HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-03-04, Page 24 conal4ere4 same et eldli. onld condemned, 'what' a fter4f • Made by andcto crvic imProventents be '00dericht oUrthOuse -Pa*. . bacb stem Or the SqUare. at the :WaterfrOnt. 0 /40, ntei-of4Iwbrush,aleng-4h urtheuee Parg. Aandinglield at GoderiA. .00 the •Dourthouse, „ e Old fettorY buildings in town ?eine ar.0 1-3-1tesTiii'lle town. 'ornlitboann'ndarY of 'the harbor establiAhed. Ape to improve every home and house . , some cases, little As needed, in others, ; though the money may not be available, let rnari *1, this town who can't do some flttle , • to the general improvement. We Must bear lit Min, ourddress-up" year. We can't tell 4i0IT n)anSt me,r'residento may be coming -back for Old *One -Wye but we o*n itnPrees\these that do come with that would .add to their happiness should they'401(1%0 spend their rAptaining years right here. „ -Of,cou 44"We'rean't poifilhlrexpeat'te•get all of the above ittkneei• bItt doesn't do any harm to look over our 11 thatever*P7ipulaplymn, "0 Paradise, 0 Par. BANNING BINGO SIot -Mad-Area weredeclared illegal and have been • 'cleaned out •of a number of 1oi4ns. There Were features atout those appliances for separating bop from their spending money, that justified their removal. Now birgo, is being attacked,' The amounts involved, and the condi- . -Lions under which bingo is played, at least locally, do not- ---Wa5manCits_sunpression._._ kit_courSO.- it. itganthlfag in a - smild form to SQC who ean.be first in filling .spaces olY . pieces of paste board with beans or corn; but life 'is a gamble. . Bingo, -or ,Keno 'al' it .is called' locally, has Fir- mislaed a lot of innocent fun on many aocasionsii in good tames. In sorne sections it may be abused like any other game or amusement, but_when it -is' played for:pnrelr iiikifposet; it has something to recomm,end it. o i stance 'there are people who couldn't be induced.to d a dollaifor any class of charity unless there was t least -a possibility. of getting their money back in thc form es a.nrize of some sort: Assuredly it can't he con- sidered a .crinie to extract a 'dollar from people of that stamp. Besides bingo or keno encourages a quickness of iwbat igo i?'01,1S025/0,?),W.Pn a Una, nevOr do, at leatt 'some of us, neVer,do, The other people always get the good hands—and also *know how to play them. ' TWO /3111Q0ES It is understood the Provinclal appropriations are to include the ileceitsary. arnonn, for• foe widening- of the bridge at Bayfield and the straightening Of the'aliprliJeh .es tothat strncture:' The roadway on the Ilayfieklybide of the. bridge is about as abrupt as any in Ontario and as the Blue" Water Highway le being travelled more and more' every Year the changes referred become More urgeat. 7Thereltra464d1Witi;titi taotrifleSmer05414eiii *fifth .ba S been the *Cone ',ormit a low aceldent5'10,1 some of the most tragic fatalitfes this district has known The approach to that bridge is bad frOirrboth sides, espt.- cially:for the motorists going from the direction Goderich. - he-Wholitrict will benefit b7.4he widening of those bridges, while the theusands of ?(Merican tourist; who spend their summers in the Cm4nty of Huron, will appreciate the fact that something is bong cisme for their convenience and safety. \ Miss' Agnes McPhail, M.P. for North Grey, suggests that bag pipes should be played at intervals in the Rouse of dommons to route the members. If Miss MePhall WOW piperess, her suggestion might be more e effective. Congratulations are teday extended to Pict,on Which is -celehmting-its,One Tiundredthjiirafey_sineejta „ineer7, poration as a -town. This prince E4ward County munici- palitY, -in the midst -of a, prOsperetis -farming area), ha grOign beyond•all recognition since,the days -Of _ that I -defie(:Our:police force as' rrell-; is to. be 'neted that the celebration will be begOn. 'With a. it wouldn't have cest'any more and it semi -religious service at the local theatre there. That the iwould give me more publicity. 'celebration will he -the beginning ok na, new 'and,. stilr I -have 'lilted in Goderich, for nearly Letters 'te. Om 10hit0' JO geaeiat At rehOUSe Wee, 04%400 it woOldhs,.: s, 's-i-.0,;,sPissTs- I 4 4 1140' value , tor. lumber., At -A,,144 it ,. . ttt t tlittoom--** toonial* , o inve 1et oei o .\ .efl hl,d.,„ ooloion0writers,''but we:: we l- . the ‘, lot poved t�, mi:OafotiliAiinsO;is, 000teletterSOA tnattero.pf,publie'los, :. on their VroPOIY! terto—,.40).....H* oto,statentont has .been ' made, that. h council did:1mA, want to enobainac.v e47 .'.. . . ' Me Inany war. X. have stated the facts, 4,114 0*, POW . 4.*',40Nv. •400,0 -for, P104401tos, T. ant sorry, to aaVe zakort*, SO nnleh An,„"ee .in your paper, but 1 wanted to give 'the %One,' the Oett. and lot 704 knOrrthe'ettitad(Of Seine ' et. the. ' town:council, towardo,a e#Iten. .xa1 ,4) it' .1?mhe. a. pfi. you.iratepayer:1 , JOHNEr OltAliA51, .. ' . r4cO Huron 1 ,Tbei a'od. erk leatA Veer e are o Stara edition:. lady rawa, tugging, up a„ pair Of skates, $ram wood.; the ,t4rs,...vird=„!:.'1.1v.sr4rat: Tile r enlaAteci,-,4rOw M4;0' VePle in Ono locality" ev,e, r e*ned 4144,'A,"10Air, ys or *lion t y were 'h000ttLgteverr?, ars- sx44, ORMISON4 'C ST HIS -JO at #r hat now 'WOW; ;to Ptierho Slovakia. 1 Inaerte4 no blades, ,a 'good,; local youth. who. has strong piece of wire die:the 4trIck.‘ t:v4nP, used my aka*. nIst oe at* time. pre. 'been, making regular appearances in ferajilY On my rtht armedrwjtk a conit.tor the .paSt se* weeks .and who •':P°eatp to pilot: nytelft'and made fal•PlY last week job and .t ' ' . -';.-Y.°.pt as a'-- d.Pr'greSs434e4f'"herfruK' easVaffOrd buy me ipair eleased from jai!4ere h &far1114Ttrt4giW°'„VngsheeiiaPea:4g nago:44aocdcp:wrekdunvagrancy wsttkagair, thia YOU t'e'tre.C‘ ku"71;as1ts4:eitIT!L5IrentlY4°fe'qdbehavth°4iandm3c;es7Ycu hrd:Iue WhehevaSirede ryrosdohTvertaa0b041,ir.4'41. Sin:se that t,ime ..asfiriedthattohewowrak;o:.feoct • leuermteer bthuet EMO' INT 4T10:4T El),X*LER, hookey, game- at, Oliritontrisr week, if ihe '- .was to go to work. Thelaruter agreed To- the '''' ''' -and theincident..wasgOrert so mach Dem:. 'would like some apace PuoheitY:' that the employer objected einayreouctr' avaxIouwabsItoopeamp vritosf:tthlial; wapepe_ aT int°4.,Int,d444n 4t014pa Irwinlf0i, go. week. ' Was re-, ed in the last Se* issues of your paper. This te_referring to my icehou,3.,at the 1,16ek. It was state that 1 defi' thercouncil and also the 'board of -health., They 1iwsaid more prosperout . era ,for Picton, will be the universal half -a -century. I never was in court, wish. If the people of that distrlea p e ict Can du l' the I never was 'lb and never was ar" rested. ' • • ° • perseverance and a Aunt Of therr,forefaibes and make ,These are the, facts. -After the Janu- as great advances in the years to come as those, who Jtinci1 meeting, Mr. Huckins met nie on the street and jnfOrreed me that the -council had 'decided I must tear down arid remove the icehouse at -the dock. We talked the 'matter over. I iold-Mic-Illiekiiii-rhaT just Iiiiistred repairing the• icehouse at a cast of over one hundred dollars and it was ready for the winter's.ice. I also told. him that r intended to repair it more so that tt would be no eyesore. • Mr. Huckins told roe' to come to the coun- cil meeting that night: I went., I put my Side of the situation before the council, I told them 1 did not see how •I could comply with their wishes with such o shrt notice: I told them might have ice, in two 'weeks, and it •migh't. be longer, and it would be hard to say when. The council asked me to leave the room for a few minutes. When they called me back in they told me they would give me one hundred dollars if I would -Move at once. I told them that .was just what I+ had spent in the last two weeks. I asked fsr time to eceAlderf their ,offer, as the shook was so sudden it nearly knock- ed me cold. I, was referred to Mr: -Rucking. I went threedifferent times to see Mr. Huckins and we talked the matter' over, I told him if the coun- cil.' would give me until the first of August, would remove the icehoriss and accept their offer. ' , have gone before, the town of Picton will be fortunate. , _Thia.year's _programme *of Bell .TelePho e pient-ac.tivity. win entail a gross outlay of $13,900, :Is is oilicillly announced. Of this sum $46,00.00 has been or spent- in,Goderich. Where such a large outlay &involved, and to be spent on work in the. open air, it is Inevitable titat tmforseen conditions_ arire preventing coMple- tion of the work by a date set when' the original plans were,arranged. • At the most, it will be, only a few weeks before the ringless, or central energy, system is installed,. thus modernizing the equipment. As a - matter of fact this modernization --would have taken place months ?kV had some--disratte not arisen \ gmong,tfte different. bedies eoncerried. The end of Moy. is about the date when the work now in progress will be , completed, so "Algs well that ends well." or your Farm Buildings! Check over this list You give -the orders.we can sproide. the money heq- lc* Save 'decided. on. *hat jabs you, want to carry . either in four home or your.farm buildings, come to the Bank Of 'Montreal, which' is co.operating with the Government in, looming. this work ,t,our manager will be 'glad to talk over , , Oasis ','isith_your with viol' to *itatoging, s loan for tile purpose-, Loat%* *re repayable in easy Monthly . Meat& Mr. Huckins asked me to wait -gill the next council. meeting and he wteill bring' it before the council. After the couneil meeting of FebruarY 5th, Mr. Iluckins ealled me by 'phone and _told me I had 'till February 16th to remove • the icehouse. sk-siold hina was. ging to fill the icehouse. That was the, amount of notice I received. Now with reference to the beard sf • health. / never had a quarrel with them and am not going tiPhave one, toyt., think the board of health is capable of acting without the, help of. Mr . -Bucking. I have always sold lee on its merits and / intend to do so'. • have harvested ice off the seine water at different- times for isbout.feurteca A. BEFORE THE PAMTERS .0gT BUSY ON oue,rsiDeNvoR,K A 06'0 of fiew-FIJRNIYURE. will add to its brighlne§s., pleasant surprise awaitsvattas to quality and price of Futni. turo and 'stoves at our, store, W. H. Blackstone wgsr stREE, ,WitSTFIEtiD, March 3—Miss Flor- ence Vair, ,nurse -in -training at the. noto, • tlilrerriSter, Ors. Harold Walsh. 1VIrs, J. lificrtewell and Miss 1Vlin- nie,-,$nell are Spending ;this week with Gelderichlriends. The Y. P. V. held their meetIng on W___Ocines,4ay, evening with 24 present. :The meeting' was in, charge of the Citizenship Convener, Mr. Alvin Snell, and WAS led by Mr Douglas The program' consisted ' of a SeriPtUre lesson, read by Mr. Wm. Bush; Selo, Rev. H. c. Wilson; read- ing, Miss Helen Vincent; topic, Mr, (4raerne McDowell on "Our Duty as Citizens," The meeting closed with the Miznah Benediction, Miss Grace Reciniond of Linwood was home for the -week-end. Mr: and Mrs. Norman McDowell Anis. trip to Windsor last week and brought. home a new Dodge rice �fiI�•-kiW13rWiffBll1hre rnisbed,4*-,..14.-entzerio,:pepart,,ent-evAtricultnre):. ST. HELENS, March 2,—Mrs, Rob- ison Woods and Miss hene Wood a et' TilittrlffiriRke*wee Mr. and Mrs Alex. Xurdie, Toronto. Mrs, E. J. Thorn an$1, *IVIias,' ,Teari Thom spent the week -end' in Toronto as guests of the former's brother, Mr, John Miller. p Although the attendance was small, an enjoyable time was spent, at he social evening under the auspices or the Wiomen's Institute Fridar',111rs. W. A. Miller presented the interestmo program consisting :of Musical selec- tions by Messrs. George,' Henry and Alex. Hackett; readings by Marie and. Iona Swan; songs by. Margaret and Marie Aitchison, Marie' Swan and Dorothy Webb; a mouth organ selec- tion by John Pritchard; 'accordion music by Mr. George Henry; a, solo by Miss 'Vera Taylor; -a -.dialogue by Cynthia -Silas (Mrs. A, W. Weft and Iona Swan); and a journal read by Wilson Wood. Music for the dance that followed was furnished by Mr. Chester -Taylorinand-by Messrar-genry---- and Hackett. ' The -Hustlers with, Dicku Weather -- head as captain, had charge of the meeting of the Y. P.. .on Sunder evening. Mrs. Earl Durnini read the Scripture lesion and -Mrs. John Cam- eron told the story of Saniuel. The topic, "The Acts and the Epistles," was taken by Mrs. Ramage after which a discussien, wasAed by, Mr. Mahrie. Laurine Miller contribnted a piano solo and Mrs, E. W. Rice a vocal number. .Depth of Fertilizer Important therefore it is important to feed the The eorreet placement of fertilizers birds it proper ration. Body weight id of primary unpOrtance to farnieremust be kept up and if eggs- are want- , 4;xPeriments show that fertilhers' ed a lay mash fed. should 10 placed at about the -sante - . -- depth or slightly below the ' feeding 1937 HOG MARKET OUTLOOK roots, so' asto,perinit the latter to During 1936,.• Producers in, Canada . reach the plant -food easily and quick- increased the total marketings of ly. The best'results with grain crops hogs by almost three-quarters of a is obtained when the drill has a fert;- millionhead and sold to yards and lizer attachment which sowsthe fertiplants the largest number on record lizer direetbr with the grain +# the for many years. From the increased "Same- depth-. -The 'planter -for potatoes-- production, there was .exported .ta the should be designed to place tlye ft ti- United lingdorn a greater volume of lizer in a narrow batfd 2 to 4 inches bacon and hams.than in any other Away from each side of the sets ad year since 1919 when, moreover, a on the same level or slightly below the large proportion of the exports con - sets, • .' • ` sisted .of anadian-cured American --For garden erops the fertilizer_ product. In\ selection,. Arim, ,flavou: shotild be placed in- a narrow band on and peek, the 1936 supply was better .eaeli side and 2 to 4 inches away from than, in any former ,year, and as the 'plants, or when the plants will also 'marketed in a 'much better regu. come up in the i•ow,. and about the lated manner than heretofore. This depth of the feeding toots (which represents a. notable achievement in means 2 to 3 inches). Grain 'drills and the bacon trade of Canada and consti- potato planters with suitable fertiPzel• tutes,4 big step forward in consolt- .attachments for placing the fertis.:zer. dating Canada's position in the British as described above have heenIvailabh, market under the Ottawa Agreements. for a number of years, and there is These Agreements have beerfilie big - now a hand implement on the market gest factor in stimPlating-hog produe- for fertilizing gaiden • crep:s Irt tho tion in the Dominic!). approved "bandway." Although smite dissatisfaction 'was nianifestedi during the late auto= Current Farm Reports in regard ti-,.:*thetrend to live hog pric- • Colder weather, ited an a,bundaneees in relation fo British bacon market of snow preaile& in rdost parts of quotations, producers genera113i .tNrere Ontario during the latter part oLFeb, well ,satisfiefl with the outcome o# ruary. The covering of ST1OW has /their hogs, fed largely on the 1.93o itOW *Os i04041, • so tai 3. trittiot tett* $004 ititties,,s torsAvois+.....4**Olisi,..•oot ,iool 4. *oodierotk $0,000tY contlit 9. 'Wood, ork 1.0104010 silesthei- -ioa SUV 10. Ooor$tight* easy to operate? iv 44 *V* . 4,10%.,Ailtjact E.-0440404 liviisinst • *Sul lria,:sto tool opton con. Sat po'n: lits)g POO' an 1,5; Getr":42_,,410A*.IS +.*Itatit 16* 'Otto 4* I 1, *Ott 4,111k.' littraCO ." altar* -as* 'bat ben 24 ILO bs" 4,4 *otitis, etc,,! e tellati, lobo% • lott*letlite • ° enitittinS, o.t. - 41 t 16 'Cott I i 4 4 tt,iite4 40 Ott rect i,il'iootara., lbac0; 4s4pau r tOt fOr brought needed production to - , grain ecop w„hich produced a big vol - wheat, which is in fairly good condi- tion despitethe fact that it had turned sorneWhat brown in• many districts. Lambton County reports that its two seed:cleaning- plants have been kept busy- cleaning seed grain. . Farmers. there ate askitg from $1.00 to $1.25 pert, bushel' for seed pats and the same:for barley. Pruning of, trees progressed ripidly daring,",the „ ,m, lid weather d'f.'earry rehiuhry in*Lineoln. Prices on alfalfa and cloVer seid in Middlesex were quoted as high as 26 .to 28e per pbUnd and Mime sebdsitten anticipate that, prides on best grades, dine a flaMaged grain otherwise un- marketable, - It is significant oftlie strong under - time to the hog Market that the aut- umn decline *as of short duration, notWitlistanding the record size of the weekly runs. The average price for all grades of 'bogs , combined, on .the 'basis of the VVinnipermarket at $1,1/5 per cwt., was exactly the same as in 1936 for"thiit ' litarkeT; but'. With • the' difference that in 1936 the, volume of marketing was substaptiallY larger • and 'therefore greatly " increased the total revenue. - will be around $20. per bus:. by seed- , Because of tleargr' feed: the cost ing time. Farniers in Wentworthhave hegs, marketed in 1931 will be higher nothad ifullicient, grain to keep their than for those Marketed in 1930. In- riiisteCkitiliiiit-itustkenditiett. Down *Creased-eost of pfrlductionitowever; in Hastings the fallwheat drop was, W,111, common Walt countries pro - reported as seriously , injured.. Mtis-, Outing hogg either for home or expert trade; and for this reason the prkes -would seerti to be further justified in the Ott that regional scarcity of pig - :Making feeds; not. oily. in. Canada and the United States in other pig produeing has already, caused some cheek to breeding interi- tiont-for sloth* farrowing during' the prole . Year,. — koka District haS,' bad 4.`plentiful years. Before. this ,rreare- rev haa -covering of snow, more favourable for always. tested grade " The late Robert Clark: was in the ice butiaess for about alitty years,loil that .same water was his soave of supply. Th4, is the firet ;natant* to my knowledge, when the test 'maul been grade "A / have *lot. of business in this 4.own besides dontestie business. I ,supply our butcher shopaand zuniberof bush operation and ototectioit of wint- er crops. Rog prieti iii"Peterboreugh are disappointing. In,RenfreW due to low price of -.eggs and high price of fed, , farmers are not , feeditig tiler flocks for heavy production, and or - tiers. forbibi-clilelts there will likely • reduced tensWerahly.,,Mat_idinninli, or Seed.grzi— is tePhrted„ ;keen. in. oilier places which, use ice only for Leeds from central and western 'On - cooling purposes.: I Sent ,$t sample of Earle toUnties, Which 'were Affected by ice to the board of lietaltb On.retaltal1 .'drought htat sumirier. The Temiskato., 4th and on Pe rasitir 18th, 1 started to -ire? Distriet report* one Of the Mildest harvest ice.. . On Fel3rUskry thli, 'phoned the house and told the .sarapIe had tested “B" and -IT"; This Put the -lee in Sk eliSS to be used for cool** purposes. , 'Mr, 'Weir asked for a seeond'aimple. whieh he'goiti. On the i9th of February Ihe kat the *with and on the samo agto stopped the tutting, till further *notice. The next day the ice busi- • ness was well advertised both over the air and !through the city papers. 1 think enough has been saidre- garding the ied without 111Y saying any mere at the present time. .,This • will not be an ice famine Year. t have *Os suPPUed my customers with ade "An crownyntnk.testea i& And Intend ter& "so in the future. If it is • not available in the waters at Omit, rich, I esti sret it from Other sources. "‘,1kny thinking person knows that ice is only *oxen water and you cannot Ret 'clean ice from *rater that is not clean to begin with. There 104. sttadY flow of ,water between the like old the harbor, not even * wire to prevent it flowing in and out of the harbor* thlult it would be the- town countirs duty to -find the earkite of :the water, being Impure. IT they wan to know, I can tell .them, atirthere are lit lot in this town that can tell them too. When the $oh was ttoa *0 No *Joking men on, the payroll. Ewety year I tom Not ,$1,00 to 1104 for cutting, storing and 4elivering This it spent with the working pito 11 the agitators wolti ,pay ant as h. money to the working ptople* there would' be a' tot row *0 In rith Oat off ernAluomts 1 *gree that there aft other that *re writ* no t re in worse cowlitiert.t that it awls* * winters in ttinte years; . with Iniarime't having experienced difficulty- in got- , tingontetheir Togs. • • • Don't Run Short on Males Popltrymett intending to .supply eggs to the hatchet/ or who hav- their Own incubators should ..provide, stitiltient male birds to insUrefertiliti, in the -Pock. -,Thereis a possibility of having too many *tut one can -get along with comparatively 'few if the, birds are rotated in, the Pens.. rt has been elainied that one male to '26to 26 females of thelikhter breed § will be satisfactory, -but In the average farm fleck it irniglit be better to use tra. male or two and to have Seirerat' kt/Oct M10.8 on hand in case ,something Ahould happen to the birds,' If one or tat of he males- sicken and die 'ng the breeding ,seasokit might be Very dif�cult to)go "ont,,and purchavle', nutlet to take their place. A safer nroptisition wood be to have the,c*ira birds on hand. , A lot of underfinislied birds are tbnant'Ort to theAntiTheti and if tio pullets Artes in a Mintier tonditon one CitiltdOt ittpotttht beat' production or . satisfactory hatchability. reel, it searce on ina1y fittiAtt but it Would be better to *ante' the fleck by *Altana feed *,:priklifethm-ratioti'rether Than keep the entire flock on half 4t10 1 the one toe the toirtleare likeT,, to pay for their OM. but those on ,short will not lay 'Vet/ many cat: flird at are under nourished are, Weet to told* and 'other 'Ails* ' - birds in good flesh whlch have Ilt up a rotistamee. Accordnr * utturiber' Of floAlt The modern way, td -treat' a cold is this: Two "Aspirin" tablets the moment you feel a cold coming on. - Repeat, if necessary, in two hours. If have• .gydiistwobiutose., vc efl:raaeaters.o:A37Aspstnthmpirifj;:tve.tiatdyotheuiewifsthuktheinecottdsldi:i.. ten?, ally will act to combat fever, ache's, pain's- aliWthe cold itself. Tits gargle will provide almOst instant relief from soreness andrawness of. Your throat. Your doctor, we feel sure,, will approve this =den' vfaY of treating* cold. • "Aspirin" tablets are made in -uCeilAtoiltedda-,0`rw;intbat: Barg ComPellY1 sOr, Ontario. Eczema or,:Salt:.1fresitii ',terms or 'Salt Rheum at it is often - called 4s one Of the lost agonizing ,of skin .diaeases.„ • Tke intense burning; Wiling, eekaiiily at nitOtti Or when the etas* 'pot -la exposed to heat, or the hands plated in water, id* almost++,aahetirible. J1flp Use Ito ock Blood Bitteresintenni'dly, sd ft* bottle* 140 • afford relief from this lain distal*