HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-25, Page 5awe'F'�ri'",�.`:,"•-?•r"Y1"w"".. I teP ,. r r -t i de #utl of. .. GGS and . PP 1E5beautify1y de orated, 'PH BATTLESH:I}PS,' � � � � till . -.E.AI LAE ANES;aid`. , oth r t. mp Sweets DO,eTS alsoAIRh ve SpecNialCEaster Boxesr Mere -'ton _May Have_ the _Beat �a::l�[od�'a a P -.e. �.qA peeser-hY down at the exp` 1G" don .and Wat rioO 'irtreelta 0014 azed the yB to hoar •a: MI0 la art `white sound entint from the 'Ogling' , o building kl htIkon derioh Collegiate lnetttuter'.` atPunu uttered bye vint tone ca me o mar above 55 Per bent.' and the sooty rel tones fro* those who had fafleget Ander the prover ial• wire. 4t.ren those in the `latter eaate- or t. however,- . are' heglonIng to change thei " tone anitielpntion of the ,eortaing Easter holideYs. At that they wrill all de . right -about -fa e n inel pien,t eather� ce „Keens Don't;for"get Mister W04101411 n just because'you allowed us to swim in the, Christmas. h lidays. ,you ,have;•, tot Provide .skating for the faster ones, (Well, no, we, weren't swimming:; in ,the Christmas holidays".) A yy +y f,� �pyyh yy�• y} .p �i, i/�y� 'y�i, w a• tAyti. ifltC t�,.{a ;.; et Of motf.T/m'A.tj ict a4.' es where silly/ t9, the totems, ih the Assernb y' Hall,, : .te ¢ eho ; h >tan ;;Friday. after itiOin : TheY we - Present ed. by the Shell 'Oil Co:'and;„proved highly entertaining, chiefly in vie . :...of� the fechiefly that very little of the.. ' n % 'was ,givenM'to• ,advertising and . this Provingi fairly nteresting., Three' car- toon/comedies_ . .e arid a shor• featur- ingigthe ”' treat.in er" rounded out tam !i program, h p DUFF'S. SELECT. SIDE BACON,"''sliced `27c. V► DUFF'S SMOKED HAM (half or w lb. 9c' xtirh'OIe ). - 2 DUFF'S ....5, M OK E D COTTAGE ROLLS DUFF'S' BONELESS SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, .lb 23c DUFF'S REGULAR SMOKED PICNIC HAMS... .,..1b. 19c :DUFF'S PEA MEAL COTTAGE ROLLS..........ib. 21c DUFF'S PEA MEAL BACK •BACON.,, .... ; .1b. 29c —NJ -FPS -PEA FP S -PEA 1* ✓AL. COTTAGE ROLLS . '.... , :..'gib: '' c - SHOULDER SPARE RIBS..........., . lbs. for 25c REGULAR SPARE RIBS • 2 lbs. for 28c FRESH_ HAM OF PORK lb 20c FRESH SHOULDER OF -:PORK -� ..lb. 1.8c RIB BOIL OF BEEF . lb. 10c SHOULDER ROAST BEEF- lb. 14c PURE : PORK SAUSAGE , Ib.' 15c• CHOICE CREAMERY BUTTER...... , ...:...3 • lbs. 88c LARGE " BO LOO. N -A 2 lbs. for 23c DRY SALT PORK (piece) ' ...,...lb. 16c'' THQS. LEGG, `. Proprietor. - - Phone 485 - We Deliver Hamilton St. The Collegiate, Blues finally •cti itur' ped the, Maitland 'Hockey ey League ehaam» they crucified Him, and the" lefn o .lain ` tY' at , i�f l ren Mrs :axed rs.` bt• Davidson. T t>e'meetia the Yong` Opla'.e " ,ton waa held A on';1PrtdPi event a \ it Potor home with. 24 Melt/s Ft11e Text la to . it 11dy{�� olors.• . Sizes ` to; ,1.# 4. v in Cha o the�d ati+�l e x :, t ;Vie t the y.. .... • FWh p 1' Sot �4+e '1'he W 1idi`Cus Cro ' loy;ilty followed by the Lo ' % a 'yer to unity n,,». , h : vrsy p ion, ` The roll tallw , iresponde+ 'to a h " . , fittmelt ith -verse'•of Seriptur'e. TheJScrip- mo a et Stu tins ` 5ori Ste uohhn 0,,, l " . 1` ',ArVilhe "xaie read My Orval. Powell, • °The pasayer Wi tt w iclaery fro th . 't r �e etr±ectivee.;.. Tree. sort.* ,, ret.. he "P* bred w ae . db y 'ulna. tt r ►l Norval moo.. k •Tit limn,, a via Pani" la'nter'n etudes. �� ` v. Q �' M on lsi., ,off ,chs'. Tr i» vaY Y#it ar�4a�c i r The ri+ V. j'0.h. yry41e; „'w ` ` y , he •. Dart, Briuford,:the 10 til.'`%$1tohor .,rhia 1 y It...h1rOo hl�e� to• r sl e 1a1V: u e in 't Mi+�il�+N,.tr, �Fnte+uth • aS. f 10,1 aI sn el 4,0'. niiit• 10 lttti .r0f,t erator," "et , , . , r, was Annie", Marion Cul ell �g topic S iritual, Paradox" w • read Eby, l laug, b ill, ,Vis. oorrbouse fold' rte e the story: of Wotan, ofipe, .,. •Rev. ,A,.. Er. Moorhouse led. in an intereetnt discussion,' A violin ,solo was, player 1l 0wo . xTho' meeting waaaoidsedih llln ) oun4, d . prayer, by d opined; e.., Games were played a and ocial lour dyed . Lunen w serve by the ; hostess, Miss Mari on Pott er. A n is Eastereb e kra'nion: Ong 4dsy .Yen1n .oin g'Beelewl charge. 1Su B y E.o' u" Cir itdu e . A. o, ., hta. se delivere: especially fitting. e- otn:� for the 'Ouster *Aeon,. n,. tbe s n eCf, "The Three Crosses," from the text, And when they were r e come to the e 1lacey whichcalled',Calvary,:thee pionship, which they ,have sought' for the past month, when . they, hander/ ' ittoria St Church a 2--0 defeat on a 'Sty ick: ice 'surfaeeF on Monday night. Walt, Westbrook bhgged both goals in a, game that,owing to the slow ice, was !dull throughout the first period • and ,the greater part of the second. Tt enlivened-u-p--to-aeconsiderable-•.e - tent toward the end when Victoria m on the whole was marred by too -Mulch .bad feeling ,be veeri thi two teaniis. This spirit arose -over the. fact that I the :Collegians- were using Joe O'Rrk;er.0 and 'Don...Wiggins on their line-up. These two boys, being :-second yeas juniors, were barred from the school tear at the start' of the season, and it; wasbecause of this f►�ct that . the Victorians complained. Perhaps the M Collegians were at wrong in icing in- eligible players but this was the first h time this year -that the Blues, have done so. The same can not be said for the other three teams. • • The league was too .much of a•farce' d in the beginning... Leeburn took three town boys and put them on their team while Victoria St. and McGaw were eontinually changing players through- out -the year. Another fact is that Vit- toria St. use players who did not at- tend their Church. However,•this was tin overlooked -by the other teams as the main thing was to assemble a good hockey aggregation and Make it i four -team group: Game the playoffs and the Vic- torians again abused the rules by _using Al. Fisher, star Leeburn player, in the second game of the series. The Collegiate did not .complain however, and Victoria, St. draped Al. for the final game. On the night of the de- •d• th Coll sate ranks were torn..asunder by the absence.of four P. • of their players. The Victorians were .also hit by the absece of players, having two missing from their lineup before game time. The Collegiate was. willing to fee a six -man team but the Victorians wanted to use , un- outside ' player on their lineup. When the church team carried out this threat the Blues decided that,they had had enough of this monkey -business and that two could play at the same game. •. Thus the usage of ^ the two junior players. The Collegians hope that there is no hard feelings 'among the Victorians because after all the Stan- ley Cup is not involved. .,After .the Maitland League tilt, .seven Junior Marines opposed a team cohposed of y All -Stars from the Maitland Lcsgue -and provided a very good game.• After a scoreless first 'half the -Juniors took 4 page Froin the book of .Jerry Laflamme. and. o rganiz-.• ed a ganging attack such ail has newer been seen in Goderich. No fooling, -'thou kids were really clicking with this brand of hockey. They were very unselfish in their passes and Y'&anged "home four goals. Walt. -Westbrook bringing two of, these while his brother Bill grabbed the same number of markers. This forams of attack could be A very potent -weapon" in the hands of the Marines tent year. e----, Results of the D. C. B. A. rifle min.' petition for 'the :month of February, shot. Albert ' Gauley • and Herbert Moody in a tie for first place, on the Senior team, with a total of 95 each. The results are marked by form re-, versals Of •Cnrl- Anderson and Eric Johnston,; each of whom led the field in the, January shoot, but are down. at the bottom of the list for the present month. Colin Campbell with a 04 led . • . SEETHESE .BEFORE YOU BUY! - 1931 CHEV OCOU'PE (Rumble seat) 1933 FORD TUDOR (heifer) 1.934 FO.RD TUDOR 193.4 GHE'V MASTER COACH 4935 .FORD TUDOR • '1935 ° MAPLE LEAF TRUCK, (�dthals) tors, one on the right hand:and then other` on the •left." 'During the sei'viee: ai duet, "Nailed to' the - Cross"' `was* . sung' by Esther"and . Everett M- liwain. ,,, . Next Sunday,. Easter services will be .celebrated at Union ,chI, .Ah When the'astoi.� essage.' rid.there will be special_ hc eholiL . - ]DUNGANNON _ .�4C+.♦yy�..r w,....,.- w re`" morn- ing moved' aby :�eaath �?� 'NTediaeec`i�ay m 1 ! i �tig ii<� i:"he. person e�,k ;yrs bttthsfll** rownice! following a} four m 10,13ng which time, she Under - vole .y r. 1�1�1,,1ry, AA �y+���• �ry wea;it� " a. i.io s opera tiolu h t �Brd ta`nn fat ,; oi�. ri. 0 er. h m i � vots.-. year,, d eh oiatarierly rs; Cls, end'was. otn, • , est 'Nueva* ata Mi. afhcl he r. t1.4:174. n s ,t edea t o h h u. resident of dtorich for elk fo�i.ty. Ma's.�'Alexander Clark.: '$lie.h�ad been`. ase rnai`ritrd lit 1.904 she wee Willian't'Brownlee, at''. present an '+er ployee of.the'Godenich Salt Co. • Mrs, .: Clark was a nnember� of Victoria St. .ited Chureh, ll deliver. .the. Easter' Besides her husband,, three daaght bias, survive, ey are: 3 _ le ,Breekaw' Miss Velma And Miss Mabel c ai 7�i�iviilse �r�'ded '"Th' tlie� and •fou ister. lso•-,;sur:' ive,. -namely: William and Thomas Clark of ,Goderich; and ;David. of ' Kincarditie; Mrs. Tennant �►rennan, Mrs. Pearl Winnill, Mrs, Maurice Crawford and Mrs. H, Watson, of. Oetlerich.. The funeral will be' held tomorrow (Friday) from the family residence on Britannia Road, at 280 p.ni. The ser- vice will be conducted lby Rev.' A. E, Moorhouse of Victoria St. Church. In- terment will take place' in Maitland Cemetery Dil.NGAN110N; /Vier. 24th. --Benson Caldwell atid Orland Bero have return- ed from Iktew Liskeard', where they spent the winter in. the lumber earrap. Mrs. Max Hoffman has returned from an enjoyable three -weeks' visit in St. Thomas. • Mr. Max Hoffman is planning open hr's tailor -shop in Dungannon with t +:coming of' spring. Watch for his a:dvertireraent..next_ _trep1c.._ Allan Reed visited his sister, Mrs. R. B. barter and Miss Kathleen Reed, of •T•oronto,,, arid` his Runcle and aunt, Mr: art Mrs. James M: Wilson, Elora, dur- ing the past week, Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson, E1or,a. G. R. Augustinel of Bah. was a visitor with .his father, Mr. 0. 1r 8= us •e, at the home of Mr. and Mrs..`R. •Dayidson, where the latter has been a guest for the past two months. Mr. R. J. Durnin i5 continuing to make improvements upon his homo which he purchased from Miss Hen- rietta Maize. He has. removed the roof from the west wing and will raise that part high enough to make a room lan- stairs. He will also have " Hydro instal- led. Passidn We&'is being observed by the three Dun ariizon churehns, who are cr ing game e o erg. 95 •95 D. Parrish 94 - - X. Aitken , 94 .. 43. Barns 91 D. Mason B. Johnston 90 It. Blackstone 87 - • - Anderson 85 E. Johnston 84 Total • .. 005 31J11 xa RS ' inpbe'll 94 y{ . J''F• itk.1 all • . . • 90 g,Bogie ..i........ . r92 R. Hawthorn Y...9V • (Continued from page 1) orchestra of - victoria, school under the dir a tion of Mr. R. Stonehouse and ae companied by Aloes McDonald, followed With severail.aalections., A picturesque' Drench Canadian semis typifying the occupations and songs of the habitant was colorful and well aper- formed. A, Coronation dance executed by a group of prettygirls who wore white with hats And ribbon bands of coronation,Itue ara4 red,won apprecia= tion • front the audieac ;e. TI11s was fol. lowed by - at grow' Of well -sung Isengs, "Santa Liscia.,',' °.•r•''1'Js nitredrum." . and "Some Ibllcs !• Po" by - Pourth Book. pupils.- "The lantSp Atter" 'which coneltided the detightfui; program, was 'a, charming three -act "play. 1 nted 1sy a large Wit, --The oting scene "camp . of the. - 'Wandering. Mitistrels," the children were .grouped-' hr at, ring on the . floor While choristers stood• around the watls. The Jester' aPpeared a' gar little sprite, charmingly played . by Buie Wattle*, 'who 'vas ordered, -by "Roberto" -(Walter Barnes) leaders of the 111instrelas,• to Steal tine jewels of the king. tXn the next teem, "The King's Throne Room," the, Kirg and Queen are ; .. closed stated oil the thrones; :re Pages, bourne* and 1ridies 04thang about. The Zing's - -unhappiness fol'ids+v 1 ing the disappearence of tile ball is shown in .hi*.. tountenx ea and attitude. ' The apart , was wen taken by Robert Tlsikeet as was that of the Queen, lin. Personated tAltriel teach, The Lord High chamber a1n in ;sir* 'and gold braid Was+ done by `Baroid Hibbert. Di this scene the little Jexster by his gay antic*, riddles a1 d along, gradually br tight, about ;a chantge in the morose attitude of . th+c K, and it is proven in the tail,, ,%tht scene of which is the lovely g en of the palace of the King, that the Jester is the long Inst "Mt of their A+kaletties. Buie He lee was superir, inn the part, her natural- ness,pretty voice and ease Could not be n �d. w sil gradlety, Keith Ache- sots and DO, xgl*S Rolland, who were couriers, also played, Important p ;t"ts and sang a pretty trio.. ° - Flowers were presented to those tak- ing the leading tells,' Kisie Muriel 'titch 'and Robert Birset. Where there is a will there generally is a way to dodge. it. -. • . . • Mr an c y left. yip: . ,{.�rtistr is a� � ho e� _. "An. #`ppKtxtt4 , t - r;e ,. r it coon' B' li en Avhe . Y u as d ani k n .3t >n in the � p l hca d l .e .�i jrF 4 �� elutie�ss; firing' out, the '8t *: 'Sime011 a �trral�+e� h4?itse�f a 'stir, of clotlates, s RODERIV Now Retying -"The Plainsman'*:�-G& Cooper and Je*in Arthur ur In a • rte Mute +rpie. �' end CRARLIE f'UGGL,ES and 1 BQ NDy� .� ��x pre{. °. �, %. 1 , ... • . ,' ' . • ,. o-oal ,ecHwt.tnlm...}llFy-,--•C'h' t aaxa ress bks Charlie 'will. pro tie a rer+ --treet for yau� re. ts of ia�at�p # Adelt.h liitenjoun and Vivienne Osbe ne � rae T1t 111,., FRT. and SA JEAN rAl xua, take usinto the wide v ndsw VIREO' '11.1ciirtiRIMIt, and JACK ,00,11E t prairies to picturize. a :swift: adventure w1 In ,the oast are kiiwar Comin Gladys Swerthout" frit bintinees Monday, Wednesday. an cc RANGERS" llie and boys'. Nolan =•011.444i'AGNE '4it ,T '% :. • E. Salkeld ...............137 1,. Barker 87 D..Stonehoiiiao - 8 y IIShore ............... —81 . So many and so varied and• so attractive Cloth"es this :Etstcr,'that you're pretty sure - to find just the things you've decided you want. • Suggestions Galore - For Easter Dress Coats in woven French fabric, ballerina skirt, .navy and ii$24 50 'gray. Priced at . - Fleece Coat in 'sport style, pleated backs, novelty neckline;, - X19 5or blue, tile, yellow, green. Priced at • W Tweed Coat, made of fine .material, attractive pattern, smart $10.95 style; grey, tan, blue, maize. Priced • P. Fashion news in Millinery. for Easter—Follow the trend -of style. Tilted Off -the -face Bretons, Straight and sophisticated Sailors, Dressy models with flower and veil trim- ti 95g 2 95 ratings. Priced . . .y . FIGURED CHIFFONS New Easter Tresses -In varied styles, both women's and misses'. Bright girdles for accent, flowers, ornaments. Each .dress with $6.95 up nratchiri•g slip. Priced . •� � " th!`eldtest" fine Hose Ribtex, smartlypiped Figured Taffeta, French in spring shades, chit t3cautienrieres for coat, . suit and dress. with leather. Mesh in fon, crepe and service coronation colors. dell ns; Ascvt. style. weight. MEN'S SPRING TOPCOATS Easy -fitting Raglan , Top -coats in distinctive 'check Patterns. New shades and tans, Styles for Men and Young` Mein. Reasbnabty priced. • MEN'S SPRING. FELT Hos New slsatics• made.. -shades. S'nitart .t loelced, shapes. in greys' and blues. elf greys, , ,blues