The Goderich Star, 1937-02-25, Page 2Inixwola !JP A Toys'
An change offers tbe tolloWing tdvie on how
u 4, up *to t
Writa shout it.
Speakwell of it.
to improve It.
.tho *0,44 •
Patr�nfze it3 inerchen,te.
Advert irkitineitipeper.--
SPeali weli ''`Of, its enterprising Puhlie•optrited
Yon UTO.tithkillVeat,b1UMetili0g; employ somebody,
be a 44h.Otteiti*,
enlienibert,eVery ar you invest in a permanent ,
eourtee'ini to atrangere'that'emne amongst you AO
het 'they go MVO with teed
Always cheer up thtir*en who go in for.iinproveMents.
Yonr rticn it the 'toetwill. only he 'what is jut. .
ont-kieleabent,-anY necessary public iMprovement bc.w
'use itte nofetyoue:q*n'dporor for: fear that your.
taxes 1.0SY; be rAlaatl-tifteeti cents;
Above ai!110114,413ellfti, dello out Of 'town- that you can
•e for'themet,ite 0'*08etin
The #601.fe aUggestions are especially apppeoble to,
oderich at the.present tirae. The Town Council 04 the
:Pu Utilities C�miiissk�n are paving the waorard
• ing betterHydro rates.. Those Who are riot*, directly
interested n thoserates—and they Must be few and far
• betweenr-canli0; the town along by adopting the -slag-
-gestions -quoted above-, -
• Waiters in the;repu-table hotels of Sivitzerland are
, tjuired" to know English, $rench, German -and preferably -
'Italian,. in addition, to their language of 'birth.- Travel.
-lerif could he forgiven if they refrained:from ti,pping such
linguists, '
With the location of the walks in the Court Houle park
according to one of the Councillors, Dr. Callow's
tatement that Ithei perk lighting system is to to moder.
lied, Will be learned With "satisfaction by the citizens.
Lights, arid plenty Of them, are sadly needed in .'„and
around the park. Their instaliation will rank amen the
:outstinding_events_of the year in the itoWn's hiatort:
tinkei, of - n'dser4iid. #,;Simps, on.are
• seato'he arranging for a house in tlorida, in
Which to live after .their marriage.. They are said -to be •
oohing, 4..rPettoe and 'quietness," from the press. /tootling .
whet. was 40110 to Colonel end litra.Pndherghby thfit very
priori which drove thein from their • 'native country to' -
?seek peace and quietness in England, the ,oltinerrled
'Baltimore bride stems to have peculiar ideas of "peace'
• and quietnest,"!• • - • • ,
• • ,e •
. •
On Seined's; an advertisement -4*h* Ieigh- for .
ate, wits lett at. the Star, the owner; 'deluded, by the
Aprl temperature, asatiMing *ring Wes here.
was likely .strengthened by the still higher ternit,'
perature' and.beight sunshine of Sunday morning—but
aeveral heavy showers of ram rt followed * return to the
bruary brand of weather, decided the sleigh owner to '.
-.ietelithis lestereley he might .have used 4 to ' •
. advantage, but February has beett:as fickle as April, end
,Oemorrow he May need tabeet, - •
'Premier Aberhirt ofAlberta is stilt trying to discover
tans of liquidating debts. without money, Itividng
fU.4 to 'Par *he 25. per month to every. *lilt of the
Province as proud to his eleetion, he introduted,• '
aaIp-andthat also pro -lime« Ire has now a 01** :
*tat yste debts; Whit, he must
above were kuown'
tw of tbem were strangely
*Ye reason tO'
rain); the other coupe.
to oitle$r e43.1T 1,ivi*
tegethet Isola of, those
of 1114 no explanation,
they houd conduct
aotelling newspa4per ,p0Op,le
ho 0 attention
success P.:17;ritind*i*Yiiir'Irti;:'‘'40,
ronto minister remarked reeeirtlyth„at the '0Uhlio,was
06, ProllelO*Oggelit, iiei4Inon subjects, a; ,-comment that
will meet.Nititu the...foorovia ot,m,*44:01# -mot iogt4iot:
120.1'4 it,:ttiod*4 wht4 Pithlr brevity is 09 0biefehatni
of some SerinOna for may reaIIy conscion,tione remit -
others woiild -be bariOloa .woio bs-te"
an.1100r-i-444.4ev0‘4—' sermon.'o:r'.'att(',1;,, U1U55 he
oft to thet. aeigrruo bpki9b; a$4 the -eba
es are he 'knows better than hie filtier, how disch
*PO toether, and we
enviatile pndition,
Permitting iii*PPUY mat
tether and to finally', pass alon
Aum less acts of Providenc�.
Oast -,,
ling Clergyhien
$O, *hoot' as .040
,tecliless, youth and incornnettent old** ',Wheel, ,
are, c. ausiul. ,#latelwasoi .20140:P)healii."' lifnl' 're, lc '
0 .
lessiteis ,constitutes ' a ...danger ' -in. itself, and .: *heir '4,1"iir,
. _ i. - .' ,4 . .
charge of „Car, 4,10 liable t� 13"°1i10:..r.„.dea..413r,7.-,at,"-,' any '
nionient.--Advancing years , enforce ' ., 'their Ov5rn ;
1),9*,,,)04004—;)aiihk*-anti" Ilegi.4-- Insir ha,'0,010 4$1*ii.,''' im-
paired and. the,' facultiesare not ,i14,reaponiii.Ve-aa, rt)10Y;
r.`,.0.-...,,,A!).g0„;,,,T.F0...1,1tt.g-.1ia -;t1.01i,es5,4ti91.4ttl.i
OfiasarY'll'4'-ii'ineinent -.;pr iioot, "i4gii-oivia' ' ,NA,riiie'
have to, decide the Alkoi.itioNs „Ott they., arise. ' eine ,
' ' , . • "‘
youths .440;UUtaliratly''eaUt,loUs; Others the very reverse;
andi the ' 0.4)ie-,'*.#P0103 ',07p4‘9#143. -..0.!,.4h* along n ',3,i P,'0
tavi I ' ' ' '
„,., long is . ,...4. . YoOth..-'11104PonsihrOi APO-, 4wh ,0,1,., does an
'olaer,'PerSon !qeonme too' old ,to ,04,Ve• Safely/ : ' rrh . '
questions- .are likely ‘to beco—ine ' ' troublesome' -''*c.4°'
"When ,is i.,fnen drunk?"' ' .i.4''' ' as
'; *Last week, and it was just an average one, we started
to *keep the -material sent to this, office asking :for 'free
sertion.- communications-- came from all sorts -and
conditions. of 'people; OIXOrliZat10/18; and 4orinianies, all, of
which itiVariably used the reasion, readers will
be glad to learn.'1:. Twit sent small advertisements, eiten
and two inches.ea*.but Inadeeit _s._condition that the
readers of a Column or 'mare, should he inserted as "X':enews." In a third instance, a 'sender Who was '411
strapper Of sOme'desciiption, 'stated that "our president.,
-11r.-So-andigo,\*Ill he great/Y.' Pleased to see the ericloseti
write-up in your paper, so please send. me two Marked
copies.' For :unadulterated nerve, can Such
eqUalle41 We kUOW it cannot be Beaten, .. These Peel'Ae
must think newspapers are run on the same class of hot
air as they are offering in payment, or else they look
aPan newspapers as the easiest marks at large, and with
that opinion, we are sometimes disposed to agree.
The }tome improvement Plan seems, to be appealing to
more than just individual citizens of Godericit. 'Although
flies( pal
tiO/rr o -n he anlo,Iwsle as will he vertilutd.
the individual, the nemhers of the town council are 'at,.
most daily offering suggestions that, will 'help tto.'. mike
-Goderreh more attractive. First eame the, matter of „tbe
new town vault., then, the, mineral water fountainilniCourte
house Park, and now tWoomore timely • and wortbirltile
suggestions;71,/t. is well known by the townspeople that
marking accommodation at the harbor in the- summer
timeteiPecially on .Sunday afternoons and. Wednesday-,
is at a "inerntum. By about the middle of A 11041 Sunday
afternoon ixi the, summer, ohs are parked ArlViliete -from,
the -lock to a point opPtlitti,the 02011 'oil 1CordPialt.'s
o roe4ifey Is lett with room for only one ear
and toll* often' hecontea **lonely congested. It is the
proposal of one of the titer off.tlie'Weitern
;Coed* leloOr Mills' lot at The 'West aid, of *he Mill and,
'Uset'it u a public ,parking ground, 'provided the cont.
poly will allow such action, to be taken. It Would: tette
Itttle worktoelaAr the **keit, of weeds, level it -off end
convert it ino one of 110‘ tOWit's itThOtit sadly _needed con!i.
ienl000esoAnOther ausiteation thet *rota bo of vensider-
able benefit to. the herhor was that **i ,10014Wly lead
belind ths "Power House to the beech, Making a one,way
reed and eltrahiating traffic tie-ups at that. point. The
•fhenges, and improvement* in the Court Ifousel'erk,ivilic
it is hoped, be completed early to that** vas* mei be
Wore *elitist /vte4C Iidectdedly low. IAUgust
Lor hs efforts te,ieeist his ctilit.butilank wlien Huron expects "every tiktO his or
1{4'11'7 "Mire-V.1i return for the felihra
makt pool* religious by the ten* route.
done with setblution to all foto tia•a: have suffer*
of letter5 does not
We endorse tha
*rlters, but, we wel-
• matter
ef, e in
We are putterjrig with the Diablenk
of mployMente,we are net facing
fundament*ls.nt, 'conditions cark"
continue,costa kre extra,,
mely Jiigb. 'Jiiere is
of immediate., Oientent. The relief
situation has changed -only 0,0*
Oring%the-patt year, :The total cot
,tor direct relief (the amount - anent 674$-
7 ' 11101thielial, municipal
onithgritiOeY OOP,' wes
4"483801',OLin fD36 the total was ,Vt7
.0,50,46$4 .Fpenoitores *prose with
0004 iiefttornient Otinunness-aanns
arY, 490 sliewS sonic( iroprovement
but 000 Ow. The fignret
b$f.-iit, 'nans cover all tb#.'vost, 'Th4i'
arepublic Wo - Po' n. aituresneitivato,
ed; hY'..the•deslie, to fo-veoenitacwi#04.t:
vbratelrtrottiklr_ 9.04-464p#1,„000011'4Ittit4totO4s1.49,7 , needz.
Z 'a 3: -,
IC 1...
tic bill. fOr tile, PeoPle of:Criii * d '
tiount titLit
we niOwer the otner costs of roducLion
tbere then be more sky We in
the fOrni 01 real woe" for the nitIn
who Work.' Nominal wege4 might
Aante 'cases be lower wages•
could not futi i
increase. It s. no,
benefit to labor to
raise,..`lart 4ratnfl
the* takertba4 ttath,th0 *0 _
44"att"10.131'4,411i;v.r$T44‘V*1):11.i111/11487.tWe stind
at Oa toonentiO erossroads-.we .nipat
„lower. :the , cost ,ot ..production or faCe ,
11i4at,vro.1704,11stilj.'ebrl'aeini,;, urwith oeflu4,$1,04076,1.1urg, • zineve,:,mponuortsre4:11,:lit,tutzsielloi:novtne;
in some eannot2
104 n a: 131 )ollovi?;;)gi)efTg, le 4:0: 1 t`.°' 2 It?wl °I' .1ths II ii*eP4C: 1:17, r*. 44 illof itedo
'time tto.,!q00':
B. J. Deachman,
for ll'orth'
Yet we sit still, 'talk andad:litt10-1
Piet0. )34 TORE *lit add to its brghtpess,
PlOasarlt 'surprise awaits,'You as to qua1ity and price ,ot.
tore Aila stoves at our stor0.•'
ointtted my name. -1 wutinterested In
the rcloon ev. Mr. v4coullg 'gotoOvit
.wanted ,.•some new blood oi the
imt;;.Stnne...otroOSe''44,1"000 4047aPV,4,'
yals';'•*tereSted,,...,nar 194 4. • 004 po-
'4.11S$S4 Ths.:„''orsologo::,,ohleoteA to
4#0 $44',e4t. 1,:tinnicthose
ne persona Meit.4ers.*.i, • That • -"hos
1 -knew why, and my questlon wa
:FP.q, 41Area',',41(k to .1410w,
. .„ „ .
any rd, or w
Pr,oble4 frnx s4'10ersenal intereet4
vionderea4 whi.r.the outside
'two mg% left 4: trained, experenaedj
'a0c.K.Wark0 $off a welfatr,'404,44,:.*.ie •
X was so wtaitstsci In he worlc 'auLt
wlIilng to ilop t,hort in 40: ayIoutd.
4 *now now it was ttraVNent*1-, •
• 71101. X , noticed, ' that:,the11residett
teentinne4, ,en 4Pa
Tat • Xto or IN0440 WE1'144°
Ma nit Igor and;Of sflint! leatle;i00; In
aney,as thst:04totecti
4 attitude , ' naey'on.c.h.71raetlitt
: '' e a,. , -1 I Pi. l. 14. c eSoproductsi I:441 B1\14' Xt1::: 41* high.e1 1— 7::e04.417...48 k' .
. 13 , Ort of Varnifitetur.' '431.4410ov'
e people
ce o1
t),4..,4n ,0310, .4.1teksiii,....7144373nitv:iloctielinita:
ilitIm4241rodirh'illigrts4—_°,11411441::: -'31r.--o tlie' t ,1*.t that we e•C'191311.0fi:41Lt3ro*..:**:*11.,-b-e-41mcn:11,1724*.eay' 'f**111111t4:tor:;snied.''''
cities. reOat 0 ' iiiiit in . th14,01,,,tit.34?, ;county is,: f' kielievt ,maeA. , better than
are driven' on' Ilie farina into .4 oixatt, \vies, Arisx,i4- r ,,stabuti • et ./ribroki,
4XceiPtitethe',OSt 10:.PA'se . ulle!'-t 1" Iii 0113) other t• toiM14,1ei but .• the' social
wcrk on The farm, or cngage iroblems are mueh the Ole tr,150 Of' goods, to Ilie'llieu who
, 4
' only 11
• . .. nidastriOabnt-,ithe.-coun y •gri.i.ollier-'scalet, iwe 'lloolitAiii-; s ' '.
ek fairoii;,,Anct
„ ac, -
. Or* to,bringaboo.t, ,,)ovir,efr, that .2..0i.eina i• 10004', 'OniterefaiirithS' and
costs.:er services. Oi.ciPeti0;04;'' ando‘ 3;104' !"
i0110f ttadai Aer On4k
great that the cities are striving volt strgog &15 1f4 7144°4 link S°1he 'he
k Id bg re vett -and the
• eriiin t it .• • ia,t'• , flut.y.w weak links ,are
M!ght ;and main 'to shi t , 'borden wk fl
iae from themselves back to upon
tve because or
p -f the gen-
,Anthraciteah. as an AI
. y. erdp,
always in stock
way into t]ie tax bill thus lie,' :I.,thr. latt t:31 u al 1°11 e. One::1n° ljET:fe;* :;:11 42 1 T carry jet' lb:ft:h. 7'
Huron1' ViblP d been
tcounties in the il'k; QUO of ofeethteufeinreliits. hakbanlee--m7ing-s 1111:1;i041 -e in the Huron,
fet,*v:,,orett;t:t:iZila anix;t'
the to 4he ablio'ot imposaible hin',(1111:1 et solet's* ,
* dtbi'ng in it. The decline to,1- verg l'azems Preswas ent" *.ilt were eo
8611' el°thotYPreviae6 ti°enintath: brAb 'Pabadivix4.3',Ulter'Pret,eVith:vitretidinc;
'2;olthioh surtIsse4iirori COOnto..tY.Pirce. lemma ies deo rnY
1:or .thr 1141.160 she w
ea S
the pa,a1ysis of 190f tth „,agriculture. ,
e tura lopmatio4 .Qt . Butou1 Johnston, and she aocO 140 neg104 •her
- famfily • •She was 42•444Os tel; ' me
viraq. 44 877; thirty years 4.ater, In 1031
• • stood decline of 14,41.s. 6Itat f" Me' There ShPhia
aug rare un tau to In, tyn,populationtbefromalone
t itso t befaientaottrdieatt.:tyrscowa 'wanimen„exiaisrOL. oev!urY: 413g4Ael-
rlithaat1Wair-sidlze.etr elttlYt:ute/WthaerAwl3h°1TPuet1the41°11ter a '144°÷413AYUCIC9111.oeve7:4.trit°74.,1-CIGcle: lillte(31""i11:111' eilatl'ehernasklatei;:
urban population dectiii-ee. Van -16-
943,to14,114---a &entre of 3,227. T14e '1)6 draw UP 1113, a 'Slate of
'44'tker25. an"' they
story of garen....CoantY represents the
tqtged3t. *Mettles lApperled in ever
rural-oounty,ofthe, premed' ot-ob,
kre*tOilift still and Ate this
go 111, rifireVeri 4]: are Ave -t0 late Lhe
the farm. ceased to be pr
Pk„ ;Iheeme
men Ieft the
the rate of exchange between
'011t l)oe,
, farm Ceased to be profitable ,necaiiire
'11:14deuroce-,t-t3:441adtilaatToP,riststtlert4 „beehadanitoe ,
give more of Ithe products he proauesi
for • the thingti,,te had to .than
he Tformerly,' The' 'Standard 'of
living in the tit* Went, up, -:the stan-
dard of living' in -the country remain-
4411itaghTtillihe7e' is 'di' iandinnexital ad-`
f)ur4odtTiZ which
m TW'
'Minute° 2lett —4 go must
find a mew* Of lowering price:. %AO
Man who provides services must help
to adjust to exlianged condition which
will pelt* & higher standard of
int **low*,
costi p
too high .betataie
,43arge-141:ttea odi of otributhlr
iitetiOtfe of factors the
town offers advantages over the city.
Wages in the cityy are high because -
*he 0140 living ia higli„, The cost
Ofliving in the itoene
"er and
inttte-uefhoittttt thek.'towitcano
ater-contterf Inevery way on,
nom4ngil-wa0 levet • • -
iet san4e4 side streets Oeuro SafetY for Watt eitleens.
Mrsoisete Geuley, TiMes«AtIvOaiteL t
Star, Whose,
of tont tram 01.**00*0 way* *ikon* In this
well es by tulk osktetitt of the neighborhood In
Welk she 11144, I les.ving.tVeWWtth her Orally to re -
'side year Vertu. Goitei 1",toiliit'hat. lived In the
neIghbodng townehiP t4it mint Yowl , and duiing tho
otut of Itt,:tatot_beitsH 1.011k *An Th. Stars 'tor-
t at that point, 'The severer*, of this pleasent ,
by their rernovel is regretted, They fake;
the hot *Mee or The Star for theirfutuo
t (Palmerston Ob*}-
IdAbout 412,000 this
ring may bons to b
Ifeevy risin*. oUwe
have yea' havoc
removal tote.but ti
-fleet year
freest -ups `o al -tort
meriy of the roieds
DurIn the lest few
a *1*1nieibon
ti lei of
now that the taarming
Pmnes' ,I.Hoo”, 114
Concerning Chd
1,...,0,4 children a cough or cola ia not ,a; thing ea44-4
ded, as it is ofte0.-a.groxo. Matter,
Ora 111e.os attended to at *once may cause i3erious
On the first sign of a cough or 'cold °the mother
- Will lina, in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup just
tire remedy required.
• r
Its 'prpraptness and elfectiveness 1 IOC/Selling the
phlegm is such that' the trouble May he checked be-.
fore anything of 4. serious riatrire,seisjin.,,
• Children like it; take git Qui -any 480;
-- the catabllsbmait of lnduatrIes. el' •,
powerand •
:la Y
cd,suchtits the 0,ntaAo Mardi there
. • •shottldnot he'ert equallution. of power
'Arate*, In the,114 ,44444
tion soviet* gave
'the fit* but with th* Inodern truck
:this - tried no '100gar bikithis eaSe. The ,
• Amilding, 'nP Of the toViue would
• pro-
vide markets *0 JAVit costa Of tots,-
•Pertatkoni •tAtero, new We for -the
es P) nation In this policy it it can only I.*
iarebioti brought *bout It Will *A be done by
the methods we are 'following totlar-
invist:•tern our fe4est-In enothe
XoraIgn direction. '
If pries
cl to . r
in in thd telephone: * every itensof t
triblage ot plant ar4 equipoient ,that it
It to Awake tnedent telephone servieeTTaissible.
.t 1 ping toil r . A
on tbc end oI
or t it ,litirigts u f
la it litera learning tip, It
o ogloo on te nezt floor, tend
c ducat or take yott overseas.
••, •