HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-18, Page 2ts net for ow elver the. WO 044 re- fer ,K 6P.SP9RT ea St draviring cards of "bi - eyr re It 47,' toe •much attene Mere then '1,0,000, .peoPle stood reverently -in ,Montreal 0Oriundnrint theinneral•SerViceen Thursday afternoon, it ',tot only.litCennfiien4 *Voters, but 'of adinirers MOO* .144 thrilled those, Same theuSanda „' of ,,nlatfore,:es.,he,eterted-ien'ene a of his th Of a. king of sport; argues tOnvIncinglY. Po the comPetition. Centuries 1,Nfore,. 'Oen Ancient .Greeks held sway.: o4er •The World,- great ,Wds„of peeing turned ;out tO watch the Qlyiripie.,Games,: ..Gantes still Play Their .patt in bringing about a- relation- ship among rations. - 'Player -who took his werk 46, -Wen auCh' honors as the trophir fofthe most Valtable,Player in the Jenne, .fhe'otioriefri*** and. spirit as be played. hockey, and he 'and theVilitia-15tates;, .4orts, like any other gathe what heights Can be attained bY ‘,1PlaYing" Ole 'game," *ltd.:What depths Can be reached by aq *AT bet the Straightand narroW one. Too attention Cannot be•paidVa sport wheir the youth -of g found that inett Were., n en drivera oft 140 roadf the Magistrate at Nita ,istiopt4itttojth#,iii,on,,wholt-rlyeeli,oeing Oro ear* "Ittere, bomea and businesies /ar thirty' days to Wear striped ',on In. comports-9010On, of 'arnizve tot 14 0 Y tolvikOrte 10.11046.1.. *AA 1404014,k tittanktiovioksiOkoi PP.M.44 00,64n4 ey were prepared tek .pOY $1.40 Par °gry'er--41-48'i'ent4ir ihwitrevep 4117—BOtilding .1.- er 'ars4 nb:po. $01 100 tilos r e e 080, one over port ,10e ens under'14 potinda ,076 Utter, Per ponnid eaxocottelieulleVaPlintlitftagrdir„ iloitt:orit:044'.vVaogfe*.its, '40(potai4kin,t le editor *Mr C th To get better c laity paper 0411100e S a Pa es i 144%04 ° alia did it well. ThOnisinees *en took a tage of Abe opportunity to advertise their 40011:00fie detnen- 4001 tht Es/Vet f 44.04.1 EACerritf 441. t.itoreo. os WORA, The imanithous decinion Of the Dime 'a Of th dren's Shelter not to disel4se:Ite the .Puh4e,i, 444,1 'The information- torrtained "lp the page advertisement qto must 'toile beettintotestlur reeding gar iders.of policies la ttlietWell known company. A coin. .pnnY with 00611 accutulatien of aieSte, is. 'We one ich requires that all Chinineys within that conioratiori ahatlie swept at least twice a Year, the sweePer to hi: id ItTi cents for the first chimney Auni '10 cents for 'than that; they .retriodle14 Throw fell'. P.K4" into the ftoye end 'that to 'Providence; lig.'001 twilit in the \VA 'stern Ontario :0040 ' 04i 4oderrieli 4110.4i,t Poi tie *it inentblhet, followed by an ever-inereseing Imbiber, of will 410 wheat 'the dialappointtnentWhea Wire unable to blitz *The the enPi. *tyro Aeenti 14ralf theY have bettei luck next, year. the different -40=s 'so seriously disturbed, eeetr pan% thought their troubles weretberiii7diSeussed.in440- cial circles *addition to thfoujihtiuttheir.diattlits. As a; '010 13'ersen't et Xer a4. the Children's Shelter is Icon- cerned, who possesses the inflormation, and 'Otet- iS. as it should be, Should cfromstancen 'arise,. uriasual nature; the n`ecessarY Information is, ottieurse)Svailable. but in the meantime the SocietY iidetermined it shall not be -used *as a source of lubricating.theqtvngues of glib ..Pertel'rtit` Obt ain the 'results depend conrse,. on ,-good. ili;the, loll that wtil hold 41174, turg, the enifti)ilitY of the Oral. or the crop' on which. it is *0 13Sed ' And PlaCenient ;tile Jertt.tver, 4.4iiiltr*P1,,,,i)sliet!:t.49_;e4 -;.t:t77-"---: er-Platenient oflertilizOr 2$ 104141t important,asthetplant foOd content 'of the fertilizer itkelfand !that, wheTi broadaest ronelt,$aSte of 'Plant food is 'bound to: Ocetir41/4 Itealiatieri 'of this • Several householders town have Complained to The Star about boys on bicycles using their „layrns and boule- vards as short cUtn While distributing bills, ,One instance: *as bilonght to the attentiOn of this paper ;here a boy.N- w'heel had Made'a 'ridge 'from „two to three iliChes deep On a terrace, during -thaw. As (40 frost leaves the ground, lawni-are easify. damaged by --people walking -or riding across them. Thonghtlessness is responsible for ti)ese durfoYaneei 'and parents might suggest to their boys that the 'time ,enved in riding or, wallthlg acrees a lawn. is not enough to Wirrant the aggravating practice. In addition to that, the,'Very object .of their eall, leaving • a bill, is often.defeated', Two ii -or three' citliens, who baPPened to ineet in this -office One 4.c!, lest week idtated that4hey wouldquit Patronise a butane* place while messenger wave weekly source of damage to thOir Beautifying -tie town is ief special concern tethe eultmnI.Society, hat its best-efforts are often wasted aUd lawni and.terraces 'are disfigured for weeks by' boys on hityeles4uring ,the' 404: TowP 4likOentle.,lierninder,„Iraintersten-ObserVer).,. Twenty- two Palmerston hetiseholders have been senniterted ignore to huy radie,lieensei and on litonday, seven were fined $2. *nd coats., 'There would be less objection to radio licenses if sinYthing Wes reeeived in 'return. • ITOW* TO Ile itaipt,„ ,(The Barrie Examiner). e seenIthis dawn, proterin, y\ou With to .he hippy for a4 11064 Set Intoaleated., you wish be happy tpr threw days, rat Married, n If you'lvisig tO bet, happy; fee - fdattl'aius vigesrieeia:tol setuvearyy, VICW t0 obtaining -better resillte. In- formation regarding this may,•bc ob- tained front DoMinion ExperunentAl Carriers of 'Disease Even. though the laying. flock WAS. aPparently healthy last year the pa. lets ate apt -to suffer severetlosses if the laying honse is not kept thorough- ly ;cleaned and disinfeeted. . Nan, times sonte:of the hens are ca.trier3 of infectious disease germs winch may infect the pullets,- yet little . af- fect the old lel).* stOck. For this 'reason, pullets should always be hons- ed in separate quarters. TO prepare the house for the" pul- lets the litter and. droppings should be ternomed and ell extraneous matter seraPed loose front the floor, Will:3, dropping' boarcle,,toosts, feeders, wat- erers, and 'ether movable equipment, These parts of -the house should tilpri be well soakeetteitteernithtd vith good disinfe'ctahusing, bre Watec solution-at-the.tate of one -110-und-o- household lye to 12 or 15- iallons of told watert, If tuberculosis fia0 been in the flock in the past it is wen tO It should be rentembered that even a good, disinfectant. tannot Penetrate large cakes offilt13. and kill thehiding disease germs.Ceroplet° removal fast of all dirt and filth III neeesterY.' it is Well id -vote the-, roost$,-- nests 'and fiveditys after ey are cleaned and IttLENS, Mirth 0. -,The era with Dick lrirestherhead, their utt StrndstY Ufa Ile. beilinle_r,f Ott President* osiiis the e Annie Taylor reed ptare end Kiss Whig 1414 ovet the Bible* thunder ou "Amor." The tOPkf. 400 lrk -louder than *aide" was taken br Lorne-Woodg,,and an interesting Intik n led by Stanley Todd. A re. Andre* Gina and n, ion by cuylet,,:ltint. pont the week -end et tbsit• htunea. 6 .• Xirloland Us. icaut were tintotal at Cronhed oats ani • barley as a nia":srlabel*:eteTslotre°,43:Pfulitr. .(.1110'Ag -the wniter .oeinditiOns• and, feed, are Mondifficulties:eonfronting the Winter liver oil and -pilchard oil. for the' por- ,pose ,,6,f preventing the. trippling pigs in winter. It had been. observed that the tiouble usually 'appeared among pigs 'which •had been exposed to very little"' sunshine; Some of the earlY teats, were cOndueted with fall Pits which were farrowed in Au4uf,t anti .allowed to run outside until the cold weather dune titil the resuit'that rtrippling 'emoted: and PraotieAnY no difference in gains resulted front' the ,different treatments with or witIP out, oil. The following year, fall pigs were confined to' buildings from birth° where no direct -sunshine was reitiv- were,di,videtT as.evenly as possible by placing pies from several litten in each pen and weighing eath pig indi- vidually. The same )grain ration was given to, each *lot. Cod liver Oil was added to the chop, for one lot at the rati of one ounce per pig .daily and the second lot received 110 oil. A third lot was given the, same ration of cho with one ounce of .pilebard oil per pig daily. The lot getting no oil showed marked, signs of crippling- earlY , December and one pig from this lot died on the S5th' darof the test, And 11: days,.lat•arpl another wits l'Ost from the eNrae lot. The trialmes &owl on the 89th day when the six remaining "Pies were aflame and 2 required AS, sistauce to reach the treugh. In the two.lot)§ getting oil, there was no sign ot crippling and. the average gain per pig was 108 pounds in' the cod. liver oil let, 101 in the pilchard. oil lot., and 79. pounds each: for the tcix remaining pige in -the lot which reeeived no oil. These oils, practically equisl in value can he purthased for Omit $1.00 per gallon but the pilchard oil is usually a Both oils leave an undesirable fishy, taste in the pork unless distentinted about'sla Weeks before learkdingr Or killing for pork4-' This. 11111$ be done eripPling, if the. oil hat teen. fed for The criPpled pigs which hid nit ie.; volved any oil were given-oll ehop at the rate of one ounce per pig dellyZlite -further -deaths occurred -and' in a 0104 time end were eventually marketed, although setrie joints were stilt crooked. Oewar of Xiaeardine 'is visiting with 'the week -end with bie' sistera,,Misnes UV; Iiilleiler, et 'Waterloo who\ some pith Pr. Metca . 'was. here thisopeek, to arrange to ave a cottage bulit. -- Ili's. 0, ltt. Gale received the s'aci gieNV73 of the death of her brother,. Mr. John "4„,, Struthers of X014eed, Alta, on March 4th. ' mash is taken.ftiiin retarotdtry bet. letin Mgt icura4. the Oft. tario ,Departine# of =Agriculture,: O.'„ ,etnibodo-volled grain is preferred perticularly such'' lea Wheat, iiroend and Wetare Ora sticky nature, and this may be thit resist' tor ,the hens'. preference lor crushed grXine. **ate rodnetion hatching :Pow°. were serited in 1934 irnd 1 from st ration 'Otis elating of Kind rt*'Of 01204d oats, crus ernabed grains Wit* *444*1- 4118'041 of geed ist to April. It IS neteetetry to feed. stithe clover Zeaves .or hay, eind .10211, sasilnat Preftein snob n* boa, toparati,boppo:koit container*. These feeds do tot inft well c,witlt Birds to (bite hate disposition te est au 'rate of 25 p Ore suppl David T. Gardner Many -hereabouts will regret to bear of flip death of.••.flafid Gardner - Clerk- with%F. A, tdwards, and who WilA great favourite with everyone. The ".\followiziris.....cop!ed-irow • David T. Gardner, wet. .kno-ik on 4-1.t.,:lfolii.moniAti ,forcgtod. Mrs,' After the menibers the served loch the fleer.welr eleared SO'Of Old Vine dangiltt:K. tethaivreflicioing",; d'i*eadl,,tarnlalyn:SJaeiNvePotrrt' 4 i\n the hespitn.:. Bort i:t. ,:lcointop: :it: theq,knt,acfof, oif:r, S,"),,sovipobliat:::t4sx011.1:3wida,,it.sio;weli'airi:c.;:nitiiftwOitoaet:., and :for the past pine Yearn, had - :a:central Collegiate. lifr, 'Gardner Vas' it 013:el.rttii,4ewq_huouips oartAutuddge:AN,, aot;\, ., • Goodbye' ad road Luck. , Mx ad Mrs. A •q� Brandon, entr family .left Bayfield on edueShc.Y to - 'take .sip their residefnee : n Brueefleid1 where -Mr. Brandofl had P ehiacd the Mock of Mr, Roes:. Scott. 'oTmerly; '* Mr. Brandon ran a dairy -and droVe• a. Mail route Alia nd the. ;staY et r�hi iwo"ldee .ebiIest Ht ces drainafnhhiiiss.naelvawi tturpa se1:tb pa±tywaQn`Tuesshdelaydineevtelneintgwn►.M'latob Whim and his family goodbye and food",' luck. The, evening was spent in danc- ing and .after Iunch .was - served, . M'r.: i : .1 iott ead an appropriate ad dress to Mr. an -rs. Wandon and.', Mr. W; E. Parker presented them' a ve . 'handsome - oecasionai chair. Mr.."Brand ►nithantked t1 do ors in -a few words. Mewing 15th Jartary,1955/62 Eienominations—S1000 PRICE • PRICE ',tam *mann • nit s1 YEAR AMOUNT prit.$1006 plus accrued interett I0 YIELD OVER 3.50% 1F0 n Have the ,insitte of your home brightea‘e' d by a new cost of ':,.BEFORE ',flit PAINTERS GET BUSY' ON ouTSIDeNVOR* ahd:3t6ViS Or laid by lobo Anti milk Prter aotuy 41 04 vt With CLINTON,: Mai& Terrence Tierney has returned te 'reroute. *kis Dorothy' liticlearr'' *hi his been spending several months et Ierklend tekei hie retorted to too:. Mr, ''Sittlig, WOodotzfiox tont,. the week-ind at Its lion* underwent an oPerattiiin, convalesca lug et her home. Min .Z.mily Thompson Of Statford The ladies of St. Paul's guild are, sponsoring a fashion, show fit, the Situ - ME* lOtatl people took advantage U. bit Ion -,1toit- jOred band has returned.' to his wOrk. -Saturday •niorning the emplo;tes Of the Clinton It:flitting .00MPOit TO* coonitbi took place tut SitterdaY, with an occasiOnal. chair and -sersthrtOt- ,h 1010* "010iker11:10rtli4r EXI, good wishes. The eettle, wilt resI4 in 'Garai*. of Durham o Clothing Store irf rahiton.