year Atthar-tioith tkaier or rnait- , .1,taowa(1,tokildittorAti,iibit4lowtlys.se.tpr.i;!iitdeir.obtor pt:uticosits. cation it will be accepted as -.$0. - e toeete4 theepurchase of a now et% • Criladonoactoputtabino!ofikthealschorsitooparratar 'siTeS4t1h1:anif:i'Cialeticpbriigcea°t44l alonevvliicltinhywo7httehr; arator sells. No other American [liens utter wil give you a 8siarofee 1st' - writiti8 that his bowl h self -110ntint. All other American bowls are hand- balsnced at the factory ... Aoker-Holtie . ., bewls are not and never need be Se -- turned for "re -balancing." Twenty Other Exclusive Features en tem Eleven on the “cfnuitscor slovv7. to anger, ITCW MOW MOre years will go by before Canadians realize that they are being taxed heavily for hospitals and mental. charitable -orga- nizations that are increasing iii eize and number heyorid all proper pro- portions. It is known, and generally agreed that the pasteurization of milk will remote the chances of endulant fever. typhoid fevei an ercu os '00 E. )3 . McILWAIN 24 Cstinbria Road 0 Godertek ... I • .. ,,,,,,,, •11i, A ' OF UNUSUAL FASHION 13AR6AINS utt s Va maty • it Face- Coiteret. With Pimples Cause's Much:* Embarrassment" 'BURDOCK B0 LOOD BITTERS There little -doubt but that. impure and,' impoverished fdclotl is the soil on 0 whieb - those red, white, pus filled pimples do seelop tied thrive, and that nothing shot of a vigorous, persistent blood purifying ' treatment will eradicate them from day system. Burdock Blood Bitters banishes bad blood and with the bad blood banished the e.kiltt becomes free from pimples. . • Try it few bottles and be convinced. 1DttFiss. A lovely setection in Printed Crepes— ^ attractive ',large., floral designs. Have shad and long sleeves---Preasing t including artilicia1. flowers, colors Black, Brown, Navy, Etc. *Sizes 14 to. 20,33 �42,..44tto 50. Every ' Dress is new, and a real choice " assortment. 2.95, $3.95 fig,f44' GORDON DRESSES. A great 43.8tat Peattire,.0..Nalr sCI prints -.-Color l'asf patteragtr,Room comfortable' fitting—Sturdy- dinbable, fabric 11'size to 052. Novelty minute styleg., tbetk&yitrOtsi flotals, , • NEW 0 SPRING • BLOUSES , Crepei* and Triple Sheers, with short • sleeves, high or low necklines,' btitton and novelty trirns. Pastel* shades. Sizes 14 to 20. fir 1444424/Xes40, WHAT THE VONNE QUINS EAT Quaker Oats Daily Is Hard and East Rule • Everyone Needs Vitamin tt. for Keeping Fit Stored so Richly in Chliker Oats O -No mum vltzeseesedeet your vfotk. you aa Cross o Ws of; di* Dioaaao. - For dottots say dsst 114WV.04110“.. constieedeh, peot -waste* wbiehe milt* at you,* arid oW, aJik. atm mat when Wets hick * trcleat somas of the precioter Vittorio B. Quaker Oats contain* art alreedrocet of this great protective food eleatear. l'har'swhi s deny brarkfatit °Musk Oats does us in a world of good. So Ordtt by mas oast smut sksottior ittdo. A ifinitions *wring me• ham than la FREE BitioK WITH III OAT* 461j1.10Eltelkiltel.L. "DicklArlosli Beg OtoTticke-i.forliologiestirtairilat OF -mActio gigV.71.Zerotd2n4nrha.'w, ddsvrosdatfid book. 4Pet "" Special Offer PEDIGREE ENGLISH SEEDS Collection of Plower Seeds selected for continual bloom throughout the season. 1 packet each of the following. Regular -price $1.20 Asters, Mammoth Mixed lie , . Snapdragon, largo flowered, Mixed lee Larkspur, A n u a I gnsign :Wised . lee Preneh Marigold, Dwart Mixed00 . . . lee Naeturtinre, totible Go!e rt 'Gleam Igo Phlox Drunutoride A u nttal ' 31.104 ' leo Catalogue nulled free on tectuett. EDWARD' %A.433)3i & SONS THE /UNA'S ‘SPIeSIVIES",, 'Post i c"00 °raid Petunia, tilbtilied' an Se lied Mind 16e Portilaea. Double ,lithed lie ecablesa. Atirmal :Mixed 10e Stocks, Large Flowering Mixed, . lee Sweet Pei, Large fitortrint Mixed 0 0 . 00010e Zhamist. Mewed Sete** 00 0 ••1 at ‘4,