HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-02-25, Page 1*MO • preached an -eloquent sermon* wlth Waiter A,' Buchanan, pre5ident o the Association,,,re4Ing the lesson and S. iOkens alao asisting in the ser- a. co Se oat hudred, riot of the 0hUreb, y singing -*rid, must, ictJr1 lisolution, int ueed eouticilipr Bc,vi* nnd seconded by Vouncillor lluekhnhyas paSthed by the own C'ounell t the:meeting orakilav net litereas,. The Trent 'wde-sprTed in llydro costs, s'be tvicen Toronto And ilainnto)3 and other towns such as 004eric as tion.4 to irein** at the' $0• "the reit of the. Province' • And whereat', '-Tbe retent,i1,144t .rate tedgetion Ivo. a proportionally gzeat- . er"„AductiOn to these, towns' .111,reT91 getting more favorable, rates, • And whereas,lit is, not in the public interest for the bujk, of the pepOlation' to be congested in smallare.as.„ with attendant problem o housing and transportation. * And Vhereae, Under ' our contract' :with the Hydro Electric Power,•.'ont- . N inission Of -Ontario, the, town .has 100 industry and gonEtUckYirn Therefere be -it resolired: Th Public Utilities„, pomMission, egotiationg.with ithe ,11,-,E,134,o. Mario for A, marked reduction in- colf OfToWeritorvaoderich,:an440,1* regotitt ions fait, the JoCal: Commis- sion urvesfiiiiifillui,n104g04,6•0•484. power development " suited to local conditions, whether hydro, steam or 4iSSO1) so that such plant itiO5ir.be ' • structect and ready, AO :operate whPn isur'pr.esvit contract; with •the P. C. expires; ;am! further, That local industry he g'iveri. *4 ale the .-opportunity :t tender for the town." - • , , unaucces attempt was Tal to break .into shoe repair shop 'AM 04 Vueodalr The, glass in the door was broken -endthe yale lock undone,. hitt the doer , could not be oPeae* because ta, second oateh which the hnrg*,,,eotald, net 'manipula,te. Had this loglo, hiSen Ainfasterted! h&would Other afficuitiesi as 'the,'"-,•aOrtrnetits ' in the building:- are occupied. b Mr.' and Mrs. .414, neither of whom were • disturbed by by the 1)peelsing of the glass/ , in their -dOorif,‘, ' . • , .• As tho' temperature was loW, for Vititter, Mr. Ah1,, -shep, , un- usually 4)10 ;te "alipoted, 'te think the 40toni0 to Before presenting the resolution,';to • the.council.Mrs.,OrOWn teiktilt'Artido' form a paper- .1511hli0hed °bit, knowit_meawit6o.:44241tuto*,,,xviii4. asecommelided,'eteit' rather than -dies- el power for-ptlytbMg yat-dMidi er plants. Mr. Humber speaking under 'Uncle): :the heading of new 'husuiessitalced'if it was la 1Vir,,,'Bottlet'eehtradzthat the', inside of the •vault Was to be plaster- ed. -lte- was -.4e. the s ,that. the Work should be:4640,4f.: it Wit1.64*--#1 the cohtreet. The'couneillor was it - formed by .the Clerk that the 'Work Was not included 'futile vontraet, The work was ordered to be done. .•' Councillor Salkeld, briiing up the matter of the proposed mineral We*: fountain in "dourthottee Patik. said that he had interviewed -smile Of the'cloot • 'tors in town, on the matter* tutd,two �f • them e§treela11y*riri,greatlift411*-61,:: of lievieg;the':-fountairt, &sample of. the water. had been sent away to be analysed,' he said. The,: Aouncilloi _stated that he had been ...doing 'eon- . Conneettelt Vith-the !matter and had fetall, after speaking .with various putheritma on such mat- ifters, and. 'With `the .Superintendent; l'that the water teilldibe pumpedm the ,park,for*betit ;POO, initial outley. The miitorto be used would use PO*ei equivalent to 'that, demanded by .ine • largo ihcandetteezitlamp. •'• The fire thief reported that the fire; equipment was in good • working it - der and asked for, a few Minor ex- penditures. The ,'Fire Committeewill iconsider :the refit -test; fThe Goderrah°,05101Siteiety asked for a gralit of 4100 to take care of estimated eXpermee this The Communication was referred .to the Pi4ance Committee.; • • rrhe Ooderith Collegiate trisititute"' Board asked that' 0800 ,be 'advanced by. March 1, to meet sexpenditures due' • ot that time. aihe Finance Conilhitted - was given the necessary Poiver to act. - Councillor ItiMitter Atiked:alf there was any, reason why the retitled, could not have been in in tinie.;,:ter the first Ideeting of the ,..'montir'so that the e,,enunittee Would•not have to be given titter to act ° Hitp',Iniawored, • that there ivats 0044 that he knew of. • , Owing to thel Urgent tool for funds, tho Respite'. Beard asked that.thatk. - Anil 400 grant te-Ineltdetilt -itates4fer.tila.Yteer:".,-,Beferred-to.tha • Milano ,Coinreitteei, • - A letter from the town solicitor ad, *lied that a cemetery OW4.01, by * gorpotatioir and under the farikliction the council. cora 1» traneforre4- by • ,hy4aw,.. to it ceminittee'`41. not than Ogee mothers and ' net, more than overt, to hOld•office at the plea, letire of the, council and to haree its duties set 'etit, by the ecemelL The Matter was left 'With *ioramitteestf. the Whole tottrielp1) Iti(**Or.-11443**4' urging that "there should he seine de - *ion at once in the matter" A.:letter ;trio O11ila as‘d the couriell to endorse two refolutions en. • closed • in the • communkation. The rst resolveethat , the. voternment w On 41,0'11111MM Wage soli for all agora, consistent With Present; day standards pf living. The'second reo- lution asked, that s Royal ,Conunitelen appointed by ht 'the Provincial 46V-' ernment to InIteatigate municipal fin» *tide with a view to recommending such changes' AS are called for by tat sent day condition; to Otte it upon, a itoind andequitable basis. BOA *Options Were referred to COMMit tee of the Whole tOtittelL . . Mr. itticitint was of the-e0inion that the.first rosolitiloh corala hoe been *led inunediately but His litratahip the councillor' that eason tabor ortanizations had 441ways tutu*. minimum wage *cite, ter Mee The Mayor *Ma fele OniAtie Mar *Wien at Brantford on Kazch 4th iota 5th. Tie matter ,,kbottoi*, gate 00 R . 44,-,r4vha,,,,,pounion; TgovetAiniellt,,r:4, 1937;-,44.4134cht,',40;;; -*13,- 000,000 for tor national :deferkee. Y.243 *heat- eIiy-4e.liT4c1' • Yeeter4it.V';-,-SY•rthe e 'ssex 'Ttesb$14:.erY of ,the „Tint*, Church. After AlOter ,'102d1senoton., the ores meeting ,,,*sohotott ,'depier.ink't the .411lot)hea: 40:„*Y0,teS in ys-,, Th3 miostoo ,Ato. not ie's'Obe0i " eittVIVS-.Woc 40104 c01,n14all, - , " presbyteries .10r- the* 'OStiOns.' "Here IstOn.oppoxbunity for the - ohloth IP :4cxprcss Itself in harniony .With, aU lia. 'Cathitig:,*detet.gation oX '-'wzr and *ar 's*ShOlOgY' :Which; Chi* odnieiers have'"*"eue4;7' said *ftet, the' 00,01 gathered in, the: voters comrormi gran. Walter £ lig *A Chairrilit$411141144 $P66111104ab...° B. L McCreath representing (40e1`104 1'9'0' "1g John.Moom representing Clinton; M. ,Iteirse and Dr, it.; Kodginsi re, I lat can bave n ctna1 work, Ina, - 4fallerkY, annc Prpletio* eafarthi (Smith, rod protenting WinghanfaiidTred'Elliotti, president of the gurou.00antr Jo.M44.r Association. •.gofreshments Were served 'by ef it,he 'church MARKET CANADIAN FISH 40100 Into the United G1ate3, Csnadlan fresh 40s, scailops,.flXd their )14. ArittizketsIn Ocfto'i v4, Scotia being thel5pt0cOpf euPrai,v, Cohadien fresh ea 1*41,40s are.alsno''sold In the ew--: York: hetteet;: ...ftb,OVOn.g, - De- partment--;,:*-;' ‘qt4;01: tatti0141 `r,g0.Ye3's." ilete York Is is or :cahoot* , froni Prba!Oft. 0.4:vitar4 Wend, New Brun- sik, liOita '!.eatia .-togt:tbe 4344,0 P4ip '43narICets. are zsItitteitP4f1a4eVh*,-ahdto, lesser.#010,,,,ctf4es rold4r,' tern '100114W1'01e 'T ,,dene in oTIS -4rOth •AUChee, whlch--- are 011.”. '14 tanks on eanal boats ‘StOririg ',the perIo4 ofiriaitigittm or4444 • tr4re, ,over, ..;)5ead.,eels ;ere handled DA oke4 ar0114d.A! 16.etittal ,b16elt, 4t 1c. EeelS tare spcsial- Iin 1.teRlAr.4...AP 4:41.elstanao ttn,le for tho ItaUan rade, betng one ofrthe favorite alatitg"."-ttte""'Ita'aoris during the hdaterms..seasoh. 1 On Tuesday, March .4 urtiqUe, and educational lecture will be heard in Victoria Ster-Uhited--Churek,whem. 'the ,T411. 'Bros.) ,two young graduates of Torento University, will give:,an illustrated account of their experifiee- 'es while "Hitch -hiking around.' the world," These young men, whose.lith, tern slides _are exoeptionally goat,. have beerelioldihr audiences loreeth-, legs in -ever, part of the province as es wanderings.- An.' ociveitieenien con- cerning the lectOreaPpears in awither part of ;the paper, 4 CHURCH- _ residentederlere 'who will kite rereeiniosirod by the p-,cople this /William Ulu% •P404' erway on rktay,ati.4the• home;ot his soh,,;b4 eze',4t .446 treasurer _ot ,uuron orgInty.::.'tivas brought:1. to ckaderioh, on and`a public,OrVice was held.„„it_.0..noxPreehytertuz-rohureia .at, 2, etelool;7- on • Monday ',afternoon. ' The 1W.r.. "Lane' was In Jils 66th: The' on 'of the late %Main .tt,..ine• totrAtarY, Itaidrew Lane, lie. was a mem- ber of a Pieeeer faint* inlgOn County his, parents, having eettled inC'Ashrield 'ZiwashiPi 'Pon4e Year*: before, :10.'1,o*. Unut school • at =tail as '$t"' YOUti*: Matt and -later ea., .rried on :torereyarit. ang-business, it Throgaroieni ,oetle* as itiAVIICWPcerktor', a short time whtle there; Be was appointed ,Ourott :00;100 Ole* in It$01 and -field, this Petition tor '* ;POO. later. being '-appothesit. county 'treasurer. *hitch Oritee he 660404 Or the .ettectedirer 12 years. was ,during 1,11* 'Period that i-i.e4''lteitoie.,taitaearer Ooderi;h high beheel board. `;'' TO • Owing' to 111 healthi,14rc4orcgiastAkid •te giv:u his" Work,- tte-seits-16oked 0.,aa 4;taPslile','.Orketr„.1:1 the el. -User* ot Huron ,county 'end lie .emiettre4 bim- sif to tho hundreds,ot people -whom lie, eamsto lthow during his many, yesua' In .11tes A 004_, '3Saltituod, i'vet•ikinedin ,Setion *lib* the lareat Wer And P4snr, podocessed her hilashandAiboutili Years,' The deceitied az member et the :l'Artzt.byttittli eleiteh ;and was,ah attiye Liberal. ; was * ,nierteiet of the Ooderich Octogenarlxi • • Vt*,lia-suratiod-b two -sone. Atsr.... ,10441k,* •yess, taid ,(�rmtirni.ct on" psge:3) 4:40t111404td III 10 *at by the 'iliveStkgator. ' ' •'•.Thi.4a,rious speiding'boaleal$111 !Peaked to attain their z*ittire March 1st • • Committee Reportd Vim Invoice Comm tteet 'Record-, mended that sclera* of $10; to made td the -Sick , 114)0204 at %rot& • Worket This:coinroittet. has 'to-010*f titer propetal of Ur. Weatot to rent the 'Skating' rink ,for tilt summer motoths,hut at the *Mena Of rent offered Was not toilifelent they 'retommehaoi/ , The ,eatabliihroont of an airport landing at Coderich.is under consider-, *den by the Pnblie, Works. 7 Regataiiilg OW' applitatIOn, id 04 .0. C. Lee for IA street light teit the -corner Pictoit • and Norfolk Streets, the *tot, Light and Herber :Committee will look *over the 10eagett, ind repIrt. later. - The Pito Committee is gathering inf�r7itstion regaraing tire alarm zirens, as requested in *letter from the Fire Briga1e, and ;report later. • All building 4‘14)1kationa as refer - rel to it at ,the last meetihr. .levere' pate& .Vlso 'filduatrial Committee re(om- mended that Mr, C. Watson of .1fOretr,,, to, be gfr*u a clor. ,itotioil �nthe At the llsktiousli Plant It *ow tato 'swot. of teat 0,0Whig be rderrel rut orrenches *nett in 6ntroiUr ecome * Inch0cc. LU1d.410.44.1003 ihere szKabbite' are b#ve.,', OA' WOdo :•dev? -Orer „. Ina ere conorqUit#1.11' 191 1040,4 Xtr,, Aden yes 41Iness• Edwards Ur. Edwardq ar.,„ who . yet01 ..old,.was *oh by a PO when he sten- • 1RD'S 'FATHER Mr.' Hucklns 44, tf* tOir°04, ow u 4'140' *Piie 't;0 *110', heeding of 'or matfer. the' hands ' of • the Vate, frOnv he OUrb,:arld was about to igItanc -1%Arber \.,COMMittee eroas t4e, street Sunday after, an, loth PQM* to ;11614" laid,tb Angattended church. ,110,.,suffereca,,.',4Th„ VoUholl ,douhle fracture . 'oho. 'leg' ahd.., mous• on .haVing this , building rernev.: 4t.°Ver'• gob the base of isig4 lyttv ..$0..isr .";i17.**111trtilliZt'iillt"tae41144. in144114.4111.4til berrireem' :s‘hatitAirallitli;Paa.V‘11)14tthe matteL-., Hospital at present. The ,driver of the e:Vas made -a fair was not t'oCalled that Mr. - Graham - Ilee'Chilit°t*ffot:!:!nhrseeill4).,11*41;:44;141-417mart4;htthtl°01‘°'b.it,„4..11:',41d,ie)InAl:'' was given until, Pehriuk0 .1:04'ItO, have rernoVed. Mr; Hucldns said - that lrLUUay eint"t*thlt:et *ttrOVIS: 3x1roas.b: tnconslder- r, ,-,the,‘Proposition 'nev4:Tand, that.Ae, vigaestotag7ttine:htot:470roa:::dth- aantdt,h11,161;0•,thi:1,1,tiOn-40-7 On0e. '"Graliam said he \had, SUCCESSFUL YEAR - 131.1 town pt- -with colifdle4iiihortg., Colleagues' that: he. hit4., gono to the BY sahttery inspeeter on Friday morning That is ,the question that is being asked by the meter men of every householder as h� reads the initinta in tho\town 'homes. Just „why, is*t-ktiovet. far , be learned by ,The., 'g; *upon ter.ekil t iry 1 n°11 d 71Se CI:4s td 1 1) ro'in it flat beh ° 'needing* Water to give their ,fandly .Ear. its annua1 bath, ,moTntia,..-wAs-nwitAss-, • AS..1.1Yr4,..S01‘,i, DROWNED_ 7Vei). .24; le the body of four-year-old son ler* a: tiny casket' Napoleox Leblanc, ,Soutir Sandwich !rev/11010',. sobbed convulsively today as she told of, IQ minutes ; She spent yesterday ., watching ,her-:sini, Aver), die' in: t:VO and at half feet, of icy *0434,-, Roger Went out 'on the' icesqker04 pond text te;-..: his farmhouse hone to play when the ;Op. layer of lee gav(- way, plummeting him, into ..$0. -1001%. otwater, • sksecona"layer Of Ice Pre:' vented hitt ;ping tothe bottom. 'Rog- t's:;rbriopier, six-year-old *0' ;help and Mrg;tebiatic and free's children ,itished from •the house to the pond, • • • -Mrs, Leblanc then waded it safe& her stain; ...14nt the second layer Of ice not 1014 Iret and she was fOtetd to turn. hael Its the paralyzing water reached her, Weld.. Sitelrifet* pole,. but it Was too • „Alberto 1, tried to reach his 'breadth, but t he lee- gave, -Way under ,bilt twice and Mrs. ,loeblarile`pulled"bire back to *Void *-double ;fetatlity, • etretelaing , out hip ntlik for 1010# Itageri-mutthed, with, tt. 10304* Pink:SO% neveriiiid'iT word," lire. Leti:. lane Mid,. "Ile just looked at me and stretelted out his *rite for me to help m, but/ geuldritt do s thing.? Mrs!, Ieblanc Said in a thoking.Voice,i, The husband Watia,Videlcitar in Wind- er at .the time of the fatality. Flnsnce Mfnfitet, 1TI�h. otili* DM. , will deliver the budget, speech itt the Uchaee of.commons thla efkrno�n. be the: -tired Ala .,MiSitieeting of , ord Cana. :dienllatfaiie .itrepleyeet` will be - held Sunday in a 'theatre to heat,three or four outstanding vfai Uhion men give their re.. „ rding ,the ,conciliation board's re- port and,,the,Proposal that a strike vote be takini among the men. , The strike ballots have notyet been generally' distributed among the men and this -3'011 be 'deferred until after the meeting. °The men will then be asked, to make out their- ballots and ,they will be forwarded .to 'Montreal Well:ahead of the final ,dateo Mareh ,18. Cost of Justice Considered Test Catie. to 'be 'Proated—Rural Atir, Higbee ; • • Grantt, Royale WANT FLAT POWER RATE The Ontario .Association of Itrirtil i/funiOtolities in ammo' ioraVetitiori in Toronto decided to petition the *t., torney-generars :ciepartltent to , re- etriet tolleptipn of excessive lees in the administration of instice,- Meintere celeildered „oats of, the administration of teeth* * Ontario •too,..great...-ette delegate. freht. _Perth ,tdruttyfilmitioned..a, ease30,00.11.100, was spent in an 4441 to Obilett -$36.1 . This is' tho tnattei" in *bleb iteeve Peter litirk**411'680Ontelelihiodt6 with the admiatiateattion ''Itatiee it the County of Mr.*. linIS decided to ea -operate With any one -roanleipality hrltighlg..,0 test 'emit to .4141,1ilish. the ,1011114, of the, tulingtof itilltalleatori under the Ivarmerst Creditors' Arrangement AO whereby firmatittluk*e , been. relieved of Sying penaltieton uncollected:4SO. • - Keiribers,010 **aired a, i*OiatIOri 'Calling thi• OfettariO Government to tett at liast fig , r"-een‘ Of expendi- tures eir's 44 Cott* .ro' They also bsie * iresolittron t farmlands; • park,„' property and other lands Owned by, the 'aovertiMetit ae. weed and taxed intinicipallties, her ,resotdtioue *eked for a 'ilia ta . thittiglitint the pro- vineettod: 0104Ate Government to tak� over control of all war, material titus profit's hi *rimmed' cmcKps AND IN uttehcleiii;to.hap,ivogolo,re;04titvirtti:-svalisveroit:8.4,,T ispeqe:Izile.smazitit47:s1 . Voles:1:70 Irl:otzt; vnodntinott,he,riTolitp 0074t. nce.rittle toraviy,m: 1 ., i Ana tW1001, 01:11b Celebrated its. Forte., - ' • ' 1 s - . . , ,:titilliZgwhnope,toof4itlis4:1V:we -9.4;h,;',141(1,atod.,. ,Iltierr;se :0:aukatiyio-lecaefilitsuprardottoymn,,,ituight.a% at: : laoattsiiw.tliea.vkt7a.tnt'ek';D:t',Iljrt:o:h' dt.itill.e84:41,1,,.... :.tietheni ext? • -,_' ., • „„_ _ lightful. program Vas' ' presented , by, grade.. iee-birVe4tIng Wtt* stopped li‘sr, , A freeze-up' in i,o‘Va 'VOW -tett" m' a the president.-Mrs.:Bobektiliww, . , moinm on rodo, atortoon., • - , .. ' 4Y digging'op A Pali!' 0 skate - of . buisizig the eveeing it/wei announc- Ks '10.thit. 10014 ever awa04,sa, c,,k1 In° missed one mooting 01E11 the clabam Vote -shed to b4v.0it 1104 uP'nntil ' 4' . l'. 14 *KO* ' ' , ole . , .. --, , , went t� the town solicitor and . ;,,latt cleSeriP.10 • .. , 'Avow -,11`.k - ed' that Mr. Roy .Stolehonse luta ttast ad a writ drawn -nit against l'ar.''Otd.- iin they were b0$4 •or ".g08 ,'--- was organized fourteen . years- ago. " - The. meMbers recognized this unique InhatIt'ttu. "III ivtaattutiuritodrnitmtt;11444;r'cO4tir: ,. , . , -reeerd---,,by---1-13;reSettiug-Alm --with-a- ell te---find'ettfri'lfit-what-set- ,, lig .. _handsonfelly mounted desk .bletter, the - , . • .hert-Tayierr-who-olso....evressed ' up-. • . own there. 44:1'ra:nOt ..going ,to, haek .., . —.--- • . preciation. of :ii;tr,-Sienehetute $ SP -.:11: 11;:tterlittri liailt21trhdtolinr.1140Allittie'c'd11:ititaa:;141 ' n Court lionsi?. „ presentation being maatie by Mrs. p ft:9M OW- 0 etio d $ 0 ic Permanent *stem' to. be Improv- did c°"41?eratiaa aal4 jOtareOt. shouldn't . 'Iasi° . any trouble,!': . Vc±. - ed and 'Charged as a Capital The annual reports read by the sec. ' , tickins, added, --- . . txpendito-re - •- • .. retaries showed an excellent year of , "It is an eye -Sore to the people and- ' —,-..-- achievement; an outstanding feature 4 any ;visitor)" said Councillor' STANDARDS 144 PARK. r9inneg. 0107"eicteil,,,11.1. r: 01° Welfare wk ar:Irk., 'Umber." • it is not correct tbat-.the ..,......____ ONVa elferedhim $ipo. for the -build- .Goderieh is toluive an entirely new Mrs. W. McDonald, ' the secretary, ing. The motley was to assist him in ' lighting system on 4110, Square. either said the yeRr,:';h0 been successful and oving: That must be six sfeeks ago. this glimmer before Old, Hone Week ontvtoininz Ur4toiieal contests • for There was however, no harvesting of or in theIatter part Of next summer. girls and boys had been given and icc until this last week."/Mr. Humber Dr.' V. V, *Gallow't chairman of the competed 'foe by pupils of the school. lec1ared that he was going to stick local Public Utilities Commission, and Interesting Addresses had been given Iiy his motion even though the matter , Ur, 4 li.- Wig's. 2180 a member Of sthe by Inspector E..C. 1104v:en, Mrs. Zoe. goes to litigation. . • •'Colatifissiett;u6tet-twitirthteCouticii.or„,,, XaMiliont_114s4 4: TgYier and Mrs, II- "We feel that the.ice-house IS abio-• aytousogiturlenwlhai stage we are at," Dr. Friday night and discussed the' matter .Pairnei„,17‘.6, 0148 wri.,".1 Pra6it'64 by ufely a .14 ituvidr,itiddt,' Wild- that fait - Council. The system to be. insttaled Gallow told the Commit "We can't go 'Mich further than we have gone .. without -.more definite word from the ---,-------7---- puPils 4(feotnhteintiucehaoo.01. pnComern;neeMent Marine and Fisheries at •OttnNetir Ard.„,... prizes were given. Plekground:equip- is Worship, "Graham has defied the, Hoc key Game - own has endeavored not to embarasa e has had ample time to MeV() it. The .' ouneli• and the lichrd-ef Ilealtli)-atti ,,i.ai:11,here,,,just„talet: ,the,..,..members et the Club . and ex- vas hacked up by the Department of l'arki. '''tr ''IT. ' ')- . - •-r*? - Saturday' .1Dr, Gallow sai_ U.'s a questicm. as "I den't like getting into laW on a Night °rim!' . • , „. , e. Graham in any way, Above qv . , _ , . must conform with the laout Of the- _ atter of this. kind" said Reeve-Tuili-' r. 41 quite well remember the ques- tion of a garage a 'few years age and he Council didn't stand behind, the fire cemmittee, and when lawyers let- ters arrived they all • backed down. e lee -house is now three-quarters r two-thirds filled." -*•• "The reeve says he is not backlit); own. Well he's. certainly hot living .. his support," councillor lauckhr; claimed. "Before / do anything I am. going to have the unanimous support of the Council. I'm not going to have' anyone run out on me when this thing 18 o"Now,ver"ii,:nv, you've got the wrong, idea of this altogether,"' interjected the reeve. "When I agreed to 'this motion I didn't think this thing _ was going to be taken to the courts." The mayor said that he thought the town had.pretty good ground to ststad °hitt the matter. to whether it woud be wise to install the permanent lighting system before 014 Itozne Weeker not. It is going ° to be `it' large job, he 'said, "ttilvielag that a temporary lighting system for 014,1tome Week could be installed at slight cost. The last time we had a celebration, the person doing the dec- orating with the lights'received $1,000 It is easy enough to recall Many to work with. things- that have happened loealsy in -The' hpeaker showed several plaits the years that have gone, but it•will that had been submitted to him by bother most of the older resideat4. 'Various companies ondexplained them and all of the younger, to recall a to the tioneil. , The most favored *fie league hockey match in thistown on a would cost about 0,000, and Vat; the Saturday night. 'most expensive plan of those studied. But there is going to be a real one This amount does, not cover cost of on Saturday night of thie week tn.the wire, labor; upkeep or anything, but West Street rthlt, when the Marines the initial outlay. BY this•plao there and Seaforth meet in their fourth of 'Would be standards through the park the home play-offs. tend three standards to coat block on At the ineesent ed' person "knows the business side of the Square, The who will win -at Seaforth to -night.- TI present light standards would be pia.- the Sailors come out on top, 'ettforrli ed along the streets branching off the will go the limit to Win oh Saturday 'Square ; The plan la an absolutely night If the Sailors win to -night, modern one with the latest reflectthey will not glee up their lead with- Reeve Turner: "Well Your Worship _and globes. One new transformer out a ,fight, and It will be a fight to a about every litigation we have got in. -would-ber-required et a cost of-abeut-finish, — - — - to .yet we have -got * trimminv - Milder the mostfavorable.. einem- You've got totadrait„weste...got some-. Callow advised that if tempt- stances -there can't be rtmny more great trimmings." ary lights were to be placed *bait the games this sermon, *o see Saturday" Square for Old Rome Week, the color- game. The Club and the ',takers need (continued on page 4) ' yoe. etateliftt f 41,4 t taaatlitig iottPotted more low Provet than 4S' � .100.000i000 in the tried of . ,*Intrei snd: may reach' every boy itta anips, Are urgently needed. girt, no matter ., *hat handicaps af ft 04 rio ‘oireteroivding itt clai geoittaPht,i Peirert4 school or honic towns, OM Of the unfortunate ilrotnnent nUkle b*Ye been finPoSed cits of the depression which seriously! them. • . • handieape te her* in their effOrte,,to fbllowlng entgested refornis .4) Secondary School Teachers! Federation Claim Province of Ontario Is Ripe for "Ne* Dean—Some Pupil* Have Poor Chiportuni. ties to Learn Lostona of Life. IS • 'This Week has been .designalted have been endorsed by prominent Eduditlemli Week for 1937, by the 'Canadian Veitithers* reaeratimrr -act • ingilteo-operatiorz with other organi- *diens *hi& are: interesEed rn the *educatiOnal institutions of thie counter. The stoat for this year's earepaign. is,, "Education -'the esstn- tisi fttetor Of national progress," and it Ontario the emphasis this year is being Plated on if, nth -ober, of forward steps which have as their ultimate eb- jeetitte, :equal' opportunities in eduea- tion for ail Children. , The time is ripe for a "new deal" in Ontario sehoolsrfq Complete reView of past achievements and past re14. that, the mistakes may, . not 'be perpetuated log that the tone.- fit e *being from . the aeliievernett3. may be tiPrestd throughout the ,pto- educationists hr Ontario, severally 11 - not colleetively,- A greater share of the costs of elu- cation should be !ben* by, the Dom'. Mon and Provineial Ooverements, suet A way as to distribute the burden' among all the people. . Cood schools are a national ste Well as a munielPal asset. Elimination of these Unita o▪ f seh )01' administration *Melt, because of cir- cumstances which they, Cannot eon - trot, are unable to run their 0,00414 with, profit to either the children or the taapayers.. • Mete attention paid to the ne,eds the poor but Clever student whose One ,barrier to advanced study in his ehos- ett field is poverty. dAllowances for travelling and living expenses; in ad- dition to a larger number of scholap- A number of the coliheillors expree4 eed their willingness to stand behind the motion that had bolt Pessed., "There is tot a' tier, around this Council table would care to take the responsibility ' of what • Councillor Ilueking has done," said- toUteilbr" Baker, "but it might not do great, deal of harm to let Mr. Graham .haye, - the ice there until f1l 1 amitt a'-posi- tica to kniew what it meant; toliaye a shortage of Lee 16 the Um." gt,-- • Mr. ,Ifumber: Why didn't he fill his uptown iee.house first?" Mr, Melting 'moved that the Cott- cil proceed Witit its Other business and that the natter 1* reerred try-corn- inittee'd the *hole Council to be &is - duetted After the meeting and that Ile. Nairn, the town solicitor 1*, summon.. ed to tome to the town', halt.to advise the .members as to what course to teke; ' 'DEPUTATION, IN ant* AT GOOD ROADS CONVENTION Ur. Plitteiman.1tttott,coUnty *winter, wiii give a **r of tree of San. i1844bineed 10e4 •Ourfaces ln Ituron County," at. the Good Rt convention being held ,itt tsorotto • t *ek A reorreentatiot omembets et the trountY **lea *.rtd-' Council ore Alto ih tOttlideze*. a Out" ort.ory' Council am Wardtittt; e