HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-11, Page 6,
• Lei ;Coale G. Saunders went to
illanatoto to spend the Reek -end with
es. •
Margaret Kelly. ,ot. Pen at mg
-visitor during the past .aveck
.liatitiKr. and NTS. Frank Kelly. ,-
Breen, Huron Road received
Iniexpected exit from her daughter.
..leaston. Mass. to come at orfeCiti•
obiout4 Ito Undergo a serious opera -
111.14 •
lir; And 14m% Turner attended the
lisseral of Mr. I, C. Woolner in Ta-
oists. on Wednesday of last week.
••111r, Varner was a brother -in -hese of
liattileceeSed. .
• "liy...kleorge Groves of the Bank of
ree at\ Port Elgin, ;upi
r1es Groves AlWr-RoY10,-Pa
sry are spending thragrf-7Week
eation with their father.
Annie Grummett
convasia•Nr. asonERN 100
7110010"HOT4,--65. WITH Alai, .
" •MOTE ;ON *01.01ittl.
11,010$ papas
Group 3 of the Women's Institute
entertained at a "500" party at Mac-
IPIY gall On Friday evening, klarge
number of people enjoyed the game of
cards at Whigh Mrs. Wm. Abell and
Mrsegteese were the winners of the
'sidle's' prizes and Mr. Chas, Thomas
and Mr. C. McDonald won the men's.
Mrs. Ross Tielibourne won the lucky
their prize,
terton, Sask., was galled to hershoine
by the illness of her mother, Mrs-.
Jesse CsrummeA Anglesea St. It is
2$ years since Mrs. Wilson left Gode-
rich for the West.
Miss. Vera' have returned home 'after
an extendeOrisit 'of two months with
, eallous your hands hoeing onions.
er_daughter,_Mrs. W. Arownleeat
Tharnesford; Ont. who canieTialrildis ----Iletere's-tree-litore-iwar-te-keep -your-
self noticed and half -way %Tulsa*, and
rich and spent.the week -end with her
.sister, Mrs. R. Good, ' that , is to \be a good listener, 'have a
is vocabulary , of adirdring Objeetteee
Mr. Harold Stevens of Hohnesville, and a gen that won't come off...YOU
LI- student of the High School was Sud-
denly stricken with appendicitis eu prebabiy. alaven't the el-centrol or,
physical strengtla to do tnat- for five
Thursday last, and was rushed to the
1110ntA,. so yeti might just as ell retire
Goderich hospital for an operaton,
gracefully with the rest .91 us nQW.'
Mrs. Stevens of Holmesville came iuto
day yeti On the frsts-w
town on Thursday evening to be at iarn,: may be
the bedside of her son, Harold, attn.. walking down the street, head thrown
the operati&t." ' • '• arias swinging' ind- it cheery smile
for all and sundry. Itou will - ;seeBill
The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Doak had a narrow esestoe cn. j°n'es 'Puling 'V and 'down his gatcyon
(path, sniffing the al:, "rather like' a
Monday afternbon, when the ice on agave, blood hound on a hot trailo He &av1ie
pond on which she was playing
way 'and she sank to hin-8111ell' the SPritg"
lot vitit,
. ,
a hill
i4v:w4:1,..rc A.14,gz:ribia.4i7-T4.'be-It'iy41.64" my
VoelfOit -ithe 1014- Olt.".40-icte:4,,044 •
On .i41delleate• dusty,
X would be ,wear g a thins:little-cottet
emir •
Sprsywied on ,the reaved nap or Om.
.The World would dip and sway n's the
,canied it like a ,bowl, of Sheer glass.
Very ,!itep .would be the Mids
4teamY nionotonOns songs would rise
From the; inwshoPPera; and I would
\ stretch.
Pushing the blowing bah, from my eyes.
Elizabeth Bohm.
\ •
There are,still a femdais agdnighti
!left Wore most of n out enjoy the
"great out -of -doers" With pity degree of
Warmth and comfort, but there are a
few -a chosen few --ho are alrea4Y
braving ,cold 'winds and wet feet, and
loving it; They -are the gardeners-
amatetir and Priefeeelo,nalt- AlVione who
doesn't tome under eftlier o the, sub-
headings can 'retire . Ir the background
and stay there. You are of • no more
use in this world, uni of course, you
e e ..„ B,ARt..o, ,,.
rtvgo. onu
ind MrS. William ilarlOW, , Newgate
Street, heqnne the wife Of 'Mr. Johil
Livermore, . 004 ,of gra, S. 0.0aatle
404 thelatetDaniet UverrirOre Of Clili
ten. The wtdding ceremony was, held
aps and Book* Needed ini‘rei
River District--GXants feir,
Children's Clothes', Etc,
Farther down -the road, you will see
the ley water, her feet stickingfast
in the mud. . •
Her four year-old brother ran house
for assistance, but in the meantime
Ben. Lindsay saw the predicament of
the little girl and arrived' at the spot
just before the child's mother. Never
at any time•did the twe year-old child
display any ameasmess or cry out.
Mr. and, Mrs. John Smith, with red
roses and numb fingArs, clearing little
patches and digging little holes. Per-
haps they'll' speak to you, perhaps they
won't.. .
Then you'll meet "_the Plague. You
have to. It's inevitable, Usually the
Plague .(not Pest, that's too small) Us:
she, a very large site, with an old tWeed
coat, squashed dcoirn hat and -dilapidat-
ed rubbers. She will drag you into her
• garden, .whieh is a sea of mud, make
you jump from- tuft of Tret grass tp
slippery rock and iist<?n to lbud and
=intelligible aecoimiS of how ahe -
planning her garden , this year.
eres a Paint
te‘rated Por its
opayormo Brush Maths"
• 25% :Oreater spreading
13atter appearinee:-
25% Longer service.,
A 'Superior paint . for all
* rior and exterior suffices.
"The border will be sided with some-
thing -somethings arta ra put thingd
umsbohis behind- theta, -Over here, _rn
grow soine what -do -you -call 'ems and
down here-," be she iwilt lead the
way over :two peddles., the second of
wheel shell jUnict in. arid splash. YoU•
• She won't notice, of CARUSO.
After you've been around twice and
she'S started on the Med description of
how the garden, lookei, the year before
lait, you try to edge away to the gate:
But no, she hasn't finished yet, you
llaventt seen her tpierfel!ttlY beautiful
crews AO she grew in a boi, in 4'.1xe
,baaernent . Window. Just so you wont
Mies a minute or ner,garden in its plc -
turesques raw state, alit flops off to the
Wee warm basement: end brinp out a
melody ,little bit of tites. ton, Atter
and aquoOsh your wet feet around and
km to make Yietir :told /we smile. But
It won't. • After a *ad* it gets sodark
that -atyin the:. 1ttigue !Can't admire .ialY
more- strid_Vie, lets. yoti gar *-POrtimatelY,
Atte 'Au epi4entile' is Oren *041 you get
Is a sandy cold. . .
.This Isonlythe bleating though.
1JUst wait Until ire sinyuner, *with lovely
long evenings and bright morningi.
You* .will,. Zip. this 'time; be dropped
comP1et.01.1* ' by vox' gardt leVitig
ir$elichi- wrritty 1110 -illteak to you, but
ofteneon ordit, by the wrong made.
, They \ hold Absent.artitaled ecnrertatienS
41:941171 bre-Oiling" 6telli tile .'itdtkut be-
cause it*s near*i'hdrWy'i-iiiomt,
Miss a minute of the 'Watering time.
You may bezeme tired of this kind Or
treatment -and' decide to go away tor
the .rettutinder of the zummer.: •
Von stO,,over to tell Ilgll. Jones; -3•Iet'a
sitting otz. the front ,attpc clad in over.
Ole, 04 itirrOundett 14 bit* 4 old gat-
tieri•took. - He'S trait*, Wax a rake And
' Ter WI. Ito* .eler. Onto becisnt
Etaalk , ta .: think it
.*111 tii.
en toll ,. * y
On ThursdayaffrhoOn thChWitlil
eating of the Maple teg Clulpter.
AS held in the 'Public Library :beard "
moil., Win. Douglas 'Walley presided,.
there being ;some twenty merribers.
After :the opening nraYe.1; the nth
, of allegiance to King George ' VI VMS
'talten.by`all•-the members-
"...A„lettee from the tittle Theatre
Group in London was read, stating
thet owing to the size of th'e set re-
quired for the Pla3i' Which they were
thinking of bringing to Goderich, it
a, selection would take aeme,
A. letter of thanks Was receieed
fromi the teacherof the Peaee
District school, to Whom the Chapter
had sent a donation.The letter else
_.-ASIPeCt.if it-won104-possible-for-the.
tary reading books and old , Genre-
phics -for them. This Was left in the,
hands of the-Edlidatiiiiial .Secrettry,.
-Mrs.-Elmer Beacom.
Miss Claire Reynolds 'conveyed the
appreciation a the Hospital Auxiliary
to the chapter's members for • their
generous donation for the cook book.
A small. appropriation WAS voted to
the Provincial Council of Girl Guides
for -a gift for Mrs. Rutledge, resign-
ing Provincial Commissiener.
• A suggestion- from - headquarters
was presented by , the: Regent re-
garding Empire Day. - It was decided
to confer with the Ahmeek Chapter
before a final decision was made.
The Councillors- presented their
/plans for the 'Regent's party, and the
following Wednesday was chosen' as
the date.
• The Welfare Committees of the two
Public schools, were voted $5.00 each
for childrens' rubbers and clothing.
• The Secretary of the Giri -Guide
Committee was asked to register he
four leaders Of the Guides at Fetter-
cairn'Island Camp for - re week' in-
Old Home Week, in which the Chap-
ter intends to participate, was dis-
cussed prior to adjournment.
Here is ai eostume for the modern
girl, now being exhibited at the
British Industrial Fair at tendon,
Eng,‘,The Costume is disigmed so that
it can be worn ..for almost any sport,
such. as hiking, cycling, tennis, ete. It
consists of a short divided skirt of
linen worn with a tailored •flannel
jacket with padded. shoulders and belt-
ed at the' back. Ribbed; -knee-length
socks are Will. diPer stockings : A Mae
Juliet cap of the same material as the
coat completes the ensemble.
TO PREPARE and cook rice correct-
-1- lyr first wash it thoroughly, stir
in a sieve with water from the fatteet
run througlr# several times i- --Then
have boiling water ready- allowing
two quarts of boiling water to one
pup of rice. • When water i$ boiling in
a deep saucepan, add three teaspoons
of salt, then drop in rice slowly, a
little at a time. Allow it to boil until
it is done -from 12 to 25 minute's, as
may be required. To test take out a
grain and press' it with thumb and.
forefinger. When ziOto is soft it is
suffickently cooked.' Do not stir while
cooking; itteceifflary, to prevet stick-
ing, lift is with a fork from time to
time. •When deneturn into a colander
or eieVe. It iFi important to run a
little hot Water through it to separate
,the grains-. 'Oct after the water has
drained off, cgyer With a cloth and set
over a patraf-hot-water on back of the
range or kW flame Or in the oven.
Ch I
. Rise- tests user° is
tuPa 1 bailed rice; 1 14 cups,
, grated theesav 3 egg Whites; 1"
cup light cream or •rich milk; 3
ispns,* butter. '
Butter A pudding dish and sprinkle'
with cracker *erUntbs.. Place the ricer
Which should be warm, in a bowl and
beat Until *ery,light. Add egg vie,tes,
whipped, until *tiff, and beat these toi.
gether. Spread n , of the rice,
sprinkle thieklr *flthi'V of the cheese
dot *it '11-1--teasPoOn ..tottir,.and
sprinkle with crackercrumba. ReP40,
.tu.hneatiltetu atrienli:eat,a34:aked7t2i0:Thin;.ine:utl:.°9elluitno.iiia
moderate oven. •
-bre* crumbs; 14 textile= pepper
1 tbspn chopped parsley; 2 tabie-
4 bud' reoolikliodl' cortsuPs'letx:Lcreerelt
,pre astit;, .1.4. tat*. onion Juice; I
• eat 1 tapn,,,femon juilce e,
MIX isoas4ninito With '-ertimbe and add
raeltAxt butter,. than add the 116h,,
slightly beaten egg and the milk And
lemon juice. Line greased
rice" cinttre with fish- mixture,
cover with **remainder of the rlee.
Cover lightly"and atestat 4 minutes,
servo okiNfrt pliitt,tt whit *.stskuoe.
.0ilt lip In
et steak, and
Iddnoy as fo Putin tb�
bottom of * I t 104 .an lnch
of cooked rke n the p t4ktoo itt
10otWr with *
greased p4Ip.r, and steam for 2 0*
: A •
•tie e i
. • ,., 0, el
pastor ,_,4 North Street United Church,
'The.houals.Waa,attractiVelY decorat-
ed in pink and, white and the Wedding
'Was Solemnized beneath a large white
bill: The' bride, attired in a gown of
ceral crepe and with brown accessories
Was given in marriage by her father.
The bride's Slater, „Miss Nene Bar-
tow, gowned. in blue crepe with Pink
accessories looked lovely as her sister's.
bridesmaid. Mr. Harold Livermore,
brotherof the groom wag grooffisman.
A wedding dinner wae • served to,
' 1%/b and Mrs. Livermore left on a
motor trip, the bride travelling, in a
brideeaa three1 anbedll 11DorothyiwereetnNuaecousins
tYllviIS-d4f aeilaiinrseti Anderson,
twoe ud1416i ts184:Mistsittaa:.jr:selsot AlNifill.'mhetilillect:: mothers prayer i 1 1 8 t 1 1 a B . . N , 0 f
'brown costume. They will reside in
Clinton where the gri3ons is employed braided, satin. She earkied her grand -
at the likrear*ell Knitting factory. book. The bridesmaid, .
• -Bratitferch WAS-geilTne,SMI, .z1,-, CMP.red!
The Mine of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick ers. The bridegroom was attended_ by •
MacDonaldt_Dungaraien-made-a pretty his brotaiev-r-Feanairactain _edy-,0e-a:
Saturday morning of their only :Stratford, Little Monica Graham, the
setting for -the marriage -.at 11 ceelock
daughter, Marjorie jean, Ito wivri4 Ea -vex gild, was gowned in pale pink.
a bandeau of pink
Elmore, -youngest son of Mrs, Pent- crepe, with. v.eiver
land and the late .4. B. Pentland, ,ef• roses and a basket of pink and white_
West Wawanosh, the Ceremony bairie flowers. The bride's. travelling.. eose
. the was a suit . of corenatioh blue
performed by Rev. T. R. Turner in
-presence of about 25 guests. The strsh. French wool twill, with matching ac-
between the drawing roomand ces"ries'
the dining room, prettily decoreted Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will reside at
with. evergreens and -pink, and' white Bruasels2sribere Mr. Kennedy ie adicer
flowers, formed a suitableof background „'".
:" ' '4" 1
for the bridal couple, who were aria- ------
tended. .. To the gratis Of the Bridal
Chorus from Lohengrin, played ,on ,
the piano by Miss Margaret Pentland,
A.T.C.M., sister of the bridegroom,
the bride feok her place beneath the
arch, and was given in marriage by
her father. . She was tcharming in a
becoming gown of Coronation blue
triple sheer crepe with rows of fine
ruffles as trimming. She carried a
shower bouquet of pink carnations,
and fern. During the signing of the
register, Miss Claire Pentland, sister
of the bridegroom sang sweetly "Still
As The Night," For the wedding din-
ner which was served by several cous-
ins of the bride, the dining room was
tastefully decorated in a color scheme
pink ruffled runners up the centre, be -
of pink and white the long table with
s children 15o.
Jog centred with the three-storey wed- a i
in; 'cake. The candles and favore
were, also in. pink. Mr, ., and Mega
Pentland left after dinner- hY. Motet
for a honeymoon tip, the ,bride dun-
ning- for travelling , a .ania# grey
tweed snit !With rObin'S-eggf, bine,
blouse, he hig. 11#14.bgt and itaeesa
Series, _,heing-- navy . The -bride
aeo Paek with 1/0411101t4 bag to •
fl-tateli, and t� the pianist and Soloia*,)
be gave rings. The bride, who Waa
general favorite in church and social'
circles, reeeived roany.handeOnie gtft$'
• •
w s e •, pon en
Ms •
PentiaIld will reside „ upon the
,•bridegroom's farm one rile -north Of
An interesting wedding took place
at At. John's Anglican thumb, Brus-
sels, on Wednesday, March Ord, with
Rev. John. Graham officiating, of
Gladys -Elizabeth Cahntnan, daughtcr'
of Nathan Chapman and/the late Mrs.
Chapman, to Roy Wilson Kennedy,
son of Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Kennedy d
_Peterborough. The church was de-
corated with spring flowers and f eras.
The bride wore a white; satin corena-
ton style gown in floor length, with
long sleeves and shirred yoke. Her
veil was caught. with a cermet Of
1410K11.1 ST. 1VILSS1ON BAND
Saturday, Mar. 13
In the Church at 5.30 p.m.
°attain 'Marquisette
Mercerized—lvoryr White, Ecru. - 50 in.
wide. Reg. 40c, yard. ,25c
• • , • 6 • • • OOOOOOOOOOOOO • • B,
• A*
. .
A*10** •
iitttinta shot Platter with the
and tke *11 *retina
**capita of bet potato
m.at to make Ittriviy.
Codthh *1* Creole
(for four s.)
ofle pound of cooked •••t odfieb"
t on. cupful ef ittta rick Ulf
11! tomatoec, ned, chop -
en, two t*bleapoons
of butter"
'Ivory and •Ecru, fin heavy .double thread.
Size 24 yds. by , 34 in. Regular fgav
11.35 pair, for OOO •
... - `It'!"
Values *that 'cannot be repeated, Finest
all wool, white with blue or, pink borders..
Size 72x84. On sale, pair-. ..';8 50
° Oriy all pure.. *0131, kwith. blue beiders, all
--finished.-Singly,.. large, ...Size, / lb,
clearing af, per pair, Sale ,Days
. •
Prints!. Prints!
New and delightful cbtorhIgs. Neat, pat-
terns and guaranteed washale. A.41 36
inches wide. Regular 20C and 250
lity On site, per yd.. . ... .1 Ail
nster Rugs
Ht4vydeep pilere*- :ensuring twig _wear.
Colorings and designs suitable for all
-rooms. "Barrymore' make.
6 ft. 9 in. x9 .ft.—$22.50, ;for. .$18.00
• A good chnicein .new fell base kexoleums
.and sortie reltols, in f and 2-yatti widths.
One weeles, selling .at, per square 38c
yard. . 8.0 * • * ...... ; a
36 inches Wide, white, regular 19c.
Sale priceir.pet trd
orroCkScii finest white Flannelette, 30 hi.
wide: On sale, ret, 220, for..., Ase
36 Indies wide, reg.- 30e, for
vy' a " bleached eeting;
Mahe wide pectt 650 .Aliajity"
Sate 1:la
9 ,ft- x 12 ft.—$40.o0. for.... 2.011.
wen*, Barrymore"
9x 12 ft. ---$60.00, for. $48•06
Linoleum 'Rugs
.Crearing some large sizes at a big
r •
• Size 3, $x4 yard4,„
Size' 4x5 Dyardt
staik:'or Ilan Carpet
"BartYmOre",. AxithiSter Wilton,. Oriental
aolothygs, extra heavy pile, 27 inthes, Wide,
regular $3.00, at. per yard . .„
Men's Socks
Ail Wont Cashmere, in a score of. 'design's.
an .fgt•saitpt
oliot.ings;Srztite:!?. 'egutar
eavy*, with' deep'''' fancy torclerS Of green, .
Ilie, rose* gold. :See these ' Size 'about
. ,.
2x40,, ,Valttei- i. ptAial 4 f» 95