HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-11, Page 1,
'.441.1ee • 'Vet. VA' ere- PaR1fti4
tto , the conditiQfl of :the treets",;
Deputy-ieeve at the con
.Theetliek P
T1eYare ,fiiniedY ihapes'elehlie*•el
,A4 fat res!dMttsofl omof t
*41to itOt,'„their- car 'out."
• "What'
}tumber- goltatarv of the,*`;13., )ipe.
Works thmittee;.` -"•
• INitinerotui ,otes '1010Were.
' Imtt4rOeve. ,
"ThaVtioesn't.anoWert 4,1043-g
retorted :the I:00040re'
"-NW 44, ,Vubile•
Works and iien:havea. ViOnl,of'grteral
at 414001 1 dOP!tsettOP-*14'301114'
Of these -streets :Ca'n't;bef,:filitt•in btter;
"Man 'Street-Win:very;tadliA
' "00tineilltaretalgie:
41r4holcins PLOnghf the -,44011
• teiVinkrelief epuld 46- 'OW *Pr
. scone; Of ;the Streete:"
sad hehaa,'OnCOUntered, difficulty on
PietOn. Street and the -roadfro*
the'1,nterpatiohal'klaOte •thme.
• ronholietee:ee
e"“I"have teedeivein the.djteh o 'g4
up to attend to
=sled ,Couneillee•,XtingliaMe•••". t
;',"WO have 'been ''rek'Ohding* *:$.4000
$9,000 anki$.10.00)*Year,--P)i,Rtligi
theesyeteMZEieefer beeee.tc
pitch up the 'holearin the roads, av
hump ,where,thehole-yakfilled '
40,• ' Said Mr: Iluckine. think we
,Should get together ahdc7eVelvC.Atint0-..
Oen whereby'we,eould WIce a POO:- --
vent job on iitee'etreet'eaeh year.":ile
•epoice highly of certain, York toivn11.40
roads which the ilelegatioh to -.the -.
. 000d Roads convention at Toronto last
week bad' been taken out, to.
:"We haven't got, a deceit " .stieet: in
town in . this ,,oa4oVtlie-ordieity
. weather:" ' •
, Mr. Humber objected te the state- Sin1ene5 4 PurPosof o, the
:enent that there w,agenhe oge decent chifarjeu,:s gocioy trart
etreet. spoke ,ofthe,00ett leedibg. by Rev Dr. Barriett while:
from the Sentare nd of Viaoria;,St. Priaslied
„sleet wbietee04„weitertfeirlyreS yeeldingea_LtheeMarch
dition.v't Direotors otilrueiddk'"efemnr. The
'e°-‘41 cat showlou holes in. Victoria chairman also expressed the eociety's
Street right heyrethat4on'ean 'hUtie;a gratefulappreciation orthe,.,ass,i,4aetre,,
:200 pound *pig en". 'Do: You eall-thet de- given for the thildren• hy. the Worn
eent?..4 the deputy-reeVe askede Institutes cif the tocere and count,- ,
dug for gravel 'Or Aht••etreete,T. sad iihprOreniVetzTe-ariade- tunmallteet--thi
slogan of
tr'"preOint:; .but.smonitra that 'a
;flne 54..vef nue," is the
•utlthil; e
" 'fp; -'000,t,tiell•-
- -night •he
.0 salesrnan
of "shoolce
wa1ting for
i1f,tett. tp
' /*tar'
t#010, -W0'; and
ignited"- ' About.,
slapped he
(t hadt
tact of
ok t
• 4249derielt Cello t 9 t
et On 0050/ o0050/afternoon ,n :an after
pasing PeCOUtIta amounttngto about
rOef3.edede.tO MOO UP OothAlated
receipts andexpenditurester. year
7; ttui reoulk that the 'Beard
rov* I 1 .
• I
i,;2800 less than in 193$ this ,bein
t "14' .40ilit or 1967j,
1.partly to 'decreased , attenda
i.,001nity pupils; •
Oltehte ut the SchoolLAet'''with ,
o to the =too 0 tebtoutto
*mount 'the, ,p01,44tY grant
k• id s1 pIrg 11tIS
,eatbd subject..1,4he
loorked: anct41 mord4
tousere 40*4 wbqe.. the
• Are with the flesh Was
Bis poolpartner, .had
Luring this. thne and the
§wrucd to lind.himoelt
1.41$ . water troth a
0 „hands of his worthy
blit 111,0xnent*.
ended, And the...pook*-
" Biddite'xdb
'N welt know
*Ion of
soars pexy summer,
The "Publie Sohool .Bear4, through
R. Stonehouse. 10*PO4 severby
al)jo' keaos ',have ileeti; 1.010,044,
iegu1ar book shelving -in .the Libearee,
he bookcases will be 'used...for Mior
hal training equipment at Viet:004
ft to rIP
Om. frets. tts rnooritigs and
ren's Society
radii" to W
Sole Object Anist
- tittle Ones awl' Other
13P3.141C 141 ..SHARE
"I. have about 25 people 441 Ineaddition to the customary:minor
Mr. Humber.. ThelteeeetoSti'Valtt,.t e StAr,Oni.,IgeveTal4ttigs trlaY, be removed.
tewre- to put gravel right up l.to the .and the grounds partially leeelled in
door of their garage."• • • ftont.vi the Shelter, if the-Comenitteel
---"Ty416-been-done 'fircourells to 'which -the-niatte r referred Ile-.
"Neater since I've been ihrther-'cohri work. • - • - Tse,„
rri;,nm an
field(Farmed in
W1U be liter
Wes oI
the. new t
bO. ,ereoted.: e,.
and the;
a. el' reduction
,..4141sbt. demou
19.06 10)be type i
- Ontarlo
light kefrae
whieh difoseslhe:11
be thrown :in eett.
ever it is-.744Stigikti•
by the ompany wa
gin'doO 61c4
Goderleh. celebrated t.
on• -•411440 '4.00.0y "*.at.f.4tO. home ;.'hOPO-4asci406
With' 4#4 woo and .tlughter, Iffl:erertet,' 'par
1'14;$`4' assisthig. her 'heeded 'for• the .systi
fathef';'Who Is not in the best of heath. and WhereaS
liowapr ,lvit MacKay is still bright wed, on the
lett7e-hjeys a good oho *with ,.fallets,
-past,' said Mr. -Biligleinee '" is' opportune for .doing
Ceimeillei •„Eawiqclia tie Supeetten-
nationel Rothe., eghich„ ;:travele.• eon‘ eher:Mattie7oe-Rebtuely end theefterts,
41 1
1 11
11, Mr, Hockinsespeeke'•,•of4theeInteire ente6dtitited the izo*, i. doueer.ei rine
siderablY diX4241414.1.Y.1-41434,04; Ilitet. inektle"titeetiOt`the,,,treatiee it,,,:...differ-,
the -toodition of the toed was. 'die- sett aprielieshwh'oSeideh identities 'ere not
gracefial. lefeelternbeestatediliattbilf •diSelcieetl fet"lbeiCiteiltelsorie.,1
• hien had 'berehAehttlieg ifetWel,diait 41 - Alpo ate, ileelnieulheks! tielte* for,
week and he was told by thedeputy- this yeer,"„tarineureped D. Berheit and;
• reeve that they efedietel)0.eneugla of. ethey eoet,25.cente/agb,„ WhO4aTitsr,
"They have 'pi fi.Veldadeozi,',ILthe "Theirst3 "4, '.-11V t'll 2 CA 4-:, ?,,,,,
chairman fof the committee elainiede '-e .*Itieile,YirdikorycitileiWn?” 'eieluired
"Weil they.haeren't,"eaidi,*re',Aeelel: Alr.,4,114Reberteenetike SeetetiAry.
ins. ._ • ..., „•,%,,, ,.,,,„ .. •. 11/41,6f;yet;e'laixt' here's -, My oitetter,"
"Weil.1 th.ig q . *1,6-Ve.;';
'',e'toc14 ,,, .--itlit--fauKhitig-TicePlytor-tli;C: ilia; ,
Hurnber, "k e 'eh* tlikile".1, , The , 'Mere 'et very eVie who =tad a4*r:et',
deadloCk on it':!pciltkil!'eetitTiiiabil '1'6, Or'CoildeboikreSWeeotieeiefolloWeA his
some -time Until; .05ariii11OW.e'Cial0e4. , bed/6164U r 14,i, 3 '-:i ,* ',) ,'
sugyttested the lnatteili.bt'riefertellO, i'.-1, The '..niuney.. debrieedrIrom .thei sale
the Pablie,W4.10."06114.4111t.tAIL:,_- '`'Z 3 'I„ ',,,ot 'tfltirill4r3 ' ip,usedHfer ex -
"We have .,. $aXe4. t A ..!,,:,40,0114.arahle .1,r4s. fel' tie& e thosolteeding
,, ,, . „ e e , )
amount of -01000Y4-41-•tsuovflOw4.-;Upt..-1( r la ft •Ilesi ts of
ii 4
91t0., afternoon, three were
,systeut would-requlre,
ICE arnus
On 0 .1.0tallnin took an ea t$+
• *ting a:Tt he the ht Orlr P 1411:171i4'041:
weak pot, as botlt,droppeu undow
tedist Alto the icy water One of the
New en could mho, .ori(V suotetiol, itt
'***hittg.s411,4+tc04*, AttY'Olimbing on
mien On
?a,z nieetir4 b
ras are
ve istr, Alto, eortti of town
Matta the id a tharrOwelicalx, frOM'eeriOusi#4,
main street inrY .Tuesday while driving to
t. Two, ivorfit London: when the -Collin, Which thez/,
•..40t40. nstra .were driving collided With one driven
lo\ *taro $4. by 40144
wee see let reevette who Peeerletor podoick
bed, See 'Afet.013e;*,,ereceb334.in snow -storm
• te of 00000 near etensall when is said: to
Agained .etitt have driven out Of driveway in front
, 40f4irthene, Obyedevtrrle,hr;elieriet•It. hi:e10-1013)17,,Idmild4teol
lo In use• the lighter logo -,noitey .44vert by
and' towns. Smillie and both cars :were- oadly
.*111431Z,4416t. 1:eeto Mr. and pr'ev. ettl-t:nd 06-afld 11011
is where- Bannister, paarronwilsetittr,,bolroqw0;14401c,pwaniaose!,wigth3V, jot:if:414 the
• ataneerd 'force. Metee,Prevetteeceleed the most
to e ise'eeeatetTtSietiiiiefroptifigiVer nine
et& ,tbei toad,' li,r •gtitche,, sow and Mrs.
;0.012y1 of .escir, eYett suffered many 'bruises ab9h:
are'T would throw: their bodies and on eheire foreheads,
oad land, through' • and =both comOlainett of sore -chest,?.
There . veal& Ilariniifter.lts,d bis leg, badly, twist"
',$c" ed. tint .1eo_Lble to be up and arouhd,
table, 'WOU14 Provincial Traffic 'Officer RobinSfin
the men , Meter investigated. .
Jamni are , •
resent. the new
Sr' and Would
, Sive' abotit 900, Morey watts than the old
ministers of the • --:•"the The new. -standards will be.,!lateit
The esteemed • giritleirtin' was born in• height 'ad the py,esent ones are.
Scotland; coming to Oklia,da when only about 12. feet. •
five Yee•Tis of 'age with' leSeperetits. eile The 'veliele nuatter ,4cas• taken up, *I
father operated' an'Oaetaleal milt at Kin- coMmittee,of tag' ivh,004. with Immbers:
Toss : for; some thne. Meet:tee was, of the ,Ptulgle Ilt11,Atteee aomnikeden and,
formerly esabbela eeeenee, -else. or the local . elleerlalteeeleet present. The
HtW.deSeint, And :after the.ir 21.4 wi.1.1 ;laity tho icolapsny At the
eiage they tettled are. &lam near Zech. order
al:sh, ' :4!1, airfield township: On, this
ford ii,eltuatete the 'Wive Rreebyterlin
church. Of 'Scotlan.ranct• te*-
clittch- that Ur. MazKay belonged and
was devoted:men:abet, holding to
thefaith that Sunday is a hair day aild,
one on wliich ,nothing should be done'
that could be is:Voided. •
1VittolcAy .beeiree a roeinber of the
years ago, and to 'whieh 'he.stlil ongs.
Mr. and Mrs. MacKay imoieect to
Ooderich "rein. "their men when- he re-
tired • *fid took' up 'tellderice on Oozi-
er= Street, Two brothers, James and
I/mean,' Are lionlesteadere in Oetitral
Aberta, 'Ole& IttaeraY: -farmed for
several' .years and still owns land. He
4,1s, 'very: heoepii, that oeme day'there
.will goad tropi.otit the *gat to
quake,' tip for -the-, inaty lailures .theY
have suffered there.
ing this winteri0;04;de, uheiller alteee '-er a o a te-le
ere and think Att4 Cest4 olilt-goLiteritk-tina willih*ln to
rrioi4 en the streets this yeal.,
speakOr was., 4PArtil)riin 4.ece/.4eviA
• •Mr..1li'ckinS'..idPa,t01flake:eleleeM
-- -Tent job on. pethapeeoese;#eeee,$,,,y,
iiilhat street 'would you
asked• Mr.' Itimber 'warning that there
1[14 *ti
ld be a let of feeling m thisinat- ,A.chkson,et. SOO on
won • .
ter on the pattefib*AlitriT"e;,„sefie• eetieli ••and,14,je uege week, extra
"Ne one butiClairt#T.,:5, &O altt,
coulddriven -up Tea> special AW
lS, rt rugs,'4,
myself have declared. " '
ts sheeting, towels etc. ' ma
iicilietr da.04 MO- *Plied
31.tOtlilfire: BACK' 1VIEMORIE§
- '15 • • e '
,Uae 'ever., heard -tile otrium4
ehatt ,noteie or the plbrOch I •le,
througli't, the Marble: ;corridors' ol
'Station lit Iroiorit,,a, While the trainer gie
tirdnderin'!ONVitteatt - the eineede
cheers and "peehes tae F.,sfw the , great
piper a he strides. acFals, eXatterit?,
fiCOrt,„,t4ars. Vliat ,,IIAPPeneetOn eteat-
ifr.crae;higa when. the .epecial"'hgelaY,
• etrividAe'Seleteele-ith i;topieront
1 •
1 •
1 !
660 r
San Francisco cre itosl with te0i.
ing tremors of eR quake 41,4);ing
Monday night, Athuours wee cir-
00,1atien irotovat, eft Tuesday Morning
that tremors 1144'1)40n feitin Gederieh.
A partichIarlY heavy
was l!Iow-
ing that nigi*,+and.whother, it lita4 the
wind that Caused the houses to shake,
or actuall)t earth ,triniors cannot to
There was 'a diffgence r' of, 'three,
hours\ between the times. (11041:Int
people thought eteirr t.t 'the Or%
shoe or shiver, he 11'01111gs were
not, noticeablo enough to cause much,
if any, uneasiness.
,At rthe weekly .Bridge tournament,
the winners were: • -*
lst,—Mrs. X. C. Lanaway ahd Mr.
P. Carey, plus 10 '
2nd—Mr. I. D. Eastman and Mr.
R. McMehen, plus 9.
3rd—Mrs. • D. D. 'Mooney and Mrs
A. A. Nicol. and Mr. and Mrs...T. M.
Jthnston tied with a. scoie of plus 71,4v
divses •
ng o
rr •
*IV me
toPenalty aCovolf°
- Surprising ktoitt itolv most Woo
/Pllowersittto 004)44 is*novs tons
aek thl1r )11 41y -tooted .Chester Colts.
failure df Chriatiatilitf-040-10°
Chr4t. HO
Power to Save .W"
* scot aqr 'A g ,
itt Us 1 hv," ' tow
bola * out riv#1$
in,theiv. bitt o pitov.
li '1
merii*fe\e liouR
400.1;4 the 'prim* Ors" Of th
Salioi*Canie hack and m
elite 44.,04.*,heforgi the, f
.0.44 •-
:V.conS there they .*0)kt, ;PP
and held the visitors 14, mie
golg10 ioluititicloe
Pr)v, g**0,448034 before 00,141he
1.104..etptois ,Of f,he season: yaa, $0,4ur
101 stutitt4.41040,t0teclOug-- an4, a cer-
tain• .0.1nontit Of .XOnitinieSS, libed 'It
jthe:tOlte.,WeS '-'41 it a
Otter"'onihinatiOn than 701' $41I61%•
The visitors' best -period *.the
' ;
..0LP9**91. ank-'47-gatigthehtta*Iliae.';
-held theSillifs-bilheir dWireirilt
Minutes at a time and in -itself was \
beautiful to' watch. •.•
"We may rest assured that even
though we gazed antazedlY, kletiOnollt
on the Cross we have not exhausted
the that-Cmessf'..saidlle-V„
Dr. 'Ronald Nettled of Rosedale Unit-.
4efi Church, Toronto, when addressing
the aural interdenorninational,..Young
People's Lenten service at St. George's
Anglican Church, on Monday evening,
Taking es his text the passage from
-Peebles, "We :see not yet all thing s put
Hi la 4a see Wm witla tiore
undo. m 14.t.
Mad 11411h°: dominatingilttbnhr QM:gr.°
shcnift be the Crewe Nithat we see in
the -Cross detetininee our religion and
our destiny. The greatest thing a man
Dangerous Crossingl and to report what ne- sees in a clear
pan do rn this is to.s?e clearly
• * way. -
Dr, McLeod made reference to those
wee oot,i, .ear nt'd liereen gerionalY who said that the Church hartailed.
Fatal Wztflrna Injured '-.011eive „ItObert Turner; Actin—Iilearly $4,000 "In so far as the church bus failed, it
.hes failed withen you," he declared
of 1937 -Taxes Paid in February—Suit Started Ag 'ain't Town 'The cooperation must come frern us.
• Clehning Damages for Fall—Piping of Mineral Water Referred The'early Christians caught the visioli
to Utilities Conirnhsioil—Request Harbor Improvements. if a redeemed world and of united
, •
"What is the course to take to havo
It waving signal placed at the railway
crossing east of the town on No: S
Highway7"_, asked Councillor Humber
whenthetime for bringing up heVi?
business had arrived at the council
meeting op Friday.
The clerk stated that he underatood
application would have to he made to
tho company and that the town would
be reguircd to pay a portion of the
cost of such a wig -wag. •
"Well, I think, it would be money
well spent," said Mr. Humber. "There
have been two deaths there practically
within.a year arid almost another one
in a close call last week. I don't be-
lieve in backing the stable after the
horse is stolen but possibly it le not
too late to save a good many lives
yet." The matter Was referred to a'
committee- of the whole council -to be
taken up after the meeting.
Councillor Humber, a mernber.ef the
delegation to the Good Roads conven-
tion reported on the trip and expres-
sed the pleasure of /the local rept.esen-
Wives at • the oeurteoesnesse with
which they were received. He spoke
of going te see the York. County
roads and sata 'thht, unfortunately,
the toads were covered with snow at
the time„ but.that-examinatioti- of -a-
-There 'was a merry mite On board':
the old ship Marine Club, although the
night was .,muricer•-•over head, and
sloppy Under foot that 414 not stOilg5:
guests from letting go anchor for a
few hours, to take -part iw that, old
familiar game euchre, played to Hoyle.
Twenty two tables were played in the.
eontest for the prizes plat up by-,Mre.
Geo. ,lifeteod, the ladies, whitle was,
*on blilltrs. Thomas' .Shields; ecifiecte
lett* by Mts. James Adams; "
Mr, Elliotlfrenrian and son, donated'
the gentlemen's- prizes. The first was
"tion-b*--Witi:,...lohnstone Jr, , 4,
At 30.30 lionny,.the ship's steward,.
and his popular.waitere, served eande
ewiches, cake, and coffee. . The Meek.,
etridge-4'Orehestra_ piped all hands on
deck to start the dtthee'.. ../it 12' min.
sharp" the parte* hove to, as in the days
.of old, ,as .ships rounded Cape Horn„
for oldelsteptune to board ship. He
Climbed up the - "Bob -Stays" °Ver. thc
Itovesoritj Out of the sea, to entertain.'
the eremeellepturr-did ;lot appear* but
h e,sent his "Me ri"...ideidi all .deckett
ega entorttin's.,
POWs. *Wein teoderldia, and Toronto.
left,it Ithreti to. lead the ,
Whdri 1,terolit Bogle Otepptit fiote.„ the
crocrowdedteach and -tined, the 'Pipet,' tlie
other pb.sterigers fell in hehintthira and
-itiat..thed -'so parte thildeetibehifld
•thie 'medetei tied -"tipcie eip; tolaita the
ereit butleh4 ried'oat eiate; eley Street
•'the 't ded4utiiireet had ' beee
teerdest4,rJarobere iene„'ef the
colehes' for Ate ';i4oe'pierteof the .•tilp
to P.; i-4.14e,2,°‘krk,',.:0,t10-44.X.
all th"Osei Vfironitei. And titan* ðer
ltd and freire rizottuel ,distalet. et
.wite tlatieg thet'niOst`Of them didn't
triple tee' etsd (Abets had fete'
tet yearter ot,itoniteunicatidri
.01, the Iteather.
Irciiietrer- When, fiah' ' **Von ' •
The mutter t for
was left with the•Publie -Works' Com tc temi only it few of the', tra
if 40.
WW1*• ,
• Watt TeX 041 -Rediaett'One
Off ButNot J,4kely To
• :1:i
AS a ratUlt of the
in rateable une
extlities, 'iriellided in
*et introdueed.' by
to the eilAnt Ote
as beet .learned. olflcti
34',/29 durp.h/S:whh
is. a complete, *apical:
k. which Is abeet th
• t expetted'
• Kly to the
jt 'fs Amt.n6Wii What'effectthe $,Oo0
, limbs* will have bri the tat Ott, *1
4-jederich, tali 'courses are; et
a to the crearielt. Tite money•
wed- to red
be wed eor LA'
the fact that it
' -
Oaeile ReCeiVI9142,00f1Sili
beg tO. %vie Tax' T
Y et ones71111
he 'pzgarto ,Bocta.
ta the rate vm.
eitireatee eat been
theatre citemi wil be P
th•the announoement of N.
^4514:mayi PlaYers t1/2434t-
Um' the
Myers t
Mei ter *titieftnatif; 'has been id
the ilegtiler he relic
moeIona ere lea ,Pkey,
see, 'tinY inaterfor reductIo
t.t*, thsat*
oroderich tt,icture
*iiT the thettre
thu the Mmlislon
1 1
pots, the ere
I t 'just fitilowed out* sitoitted ./4nd smut
0.135,1A4 SPONSOR
stab* o 411(11111.6
0061'4 /belt from th
rodUlitnet 'help iteelt•-•,.
'Ad eigew: Ailing front the gallery,
appeared kiss Shepherd and Plias
Linnikwa3r With II tap dance and, encore:
lifleiVt-MAngarte Young with *Mg and
,encore; litre.M., Sutcliffe* song and
encore) ihnsie by Mr. Howard Young.
„The. inenga,gement thanks whoas"`
• 01and 0*.donorl of the prizes,
:Watch for futrite events. (Con.)
Iiirge'iliunber of ' *op% •katitered"
in, the lodge tOoth'S Of the L. 0. B. .
on North Street, Wednesday' "ntenirig,
-and enjoyed several oantes, of cards.
The prizes for q40". were won by
Mrs, N. P. Itileasha*,
Mr. Utiles sAdaitis and , Mr. A.
ting. Atiuthrerihe Wingert Were Mniv*
F.4Craig, iltavOffalker, •
A'dard and Mr. James Leonia
, The ladles served. refreshments to
their friend's.. •
twitting o entoriED
decidehas dto vrit dray iheliettrro of
V. Olathe, oclieduled for
Marh nth, in favor a Vie- Toll tros.
leetnrei which was planned, for „the
'Mtne datek will therefore he held
on April fah.
It is hoped that This date will be
ketit openby- the pogo: of 4tgeitcb
and that there *111 be * Tarts iitinte
out to boo Mr. (fltitio, as Jlito leefitim
and nosta promise to make the en.
iron wet* *hire,
oriel' 3
Stratford 1
•I-: Boy Secoud dame.
From , *Afford *,.*ciir the
Round by 73
"Shore Stoddart ivas the standout
On the Goderich team, he punched '
WW1 two goals for the "Sailors and
roveci tough for the: colts, to ;et -
Graper and xt. Murphy were
the best for the visitors, '
Ebel *POPO the Scoring shortly .
after thestart of .the initial „period
when he ixike(1 the pUelt in 'front, lb
80railibI0- arta Blacktad-twite'-suved-
on shots Whiell were fired from fifteen
feet out. The Saitors tied ,tble score
three minutes later on a hang shot; bY
Short Stoddart, They had a one man
advantage when they begged their
first goal, as Butch Murphy had hoin
given the gate for tripping Stoddart.
Stoddart encouraged by his first
cess broke through a Minute later ;to
blaze a pucicat•Marklivitz, but the
goalie was right on the shot this
time. El. Robinson and "Jena" Nivihs
tested Matklivitz on hard shots froxa
the blueline which the goalie handled
with difilculty.. Grimm: went in elope •
on Black a. minUte later but 'Leek
halide dirttiat gaVe briushing Out and
flopping on .the .puck before the,,Colt
got his shot away, EL Robinson came .
close to spring when Schneider of
the *Colts, received an injury to the
ntouth, on a scramble and•wenteo the,
°unity box fors treatnierit.
f war own ,
I toddart bagged his secondgoal wheti
nations, peoples and time! COMpar
the advances oscienceith e
hearts and lives, we realize that we he fired forth centre -ice which struck
the goalie on the shoulder and bounced
into the net to send the $allors.into a
one goel lead. 'Than" Allison nvtde it
34 for the Sailors', when he took • a.
pass from Doak and But* an ankle -
high idiot past Mariclivitz. El. Robin-
son received a perialtyfor tripping
Grew when the right-winger Was ,En -
Alf alone: Hill Robinson broke tway
from the Chesley ganging attack,
when be -picked up a loose puck at, his
own blue -line -but was frustrated by a
pursuer from behind and his shot' on
goal Wb9 weak and Marklevitz saved.
have:made a ghastly failure of our-
selves. What authority have we to
pronounce the wonderful theoelea of
economic life if the 'church itself has
not all things under 'Him?
All that is necessary to establish
the control of Chriet and Ilia Kingdom
is here if we are to use our resoerces:
He must have the consent of our 3311' 4
The only way to taste real romance
'And the thrill of life is by putting
• everything under His control. Only
one can save the world and can guide
• us in the way to live with mere are
with God and He will see ue tiareegii.
Christ has the power to save the
'Although their 1OPPettes1ts lotte
giected to slaughter %herb on batik ice,
dodetichi Sap* clielZed up the large
tad of it 04 toot* at *Stratford on
Migit14,' 1004 aiiiintt the iStrattord
their C'omptest m the *cond vine of
the W.011.1‘ Semi-finals. Arriving in
Strattord'oath it teri-goal lead • an the
'citmd, the Coded& sextet turned on
the• power after *Iwo goson -stored'
ibe e 'tette iisst * ft* min.
utes Atte the InItIal fos*,oit. Arnold
tbe score lieforc the P3riod
get th? thumb for
Vein*. tolkiited to4nthOthilbetlePihrldort
hoardirg ,Mike Csrr ard shortly before
the 1)010i t1106$ DIlimarter was viet
e4*the40l c444, t t be -
34,0ifiwt tint:omit lei,
lace brie/bed '.bare- showed a good
ooking road. "I think it would be all
right to' start building a permanent
street each -year," he eaid, "But we
would have to be careful in pickling
the street. The rood the delegation
had examined. cost about $1.0,000 or
Mr. Hocking mid Mr. Knox also
gave enlightening and interesting de-
scriptions of the trip, Mr. Knox going
'more into the benefits of the eonven-
tion and giving some of the work
covered in detail. •
The tax 'collector's report, showiag
$5,630.94 collected in, taxes for Fel-
$3,861.16 of which wetr1037
taxes, was referred to the 1,41.0oe-
Cordiiiitteee., ""-•
An application from Miss Jenny
Morrish to build it porch at the rear
of her house °A Raglan St, was refer:,
red tolhi Fire 'Committee.
4,1etter from Mr. Charles Wale,
asking that the gravel be extended ta
Eldon St. on Bennett nil, was sent to
the Public Works Committee.
,The Women's Ihstittee wrote asking
that the Cemetery be put in good 'Con-
dition in order that it may Took well
during Old HOMO Week. The -letter
was left with the Cemetery and Par!4
The church was well filled for the
service. -Rev". A. E. -Mot:frill:Nee and
Rev. S. R. McClung read Scripture
passages, and Rev. A. C. Calder ittroe •
duced the speaker The Choir sang -an
enthein during the 'service. , .
Butch Murphy notched a goal for
the visitors when he poked the puiftAn
:from a scramble heiroht oethe Gede-
rich net. El.- Robinson got the 'safe
.for tripping...and-Cheeky pitte_oneea_
grand, ganging attack but lust contd.
not holite filo net behind Black bef&e,
the Sailor' cleared. Each teal% ,wes
(continued 'en • Pug° 51
Several Goderich industries
Showed Marked, Increase's
Anticipate•Still -Better Condition/Iin 19371=--Mr4..C.;•Ct Lee.Pretideut
of the Board of Triulet Gave Entourieging Report at Ansuiod
Pellieting,Goderich S1t Cd. Considering Further Extensions
To Plant.
Mr. C. C. Lee's report to the Board
of Trade, Of iibleh body lie" hi profit*
dent, at their annual meeting on Tues -
..day evening at the town ball, was
most encouraging alter the period of
depression out of which the country
is lifting today. The report sbowed
that most of the industries of Gode-
rich showed it marked increase hi tend-
ness with some preparing for a con-
siderable amount of business duriag
the present year. One industry con-
leraplateS a Ierifi iraprevelnetate-Pee-
gram for its plant •
There were barely enough citizens
and businestonen present for a qu)r.
um and after the usual biudness had
1)een proceeded with, the meeting was
adjourned until Tuesday, March 23rd.
The text of Mr. Lee'saddress to the
Board was as folleveelee,
The following requisitions were terit
in to the council CO ,tie_ included in the
estimates for tbe year: Public School
Ward $20,700, same its bet year;
Separate &hoot Board $1400; Public.
Library Board $1000, same *4 lost
year; Colleg1it4's Institute Nardi VA,-
The Issi
frid, about $1,000 MOre the lest year.
requisitions were refe to the
',6`mante Conisittee*
Mr, Humber *aced wirr the 'Mean
Oto' ntinued 04 "Pile 10
*tubers of.GoEferich Bowel of Trade.
Gentlemen: -
It is usual at cur annual meeting to
give it testirae of the past year's busi-
ness and, this year, encouraging I..)
note-tlie improvement in business of
our town's manufecturing and busi-
ness places. In talking with excentivez
of the companies I have receitel the
• following foots:
Ooderith Elevator and Transit Co.
Grain receipts to end of June,
increase of 106 per tent over unto
period of 1935. • '
Zrkiette itt eted of Mine, 1936,
eresite of 3$ *tent over same per!
Oil grain receipts, I936. over ,
000,000 busas. against 5,000,000 for
1030, an increase -of AS per tent.
Of 52 million bushel storage capa-
city at Lake Huron, Georgian Bay
end Lake Ontario ports there was 23
million stored or an average of 48 per
mat. occupied. Our elevators were
'106 per cent. filled. Sixty vessele were
Unloaded and thirty-three Were, loaded
/luring the year. ..
Westeth Canada Flour mu Co. i21-
Ceived the following grain by beet: •
.-Silteat,,2,322,100ehUse: oats, 45*,
ibus.; barley, 35,840 bus.; torb,"3tti23
tbus.; also coal, 10,333 tons.
Their domestic, trade was very good
but export business wes not ai they
Goderielt Salt Co. •
1936 tonnage shipped in and out of
the het:beet coal and salt, 19,000 tons.
'Boiler:house - complete, works vete
satisfactorliy. Possible production
tonnage increased 30 per cent.
Dairy mills, Nos. 1 and 2, cornplet-
ly changed, new screens installed, en-
Olirtg larger volutno to be put
through, Irter6 varieties and better
grades t, thereby' increasiflg. outietIr
• increase payroll all throughout 1930
put on extra engineers, carpenter
and machinists.
1931, -,....,New Construction planned.
(I) Air compressor to 000
brine by fOrelhar.iiir down the *tug,
and pushing brine up.
(2) Warehouse extenSiOnS tutc63..,
rpto house VolUM6 att peak Of '
(continued on pititt4