HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-18, Page 6' ' eemickeeleg Three Pairs ,114140:0001, *ridden gwaY in 4 ariover,\ ix little .41141)141'4 worn-out slioe Xpt ea treasnre Store. • , .5tur pair of leather, IsloVici. v"Atti boy In every ilhe. • lisnder sandals of Oft _ slippere hinter and ne. Of a ship k. SIfr 3.41, EYerY Y Werke Mit r*ther morning at six *'lock I g) work, - at, buttoned up 'round my neck, Ito Joh wouldI shirk, strter wind bIowa-4rOund my head '‘cutting up mylgee, tenYOU 'what, I'd Iliko to have my' 'lost old. father's place. - 'Zvtrybody works but faille and' lie its Around all tiay, ?eetin tont of the fire, smoking hi _ V100 of eley„ ' *other takes in washing,,se does Zerybody works Ai. out house but k ',Old Man. ..naMed WorkMoVed Into town, ,*.nd father heard the news. , Wilb near 14 -rather started la" or inhis shoes,. r, Work AVal e. my V'llifing.41.110 --- blinders 'on his eyes- lotating,,carpetsfather said he =simply was. immense, , • •1117e-thek the parlor carpet --out and Am* It On the fence, ly *Other -said, "Now beat char, with,ell Your might and .nuil%" Aktel father teat it right back to ate fireside again. HEALTH to6cATIoN ti-u-a-ait of unusual importance parentie"Sind teachers will be heard •jot Station CROT on Wednesday, illtatch /4th from 0 to 9:20 p.m, when *Alen Brown, Physician4n-chief of thelaronto Ifaspital-for---Sick •Ohil- nrn, will give an (address on 'Build- lite,A0althk Md.!' - Brown's 0410 address is being -ioneteged'bythe "Ifealth League of Casuakt, * national organization ;for. promotion of health edueatitm, • irtY-seven years ago lest' Sitrkiek Mary rUckharty, daughter of the Igo Mr. and Um. Matthew .toolthart, Matriett to. Ur. John 4ofinstl'in at Blyth,, They were attended by 'Ars. Bradnoek and ihe late - Vnemas ;Her oVnemail:014A '4 feet. 131.4411°.*‘ oA:fter t marriage. they lived.In Wlnzham1 wiz e Oohnetori operated a bakery, later moving to the farirket burn, *here Mr. David „Lecithart now )40. ,Mter tondnir for', a short time they lived in lAttiv,ira. 0ohn,. 4011 eti3Ogieg .in the cement business, tW:viS44.,Tetiring-te-reelee 111 Cede - 'rich. buret/404g Age "Vrfolt,- ro-Ocieuee on Newgate Street.itilitur. Thr-ii%trIters-7-Atisr lira- .• or the ? 4 "teaching staff of Vtztoria Publlc School, and Miss ,of the teachingstatt, at liskeview,, near Toronto. • 1_4.4.4"-#44,ristell'$"-sister-,Otese oS4M Of :the world long ' With motions 'quick arid nett Keeping track or the moVeirientS, of its7=1,-the two. daughter. One aster .,(01tarlotto, Mrs. Smille, ;passed isiraY some yearsago,_put another sister, (Laura) • Mi. Haven, ...reaides af7ireise°,' Sask. She has three brethel, Benjaw Min, of' Blyth, Charles, or Cllnton, and David, • of, Auburn. 0 'WAXY Society hekl or TiteSdalir aftarnocn, Mrs, Lane gave ome WaltitiuTh°ve Taylorlrr read *n interesting letter" from 1s5onary in 4.0Pint,' In giying ‘.° Current E!veits, 1 1144,3r et:It-4°41e /*newne411 tot duties :ntt 1C't nh -teM addition to Ihe', Moine. Atissio the baby daughter of 740. and , veto ,(Pri' 'Margaret Stumm) of eltoonvIlle; 'Alberta.", bon in January. MissGpdon Se braneh of the, 'focal 'Countil oI oinen was, orsinir,ed VOnclar atter,' Of1e4. The' eilleets. elected , 1011E- Virg Xtage, PrO4itierxt*, ifts, L. 4,Knox; .1r4s+,',PreAide0o Urs, A. 0, Cal- &eeretaryTreasure; ' tion aro e-ornc10 , ••• ..,1)„ resided and .stliO' foliowing "Zee rOresentathie . ,Hthe D E. Home and :00101 * Pi.a•Oe„ Wo04,e,-,410tItotes',*uct r;.144reiw Sationk',, WOO-, .17.rei0.44:` ."*eod441,05 Lane, .1a.',A04.n.0‘, •3. 4. ic.41449.40;' 4- 17ePt ',UOVo,.00n# l'requertly we react articles about the Pr', H.• Athrersp: '-g01;Atc?., .41tit0006;;40414,''F011*,; executiyea 4i41;...iiK.c?,114040"4:1*"0""' VerhVo''' tbe• ',PArtie014'..,.'. Wainan g..:81.1,140140.„, traslies:,'4.0tO'Oefegeitin_Oblri Tj#uttec and MIM the7:',*hnar'ah 404 i'34004,*,.#,:hignattl.st, •objto. of .0.taniption; she 'ot, be, to bo 414e -',",:aings__S 'tut' utiott, ,'-o.*-..:*00,*2„.4 -g *.federation of ' The 'I.cai w , " .the 'w1,14'.e*fr.o, 'Ffm-111 wOluen'a. 0401;04104 :00*.inuinitY zueli. •..Oneern.' abide etitUtiOn• 41°114. Council 01 s,W rive .4ve4 Morn* *01,4%; .447- Viroinen,.. and are *Oros: Or toin_inCM-:, -0494t.,*htoo..,:m*utei 144t to to .zoaseit,tonotioitok 0411:,.014 ,x4-icft..040xottntpdh-.7,-.04.7ti other lxi INeau.to .that Mlglit vja 4opthat 4.61 wok; help each _ 4. he bale is well on its way. 47S-nnf-)44Y100illa4i4.v. Nby,vivtotioorrialuneioXpelti44,:li'4triss,•711e',V).41041tigted *St :0101CS,WAS SPI}Olitted Creegat# -to * l''tOltingial, lAeeting to Aeld, in 1.011,11 in April. AS this Meeting is - on ti o Aar of ellr •'regular meetteitnyg4 010 APIlteld,reloiro tvinitg.e0eaf iitihera n Apri, „ mr.„ whlt at the, throat' . and, ; wrists," as. *eyeliste--sAY., She ,WCROtt eye aiid a crisp - vit 4. ;terrible'. ortmesSien • „ but :We don't really 'like, women' like that. There's . something- • unapproaich- able abogt.,, them, and. they ' grist ..Ve Just way 'down touter-, neath hat correct exterior,: be awfuljy! *hearing- to be tent1n4alli Miss AwdreY Do*ker has gone to -fighting to Imp one' leap beyond. every., ratebridge to spend oetne Ont at St. Margaret's Convent, . Mr. W. Vaacke, reeve of Goderieh ;township, was in town on Monday for the first time .after his reeent-illness. Mr, andlfirs, C. 0 Lee went to Toronto this morning to spend a few ,days in that city with their son, *Mr. Ernest C., Lee. • Mrs. S. G. Leslie of Blyth, atinninc. is the engagement of her eldest daughter, Hazel 'Hazel Leona, R.N., , to Mr. Benjamin Alm Timiris, of Ingersoll; son of Mr. and Mrs, E. Timms, 14.01r: don., The .inarriage will take Place 'the letter part of 1.1Wh, , Rev, D. J. Lane his been attending a meeting of the Beard of Missions at the Presbyterian Church, elute Tues. ' day. The meetings are -being held in St. Andrews PresbyterianChurch, Xing St., Toronto, rind will Presbyterian - conclude tomorrovitt ....--....., An interezting lecture was .given by Rev: A. . (Under evening -in behalf of ihe-Girle-Anxiiiity.,,,,,--T4 lecture, which vias -based on the year's . study a Africk wales 'illustrated :by lantern - ' - "The weekly meeting,:'"-ef the Auld*. 1110 was held it sx O'clock in the GUM Room*.'While the members 'worked on the dolliilhey are *evert Miss 'Beatrice IStubbington con- tintiedthe study wii4oh they have un- dertaken. one - - - - • - - -- Although we don't adirtire *omen in Men's places, we have to. admit 0:tits's-I' a rule, they carry lt Off with 'a certain atnount, ot 'dignity. But a man In a woman's place 1 1 ,For instance, take the man who signed this year's hats, or any for'.. that matter.' He probably hits slight lisp atict is teruperruental-if he Ulla* anyone is watihing. ' . • For the last two or three years, he has been taxing his Ingenuity for un- usual shapes. He let his imagination run riot and twisted i:iicces Of felt, Into Onelnes eisix%. or creations that piled uP: like ,;i009P3of ice cream. 'he saw- a Chittait ,pieture and mule', all' the wonted who war hati..go "Chinese cOxfscimis." Just to show that his geo- graphy• was not limited :he Intitoptmila the Breton sailor, and everyone with Urge, tat fade burst forth' on in astonished world with a i$retort Zoo,. -too oute. - 4"But thees 4 -ear, mesdames, e %Are a gr -eat 'surprise for 70u. ye MO' beau- - -Air. vox-. r, ladies,- he aa Oking to wear. veireta,- bled. On our hats. Main, Ordinary gar- den vegetables. 'And de it, too; One day,, Peter (hell call ‘b•iin that) Was...yerr. deitv,ted. The marturaettur.ire were calling for the .new spring ,models, and #eter hadn't an ldea, He had ex-, hausted shapes, decorations and ,A4 geogrobZ. He was frantic. • ,Ie eurs- ed and tore his hair 'Arid' Ital. 14(10 re. fused:to come, .'110 'ran. out on the street, *taring 301(11Y* womer.t. who *ore his latalt Out -Put Not one of them,„„hu• bad. the Originality to neilecer,saft hit hats' and -s0 give hint histn0r61 4dest,5: • • ••'• iSliddenlY, he collided 'with little girl laden *tit parels.. They both staggered and one -piper bag baba. Peter grabbed, the contents' as they alid to the, ground., and , a strange. expresska Stole 0Yer hfs atigi1340 iCoUilterta0e. ivits' 1141444 a hunch Or carrots. .Off he tore, wildly brandkdting bis ItaPhited idea, 1 his workrocim, .'he *Intel feverishly for 404 black velvet. Ills trembling ltnger& timid .hardly told the material,but et, last it was *Me, and witli careful, loving touches hit -fa -4 feted 'the • carr0tAt coklY O'Vet the right side ef the hat. Ohl the etteett beauty Of itt Peter sighed and 'clasped Ina hands. V1eto ol. turnips.‘ end let.. Wee, IItUe.pota cabbegea floated before him. ac loseimtiommormiwit ouselio d revolt. 6* sme'll of tOokleg greens, s44 a lump or SO, ,..of loaf sugar Lo the water, or put a 'We of dr, toast In a don, mu:4bl, hew, and Another method it to sdd atesapoon of *nem to *to water when it n tyocaldtflhlkk betOre Int the euttard fot your vie it will li *let " 09.444 ova k **4 .k..,101,0,41 444kylt 4 s. COOS 91.1, ttoolci::" ;the oproginnityr'srid.14-" thtiTliar40--pre;:. ;Vent overlapping. .and to We'. tstr*Agth. 'which; 'cern* With te.±nitiate necessary ' yet", being.. done by er-Ikflecai Seeletr.- •Of Women, Local,. riroyglei4 and National- work varies ,hi,,,dttrepoh, localities,, but all,;of .:.070A7o 'Worked to .:tibtitinf (i)rirlitrottieris Pranphlse and eIig1bilit; '(2) Minimum Mother's Allowance; ) _..tOld - Age V'Cpd.O#atlitnn..-4,'14:;efthoo°*is-*tli'ol:44141:-iudgern'ilal$04°4144,-01114Y-; grounds;..bothestio .',ecienee and:. Manual PrairAng Schools; Women aVragistratesl: .Suitenlie tiOUPtd. ' • After sonie di,..0116311:111;, on 'illotion of Mlss sharinan, seconded by ,Mrs. Mooney, it has decided , :form a'...ttiocict, '00initi1.,of Women,: The firat Sneetint. will ;40held en Monday, AprII 12th in lvlacXav' Hall, prior to the ...Pit:41404 Councll meethle to be, 1414 'in ,Stratford .1n.may;' An., affiliation fee of $100 will be ask.; ed. /rein .each Orgoilieton.- affiliating*, A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE catrAosAN mromst, • AssociATtotv AND utet SIVEURANCE CoN(PANIES .CANA04 'BEW.AItE TIIE DOGON . the424thiof Mar aonie years ago, burly blackstnith Stood in bi shop .in one of our cities. It was holiday and he had nothing to do,. Pre- sently . large„` Newfoundland dog Wanderedinto the shop. was friendly atuf,thehlsickaroiths -Who baa a liking .f6:t alViii3Ohnithi, patted' the dogs heitai rUlitsid his back and gay - ed, with, him.' Thet dog, in the emirate of ' the Illek to/4*nd Plated' hit. front. paws ion: the smiddrs shoulders. Then suddenly without warning, he bit his' friendly host on the Vote *sind,--ddearrip. The deetot was 'idressei the „wound and urged the, men' 16 -have ' the( preventive 10 rabies. -The-**04 soot healed and the blacksmith neglected to follow his doctor's titlyi<le. V)feetlY in0rith liter, the stnith)jegin curious, syrup., toms., Ile 'could** swallow. Re. got rapidly Worse and -the doctor *lief wits eitliect diegtieice4,,,Vableit or Odd be .done • e patient at this stage, 'Ito died within 72 lours, ravint matt, LI talkie of table*, til*ontet of 'the roaladyotcurt ilteor oirlif because of the reinoteness, or nearness Of thisxri. giniil 1nfietton,t0 tine's tosin; In till* case, the bite olv the nose placed the infection clotie'to the . \greet Iterto centre. 004, Iva* eon' ,,,A.arlY4 Bites. frota Straying dogs zlxoul'l be offend- ing 'animal; at ii be, rie. vett careful a cured 4tml shut Uo. for * of ten days., If, it the (ma of s period ha istilt t ft. (1, swhich1 "ee e rubeen not without 4 "e 1 e te 1 If the ddg sh'e hMd, In the latter event ahoul-d be e if her 441.0- , Bl oory removed, and - hied for' nevi boiise,, of which lotlicate *41 e lid or other person bitten should,at onee have a eourae of rab4e pireventi. treatment. Titat 'ea tat, Iota for 21 , day Xt Is sixnpl. of apPlitation,. hartaleta and tkc,fougbly•Olatillf*.; It IS ,provided *rat -uptut,dat.' bealth depattnIenoni of the, abeolutely certaln prevenU-va, pit diet*** mottal world ,'and served--ox--lettuce. salad ,arCee.10g,;'.'cir eut tval,i: in; .1 realato rib -teason.• with salt, Soper ..end'Atalatt•iressng. Arrange thfa M1xture'WmOU4us OA the, halved eggs. Ver, individdal ,fou twO'halVes on eirlettoce .icar and vnt, "tablespoon of ,dk:ed beet pickles on - Side. „ , Itholiarp Meringue Ile -Mix together I cup. edger -21,-LtOlestsoinis-tiour teaspoon 'saw beatf!n-egg, yollts, and add to 2 cupsrhubarb, cut fine. PO in baked 'crust, dot'. with :1 tabletpopit,butter • and balm in hot - Oven "for 10 minutes. (400 deg. -'rectuoe te,(3`50 deg. P.) for 40 Min- '. 'Ades,' Vtiverr withmeringue made of egg whites'and 3 tablespoons sugar • pow: vanalla. Bske In low oven (25. V.) until delicate. brown. Mitchell _one with nthe Wind. Douglas -White Tholners.. Ulli141---,-4g"4°TheXSItuvlbaltill9tenel:444PeeTte.T.'. Greyr1-Thei4Osir WSkigten VA, , SeitLorir:hi.,7"-rti-74.0.:74rnineCrikttl_loielt,004104,1t,Ithegti41,41417, $.', sagctaavortsViazi.144ettd.vAr,t7t0.11,4re, , :0. Rohmer-The Return. ot Pu Mr43111-1 Orczy,-A, 40YOus Aciventiireo. • rilielnl-Whe interlOper. . May -Painted 'Pelliesi,. P,enttelirt-*-sTeos heB,io!*itir*e-irpli:e ‘Bille'r*ItstNorris-eedry'SUA11037e.ris.L._ Wallace - Mi Millions. .1,913poigrper4r3rFe44....t,heeTs.24,10,s,roreani7,40.1trdt,o4,411s,e 0 , 1,44r,on u„os,: X . pi onoi1/4r- gembefa of the North t. Mzssio Band' -were, little Irish ; 00110043 on Saturday *Voting Whga they .V1s$4% heetesS,to .4a large Aginbet of 1040sta,,..., It Was itheir annual St, fAtriOes 1,00, j;'•04141-Akver‘300.Nvete eervod,:1 tr:liOtttler.,W,S3trOSOI°100ke* at!** vo In their green,,and white aprons'" and .caps, ond'Ivere,..very attentive t 'theit4Pesti,:,.The VOYs PlaYea;Ou im- portant PA0 in eellectire the regroslt‘ .Ments.fmn the homes, '414 penring tea WO, rA 'randy. booth presided o'ver*::, by two °Itttle ler* roall;e4 .4 11103,40** '01”et .which added to the sipper ,41010K.01,0,240 ° 'tainple Example is the school of Alart..Tcin they wilt learn *too other. Today. Spender -Great Britain 1880-103.5. Gilkey -Getting HeIp From- Religion. unwit Young--The Year ,r0.1na, rait:St Bco Seairile-4Ave Mem) and bike Creir:0-7rLIthrii:i7daks4:vitti.1111--tliXteilgieg. Seton.Thertoiperof the Red Man." Heiser -An American Doctor's sey;.- ' is an dventurc Sackville-West---St.co:at cCowah-AnirnalsoTthe;:-0riiridiagz .. *WO. . Ritin.OreY-AnngarY; . „ Ilarstin-The -Way $f a Trinagreasor, • areYdOWITeles of An Empty Cabin. Orel/ Qwi-Pilgrlins-of the Wild) Giver. Baxter --Strange 'Strfetl Wlright-.The Art -of Conversation. .1**4"'"OdYsselr q,f the Islands. K , WITH. ELECtaCrtir "elf, Clean, Reo'noini • iestion '1114e•l'uddiAg• Mix together in order given cup: sugar * , g tablespoons *flour'1 cup mtlk, • 2 egg yolks, Juice of lemonand a little of the grated rind.. 'Beat - • -2 egg 'Whites till stiff and fold int0 mixture. Turn Into. buttAreir -casser- ole, place In pan of het 'Water and bake in slew oven (276 /deg. for *boa one Serve warm or *cold, - With. or without whipped cream. 114m thoroUgh41... pound ground Smoked haat .1 Pound ground lean perk teaspoons salt • 4ic teaspoon pepper ittaiPOOtt -VOtiltr4.44$0.4iXtr, _ • g talgeEptIOIL,Otalliced '0Ed.014 . 2 tableispoonf chopped, green pepper teaspoork minced -parsley 1 cup 'sort' bres4 crumbs., iklix Oughly-ttlien',"14,44, • 4-• *tehi-egt cup -inhik and, 1;1014_ .unthl. mixture • holds together well: 'mon% into it lost' shape And Ogee In loaf pan; roet -g-•• - I., cup • strained tentatoca -•••••over loaf, Bake in A moderate Mb 050- d4., ors. baiting Occasionally, • THE "OLD, OW SONG", When all the World is young, lad, , And all the trees. are 'green; And every goose a swan, lad, ,Atid every 'Usti tit queen; • Then hey -for boot and horse, led, And round lois world away; * Young blood utast, have Its curse, Itt4 And *Very dog his 1Vbeit *it tha world And sit the trees at* btown; And ell the sport 440, Arid 'ill the wheels run **At - ;Creep home, and take yant place there The *pent and 1ELEinled aLriont: OA grant You find one face there You loved when all was young. .0',0$ vete tat41; et:Onatess 100 win" *ATH • ViiirtorrolcroLogit , • TAKE * DE- -`,4*X TA** -",•viepat.:DEPOIT. OUR NEW sfrocK. -wit.L4' 130813HL IN PIUCE 111/1.- • 'STOCK .04. HAND.'V1/41,14'; R4M41:0 ThE sAKE. Th largest range .and ',most ecienpiete....assortnitorthat iffe have :stioin for, many seaions, EVeryone a, delightful. tyle and perfeat fitting.' All the nev,r‘tpring shades' and colors, Corbnation 1311telf Rad, Green, GO14, 'Spanish Vidlet, St.' James Rose,, Cherry .Red. Snits' tizeS 3i tO 42; presss,32t 40 r; SiIk ilose - All new Sprint shades, ail -silk 'Chiffon, Crepe and vice *eight. 'Sizes OA to 65c2. or tpy. Priced at „ < 011 Cktb, F1to1 Lin1eums and inlaid inO1etlin$1 for ati rooms- 4 A large, 6'. /Its lip 34 in,