HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-04, Page 5(1q :OAST • '• 'RoLtdet) sflotiLDgR „ sTevvINo. If*ddk* Uerring • 6: "Hatxtilltcq • •=.1‘ .fairri0 arrived very 1ae at" country doctor's house nitd-teineeed inatontlY.tOdistant farm.‘The .doctor hitckedup and drove InrionelYi r VPOn: arrival, the farmer enquired; 'What_ ,fee? "ThWe'dbliars " replied the doctor surprised. : The country man . "There ire are, Doe...; that -41.47 liveryman ...wanted frve, • -.• A GARAGE is convenient and saves you mane Irlt%1-0* . • gstimates • Owerfally • Given. 5 -Warren GENERAL, CONTRACTING . CONTRACTOR " G9DEltereg • • Satisfaction •Guaranteed Phone- sally. Pet niatet &monztr&ted tile oorrect, to ho1et:4, Meese 41 , fia in d how to make a t'' an4*d.ash by . Patrol competitiou wss not carried on due to the,entell attendanee.*osi,111.4 by the 'P. T.. dieZSre)?4,04.44 In *Olen tie wlth or44-10.2/ ga tin*. Igo Phinti . founder 01 4:00Verat:int and ehlett -or the lge4en LI leluat,44hiz.birthdarOn UM+, and, Ur 1926 the' ,'Ohiet 6 ldnz 2„Paver ..sIgt4t4.on.4_ :The Colerich Juniors forced - the visiting Clinton Cats into overtime in, aritwedaibition gamer on Monday 0104,. befere. the- Colts carried elf°a 0#4'410,k. he game, Pla,r(Ven.,"Is korne- what Stieky ieb;surfacer was for the greater part slow and deordedly10080 1 -Tho .0.04ttorpti. tv,441it_te4r. tooL the first game Of: 4.4=‘,0ncl- we:0*MA, series, • in their 011141Oct by '49400 out ,the.viiting Goderich.‘$allors=„ a.score Of, 3440#tt•lhOrsilay, The, viln gave, Secforth ,4 One goal lewdon the; to:0041i crkrty‘hitte '.Q0derielt.lor rhe secetd .ganie Of'thelierieS, The Safl- ors Were Minris the servlces o llarold' Doak in goat, but hisplaceVAS' well taken. by Bob 11/*Ok,,' whoturned in a. stellar7gameln the Gotieriek:, 'Wet, n°1:47titt'iii.i.r1•1:,phrto;r414400°:,.1.$1i. 07-11.trvi:i'lif'0°4"egr: th744"tlid' The '.horne-towners led until. *Man\ • , - five Mittites of the firti1,1 WhiStle, Wnen• JohilatOn Of the CO#S broke tlittlugri thO defence to tie the game up at 4-4 Doig nv-goal.lOr Seaforth also 'played boaflaup 110OkOY to rob the Sailors on, certain goals, The Beavers were of 'course, without the :services of E. Itenme who had ben droned from the teatil on the grounds that he had PattialPsOed bran ,geme wi,th Sltratford, "VfX4 testa of Sea... orth'1,3 using Rennie that the sertl$ was again thrown open, ” ,The game, Played before _ capacity crowd was 'fast and fairI,v,, clean, with- anlYr;tenr Penalties be1(r handed Out. The ,SailOrs drew dOwn three to a lortn. one for.the BeaVers. :Nul 'mit it' itto ov'e*tit',, ' . : .. 2 , ' . , Tho, 11.41t, peripd wont fictuaiesa a- Clinton took, an earl,/ lead.on,a oh, though eafortkenJoyol,an, Auld ninn- mg a verse 0 the poem, after whfbh by Draper froin tv44*$' feet out I.1)1,)141; Vc7ti4t,garta'tr Eleilltoilt,rsg the choir took their places and sang "The Church in the Wildwood," .Wiger allowed to go. under.his 'after.making an eau q0=6. on the shot': left the. .SaikirS.. shorthanded. - Th* ' An interesting • illustrated le-It:ire ,ewlgon:s ,04=ctit. tip At,..one all whthe ,.Sailors ie.*, the 14(1 'early ; in the was • given in. St. Andrew's' United, ,„,.-trai4akkotwz.Petor,nice,r44.44.t '1*.as.:1,4.0tLni.f!iloa,1,,::771:,., ._,'-eft-ege9.0011dd,onne,alliiitwinhgenio,nDirl,„,;:st Ittt:?,boinoi:041,.. , basement last Sunday evening, "Blaz- ing Gespelltitillit,'! among the Indians ,-Ishclt.,.., " ' ' • _ .•,,,.. -- HildebianttscOrea- 'ffoOff-A-,-;01,--- :irr.---ftritish,—Oolurabia,'„:„_,- ,...Sonie,_•, ,f ftt„ • 'till -treathr•Me 07 Eintitig-eitito.,...ti-oc-4t.:.-.0,3•„11L,crne ,Adeswere show)* Nor= Welsh the lead when he took a pass frozn his all. n Robinson again"ilont.the-sAii, liad,tliti-tei-q---t-tutz ' ',Grainget: bother, Walt,„ an&skated utnnelot.c ars Into: ,th'e lead,. whew he . seored_on, a Presided. Mr, Gale and Gladys f UV", --ouredthe audiencevittordagt, 9esus;, in,pn, Neilans to blaze the puek pait -i•atlibi.--fintinTion*- shot which struck' DraTkr .then tied the . score Alp again the net behind Doig who had be 4evtteernbdein"eKe, *6'41 num- in Clinton goalie frinn,'t0 .feet - Out: tliN senfortii= nlen, and -glanced. Inetn'a thenrd v7Sherael I iint, -0.11.4 slibt from the side...Euel5y Doak cd.1401.14b,t taftfh'eg711norrdi3O:4, •xiJunisita.rbdettoiered gee .-{lamu;tist•er3,4'. 4,$7,11,4pyP,.mLeiiiFiivri:Dei_otistntroz!ler sent GoderiCh into;the;lead on.ce more' , On Priday last Mr. •George'.*List IN when he gathered in Walt Weatbragil,. ,oadtarruquipeeitudp Bioliactoceic.intsereil,'Npvthaeinseldlis iltetnign. tahot P* and bulged the twine behind- Mrs, W. FerguSon, 'Miss M. aoGreg,- the Middle periods gilt° the goal -mouth. The teams then ed to Windsor to spend a few days or; Mr. and Mrs. C. Wideonabe meor- ._ , . the ice where it trial:lea jails to make the score 341 3"Ost be Johnston deadlocked the eormt again., fteoeangh, minute itneulheia(int tnhaeli thitihrzgebriocligth:. with friends. on a shot from the ,side. . Bill West fore A. Hildebrand fillall),T gave the ' Mr. Herbort.14Gregor had the mis- f ore the close of nig* to make the locals look like sure 1.1lootrr:Ltallik. -t-ttnnie- eac)idresipepard-athwhttio(lii: fh°01:t-w-unaes-t-cinutgteltga., Trick's. Mr. Billett who wiia176-se at - Ted last brook "hvook-bagged-hie•-second.-goall,,et.the winners with just a few minutes re- IsLie,. hand fished him out of the icy water. imaining, but Johnston sifte&through rich 'gangitig attack, . with Chr and after taking a pass ' from the MiW„"'"G. W. Wood has returned to her home after spending the la jt all up again at 4-4. - . . latter, easily beat Black. - d pouple"of months in Bolton Landing, fer his Second goal of the night- t.) tie The Godericla' defence wealeeneGoderich - d The lineup; materially • in the ' overtime • . and • '--'goal,--Black; defence: Stoddart, '1. Robinson; ,centre, Alli- New York, with Rev. and Mrs..Crosby. ".Chesfy". Neilans broke . throligh to son; wings: W. Robinson, Nivins; al- ' Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Atkinson of De- Colts- tlien..sgt down apouga. , defensive ba -r - ll ' ternotes, llacDOnalii-,-Doakiniti Mt- troit are visiting at the home of Mr. :rage and their -lead was never threat- Seaforth .L. -40a1; Doig; defenee, ••- Mr.'and Mrs. T. H. Barker of To- ronto were Week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson. score two quick. goals for Clinteri. The ened froM ;there to the final whiDale, Bullard; centre, A. Hildebrand; and Mrs. Frank Ca ttl. The only penalty of the genie -was wings: G. Hildebrand and Christie; al- ,.and Mrs. Harvey Alexander, 7th con. Mr. meron and overtime for roughing - . • and Reeves.. the funeral of the late Mr. Logan. Mr.' W. Cameron of Detroit -attended handed out to Lever_of Clinton :iii the ternates: Nichols, Flannery, Kruse . The lineup:. ' 9 ay even! re nted 10 ,wuhdinSLAfl by St. Andrw' tion itud * Was *de d Ong by MOM ttot,,, Gregor and Ann* Sterling; "Sweet aacl v4“.40044ty- Mos cool XeLood old sallg b$' oa trio; "1 Nylea Seeing Nellie lime,' by Mrs, Scoteinter and to tt t , Jr, JERI/ OCa jamea, terling "TentIng...Vo,night,"'i COTAES, IAA Mar.2-s'r4ederich: icted by Mi.1.01001., An; Altst Monday. tO. MOO* Reeve .w$40,00„, gurro 'Township. COwing eurtell Met in ItelmesViikt eont;14/' 'ebolf:i.4,11,v4='q$1)V1=1.40rn ,414Cg *IWO snd, the in," sung ank,actettIO "Mrs. PotAtakt Oli*er Jervis liatt StnrgeOn, Onelit0Pliel*Selvand Poiritod, 0hAdroort .prO, tom, -Mititite4 wool; *tout stoi jodi,!!, AI)* 0,44 10f 1110 pi!ettnit, were read .01, adopt- acted;hY M. Vrwin, Choir ett '"•• • • • OPMItolnYing. 'A, Correspondence: pep , Was then *Wen, taniPbell: , !re conference'. for ..iteagt. Super - gram fl- inging "Th0 Grargivennd,fttheroPrml,p4o,kvit..,744)d, inatinttroeitoents. 14.;10.17,4..ttReonyti at atakvtd:ns $.04,„ &„,44. ,r.or••• gtitTa 'Cecil, ; solo, :by', Rehert Wash; '"piano duet by Mater Seltdil.: too and OladYS,„0010; scotch gion ;Zanies 'Sterling.. 4 "The Old'IlicItorg Setto01..",-was then, 'Pteittnted.,, Different.,,tuentherif of the Choir dressed as q1.41dien lifoorhouse Very giadly:sssittia taking the role a teacher .whic1,1„ she aisuraed very capably. The prograu. was, brought tc5.4%. close with a, sesn,0 from the ,Cotters Saturday. Xight. with Mr. Reid, V081 Sterling, Viable q.c.otch- Mer, .Carol CamPbell, ;The- choir saPP,: ollome Sweet Hemet" Mr.. Gale read- •-• At , . *--.00.actiOn..;,, , krit,Asoci .tion of Antal, Inenibershipa; no On,' Mr. TOR ,111.0, 1,404 00eretatr4treaall,r0P 10111404. ,.Steek Veit asked for it grant tO .show. 'Council. voted a,grant 'Of $25.00., April 1 to The treasurer received cheque for $.20, refund reltef,paid, ' . Mconnta Paid; I-10ton COttr4 'SW* Fair, $25,;. V. H. .Ienner, relief account $4,; Wes, Metean;"rellef account, 903; Glidden, relief aceount, tn,L- 'A, O. 1.100arttiovi fuel for ,relief, $12.;' Jordan, relief aceouni, P.90; G. W. lleeehler, relief aeclunt, ;11,74; Supt Veticher No. $UP 31, Council forwarded a meseage Conimeticern.eitt of Spring Season: • FRIDAY and 'SATURDAY, .MARCH 5th and. -6th ; .1937 . • Variety that, the fashion story of the new SPring.lrats-"--S-oop .Brims, Off the Pace, Pillbox Turbans, Berets and Sailors. gaterials for trinuning -them sboeb, decided return to Ribbon, Flowers, Paisley Trinirrant • and Georgette, arid gracefully draped Veils.. fi May we have the pleasure of showing you our ;orn in and ott are tinder k 0 b.tty', yr•••ii," o'ir ,' r te II•V ' CliPme9 one - Mirett.1_,M10:15 Isympathy 4:04 wisus tovont to our Aceeve, Council.' then adjo Venda3r, Aril 56, 'R.G. Peck.—"agy views the family are, Mrs, Peck.— "Nev. views. bring up thelarn) go and bring up,. the coaL"'-., • MISS M. R. Mac:VICAR Kingston St. Bedford Block • • Clinton: goal, Clarence Neilans; de- Referee: "Red" Grant Rath, Clinton, Mr. Jim Robinson- of London • fence: G. Elliott, Johnston; centre, 13. spending a few days in town. ' 1 Mr. Gilbert Knight of Toronto and Elliot; wings: Lever Pairservice• al. 'SAILORS WON , FIRST IN SEMI-FINALS two children spent some days It the Aernates: Campbell, Draper, Chester home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Genilen- 'asTellos Higgot and 'V Elliot - v erich: goal, Swiger; &retire: -.., ' - ------"" ' . hardt. They were accompanied by Barton and Young; centre, B. West- tin (conued from page 1) th Mrs. M. Prentice who spent the week - brook; -wings: A. Doak, W. Westbrook of the Stratfordgoal. T.he puck bare,ly end with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Stin- alternates; O'Brien, Wiggins, Scrim- entered the net before it was kicked son. On their return they were ..c- geour, MacDonald, •Bloomfield, NY. out by Hartbut after a minute of companied to Toronto by Mr. Chi. Doak and Arthur.- arguing the goal was allowed. - ' Gentenhardt. Jum Nivms made the Sailors look •Rold-Zr.tWientaiPArker. pilcrs purchumt • Referee—:C. MacDougall, Godecicrh - like sure winners when he blazed a sizzling long -shot from the blue -line • 4 past Hart. Nivins had another grand LOCAL LADY -BOWLERS 1.004.4nrosioneompoorowarmeafroArampilifir, • • ,r) Don't miss this splendid opportunity Tto buy - what you need 'fit the elieveable Prices dug offered at this Store -Get your wants suPpli here is_ still a good choice, of amaterials. Prices have been *reduced, slashed, beaten down t the Very &nit There is a saving here for everyone.- Came and avail yourself of itr- OR MEN, WOMEN and REN THIS. JS *11* STORE Of riAR9AiN5,! The former Warehouse Groceteria (Nt t� rlia Shoe State). , chanee a minute later when Mac- MAKING GOOD SCORES Dongall laid down a perfect pass to hlin in front of the goal but Hart took A large number of enthusiastic lady Jumbo's shot on the pads. bowlers took part iri the regular Stoddart and Philips went off for Thursday night tournament at the roughing and wereinagat thjoiri e start liminute at of inthe later r Royal Bowling Alleys. Although the following list shows the winnet 3 in Delamarter, but little damage wa, the various competitions'prizes %IVe. dont while the teams were short- not given as designated because jt handed. ',Gardner, poked the Puck in a rule in the league that no one person but the play was offSide.' He was not can receive two prizes on the same to be denied however and he filially night. •The winners were: Closed to brolte through to giVe the visitor.; 440, Miss,Marjorie Dam with 140; thei first goal of the tight.Cope:arld Singleaggregate score, Miss Mary and Doak *Of off for and Tobin, 547; 2nd; Miss Ruth MuineY.t. ;While they were off Carr 'made the 524. High single score Miss B. Tobin, score 3-2 Ott ' Delamarter's rebound. 218. lat team, Miss B. Tobin and Miss Bill Robinson comPleied the scoring I. Bredliagen, 997.1nd Miss W. Black for the night and blazed a shot into and Miss A. Stowe, 970.1st aggregatt the .upper right -band Which Hart fail:- non -skip, Mies Stowe, 494. 2nd, Miss ed to even see. • Marie Be11,459, Low aggregate, Misk Tho err D. Johnston goal, Hirt; defence: On Tuesday night at the Royal A. Philips, Delitoarter; centre Copeland; leys, H. McGuire and Geo. Mathiesort wings: Gardner and Carr; alterriztest won the chicken prizes; W. J. Baker Myers, Easson, Moffat and Lawrence. and P. II. Martin coming second. Nina riodetle-11---gOal,.11htek; defence.t.B. teams,took.part,--- . - RObirlsOn ,Stoddart;. centre, Allison; ...The pier's -db. -for the prize. Oren wings: B. Robinson, Doak; alternates: for the best bowler giittingr 300 or "Uaostii Doenmild, MacDougall, and more during the month of February,. Th are now in progress. There are 20 Referee --"Chick" Appel, Stratford. howlers who qualified and • 10 have- r played their gimes off. R. L. Lloyd GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION is leading to date" with an aggregate OPPOSES TRANSPORT BILL score of 829 for three games and' Hugh McGuire is second with 805. Jack Allen holdi third plate with '57. • (continued item page 1) The league standing is as follows; the province, Mr. Robertson declared Games Points "that we are now operating 1937 modercars on some ,roads which are obsolete 1920 models. It has. been said that traffic today -is a combination of an 80.mile-att-hour car in,the hands Of a 26 -Mile -an -hour driver en a 30 - Mile -ken -hour road,with vverysatisfactory results., • Hon. Duncan Marshall, Ontario minister otagriculture, pointed to the constant :menace to geed farming presented by weeds *long the high ways. He suggested that the depart - Merit rof agriculture and .the Ontario Good -Roads Association, could cooper- ate, in campaign to extend the fine Work being done by some township in eliminating' weeds -by chemical spray- akers'it. the association's annual banquet included Hon, M. F. Hepburn, "Bon, George S 11enry, and Hon, T. B. lificQuesterto provincial minister of highways. Oilleets for 1037 elected were: Col. MO.M14`Pidttill0 frOilotArr presi- dent; MAYO WilIlani Colby, 'Chatham, reeldent; J G. Cameron, Cornwall, Ist Vice-president; L, present. This subiectiSA• very live Welty, 2nd vice-president; T. 01,, Ma- issue at present in this part of filo country, . /Wale Mat meeting -of the VOWS Club, Mr:John Hartley, Public School inapeetor, gave art interesting Jecttre. Whilh is reported to have been the bed of itorokind ever 'heard' at flits "Ineetings, , ervousirr ti1LBurit(s HEALTH Thlo inayle due to leek of proper resciliciTirolif -,-,everTbusiness,,_ the :too Iree--use coffee- zobageo, thp, keeping of late lours, the never en drudgery et -housework, but whatever the cause have been putting too heavy. strain onthe nerv -sy„stern. • . 11 leOnlyre-tirekiirdessiltritablei-iistreSse will find in 1111burn's• 11,44'-11.', -Pills.' a remedy to Inalte the weak nerves strong, the shaky nerves Aria, • a. medicine that will help put you on• 301,11e' feet again. Pb�ne47 GODERICR 4sompur Nov Playing—Wallace •Beery in Eugene O'Neill's "All Wilderness," MON, TUES. and WED.-, EDMUND LOWE and CONSTANCE CUMMINGS offer en unusual treat in the efithralling mystery drama • "SEVEN SINNERS" •4••••••••• 1010111. ,FRI, and SAT.— — JOAN CRA'WFORT) and CLARK GABLE "fluye in . lave again in Clarence Brown's sUccessfal comedy romante 11••••• "CHAINED" Corning--Mkline: Toays--a-:Queent!.-- - Matinets Vlicd.• Sat. and holidays at 3.00 p.m. _ o Stymies White Sox Red Sox Tigers, No Sox -Maroons - Blue "Sox • 6 17 6 1'5 ..7 12 '7 11 5 0 5 5 BRIDGE WINNERS , Winners at the -Monday Night Bridg Cautr were: Mrs. N. C. tianawa.y and miss stliaughton, plus IS; Mr. A. A. and IVIrs. W E &tinders. plul 9lit: Mrs. 14, Is. Knox and Mrs. Jet Mune, plus elk. . Another game will •be played •on ivfondaY evening, POR . On Tuesday evening', March 9th, tho Men's Club will have as ttheir speelal apeaker a Matt frOM the Department of Reforestation,' Toronto, to talk On Reforestatlen, a very important sub* ct.. Mr, tan McLeod will also be Yif Hamilton, secretarriteriAtirer. Directors for the totting year: lounet trenderton, Orangeville: O. W. Hag; - tiro PelletillerP. A Wagner. Wele- sky; ON*, ii,PotteeVt, Carleton ace': Jo1in Millen* kit; and DavI4 MDonmW, SUPERIOR STORES • ,?0CER Y'BA-.410,"Sugstr Crisp"41NS.. i ."Aykneir"•- "Country Kist". Cornflakes_ 1 • Pork & Peas. .Beans • . 1.9 2 17.4z. tinilic 2224.. has e. 3 Pkgs-*- • OXYDOL Lugo Pkg. 20 Shortening 2 1.4h. Pjits 414 Salmon 2 146. tins 9,co y or A Tomato hitt 2 101/2 or.: • II, PICKLES "crunchie" IV! tri Sweet Mixei Ja.;" 2m1$hoiPoiab.,Ufl12� DIATIIIIM Cornstarch, pkg. 00 • • 40 • r • • `; • • • •11C P Olive Soap. :4 for 23c Red River 'Cereal .pkg. 23c Beaver Blue Berries, tin 15c Seeded Raisins.. .pkg. 16c Old .Colony .Syrup, pt. -27c Oran e 'OVAL YORK 1- - Pekoe Au nt Jen*.- Pancake ° Flour,. 18c Surprise Soap .2 for 11c Wastite° Sodas. . . pkg 20c Ovaltine sm.. 38c Med. .. 58c, Ige. ..98c Royal York Coffee, 1464. tin . ... . Covnues' Cocoa TEA 1 ,3-k28,11's "Aylmer' Aylmer' • pumpkin, Tomato Join 2 Ige, dos 2,„ 2 'ring • 10%.0. Tins 41111 82 OZ. otte4:11641... ne 46 , * • .0