HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-02-25, Page 8ktoria ., 4,peaker ., • * spr. ,r GODts BURDENS HEAArr . . !Xba .LtriM., or OR ' PeOPIO, 'that 11404 totem- of,' yletoria Street itultTe bilitil 'iv04. 00401;›, held on. 'Men- , . • t ttt'tbet Aotond 11%! the soles & . , 464hireittlelial' Young Votlile.s , , . . tvi* vit/1 ;t,.___Vvm P. 1).- W. f ' I'llittlxit -.SC Paptist churclt *cif* is 'Welt444.0*4 to e' Wig aAlaiehle, 'AttetMlied the gathering - -eta) 14, , Velytenieffe.:00cre Bun- , -14Orie Moo.hoUu, pre3l- t, of th4 ettple's7'Seciety. was dsftrge 1r -the service and cordueted hz.'AO efacient ',and cePalte manner. : '"Thtt 15POAker was 4ntredgeed by Rev. s, , ,11%.,' IROhlhfi*. liestor of Odderich SaPtiat ',. .0lieeenehe .w.he • was reeponsible for ,brinftz brr- Zietnall to address the° Meet. • , 4r, \ Zienten raddreesed 4 4 inilar feleethig, here three years ago. • ovate gaite =tamed to 'the bur, .•411a0t that men bear,"' said the Speaker, ..---- • . .• ILMFORI ._, - • 141-h._ .CONFEDERATION 'LIFE Also " *- rirO-Clar--4Virid Insurance: ,Ilamillon. $1. Phone 208 .. __ ..-, .....-._, McKJL . MU - , FIRE MEttlitatICE ..CO. itstablished -1870 • Anneal DOA/lents $2.00 per $1000. - 'WILL VEO, sooty TSALKELD • Agents for •CleclOrich ' and . sur- •-• - hircling distria.s. . • • ................:...-..................... • EYE COMFORT . • tans • modern eye service'. alte • realize that every ease- is differ,' •*Pt, and requirec:letdivillhat at -- 1;1140n ..w..411. _lei.oder2.1,...e.galliment, Eyes examined and glasses fitted • • at reasonable prices. ' • A. L. COLE, R. O. Optometrist and Optician 7 years serving the people of ' Huron County. - .. i I ! , 2 • •THE• O. F. CAREY CO. re,:Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE ' am. The London Life Iiistirance Co. office: ,..11Isesale Teinple, West' St., Goderlen ',insane 230• •NELSON HILL, Mgr. ` 1 "I • i I ° " - - .WIE-TROUBLEt- Ease your eyes examined by • .,/ A. 'DIM, for 17 year Strat- ford's • leading Optometrist. • Ex- ' pert Iwo* way at most moderate Eyes Examined -Glasses Fitted. • Consult bim at . RoberliOn'i jewelry $tore' '2 ( I • t, .It...4iGIE '1NSURNCE and., , - REAL EsTATE, .. Get Our Automobile Rates. 'GODERItem ,r. . . . 11 , 1 Sir AckS. 1 .._.... .4I• • . 0 ,,,jotitrHpi, ° ter InAtO legEgstnig ' OUTFIT3 .. ,i- umbng Ileatiiige. . . . ,Sheet Metal Work spurt • r , , .,...., , ... . ' Nom • Ai . io 'sex 131, t > • •- . ttrmiltat. AMMJLMCt tophey, Bros. v, a— , .0 AND EMB4LMFS Also ''• VW/CAT DAV,' .4, , , 1 0 W04011'07. the' re 14' 'th; ,glo 4041 tbink*bDUt 'Gcd; 4j j4. burdens tU •slnk in upon you. Are,the kInVa, burden. Xsalah.- tells us the gaina hIng44)014. 00, 1)0 you not opp0o0 Oed* Our - :den is- illeriaeed every time' there isdla- barnlony In the 'world or In the Ina.. vidual?. Do yOu not feel that every one of ue, on oceasion, 13 addhig.'W-:,the 14040 et, 3-e0.,, The *000k -that .00d bears eras Oaaed, Ws US ca.The eet-that a lather, s00, Or, ar daughter fototot to !POO Ws eheeS:',Iierrore enterfng the Nose 'doesn't lighten the burden 'Any and the fact that we terget doesn't lienten 0-odle,-Ourtiens. - We ail Rriow what we thnk of, a son ',Whole not '00,01cfUt--te. • ',tondo, what- 'Cled-litrdrs'of men and won* who 4ro. aiol.-„-gratefal- 0 w grateful for • the tpoptiniensto of OeSoa2 neePle are grateful why Is the work .of the church .languishing? Why ,are so few •people In the house oI C.,*od on 'Slender . Why Oh the mission boards'. of be elnuche.s have to make *Ives to 'get , young peOple to take up tins •work? 'WhY do Young' reepiela Societies Anait ilifilcult to 'get .raembers to work ort the devetienol committees? I wonder if that Mgratitade. does not add imMeasuitibly to Goa's burdens? Supposing one of the cliselpieS' harlconie siting. and piled an added burden onthe Cross of Christ. You would say, 'What ingratitude 1" - Some of our prayers must burden Clod. We are. busy Confessing to Hint so many sins o.f our own that we are pray- ing only for ounielves, Inatiad, Of' Wait, Mg for Ood to guide Ua WO 40 Olong In our own- wayand when w, come to e 6.1r Ar4(4---,!tge-4,49-j4leiv7Iia' in, who 'AtiatheS sin unspeakably, Was made to be. S1n on- our behalf." .Stanetbatts \we bole .with• tender Pity, pow families or houselicgds ...whero there is a rhild whose mental 'develop- ent has been arrested. I Wonder if he grief of such, 'parents -Is herir.om- arable to the grief of Clod, who sees o many of Ws hildren with an ar- estecr spirivual development. 0 1 the urden that -God bears because 'ofour ignorance, narrowness, stupidity and ack of ,growth 1 • •-•%Reagiory a practical• thing. letistieutereeverseeteto- daily •- life; you an ioek it. up after'attending chureri n Sunday and let it go until the next Telc. We lnue get under the 'here Is a. breath -taking itletr expres- d by Paul, who eaid, "We can 1111. up. hat whiph is behind with the eheler-1 nge..of tehrist.:- christ wasn't here long ough to, bear all the burdens. We tcarry acme. Don't yoii think, if ,oul let thfs" thought wing its Way into our heart, if You take it to your work, our office, your school, 11 can shore oti,s burclei.," Ohat it would be a mar- ellous \thing. . ' "Thomas a Keirtpit said, "Jpsus had any lovers of Elm Surely Ile hath orne our .griei, carried our sorrows." all his afilletibus• he was afflicted et ,thanks • be to' God- for liis unsur- as:A. ble gift." Bev. A.2E. Maorbouse, ,pastor of • the hurth, tinuilted the spealter;-. f07 nelne.ss •in coming ,to addreee-4h citing people. Assisting in the service were Mr. oorehouse, Miss Marjorie Prouse, Miss uriel Moorhoure and Rey. S. R. Me - lung. .A. trio, Misses Muriel *car- ouse, • Helen-tutli and- Pearl Roope, ang- pleeeingly. TheY were aeceth, anted by Miss .Ivfary ivicKinivert. • CREWE' Feb. 2i.1 ---141r., ad Mrs', jno. att, Cecelia and Bill, spent Saturday ith friends of Gathis 111ir4 Harry Middleton was In Luck - ow for the week end.. - Mr. and ,Mrs,. irerhert Curran spent, enttay afternoon with Crewe friencils. Mr. and Mrs. John.plpatrick and amity, and Miss Susie Kilpatrick pent "Monday- here renewing old 'ile- ttaintances here. . 11.6*. 'toggle Gatiley who spent the ast month at Mitehell returned home n Sunday,. . • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan pent Tuesday Withfriends iteap onnybrook. Mr..Orville Durnit spent a day List eek in Chatham. -4tmwte„ tett, -22r.- tolin -troski.r. elitratforder NormarlEteltOole-' -ape*. -the k -end at the -home .cf, his parents. Mi. and lettie. Atafiriond rhungah; heater and Louisa, spent Sunday even, et the home of Mr. Wilfred Drell» an . • e • (r. 'John. Mertin spent .the weekeerid his ,lionte in the north boundary.' .4:late* lami,ber Iti this vitinity,, tape - the, school thildren, ere laid Up th bad IOC Vita. •Ciox/0 Is. spending * feet eeksvitt lite mother; mrs, ep*Mr. .IA41E4" Lu who la ill. .• cknow,, II; et et hiis re*k *or rittre-. ..Mr.W1fldirmeclitel wit in Toren. last week attending the ptang shoe Lyle ditiplayttet%‘, ,CR'04/N L FE INSURANCIWiiieANY 'established.in '!ith over $110,4)06,000 of Insuranceetn.Porce regutre ioitts of TIDistrkt Manager or Perth ati4 Hilton nce not eatjbut -studio ad ambition to succeed ewatial. To a man this posthon Will 'bo offered all attractive pportunitiet for both itattiediate and tep�e wilt be tre*ted itt struL , confidence, OPPICE. .8. DUND1NN0N,- Feb. 22.4-40, and agre. Aotieriok afacDortald announce the offikifernent of their only 4aughtv.# lor,)eris Jean; to '1,Vilfredr kgmere Pent- land, YowtaOtt $0.1- of UM. ',.,rentland and -the 14to Pe0t1.340, the mer. sap to tom .4. 0,4*))t In 4S44:41, • leis, Heber iedy, theeteas to WOtielft 4$300100 or the :unite .Church at the meeting, held at •i4e; binne 7r,l4sy ,aternon4 'Otte 42 1fl at;•, tenclanee. The „ANsident, Lrs. &ante •-Meet ngjng OX * OWIlinnet 00lIdutedti Wine opened ' the-. s hynin andraYe•v.ofOreil, r Ptatre.....watiread A(KenzIs)r1 --The- ;Iwo). u read by the 4eorotitrY tMe1411e hibern, WOO '-aPlereve,de .40# :calf:Wae.retioatieik, The.busintee section ' was eiraoskeem-, ePledely_.,„Ope.uplett.,..by making Orange:. ?Mute for t1e Mother anti, .Daughter Panquot to be tiSIA march 1.0tti;:. G. C. 'Treleaven fevered with an Iristru- mental plant*. solo*, 4k• ehapter eroni the ettiely Wok,."Steigar ship for All of' Lite," WaitvigiVeit by Miss cella Fentlind, Mrs. 0. C. Treleaven read a paper on "Prayer," The •eneet,, ins' closed with the ,4ened1040#'andtea. was then served., • . . The third of a Oriel of Progresalire croklnole oartiei, sPonsOted•'-hY' 01/le* ,fabhon Lodge, NO, .614, bliXt In the ledge rePlneJlnI• evening, With a ',ScOd atten4#40,,tweiv,0 tables • ,being in..peagaa.** Mrs. Lorno Johnston ,wen the ,,,,-lAdY/s prize, , and William WOW*, Jr., the gent* -PrIee, viiilee-conSeletioirtP,rieeseirewere-eawarded to-AlbettwAki1te4.43/00,=$..., former ,receiving 4 ticket on the. ret.'s satire bedspeead and pillow being made by the ;members 0244.- L. on Which ticket.t. Are to be " sold. The door prize' wai.-eaPtured by Miss, cora .00pert. Mirs -41,rancgs. • lMontgomery favored With 's4ne -readings.* as elso.4111 • Walter •D1ckaton4 A. "Donny spelling Match' In **War 7thi•voweis were given in 'he sign lenguage, ,vtras Captained by Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Graham Pinkney, with Mrs. .I.ohnston'e 'fide being teoelithried as ,winners. ''Lunch was served at. the ceise and a eilvex collection was taken. A similar even- ing :being_ an tleipated,...ine e fOrtnighl. The man-' • friends of Mrs. Shadreck Rivett will be zorry to learn ofher ill- ness from ma prevailing epidemic -et heavy colds :She is being attended 137 Miss Vtrixiiiifred 'McClure, Reg, N. It Is hoped that she may epeeduy recover. • A large num:bar of people front the Township of Ashfield, paid a final tri- bute of respect to a mu:Oa-hived nativs of the townehip and foriner resident ot Dungannon, in the -mson or Mr. vele. ham Labe, when his funeral was held frora 'Knox eresbyterian church, ceode.- rich, on Monday afternenra. • to by a verse Vont .0;mipture 0201441 -jib& tile Nord tirever,te Mr. Wilbur Brown, president, occu- pied /the chair on Thurscia'y afternoon when Mrs. Burton Routh, was hostess of the. Worzen's institute. The 'roll call was a display of -valentines, .Mrs. A.. A. mexenzie read a paper on the origin of Valentine's Day and Mrs. Richardson lave a resume of Current Events, pre - Pared by .Mrs. Lorne Tvers, ',who was bb to he present. A neWLinetheti of damning° was Oren by Ura., -Charles • which: owing- iter1t prat1ca1 Value, the ladies ,found quite interest Sficteen enleyed the hospitality of ithe ladies in ()barge or the lunch; they were 1Srsli. W. R. Stothers; Mrs. °harks tiprisram and Mrs. J. D. „Richard:mei. ' -DUr1ij the winter • months even crow adds variety' to 'life and the flrat to be seen in this Vicinity was seen few dab ago by Mr. Chas. Congram. The first of a series of Lenten ad- dreseis, with. Slides:- showing tpieturea taken' cis the British Columbia 'COaet in connection with anitsion Work, VAS gilt. en on Thutsdiy • evening by Mr. Rick- ard, curate of the Asigibean !Church. Similar 'addresses will be ' given too* Thursday , evening doting the Lenten season. „ The ,I3.Chool.. Literary toelety met on Friday afternoon * when the folldwing progriun was • presented', amg, ,d,"The Maple vest rarevera, by "he tehocke ritiditigii, ;lied. toting and Harold Er- rington; song by 4un1ot roOm."0,Aninml Crackers in My soirp;" re:Whiz: Morris Currie; Plafte tolO,,Xrls Rivett: song* 'Primer CIAO; The V. S", S. No. 8 "Ex- press" ',(ilio *afoot 'paper) by • Antta SteVeixte piano ts010. Ettetbelle Webhter; reading; Gerald Mr*: ople,Oating contest, by 'Settler roeM puplls, Won by Robert MehtgenterY. Valentines were dietribined. 'before, the meeting-, closed with the National Autt,tett. rarniere,smat of here in •014ho ,TowrishiP it -West Nitawertosh *re faced teriotur°- toi.edo-abotite-deer ithieh:* are ritiaging. .their litIds, of Wheat. In a stroll over hLi farm One Sundsy, Beson Finnigan counted - as blank as fifty deer leisurely grazing an lielde of the - 'neighborhood. owing to the toft weather 4his Winter; conditions. are more setioile, as the ground putiehed full, of holes. as well as having' the too eaten. off 0.,,he *heat itithard- Vruce Were went visitoti in WOW: LOCAL MAttICI&T PRICES Etta **1.4 thickbo, itoiantitthtt same, but hogi, irittok-sett well At cattle d veal, &mint the week. . liens oiter 6 pettritis lions .4 to% 'pounds: • * 6 0'1.;1. lent•iander 4 "Poundit Eggs, grade A.,, large *4„*...,* 41 4 4 1, Med:Wm *'* 1,* Hoge,, ovi,.$7,75-48',10 Beef, cwt........4**0-4 Butte. i)or Ott pound......... 4 Wbeat *$ :4 0 00$ * bort eople's Union. early one hundred at down to .the t hien When the St. Valentin Idea was carried- 0.0 n 00110 *painted place ,oards, andbovrlito apples, ;oodles.; orope; papei hand eU041404Q*11100"1131e210,t.s'7, !r1:11:°out the zec' After:. all '144 doze just th aupper t a...program of Waste an1..'..toaste Werfeees!fo 'OA „Aer:'" Toaa the toast to`"Our Wid''COOP•01.' ;later Rev. II. i Wright; proposed 11he.response to, this, was thei of the• ITatiOnatiAittlieni.: •d• ,0C) Canada," totatitt0;.fOur-, Church nd-;„ oting 100 - Mr...Our/du,. to by11,W,, Wilson•Woo, who gaire-tke sone prepared by the 'president', Maio Isobel jiMmr ilere, Who ,Waabsent owing t0 illne\sa.-That.40,"Qur, UtUre ,liottentalterar,'Naathe tpaett,00Pvel.d: by Mr. . 1V4-'ftico andreSpontleti to by Mr. itithard ,i'ireatherhead; Rev4 :Wright, proposed a tdeat to ur..Gueste.',', Xn XespOnee, to this, Moore, president Otz.0;0112.4,e ings from tliAt Society,'and lar. Geo. Taylor, ‘iieeisideht:',' 04110,0,100 Prei. t he 'niembers of NOrth. Unit - o ed .Chtivab evening Auailiar$, heard a aplettlidi address, in *hick conditions-, wat,torn PeniltrY described, 'when Knox opeke On the subject of "Spain ."t 'Tbe, leeturO.reonl:. Of the; church. was ;used for the presentation of 44P *lc.- 'Peaerihing the .geographical .,bYtery ot of the, Yount People'sslinitirt,,While an - address. 'of- appreciation - and kg0.4 tifiehie was read.))Y;Mr. terneWeeds; •A very enjoyable and protitable, vicia.hrooght to close .by the singing of "Blest be the Tie • that Rinds." . • ve.ant address. To I the task of pro- 0'1'191-diee te _Oster rep1194. .ittersersed with by Mrs, E. s Vera ler, and ,Mr. ding; by• Miss Geneviove chureli; duet by Me3- nd.:Earl., Gaunt; and -10-Mr.-7Gebr•Stitift: 14 '-r, Gee. iStua poiiig the toast to ich 'Wm Dorine /Mega IOANkt were communit W. Rice, Meehrie: r Att dente Andr /..1,114-ItOr4 Miller, WHO, leaves this weels Cool- mence the Western ii0§Pt To*ntet,'•WaS.PreSehtecr • with. --et BibIe by Miss; ye:ra Taylor, on behatf 1V6Iss Irene Weeds of Waterloo ane Neily Tedd off ;Steatforsl _wire 'W-Oili:wrist-iii-sitici4 rat 'their 'limes. -;, MSS Dorothy -Miller left On Mond ay for Toronto where she will enter the Western Hospital as a nurse -in -train- ing. , 'The regular meeting of. the Y. P. t. was held on Sunday evening with "the Iluatlets" in charge, and .,With Mr. W, A. Miller presiding„ Miss Net- ea Weatherhead read the Scripttire. les- son and Cuyler Rainage gave - the Bible Character en 'Sampson." Th,?. topic; "Thd Charm • of the English Bible," was taken by Mr. -E. W. Rice and the discussion was led by/ Stantey Todd. Miss Jean ,Thott played a &are- ing piano solo, ' ,GODE100,U4lEbeArilb.,2 --- and Mrs. 'Ed, their neighbor S ,to--4-4:eirehre Party on Friday evening, • Mrs. RobP'„, MM.Iliater, Mervin and Mrs. Carl $5werby•WOrOut London on Sunday 'visiting Mr. Alvin McAllister who.,is again u . patient: at Victoria Hospital, . Alvin McAllister is again 4 Pailent in;Victoria Hospital, London, ,redetv- frig further treatment for his injuries. gka, Carl Sowerle4iMrs. Robt. Me - Allister and Mervin MeAllitter , were in London on ,Surichii Jean McAllister visite,d. her friend, '1,3etty Fuller over the week end.. Mr. and Mrs. Prodl6teCtillough • nnd falnihr Of Goderich spent the Week end at the, home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. ' The regular mooting of the Young. Peoples' 'Union will he Atokr on Friday evening, at _Victoria St* parsonage, 'Oederich. A:11 young Pitople are eor.-.. dially invited.to attAmd this meetlfig. * OWtliff to the )ad weather on Sun- day, the congregation at 'Union was small. The pastor, Rev. A. X, Moor, honse delivered a helpful sermon font the text, "I am CrueVied,with nevertheless r Livel, yet net I, nut Christ lived' in mei and the life which now live in the flesh ,/ live by ;the. faith of the Son of Goderrho loved Mei and gave himself for me." ' --Irispector--E;10;:nroietifii•L'-'patt Jii visitto &Mel ofiliranditA _ Wherreadies' Aid 0, *PM Church, fraylorle Corner wilf-Ateet at Mrs.; Roy- •ChaMber's en Wednesday, ,March 3rd, at 2 p.m.. . -Mn. Jones: "And bow does your men like his new broken" beenable to Jure of the oonntry,•Xxs,ltrioX. told of AMA:tread' fabie.lands, the great chalk pow -capped cliffs,t0. s u nttl):1414,1:101ceStbai.i,dthyerefropli4d, fe0Pied.wi4.:SPaniarde*and P gese., the -travoliti7fin andlY type Of People but who take offeme io;),Ililitetlhigh.idtddenprovocationbpuptliaho?uitAr 0-utivrir. Theii love.of gay, swinging, inteeie and vtivAtt ih Spain has lost Many coloniee,,, that cnce bolstered her prowess among the powers of Europe. The ,ancient. Greeks knew of Spain and their'earlY otiltnee and appreciation of artis, evidenced in much of the architecture ' of the ales of:Spain. A cede oX10/0viraS one Of the f°0* commendable results of,the 000 'Year regime oti .the • baCkware4, cruel Goths,' With successive eon- qucsts her Arabs, • Assyrians, AgYV- tiane and Moors, Spain' prominence and enviable- position physically, grew. in importance, The Alahmbra and the 4-5,te of Justice sta:nd today, moan- Inenta tt) the degret to , wtilek the arts were developed - by- ilieSe7", -peoples." ar•YaliteA.e:VelitellieTereowned--974efeale 'iDon.eluixOte and the paintings of Murilloiinor Valesquez are furth-ez... "Contributions that Spain has made to the *rid of4art. e • With the coming of the abaolu.te. ureequegT.Senonta -With lier inalitilla"iiiirVilliant-SWirl.•' ing skirts, disappeared as did the ro- mantic toreador, his steel guitar and Inelodie songs and were lost forever ill the hum4druin, labor of 'factOTY .404 field. In fifty provinces 'may be found as many different aspects of life. ene espringinginto.lifetor :the, reptiblic-hadir- a reaction that shattered the,stability of the country and left the. people amazed and wondering. Political par- ties sprang up everywhere. $0*zEiv%41i slse for. -4.4-15e Oa' size. for ....,••,:#49c NENTHOLATUIlt +11P1-111 itaTiO, • Cressy* ,, 01Yee,-Therneeline 'me': 210 Di VrerteWs ,N„ti-Eftll. 1v4EDWINIS Bettie, 119e- .11IOSST'S $1;50 colEtAcol ACID Shaker Von-ge• PURDOOK BITTERS 980 k tieal , ,;„0'Se, 1,$1.)2, , . .Fepscideast, .Antleepitle 0,r4 "VarP041,et.110YgC.01 o089 Oip . 1640t, bottle 490 i'1lE-411'4,645*Ng 470 cause of the diastase it, con. tains, • When 'You . are tired .ima weary take"Ovaitine, If picks Now, once beautiful Spain stand, war-torn. and weary, her people -be- wildered, her cities a shambles and her great chalk cliffs sheltering the terror-stricken. souls that grudgingly - left the ruins that once were home. .A certain leis,uee Class had gained con- trol of the wealth Of, Spain and sud- denly when peasants and middle clase people found the strain btoo'Much, • found that they could no longer pro- perly provide for their families they revolted* and the pent. up hatred that had been berning and welling up in their" hearts . fordecades suddenly burst forth with that passion which ean Only be illustrated by at, infuriabr. ed (and oppressed people. _____.!!Iviokrule_iS -never sane," declared• the, qieaker, placing the history of . France and Russia beside the present day conflict that -is being, carried on , in, Spain. "The people • Of Spain Are demanding a better way Of living. eer people know, by means .of radio, the privileges that are being permittei the Middle classes otother countries. They are asserting themselves in their oatiss. • • • Mrs: gliox claimed that tertnatV AUBLItig and Italy. Want to see the' rebels -suds- teed in *Spain haulm it will /nolo AUBURN, Feb. Mc - an opening'forepanting firmly dict- Kenzie was called to Toronto on Fri- terishiptand a Nazi or a Faseest form day by the death of his son-in-law, of -government. "Britaireseqtands ,Qff' Mr. Arnold ,Coad, an ex -service warning," said the spealter, "means to Whit 'W'ith his wife had been it Viniy '16.1Spartf settle her own problems, No! led summer.Mr. Coad had been in -latter What side zivins, whether rebel operated on a Neel; previous for orleysilist, a new Spain.is- going to herma. •.(4 aanridsevr: L's hope tOrueidt6wirllml IY0IftWalri 'erler laveptahel frOjaikite heTtheirsetst,tecndm'ewfd tohred-funoi, her 'people." b.• Mrs. Chester Johnston presided it nRersednatifofrra;rawhibiCehb!toornek6 p(kliaheislabsrtorttecler: the meeting And Mit5S'• Esther Hume in-law,. Mr, Archie Robinson, in On - led in Worship. 'A pleasing' solo. was ton, to Ball's deneetery, where he was Sung by Iglu Dorothy Greene, who laid beside his wife (Miss Fluker) who was ageompanied by Mrs. W P. Lane, predeceased him by several years. Mr. Crawford was 6,7; onif .1iSeais gtrihtthlyeias.tvisiting‘ • with Mrs. G. L. (Sturdy. • The Women's institute are holding octal .ftenint.for ' the inethera. nd inethee.Forreeter's_liall on Ottitti (to -morrow) evenitg. Each. members - is ituolved. toinvite two others besides her family. Miss Ruth straAlgbatt spent the Week end in 'Oederich with her sister, Miss"Annie Straughan . • • . Mrs. O. Arnett was Nveeic etid visi- tor with her diughteriMisa Irene. of G°de iMr!icalin'd Mr's, Spencer Irvin and family .of Ailifield were guests re- 4elizlitm tlYb.otehretopar7ntst and laro. w Mr. and Mrs. W. Mutelt, of -Clinton spent Sunday with Auburn friends. Mrs. Mille received word that her nephew, Wllliam Neadttain,of Merton. WAS killed' At London op Saturday. Mr. P. 'Plitetzer is confined to his bed. it is hoped he Will soon be int. proving. • On Tuesday afternoon of this week the funeral of the late Albert Cala of Sault .Ste Merle took • plate from Auburn sitatiott to Ball's -Cemetery, where he was laid beside his Wife who a Miss Ratcliff of this vicinity, Two thildren Are left; .rolin and lent, ,who reside at the $00f •The Cooking Cams have begun again under the leadership of Misses .1,tstth ottrinnuightibeiatepst;dr;Etlheott7eorroiVItollsteotr, this year. 'Several eases of flu are reported in this district. Ilex T. W Mills, patter of the hyteriart Church hot *orate a Nairn and Seta. atinouneettent Ates nutde by Th Waratio Ta1or While' oonu1ls stetting service in Itrox :for CIIILDIttIOS` COUGH, vmoomo cctuon, and ,spAsgoore CROUP is Dependable and • 0. Absolutely aawe at less cost. • , Results good or money back BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE Campbell's . Lauder's DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE _ itAvEge,-; tent -.13,-Vitird; Arat two insertions, subsequent iniertions, 20c. . Cards. of Thanks •10e per line;nitnimum •10c per line. ••' •• No charge made for •Birth, Marriage and Death Notices. TERMS -If not ,paid by-Tujsdary 'following insertion, ariadditiofial charge of 10c for ,eacit- advertised:nein will be made. Where it is desired ' ehat replies be addressed to a Star Box Number, an additidnal charge of 16e,is made. • . ' TIME LIIVIIT--401assitied advertisements must be received by Wednes- day at 4.00:p.m. to insure Insertion. •BIRTHS TEGERT,-In °G. Si M. 'Aespital, Code- at corner of King - rich, on Tuesday, ..Iteb. 13rd, to Mr. am), . ' and Mrs. Walter Ti,gert, a daughter. Street. and the Square. Por .. , • • partictuars Limo' Z. .F. E. IXIBBERT. Phone t67. • . DEATHS .p.14.Wf8ZT,---4t_Br4ht,on jAnUitrlf 14th, RateiteY, ou his ntivbirth, day,, • • LANE. At peiroit, on, -Friday. FehruarY 49th, 1931, William ,Lane, in his 86th year. , . • , CARD OF THANKS , • Mr. It.W Wilkinson and family al. Lcedori, lointerly of Cfotierieh, wish to thank the :•?iany kind !I:fetid-% for spiv. pathy eXtentled to them in the, loss of a • dear' wife and another. •. -0- A,Yr s. V.' A. Feb 24.141) BMr Edwards lefv-pn Pedal Pespendle• few' days inARitthentir before reliving foi the West, where she will visit her. daughter, Mrs. R. J. Watson of Fair.', light, 'Sisk.On her tnip she will be accompanied -by 'Mrs. T4lmer Shear - down of .ekOderieh4 ' .11!flas Veatheriston and MiS5 *mad Parker who were visiting in London, returned halms on Sunday.' Mr. Harold Seetehmer spent the Week end in London. * Xiis. D. Smith of Ingersol Is visit- ing her parents, -Mr, anctMrs. W. W. inggint4. - A telephone has been histane4 in Dr. A. L. 11, MatNeill's off*, Mr. and. ,Mrs. it G. Mallett and two Vidren or London spent the Week end it the home of Mrs. airies Davisun, ITOLIMVILIE IXOLMBSVILLE, Veb, 23'e -116s- 3. IV, Herbert its laid hp with an attack' "of appendictis. It is 'hoped She will aoori. be around again. Mr and Mrs. C. Grey 4f (40tieriOli visited wlth Mr; ,and Mrs. Miner Potter on Sunday. , Mrs. /One Jervis is visitini, her sister, 114s. R. Williamson of Itussel e! • are buar practising tOr‘ their play which th0'.1htelui 4/0 pre- sent March 176. - Eldred 'Yeo , entertained 'ths inemberg f Thit W. A. With their * hands ort WethieSday evening ofl ht week, *hen an enjoilite oiltnint A:141V6:1;,'OtItifOrttibi NOM• pri- vite hoine. Apply 13ox 8 STAR OPidCE. ex HELP WANTED "ivE4N WANED or Itawleigh Route. Real 014)OrtunItY fOr right man. We help you get started. 'Write-RAW- Tri#7.4:f•H'S, .Thept.. Key' NO, ML -217:4). - 'vita WANTED.--liaxe.you a hundred dollars to lrivettl Share" prOnt.s with 606 ether successful bueiness men. Start a modern business ot your own selling direzt t� couturiers. *Do not wait behind ti counter. V'ariety' or 200 gnarentee_d necessities. :SELL, then or- der. =meteorite not etsentiaL NO RISK. NO DEAD 13'.rOOK, NO beavs! expenses. Great *.peosibilities for active, -ambitions • Workers. Free catalogue and BoX. 424 (r); Station "*" Montreal. /-9 StALE oat Ititzpr.,-Ited brick house.on Victoria StCet ali cOn- reinenees. T. It; WALL, Vittoria St. .• StALED TENOLitS• TBNDEeRS *AAN• • Tenders Will be received by c„ E. met/004h, elerk Tewriehip of Ashtield, until noon Marth Ath, for crushing and hauling APPrOxiniately 6,000 yards, work to coMmenee- net later. than June 14. -An--.---iseeePtett-olieq-de-forterr-per-ventv-- to attonipany:, tender.- • • Minn P.DItir Read, supt.. tueknow 7. MoDONAGIL Clerk, Lueknow 3. AUCTION sALES, A itifiTiOrtt SAL 01 Awn 'SW& and. On TIMMSDIA:lt, Iiattou '4th, • • Soca toebthl oredit, 'Ste 31111A, - 10LewtRItik,- ProprietOt 44 WW1,. r:',,A4tion"Oer• I A Alcitc014 save • or ,rtritao omatir and %no. ..'actAtr:riar, E'lV. on, • ItmlittecAt, MOOR 4th Commencing at 1.02 ..Cattleo*.ttegistered. Jersey bun, Sul- titir tiAdtle."14644 .--"bo•rt 6.4uttelar19104; Registered Jersey, 00*,, reott avo v„sdy 2nd,. *10/1$3„ , beret June lir 19.1 to fresh- en,„APril Regleterett. &rat,' vowf Cowslips Dright-,,Otat, e1375, to frethttt March 14; ..Jeriey 'tow, not reglztered, born, 1032; t4) freshen March 20; 0040 1,1ereeYet)intr, been June, 020, to ftedien Muth 21; Otade ;MOO telte bOrtl May, 1228e to fetishist); lgaY 1; Purebred yearling oaf; grade yearling ea% • verses-0yd* ,mate, it year old. Otalemeattt, Oteei-Bet light Widths: 2‘bets *Able llght, harrieear, set.poiiy barness; 2 sddeat 2 leidlee beettat etc.' electide hot*, " ,hatnetel 004" lOades of bay; is; it Milk veils; 2 le; 2 forks; Idiot. • "ettoirtS; 01.4000,r14