HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-18, Page 7AQUND SHE OES WHERE SHE STOPS NOBODY KNO1 BY THE "EXPERIENCE OF MANY YEARS SU CESSF.:E ,OPERATION r Use " ODER. CW' SALT ky. doff not hesitate: to send in your' application,, > I 'partic41. lars, to W.'' rl'WI '.L S .; ProducingProjliteinig. Ooder ch (., 'orif you 'r idl i " Town, Ie0e ", vplic ltions in . The Si va ur `tic Sty"* Of ace.. °'"Tis . c intest: is . °open to all. Every c i ep y wil h: lav o .Conttatauts. j1* ►ou sing; �Ya � iT.,..+.6, �rz=ewa"� r �...s!nn-.y9 �,n • P ih Iw .,.�.r s +wr•� 1 I" dance,':recite, or-`pla n -a -inosinate instrument, why'—you arc.• weleotrie... Do not confuse this Amateur Nite with, previous contests inners- will--Wn the--rutining4ot''-ao-al1--ex---- • pe nse trip, as ,guest of: Senni»Reed' MfeideNtoolnettsure Clothes, Pit into the —picture. ALSO. CASH .PRIZES - SEE-1 WHAT AN AM ' E(IRR BROADCAST 1S LIKE Contestants will be divided into two :Classes, its. and Srs. Also-annaCCtmcing our NEW SPRING HATS "931LT" by "BILTMORE" FLO-GLAZE'PAA .NETS and ENAMELS wi I lxrighten up your hone to .advantage.' .Leaves no brushmarks: e We aIsa :sppecialive In''B ►THRQOM SES, PLUMBING,., and GENERAL' REPAIRS:° hist phop.,3 fol.: ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE IN BY SAT., MARCH 27th • No Entry Fee for Contestants --Your Talent is your Ticket. DOMESTIC FUELS Dickson Eddy Anthracite BETTER FUELS AT LOWER - PRICES. Support the men 'responsible for the lower prices. PHONES: 387W; 3871 IThey'll talte his body, when it's found to be mine. Chuck • Benton,• the driver of the stage,. will report that I left the stage to corm back - and try to capture the two remaining hood -up men, Everybody will think that the two overpowered me, robbed me, and tossed' my body over the cliff. There wilt of course be no sign of Jake, but my clotheson his body --will be enough for them tothink this body is mine. The head and hands are beyond iden- tification. They'll give the .body a 'quick burial and spread the report that Lord Jim Darcy is 'dead. I doubt if anyone outside of Reliman knows that the hold-up man who was killed was Jake ' Wells=--" he would not count Chuck Benton for Benton would keep his word— "and Rellman. won't be Mentioning the fact. It will be generally supposed that it's some an- onymous road agent buried under the landslide and nobody will care." The subtle reasoning- was too 'deep for .Hart. "But why should you v.ant ,.hem to think you're dead?'' he wanted to know. . "So they'll _ nal be looking for -me,"r Darcy explained patiently. They'll never suspect Lord Jim Darcy of be- ing the leader ofa bandit gang. We're going to ride te hills. But' we're striking only at Pete Rellman and his crooked associates, get that through your heads plenty. I know a good hideout -know these hills.. better than moat hereabout do.. • I know the habits ofna i coyotes, Rellma and his yapping yo c es, tool" He paused and looked at the two men,' an unspoken 'tttesstion in his eyes. Then: "Weill" he asked. "West about it?" (Ta;be continued) • MAFEKING, March 10.— Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Marshall of Kincardine and Mi'. and Mrs. Thomas Roach, of H0157- 'rood ay'r'ood visited on Thursday. with Mr. and.. re; Ernest Blake. ° Mies Jean. :Ritchie of Zion visited on Friday with her little -cousin, Lottie tgahnders. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay' Shackleton bindbabe of Arthur, spent the Nyeek. end with the former's .parents,'Mr. and.. Mrs. Minns: it .Shackleton.-. Miss Pearl Thompson of D'ungan,• non' spent Sunday at her home. Mrs 5. . Kilpatrick is visiting at the home of Mr. Isaac. Andrews, Zion. The Ladies of :the Blake appoint- anent are invited to the Mother and Daughter banquet next Monday even- ing, in the basement of-the.,Dungtn- non: United Church. n of Arthur,. s enc Mies Mary Herto u , , ,R �t the- week -end with her parents. •; The, s'injthy'of .theicommunity� is t°. The modetaa, way to- treat st,-+ nails t. ' 1 .. "MVki " a tl ' i moo yo 3 git'c 1t c a%c i ,.filo ' ' ' + h yoia hsn * t 'l*, t D . die solve 3 ''"A n," tablets .i glass rata s e. with tb3m time.. mei "Mj h1 ' � • terns y' �►U1 iso corahat . few;~ ' thecoldit sx • aches, lid .� t . i�tiiapt" The gam' will, ' b " fare. . Z� � f"�d';�ga�'� throat. r �`r wo, surtv�;� a xritr• ,lied 1I ,nf treating at�d.; •� w are r . tablet* ���;;,A, �����,,.."may Canada by the-. ..OM1 p ... -, Li,i ted,ofWl DitigOn eatende •to•' Mrs., James.Webster, the death of her ma'ther, Mrs.•Thornas Miller* of. Wingitam, whose, deathoc_ curred last Sunday. Mist Winnsfred Blake, of C:ewe spent Sunday at her home. Mrs., C. Mcrkinagh and Mrs.: Albert .Helm of Zion,, visited on Thursday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Biehard. Johnstone Mrs. Hairvey Webb of St. Hetes was ,Sunday guest. of Mr. and Mrs. Thoiuits . derson. e . l.Andrew , received word. d last week of the death • of . her oriole, Mr" Herbert Finlay, Tacoma, Wash- ington, U.S.A.. His wife Wass formerly, Miss Madge .Finlay, sister of Mr. Will Finlay, -nowt f'Victoria, B.C. „Besides his .Wife, 'he le survived .by one son, Allan.. The sympathy of this ton -mite - s on nit e-sIl,' trended tri t; `aar;xty�i#r leer reavexnent. - s •'b Young Webster "Mother, I feel so. 'cited!" "My. child, 1 doubt .r f you know what excited" *Italie* "Yes, 'Mother;'it'as . beit in et hurry ti S al 'over." ativ time'elf �w eetli t5t`8 rs of 2.+0 pep. Moticlay* i.Ai�:t. tSt , • jeaave destfnat on .: tit l mideislitteesdaygyatch 3,C 100' 13y JOHNSTON McCULLEY Entered acc6rding to Act of Parliament' by. George J. McLeod, 'Limited, King St. West, Toronto, at the Dept. of Agriculture. (continued) It required little persuasion for the two men to accept him at, face value, to fain* with his ideas without mach 'questioning at the start. ' Both men .were born :followers, and Lord, Jlm Darcy was a leader. Besides, there was something, about ,Lord Jim— ' He said to theme suddenly, while, they were trying to take in their new status: - "Let's go down and see what's left of Jake Wells.' , °Why?', asked Hart, who' had is positively refiled to do that ' very' thing before Darcy had some upon 'the scene. "He's shore dead. And a posse might beomin " . "A p- sse couldn't get here for`sscv-' eral hours," Darcy told them comfort- itigly. "`Tot until Chuck Benton gets to Eureka and reports the hold-up. Then they would have te take time to organize. .. Where are your hors es . "The three of them are back in the .ravine, Hart replied. "Come along, theft," Darcy ord.'rea. "And dont ,make any wrong moves. Itemetnber I'm'your boss from now on. The first thing for us to de is to take a look at Jake Wells. And don't waste any syxnpatliy.o r m... -.-you, especi 1ly`, Kinlock, Prom. whet I heard you .say- ing,. I imagine yo uer�e inclined to be d Sake -Wails *as a cold- softrhearte .. Murderer,. as w I a thief, blooded��ttlr } and if 1!d t n one, d later on the 'Was - the one down there in the gulch now instead of him.' They seArehed for .and found a place where they could get down the face of the cliff, end they made the perilous descent slowly; -careful not to sip on the rocket Finally they reach- ed fake Well's body.. V'ells,.they discovered had plunged over the cliff' to strike head, fore mese on the rocks below. No. rr ..a11ive• +could have identified him by his head, except to realizean that he was a c'lean- shaven, black -haired m, for .there were no'whiskersi in sight. The:body which had skidded on the gravel and sand wasbroken past any undertak- er's shills The bands were lacerated and pulped, too, beyond recognition. • Darcy looked at the body and Slane' ed back up. the : elope, while Kinlock and Hart, Already docile and: ready to obey,, stood aside and waited. Then Derck began snapping orders. "Strip the dead. man Oto the skin." "What— began Hart, but ,D r+v whirled on him, his eyes boring in. "No 'gheaticnsl" he jerked. "You tagreed that rot to, be the bost. So, 1 when I gve an order, I expect' to be obeyed instantly." Iis voice end manner towed thorn t and they asked no tttore questions, bili« went toward Well's body. Remove ell the clothea as rarefull` son a and lhand, them to frit., Da c directed. c'llput some of theta ora. what l have t and`them, yo 'II s at"e,t'.up mine a bit and dress the dead' man ,imthem.: Toa*tood for a rattle- snake like Jake but it comes in handy. He and I are about the same size, for- tunately." Darcy stepped behind a boulder and began undressing, always keeping one one of his guns handy. He meant to be sure of these two recruits for his plan before he let go his guns, or tru+sh-fk Kink n Harttted wentte abothenuttoo t'lxeir arrepulsivelocaaskd, but made no word of complaint; work- ing silently. - The fastidious Lord Jim gritted his teeth andflifched often las he dressed in Jake Well'; coarse and bloodied underwear, soiled'shirt . and socks, trousers' and -coat, He :flinched, again when he drew on the coarse boots which were as stiffite Wards 1compar- ed to his own fine footwear. -- His own immaculate garments were scared on the rocks and :scraped on the sandy earth, then put on the body of Jake Wells.'D►rcy had removed his diamond shirt stud and diamond cuff buttone—real ones by thief time—and. he had torn the buttonholes, to make it appear' that °theft jewelry,had been sstolen. He retained possession of all the unsfeelinginuch like a walking sae- aenaI • and hid 'Well's gun belt and holster beneath en almost inaccessible - pile of rocks far down the slope. He threw his own hat on the ground not far from the body Where it might have "nailed when a mant'fell off the thebattered Stetson put on a t�k� lfundd c�,_ that had belonged to Reliman's star kiilerj With a keen eye he studied the sur- -rounding terrain, the steep side of the cliff above the jagged -rock geelch,. and the He from the slept site to the bottom of the gulch. He " waved .ft hand at the two men who watched him Piously. ".Stand heal" he ordered. K:inloek and Hart. stood back. Darcy went to a good sized' boulder a short distance below the body of Jake Wells, heaved at it and loosened it, starting it down the Slope, a. torrent of gravel and rocks, to send up ascloud of dust and finally to pile in a huge heap of rocks and sandy earth. at the bottom of the gulch. Oarey came back to his new lieuten- ants, dusting his bands. "understand what I'm up to ?" he asked: the • two curious., men. They ,shook their heads, hunching, shoulders and Darcy explained:" "Those two people who were in the; stage ani the driver an salt Jake Wells shot .and fa saw him l over'the Cliff. If any- hod o as looking, � see what be- carne of him, the supposed bandit, it will be taken for witted that Well"s body .started that slide I just niiadc, oris It will also be taken for granted that his bob is hurled underthe. slide. a ft would' take?heap of digging to find out; if anybody eared ta, and wouldn't be done linmedlately,lf ear..' IIOL'MESV hLLE HO1. 1ESVILL , March 9. --• Miss Kathleen Hullerof Sebranggville spent theq week -end with her parents. . Mr. Proctor Palmer has returned fron} Detroit where he had been for some time. - Mr. And Mrs. tolhn Potter of 'Wood- stock are visiting relatives in thio vicinity. —The • sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Wm. Yea and .'truly, in the loss of their husband and father. Mr. Yeo will be sadly missed in the community, in the church, and most of all in the home. • Mr. S. R. MacMath is improving; and- it" is hoped he will soon be out again. , A large crowd assembled at the church on Sunday last to hear Rev. Hugh Dobson of Vancouver. While here he was the guest of Rev. and. Mrs. Herbert at' the parsonage. Friends from a distance attouding the funeral of4'Jr. Wm. Yeo on :►fnn- clay, were: Mr. and Mrs. H. It. For- iKenneth h Reeser titer and M r and Mrs 1'f net ell: of Locust Hill; also Mrs. W J. Rennie and daughter of• Toronto and Arr.: ets,nus Yeo of Winnipeg. . Hath .c rc rY escaped injury en Monday when Mist Jean Webster. delver of ane ear, binnped into the restr of a car driven by Mr. Geo. Harp er of Toronto. Mr" 1laairper•stoped to give a .flan a ride and Mise; ebsster followingbehind" could not stoyh in; time to vold a 'tomb. palleairs wete somewliet damaged. , • DIJNGANNON, March 13.--Setis- factory reports of a successful year were presented at the annual meeting of the public Iibrary, held at the home of the librarian, Mrs. R. Davidson, the president, conducted the meat ing and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie the, cis secretary in the absenpe of Mrs. J. J. Ryan. j The Treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of $$.73; the total re- ceipts being $178.71. New books cost $90.95 andthe sum •of $90.20 was re- ceived from grants. •A vote of appre- ciation was extended to the Librarian, The officers elected were: president, Mrs. Davidson; vie president, . G. Pinkney; secretary, Mrs. J. J. Ryan; treas., Mrs. R. Fitzgerald; Directors, A. Brown Mrs. A. R. McKenzie, Mrs. L. titers, Mrs.. C. C. Brown, Miss E. Elliott, bliss Jean Williams and Rev. T. R. Turner; librarian, Roy Ttu'tledge. Miss Flora Durnin resstJed& at the Murch meeting of the Junior Tsttittit e held at the home of Miss Bernice Roach - on Thursday. "My Favorite Prgverb," was the Roll' Call: The pasteurization of milk was dismissed, Each memi member will 'be -entitled to invite three 'guests to a social evening to be held. Miss Erma Finnigan and Mies Mary Million were the hostesses for the lunch hour. Group Three of the W. I. entertain- ed the -other -members and their hus- bands at a jolly gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Congram. The winners at euchre were Mrs. Wil- bur Brown and Mr. J. D. Richardson. hire. C. Congram, Mrs. Ivers, Mrs. Burton Roach, Mrs. C. Elliott and Mrs. W. R. ,Stothers comprised the group that served the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Young have re- turned from .Toronto. g;rF� Mrs, ba r Id e�, ney Residents of this neighborhood .were grievously shocked on Sunday on learninof the death of Mrs. David M,eWhinney in the Goderich hospital. She had been about her. home on SaturdayuntI,l, about five o'clock in the evening vrlten she sud- denly lapsed into a state of coma. She was hurriedly taken to the Goderich hospital but passed away on Sundey mbraiing. Mrs. McWhinney's illness commenc- ed about a year ago and latterly caus- ed her family grave concern. She was it member of the United Church at Crewe, where she enjoyed the confi- dence and friendship of the entire congregation. She was the, eldest of - a family of sio`, five daughters, andwas born on February 1st, 1$lii, ; on toncessibn 3 West Wrtwsinoftli« , December 21st, 1004, she to Mai. David McWhinney, who sear. ves w£t one son, Robert,•.and osis" Mit.' Earl Blake ,of- °Benntilelr. 1111*. McWhinney's mother aaleo asurvi s° and is in her 80th year. One- bream, . Warn. Hasty, Crewe; and foul. ' Mrs. Jno. Blake, Mra. Roy Mai liilr*., Wm. Alton, all of Ashfield; and Mica. Wallace''wamlley, Lucknow, also ser vivo, Interment took place in the Den- gannon .Cemetery on Tuesday .after- - noon in the 'presenceof a large - course of sympathising friends. Radiate happiness wherever you go And tee only the -good in everailoW Happiness is the art of never in your mind the memory of ash — pleasant thing that is once parrot, M Clip this idvect;semcnt r . r press* it to your Anker-lfolth Dealer•or aaat . to address below ... if used now and thirt daays,from datc�of,peihUe eta t l� a tc s, � � to' ard the �rT�se�a new nif CREAM SEPARATOR Oats One Csepel of This sr Other" - alai Acosta/these Each Separator The Self-Aalonrirtg Bowl alone is weer - more than the price at which any other separator sells. No other American ma ufaeturet will give you a guarantee int tZritingthat ^his'li"tS�vl"r lett s`balatiterws - All 'other American "-bowls arc hobs., balanced at the factory ... Anker -Na bowls ate not and never need be re- turned for "re -balancing." Twtidy OtheryE,�,r.re Features es tlwa -emir Bevan ea the «CHAu i4i E. O. filcILWAIN «te coati* R.si, Getltrietit If You Neglect Backache Tpouble May FoIIow 'theme -terrible paths that strike • you is the smah . t over the. kidneys, of the bsxek, right y a aro nothing more than a ery for .. bol f .Dial these organs. . � I► These dull pales, sharp .pauses teed' quick twinges, point, to the fact that ,your ki,deeya need attendee. e Pills help to tak. out the !diva" � . Dosu'e :Kidney �' ll p twitches' and twinges, lbinber' up the stiff baek, and give relief and . eornfort to those who suffer from weak, lamp linty ecbieg bee. ,