HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-04, Page 8ust received onrpring Of -Martha Washington house and 'street ARCH'S 10) 1/1$1,401) Arebi/V114 BIzIop (lied rebro 22ad, on'the farm in !Grey Tomah where he 'was horn_16 years *go... He represented 1400.411011 iwthe lob* k,I4berg 'woe Yearo *OP Wealteued by 'influon be was striek,.. bY beartlattack, and failed te tally'. Mrs., D. MacDonald of B,russela slaterOio else lo 100thert WilgaMt at AbbOttain,t1 • 4410Vitt • .t=talittf - 11$ Pide from good weriflgprints, ,,,alt.over. *sign 'and uatanteedla'st,•in washing;' izes fornliSses 44 to 20,' and '4,4t o.yOrSies a• Washington Dresse quality, and complete" rf*,47: "<" ‘7" -Air '004. e t No 4 ttotr. !eCS'74 vAcA ? , •••i- 4• zt,P :Lc r. r e*: EezeVe ch 16* to hear 14. John $,„4. gortieulOura Ago. elation, ore; r the, of the PirtOeisr 'it 31 graesthoi 1400, tor *oro.k.- strect„. voite4: virarOx -1,41,;nuAl oV supper.• , -0- • )IRS. S. JEFJ'ERSOI. Reserve MW s ff. ra ai 'TA,/ , ak'a ieday a*Yialtatti*110:13rd'Y'aa-.. •Sbe *Rho reltenlhOod,IOY.,,n,,rinni"0. Of.,.00dorith,ficople aSherhUaligrod 'at one ..tinie :pastor ,f4f rect. United CburCh. - "They: ;Were ..I1Ving .eStoy. 2Onteliercl.':!roront0;'10::.J.efferi'Vfa§. OpOyAnntiriteAseyetiStlreirS:nge,:, Bros. triwe1�gu irt Victor t $0;411.114ren, Aaauar Sth Vattitlea *271141,, Sear. Oay, MarcU, 5.3A Wu., '2.01:th St, D'aitetk ViturOi 1410104 14214, 0 • MRS..11fitittYkY MAC NIABSTPMAD; *Waralf • e5. teemed 1'040040110130rsen of grs, aair v•to 1ft ell "41;4, Pa fa t :V° d 4411*. Y. ti 'a)111 e 02 ,atveral, Weekto The fOnerat wtis Iteia on Vriday afternoon_ from the famili tesidenee on the Crtk; eoncesSion: of lkst -TR,, eV; 4liugh condUcted Puerarfiervldeo and gr. A. E; Coo Tendered a SOO+ la"' tataleat WaS"M.Ege OianclOn. ceil** ryiraelotaio, • - '- ' pall bearers were six' cousin: 70hdet 9151.794--1-1,-tt't'L4(74,4.4,114t;t4,t1i1Cni •21 oneh work. ,Olde., • Tyme 0=0, every Wednetday Mrs. Sam, $herNyeod and Carl Spent nightf thrite tulles norpor Tuesday' with Sfr. and *yet. Xies, Rit- 100. Backwas in'her 49th year and -hefore moriage Was 1 beth Cook, daughter of Mr. William Cook, and t1he late Mrs. c014t:,. '0,0,rviVinihOsicleSher'hOil)411c1,*re'tWo,,Iroxn •tOrt%.,Yitilliain'anct'Stolileg,,,':, end* ,0110.1. ,,,V1•41 josep14:: '40Ughter 11.11do.,x Alt' at lienic;' herj:0117 :1,.A.#61Evottaooff :ata igtcol7, 7th ton, . -aud, ',Charge; .fortn., labOters ' istoloy,:og ..6th Conoesaieu_:,'.of. .'EaSt :,4Nore atIpearing in court fet their,firscY:. *0044 -Oster; Ms. John ' • ' - '13.nohonan of the 4th concession. 7.eur'. nippy .of yOfl own cars?. ",:a4k.: oliftdro#,..bredeoeasedilir,. settle .uPkeared that rajetW, Pt '#i40; ; ' 7theni-Aid:7, . Mr.:and 3S/Pr§. Olook, lived jh the . "You , are tot yerYAp-to.4ate:arin West !Or •seven'years,. later niovilik tte "I'siorkeig "..•counTientedthe'Magistv.te . . Aheir fora tn,the 7th coneesslon, inth ta: smile: . A large OoheeUrse-afriends gatherr --The-ni" -.0'4 :the** iolif the ..Itiatti-'- 'tO PO their last resPeota... The tor a:4ollar a beg, 'Joseph Thammen. sympathy'Of. 'the . 'eonu-O,uhity i§ ex- tpoicesmaP. fOrthe quartette Old ther ptesent, .0 an,ja,„" tended, .to 'the, serrowing family and: were. goiue to take • MeCU lleaktesers.' mIflUteb, hrother's ear i9 ,• to, "'the.. hockey.' xneetingf2was• read Alia ciotirov,ea on. moticin 'of MeDeriald• arid C,plbett;. , AdmissiPa" 2$0* Olotbs, &ie. near Zion. ..e. Mrs, James Cook'and son,3oh, Mr. and., Pynes CaraPbeltspoo last Sunday. with 'their edusine, •Mr. and grs, Andrew Culberti 12th cOn, e 'wan e .to. go o rnsseis; , t - ,to • hookey,'Match and so we otele e al#71-0-'hirtas'04, 1110.- JosePh' ..111itmwstY0 laborer told 111Agistrate *akin§ on Thiirtday after, 'pleading guilty to ---a charge of 'stealing four 1,agi el grain- •. • . . . ntinned from age P.- . . 'totafling 3lisg Mo.thie3,04 • , teliklight 110i two days or Miss D. DM!, nn•• . . • . 4 February, the tetal enrellinetit W25 ,szs, aro tthe average attendance 202.65 4,or 91,66 pe r tent. Bank • its: totalled $66.4.0;;,292.41ePolits bIngmakle„ v, Bedditt Imp- lied one day for Itlias Z. Bailie, Wilts Hettieritigto4 ,tanght. for 1/11*. Theralee for five days, and Miss gathieson_ ..stipplied :for 'Miss • go- owe1I for Iuda0Y6iVictoria* or January howed an enrollment .Of 246 and atotal: average attendance of 01.0,13 or 90.24 per tent. Penny D00• 0- glipotit$,eultfunted to ',021,59, 649 de- posits baVing been. 'Made- Mathieson taught one day for Ati_sti,i Utile, Miss, Hetherington took ,Tiliss jOhnetork's 11400 fer live days and Mr, A. Baker supplied for. five day' r M1is E. MacDonald*. ere was a tetal on. the'rell ot 144 • DtitICO , March 2 Th ..=reolar xneeting of thelYoung.PeoPles 'Union was held,on Friday -evening, at the:Victoria "'Street Parsonage, rich, with 21 members present. The devotional exercises were tonflneted; by Misa.Sether Mellwain,Yrno.OPStfed. ithe meeting •with the hymn' 931eqb Be Tie."That, folloted- bi- a pryer the, imstor Rev., A. B.- Moov- house. -The Scripture. lesson was lOt Vibruary and an average attOrt. 3.1- Yam tiePelOted'in the. hank an 597 meposits 'were, made. Vise nethi, erington so:polled for two And hitt days rofmist Johr4tort and *m.1710- ditt tought two .days for Council _met on above date, all mem-. eri. Mr, ,rrecl "MN , Cook Sr, two 'bra', lough also' pleaded' guilty to the sione Mies Balaton' lett-on Mon4nY forthe And W, Honita1. Kitchener, Where She will doter ao; raining. Xiss O'Bri n an a Acheson 'Muse -trainin az ts‘eph's!..0os 't erlderic,Vee in Goderich on IVIond4r visitIng eir Par"entS, , ,. • Mr. and, ars, wm, 13artwatilunintq. tb.e: engagement of their ,daughter, xiidreit zoberta bo gr. 40bn Benift`' ' tivermore, son of NKr; and Mrs,. Wm. Livermore, of Clinton. The,,inar;, riage will take plaee early this •iaienth. About 400 people were seryed at the.' aMlual High. Tea held 'hr the Ladies' °Aid i<no, Church,i,,,. on. ThUrsday night in the Ieeture too*. The iffit dinner was 'greatlY enJoyed h)fexery,- One, The eontenors of. the. Wiles yere Mrs. Oirvin,'Young,-.1VIJN Nae- Dotald, Miss. Maevicar, J. . 'pre*ident; of the organizabon, had. ' ohargeN)f the kitchen, The .Anflit:fa. flayed. iflpor; ,m • ,W114 THOMPSON ‘:There js too.,much .of this' thing tittinvio4fs4c1;eald13:1;n4 101Zfoxi*?11 esiLitWilhiam rdrelMiPsdoilera 407onnivi; triftletalitigittrine ,a1V14cierittsf. odree„14.,:,;: The of in by The folle-wing 'accounts were -order. General Hospital on Monday, 'from ' ..* ,*e04.xiss motionof Vroyne and Johu.7.* pneumonia, which ° had developed from; • Christina taird now.liVing Len., an attack of influenza •Mr.-ThoriNvoi. don and fornierl;ht'ClinVoni.plead d' &alit* with the book of. Atet9; Alex- reMovint snow .$ 2.60 'was in his 10th -year. Elle.was born .'nOt guilty to -obtaining. a drese, Val:ad ' 1 d On -of e $4.95 frem.the.Vashion was '`ea.d. Mos ''----- was Colwell, tot.. . _ ,lowed by a discussion on the lesso hit lifloorhouse,-- irbe-lytin.,.!_11/10 rriend.We Have ijes14.141' was sung. A solo,..'oLife's ltairway To IleavenP was sung ,by Dave Davidson, and' A. 'violin solo, VMS 0001 Manrita Itat'Weed. invitatidn was .05ttcrided to hold. the ova. ineetlifg.at the -Porter h Shoppe in Dalton, retuoving ono* . , ... anc e . ., _ , T. A. Cameron, .repairing wash 7 '', late Abralnint and Arinda ., hompson. ,Olintork;,Ily false '.pretences.. eaaf... out-'........',... • .,"••• .; • • • • • • X.20 Ire lived. in ',England far • about: 40 Papernick, the ..,Complainant Was not Herb. Curran, salary . t....... , 6 96 years , ore ,cd, ,, , iniada-wilir _Pteger*-and thezsase ''. did not go.; oil. Lecal Board Ilcalth, first, Meet, 1.A.00, his 'wife, the former Esther.Royol of The gagliftrate. asked `Miss „Baird to Glea regilistrar of "births', mar- ' ' Manchester, whora „he married, ablut come ba-oi on April:10th to hove• .ti•le lieges and deaths and express A,',P9' 44 years. ago,..and who auftives 'Man.. matter Straightened Out ..At first the W. P. Iteedt,exciso and postage, ' ' ',-/Vir. Thovolsort was: A r!tOethanig, ..iti defen4an*'Ojectedt and said that if it, -, ;old iitipplipsiltud, roal4,safOty. the 014 'CatailAncl Atte; earning "to 'totaTet be straighteUed„out. at 'once ,SIAIDAY • hurch Services addressed by Pict f3oys.of the several corlgre- runthead Service, by War Veterans Of 'Huron County:. .MONDAY. QRNING-*-Grank Pa.ride. Civic REdeption: ' .FTEgN.00NitAnnual 'Civic Holiday: Meet of Goderich. • Trofting, and Racing, Association: NG -'--Program by Huron' 014 Boys of Tol'onto, 1:0_ni.ie.: The' ritettillg, `01000, 're - ''' , flox .., ,, ., : . , ., .;,« ..- .4. ..........f.- 404 :. Cana4lia: *Or ed 14.4, factOk 'at,st-..; -_,sh-e.ivouldn't 'he ahl*e-40,00,2na hack :hew hymn alid4 a ,y. ,f,..p, 'It :•-benedietio '''' ....r. -...... :.,...„ i*,;i.,.':' -; • Uditor . , ..,.. Io'hlt ! .14iter.,104•catae I to....,-,pederien ' c.cauee U.- etst.ler!,tdo .--n,,inelf ,,tii' veiiiii Oslo"' lott' 04"d'41'liu a' Ii6C3/4.41tAll"1 ',$aPPileStana,09Stage '; ‘: • '.°'' 3 ..`'': 1:..66,', where lie *as eraP.IOYedifoi a tuna en roin ;Londoli. 'Ir4Yitzeveri: iiiiien':' Ad' enJoited,. Lintehvam,ierved liy-, .1qrit. 3._ ,..., Z j hti ton sal as auditor , 113 00' thelaiii1L-Of the late D 11 liatraix4Ch ' ligit it axPlainect", that' she ' itod', ns)* Mookhonskand,10.4., , ,..,,,,,,. .41„- D.1 Mecliarles, vette account".- 1420_ ' Ile 'helped build' the .Preaenkt 0 ill', U• . ,clioice as . to. whether she ;winild er 'The March infOtmg 9' ""1 4'4 "tr is76,47 WOV. Tit‘eaSqt1t10111111' aUpitgke..i. . ' 'tZtatIC41).,-gra allot' 'that*Orired: atilie.* :P6Uldi _APPear.nolni ahe - decided- to lull*** held 04 111,000V -0,114.0g c!..' lownship ., 0., 0 ..,'.. ......... .., '.. B015. '-Goderich -Orgait.'CoinnaneS," Plant-, I **Sett* UniOnt on SW1411:Yi vihOrtr ti* . soriPtioim dittt Reads titoOliinatt 'Oampany., in, 1010" asn'tidi4Po-P;o'ilt461:1"04haeL'ulilit'otiltik' t te0.-,4Xfett.iddiet It4Urebt$0.44,*ititt-14440*',14,44Attrar 41.$414Sfigt.''• e°140110110„stuli""`i,"1! 13t1",t:1,1,11,0i,,,tii :lit: 44: trtt' t.C°ArijaairiairtitUtitrittgtaittle?Ittit iliento- ' 'She Wit •allOsitd: tO gO•efi. her hood, At T.lie Crooh: - ' _: ,,,-.'" ' ' , y-Nta.*-14040 -.providing': ,opettal, later at '.Tiirillgill'e Elevator 'Waits at: ,Pilt ball ler " of - The 'regular iiieeting tile 4Ullier,: tut° on -roads was only -, -,paoited Ott Which' plaCO :he.Was ottiPloyed.whedbi' -. DonaldoStrao,. Ifei Ierfl,- -44sged ted • motion of ,rrattne. and Culbert. - . aito, , ' , , -: ' , .•,e4L. .-i'.il' e ; '-iiv:nthe,e:iiiattyl..c•noti'aeteriovilip,',*joit,it.iousl''it' , Oslotied .bi'.1ACDonala. and Vraina.; '.." :Seven 'cbildren f„Prodeceat , -, - ,,.. = ..: five ear Moved no tie* tali: for ten.0. father,.' three .of thein -bettor hoiacAt , old 'Clinton "gir4 had 1,itlit . tbargi. rs Yon crinthWenithiii*WlitPlgott#:: .iGOderleh,-"--:-.The-:•:,;:_eldeit;soni.., Oepro,„: .#gain.0*, 11.4n 4100a, OS one of 'bidet 3440::alittoYetto'74,:inde,:itd5a;e0i'rQtitanitti'71:4,:ient:olv,tic.....,'.!'.: :::7„wwt:s:litiali:s.tiesn"-0,4:::::iteavt..44cS4litui'.ti!rt.:71,lign;,,tiolliiis!...:. ;74,01fillvttyi.tialookitot;ii:iteth;h1,'!nith:;--,063:t,Ho:r7:ixbd,tilita:litivihtiedill';.:‘ 17: hi t" 04004 ...Mourne& ' oh, inotion Of 'teolc Influenza -0d „ died, 7114,•;:wt.s. ;44:00e of theViti.telmett. Ststleit,tiloldod • . '.-0, E. litetfonaglii,elerk. fot.121.*eddinir;,- Another ton, WIlitani •Ple,s.ide0:1 10 it', .to- one , indecent.. ,05..,_ soled on rildityi, * viith- Arthewee tott, between the bitikt ikiiit T.' „Oii4.:Iin , litiot.- called to' the ttarot :but *a/tie.) IN and lire..rorts '10,0clure0I" on; re -rrestiltil AN*, 185 the National* Shipbuildlig the D tY • The tc„Cr°d'wrti:tiittitn"„neeti tihsehedn'tilbhitioerie There *at a fav-sited.congregati011 Municipal World, supplies andsub" ' Engine 'Works and the D. °minion- Good' Baird; TUESDAY 10 on the 7Square. - AFTERNOON -Gard 'party. ,P,TONINCr=-:-Grand. Pageant, 'Britannia;" Carnival in • Seinare• Clinton and Bayfield Night. . • WEDNESDAY 4.0 'Oaires..4 Square,• - AP, 1,ERNOQW-a-; EVENING • Catnivat ileut mtnagernent a position„ supply th people of, Goderich with !an 'unlimited amount .of Teo -SANITARY ICE,14 Cf. IN-, BAGS • ittat.'drOWned at tort Williatt4 *110.1 Pcssureo ' * Cross „away • was in trolow he elkpod,00 bow otit astir out are. Thonioon, mOther of the child Red nwu t , chair 4 The 001triant infattt d*Peit.,41004filiO• 11410 but ,ed viorkea.up; to totity,. *n4 the Ore**, teP,4edthre-04446„8' she 1194 *Igen ,otr; Jeen rin, iona 4 Iii.,./;,0000,0, - VO brOthers.,,*4 ;WO, ,isiztert:illt. niPto, StaleY, NiihO eivnis never to irote Jima ,Isteltiorithl 'itt a taik On 4,,,Cletu.., ifte• '' Ther.atitt' lob% 3.040.11, lad been in trenSe teleiet 'WO. rantended Wait liow.04ti.43*olinginiliffej.mlui . Week tOt.,011tetit,e, . , . _,..„ ._ , 0 ' iired-hFGOatitOliforAlitnO*0* - - lile*bilit" '4114kiett wider the' Though We tio.1 the world:ovec, to' .olt or Manclanshirptta, ,...paga Iv , er isnittitte, Acti, with loll - lore ' and InIterniortit mu* ma& in., teo ttiotbs lakit loeuldIro* been paid •heatei pastor of 'Victoria' $t"1.1nitg,,' :anticipated. The ;merchant sald that $114 ' *aro Maio*. Viii.; Ora*, Par the money 41, la atte,', atout TOwn. AFTERNiC49, r4,--Hoite Rating. . Car,nival; S.eafortli and Ekttet Night. • FRIDAY tO a.m.-School session for Old Pupils. . ..A1,FIVIZNOON-rCaledonian Gaines; VENINGBand, Tattoo, carnival. Kincardine and Ina - • stic-workzaatt $toolaltretrIlv- *''*u lifOntliir4r4t 4111447;4, it 1:01/1.0,00'4"lheifilerthitof Dundas. itiSpilt4i14'146nyiWbectrunite4aEril' Mtentil,;"41443°-'011411,1h1;51.0Wtilliti.: Us or w._ %knit Cortettat., rte*, Iioitat*.,,' ',it tact/4am,, had -hi as had 'bfAti Church, of •Wlifar,tha'4100604,*itit_a (Ott: villung:40 ,msdria- pay- metribo,, ondudtta V*. *Mei,- inonte" but itaded that he could n • It. your Iiiret beconies tazy,. slow , it)t torpid It hold, back the -bile so . necessary to move the bowols, and • tots, up, a. State of poisoning in the • Aystexa4,:.• and enliven tbe liVir.-"rtielt 'action- • • helinf to cleanse, if from the clogging imputities; 'helps td open up ft free. flo* Of stagnant" bile and reatora. th heitali, All druggtf Carrydent in 4044 • • StarA.Sst March 2. The W. M. oditith residents were * flokett United Mitch tot 011 day to hear of tilt posh' of itir, Tuesday *000000 at the bout* of Alinto with * beavy.cold which de,- dance. It itteas decided to untke * (140.t.ge MOW, follothit' ik tlAr. Mr*. D. K. Alton, With'a toot/ iattey& vaiapaa into poeumonlo. couple of quilts 04 I prepare for t hi waa In hie 44th year. .ile had been Easter *meth*. *di*. eltinen o Godotteli for the ,` lir. and Mts. Sion. Morrison and 'aloe. sot an diering.tintt 'perk$d son. Oaten* spent Tues4sy wlth her beton* asociated with * numbe. parents, Mr. and . otonisitlea. beaid6s hokIIn Veda tote* soa 'btu sewing Is rata position th Ooderlett. tha' -order' of the day, the weather is •Citurth.' -with *Moll lie was - - Da 1. Ire was clerk of the ettutot„,..' :to Oeneids, he spent * leo In ,anta ttooderSoitoot test:hot vlU� itoepital before gob* to 0 r. 1&iihr wais bort In Etntland, 016 'Soma ion of Mt and Mrs.. 'Thome MWez. Ita urv1ved by his wide* Igor of Owettlound. Airs. 'Miller O. AM** dilidte#0, Verne Ladies'Winter . , All (lot (Or cs and tweeds, ur.trom and untrimorbd Coats, smart styles.. Sizes 14x •to 40. Regular pp to IO 04) 30. 'aearing At -. . iiht DIV'S line Of good SUk n Stytes for women tearing tine novelty c ular and half.si navy, black an st 2.05. ilvertoni oths black*mitre% ell. tailored of high.grade woolens, lin*1 Clearance 001PiriStalied*}14ffirsfiarictPorY"rOaSitilts‘teta°e18ifria°teeti011rtitste'NS(riferVIIG:116:debe4;' Awosets guarantee rich And ViChlity are assured pfOnip . phoning 80. 4colky, at 'Port las% Serteto S. Thili4i brothel.* also sot - t her aotA was taa, Ai to be In- ileeth and he atail '11E24 end Nolo .of his matfett*, prefc slate hint. lier was so employee eund for some eats of Wooton, dalktb' a nariatt, rot I* ohn of Xhineeotat, and tont HattAttman, Fort Wit. A. Walters. Detroit tne:eeets; litrt, M. Cralghtofl, U- lm** W**144. unti. Mrs. R. Poflock, of yltoll 0003 4426 rent Receipfs must' be endorsed and presented 6 1. 13111$ during the first instaltraent jout en eipts early an ac4 lnteTe*t.. 2mWt I1 no et your