HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-04, Page 4r
ave just'received our sp irkt
*iptrtent of lViitrtha Washingtllon
esses for •house andstreet
design ani
They To
wbere *WO* .r4t, 5..yetre.ago. He
represented. noiti. Vinren,iwthal4
Wore w.si„.„Liberal.sOnieeYears'age,
oskened infitiente her wat
by a heart attack, and .01104 te,
Ntr*,\ 0„,,faeflotiald..ef,firusitela
le .* Sister; he. brother,
at Abbotsford,
▪ $1,1155ERSOtt ,
, • bolo04.Wife.:0
seiby-i3eferOon;'..died. litietOria
Toronto, '10r.144
.0.0etiiiy.•niorriing. her 10r4voW.:.
She will win :boifrolnernI*04'bt
- Of -,03iderialt P*RPle'ita:ti-erh'uebati'd
&reet United Church.
They.: were .ain0414.*"
ulevarit.TorOnte,) 4.offory, wat
fintoortminittel•eoveral..yoartego.; "
• Buy Martha Washington DresseS
for c style, quality, and complete
• satisfaCtiOn,..
(eontinued, from page 1)...
tailing 821; Miss J. athiesou
taught for two. .claYS for Miss D. thirr
In February, the total enroliinent.
was 8, and The Average attendance
*ma '202,66 of 91.06 per cent. ',Bank
de its 'totalled s5e..45; 292. dep.)3its
being blade', Mrs'. 1tedditt
plied one day. for Miss:M.Vaille, Miss
itetherington. taught. for - gra.
ThOinloe for five days, And Alba
got-MesonAupplied -for giso
Powell for"a day..
Victoria Schoolprincipal's report
for januery ehowed an enrollinont of
346 and * total average attendance of
319,17 or 90,24per tont. - Penny batik
depoSits.smounted te 0.21.09, '649 de-
tsosits having been made. Miss
lia.thieson taught one day for ME.
ume mis$ getherington took 'Miss
Johnstorta pace for five days and.
Afro A. Baker supplia for live 'daye
for Miss E tilseDonahl.
There was 5 tetal on the roll of 844,
fo February and an average atten-
of 200.55' or 138.29 per cent.
Vras daPesited in the bank and
51 deposits weremade. Miss Heth-
erington supplied. for two and a half
daya for ro Johnstonitnalitt,
tWo days for MiSs If.
00DEatiOff TO*, Mara: 2, '-'-‘"The
regular Meeting of itheWoung Peoples
Union 'wee held on Friday evening at
the Vieteria44treet Parsonage,
rich, with 21 meMbers present, . The.
devotional exareliers were eendttelvd.
b Miss Esther gellWaiii, Who -opened
. Council met on aboVe 'date, all mem-
bers present, • minotos of Januar/
meeting was read and approved . on
motion. of McDonald and Cplbert,
he meeting. with the hymn, '931eAt. Be. The Auditors ave their repon
which "8 received and adoptedThe Tie That Binds," followed by amotion of McDonald, and Johnston.dohnsto
1000: bY the Pastor Rev..A. E. Moor -
house, The Scripture Lesson was The following accounts were order-,
read bY Miss Muriel Moorhouse:-. Tho ed Paid en =HP/10 Frarle and John-'
..Tepie, dealing
with o o ,
was read by Miss Marion Cal`Well„ftol-
lowed'hy a discussion on tjui lessolby
Mr. tfoorhouse. The hymn, '‘Whar, A
Friend We. Have Jesus'"' was sung..
A ,solo, "Life's Railway To Ifeaven,"
was sung by Dave Davidson, and .1
violin -solo was played by Maurice
Harwood. An invitation was exttrided
to hold the next meeting.at the Porter
ViliZTVPELT.), March 10 --An Qa
teemed resident 21)*Ahe Person Q Mrs
orvey *Black, -PassOd;:**41.; Tues
aftertio9.n.after, • an ,
several Weeks, TI.k.fanOal..Was held
on Friday n.ftergoon',$)3444ho .1401.4
residence on the - 7th concession of
Fazt-Wawanosli •. Rev
conducted the funeral service, and,
'rendered solo.
tertnent was Atanden:*"CeinC*0
tent,: BelgraveA,
The: pall 'bearers were "'six '000sirrei.:••
Frect Cook, Cook, C,561c.
"ifavvY Walter Scott, and Gordon
, •
-'*ites; Baek,-Was-.M;her 49th year and;
ni I 1)•
rye Marcb t th, tb
; eve , Vittoria
• '-A.cluite 20.g*.cililton X
'United --,th tfies'ion,
m1'Iofl 25e atid•
, eatfor such
\ „awe Trme ,trapialinc,,,et'h•reirleZallWesfid1144. cottownortZa. olYt itac°,71tAttn4i;stdonkC;v4i4lie'l!sh''8113'RE:innlght, Dunlop oVIty:.7:.:
n \"/ 0.14.4 and r
laSt- Sliti•daY Culbert, 1: CC)
° Mrs. J-ames
. voro4ton, Sunday.e Campbell 4.p411'
AUsins, Mr,
lton on oano ¥rs. Dynes with their 0.
Mrs. Andrew
etii-Cook,lianglaW e
'William Cook', and the late Mre;COOk,'
Surviving besides her basband are two. tram Orton Stubbs.
sons, ,and .Stahleyy, -WM.-ThoMpeen,- brother of Joseph,
daughter Undo, all at hernei her fatly' i '1%-arolaquseoff and Sydney lito,cal"' -
Or,. Mr. Fred .W. Cook Sr., two -Ivo'. lough also YAeadea. Oillity to the game.
Am% Lewis, on the con. - .44 charge. ‘All • aro. far, -laborer:3.g Atta
Statifey of eth . concession • .Of '"East ° were,APPearitW eour-t•for their firat
Four Young Men A
441/Vo wanted to °go to 13rusSe to
heir *hockey match and go' we Atole
the grain to buy gas for, the ear,"
Joseph' Thompson„ Brussels „farm
Tliaisday-Tafter 'pleading :'gul
charge. of stealing 'four bags 9
Miss Alice Ruston left 'Ori Monday
for the E. and W. Hospital, Kitchener,
• Where She. w311 enter as a nUrie0m-
Mitt Alma O'Brien and Miss Mary
'Aelieson , ,nurieS-in,4trairang, at- .St.'
. A • -
Goderith' on Monday visiting their
Mr. and Niro'. Win,,,Botlow'announoo
"the -engagement ,of .,' their .flaughter,
Mildred. Roberta to 00114
.min ,Livermore,. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm.X.iivermore,,,ef.-Clin On, Tile:Mete
° 'About 400 people were .served at the
annual Tea held by the Ladles'
.414° -of ChuMi, on ';TItareclay,
night the.lecture room. 'The', ,hot
dinner 17440 greatly -
.00. The Conveners `,Of the ‘tabletWere,
Mrs. .Glirvin Irmingc`10$;,,Nu4 MO'
•Oetiald7.1viisi B. Maelricar; -Mrs',
-Barton, Miss 'Annie gacpenald.;Sfrst:
NeLean'and Mrs. James
president of 'the Organizatiorii, had
charge of the kitchen.
`, • •
'ffesePh's4faspital. T.A in.
vianosh; one 'sister, , • tits; John^ time, .• ' •-,„
Buchanan of the 4th.concession.,"renr -tgrow TnAlty ot.y9u crwo cars?" ask -
children predeceased 'hr. smile ed ,tko cadi. It appeared that none of
ago. ' • • them did. o• , • ' '
Ur.' and Urs. 'Black lived in the :'"74ton, 'are'net very up-to-date farm.
West for seven years,. later moving ite workers," eoinmented thettlagistrote,
their farnf-,On the 7th, concession,. with 4 smile, • ,
-Itlarge concourse offrictids-, gather, •••--Th-e-men-said-thor•eold' tiirgrairt:
4 to • Pay their last respects. The- .fer a dollar a bag. ,JosepliThempqpn.
sympathy of the community is • ex7. spokesman or the quartette said they
tended to the.'serrowing family an d-vere -.going to. take., McCullOugli's
friends. brother's' car to - go to the hockey
MR. WM. 11105IPSON • -,',.."There..is,-tocr much of this 'thing'
Mr. William Thompson, a former going on,": Maiiistrate'lVlakins• daelar. t
resident of Gederich, died in Toronto' ed, inremandingThem a week forsen-
aeneral Hospital, Mi. "MondaY, ..from tenle.• •
pneumonia, whi h had clevel ed frear, .Christina Bairdi-..ilow living in Lon-
-don and formerly. of Clinton, pleaded.
stow , an attack of influenza, Mr. ..hompsen
cac.Nay, removing -snow ..$ 2, -was in his 70thcar. -}le Was born in
Jno. S. Dalton, removing snow . ,6.20 Manchester, England, the on of the
T. A. Cameron, repairing Wash- ' lat.() Abraham ad Arimia Thompson.
out .. ......... as 1,20 He lived in England for about 40
Herb. Curran, ,salary --a 90 ,restlis before coming 'to Canada, with
Local Board Health, first meet. 11:00 his wife, the former. Esther 'Royal of
Clerk registrar of births, mar- Manchester, whom he married about
lieges -04 deaths and actives's 1-00 45 ears ago,and who, survives him.
W. P. Reed, eXeiSO and postage Mr. - Thontson was 4, inethdrilc, in
and 'supplies, and rent of safety • -the Oki County and after corning:to
- Canada. he worked factory at Si 0
John. Litter lie 'ciiine • to "Ooderieiv
where he was eniployeirfor, ti time on
the farm of the late F..••Ilamlinek.
He helped build the, presenit
station, and- and- after that Worked at the.
tIoderieh Organ Company's Plant, at.
horne, The ineeting was cloSed Av)th‘e, , box
_hymn And !the. Mirl)sth WilfredSic&atititiy-0,1;;I11;1141.4, •
'erki°Yed.. 1-itmeliwa$ ser'red 1)1 11"` 3. Iv, Johnston, sal. as auditor t.., 18,00
,(4araini, werkplaYed and toel,al• tit*, supplies 'and postage .
IMoothouse and D, McCharles relief secOunt .1420
• 'The March miOting.of the Etraznatic y tn*euun isuppii,es to.
Co. °flint -on, re Ifospital acct. 7.85 the -National Shipbuilding, the toots,
Municipal World, supplies and sub . Engine Works. and the Good
scriptions 42.27 - ROaCtil Machinery Compimy. In 1019
Co, of Huron, patient in London *, he went to Hamilton and was
* Hospital 1.15 ed at Canadian Vire4tingboUse, and
Club Was held on -Tuesday evening et t
Mr. and Mrs. Forest McOlOres. „
There Wee a fair -steed cOngregation
preterit at Union on Sunday, when the
subject of Ito. At V. Moorhoutelt
dreas was "Vitorrian'hocd .and Mother-
hood At The Cross." ,
The regular meeting of the Junior'
ThE YSTAL. ItZ, PLANT ot*etli by .
fe- Tug. cows
The.ne* inanagem4 ent be In a otition to supply ,ftie
PeOple of Goderieh With an. unlimited' amount of
lly-ba,w No. 3 providhig eependr
tuft on, roads ...wax only plumed tin
motion of PraYlit and Culbert.
Moved by *Donald and Frayn&
and carried, That clerk -tell for tete-
dere Ion:crushing end hauling apProxlr
nudely 6000 yards of graVel work t
commence not later,,*bon June 1t.
Council: adjourned on. motion . Or
101instoti and McDonald. -
Red.tross tSoclitty vreelteld in Union
Wool on Friday, with ArViemise
tiiieelhts tl*,chair. program
consisted of nedings by tassel Elva
Orr, Jean 'Belt end r` Wine toutitatline.
leit Veil -train gave* talk on °Clean-
41-tiese And &thine
later at Turnbull's Elevator Works at
which place he -*RS employed when he
died. •.
Seven 'children ' predeceased their
lather, three of them being buriettat
,Goderich.. The eldest ton, •Ge,orgl,
went oirereette with' the,Canittlians, and
Was gassed' at. Festubert. - In 1918 he.
took influenza, and ' died.- 0(3 NtitO
buried on the day that had been set
for hie Wedding. Anether son, WilLim
was downed at Tort Williami whe.t
he slipped kbotif swing chair and
leitletweeu the boa and the plef.
inftinktleughtety Ether, Is alto burled
here. 4
brcitlier4, skid two sisters zuc
'dye. They John, Jotteph# and
Sarah *hue, anutgripliffe) who
also lived in Godiitich for some years,
*11 of Manchesten It'Coperotan
Afl woo t fabric and tweeds, fu Med
And untrimmed Coltts„ smart" style ites
f•Alx to 40. Regular to
$19.,50. Clearing at
tearing a line -of ood 'Cre
esses, in stytes for women
nd misses: tClearin
5, fine novelty c opts
Regular yid halicsizes.
110,Vy, black and a
K. 02.95.
not guilty to obtaining a :dress', Veld
at $4.95 from the - Fashion Shelve. in
Clinton, by false pretences. fsoao.
Nriernick, the 'complainant was ,not
Present, and the ease, did not go on.
The Magistrate 'askedMiss Baira to
come bad; on Aprii'l5th to have
.nuttteretraightened out. Atfirst the
defendant objected, and.said that it it
cdoldn'it' be straightened, out . at once''
.she,Wouldn't he able to come hatic
cause it east hertool' much to:come-
from 'London. -liowever,:: -Whin .'she
had it explained .-that. she had no
choice .as -to whether 'she would, or
'could, ,appear again, She decided to,
agree. - • ' •
The Crown Attorney .asked Miss
Baird to drop in .at -• the • ;Paqiiitin
Shopp on her way 'back to London
and see if alit could not make trvttlo,
Vent. She was allowed to go on her,
-own bail for $1.00. • .H
Donald Staley, Hespeler, _charged
with 'baiting attempted a Iterkitte of-
fence itr connection --with- st.five year-
old -Clinton giri, had: the, theri0
against him changed. to one of hide, -
cent assent ,t the Crown, having
'quired into the matter 'and talked with
Wile *tithe witnessts.,Staley pieta&
gulity to the charge.. He had lest. Nteelk
pleaded guilty to one of indecentexa.
Ore. Thomptiii fit Mather- of the child
was called to the stand but, wits t09
worked ,up to testify, .end klie„ICrozyt
reported the evidence she. 'tact given
him. ;Staley, who eliime never to iiiv4
been In trouble ,liefors was remanded
* weak for sentence. -
merchant charged tinder the
itsisiterrt atid.Servant't. Act, with
ure to: pay t!„ „IitOrktuut 41.00 allegedly
owing for sit inonthey exPlivined that
actually -the. money: was .only owing
tenrinontbe-enit yroula boa been inti4
If collect1onitlist4 comein at luta peen
.antielpited. The .merchant *aid" that
be *Ascii:at willing to inake oty.
SOULS but stated that he eduld not
pay tbemoney alt at once; Th. caae
was adfikirsed a week. -
Church Services addressed by Old Boys' of 'the several -c,ongre7.
rungtead Service by War Veterans of Huron Colinty...
MORNINQ—Giand Parade, aivic Reception,
AFTERNOON—Annual Civic Holiday. Medi
%Trotting and Racing Associatioii;
EVENING -7 -Program by-. Huron Old Boys of Toronto.
10 a.M.—Boys" Gameson the Square.
AFTERNOON—Garden Party. '
EVENING.=r,Grand Pageant, . "Britannia." Carnival in
Square. Clinton and Bayfield Night.
wahelit on WetineAdm
aftrioon ni, grophere-Punerel
riots and triermint
Maitland Ceritetery... Rev-Aost, Mar 4,
„ pastor gof,liletoricat. Urklted
Chrch, of *Veit the deceased vies *
menabei, conducted, the service. The
rent Were& Mean. Wm. Grin,
Itivers,, :ea; Smith and Hods
0140Ralt MILLR StLloAST: March 2. --;The W. M. S.
Godirkh ftkiltlentit were sh-ocked, on of Hackett tjnited Church mot oi
to hear of the pestling of Mr. Tuesday afternoon A" the home of
George-114111etIoltowilig *. five day gre,‘D. V. Alton, Isiths"a good atom.
ilk** with * 11001-tola **MeV 40••• dance. It was 'decided' to Make a
velovell ,into prieutteenla. Mr. Klitei con* Of quilts and to prepare for the
was in his 44th. year. He hut been -
n:acti-ft citizen of Goderieh far the Mr. and Mra. -Nati. Morrison "mitt'
past nine sitar* mod ditch* thatpertod son, Gordon, spent :Tuesdaythber
had become essociate4 with -re 'MOO parents, ' t, and Mrs. D. E. Alton.
of looel organizations betide* holding wild cutting and beim *sowingit
an **Wined Pealtkni in Gederien the order of 414,- the weather I
Wet, Chureli. with *hich he was
fitified. He *is clerk of the church,
trustee and StuidartSchool teacho
Mr. Miller was heroin England, the
n of 'Mr. and birsnoose
Tater of Owen Sound. Mrs. Miller •Sr.
p.zsed away at Port WIIViitin lair;
week but her on was too in to be inot
. of her ittottkAna he died with -
*ng of his mallet fieete
•ceulng him.
Mr. Ililier was an eniployee at
* years of
and Wright.Pollooing
, dowel.
-to Canada he spent * yea? In flavls-
vIlle hospital before going to Owen
ft* it turelead by his width" and
three Children, Marjorie IA; Vets*.
Serbia.* It Three brothers also sur-
vive, Joiropli and Thoinaa, Fort Wit"
ham: and Alm of Minnesota; And four
zisters,'Itra, J. Bittternian, Fort Wil -
11v1; gra, A. Walters, Detroit Lake,
gitirieeeta4 Mrs. ClteigIttoits.
titredij Witab4 and lir*. Its Pollock, Of
R. MeCliig conthlcbe4 tie
4-0'.a;rri.-Girls' Gaines in Square.
AFTERNOON—B aSeball Guve
EVENING -Pageant. , Carnival'. Wlingham and Blyth
MORNI:NG Atiout. Town.
AFTERNOON—Horse Ra.cing.
'vENING...;:iragea.,nt Carnival., Se,aforth,- and Exeter Night..
10 4.61.-4thool Session for Old 'Pupils.
NFTERNOONaledonian arnes. •
EVENING -L. -Band Tattoo. Carnival. Kincardine and 'Luck-
now Night..
If your liver becomes lazy, , go*
.0s. torpid it holdi hackthe bile so
necessary to !jib*e the bowels, and
sets up * state of OisOrliat 14 the
• itystem. .
• Milhon'ei texfotirer Pifl outdoes
and Onliven, the liver, Their action
helps -to cleanse if front the clogging.
itort of 'stagnant bile and restore a
berets. All druggists tarty there in stock. •
-, Have,y0tor ° °
Knewly7instalied Hoffrnan`Press and one .of our experiented,
OteSerS, guarantee satisfactory resuitt. , Residents of, Gode-
sIth and vicinIty are assured PrOuiPt and courteous service, by
phoning 80.
Purchase your Prepayments Re,c0pts early and, ave your s
money earning 5 per -cent. Interest
If you cannot buy all now, budget your Taxes this year
hy urchasing a receipt each month. ,
June Discounts will he allowed in addition.
fentL 11164" Tit toilhotor.