HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-25, Page 30'• or • IFO s " -,e 70-01:11M, *AN arrEw N COURSE — Rs • - ' , A 0 , • 00144 Vt001, on ot lkft., 4701%* MP - 4041 of 41itai,1* lett hts home oto 4.4.6ton day to Cealdlence a gear* Itan a com- mer1at IetrUflcate' In aviation: Iffdo is ..20 yeam ol age Pt 'has alroaflyi. secured iis vole, orp`aviation lloense, ' OLDEN WEDDING -isitAltit 1.11 . , oinefirope, %oral .22,—Surrounded by moinboxs et the .0./nikii, Mr. and isratin-ssege; their '804, 'Gordon, -in Clve-1' *AO '0;414., a4041e4,.14e Rev, Mr. 00:7' erm4, er-Phal*Ors 0h440, gT* end-lidfav:=-Mcianty nracio Ott journey along the• ice �n talte-,Iluvorr. to commence their ,w044#18.‘: Ono: :then they have ''resideri, for the, bett0:‘,Vart of the -heir century in .'0.404., cerdine .1tOwnShip. Moth are p1 pion- eer fa*** ''4021.,; bella,•dieehter,of the 4ategr.---444-104- tmexahilet, Zitaieott. an$14-,*(r.' ..):0,0arty,... son or the tate Oartw Members ot the- gather- «1, Zr the anntversary Mrs, . .J. qm,..104 itivarks, • K4nc#010; Alex. Mccatty,,bhicato,. and roeWla and Gordon,',VIVI0144 P1COBAC PIPE TOBACCOL F -OR MiLD, COOL SMOKE 11. • 'MD renue ovx oburo. muat ure elnoch, thero beiUZ 03 names on the PO% wlth, "Matt.e There 14$04ovi3e. 10.4,4045, 10004 Togono MAN !yossma, antvery thankful to you people in wick" said 77, "year-old William Oarriok When -he Was fined 42. all OstrO 4474, triite;. a • nlivaa In:Li 14he a 'little /nore and - /night have to stay withsTell longer. 1.tOldlfteniff Johnston that downstairs and he eroMised toPro. Vide accomodation he declared while the spectators and court • officals burst out laughing. . Borden Schroeder and Carrick were charged with having a coonskin in their possession out of seasol?„ con- itrar- to the Game.and Fisheries Act 111Veder also paid a $2, fine, Its Crown explained that he'thOught the offence NYAS'InOre it, result of ignor- t Ance of the laVitiaan any other reoSeet hollow tree that was 'being felled 311•Pkrabton County near Grand Bend r zle ACricangila• UaraMilr • r'abcost Iwikenaes# IPAPiat$104• 1404,141. teifhsi 'end the Paine of the tester is Uso011iivray. Boaid: all the gtitatO" there are esteral lamlltes With„ Sootch name ti st)h as 4P Centeran_ This Uwe tot; est, 7,ashlithtd•. • • 00 f'i • «, .slaster of the 0004 VAS alSQ,.gl,aefr $19. land costs. mft TWA proved to Mae honie of the coon -and N.vhfaVitAaa from the tree it was killed by the woodcutter.- tle..in'turn. gave it to .Sehrottlei wbo gave•it to Carrick. The aged Man then solcrit to an El- mira fur dealer for $9.75. Waterloo Coanty--,policer•-hav--seized the pelt -Whieh4a. net rOteltle -tang4att.Y.4412.44.:- 1411..BURN's HEALTH tiit4FP11.15 tis e I :e the Joy- Out of ife • • - The Potent Cause liesAn the -hurried- life we leak in the extreme nerous tension andlever heat. with. which 'we *follow in: the Purett1ty of wealth, position ' „and. pleasure, Late hours, want of necessary rest, excessive • mental,or pliyelearexertibn all puta etraiin on: the - system it is unableto.withistand. 'No wonder, then you pass realm nights and get up in the morning with no ambition to go about your daily tasks.' Take Milburn's 11. & N. Pills and isee what they will do for you. " Hilbert Hirons of Myth, who *aa arrested near Brussels On Wednesday night --following an elite accident, pleaded*guiltY to fifirkig while intoxl- cate and was sentenced to 14 days in oes -pleaded 'guilty to asecond he Sari 13traiit and npOt failure LU pay eharge ,dreting wwithout"ces- $10.1itie And court ariell4 an 'additiortat• 15 &vein 5aiI.; was arrested bYCounty Constable Ono. Pergusonatur has been . hired, bY joseph Coulter of Blyth to dri e -the latter's ear to • Brussels. While in Brussels , he wished a hotel and ;had a bi_t_too-nmIch to "drink. pboA.6 xothiiiali .6f Wroxeter Charged with theft Of an -electric mot- or front Thomas WilSen, waS'relnarid- WiniiirreITIOLL Telt:Trirthe-nquest • 67 olms, have a -mental examination of the man. The accusal :WAS, remanded on anothercharge of having stolen goods in hi s Possession. Crown Attorney Holmes asked that a bench *arrant be issued for the ar- rest of Charles,Tew, Toronto commer- cial traveller 'Who has been missing for the Past two weeks and who feces a Charge of drunk driving here.' He is out on bail in the sum of $800. Tew has been missing from his Toronto home--sinee March -2nd, and .word has 'been received here that he is wanted ona drunk driving charge in Toronto, allegedly +committed a few days after the Goderich incident, He was .adiait- ted to bail on that charge also. air • ote, eke eo4tete ear comp. tete 1100it at the streamlined 'smartness of ala cheo,ouess fanuitis 4:404iis by 17.4hetn. ..* tooltcHini4e and perfect Ude, Inastaitsg.spitainlis r;Oinfort in Cheyrolees rich. into:140.4. iStinalaeli'aPd admire those gorgeous color tontilainationts • lb .* Here at 'hot true Iltatity goe6 handin.handWith; economueal t.t.ittisportatititi.. • . 4 . Bit beauty is only half the toy. Dthe ia 0100014 and *.oull never joieleta thin, the safetyilie comfort—the perforthattee .—that make Chevrolet ownership the most as Weit,a6 Itte moat economical experiencc in linOteriOgi THE ONLY tICIMPLEVE CAttlfilt$D $0 tOvii: Uelsteet turret Tee llociles by rittiliee "Atli tlifirielkle•bratt 'etitatten. Voles.le-Hasd teeeentY ta9taa. Self' anarnn HYdriults 0444 ride Mester Polo* Motto's)._ ..•..... 000i1,0 a 1!,",!4!"!• • I , ritits$14.,X BERRY - ivote4 northland pilot who has been awarded. the - 'Awls -Canada trophy for his sendee toaidation during the past Year. The award was announced by the Department of national Detente at 'Ottawa. 1 n Crash: et Wedding Car Skidded. Into Ditehearoons Die in _BRIDE IS ALSO INJURED Witieh sympathy is felt for Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Curtis, of •Delaware, *Vet the tragic 41egth of their- son, Glee -Ctutis, who diedin a Windsor Hoipt.r. tal- on i$aturday, as a reselt of injur- ies received in a motor accident a few hours after he had been married at the hoxne of his parents. _ The automobile containing himselt aud his 19 -year --old- bride, nee Ad- rienneDeschamps'of Windsor, skid- ded into a ditch nes.r Tilbury. The.driver of tho-oar, Clare Jewell, of Windsor, who acted as best man at the wedding •was held while police in- vestigated the -crash. He said the car skidded on the icy pavement, Oiled over and went into the ditch. �vi Orion , , , • ures usa M 140 CsAMES0 DA IN one 400 'people were, thrilled by, the good too*, presented'', by the Shell 911 CoMpanY .*.t the annual Le.gion. At.nome heldat„the''''Oddfel, #4i tevie.ii-Alov-iyottwO4V11)*'gr!''Ve „entertainment showed the advance .01* iyilizatipn from the-pme of prehis- toric man 'ttli to the p esent and drew otentuin"to-Oe 04 that as time ad- 'v'anced and machinery became a Part of every -day life, lubrication Was be- coming also a necessity. 'The picture WAS partly in technieOlor. All the apetbatonS were greatly amused with the "Cantcall comedies and 'featurettos that Were presented, - Card,games followed,. the screen presentation, Mrs, E. Craig itna t.tr! Ben. ''staing Whining the euchre prizes and =Mrs.= George \ Batter iand r Wm. Good the prizes for "500'; Luncheon was served and dewing, both old-tyme and modern was enjoyed. The moving pictures -shown at the affair., wde also shown to the Colle- este Institute students in the after. - neon. . • TURNER WANTS ."'INOREA OF:=MKG (continued from Page 1) an auto accident a few weeks ago. At the beginning of the -meeting Mr. -Turner stated that the council was patiently awaiting the striking of the tax rate since it had been decided that the rate' must be 'struck earlier this, year. • ' • Councillor Humber felt that the committe had been shelving the. tax rate question from day to day je tn the 'eXpectittien that His Woiship would be back. • - Two building applications were read, one from Mr. .Reg. Burrows, to build ayarage athis home on Brittania R. and a second from Mr. Jas. Connolly to, shingle his dwelling on Wellington They were referred to the Fire Committee. , •••••• The Collegiate Institute Board wrote asking for $1800 on their levy to meet expenses due April 1st. It was referred to the Finance Committee. "Thai will .have to be with power to act," said Couneillor Craigie. "That is just what we have been talking about lately,". declared Coun- cilor Humber. They know how much they want and when they Will want it, and there is no reason" why they can't get those requests. in earlier so that the whole ,council may pass on the re- port of 'the conimittee. . The request was finally referred to the Einatce Committee with power to net. A letter was received from Goderich Home Improvement Committee in which it was explained that an organi- zation meeting -had beet hektin_ the early part of • the Week and that, it had been decided to hold a meeting at which a speaker -Would explain the plan fully. The meeting has been set for 'March 25th (tonight) to be held jointly with the -Lions Club. Major W. H. Woods, managersof the Chamber of Commerce, Londoe, will be the speak- er. The'•council was invited to attend the banquet, The letter was received and filed. A letter from Mr. E. R. Weston ,aeking that he be allcrwed to lease the rink during the surname months for five years at $200 per year. Mr. Wes- ton stated in his letter that he intend- ed making improvements in the build- ing, and that he would like to get storied -as soon as possible. He felt that the business would not only help to bring people to •Gbderich but would. also cause more money to be spent in local business establishments. He also 'promised to work )vith the council et any time when they might want to use the rink for a civic purpose. The mat- ter was left with the Public Works Committee. Letters, acknowledging rifeeipt of the town's resolution in regard to a minimum wage for male workers, were received from the Office of the Prime Minister of the Dominion, from Premier U. F. Hepburn frqm the Dominion Department of 'Labor and fermi Mr. R. J. Deachman, M,P. A- letter notifying the couneil of changes In the Worlaneii's Compensa- tion Act was left with the Public Works Committee with -power to act. A letter from a firm manufacturing fireworks and offering a special $600 display for Coronation Day vats left with the Special COMmittee The Goderith Salt Company wrote asking that loading facilities at the dock be improved and put in teadirteas for the coming season iiinee-ruiviga- tion it expotetd to open earlier this year. The letter also "(Ants out that The very largely attended funeral for GIen, Curtis was held on Miondayi at the home of .his parents, Where he had been married, on the preceding Friday. His father officiated, assisted by a number of clergymen. The 19 -year old bride was unable to attend the servite, physicians guard- ing her against any further shock in her weakened condition due to injury la the occident, frhe driver of the ear In Which Cur- . tig fferefi.hia ftif,ailtilaries, is being held on.42,000 bail to face a charge ef crirninnl nogligence. Be was lodged in Tilbury jail until =bail , was secured aftor the crash. He ',motored -Irani Windsor in company with Caryl Cur- tis of Detroit, brother of the dead man to attend the funeral services. --Sttving Mt. •Curtis wife Adrienne and his 'parenta, Rev. aneMrs. X.' Curtis, are one sister, Mrs. Harold Corey, of' Sarnia; and one brother, - Caryl, of Detroit: -- .. (Strathroy Age Dispatch.) '4. ONE MAN KILLED TWO OTHERS° INJURED) • iryin speiren, of Ithicardine, was the owner of the wood lot on which the tree was' being felled that struck and killed Charles Glickensweller om Friday afternoon. The tree was falling and became twisted, taming it to fail back- wards on the . men, who expected it would fail the tither way, EickensWeiler was rushed to =the Niricardine-tiospital, where he passed sway shortly after being admitted. Speiran land Arthur Campbell received head injuries , and zuftered from shock. William tintleay, who was also helpirig with, the felling of the tree, ran clear di it when it fell and escaped inittries and sutrunoned THERE'S 110 DELAY WHEN You' oabEit A NE ,liytkiEynoLtr Afratet. 2.P.iSengor eNEA,cielitterea at tactotP,, Othrotii, Or, 060`ttli•letli, titolso and iroWat itielditiotrz4 aticet )1•044c,/ Lo Fhanie, griVia#1,.ro #004 icaI-transportation V g .PpATITrES .HAVE RUN OF BAD LUCK InCreasingl", Serino* * *Adelients Befall Children 01 distiOtior and Mrs. Threndile The jinx seems to be shadowing the hotisehold of, Meese& and .Mrs. Ed. Threielyle of the Otii corieessieft of Sesta, for withhi the put fortnight no less , than three of their eight children hate Metered withal* that so gradu- ated in seterity that with beciune more Selma 'than its predecOneor. 'the doleful' Series aPened with one of the• 'twin infant Aged sixteen meal*, fallieg etf a couch and knock- ing out * front tooth, betides painfully cuttitig'-her 'mouth. A emiple....o.Ldays later, Melva, a dye- pear.old daughter and text to the twins in tenderness of age at the home, toped off. &air and onto the edge of a 9a1l of Wiles Maki for the chicken& and tipped the steanting ra17C. titre, Oat* the htielt or both legs, sus- taining scalds and. btirrils *that tteoiatti- toted het' being ruthed 10 & Walkerton surgeb and steps taken to odleviate the .1 suffering and froth the effectst of whith mishap she IS still &Citified to bed. Shortly before, nine o'clock on Mon-, day nioniing of last Nve.li, when about to start her educational ankh for 'the week, With, aged sfk, and 'next Iti or- der or. Itoutidulr.ftet In the .fathily cir- cle, *hue riding ton the beck' Of eller gtri at the scheol,' had ther thigtin of seeing her read* kess her tooting on tt* ley pletfortit at the, school doortititt in the ceatti *Wit ;Wetted. Ittith tug - tallied ontpoittid• freeture et her fag, Oat the ft ' t - FOR F%SBING ,SEASON WWI Ikr*vittation trum-n til the second Week in April, tbe Kin- cardine owned tug* 'Vonattf 1,4* ba, been dojo*, a little'*0141tt\Mt ita own ccetnit and prepoint;to do mots The tog movements have.3*4 Seine, what restricted sofar, helot Oftfinea to Movitio' rreighters 1. the harbor, but she is preparingto do ;more, 00 she is preparing to lea'Ve for the fjvh‘ ing grounds OS Seen as She eon reot+ open Water. nce the endex Oit SIM COMPetition, would be iceene than ofdr this YeitiT eertain boat would he driven trOM the trade, it asked that the council take this fact into consideration. The letter WAS left with the Water, Light and Harbour Oonunittee. Regarding the passenger boat "Ala- bama,” on which information as to her, schedule had been, asked, the J. NV. Virestoott Co., Ship rePertera arnl Ves- sel Agents of Detroit wrote Sliggest- leg that the council get in touch with Kirby Travel Bureau for informa- tion.• The matter VAS left*with the Special Coninciittee. COMMITTEE REPORTS " Finance Committee. The Finance Committee recommen- ded that the Public Library Board be paid $400.on their'graut;-that the fol- lowing requisitions for the year be Separate School Board,: $1,400; Public Library Board, $1,900; that the sum latigt alfitett , 4,41151.6,14,11 c 89 putaritv (NtOmber • nnthw "Torouto, °Atari Lt(lAt CAEDS 'R. $611414t ./terristoe tuul fiatkitar• cc: lianditen rd, 250•-•ht!e„„threnced,to-Gjederie 'Contra --:--tsalurr-towaref to the government as payment on ar. rears owing on the Lawrence house. ,Welfare Board aceounts amounting to $174 were passed. Public Works • The Public Works Cominittee re- commended that the request of Mr. chas, Heide to have Bennett street gravelled be left in the hands of this committee to look into -and report ' later. • The Canadian Natiohal Railways and the, Provincial Department of Highways are being communicated withiurging that a wig -wag signal tie installed at thectsN.R, -Railway Cros- sing on the Huron road. •Water and Light The Water, Light and Harbor Com- mittee recomniended that the Depart- ment of Transport at Ottawa be re- quested to have the Baechler platform. cn the wharf at Goderich harbor be removed as soon as possible. The committee is in communication with the Hon. C, D. Howe, R. J. Deachman -and W. H. Golding with re- ference to request that a cribwork be constructed at Goderich harbor join- ing the river breakwater, a report of which will he given later. The Cemetery and Parks Committee recommended that a grant of $60. be made to the Goderich, Horticultural Society to be used in upkeep of the town parkettes throughout the town under the supervision of the Parks_ Committee. Work on Walks S. W. Archibald Will be here next week to lay out work of doing some of the walks and curbing in the Court House Park. • 1": 141 U ii aoure Of •bit at DANDRUFF CLEAN 'YOUR SCALP N • " A Good Prescription A bit of Hope, Makes a rainy day look gay, And a little bit of Charity Makes glad a weary way. - A little bit* of Patience Often makes the sunshine come. And a little bit of Love Makes a very happy home. . ,1"/.1, • 41., at' fr. • itarriste! and • Solieitoe. un Life • Eldgt, Visleloide and Victoria8reets. • Sireeta,- Telephone: Elotn.5301 Toroto. 2. IruaLEss 1/441.0T1#0011. oramp,,,oinmopoit tagRoAst,. 43orom1am liklitipped with eleetro4nagnetio baths. \' Electronic electric treatment and alto. praetic, Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. 'Lady in4 attendance. ,Olike hours .2 to 5 and 1 to 8 p.m. an tastatar, lorlasY and Saturday, and on Tirednes. day 9 to 12 sun? oak. Consultation may be haci by amentment„ .gonday and Thursday at lintahell• ' A, N. AtriCINSON, residence and (ace, corner of 'South Street and Sri - tamp% Road. Equine -341. ' Late House Surgeori Ne* =York, OrPtit— thalmic and. •Aural .1lospit4 ottOstant at Moorefield's 'are IkaPital .and Oolden Square Throat '1,16.sp1tal, London; S'Y'es tested, glasses 'supplied'. 63 Waterloo St. • S., Stratford, Vele-- phone 267. • • , Next visit Wednesday afternoon and • evening. February 24th, from 2.30 to 8.30 p.m. only, s FIRE INSURANCE AVM:MOP MUTUAL- PIMA 11ISUR-+ -,ANCE COMPANY. W e tarnish the splendor or our best atthins by too often speaking of them. rOargerromoragamm.ror FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PRO PRT Y ZNSURED. 0PIETCERS-431resident, Alex. Broad - foot, Seafortit ; Vice -President, 'rho& Moylan, Sesta-UV,' SecretarYtTressurer, M. A. Reid., Seaforth. • DIRECTORS—Alex. ttroadfoot, Sea - forth; James Sholdice, Walton; Willioni Knox, Lontiesboro; Obits. leonhardt, Dublin; Jas. Connolly, Goderich; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald. fileaforth; Alex. Mcewieg, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton. ,LTST, OF AGENTS—W. J. Yeo, Cth- ton R. R. No. 3; Ji.mes Watt, ; Sohn E. repper, 33rucefield. R. R. 140.1; R. F. MeKereher, Dublin, R. R, No. 1; Chas. F. 'Hewitt, ICineardine; R. G. Jar - math, Bornholm, R. .R. No. 1. Policy holders esn MO their •lissets— ments at Calvin Cutts store, Goderich; The Royal • Bank, Clhiten, or J. E. Reid's., Baylleld. VTEthNARC -. R. G. E. MYERS, Ina, B.V.. Sc. iarrotoutRY_SURGEON._ • Graduate of the University of Tordato• and graduate of the Ontario Vateeinary College. °Mee in Mr. T. T. Murphy's, Hakiniti ton St., Ooderich. Telephone: Day 20=3 night, 249. AUCTIONEERING 111110MAS GUNDRY & SON. Live Stack and General Auctionsera Elgin Ave., Gederleh Gales made everywhere and all efforts made to give you satisfaction. , Farmers' Sale Note & discounted. Phone 119. • • 4116.0 46. eve 3% FEWER STEPS.. in the Household Routine with a TELEPHONE 'c Wre• Actual te5ts in typical, honseholds, car- ried on over peribds of 20 days, showed that the housewife with a telephone took 23q foomteps in the course of her daily routine duties than the house- wife in the hotne without a telephone, The telephone saves time and energy; promoteg.tocial contacts and ispri ever. alert sentinel' in times of ettiergellOy+