HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-11, Page 7.r" Ylf:.»tw, YY4 -er• d;t �U�•l#AMify.iiS�i! eY«�cn' c' � lllt?ktic►► ttt1 *1d-ec!>IUnei , rt t'lee..tetl 1m thte ,l'e out of t1u M t . - 1r lll;afl l4fe ►sti au,+ VoCttll. every fifth' i` i' ,dn' 1i1 C4- , the t,'nited, States beyltt ltt may+{ iia] k' il Iu th s nn ttl•ttl. >a Lunt idle(* ", t1 > t rats, itai>{(l' + ll e> r 3iu9inm., is o[atreht .in .1„he.. . ttfit*ra1 stittteini fit ylre1.ea l' '► 9. . tet.. fr1e ! 0 4 Life: Ord nary industrial Group Total. • • • •• • • •' • $10,806,871,4701_00 '71i75,974,709.00 .► .3,238,129;605.00 •Y $21,310,975,784.00 Accident and Health Weekly Indemnity • 08s4-76 Group - 'Certificates) • : Accident :and ,Ilealth (including 979-,343. Group Certificates) ASSETS AND. L!ABIL!TIES • • • $4,494,761,772.24 • 3,920,990,791.00 $17,238,71.9.00 • 42, 990, 980 In Assets . . 1,206,808 Liabilities Statutory Policy ,Reserves Dividends payable to policyholders in 1937 . • Other Liabilitieg • Contingency Reserve Total Liabilities • Unassigned Funds (Surplus) • • • • • • • • • 101,581,.144:00 145, 705,169.55 48,000,000.00 $4,216,277,104.55 $278,424,667.69 1 Ordinary ' • Induistr'1a1 . 1 • • Group Total. • . tp • • • • • o 4e`F ved--a-id---increase4..-r,---_, - H ..T.�•I. .OapuV,.lMuµna>p.r..Y1�t Lw Paymentsi o.Betieiiciaries and Policyholder's:, Death Benefits • OltherPpyr7 en:ts_to Policyholders Total Payments . . •. • $1,114,803,062.00 1,009,049,516.00 142,020,543.00 $2,265,873,121.00 • $164,916,631.02 $346,227,175.39. - $5111143;806,41 BUSENESS IN 1936 (DAILY AVERAGES) • Life policies issued and revived per day . Number of claims paid per day .. . . Life insurance issued, revived and increp..sed per .clay . ▪ . . $9,818,422.00 • 17,284 2, 344 Payments to beneficiaries and policyholders and addition to reserve per day . Increase 'in assets per day, . • $2,450,561.00 $857,753.00 -Life Insurance in farce In Cama at end of 1936 $1,065,096,301 Ordinary . • . • • • $592,861,421 Industrial . • • , . • • , 394,164;913 Group . . . . . . • . 70,072,947 g INIfrar Life insurance isttaledIn 'Canada in 1936'. . S138,149,096 1.11.`.In: w revlv.dt and Increased In Canada - fish .i; • er • • • ? , • • ..• . 0 0 0 • S36,230,807. . kkitilniiirldta.madi tit, Canadian -policyholders in 1936 a►ithfoRtt addiitio00li* • • ' • 319,. .0 Itealthpolilleations dl*ti1bt tted,,In Canada in 1136. • 4,319;000 4111. Investments in Canada . • . • Dominion • and Dominion Guar- anteed Bonds . • • • . • Provincial Municipal, Provin- cially, Guaranteed and Muni- cipally Guaranteed Bonds . All .other investments . . • . . $270,965,606.51 569,497,116.84 $112,728,585.78 588,739,903.19 Policies in fares 1n Canada . : • • . • • . .2 649,677 (includ h9 4t1,880 group certificates) Ordinary . . . . -. . - Industrial . • • • • Group (certificates) • . • . • 406,732 2,200,065 42,880 Payments to Canadian Poelicyholders in 1936. • S28,592,050.05 The• Metro iolitan :is a mutual organization. Its assets' are held, for the benefit of its .policyholders, and any divisible .surplus is returned to its policyholders in' the form of dividends. * .* - .* , " * •* Approximately one-fifth of the people of Canada and, the United States are .now insured in the Metropolitan, many having twoor more policies. ETROPOLITAN1 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY FREDERICKH. ECKER • 'Chairman of the Board n Horne Office: ,NEW YORK Canadian HeadOffice: OTTAWA HARRY D. wrrrc1174 Mr"i°i'g ATP 'lli3"1 d t- �cand teu���xers�itfl!a�r'ir -.- LEROY A. LINCOLN — - President 4, tta ttAxre xrlitau • i•1ft by uvt r� bl Illbn dollars during 1980 to 10.'00 .14 oaf $21,310,970,7$4 -•M». tlter Ia+tgeSt amount of life insttranee ova.'" force In any company. Polleyho1 m of the ltietrop tlLtnn.. and thehr bc'nefielaat'Les revolved In 10 for the fifth successive year -pier belt & billion dollars as payments wee policies -4- over one hundi l° dfl ; :dollars _will ,. be _ returner t> r _- _ during 187 us dividencla on°thtrlatr polteles w-- au sets Inereased ir►4`>tt lay g'-",59.5 15.1,2 to a totni �f 4,4 701.772 and, satisfactory .per - is reported in: all. departmental the company. 11AR1Z1 D. WRr(r1T • ,grand i iec-Preside►it and alt mage ' fw ('a nada, Metropolitan f.4f& I t 1 fratir+e d'rnopany, •ar.ho reports- ry cu.sced investments is the lUvrni.cr L • ec and Vice -President T1 trry to 1'•rlt;ht, 'Manager for cumuli', con- tneir,t:n}; ontilee'atnnrllun business dor the -eo nt►nn,%, stated that it thr i nnulnlun alone, payments to politl. ite,►l(le•rs and their beneficiaries Ilei' ltt:t(1 totalled $28,,52,050. Ile addet that life insurance companies IL r'anaila during the last five yeses. had distributed .to the people of the 10nru•irtlon over $100,000 per dal;.. which Uinta rates the very rat measure of security, afforded tbsril ('anadiatt* through life insurance - 'rhe Company's total of life Yah• suranee in force in Canada hati.beets Increased to $1,005,090,301. Ott th1 • amount $7192.8k11,421 is In' the .0e- dinaary Department, whielt ismer poltetes of $1,000 and upvt"t ',. $78,072,947 Is in the (.Troup Depart 'neut. Insuring groups of employs; and $394.l01,933 is in the Industries Iii pnrtment, premiums being pail. weekly or monthly. :Metropolitan continues Its welfare work, and In Canada during tics past year nurses made 379,000 %Ube to homes of Company policyh while .4,319,000 pieces of alterative were distributed In the liner i' C wider education on health stibjeetS. Mr. Wright reported teat Ift1244. poli'tan inve sttnuenta In the ikanintssii Increased during the year'te.a of ' $270.965,607, and than I major aspects of the business kx, c`.anada the year 1936 was wait satisfactory. Referring to the Company's t business In (Canada and the 10 States, the year's report Oho** +n gain of life insurance In force 'se $1,(181.62(3,2+08. This gain iii refiertee in all . departments and represents �poltttf In the- histoiy--o't the (,,►mpanyp ace tritai--inseCftiee-=$ar force Is n<rw $21.310,977).784, ' sit" which 51 % or $10.ff ,871,470 is chic the Ordinary Department.' The Is' etustriait Department has 34°'e tin $, aneil (,roup Insurance nreovnts for 15% va ith as total WI Acaetq Ill.'renaeel $2719.S99,20A is 1'a',+► and totalled S4,'i`.r4.14t1•772 et19 T►rrre•rirl►rr 31st On 'thls lie the 'ur f ll urr fnnelP m e rr' $274.434,i961,' and tie contingency reserve For flan fifths year, the Metr.. ,.i 11ton disbar- ed tnore7,d4ltaaatt 1,ait n billion doll.rr.1 °to IN polio, - 1► •I,lera stn'1 hsnotirtarirv' in death mut,tre'el .'n.lownwnt't. c11�r1- ►ar•nri dlnat►ility benefits and other Pstt nu nta. Mery than two-thirds Of tl►r ifrta►) Rade i'"l' tt' living holler- ho/feters a 1.,4te*tial refutation of :he '.vin.; tit:„!, In life insurance. '`nt^ h.a'►►• ter me to twin". An ;flea of the Nielropolitaa'n business , an ho conveyed by retro 'Int~ 'orae .•f thou.' rant►aniuretad a dear',. l'a►.k. For ln�ctaanflge�o, a tlh chile s e crate of i 'rnents tri t— ftr'larirps : Fat►It<•gholdNrs;iael! nelelrtk'n to nti reserve was $2,4.-a0j5sat. An •aaw•nrnge of 2.344 elating v>rere paid ec cry chit ' and .every day SEW an averami of 17.284 life ltts'ur*tt policies. issued and revived.; alirag $9.S1.S.42'' in life insurance lewd , ,T mi revTvell" ibi.14711W.(1 ' ....-.._,. Teacher.—"I Have went"- 91* wrong, isn't it?" Pupile—" Y'e t, . mem." Teacher.—"Why is it' +w bng ?" Pupil.—"Betaustt you ain't r ye