HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-04, Page 12„
CO. oontm
lroni Mra 1y1ox or 0000, outlin-
ing the ,peints disevssett at th rneeing
Litis II appes,k
A; Mkns in
ity ot sero -iron
Wend At the
urrevted on
*talk at.
In°4*rn tlaiinneut.
a*(1 glwses Ottid; •
at "reollnable .Prie
A. • 144 COLE,
tf;notrlit and Optician
rears serving the people or
• NM1tit:#016,
4tor1ing, Of inga, Manit'
•apanding .-a month wth.14.0
grtil Id* Oke and other relatives.
• lvtr, Harold 'Walters) Toronto, spent,
Alto ,week -end with Mrs. .,,VA Waltors.
'-'Mrz. John Long epent'
tbe Protrincial Ueeutitv
rently at semilton„ tA pretty Ong W
4144 by'. lour school 41014relt--DOth
and Jiine Ttutledge.. Potthe Popp ai
Urinx -Turner, and •miss. Pauline 4pues.
favored, -with .a resvairig, fiet T. • ..R•
Turner, led A distusien on '004.
training,' giving a 1.e.tuttle .of. •O*Pter
from the . hoolc, W,i1tten 'Ur
.f.MX or -New York,' Mo. • Al, V:, Popj
offeredher iom or the• April. 'Moe
414014 ',Of,,• --the relnaining,
Mrs. C. W was
nuin,ber, around'are Iaid up )VIP
Ur. ad Mrs. H. 0004 spent„SUnda
4n Benrnlllet.
The golluesyrille Youngt People we
ntetaIned by the B0111010 .y„
Friday night, The PrOgraIll.Wall •gi
by Rolmesvillo Y P and the
part vas conducted by Berimiller Y. P.
.The evening was greatly enjoyed.
MAVIBIUNG,.„ Mrci, 2. •and
04 N4obil 1110-4 vioireale,Ott)y with
,IvieW44,10 •
'se -We Boyle and Miss. Jean Air
arson; Of .1C,inlough,..Spent" the 'Week*
end with the,. latter's, parenta-,-, Mr. And
Mrs. 'Thomas Anderson. *
atriolt--00 --AtWood,
IOW is spending a few days' e
hOnie of Mr. AidMrs. John Blake.
•. Mr. and . Mrs, Jelin Kilpatrick and
children and Miss rSusie Ki1patrkk of
Ludknow visited on Monday:. with 'Mr1.:
:and .Mrs. _
-•,Seortiment service will be .observed
next Sunday Morning
At ;:1 -
. CO.
Accident and MOtt)i-
• The
spondort" Lixe Insurance Co.
Ogice t
•igseseie. Tesrole„' Wed 'SC, _Qa_delich_
41sesso ,230 /OLSON. PDX. mgr.
KE Tit.011Eiret _
ve your 'eft* intlearied by
; for 17' Years Wet.
Otitogaetrist, Jrat4,
at Mod, moderate
1. ,grit Fitted;
" •
iltaheileotes Jewairy Store
Reid and MitiSti eat* Robertson,Gode4
rich, Visited at the home Of Miss Alma;
Bellows. •.•
• Miss Vesta Tabb, nurse-in,training
at Goderich hospital spent Sunday at
honie with her parents. , .
little boy' by: the name of .David
Allan McDormaid, has •come td make
--Iiii-home-at. Mr.- David liteDermaid'S,
The little chap w41. be. -welcome at
. • '
Mr. C. Stewart was awe to by up
for a short time today (Tuesday). He
is on 'a fair :way to recoveri-
- Nile Church had A bee drawing
wood for the church on Tuesday. •
Mr. W. Stewlart Who purchased the
Dodd hiptihtts several '-teems en-
gaged hauling logs to the ma•yard-
The mill will ,,be trotted' After he
'finishes cutting at hi.z Old yard. -4
The horses and cattle sold at Mr. 1,
Currie's farm were All disPosedof at
fair prices. •
Vas Cook if ; visting her
grandmother„ WS.
4kce*dhlit to'rePtirts W. 'Rosa Mc...;
Nee has purchased the .Rort- Farm• t
liter rinrigannOlt: .. • , '
Mr. H. Paulsen bag int -tolled tt now
Xshons 007, -
T'OR eil4r4,04- tt
nits this,,OAO: Ptp
4111T•Earm*iirork 114- 7y4-5-lin*
00 or hour, 14,*,tperieneed.. 041
at OAR 0-
Oranlick. Deering 10
041 t/otie
- 'TOMO vivr,440.
At Vela* Orithte fal
CrOseing.. 410deric1. on
,.•11111,1g0,10Ki&T, V,Alik. 1tth
orrilutraling at .1,10 ,shafp„,
eant rifOrig".4 and 4 years,. old, wel
4.‘40,ro,rlilng in
444 2 car cid; 1 mare
ring 5 years old, goeck 141104e*, and
05 geed', worg ,hontest 15 Young
.01140cows, acone..lresh mllkem and
ci t$' ri
$ *It0ine And School Club. The
evening wa$ Art# pleasantly spent itt
yips vatioue' games.,• The tiOete
as, assisted in serving A delte1046414,Pn
by her daughter,.>iiss 'Verne, was
home from liaolulow., "for the Week..emi.
The Utter, at the -request of the ladies,
sang vetY.1,•.eweetbt Severol, Vocal *403,
Mrs. 0. ig.,..''.0relearettlaying the, e4.1..
corripaniments, • ,•
The :IvIcZenzie ,Orchestra Or . 0,1ige'or
furnished music for a: Nlariee•14t- the
Parlsh Soli 'PrileY•:,ortening-
greesiVe euchre - was A :.XfAt.;!ir the,
early part or the evening,
• ...William Nlvins, Ooneession 5,"1,011*
11041;;;;;; had the nliatortillio of having One
hedly-crtnkti, ed -,,while- work.
Ing with timbers. -which he . Was pre-
paring orthe re -modelling 0! his harm
re.11102 log ceased the Mintz .
necessitated the :attendance; of o
vitt. -,Lorne - Tvera,,. had • several. 'ribs
brokenext:_sh,t4.,04P,Pes1 en thewaxed:.
no.leutti as• she. eagle\ 7ft-OM-,tr•
the 1rneshe wosunale
a, •Aftinit"intielia
'vfalked *nearest
neighbor , tor help, .
,m4s, Bernice, Reap who- • has been
,GOderich for several months; has re-
turned to her home. ;,
*1`11t•" and Mrs. C. Alton have re,'
urned- from svisit -With the
r1100.15 and ,. ether relatives
'Toronto.- ' •
Update.: ,1V. • P. end A. 'L.'. wee,/ , are
7181;t10* t401i* mother, who Is spending
the whiter in Detroit as e gued. with
.11er grand -daughter, fr Mts. grit
•balrn. .Imrs;.,:li,ted,; who •Ls In her 0314I
Year .-and whose maiden riante-3vaa°
Mary. Ann Lano, Is ,a slater or the late •
'W,111144M tane, who passed away itt 'De-
troit iiAOUt' „tendays- ago, Site is the
sole survivor of that -pioneer ...toreilSt, a •
the ToNio*IliP of Aalitlekl,
. •Oungannen Junior Ilockev Team ; de-
Ieeted; ;Wingliani Juveniles on the
%Ingham rink on, eaturdaY, the e4ore
being 4-I3. The local 4:foire Are At,A
advantage'IA. 116'rink on whisi
to .practise, . the Pangolin* open-air
rink 'having_ 40021, a f1lure .43W1114 itzithb
• winter, Dungannon
Goal, Ocrld Currie; Defenee,..iAlian
Dunkin and litsOrveY. iPulb‘r-rt: Right
Wing, ;IrVint Itec4].;• Centre, •Rich04
Park; • Left Wing, IteYniolid Curie;
Substitutes,. .Frank ,F,ItdY,' 'Robert Mont-
gomery, and 'Laverne soulhert.
Mr.. and Itt8;' NVIA« jackSZA1XtilneYt
were gaeets On TUesday Mr, atvl
'Mrs:. David' Glenn. .
Mr Percy Witte iles* 01100ed 01 nil'
ioa.sere term, shout one Pale s011bn 94
Dungonnorl,,to Mr. ;Roes; McNee, of Con.
2, West Wawanoeh. The stile included '
the 'stook, and .Implements 'owned bY.
Zif,,,Iforne..ivho give*: .possession 4401
as he can move to his dwelling In OUP-,
• t -T -pr,„
gar ,St. • or 154 SouUi-rndoF
to 04 Trafsjgar St. Reward.
.5040 •*.talai and.. snowS1be'
Ming tire. tube .and.. wheel;
between port, Albert and Saltford;
ward given. PffiZA.04:
HPLP r.,
ME Drrans4..,,Ifelie,704 .04 .44004
. :•;t0;140Vest„,...'.'Ahare'.1/1,00.
,ith, 4300.,!P A00000, 411'HbV4.11140„
°VOMIT: -.4:04,
Oselltnt 4Iret to consumers. po•: not
Wait, hehlyid,.*:'icoVt,i•ter.,... VarietY, of , 200
404, -Ey)* . not eszential.„
\Ittoo:,..,.tx0-.1.,,'004),' 'heOsr:”
.0aPen.5044•• i',7#1*Ot poselbilities-for 040_1,9;
:ainhitione Ni.v.Oket.c.... Free" H:oateao5"00•7;tao,1..,„,,
21,ox...-':;-453,,.;.r*!-;-i Station "M,"
goottoo,t,... ••
- "
omg, wnwip
.ateers 2 years 01 t 6 ye -41b1404.° ,
osie y 4,6
'iweather 41114" 114t4s ON, 'AuctoAliers.4.
- pxopri4tor.- •
284 sis',.1047;,,,•.•••••••••••
.520 size •far;..• -•;••.5
X414 ,#K
• • 47a
Gazt-,or .26o iimmet„
. • lArti0P01*** .00At
•have., xeeetved..'iheirAotioila cage 104, 3 . fox'. 25e
Ofrzos 18"1.111RMOY: ''.•.611tliq
Pereona•„ having.' any:, "'Olaf* some, t the
estate or , mart T0104,100' or.' the Town-
ship of tgawanalt; itt tit% County 0!
.Of 'June, • 1935,: to *Oa 'Seine to, the un
4.t)rsigned,,,•411., or 41040
10.11;-,-7aa, atter that: date ',the
eantor ot, 'Ott sald 4.4kte Om, **0,,
1ieed to no4re,..illatribUtiOn*.thereOfy. halt
,regard only to the elaims he then
has AOtiCe '
• 04,010. AT',;eiillit*Oil this , 4th day
I/A.I12" and ',OAT*,
•t. GOdedch,; Ontario,
1 Eclieltere for the; 'Executor..
, •
0, or .4,1110*.g,
t' the
tetowir k.1:19,:t1
t very .(100P17 Le; time o! my
those who 'loaned "Tv.e. burden
teipoi..14.41by' WaY- *AI 411. •
1411tet' ‘S,e, °tQ).
• ,
.9. cainutoN.,
_ .
• <WO -Prime: -Wert -realized -at- itb.
auction sale • of horses, and tattle- -held
on Vriday look at the larm of 1,1r,-Ilysic
!• Mod men' .value their 'dogs and
dog finds s. :pocket book containing
•' • the' usene41 zetelved for eight -COW iggs
DONNYBROOK'�arch and brings it home safety, that Owner's
S met on Irriday evening Morlog love (ct 414' till* trlend Is intenegtcd•
P. That, was the expezience Of a former of
Johnston esiding., Kenneth uitnii* .khis neighbor" hix#d ono day lest week.
hell reed the Seriptttre lesson, and thP Alter eight p.gz be P,00c0eded to
topic *rat taken by Gordon Ntylor• the-vilioge• but when he went to UK the
There was a good attendance at the money, he., VIVI alarmed to find a holt
soeisd -*Veiling sponsored by the W. A. in It pocket through *Welt meat
on Tuesday, A *boa, of Int* slim& xrc the . rneenume his
readings by Mrs. A. Campkell and rout* lune htd Soked up ***thin*
ittoutiPorgali and gtiltair selections
Ernest Snowden end Goalianollium.
iviotolloWed by progresalve erokinale, •
isee being on by Mrs. Bert. Nay -
Ernest Snowden and George Wel,
Women's Institute meet
r it ithe home -0‘f
The (A. eni4 W. M. -S. Will meet
on M
quested to
ea 11
Safi- 'with
Mrs. Win.
it% at the 'Wine of Mr*
on. ne 1atitesa,r4
bt.r4 lairOY4 ItISY 4ti_tttnild4 to
Tiaather. •attar a Arisic;,,rttak pis untie,
bet, firtieloogilda.
n :14
'visit flr *
tit he
C. :Robinson and
Mr.'eArtiold Craig I
or Toronto where his
' day*before golng
tv and lire.Ernest
re resent visitors.
Mr, AndUre, R.(rea
the oWner to sell by 'Put* amtion, at
the Store at Vile, On
IlriptE0A1C," afAlttal lltb
• C0rnalencing at 2, o'clook pen,
•'1,04 5, 0011i; $e. Eastern•Illyision
fteld Tow.riship-r-Thie land has been
laYeefor 100.40:e !o a number of years,
is fairly well PaOecip and On the, west
100 :$.07e$ there Is a comfortable" dwel-
ling -house, and barn on. temeut pan -
on. There, is a' geed artesian well
on eo:ob: too woes, vith',..sviodnotio that
are prAdleAlly '11419'4 There is also
sone tixn,er. There 14 no better - pas-
4 anywhere, and -it 411(11,t be
I7ERMS.-4O per . ccitt. 0! the pur-
chase price 't'i be.pai&:aL!-i31eq. aale:j
1444uut; within thirt days, when
tedzvilt be giveh•,,
PArchoser to assume taxes tor. ,I)Vr
__.t1113C)14::' N*
t .
T. Gum:310W .gst ovN,'AuKttioneers,„
z)0.tal, on
114107.12.042rid, to 7,1tntg,b, G4dur,ricah:d;i7p..r",,
Goderfeh':'hospital, on
•„V," 24th, to Mr, and MM. D.
-Lonsmire, 00derich,f • o!".0011.
McDal±mld (nee Graoe Hamilton),
0004e3,101:• tgitiiitat on
,'February 26th, to Mr. And We, Mci-
'vIn Overholt, .4 den. . _
SWAN. -In 'West WaWanesli,*:on 'mon.;
-day, March 1st, to Mr. and Urs,
SIVOI0 a Son.. - ,
ITOT.,144011X-;-4t Ooder14). hoapital, on
•iilebruary 22,th„ to Mr, 4.114 ' Mr.
I.. Enonannel,'Itolland;.,GOderieh, a son.
• •
E. popeinAn q •launclas
•or..thanking all'•those
• sent flowers or 'Other
tl3t In 'connection
•latter!a, brother
,arommt.--ITn sd and loving Mem-
eV' :Of our dad .4011, CaalObenr, who
'1***04 Arleit ;;Moreit 5th, • 44e, „
viseweet- to, retaCtiqber Of dm so• dear,
'rho absent, yet efer so near;
Ife•that we loyed, *0 Igo orai, tor
A:iogt_tiLlgo's dangers, now *0ate is
he; * •
Bat a colietant feeling clod alone knows
Juit what•''sticatl.,d have" been.
May he ,forgtve or ltutilih at his wlfl..
'missed -0Y ,
for; WhIch he hadn't '.much nee -4ieyon4
throwing It in the, alt,•'oatehing it;and
'tea** it to---pleals.. librbitiettlY the
,farineft 'wife notieett the, 'Ooltte'sy antic*
.bit - couldn't undenttand Where the oral.
let., had tome from; A 'phone • 'call to
:the -*Wag& ,,,reilevet the ,etutio," or :the
" Alen:et and Zo hk Wlfe, whQ Was nate'
• ioier the Collie* fin&
. .
MATTIS'. • • .
February .26th,
10. X, At his home, , 14 ;Summerhill
Gardens, Tor•onter, Ernest - Heaton, be—
loved husband of Grace Attrill
▪ ton. ; • • •
.4.15011Vasilelsf.-(At ibroitto, on Match
3rd, Mrs. (Etv.),• Sciby, Jefferson, in
year. „.t•
oViatuctilr.-At Goderi0h. nosPitO),- on
February alth, Infant eon of Ar. and,
Mrs. Meliiin• Overholt,' Zurich. •
‘50ELL.M...410oiderith; on aPridayi,, reb,
..28th, 1027, George miller, in his 44th
-'11101M07.7.-At, Torentoo on' Moilda".
'March ilst; 1237, Valiant ':"171tompaen,
•-•at04, 10 years. •
ELA0g...-At the Wally lion* on ?Con.
1, East „liVittWalleth, on Tuesday,. Feb.
23rd, Mrs.- Ifsirvei '0194, In her- 40t1i
• titOWt,. March The monthly
meeting of the W:11‘. 8. will be held
at the lionie of Mrs, Matt. IShackleton,
on Wednesday. ,
The- W. A. intend bolding 'a social'
on Friday, March 12th, .protrtintine
tOnilating .of a debate,...resolgeti ‘%lityt
VirrertY *ther than rithea;. tends • to
dOeloplidmirable qualities of'charac-
• ter," The ',affirmative taken/by U05.,
srs. Bert McWhinney and Frei Wain-,
• usa 311114*a02TIJ
2112042:"Vit, :50.
erGI'444selfec4; Shave
5 for 250, JO tor5k
. TOOTH intx/s.lt`
Vele 29a ' •
ftDSPIAlsi OIL "
' 16.70vAz
. betItotEle., ,4.0.`.
BVIMADIstrvINvittC411:11• rit
a•01? • e
Ovaltine. It ;is used
in ing
, ies..det00:11131010.08000%,14:tistrana:vls,001,tattifilieherer.i jositeuti.:,
. ...
: fibili'nervese41ta;;dt Ibrain." Y. '
Tonic reed. Beverage.
. . . .
sybilb, .SPAIPt,'S "ItemellY
.Os" a . defintto.,„i p.retermoc,,,,_
wben colds, eOligh$", t0/1.01•
and throat tro‘.i$leis
\surer, speedier, and .safer• -.4x
does the job;Won'LYOU try It too.,
ROLMEVILLE,. March' 'Mrs.
John Cudmoro is: visiting her son,
Earl,. at Iirampten;•
• Mr and Mrs. Mor1y-Lanninaid,"
Miss Joy Kemp of *Mitchell visited
with XT. and Mrs. Fred Potter.,
Miss .Thehnee' :Cudnfore ig'kpending
a week in Clinton. .
day. His friends willzhoPe he is soon
quite recovered. .
-service will be held- at --2-pan„,' instead •
-Next Sunday, March 7th, Chu'rert
• of 1040. a.m. The Rbertezer and Zion
• appointments are cancelling" their
spective services and joining in this
URenvioann setigr.;!pceolAstona; whenvan.
wright; negative by Mrs. Raymond
Finnigan :and John Menar‘
Miss Fronds Crozier is spending al
fitvit days with her grandmother, Mrs.
Campbell Of DdlnlYhrook.
• A *ranger called at the , home of
.10. lila Carron Jr., and had decided.
to stay.. "
Mrs. ,Bert TreleaVen and Gwen-
dolyn spent the -week end with • :On -
and Mrs. Joseph Hatkett of Lucktufw.
• WS. Wni.„ Crozier 1121S retl#00,
home after spendint *few:weeks...With'
her mother who is ill, but is „muct
improved. _
Mise Lorraine Drennan spent Sat-
urday 'with' friends in Lucknotv. • .
Dr, and Mrs. H. Hall. of Goderich
spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. T.
M. Ilittrnirt • • •
'Mr. and MA. Joint Watt and Cecilia
_spent Friday evening with Mr. and
MIL Cyril Campbell of Lane's. • .
Mr, Fred Wainwright otthe L.H.S.
'spent the Week -end at his home.•
Mr. John Martin spent the week.
'end at hie home 4,:Parainount.
couver, will be the'speaker;;;*Flis theme
will; be "Christ and ,-theWorli af
1,037," it:144•Itoped••thet a large cr4W4
will take advantage of the•Okiertimity -
of :hearing this speaker. At the -close
of., the....setirloe
-School .SOSsion-will-be held,
•good Enough Ivor Mc .
” Judge.: -.."Aren't You ashamed to be
Prisoner.- "No, sir. --What's good
enough for you id good for me." •
COUPE watt Rumata SEAT
FIGVRE it out on the McLauIi1inEuick
hags, and you can easily own the hll
ettr you've always 'wanted—this year,. If
the price youite,thitiklug ithout.4 see and'
&lye the new low-priced Mel aughlin-litirek
SPECIAL IfAt's the upkeep, remember
tilAt Vallre.in4lleaa
Straight Eight engine eaves you 1Q%, on gas
and oil.- And clou't forget that yojA can buy
your new IVieLaughlitiauick on the cootto.,
mica' general Moore Masao:10i Plan, wit
monthly rtyniexitk to suit your Imige.
OnIyMcLaughlinBuick Oyes you
• lorttie Tiletinkte, Sealed Chasiis, Tiptoe
ET07;111diodicells illyki7it'h"°er:hilneter
Unisteel turret
tido, gnat Ride, Stabilitkrs, and * famous
Vare-irtMelia Straight Eight Engine,