HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-18, Page 8EfrOX,, -March I lottir like spring terday fo) the:first tirhe ntierkn the shap Pese.I ha is tit thls tree d�wn bu is it lasso to the tigtool house and AS ie *ere ,hYdre, wires running Mar* , made it * OroariOUS JON new. VrooniAn who is * Mager!, the sito ,Accomplished the it. The two was three feet in .d14 at the base tnareeniti be Oen tiIes roUntt•as it .t0Wered, shove rest.Ibe It hea tood thero for .10 its andwax noted 'for two ,things lartienlari‘la simde, from 'the son • Um, school children, and a gPide • 'era by night. Hawkins recoVerifl, • mxy Mr, Robert Igierr the sick ha recovery„is hoped or, MalCILLOP.JVIUTU INSURANCE -000 lillshe4•1170* • peszente $2400 Per $10004 -1SIMAT), 0101:11401"-Si011osto or Ooderigh /Luck sur., districts. zirce into the ditch on the left hand side of the road atter meeting another eat, Be tvas boo to odertch by COuntY,Oenstehie John **poor -who inveet tett the mis•. ' 0 en for the, tar foir.„-r .<ioderho 41, P414;„ March ile,, Xereh, 11. The Ladles Guild ” .,,„.' cars. AVOW 1004.P*tlick* *boo Olt" 4031, 011 olight*g 04 haul .:kig 3., Met at the home of Wile$ Minnie 'Al APPeoll * title *One, is . eurvived Altreiso to' he deliveroi •ogy, pieefa,, jh the , , Tie »n Tuesday. Atter,the per41,001 er Cowan, Of 00-4aAtti " Ave' daughters, .mrs, lowrahip •of •Colborno, Whete. itUttrUCt., 1417:4SO, ,tak„ r!..at . moon of I I% 2nd., 'when Uonal Stevenson via speak On io.1- zge or iho 40atag1tqa AtgeaSS t cli`„,00„ttlit are ou4e00, h4d0l4 the tioll Of 'Nf4 ten lifoloaced, ,Itumn mr Agrleulturat 'IteMsentatiVe. 1. ry stock. -owner in the* district would well etivile4 to„ attendthis meeting. Tendersmalt. t4titived. Wm. a1 4d. Stii• were the Oateicuntil s lov* clerk Tow010111,0* Cemorge, 13.TPRPV, Oollettoro 040404' RS WANTED ... • „ „„ ,NOrtit .):041totit, „ -4:fentile 'Gravel WO' 4/044reerte4 to 3-11' inAh. wt'Xirltpx.triolo' Weetikei.. 0./00- Itw 'Screen., viro*,„ to; Yeeth'gieh40„ 1. .* tO.iy•lia,_amootpleted • ..":441Y.„.„ •WrIt .11:140?;'' i # # 4jibbr 14"7' 4113# also WflflzW 11 Vid" Vic ono was . honored death Itheit„ her ruteral was held, ...Irom her „late ltente, 0on, 0, Ashrleld, Tuesdayon Ifierneon, being * very lergelY att,ended. Services at tite,honte ve , anti graveside were conductedby Rev. to fffl the 'racnncy' otris Y be re oval Of 'Mrs. Merton Otialtien0 • (nee. eittia Finnigan), letrs-aerb, Pentland ha Morn home „from visiting her 'aister, in IC' nto who has been. stek. ' ,Ivir.„„and Ws. iNerl 'MeNee Moved to their -nog bathe near -Dun T. Tarrter., During the,, service Mr. gannon,4, „ , • 41Ohn..lvieuiryosang *Very feellnalY.: 'Mesa)* „ 4tariley. and Gordon „ 014 Apnea, Pall -bearers Niteroi, ;Gratten' Vitt 0,. DurnitCarrivecI,ltome: 'Messrs. „John:- Mem; Motto .Quigiel,on . soiday morning .tkook .zoltiand'„Cecil arnt Harold genam all oZ A4,1,,tneld • azd ,„ 0bert 'The Olate • being over4teelted • • • • -- ntermen 1•17. Vas -'no thane° 4,0-* '0 • msterr. • Those - from Oh. • , tante resent for Alit,. funeral vier CantWell*. assiating ,174,it„,,, gr. Tog*, n' for. a few. •idays,M,„the bush,and and Orlin es. 1Pi1itteav0144, Att '1104 0f, 010.447 estate,%ebtait,bro4. Itntleatle 1141)14-,-91elt,„0-1***4-4003tet, "„r*•!*it)",- C114t4n1' 244 s'to-nialre„0,,,latribrutleir thereolyitiav es - 01,113r: accepted doo.rany e:ristolpe_ratrini:dotee.,:41,0021:'is,1111,„ ------------- -11 - oo3-13. • 10011 00derieli ; 0 NTICE 18 itiPlAt. --.0ArR('. Pereons 'having any .olalm ;wain; 'estate or *47 0.1,10r late of the, o 'ship of Itstawarteohl In 4114 County --of „Mir/JO, WIM died on or about the 19th 'of June, 1235, esn4 same to the Mi*- -dersigned Ton or, before March- 201113. 12,37- so on, '404 • after that .4iite Executor bikePhett for f aaYee J°10;,,I*Mri!inneY(-4.21:11,° aul, only te: the elaims hen vin attende4the funeral ot_t_eli, .04)131 retUrned `fi'cra their honeYineolli lv,h-toh or mash A.'D„, /93/., • ----140 and Mrs - - Wed 0E4, have 4,44),D this 4 44.11. in- IVIT1 It4 led0 On imualY" was Anent , • OtherA 110 Ahh ' mom atta lays COMFORT-- e),e, seIcer t „every ,esse Orkr,; a*. •With . equipmenti • • . , and.glatleie-Otted Ns' prices. • COLE R. Optometrist and Optician years *serving the ' people ot Huron County, HenrrItItsthews---attersied-4, 110-.tmi „ erlo Ontariok nneral of hie cousin, Mrs. DAY' Me -104 Oentlalla .tit on an 0X" gj • lie:tont for the P*egli hinnelr on'Tuesdsty, n with " het" brother, Mr. d;:-.3pet , - 4,togresielnr favorably is nol. so 11'as Iiia many friends would vish, atrie fine er anct dauht- Thereis still quite a, lot of elekneas er'*in(iupt was held by the:W*10We' in thia community, 'school being closed- Association of the 'United. Oh*li, 00 for day or two. MOnday, evening, " ;ladies - were• * Bev: Pomeroy is driving: -lurk ,seated at tables which were deor*teti Chevrolet oar., • , *eon, ona•shatirock. while the 'men.' The depression must ,he neirry over 'Wearing 'White shirtwaists , 0004 AS* judging -by the nuinlie'r of new ears. attendants.- • : that are on the had. • -1"itoring the dinner' hour, .7unaie by Roy Girvin is;• Sortie the Myth. Band, Orcheetra was on. trouble with his lcne64`whicli is tausjoyed, Misses Mille and Hamilton ing tonsiderable,pain, a sort of a COO •favottred„ witha piano s duet,' and the - back friO111 a iturt-recelvettgalicut- 20- --Missiii.-01-00.1luin "Blyth,enter- years 'ttiwnalliedlulifitaltrh:it'acovoino/tainfiintriemt ptioaguninArthetthei iviArEliING • evening's progrant. ' toastmistress,TheMrs W. LA .. • , . • . ..bert 'invited Mrs. HDiVkison.„to pr0=-, rit afid*,,MptorCar INMANCE gondon Ie Inenrance Co, 44„ : 1110111114: TO:13:01e. st., Gaittorieh 103e, ON HIM- Atar, MAPOKING, March- 10.—Miss , p050teast to ''"I'he ureItt!, -which nice. Blake of Stratford Normal spent. *as responded t� -by Mies 14-innio Cur - Sunday at her home, , • tie of „Mee 'who 13 °k furloughfrom Mrs.' .Thos. . Anderson ' visited n her Mules As:a 'sleSeellees in .4ty, 149htol . *Sunday. 'with Mr. and mil,. George.. 'Mies. Gan Pentland ProPosed. "Our' .Atlarato.Port Albert.' . - responded to by Mrs,"George. The Y. S. are. planning to a &'Latie„of:Aehfield United -Oireuit; Miss 'pt. fttlicks social in'the hall 'Friday WiInia ' Treleaven proposed ' 0Our, evening, • - . Mothere .responded to by Mrs. NO; sand .1‘ft$, John Blake attended trAtitert- Mrs. 'Raymond Finnigan Of : the funeral of their t eosin, Mr. Milton Graham of Winghiimion •The.'W. M. S. will held ibeir regu- lar'fitolithly, Meeting at . the lunne:: of Mr, 'Will Irann' Friday' afternoon. At this meeting the hospital -quilt will quilted. Richard- Kilpatrick suppl4ed--14- thik. jurtio)floottk thei Dungannon school on .Friday, on account of Misfit. ' The neighborbood was Abaci to heat of the . sudden .death of Mts. DeVld McWhinney Of Oteete, sister of 11/114, Jon titles who pasted laway In erich General Hospital on Sunday Ito -ening; Syinpathy its epixtended "?0, Mite, Illake in bet bereavement. ./ofrs, 8. J ,Itilpsitrick. returned .honie on Monday after having 0024 the peat two woks at Zion. - The young Men of this - sippOint merit were busy •last weck tuttiflt, *rood for the church, "Theil,reet were donated to Ott ohorohk A 'number a the ladies attended the ...mother and daughter banquet in Dungannon on Monday evening. • ASHVIE1441) gemitio, mirth Mrs. Mackerade „is bon* after so tiro- th• '* visit In Ortotto. Mr* Robert *Mins returned' lest Week front a month** visit with friends /A bank4and Townie. Crewe 'United „Church,, Pr9P9sed,"": the 'beast '"Our ,Elauglitera'! v4116 Miss Coralliticson responded, " , 'Notes of thanks were extended to all who had assisted In the enjoyable 'ermines liAceeoe Mra.v Painter of Godorich vipo 1$ the guest . bushel, I31 Zorwartongood titikh,le Pullets or net Your -beit investatent • to that . -er.d• Meadow Otade • 011101P; gotrey 43) notion ))red into the birds by -.ten rave ve of pedigreed OOOlterept. /earslot . ostto. vara,criu,tarly high Iiroalletion; their, dente :ranging- I'M% 220 to 275 e in their Polle Var... The rchttics we 011 are au, gout our Ownonly ot,to,t_Oechiqks lt,,ixt_orymealild.', re xequaleepl*„.', •-reePourselve3!, Owt •istellen ''birds07 Olatie....Varnt a onto/Iwo best '7P/try Is blood ',tested and ..lomslinent.,. inellocteci;' our 'dol.' 'aI4ttsivibe:lansYdeivti°,4:vOletl,,477doeur.44,740,1:::;e411„,4%itly.,4, 71141 rIe for lYfireh and "April .10c 04014,104y le 1 "Vill,e discounti4on large orderS„. EVIV403„ atitlfrroXo„ 'Ooderich, P1ion OatIow 14114 - • • - good photo, of ,person diving in derich garbor, to be u.tict advertising -literattire.„, 14111C, -'4wareiitors at h9r., -11 Baby. carriage; Mttet be 004,,torailtion,„ Box trIlE MONO 37—A6wW1-43Z-74111'11pnIr•2 for .thfs staVertiset1t �n meflt Apply to MONS SIIIABIt Coal ril McConnell at hag . con,,,vvirt45003)sp,. 014,,rTm. nat.1,0%iine:t1,4, at,0,1.11,36 p4u.mo• tt'ipoots *0 1.1 Per!: $ t1ttis14, ,•,.44tti41171011, •S1J OF „ ..110144. cfROM, r100 for wm.„. ',ores*, it Let' 0, COn., 10, ocilborn odic north of. Loyal), „ 711*tlitt)rTh/P11, notre; pomMeneing at -1,00 • o'clock 0i0014..„ -Jit •Ooderic, March •,„ to Mr; „..torioni ltAirori:00a4;„e daughter.; 1014Dorke-.4n„ the '71.0derich hoentlaii•„..on Friday; march.* : W;„, Ana: urs, W.„ 'Utte-04 • • of: -"••BaYlield,"(:."4 tighter, . •”„ - ..„ rlth' '•IhroePitalo On 'March .11tit,, tO. and Mrs, • Orville . Itodges,"gfolitiestrille, . • WX1001t..-At ••on • March 134'4" to Mr. "and Pi*/ jlEAT/f$' , . BOW ...,,suddenlY, at • the home , of his gotidinother, „ " W. C. at 'MIAOW,. on ThurSds.;y:!„-Ikaarah, 11, Alexander Maokonzie. .heloved son , Of :Mr.t' titid, Earl -Rowes, aged '4'.3seeiris and ,2 trionthe ,t• geolim..04n °East Watlenolti ,•on : March 17th, Itobert ;mete, -•itt Funeral place 4t4-604. from •Knox foreshyperlart Auburn, at '2 pin.- :interment in Bali's ocinetem' minNo Auartsoir 8,„.araz *or • gOtoEft, _ _rlinfamsomt0., az,T,AS 411 OPZINOR, 11/031,,, Wo have received Instritetione -*./forn .101. 14.4 Masten_ to soli )4..pibllc auction, at her home, . Street, Cioderich,. . , • , .SA'atORPAII*,`)itAly./0 20th terainenting:at ;Ms,. all the ;to tents, Including ,_ °and six clrosii,51triso: Ftarogr$4..,Vill4r,r,::440714:14741: tire*, fl'ILA:Ati suites-- coninlete .;.blarikets, and °the- r" • •.. • • kitchen ntensitel ,,*1„00:1' .011t111rwasS' selievretraT4errati kitchen table .one 1!29 4114 icashlaidan; twte, entre-ruts; one but. dloes Meat hIcok, on ,14s*, and saws; Inv/Orr baskets .4 WO' COVers: numl3er rs10,11 bestow f*ritit• jars and bottles: a,. quantity of hard coal, chestrott furnsiee,, trout :other • *rad*, • Ver./thing must . 'disPoaed litmitm$,.-.4ash, T. PitlYour, WO, Atietioneert 10.11 • speaker,. lave an all too brief acoeu • t her trip on .theNinty "Pilgrimit a foil account ,of Whleh°-appeared. in the Stars' -short time ago.; The thastra red in -the singing of jeO.' Cerir'• acia;?. at the • •(*EWE •tittecink lottot *14. noh returneo from the lumber tamPs of 1.lorthern ortwoo whet* 46 tpent--the lest iietiontlie. Mrs, Wilfred Photon' and 'children returned home on the debate on foridaY eV* 4ng Wk Et 0740X01.- sue41?,- Ithe sitikt „wail victorious, „ Mr; aud Mrs 001in Watt ontertabied Mitaber 44 their. 'neighbors. sue * gambol.' their ranter ,friendo of o Ititt#Y ertiting„ 'it Wm* itrnliersary. %ley Es 1$1It% ie otinuittnity short. Johril Itivett 1st' * valtlaiire bore ilk few ditts So. • • . mr,* quimand,. oi Toronto, 'WM "kith Ur. 8. Stitt*004 Inkitog up IL tow to° loarla of hat, • Matt. SheadletOtt his 6seri oon. tnd to his b*4 for the Itist°.weelc with rtu. „ earn „ ,r1;tetvid). word t cousith.litx. Milton • had Posed unit wait Shocked today to death, of Mrs. David In 7,h 1101441t WALL -March j(tr-44i. R. Gliddon.of Dunlop Is visifilig in And laround•this ' -There was large a crowd as thi•serviee Sunday Morn. mg on itecount otos° nis..„0Y being IaId up with the prevallingoold.. Mr. Orville It • s Wearing * very broad, eMile eat days. Upon inquiring it was learned ithe reason is that * baby girl hes arrived *t. their home., • •• .„ • 062*g-111*r meeting° of the W. U. S. was herd it the home of :Ws.' E. J. Trewartim on F-040 afternoon. .The' „meeting, opened, singing hymn, and prayer by J. gerbert. ' utt'e WAS '004 by Mrs, Wm. Jer- vis; *reading on. "Weyer" ***given by Miss.Ada, rindley; a 1014 was eenttibutett Lorne - Jervis vir YtAli YfilIO':**47,4114411 <lharl• to - gave -4:-Teadtnit on ZonPulLneettol esd road lira. IL 41:T Want to ealth Netve no* 470Can 11114111Di, °*r,i'1:4:00.,;• :Athos lees I»• $10 yda. 15c 1rd. (itauee, woe, "bottle '1112yare/00 * FOR BRIGHTER SMILES AND WHITER TEETH lr ,n• -- BAYFIELD, Mareli 16.— day evening the--;cOngregatVort Of AllOt Presbyterian Church gat in the bate. , -Illentim-sPand-.-.4-74000---evening- With - Dr. -and Mrs.- Q. E. Dougan who are AhOnt to take their departure torotheir mv„---tlel&ofvverk..4n4renton ' eAsion't9--presebtr.7their Want .hemtlem. The first -part of theeven- ing was sent in singing oidlotrOnrite songs, kdnet was sung by IVIrs.;,Arm- -strong andMrs. Westlake, and a Male .ieherns also delighted 'ythe audience. :Mr.- J.J. Richardson, as chairman„of 'the meatinCelaid kl1)00 several of the• 111 Niniciltwr • •lovit.e mereer'Y htiebend,' IiarrY Blunt, 1 pssed gvirvY. march 24d,, 1032, „ The towers we piste APOn grave, 'WM ;tither and decay:, Rat . the -.love /or him) WO* . beneath, pliall'aieVer *Walt; . reineuthertiiiby hIs4V 1•1„.• • 0.11.6u1132111//iligNi1it. 'loving mentor/ of . Cara Z. "whiten, beloved wife, Of U. A. 4:11:te...Mberlain; wbo-pawed elve,y- one Year ago today, March 23, 1936. We ,Icnov that she is happy • 1n- our ,gazdour's home above,' Growing fairer as she lingers, In the.. minehine missed by AVehiind, -Father, ,Nrother and 1ix ' Sister. COOS OF 111A,14113 • I Vt. and Mrs. John 13/nsael iisit to thank those who express.ed peth,y In any way at the tin* of the death of idt'41.„../.' tilbin,-*nti alio. those who lOtt4ed; taxa /Or the tit 11X Urs. W. Miliel, on ,I$Ohilf of ,the family of the bite: Mrs. lltigh extend „thanks to ilia* Who expreeetd .IVAIPath7,' Or Woke Who sent flower, and leaned eat* for the funeral; 1,4ro .Mlchet i especially appreciative to the neighbors and friends for 'their itialriess to her while' the tOnded IlOse dur- ing her illoSs. Ilx • LINTOiNi .01.414-1611, 'March 16.—The .tashion -oho* firomted In St.- rettra„ ithirldar Selma .146 tillionedel- night by 1004 *Writ) 'under the „iituipices of 2t. Paul's alind,. Ivo an interesting' -iftair toUn- ton F�r two hours model* paraded wesi- Ing new siiIL$, coat rid,dresaes, and men. preset for short- speeebes. With, a few suitable Words, W. Lewis Thomsoncalled On Mt George Dower to present, Di, and Mrs. Dongo.it with, reading- lamp. Both ,Di„ and Mrs., Dungan replied, exPreisir ale') a:ve0 successfulauction'. sale on Thursday. • ?rites seemto tinting. 'onct are spending telit days With friends' in Lucknow, • Miss Agnes Mallocicvilio spent - •tho Peet le* 'woke With; her sister in Brantford, returned home On Friday. 'Mr. and Mrs, Herbt, Stothers• tne, Thursday with Mr; and Mrs, 'Br* • Treleaven. ' IviiSs•Annti' Mae spent a day at her tome, • av4r4 and Mrs. Ewart Taylor event, Thursday With Crewe friends; Mr. and Bits.- Cecil Ohartmen Antie`' and and-- Mr: "and. Mrs., .,GbarleS. Bohinion spOnt Toiiigreondt$:triliotrhe.w,phicibioIlis:e.)ttaitoaj.i*te „ Leiny., day vim; pin aend gra., ,Raymoo 'minister atilaal, °°11/13:ega!lbn:' has been m0 bintntifttrinnoh, was served by -the ladies or the Ohlrrogatioh* a.44. Doug - an ‘*iii preach his "far0v01. „sermon 'next Sunday, . .theIVI:Virr* est. *VII; epreYelirehhaadsi:,4171vet fil7g4 tor.tite pale* months. Mr. and Mis. Brown sStdbury arevisiting with Mr. a and Miss Gladys Gale spent the week- end .i`ws:ELucyitti191zfee!,stvboeolv ldoXirkuoli-obeenZ,roter, visiting. in Louden and Dunville has .arrived home.' " „.' 'Stuart-SW.00n, and Kenneth castle, spent the week -end lat 'MLR, 'Mirth 10.— Mr; Gordon ail 'Stanley. McGratten and :14-* Ches. Durnin, left on Sunday for Kirkland , Lake to try a hand at mining ii.!°„they ' tan Secure a jOh.i • * • Wes Emily litaratten hr• oasiating Ws. Holmes for a month. Miss Myrtle etittwell it With Mrs, Tait ,Clarit fora 'short time. • ' Saistal-peoPle in this commUntty are 111,„ among them „.ate;', Isa-ac and kihniTabb,,W'm. Meltilight and -Alex. Watson. Brindly is suf-,„ feringlrom an attack of double pneuo Mr: A. W. Young- had the hat,pre13- oars for st fitilit• days this Week, . The NileT.,,‘ P'.'xitorid herding a St.;.. Patrick- Social' Mt Xstelt 17th. • Wilmer -Rutledge Is helping Chas.' Robertson, MX., for a couple of weeks „ who is installing hydro. Wm. Watson has a few men in the hush 'tutting logs. • .+ Mrs. Pomeroy is visiting her 'daugh- ter, Xis. 'Laramie, in Windtor,,' row. Pomeroy leaves this week to".•aeoup" patty Mrs. Pomeroy .home, They wilt - „tall at London And visit their other, daughter, Mite Alice; ° The **liar montlily meetlitg :O/ the .Axthur was • pe4tino; Ito.ont on weanesdaY "evening. -One of ,the special ltezn.s of hushtesevae arranging. /or the „animal' Arthur Circle 1:01434 "The X:etie • Christopher ° Been.” Eveci,v4. Thom - on were epOolzi.teel ;deltic,* • to . t•he Provlr.oIal to be hld In loOndoirAprll , 20, 21, 22. A Teti intefeeting ;twitter: Pregraln; Was Wetrided. .1103i1 Vatie: Belt „. reed :the Easter ' Scritgdre reading. .An Interesting 'etbrr was lead by WhatiMatYY- A, lileteting Vis* of the t;:t614isi 1143: sinir .psi;‘/Atts pommy. " sestutott colored 14ntiern god* on -Jerusalem7 and thS• Easter 13tery•-•'_-„WaiL.,31**.L.E1043 ter- toPti. • 1,,ho„.lecturo . on., the ,,,,slidea :wes ghnt.by Miet--.tita.,.Somervllle. 4110 -1001111$1 PtIneltAdeCt with the singing en' Zea*141mit, „ A Men •" A Mtn la What his heart is --his •raitu and hoes and purpcfse.i..These are hint. ',self, both the foundation and the innier- Js of Ins entire personality. .Ps he think, .etit in his heart, to Is he, • . ealls promptly sktintted to or z1�it Phoriti Storif 2254, lipase asit 1RENC*11 DRY CLEAMila WORKS 4' Properly tlegnedatldk ptestsit Allottio-make it person tee 114 new4 at4 that's. hi* everybody wants to, feel for the WisTpt ,PARkin 41 a a .44##4,41Wal 40104#40 WOO touts IN 'RADE4N$ ON tirsv 1931 MODELS -t936 tLUXI npriGE SEDAN, with; fleat9r: 1936 WtMOUTit ton, Panel' Delivery. 1935 PLY,MOLMI coupg, Radios and Heater., 1930 MODEL, A, PORD COACH 19i9 ESSEX 0:M0.1- '1928 ESSEX .SEDAN NE TEAM PP WOR,K louses RIVglk 7 ygAns ou onttob Reolpts otrly Etti4 1n ow Interest WWI r Taxa thls yettr mmt