HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-04, Page 6- „
"likes to natil
0.11100 . 41"
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same with
There are few traveller the
train servicea '00 do nOt, at One tilne
or another, patronize the' dining Ctrs,
erAd there aro forwho do not find the
management of the Dining Car Ser-
vice one. Of the most entertaining
mysteries Of everyday life. A.
never passes Without the stewards,
waiters or some other Members Of the
dining tar Staff being., ,_,asked MItt,
flUestion‘as to the method by whioll
-the food is ordered and preserved. The
travelling public, as a whul(e,* aro'
able to grasP. the complexities
.systm whlch- itil, Cafe -±ot lo- Irian
-:pal_l_ktiyili 8111411,;#21aeASIL,7 is mitt . or "loOk aliket dress alike, and thiniCalike/ butt 0e7 are not sisters.- ' They
, - - - ,..,........ --,
._ T .... _ . -
M.40,04-4,Vii ta, Vhom`.. en*.., ordAn.3),"," ., ...i•I't---*Ifitni-A-i-r-s-rat*: l'ilftiiiiitriiiiiiinrifterentreorditries-L.tnit
Ile of dishee-ifiSSUMOS'-intoinitinrieus Taylori4O.-1-'wes '1'iorit in St-Aknaee Mielw;-itanitnif No. 2 -was -born in St. *'
• 40%11 er,EYWAS
very pretty Wedding took OW
turdaY morning,. FebruarY 2004
wheri eldest 4/aUg1fler
Mr , and Ura. W.g, ,stewatta W'ng-
became the bride of Ntr; OeOrge
„Robinson, Of Tillsonburgo.$0. 0'10.
.110"1",--` •
Robinson gait litawartos
teremonY waS performed by the .Rev.
Kenneth Xaulaean at 'the home of.„'t11,0
brides parents, 'Diagonal ltd, 'Kn.
bride, .who Was griven'In 'filarriega oy
her fattber,, Was charming in a bine
sheer trope gown made .on. long lines.
Her shoes were white satin with Obrer
straps and she Were 4 corsage
Taiistalra lsoaes„. 'miss gaty, WitheJ
Mine Stewart, sister of the bride, Was
bridesmaid. Mr. Mason Robinson,
igoth6t.ot tho *room was.groOMsinau;
TWOTi4' one guests . attended the
wedting,.dinner served at the home o.
the bride's •''parents • .For
\the bride 'wore 4 black *crone dress,
grey,tweed coat with wolf collar and
black aceessorlei. Following -4 wed-
211.obinttsainl) w1441'?reetgll:'rim:crstu'ITr1:s‘
Advan,ce trh-0,14bailoP4Peiliiise°01;on iint48111),ta' Se'Ve' litelStWt1104;06etnirlii°04°Iii::::
fr:41100,VM4,0+4, 444
ProportiOna ;at times,. when they have
to .be wished, .inay -take consolation
in the fact that there is at least one
indhidual • who regUlerly- WaSlies
*bent ten times that number with
smile ; snIleis the dishwasher UT' the
closely eunfined 'quarters pro ititehen
In. a dining'. car of the Canad;an
NationalRailways, Who .cleans an av-
erage 441,000 Pieces' of tablaware
during a, vitettt PeriO4„M6,45iu .1esA.„
wiVes' have many other duties .lifedea
this usually monotonous task of clean-
ing up table and kitohanWare:
the family has left the.. table,
satisfied witt the tasty mealshepre-
pared, Most of them will nevertheless
concede that \this daily feat on a 'din-
ing car is.enough.to earn the kitAen
Man title ,Ofi f‘ChanipiOn.7aishwasher,.",
even if he does nettling else.
;A dining` ear on the Canadian No-.
tional.tailway , begins.its journey
equipped With 900'pleeeS'orf-ehina, 200
pieces of glassware, 000 glees ot;
silverware and 200 pantry and kitelen
items, most of Which must be cleaned
• all. snick and span after every meal
within a Spade Which leaves littia
,Mere than nelbow room. .Of course,
dining ear also Carries -other itehis
such as 950 table eleths and,nankins,
and a lot of other things incidental
to the dinitife table, on its regular run.
but AVitlotliese the kitchen dishw4sb,4r
has nothing to do*. Most people wiil
agree, however, that; his job is %lite
eriOugh to keep hint busy, when' it: is
remembered that .on long -runs, such
as a transcontinental trip, three meals.
(jay are Served over protracted
• I,Catharines,. Qntario. 411he .giris Were.brOught• together when they Were both.:,
Review of Last Year's' Activities.. Studeats in an elementary-seheel,in Detroit th.reelyears ago. They taw' been
PO** •Memorized Many. inseparable eonipanions ever DI ::ttarad here is 'Pauline Tailor (tiEgrt,b,
/.• 1. • •
•Striptre verses born in Michigan and on •(111:Cajpic*Meat Taylor, „bo rues.
MissLUP:k..15tirri00 000 "00 week -
#0.11o*.ingn IS the artintal re`port of
Saltford Sunday schoolOr_A036,,,
-Atte diviturtheirinualr.report, of
1f35, the'7decznixoxy;"=;--cfarrlorr -Walter;
read the following report:'
-Sinuiday Et.ioCol washeld 41. Sundays
during the „year. The average attend-
ance was 42; total on r011, N. •
• Several ,guest speakers very efficient-.
-ly addre.ssed the school on bpa,:lal ;ocea.
Mrs. Santiltori 'took a topic on Mot-
tos Easter Sunday; winch was most
interesting 'and instructive. '
Mrs, A. Taylor gave a very touching
address on 'Mother's Dalt." while Mrs.
1. lietherington, who is. now our assii-
taht superintendent, tell faithfully ,and,
acceptably • filled - the ,vatancies in the
simmer of the Superintendent.
'several appropriate. musical numbers
were sPlerididly rendered for the special
occasions. • 1._August" wa hada splendid picnic
.-Well-atteritletl, when 4‘,Areat, Interest as
shovn in the; contests of races. softhaiL,
etc. 'Firttes were glven. The thristmas
eoncertvs a maakid -es and ranch
enjoyed by aw;- esplcianY" when Satta
arrived on the, stagc. •
The following '' is the Treasurer's re,
port : • .
Jan. 1, cash on hand * .00
Total "CelleetlOns /02,79
:Proceeds Entertainnient .. 00
litible Society oollection- . 16 ip
' 'Total
ra:PrZislUS • •
Supp• lW - ... 20 92
teper :MisSlon ..„ 19 99
cloning adv., 6 22'
rntertaininent EXPen5e3 ---":•;-.-- 18; $• 5
(dOntintiOd. Paie
A Vi.1.114 OZONfet,b1k.
THt tAtlfArtfAt4 Mt-01CM,
Adto`oCiAtiOU Att0 tips'
,-.1011tUAANOt .00P.41*.AN
OMEN deft' in IQ use of the
VY needle can tontrive ;charming
things. from mere trifles.
Tyrolean embroideries on quaint
heartshaped -bags • and coloured nbelts
suit the fashion mood e the season,
when a gleaming note of colour is. giv-
er! to the waistline in so Many dress
ensembles. • °
With a strip of linen canvas. a suit-
able design, and a few brightly tinted
wools or skeins of, embroidery thread
these belts are quickly Made. The
bags with an embroidered motif need
to be. well ciat and , mounted: Some-
times the set includes tollar worked
in the same design: as the belt V rid
rid in Toronto. •
Miss M. R. 'ilfacVjear returned, on
Monday- evening-frour Toronto-Avhere-
she Vire,A attending the Spring Mtllirv
ery displays. '
MrS. Leb. Chisholm and baby were
guestsof her sister in Chatham for
the week -end.
Mrs. W:Beitinan was a guest.of her
sister* Mrs. W. Dthuddson of Strat-
ford ,for a few days.
'Mrs. JOS. Elliott, and Miss Itimgvie
• visited in Londow, •
Miss .Beth Cartwright of 'Kitchener
ix -as a week -„end :guest at M. and Mrs.
tAndrew, Brock
Mr. Laurence' Nicholson accorn-
mailed his mother from ' Toronto to
Goderich on ,Saturday and reinaine I in,
town for the7week-end. Ilrs.
QCARif.e4 In :velvet, soft satin, er
cashmere tnalte„,an• excellent set-
ting for, personality'embroideryi, Short
and wide in:shape, :with slightly point -
a ends a large Modernist' initial is
embroidered- on the turnover end of
:the" scarf, :The Idea; variedby a
favourite mascoL Fo.r the colintrY I
son is lye-ePening her he& *here.
J. Deaelimart ond'irs.
Deachihah went fr. onk. Ottawa on Sni".7
urday attend the faneral of the late
Mrs.'Doniel Geddes at who
had died very. suddenly. • • '
Mrs. George W. Seliagfer was in-
Wingham On Tuesday attending the
funeral of her Aunt, the late -
Etopper.• son-in-lawief the detea-sei
'lady. Mr. Hugh Carmichael whe.is en-
bwemilwaolirk4eiddilsilrk.aOrliwuneetlialdrOr'Prin;Vo gliAgonede 1Clig.!Tlieeot"wh:nlvIttththe o' n)3gehial mT efel ,e);
oot g t3 Y
•d1voees hi
ut.i4rew;.:001*07,011440, 470:2040,t,,tfotQl: a.1ifle-
244 hOtgielt40'i
Ingo MA aiso ber shre In the respon-
411 the
autho 24 ,
trained, she is tlAtea '100.1e among 1:14t."
elk!storm troopers", Who '2W *do=
flifct theinceives wive.% a4 that there
may 42,,twaYs be a uppjy of iter4nd com-
ing .°Ictiii3W-troOpere t4z,. keep- ,the guns
.tOrk better than the time-honoured
„potato for removing stains, lil‘rranned,
plvioiwitha strip otentery cloth,
emit Makes a mory'' good buffer
oeld weather; when 'using
chinaor, glass dishes, rinse first with ,
,warP.1;ws;er before' Pouring Any hob
liquid :intek,' thorn.- '
The grated rind o nl'euiO4 or au
orange added to the cake, 2iot. only
gives .it in.agreeable flavour, but pre-
sents it fiorn beeelning stale 'tool:.
jnegoi fn the. b1ackig makta.
shoes and boots shine inerelt*Illiant-
_We are told that an excellent WaY-
to reinove--white spots from funiitOro
i.S.to apply a, thick,coating of vaselta:
-ta.,the spOt arul leave. it for 48 hones*
contains r the.'fir# 'V,aYthenly41?4-n.L.44.
n spid-
o sprinIt
g, eta us tutuktitic 413-00, The simpiest.way to get rid of
clothes- ap.4 ' bouo*,0,442z„ g poWd
soo 101., Ars '0 procure• quarter of a- pound
s dtbantug,, 'Vitro% Aoulettang, ered, borax, empty this into a,
abentithe ne*A-100ktilig , blue of .the
wlth it:pint Autry- elond4 vlaglas,
aPl*,'-onne With an12,414. teeling2;'
the*aun,la .14,traer*-and
the wlncL• teeis. sett and, the Crews are
-making rau�uz noises "et ,onnteciation
:that .143ie. *O. rid' serns different;
'little better,. True, wheuthe. aunatilneS
nbrightly :your clothes leekk• shabby.. the
Streets ore muddy 4314 au* 4,3,43.033-.-arot
'lawns have 'a ,ki0.(140.-rc, dreary
.there's a certain wl*ich
o_itorioUS disregard for
Xln iNgenn$a* iistr1a, •nrannequins
bare ,-;o.go to;'school.to,talte „e, . three-
inontlis! course. . They attend claSies.
tin*. times a ma „Pcir- taro* hourviieh.
10,r exercises, -lectures on. .the historyof
costumes, • dresiea and art. Theatrical
be, Is 'also taught. At. the end of -tie
three' mouths the zria.nriequin tries an
'exaMination,•,.and, if she is sugesdu.14
presented: with, a diploma. Jpart
f-rfnn the exercises „ it seems a s
,coirse to endure Juts' to model clothes.
itile fabric 'used, the funeral. •
' -Perspnajity,,embroideriQs give
needlework just that note of individu-
ality the book -plate bestows on books.
The cypher or initial Worked in bold
quickly sewn stitches Isone of the -
simple forms'. of •,personal embroi-
deries. The ernbMidered, rootlf can be
elaborated into small design iadicat-
tog a favourite -interest, motoring, for
instances by a tiny great -flitted qtr., or
circle of flowers for the *gardc.i
lover. The tante flower, when t. suit-
idea,canititedAsardesign for
embroidery is suitable for a host of
small gifts for personal or hOrno use.
When minerals - are Mentioned
people naturally think'ot.goldand.eil-
r, -rorfMiateIY WO'iliiriVivave to eat
gold and, silVer, to keep well, but we
need to set a fait amount of- other
especially Calcium and iron.
We reqUire si great deal of .calcium to
keep Our bones and teeth in good con-
dition, and alio ,to keep our body func-
tioning properly. The drinking of
pleat of milk and leatIng of vege,-
tablo generously. v 'rill provide **WV%
calcium The state of. Children's tsth
"4.4400d indication of low, well Cho,
aro rod not holor'aboildstatly but how
To build good red blood IletittitO$
plenty of iron. Fortunately we have
quit. * number of tOrairiOlt foods that
bae considerable iron in them, such
whole Wheat, spinach, farina, apri-
cots, uiver, potatoes,oatmeal and crst
Other foods have some trot, but
• thsse we mottiou ate the best Ifteld.
**Mt.* lot
food minerals pouring them dovrn
for they tOtite out of tb
food into the vratet in *Met tbey are
eooked So be sure to cook roar
MU watt its yuwcan
cooudnt Neter for soli)
the vegetable*
e*n b* b.k� or cooked **Natoli***
!Prunes should always prepared
-Without sugar, but'a, .pinch
41101141 be added to each Pound. of
prunes. Wash.the. Prunes ,itt warm
water,then cove with told water.anA
'set on the back of the range over
night. Prunes should not boil, •
, .
XOths dieliRefarnmonia, u,se it ,when
wiping out chests of drawers, , rt -
robes and the; like, . •
Although a; knife beard is somewhat .
old-fashioned these ndays Of stain-
less steelif you use .find
rind SPrinkle w1I where their
'Po this ,several v#il„„..
ille'S.P100s.',Orop down. Thials,very:
effectiye,,.. =,. '
A'.plece,citicharc'eatn1aee in thee
fligerator wilValasorb odours.
To 4IVall SPF4tAg04, soak for 24 11011r$
in buttermilk, and then wash well in
tepid water.
X-oonoll juice can be substituted for,
-vinegar in allY reciPe, excepting pia -
To string beads- usefine---- • --
luie.48 It 10 very strong. .” - •
-2tellent gargle for sore throat.
It one doesn't Stiff starch ill.
curtains, a- lumn of sugar in rinsing' •
water will do the trick,
There is such a, thing as \Plift4/1g Oil
300 much "dog", even ameng trans7
ie,nts, if one could judge from a ,short
• scene enacted by two .,"Roaci
at the town hall last wecik-end. One
4Utite. chaps had -regular -wardrobe
with hint the bundle that he tarried.
on his back 'being Approximately two
feet square. "You shouldn't carry a'
loud like that," declared his cora-
"Why mitt" queried the load-pia-ei .
-"Why it's away too big," Said the
;other. .
"Too big for what ?"Vsked No, 1.
"Too big for these roads," he -was
told. • "You'll be pinched for over -
• • '
"So he's teaching Vera swimming
What has she learned -so
'."That he's 24, not engaged,works in
it bank and ins,narne is Cyr11."
ntfACIt4)31114setsr,of collar aittl .
armlets Mad0,0t 'towers 01.01'1mill:-
die, chiffon :or 'printed crepe, are
among the simple ,faShionatteSseries•
that Inake pleasing 'gifts. So many'
women are adept ; it -contriving these
floral shapes. it; is by to Weans
diifieultart acquire by simply
• toyping the natural petals Of flowe
inAight.materialivand colourings...1w
expensive. Stkraella.: Used for . making
stamen can be bought in
tiny bunches for the flower centres
and -give * profit:dotal touehe °
COrsag4 flower' sprays, hair hsitile-;
anJ flower belts for evening wear, can
be made up in "this way. Newer still
is the flat tecklite with its bracelet to
match, of small organdie or Chiffon.
flowerets. fr. glint of ,ellitotal shaped:
/towers atounteol an * narrow 'Was
band ott silk ,braid,, finished v4th a
smaul livtei clasp, or * coiffure bin -
or paw in the sanite style; mitItt
attreetin,tiltii. The Swett eltOuti
be time cut In outline: etti4 jet:0.4.11u
In eolostinin.turquo400 cote, Vota or
Otattai are ett*eti** radium*.
jOt(OGP.AM can be lntroducsd to
seti et little doyley' in
afternoon tea and a sale of,homo
bakinewas held by GrouP -Two of the
Centiat IOW& and achcol aliab -last
Saturday .afternoon. 'Mrs. Lionel
Parsons and Miss McDowell are
ers of the Grain whith held.iticbataar
in a store at the corner of the $404ro.
atlit -gof The sun 0± -#V Wag -
1' Favorite:Recipes 1
ciiiniri,,.Beet 'toast
1-8 teaspoon pepper in
2. teaspoons 'Salt. •
:pounds b*ef 'r.riftip' and 'dredge,
with '
j;'.A:'tabteiPein'fs:'"freaif-,;'llro*rk in 2 iht;r
= of:melted ft in *Veit meatis to
be cooked. In the meantime 444.,
quirt tranbinies,' cover, with, water,
_and cook until *Oft, 10 minuto.
Itirb them through * stralaq2,
Measure 2 cup*, add'
4.01suriAasaito bC°4.14.cotroverayeriatt0,
until Meat is tender, 2% to 'o
lieinove,,moat to platter.
Tour ocran—
maixerre, eanfsat from
gravy h meet Ilced v4ty
thin., Eightservings.
Fielt:' Cheviot
*Ws •
pounds frash,god'ot haddoelc. DGII
It minutes iutd ILft fish to si pieta
with a poreake tur. Remo,
skin and tones.
sine *Met, AcM
Ot •
Sili"e tetni'llowariond" sw-'1"eetie
s Pla-r-lY-,-:111drnThning Room111esee' iLiiies a4dae
greatest price change will be *Ade.
°Boll ftwIy %
If ire& This