The Goderich Star, 1937-03-11, Page 5tixt.M,s0A, , • cemaflt or rotts1flg space too cZtose to...the hOur.fOr. ge, ig".44.press;pret ' ,t•tte arr1flg 003 *trit'0.1#4es rorn ". .our 1*.4 )ver. . wi11 appear next week, 11t" in he „ C:iVte eti thankS to our corrP�Ddet „ 0 e GOIEEICR 7441#FJERAI DIRECTORS.., AND omAiwns; • 14.9Ber OR DAV.. • 'Residehee.,*, 17 e A o nngt Lc atne ,E0) art &wilding .4. .f.ew day & *tit M**, 31:4 Mrs. 3sePb. Haekett, IOW Are Mr. Sam'Vler1V`Ootk .„ and 1)/14, Job 1Psetl*ntalle e-43tISIneso trip: to Toronto, Aubup,. s Aut ' 0. following 'Mrs. Filbin was formerly Mist Mar. • keretUobirtson danghter ottlie latc John .g..chintion-and'fiterkeret Gordor who came to this, country from Ire* land, She was, h0r11 in. 0004* t9Wn0; ship *aittl 100 there ,for the 'greeter rt of her life. Slie.cemo to Goderich tliv,SPC,YearkalT0L • . „' • The funeral *ill be ,beld'en Frida utter,poon, front*, IlropheY,.4ros. Chapel • • t 4 ' , St• OgOtOXia*,jn Tront 6'0 Oltday‘ of 'Beattice AlexandrePri 110 ham, beloved wife of . Arthur:Pr.- ard RekL Deceasel'VeS.:bkfrit in rower/A Bargain: , ItelitS1601V: .. (Tick Itt.S'a*ci.:-A014' at;41-.4.4,1ti,tZ., dt It. :PtPit'leriS). - '.-4, --- 0.,.n.STATIONS `,.,..:,iii ',NIA -IiiTimg—pRoviricEs. ,, • . .. . 0V. 0 Quebec; ‘',New.BrunswicUi•Pri'rice ,Etilivat4 Island;. .. . e , ' Nova'' Scotia' • • , ' • ' . -1140cli.,..10,,,,ani: ... Iii; Ottawa, .. $7.55; Montreal, ' $8.60; • Quebec Chi, $11.85;Ste. Anne de Reeiotire $12;45-: --. - - ” - - .!, , ., .,xtouNo.:ritir rAitzs Tieltets, Vares,:q,:raxisit 14imits are information, from Agerks• '• '• Ask for Handbill.• T3.14A. , . , at: ht.% 11,001e''' ealpekletbn, Is -11114.*6P• vitill'btanC"11,:ttge-:ite,its' sinrA3Q519Et ing•five '1Alteey9 aftritlite•thia that tlic 411144tdiZyCerio, Temper- :passed-Orittist:k/Atittl'iitif, ietodi,,is„,, a., • t(11,11"41,1,r4 • 4 tailed to Stoiv brino and (5) Rear e to driers *, vari leV:;110:1,0841 s .4011i 41 4 partei I of cti:balt:Te tdb4Y. t ettlenlent 111 the toot of the salt CO t3t,b1,1t 1100, been rectified. Their 1:480 was fOrced to ;shift down.„.44,c. to scarcity of brine but they envoloy*ed' 411''14,InittlYe8 *°*of stlitil$ut:dr014*Pn*,:i.nlg• cigvng thq- bitsineft Is much better . due to lack of VOW; roads open; derk Or openings o natigation n'COtOttint*:' 7 ' r of alI raw dontmotlitieS; rs. Frederick • Or aro. •as ,t0 if Per CO and 4'gr.-4410ate.:et- the.'*,T0r.O*)to, b,* Staniletin An. ay. even v., lovte;. Oospita,4 get fathtir ..genduce3 a dear due toproposed: minetiff, $.toto. here and 4.'brother • ettike. -NtAyrpfkbut th*y hope :taflci Of Pridititni at..ended , t-4 tl,()*ovot.''' 0'4 1-* o1,1 3 TAC wno the funeral 'on 1 emitty, ?ht., Totortte. st*IJIte- • r L.,,** • " • Interment was a(tfi .* -• Parkia*fi 011kinfo* toed ractlinerY" Co.* aro .,.shd, leaves ,her'hnSbert lt0 melt ba41; .ahd-haeilliss'40 heel* in afl cemetery', . •• ' • " and have ,te'lt*Oit tiern 'aft *• AA1,0 -ars;. li"Organ are novkt uclt better than it was for 11 Its; *n et CO tie' we;tItiinbed off an1 t gine fotripp.ing,„hnt the Sailors WOO *Wing to 140.^fiettlOstVeIr Ife as to proteet their cite goallead, "SChneider and Butch Murphy -open ed the play in the thirdl•pori9+.on nies Combination Play 'WM* just fail - ;e4 to Schlteitiq' MISsed the'. het entirely .frorn fifteen feet out Vitnibo4” Nivinit,**( sent to "alti&hing and the,q9Its flatbed the12... ganging attack )9nce.--010re; Alien au0:- tained ti4S4r ea -ever the eye 'when obintunt bumped Ithit anti. Ive*t off fortreetnient* Schneider SOrPhY and C;rel)er •cemo. close .84 minute alkter on ottibinati94..Piet,h4 ..(Ira:Pa.?..r.1.4ss ' 0 0. eric f *two t wo ' c:Ited't, ere° C SAVenr4tOtS did a. Year ag°* t the Itolns 'devotea oven. Lest other bre ust w the poninion 0 ' • * f th, si'11,04Y a 4* 10 ..Orte. brother, tmprov • , h eln teliPe 'r,,clitioi` 04 two 13004i,P40, * 6iieot 1.„ g Aleut -Houses \ate, being remttlelled Mar,PhY,.P1411iPs, Crozier, Ebel. which AtO itiallOaOttir0 thenr.., t,*obinson;.Stoddart;... centre,. Allion: ''Ain business ; lie*" feto ature °, ' 'eitell month ,And,BrUc02 , • " Ars'Aticti,' and L'enm /..,preventent Loan vern-. awe 414'4.-.sAb°11 00*, 'the• aa„yt beingTemDe os f o /the Goderieli rnt. , Phillips and Stoddart‘each bad the wind knocked mkt' of 'them In. this, neijod,' the Owner when. he crashed into the bott`tds and the latter when he WAS *idled heavily in centre Ice. With Chesley ganging, deeperatety in the dying moments Of the game, Bill' Robinson' took passont 'from Allison and went in unmolested on Marldevit,s only to have the goalie Make a. great save. * prograin Was Under r'tlie' leederShip '0 Cflfford Croirer, .• „ This' Comottunty wemoznes,i t..10.T.: Land $$. ;Pt:Film; ot`garriston,''11,4%/6. are're- - ding, at Mr. Vareld )31alteig, • W.., '101patricit 14aS ;rented' his -Mgr ttk'llviessise.iPick-,-Itilliatticixderson r. f:,-.0,11 Mr.'antt Stanley ',spent 'Sunday' -with,'.11r, Cecil -011A)21*.Y..-.-01-7,!0-ral7tV9,it":7— • I from.. GODERIC urtiss Beauty Salon FOR YOUR EASTER - !loaner" eve *Phone, US w • "ot North S'ale of Square yr - t islet io-iitoitrow Ivlrsk 0,4141‘it.t07'$t,r,4i*Ross";)445ed n- irn. hnm inGoderich „Oti wed-i),0$44k..0iog,-,,. 4 -ter. apt. lof tlit0,44ri , Ve-ge4P.. was. born Lit iit 11,!4,2a,„."4$.,,Q.,:k:„.itla liter of Olt it401,Aft. ,t1-1.14 .:alsio.cli) ir.-014. '.1.1e ''sit: aii.#;. ''..t',,?s,Ae)r 10iiT*:,41744irk4 $.6 :' '1.t.' k1140 ,44.Ss,i.w.be.*edeeepes&Iiek;,',iiree • qaTS.7:#0., $'11P ' '110iPed--746--:-Od ' where she lived until her death. gr. Ross at one-time oPeratet1 . a aKtin laundry on lien-illtou'St. Two years Ago, 'Mrs, :Rosi„ who -was in ill bealt3 , i;elt and breko her hip, *' ' " She was it Mernbtr. Of Victoria St. 'United Church and Rev. A.7"t; Moor- housetiWill conduct the funeral servi-ze on Friday, afternoon,' - . interment will be made in Maitland -Cemetery, .. Tliose surviving are: one daug.hter, (Florence) Mrs. Jos. Shaw, Cabri, Sask.; two sons, Walter, Saginaw. and Herfert, Los Angeles. One brAlrer, James,•Engadine Mich., and one sister Mrs. Thomas Goderich. Dit.'A.-McLEOD ' The community rf Wroxeter was saddenedby the death' there on the Atb- inst. of Dr. A. McLeod,' He was both friend and doctor to everyone aid won a high place in.thopffection of '.11.1. R?, had been ill -only irshort time, doctor- ing those taken with "flu" until last week -end. The deceased doctor was born in Cape. Breton Island, N.S.. and froin there moved with his parents tq. Bayfield, where he spent his early life. •He taught school' for several years • deciding upon doctoring as his life work. die graduated from McGill University 23 years ago. and Spent 'almost a year doctoring in Harriston, finally going to Wroxeter in 1915. He "Marritcl Clara Koehler of Zurich., ,and to them: born" two "ehildren, TOM and,Margar0, both home; A :pri- v‘ate, serVideLtoOkOTI‘Ce at the house Saturday afternoon' 0)-ilowed* a public, one .in-Wtexcterriliiited Churt'th. Interntent was in 'Tfayftell*,0011elellr, last Stitiirday, when the -folloWing , were the pall -bearers: A. •Maxivell, 'Lewis Thompson, las. It.-Iteid, Ferguson Billett and'. Mettle fr, e Ruby White le* Art Tha bridegroom's bOthercUr, Eric net of Kit,Fhaullr, *100** 41014.34 trien40,.. • •, • lineui?: Upon their return front:theft-I, wed. din trip, the young- 00uple willorcside at /10Ite • tne townsh \ mom I.. • • A A Ael ouse .bY 'member& 01' the. 410 chapter on Wednesdei, We4 DOnsid 429,,MPbell 410 # • 14toos 0. : • :Ore )9Ms0t*t Vit 30. S* The 10110,Morit. p]anned he petty, debidett on ster Idea", , h. gtlegt Virss to bring a "white elephantl! .4ref1,14 ivrapped eOlite,*1 the nature tit the 'contents of the parcel. After the playn*,of *ivory four hands* eithft the highest Or the lowest e-ererS giele.#04 Orise, which tinned out tobe hin.g. front- bends- to tanned locals Buffet Atm** was &vied. *bent 1,140 CheselY---gbal, Ittarkle,vitz; defence. at the 'brldge .tables, eshelneing * merry 'wAgegns'ir Ngerl:Pctielle' .1'S:htletirdee'r ;33altetllePtiee sp(;), 9r by and uew. ouroing installed, parts of •;Goderieli—gOal,. 81404 defenel: Oaticieh Manufacturing f -.Co... are% wings:" Doak. B. alternates:t weir:king night and day 'cutting a' large IviaePenehl, McDougall, quantity of 490a into liunber and ex. pect a .rinick14-110V it.eferee'---t-rnonston, ilarriston. -'ireraiT'013AV1,4141'011,tittii'eV144'400:itt$'have ;;;t:L19' york ur. bright bright.for-thislittle lecture on eamoniy trnadian NatiortatRutiviarre a ou ed.dast„xear's business was good and teyes.,, . "?”— -this year's. shows'$i.gns 'further "Any results-?" • `. . improvement. "Yes-miLve got to. ,give .11110Cartudian Pacific ,Railway Port..theiA, business .greatly improved, growing* steadily throughout the:year. Locally, they claim that trucks,,were bAnOling orders ofless then atifiad lots but that Shipments of, grain,: flour, salt ftlid; other 001rnoditie$ bad been g°,T6-dhe;-.tb:411:riSt i::;1.1'81;143. -SS during lt93g was much_improVed ole-inforrnet seavons, and it lookal.promisini.for this coming year, but Goderich will not get their .q`hare of the bilsinesi unless we, The Board of Trade, go after it. 1:!. the town *ants this business they must do as other towns do=-4td.vertise. The fart must not be Overlooked that tourists circulate a lot of money in our town. Imperial Oil Limited: Busineqs for them, has been vergo-,d throughout the year., Six' oft•liouts unloadcd '2,-, 722,049 gallon; of gas:iIine and 668,- 793 gallons' of fuel VP. The Shell011Cd`r had exceptionally' good business duringti year of 1.11,36, Their gasoline is brought in by tank cars .and largetruel. - At the'llarbor—DUring the naviga- tion months of 1936i -there were 180 freighters With'a gross carrying capa- city of 287,000 ions discharged car- goes into the Goderich elevators, plus, the large tonnage of coal for the Goderich- -Salt Co -.,- Western Caiiada :Fleur Mills and the speaker's wharf, Chase C. Lee. Besides the freighters, the passenger boat; the Steamer Geor- gian, made bi-weekly calls diring the months of Suly and4).ngtfit, and ther.s. must have been between twe and three 'hundred yaehts mad4LOoderich a port. ,of -call. These people spend money in our town. . ay • 4 may be hot Ara* itiay be-coa be;pt.epared end.,,, stock up with g or itnY Una of Weather. YOU CAN lirtiY: THEM .AT format Warikomise taxoteterlt HERli, LS A' ri„,e4t tittles) " RAiiidt OF Y DS, ALSil' o n or en, men r. :s ant iies 4 g 0 1 MEOTflis STOR 'ANtYPR y: OUR VISIT, J. :movo44., '; - . • 11. tha you, talk- MISS .1kiiNtE E. HAYS 1 . .Possibly, one of. ' ihe best , known Women in Goderich, Miss- • Jeahnie "Birdie Ili4S,,passed'iway last Mon- day, gromh 8th„, at he'r home,. on; St. - Patrick's St„, ,follitwinoi'vr. 14110$8 of ttiro months,- Aithsz nurl 4-tliY.ANTAS. in . her 6,9t1r yeark*as the daughter of the latiir:'*WilIianr---0Torrane.'----Hiyas---rat-, ifuron'erepresentative .iii , Ontario's 'first parliament, and a win known "IstwYer, 'in this. district 'who ;later be- came registrar of deeds • and titles. Deceased's Mother IveitAid:Iste Mary taibborrsea Member of one . of ' the earliest famine:tin thiS part, id the otnnitry and one wliielt vistliriketi 'iwith" .Ther•ettnitdit Conlpan3r. - * * 1.1iSs Eiti.Yrt Watt borrt, in dedetieh and Hied 'here *tither life. She was identif fiettiatith!"„IttioY.-PriabytetitiL.thurelv and Was an active 'member 97 A num- ber of ehurchand :town organizations, , ineludingehospitai and. Philanthropic work, „ - , , Surviving are two bro'therrs ; -Mr. lilittor Ittiyt,' • immigration fdlicie. in -Goderich; and Torranee of ilellywood, , California.: The late Col. /I. S. 4stys . 1C,a,sighe:Peased aVtity some time, alro' ... in, Seaford', was also a -brother.. i • ., A 'private funeral Witt. ltela. viler - airy afternoon at her late • home,: 'the service :wing, eoodueted,h* Rev D. S. Little' at',.• 'zra*Tre' ahitetialli Church. Internient 'wits Made in the family plot, 511 Maitland .CeirteterY, 'The pall- bearers were:, Mesers.,Anier Beacom, . 0.1 -rays, X.O., 4 . BC Robert, 4.,'', Aeon, ' O. O., Lee end tot. lsr: Mabee. . • , ' ' Mr C.K.. Saunders spoke On the subject of . the Horne ImProventent Plan pointing out the benefits to be derived by a community If the thing were given support: and encourage - „pent. The 'plan and ho* to make use of it was explained by the speaker. • ,;111.r. Nelgon•11111;the-seereterY,--reed,„ a letter from the Qt.tario Advis*ry Committee regarding the plan. .The • up smokp letter asked for the cooperation ef the various Boards of Trade throughout the province in order. that the plan. might' be a success and help to stimu- late the building trade. The beam also asked that the names of a number of ptiblie-Spirited citizens be -*ant •the Board in order that a local Committee might be formed. WM. YP.10 Itrft 1. Yeo old of the Lk beSt known residents of the township of Goderich, died in the Clinton hoWittl. last Saturday,bayinggone there a week, previously for an operation. the operation revealed a very unsatiatat- tory; eooditiunoand tligugh hope was not abandoned, the 'seffoustiess of the situation was retitled. ,° Yeo was the eldest on icit the isti John Yeo of Ooderieh'towooship. /0 -ems horn at the Yeo homestead near itoltneeville.” His wike was Miss Jennie Nooaft and after their mar - tate they statted farming on the Oth coneession, where the fantilr stEll fe- sides,. • „ Mr. Yeo in addition to his urn:, alo conducted an insurance business, m s a 'member of the lloirotiville TThited being avalued' nient- ler ,of that ehoir for several vans, Ile 'was Mold and was nhairman of tlte (Weil& Township- lelephorts tent at the timer of hit death. I3eskles lifra. Teo, he loaves ,tw Harold- tand, Elden', And one daughter, Eau. Ifl is also Survived by a. twin sister, Mrs. Russell Forres- ter of 'Markham; and- .two bothers, Eldred, of, Holmesvillet: and Leonard of Winnipeg: Mrs. John Yee, his tnother, also survives. - Interment took plate on Monday in Maitland Cemetery *hen Rev.. Mr. Herbert eOnducted the ;stervideS. The pall -bearers were: , Oliver .Edvfard, Lorne ....Tervis„ ,:x5r Jas. Sterting. A great.gmany old friends of the family attehded the funeral and 'many others forwarded fioral tributeK to the bereaved home, ° • Amortiminoupoomoo,irim44101, The Hydro Store COOK WITH ELECTRICITY Quick, Clean, Econotnical - roe Awookeenweowwweere 1 ` MOM ommimil; GOMM, See, the display of variOns styles and Maim at The. Hydro 'Store -GODF41146H ..... • .J Ustf Hydro, 1)111b0 for lighting. They are guaranteed. A Just - i h , ha. of vii, I P , ct 1), ::0, 1 r c' v‘t i Wetk. one 384 Miss Onrritt'aud. Ikt*.C1Ake have b0Ort appointed *legates* to. thee's mutt convention, Of the Wonitin'S'Altx theists* Weeklit AntW •"IVIIsS,Nietat attend;the':eonvoOtion AS:ft10e ltielOsi of the \V A. ' Commeke n of SPring Setts° 'EMMY Lod SAURPAY, MARCH 12thiTsmettilt14" 1937 - •Variety -4%7141:19illar-t the Face, taile terls4 'Igoe them show a decided. return to Ribbon, Quills, Flowers. Paiszoy Trimntyl mot 'we *nave the Pleasure of bo1n ou our New 'Stack. Kingdom St. acNICAR Bedford Bleck • Zit tt,4 Does Your'lt�mach �Che After .Every Meal You Eatt The biontet), heavy feeling after mealsi the empty, sinking, gnawing before inealat, the 1)0.11111g and flatulency betiveen toett ' the rising and souring of food, an theot and more fall to the lot of these suiterin. from stomach 'trouble. Burdock Blood Bitters tonta up the membrane- lining of the stomach, and 14. Stores' the natural process of digestion. Take B.B.B. and get rid of your stomitc trouble. Bli RD,O,C BLOOD 1.11111112111110 BITTERS Phoie 47 GODERICH ow laying.-40an ,Cratdrard and Chrk Gable) fil CIIAJNED." MON, 11.1Es. ans* CEDRIC RUARIMICKS and NOVA VILlik'AM avo-telebrated, atara 44--t2-ie -Stage, -grace.. the rroeriAni_a a42 ant 4dverittireus tolnance. A. colorful production staged, In Lvoistt &We. • "NINE DAYS A QUEEN" TR -14 STORY ,OV'. LADY lANE GREY TOM, nt3r. mut, S4T.-4- MADEWNE CARROLL with GARY COOPER. yOil iike action, suspense, tltrills and &fluxion:, with a ster? of untuuez rest, be.sure viou ate _L -DIED AT DM- ith Non. vawie anli-DuAlkY Metes In the tut. 1 era Ana Robert TA4lor In 4644Na% Hasp iitittaces ,‘°,t1t.. sat. awl :kettiatys at 3.0 paa. Your Success is Assured with'1 Besi fora Phu. emir. SUPERIOR ST RES No. 4 selves, ting 21c QUAL ALL ITEMS " OODS AT LOW PRIC c,„ SALE" THOR., FRI., SA't4 MARCH Al , 12, MED PI 111 c QUICK QUAKER OATS Lge Pkg "Spotlite" IViatches BLU �O'Y CoPP.E, 4 tansags aric ran* !IOUS 3 for 2k 01Y101j,* ist,A1Ntrr SLAM) 10,0r. Jar 14e, 18.oz Jae 25c 101,1040 PoWDEni 8.0a„ Tin 144 16 az Tin 25c en's" relly Powders Idiage tileattir PRUNES one 2 "deniers Patch" CORN ('-‘ttmEci" tortikto .3 20.02. TIns, PRINCESS FLAKES. . . . 2 Pkgs. Chofc WHITE BEANS.. . . 2 Lbs. 15c "Maple Leaf" Soclieye. SaloThn Woolamewie st" Pure Lar -2 1.1b: Pk*. one O •