HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-18, Page 4u4 tbe t That - ,•--goltert0et autapal, TeleP,./70 „ !Oen or $1.0ou .gr 0 ' t 11; Alton ,:get yr lit V.;.14411:1:el$et' be m pnge 11 tish tinivenities; is, !minted in eVCt7 Idpallty where, 4 Chapter 4i141 Prizes aro gven Oohs for the ettainmen Chijd 'Welfare an ventioo ocenPV a lEige OiceI in the Lvities of the Order; •qb0 Czecd , 'The Ordcstands for a stirig and , v1iIe Canada, developing in the future as in ,the past, 14 its own.'whole- SOniefninessglittrWithin the teitish Mph* and recOrdite to the meaning !ph' et4PliO. 4101E10 to the British Nations. For to, Britons the British, lee 'means not the tratert -of roile14, nor The sweeping Into niighttltinsievs.iqtlie.selten $ 'British goilksineans,mere-,, the Brtiah ,eoniton of tradition, Interest of amderste log. and of *,13# and Of, 'ilforts, towardelhee ' Is, of Bi1tih faithfulness, justice ;lighteou*neset WO *14,B 310h not -genies ,IWAth" 4 oe the air ,,Tihleh he breatheS our videklip tails hit ,01,1,41 .04114.ers '0f.the' Order are .fortlien these ideals in -Ahrneek, .ter, .1. rganized n r Regent, and was the third, to. he : rganized in Canada. This7sitall *mop, o inen resoled that. their . first odedaking would be Athe., establish., nien`4:ofa hospital in Codevith„fand 010 tbs.* l*roie 04,intoil'ostirig* Ots,thelt.drearo WakrealiSectin4.9A4, hentlwitiMAtal:on'Sinith,;$4.66t witt4.! PeA01, 3 14-tttO‘deriAtio4:tii'Oupolfeer their: Ootiiritiet are noW''ontred, ,010 dewing the Mune* Ward in the In* t otkorfr\ Besides work : the meplt 'Cho*, ;e0e0Mplielied 'pot!, tendmitaettiovenient ita, litikx*ory:f in',eau:4004h child Welfaret_and clvic and in ietpatriotlie endeavour,, The Maple Leg .01**040; like ks.ister orew000pti , In .affairs of.the Town f : 0040i10)1' by • iit0 oton0,• :;.t. On et ..01/ • hi1,44:whicb tmda to the • o ' .0 oo a the trotRegent. Lgrge 0. ° the hospital and the godo lvt*Ple Chapter's Son; there have • 04attt *it Outatiridipg ottieent-, 011shment in hrinti,nik.UPPIgt:,t° the 0hIldrigi the town hase WoritY'i The etl*Pment 'Of ireading rOont and 1,11n*rt at the ,Nb1140 lib-, TAtryi 4401048 the 411.11 tunda at the.rabile Schools; eind.the(formation nia branch of the Girl Guidet„ speak for theill$61'sivS: and patil0t10 work 4140 received *large slake of the ..attention of this *active .‘organization, , • The '0 Charters of the two 'chapters* 'hangio Reference -Room the ?ohne Library. That., of the Alinteelc. 'Oben* bears the following names INplyn 'Bough eedonald, M. E. Seeger, Sharman,- Alloo,flialit Bernie ,Wedder; .Grace Slack, Annie Reynolds,# Mary Mcara, Mary. A:tee# a on arey. 01 ; 1:•1,. 001 .Prott 'donaldr Naiin, Xiddo;-,',/,01511 XeoloTtalft, Catharine B. Lewis, JtiliaD. Wi0;• 'Wady,* Vilet and Adelaide Stilitn,, 14tine'nod:., gooney,..oro,theltegente Of ....Aimee and Menlo:Leaf Chapters; Q, '` 'pluipul‘Ut ,upd building Of, the hOspif'. tat hgve featutod. the' work of the inerikhert •d'this,ChapteS. both to the 1(11aild the new hospital, and Good Nature , , A little does, it, A little ot the goo' n...%ture ,overPowers a World bal. Fraico gun n now-cappedsp * v ✓ .from the' b later,Italy greeted theM, p tablv'bowever,for they were arrt- ed while /there 'Wouse their rnode of transportation Wati Aq 0 type accepted In that eon the land of II",,Duee they Or aeon withit* -golden past' and ed beauty and then to Palestine *here three von** were SPAlt midet. eati, rounding* that held in their memo the .gresteat's story the 14,044 bas ever known Froin ..t/b • tote- 0 h oWitthe , e An OUlt to I ',,v,ith all its otter, its, eou ' its, bre* eit, loysterip, A ' their loos mt., a tures among whioh'swas ,one of the iful TO *list a,toag, t cooly, *toot Otnous buildin world, :wh0,00.1(rhite• 1 hot ievable boot:fit Oln • b 1,,,*ata lecture room, uesda, March.0,01 —4:41u0 ted by r. R. tcel I .`f*aeheoVa POses,.:dar he nterprise Pabri, SoltA,in astio .of February oontalob. following _refevenee to: the . isto% ifintf* mricmtriek, who previous tr mard*ge October,V16, was Mdss Alku Damage. She was. born in, Goderich and the, family bas sill at tmtAY old friend* in 4w -a district., 'r The )1Int*pileo eavef,Kimerei eervic . IT the late'Xiie, Annie ITO:hp*1*. :whose death occurred. 'WA week, were •mj. held on leriday %r0iii :the Alnited clinrebt Cabyi, 1010A a *00 41400 %01* g e - hymns rilitures, all favor - es * deet44041 WOre."..auttg and Bruce 0111- 14ates rendered autifally the solo, "Saved BY ,tt.” The "oziaket was Covered with atiful llorsliVIAtqs $0.440t teitirs rementhrance, ' e revs ,were yste leve,"...0.-10,,,X404'..1: r.;-. womnn. Leaving Calcubta they made' belf "*014,15,0erina44n4Ifinal twara= fon? road Mandalay". The elidieliee eat elieli4Onn4 ee the lectur- er ;Old of he*he.and his brother lost in the'.flarkneat'.•:alad•:...ntenaciag", depths of a Malay fungle. 'A-040blngn:Phigaii0rei?w.:Proceeded- up the Oast to 4fongi, ,.Origientlithen,te Shanghai' yelinit- 0tay04,,ther0: lor.4hree. ototlegurOit.,*vrit'Avb0s44'. steamer north • , :,n013404 and rtlienge 7-onVoxittrithelnroadT4Oria,lionteWard' , "rode the ,..orin„the' West r-eae, of the: to colorful 'r/Oxis, the )(10gen. ate.,0.:AmOle4.404.0104 'hit0h04i.,hilteit.400St#0 land of Stars and Stripes and finaily up- into can - and : • : • The taik.o9nstlitutettbos,,e,t)isinoat interesting travelogues 47,iter:,, to 1),*sre. een-.preaented'herer.474. the ',:'slideSf: .0V01:::*Pro, th0,fioest, :that conil ha,F0 ,heen.shoWn.r•., The travelogue was presented tnide tO .4101404S, St. Church. - the 1titt* by Mr. 45thi;', ;ander Oederith_ Itortki*, Delight its Xrplie :el 0 Atlas inlaotroi‘Lort1riat. 'T Pn Royal, Bank staff, ba.' beeA tratlefe taking *Is place. J. i;34, i0lAtort, the new Jii410r` • -° ttri10e,' C. 'e'er- Wriititor and 111r* .ard' MrL D. E.' Ser*P:. of TinartlirVelsP,Olt - several wlth Mr.'mut M. Tarlier, 0141,001400, • It110ulties , *tr. h04 the , or does the b A ar, whet* everyone fee/44 the -urge for now things ,4) n is- the tirne o 4 wear—Bright •cl.,14Drful Prolle;ea; Slut* op ts, or, particularly fAttrStity0:, ,oharles ofv. Smart ring .t If it is A Stilt you are thinking about, there is -a large choice f styles, tpos Short Mannistk, Tailored Suit, the figger finger tip length and the swagger sb'Ple...".all .cinnbinat to _Make a ariety of choice. . Smart new styles, bright shades. in' the ritw also good looking Tweeds in 'a ftill range of si Sizes for the, Shorter figure. 3ruca Greer, W.; R. R42:4%4011 Th.!f.-+ )rd, eprge Clarkeand George 4ito Interment Vat; niode: in the Jabrj CeParY, , cheque ‘outsta*Upg , 425,444tv.,14 aaty-440, on bc tke3on F. ,144ni, t , le:t,t66 .7.:4° : ; n'A.7,1; :x t f c , b 0 . ti ..: t 0 ofthanks - , a0o, .1* 'eXtel e k .190;49,34 5* A 0. 111,41fek AtI4.., that. 'the, Op* Seottra 1928-'1931 statittes inclusive. , : gerlartk,411014dor-rost _,:4... :, wit. ,.. ."47P1 .ttehl4ado. *,,,INL'4304 fr:)%z' tialli: :1444ff‘.-poeV'.20';t:::1 A.1*-'inres.. ,-10.r: -oriol, iv.o.k. _.: • n ... haul rds be e.;41ii..ain isrc°:. c:T::Lt::::;::.:e:'4:1.1M:ci''178u::r.l:'it71)tt;:f!;;'';'lt4'a24thd'tQ*I:"cet'e*c:f14Ig'gihr'1:17::;Si:'t'Vhji,:d:E:"''r,::'°tk'i:tltt:'!;'t:hs!:::::::t4ic;v:''S44t'a°''I'i:!Sf:°1'4er:elihl,:eeia°'I'',n'r,e.';Te:::gtee4(''ATI::ht4'tb'Nire'e.:h": ' fr petit be ,Inaerte4 '.* the.,.., al,'paprs ,asigink. for tvifierotf ,fti eritsli. • ' he never ''received 0 • 6 • rtY:._• Den-- rate A.Piiiigst appeared - wort,the held leA'„1,74474ett, $4-311,6 c010,41 '704 14f4 #.1A11,ti upai'vfAtti twelve e.chQ01 P4. 4-:011311P-104,0:. Oti5ent. , d the ' :,-W10e°).,ft/ charge 400044; ,e,t°05410;;11,114 ?the. itthet goto‘a. and _. 0 ,t4d,t4e t40. 4.01/11, ,Ilii.„,ra..tho teiret: funds ,Wete ric,w04 goArx, 7The, 0:triPture ,t,esoon: Avas,,v41,4 iesoenstveW, .The Wwgrespenog4 'dem, _ ,'" • . f/e0 lot& 4%:oivatIvE • *pqpts and 'exp. ettlIttut..s, '',according offering •Wg.s.,eee0e4*aila. taii,witaicoiatr 4p.° .theL,',avditctrer report for the ,10)#' .CraakozSatatI4 Itt*, obop.s ip,E44. ,,w4rt'- es"::taliows tS,-„,$8;9907,1.. 001.z1Onih.fet, zfrth',..00 ,O-NP,Mtht'41*,, $27i13 -?455. .• ' '14 ca4P*-4:04)..Aie ,ale,s4or • .A wPs ptant;i4ots. iitbisda of 01.10ar...*.e ' The hy-a)n,....!co, Mater- that ;:r001: lvte 'Walk With Tnev atht etA VIrs. Irolidhers.'44' other, t°,e7014.0.: •Pils$4: Georgc ' re4d,, art, artiele pia,f 116: 00' .00,0,4%) •VtrO* ,Ohitip; • At* .Muz10:11tOorhoupe readpr‘, inOt,e0bIg artnig,,Ort.he Ilfc 01 moon ind:40parward.,v.° The livOni '4,4esas Thou Joy teZ0110..ffearto,"' sung. and the Iheitly4 eloseil,wIth,t14e Lord' Pray- cr. .:•Eguoh.,3;VO.Aeriect by tha hsViess,' Tha regular :,roeettug.„4#, 4wilov*-11ed Cros SottetY. was held rticIV. at th*A School WIth Artite)420 4,assalibe ii the the'Vrogram. o0p.sp,ted of XeachtgaI by PAU/1nd ,L4:ssaihie;. Lorralge Lossaline antl."Jean lVfellwain 66k 19.P.40$:' tolloy‘vcrbi the ,,p-ayer tho,Oovermaont 144t, *Yeaia, ftirer ,11‘ifunielithel; 0440,4itt4; .$„144 4'; Alton, part SalaXF *7:14'911ni*rt;'°64174- of"15.11071161:'.7ti57:::094TQC41-406;45:1041-4-°:te;6: digerk p4tient, OA; ae- etfUht, $1,0; R. 4. '01-11111ps, '.velfer , :catuti, $2:20 vrontairt, .rellel cottAt,,,'441:k;- Rairth 1,6101i; -4:talitleate :Ot-,2f1c14a' In 3.irarth; '44.:0P;.'AuLssell rpart money :oAl'Adra#1.' work, $1,34al Ilabah; gurire typing. •".00pies, Aitditing 710,hvi.6a roposrmt;s42::,V$4.-....6r;14., 001.411.tkott,' Audltr andA IgAton whieh•was Ipo$tpouad last week on Azwotoit or Puss, neid this 'Fr1- day evening at -the ,Pei•Wr • oluNs Invited tor. attend. Tho members. of the 4 ft4idittg .0A A the. tayijeld Road .: Aid at the Igniie of Mrs. Rbt. icednwabi,'Jr„ oir WedaOs= day• afternoon Antic quoted the 444, fdr betlina* ;4ttIrd' 04 the ,1unt#1, of her .atAnc,, gra, John Filbin. in faoderieli on priot 14,r, and Mrs. Harvey rldier:ottortaind their ueigidiodri At & ,euelar,e party att. Weduesdo. orating.. - • - let large ;Lumber ,1:roor'iht' community attarided,* TravelligtOrla Att.).* 'Miura*, or. $1 . _ . chish01m-Ittialih-rxhat louril to Ineet April 13th OALLOTOs, , LAST . GATHERING • , LENTEN SERVICES (continued from. page Ile had to he: perfect to be an (adequate Saviour of tioity-to Omaneipate men from the bondage of sin. Let 'ua'the lore; as we -turn tonight Juffg- ment Iteht Sett, the Garden of (4otlizentane and. the Cross of Calvary, theil4 .00d. for that soil -who led' us' obt.froim the 'bondage Of ,.einAluit we might live In - the. 'rim. ;of life, righteouslyy, „and for. The Quarterly. Communion serviee‘ittasr conducted at Ittilow. Church- on Mr. oarlton 4"V/orison, president of ivit4 11. goodly nust17tr ot trommt'uic*I't4 the Young People,* Society of North. Present. The Paster, nel4 A. Z l'attorp* Street Churelik conducted' the' serviee, holm., delivered a fitting„taxzelnental str- The lessons' were:xestid try Rev., A. •Ci - mon un 'the outdeet* "matk3361 °11 'rhe Odder and by Mr. Meteaoluild. War - might iBetrayal."t " *ers vtere ofUred Tien Lane •mr. and gra, Clox*a .01,1r,rotertiOned an Re% Lite: Mitt r.stlier their 'neighhore PrOfireOgive- 1'4009. Part"' on *Vey .evenini., The-11411pr** *eat to 164 Ilet. Johneton, and O. toseaene., "uPARMERSH41"1:e.blErritc"74 , A series, ,of farmers -imeef,lits will 'held in the Coonty•from Mikiroh 03 to .April 7, inelneiVes They etc y, tt,,ttan,„ town!, 'Ith4 hen, 2 t;4111:b"in. i Crediton.' etineedity, March 24,8 v.too town. io 7411* Vetted . ii‘.161111,Ylubolisxtlint. *251, 2 pan.P4)1tii. 26; 2 p.m, Hillock ilume /sane $tlie soprano oolo,:4toftly- and- Tenderly, Z#sui is Callitig.0)".The offertory selection WAS ,e ..ph:Olo and otgola duet played by Nara *ties Vorater and 30,R. P. P/aYeri *Ow- • tively; A large number of people -at- tended the eer • -iNew prow wortderfut range of ttteUt in *. thooe tiont, iPoronation shades in plain .crepes arid host towered. patterns to *choose, from. Sizes are complete„ 14 to 20 for misses* 38 to 44 for ladies; and 16,1,i to 2634 for $122S., „ Friday, Aprll 2nd, 0 p.pu; Agricul- tural gailt Dtmgatototts onderiAprit 0, 2 POVrtieterre Beigriete. 6tht t•p.tp.,.townahip bll Visr0 er. 'te, April ltb,, Wpstu., to abip il et, will be of th staff of • 0irinati coop (help1t. He -will zpeak on the two MI ion and Min Doth these of rul intere4 to tt resen Set* stirASt high lie ihatin des, Also, New Styles riving'daUy* eadn Styles for Matron and Ms See our Nw Stock.