HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-02-04, Page 7letter 14.9nt
furu1si local eader* with a
mIuts r 4uter04041 2,0,1414 -
vet a 1$-01W ter high.
tteA eent effulle114.
northcrfl Ptf,Pers. Rol e hereis
letter:whiel; wsts read at the meet-
• 0! the Pceiit1ve
Bt $tore GO,
• Donald Tobntcrnt
r *0'44 mc
attderieh to Sar
ssing 11n. t Mt*tAte, front as
the most -,Prerislrti /4714g5t,t-
•p z1Ve thi.,* 0P4111!te
Lt does look tea$Oliakle
Water ,Wo, ;tOwns WO
.rontQ tgitels •men bave'
dm 114 ,
Than1s for your sp1dttI letter, - ant
rneet.I.00,410**00,••44 #tie .th*.- ow. li*.o:44a,*; %..0-02, .,4cf, ' -
0 -44;0,ilip.:1*.0',Uif,', . .,,w
1°1 • - • -. • , - • ,• .- -.1ar, au* tops, _er the. z rot. .. ,.,77,-0...
- llb14°'''''' .. ' ' ' .' '' 'It ' ' .'"4- '' " ''':(1' - er'r-tiofi' 4ic
our kin taiti.47 tb,. 'eon)* "iii,.•rt..0.**' 'at.'ilee7, •ttx••thh; i,4•4400,0..
'4404:,tti: 4,00.• 41*':.*00;Fir•ox-, 4 ':0;e:t4?-;', '' .T.ipo.ift Ail,5,0.:19-..eSee,the,lialinCVS.. e'S4.
' ''144"t* '''.‘4i''' Y4t1P!.. 744410* '447,),": ..i4eit'vr.. ,.11iji4.0411,,.toro 4 'n*,lit.,•a••49pat,,,
• ; '''' '''''' ' •" •,' -.• at4:1Atitt• ,t44::11,1t*,An:'•,t4A*'',-"eld-• hetrke ".'*ei
..igeoe't1::tO.:*-i.OW"..that,Vee.,•,0„,-,,,seolethh*,.'ovrirth,„' whge,...,-; 1;14914' '
.• are zA.40*.o.. AO% 'Antlitca.4 1. i,hat,, .0.404.,.„'tiottdky .4.tot*.:,i,.4.1,4''';',.'-tliej.r.
° '44.'1"-1441:4 -4P°*t.''`'-4-40.:' sbi*'''' .4..• -**040107140,' • '.1Ar#4, -Itif?'"
. 4i"4''''''40'•'";,*'•'• Ir',•:, ''.,the'''''1O104,••4$0401•04-'''., ;m011i..-wil.';'*".' 4. -
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e'..-0' '.','''''.'.• ., .. .' ' ''.- ' ''' ' '' ' #4,40.: '0,00r;',.10010*,',a,ttiU,41.*:.ttQA • 40,i
-0,14'-3,000r';- . *ert.ya,.00*,01.19,140*..t;,.,tot;;.,..01ilcciwo.*: 10,0-1*,:,,i•iii .
.• 1ant!. and,1,#ave,,OntIt.' '0,..,tot'4110$.0.041, 4nAteci.:',.,10 de .tbe* 'A
040*.4•'4,0A..4t.,40,P,.4.1.-.:'4141.'.• Ali an . pt• :.: ,,i,.. ,„,..:',,),,t, iii,it'a.,,i-i,• ;,., .4, Loilo. .iile'
.ett, ;.t91'.43SUre'hi*k..thOZ4,p, 1/0,'').11tiOft”! ' ,/:*”7- .- -,.• are'..,.'-..-', •*••,-!,..•:;!!',
II . 01.'!-. had,.-- when,; ;4e- 'oto , In '.4211.4#10 .I.,itiloN Ot that, haWtHa.diree
' . ' PO- '•-:. .•:''- ': -• 1° - . 4inAtation''•itiOnii:the': .entate$:o2lin.'• It*.10i
.,,lisa9.) $;*4.7.1:',*';''''tkils4TL:e49.1'tT,--1*,,,..: . a 00'..-'04:6 :',.*••te.,..iiiii.••Mirsiille,470d,i-Tii0-
. • . aa the '3,*0.:,04,0'. Ac0)6,,TV,";Ii0le:'44-4."".. ititmi:A' ' on the 'tii ''' : 't bi- -1 • ''' • tc12.' 'ite..
..t.;.the ,C4,944#01',4J:10:•,1.4trni, .412',4,liassactor , .r-,---7 • P,44,: 0- •'40x..,., . F.. .0)t7., , -.,...,P :-: ,. 'Way„
sold ‚to the 60. :uotet, :oil- .t4 ,.thi ' '''0:,.(0;lch.:7''''.49::''I'llalUi, .,:;'A011)19••rvnen•
„.1*.tiAMAYAAW'04'6n;s:,,9n ,t.,140-p*.;:',Y*, - • •.
,314-Y,,'.'17-0.00.-.',-4,',:*111010`0:-,-:*1',''portai,,...o5i 1:'' '' ati.ovloti,,:or.:.T0401:, '.:i.' 42;0,..110,'':' L.
- ',$AVItIlk"Uglivi*r. '''!'.'!::;,'.:.,..:','"..''.,-,':•,..•:-t,r0t#,:iv '0,'-.0.0.-,, under, laating",,Obe.gat/oPs-
•• .'482bbir4ttiti.',.:'•andr'''.:.7'''het -'''neiShber.:', t;:iiis, ,tq C,..,0-01!wii.. 0.-40t1,'''.C!i0Cliti3O.)1','1-"I't0.t.',',,- 00 . .
AokiV-:-!Zttikt4t:1,0..0,41'.;,'Otti6j,:,t6;*041:06.4 *),IAtt. .:PLOtin 149, 'inAtiatA)te. and--PerOni,:
- •• .'fblieWfinft1-r;",lin*.',:thWi4klutl•thefr*.btf.:'7: -;`,41:10*.P:t!.-4410at-,14:8,4hts,-.40Tt*Tc'i•t,
15 0010.:$11oit*t .til*...;04r:-:*ititi,....2,t,„,,,,: F0',04V-s.'44'.''17$!40-...A'•54w 10*"01.4'.'ict Vo.f?
'Our :eiAtt9r-t,.W.r.lo''...kloritia :or.1de,,y."4#A' liW'.•.InenOt...,..Pet,ro#:,. IP' ' ' and . ith.i'Oii'gh• •
40 *111:'.0.%:4;iea4;''te;:,':Ueit;'4,'VOiSti,.::gettlikig' :0";e:',110#4,'4154,:V. 4,,I:cir431,*'-1.i.rOP•de:4•14; hi,
.t..',Oi. this . 41erierdway, v' : Ab..ei.P.otiii.. ipres,: .. , '1: •- '
.140.•:Ae'extee*'' t'0',,•tox1.04.9tr-,1110. ••••01040 ' • : 4
. 11O.• 110.0'.(:antl..gie-diStributors, In the,
_ . • • .„. . .. , _ . .. , • . . " .. • . ,
iii4or.:!..,,,070-Atibter,f.., ot,:.connneroe. ,. in„-.,r2o-t,;10,40 . mroter. vny',..,t9.vina, 01,0 and would
..0404J,'.:s*,ain4n0 • Itteaa_1, •7010,.. 'Omit- ,,.:94*4
, 'let ,,1 -$ropf ..and eL
..et . F,i.-.'.. Ine,jor;L. iciii.4r•
WCous .40P.4 41,V4,i9P0Mg0 '$'61- ont',4:' we get them to 1,A44„Orstand
en', to , a4 .• 4S,;,...,110,,re,t. ; 14a,ots4 ' .thoelt, the,,,Oopoytimity. and olve! thnz a chanckz
, .,. ,Pit' ttri but tbe,;Iiincl,e4boroy. line.- that tAr.get-itlitir-0-0
.•,414er. tAt.- the ;wheel
•.'” IS, bleelthig"..,00.r. •-t$,Wns, from teiipilig: gp, , T..; teotignlio the -Georgian WO' r'boost-.,
'fintt:tlf.fie,t,t44, •th0 -lip% star,t. .ciallfor. '',-ali • zdatii -ptwer 0,5 :0.4!t,c6.1a,t4tArair4eally,
•• P40- lust -waiting- for ocgierioh , ,Ar.ss :the
itayl-througli our t.14•`•-.74,merf., .worpr-f-o: teadiAtrr witly1D.OtrOlt- arii*-Hher
\ItO"k West V't a are • serding us .A.mbiss. oder, -way part .or..Florida's. Fan-,
•'4,00 Pan.Alnerican Way, booklets; )Ast Amerloan why :throtigh the heart of -,21,
,. • ,. • 4
as soon, - zhey:, *re., oft .the press; LaPd nations, . z
you Can' lock, for a • 'copy' at the. earliest ' .The busting Of file -*join in Vlorida
' posibk *merit Veen ret theSe.• • put- rloricla clean, .out of the 'boosting'
• The horae;ip.jcs ..ctoderic .4 are sure game. ,You fellows: wonld *be ativfully-
t0'.,'‘Inti "way to start 4:,reaSonable- ef .disapneintcd You .are waiting. /or
.. :fort:30 'this .UnempiciYment pro- Ploritia to force -411,eir...Van-)Ainerilart,
and 'this ooditieh to.:Sarniaroad, way On YOU, The key' rnen in- 'Florida.
• does' orrer a dandy ..4haltiee- Winake'..a are banking on. Ontario to f4rnisli the
bluff at wholesale cleiree press agent: initlative- and pion ,ot action. toetToiP
broadcast* pushing .tbis miming link • in :with her $25,00o,o00- bridge • into Can.thls „
nizi:Oritain read; right into. the ada„, Teuttale and . her .Pea;:e
Vent (the :missing 'link and aha, the gateway, Montreal and*her. net, route to Florida.
• to the 40,036 ,Islards,, one or Ontario% ,x haVe-been wa.W1Ing ithe Goderieb
.eutstanettng...soenta wonders), •• Lions.Vitib for years and I.bellele they
-414 Welland are making a mistake in not Maltbig
has pio;&td; 11:4. wit4, ootterteles blu.1 At ;helping. Solve, this UntinplOY-
• ,OlinUlian feiVhig the icek .nien Of :the' 111141r4 In 'Olds 90.4eriell to
" and swan Ideas, 'on effsettfrligslas, ba, Voretler• "ii00EWall
).f, towels teveiii.le fraticii3O prestige. . the one man in Canada that Passed the
thlte.:our' newest .' and biggest ,buatnesti; Mho*: dintb*ador pacing
lot of,.Paisalina tn. the .twar, with' .t°
*stowing. that all Abe tow0, On the thie
Water - Way iri'..Vichigan. and tintarloi
.10#walting on Zee and his..,God.erlelt 'keY.•
• linen to tentact 'Detroit, and rush this
petential InternatioretV'Olife Water sum -
latter'ground-lefigeie, or. ViterilatiOno
il'atuevster. Way loon-roinfit4tichiaalt
116n4 Oritilit4O4 ta;rbelp-rush tiffi Missing,
nierican • owl. • .. s25, ,tee ArebasSador in thi.s
hen yett go; 4
04:-' *
your *1%4 t
eerech eta. $0013 PO
" Oraig let hie
t a 7044
'Yon, rantii-
-ntre1f out t'
toe ra,
bad -4040
ambition to 'be. the gaa,WaY to the -"went Proflik blem, in. Ontario', -PoPt_llaxizing
• Is
riarodetith,ft) ,g,gt boas. .together lifiami Ambassador Way. It
Goderich. boost/31;z, went to .Atliville• to start the acklexich
• every' ...worthwhile citizen In. cioderith
,under dbubie Obligated. •
The Cleoiglan Bay boys. Watt to teem
Alp with us Goderfeh, fellows' again Alia.
'this propesed Traternattenal Blue Water.
Way, loop , a winner idea: it will tie
the bell on the cat, it will kill two,blids
'With one stone; it Wilt automatically
bwlt '-Detroit tight into the front " the-
thitler-.0hierleUler. betting_ 2 to
Vit work; hone the bacon tor
the' first time. Bell the home • Mks on
Mit Ambassador yiroyi Goti4riola to
01Y411A40:01- la'44 itttii.-.4e4en'lears -*“."Ager tb4s:'04tr •Sho.'43,
the 'oldest .intA -4'S'Oviet. •,',Uwia, and bilielVa to 10e the ' oldest ...lkulne.o: tkalace,
ot Shoita's.tatulties are still,./4 #00d. working order. .• Ire ,Vt1.11cs
mile two each C414,43, ‘XtS.4.I.t.i, and, lool;s,
torWard triam =Ore iear8
early this . spring •to otart their ering
adve,rtasing, and you Goderlott ionoWcs
bot blaming Lee as the otte niii in
Ofitarlo,' 1..7;tit4 he blaest trital'irt.erestl
and:e"ven Haron
•lovis 'me 'they are doentilat-eh -tee.
'ts fire the„first 'gun ‘-oii this•xnternation-
at Blue -Water Way, loop.
. Torontcr hotel men' have vctittero some
20 letters, sponsoring .the plan to send
their Alan .Vowell tO a conference on
this pending 1Peace Way. (Very sugget-
-five that 'Viriodsor; Chatham, London
andoother tewis' will recogniez
*olio% vie
boa:M(0 atta
fasaltOtso'lloos of
poetical took**
lq Commaset
*rivets haws
kis we
7 • '
if *430detkli and Soma- denst
get together And grab this Ainbastader
Way .prite, London and her neighbor
tents are,,,tin* fa:beat you fellows to it.
ant ,overdoing this OPPOt; t"tt 101
tioderlett,fellow* to hall) 9# tante -2,7
ta-Pred, tiettelt Awake- to „thizi
Ntight aa well
the ta le. No OWOotton
rve got eYes, etv that Or
rw 4
the,. 1;04 That it w�uld be In lc
with thit. beat teehtdo*of eruel
brutality )that rete.,-fteitinso oo
vise WM*
our varoto
t ,$rd Zi`
A • ti*i*, 'Oat axix_t
nt 110ok
btaUr elattra
104i0 stria*tai wbeb 1* caM.
OniMu inging var,iet
qualities of yokes, tatllowett
rothante,tf atori $
A, •.00, , . go ,,,. . n, tetCh
4ena 'int thing' a
. na2til4 .ap5 lt.'4..:the Is of '4gitAstqls, '.px"' ..
' ' ' 11 • 0 ' tirpaid then% nit4
*e:.,,,,„Lt4..4,„,ti . not", 4,tr: `tatlul'a• t ._. A .,,,tiord ' m ar , . . . : .
"^4.4. .i.,,,,,C7A7; - aSked*inittttik :•Att40.- .1,3,144_,,',...,H*5`1,2*:,4;t4'' , 44,11.014,V. after Itolir he at at
"'"'".;•" "Iltit•.Por.siblY X00 .cm.tici, ''''''' w'''''''"'"'"''' tabi dealing', the -'eardei cif
;:y g$,ve thAt
ian )1,1$ TPi44
LU rooni 1 "
Thei that ex
don't n
statillt Uko•1`)ng 'Mon SyliabiO4iliit..*40.1i004, the
4*°"1:te ot the bedizOned girls -go oit
geT,S,were blur ,
On 044 Vance at 'the *eon. oWner; "And
th 1100eitkiArnI in arm with their etc°
0, )10 4aill Cr** nitttht Alot fart$y yo4„ for *
om, v4110114 'Other, 'tout, not exaotl$
a Oellmate
'wan • 4111 $4441:01: 4" 4).4 nhilosOnbsf could
0141'0 1Y' eining 4.1 River
het lovers a e
P.411nIafl's peculiar net Colleidon that. • o spirit the,
"Craig? lAnd a wit!, wor ot;
him", if vuttl up, Vve brolion 'A 11% Pat4Y be evot ih:`-sOnsti*
er , ,rttin inVwill kn.oW elf at the
• way,
T4In‘vtiv\ov?vnidu geootaust ,sobeith440.1tInt oafAetti:6:
rtellinan bent •Ierlstard., tttak0i Sli4OS
i?tri,0111‘ bis,1•rtslvt, 404zit Orz'huows-• Daterput $dtly. but ue. m
44EA3.714 -S-414.vi-C-E OF -
1-Hd7aANAJ:itAbi• m•COICAL: •
biggernndle he lue* thaw . for, trk the prayer t114;" Rta.gtv.er
niy,way. always got.livitat I Want,* — Lord -jim bittlielf" ers
"The lady question may him Stnilo for the incongruity.,
something to say " about the deal," Went' envilealing the ,earris.-,Wh4t*
d ter ail, could be • more it:eon
ern YOU'S: eRtttint-110 no intention ,of arguing the matter or
Od ..t,g,„ to keep Irom ,do ;of coneeding anYtthin$ to the than who
'what tell YOU,. but it don't go, Not With. liver.keti at his gantbinig table, •
afraid to tleeee fTneughof talkl" he roared,. as
tPrin' arottad; ;and ,he's got you scared", whole stocky body Meneenig.1
-.lie% not' tonlselivt Dar4 ,said. "Me its attitude. "You melt 'keep 01
you tryipg to say that yoa witt'me to. basirtesS. 111140y. Vottlet back to your
do something that'll, make turn
wild?",: Vont me to have - to ptit, a 'bullet
or two in ;h1m. to prOteet "myself?" • -
l'i,,.?...1,11114n's, big
“IlebotiyAd bother
rst so to ti'
sliootirt ineis3 One
you onowire your
---,yeah! Anyhow,
I'm not a
JiinSaid tensely.
alloy hard for hi.
Wanted to feel
tun neek et- Fe
else wouid So ea
Thumb -Sucking -and Nail-liiting
;Mese are among the most common
"undesirable habits" that -children de-
velop, and *Pen, if neglected, they are
most difficult to correct. • -
and her rivarneighbor toWns the action , It'is Uniise to punish the child for
shoulders Stiruggod.
you about if y'eti
$atitir you out or a
t, blare, T7 An
sell so plumb grateful
if ..p.unrael Starts any-,
inurdereri itellman,"
It was getting in:erotis-
m to keep cool. lie so
his, hands around that
te Reilman's. Nothing
tigy. • ,
grow narrow. "Sure of
he asked meaningtt,
so sure mysalf, come to
-things, Alvtays thought
mistake we never.looked
o' bullets was in that
the Tavern. I've heard
n' fixed up to look
' how do know maybe
fo'r Townst-ild for
other o' your froin, spite
wnever saw him. before,
hint when he showed
gh you shot firet,"
"But you do know er
meaning in his voice. "I may have had
deeasicin to do pome- wondering mYsOlf-
slick was vour man, kncrwn to be,"
"Retina:1 was on les feet again, roar -
‘Ing. "What you trylif to say now, you
tinharie? Why should. have anythire
to do with illumine you and right. iway
self-defense You art' take you right into
;Ay own igloo? Answer me that!"
"I don't know. Reiman. rd like to
imov. 'Why?'" •
With great effort the salooncnian con.
trolled, himself and drooped MO WA
• chair again.,
"You an' ,are off on the, wrong
foot Again, Darey,". he snapped. “rn not
sti This is bMees between us-
* glanced up at JIM.
re and again- his eyes
ta, as into Itia voice crept
ly meant to be Platattnii.
there's no Sense irt
all het up about nothin'
better for Yourself if
tn agaiiist me aril you,
hands, You're' elever,- T
R.41rsaris eyes
t4xt, •IDarcy?"
"I've never been
think of a lot of
:they hive asked tor). , such habits; Apart from having ab- it Was kind o' a
Now in:closing, if you fevows want solutely no effect on the habit, .it en- to see what kkad
courages the child to practise it in se- bed o' /ours at
this. motorcade from Florida and Teri -
=See, Virginta, and Kentucky, as than- elusion.. (Often an intense feeling of o'such things hal
der for your O. A. W. next August, then guilt is aroused. Applying bitter sub- !fere this. ,,T-4.. an
you got to come and get it, trade it. to stances to the thumb or fingers is not you didn't set 4.,
+OM. tuna:Ors for the ' cooperation b.e of mucli 'use.. Repeated comina.nds some reeson or
has esit9d tor.
tArnbaileador, Wat ranhAtall
v47 'aPPOrttrratltt '0'4 Our floOt
idtivA' *MC' &gni 46W
,e4M,* arta-40 MkInife0 ,
VielSeld and tiktiltingt011 Men
S -WOO AV to this potential /auks",
sa4or OPottunitii, but whet &Won
they hive stetted 1; halve no. way of
tount oft g.noville sad her reit*
'25f giving our route 23 6- race for the
prise. •
srea* MX* %kande oat ,h0.1 allies are
Audit* out. .
=novae „ has Jut inobillied 425,
Vonventkut ,and, tourist. stasociatione,aki
such as ‘44eip Imcking you), t ”" 0' you sayne yo
Ashville are atter miles of free space are seldern s4ecer,' still. The finper. art**thert gunned
In the press. and her rout.' 23 tanee of the "habit elioulcl not be em- '11P? Plain on°11
and route 19 towns .have been doing it , •
for years:- -Ashville_ are: _aftei_ .peace
way and: en 'Ambassador Way -that
the stuff that it takes to get l2y, the
was for their tree space.
" X 'Vote le send tee up to the Cleorgiar
Bay to. Apo the boating man power,
avaflb1etfor thia pending International
awe water loop., start making copy
for the .rets, bud *di illindenberg, line
that Welting Detroit and her 'gut
Water towns from getting together arid
give Midas the cooperation they got to
have to rush this Pan.american road,
through !forth Bay and the Soo, to
phasized in this way. Neither should
it be discussed with other -adults in,
the child's presence. auch procedures
.only impress the iehild with the laet
that he ilea "thumli-sucker,". and he
will do his best to live up to his repo/ -
Balite -ioloride..8 most popular
highway; starting at tXoritteal. and Bos -
We :,watt tmite group of towing to
ehoulder, their part, 'bet, not get 1 the
front and hog the ;whole thing.
Toronto and Tifultalo are sure to
team up with rode- . Washington
and. muddY. our 'water:, heve "eVerY-
tlitog to loose by width* till*tomont*
to act Oa tilts Iiiiibtasador War
. . You can't, and "•,woritt; listen the,
and let fit yetmg bueinese men • in the
front the ,cheer leaders, thenvden't
say r did not ,poirt mit the `kiPPOrtintity.
Route il booster never Will Oita. of the
idea, and the Young buethess Melt
the. :Ilea, if we could the
Initisttiire and the popular plan of , te.
" tithe. " tuts' tome to rush' this'
missing link; In t
road --yon fellows need the spprioal,
and baekitig of the Georgian' bay
erowd, 41.4o petreiti, • *-
cad mobilize the Mita& the, boneb. of
In an infant., or very young child,
it is better to ignore. completely such
'practices. Simply remove the hand
froth the mouth without any fuss or
flurry. If possible interest him in
handling a, toy. If -the habit is "very -
persistent, light , cotton 'Mitts aud
other methods of restraint. may be
tried. In the 'older child it is best, TO
start by gaining lie etteperatiom.
Explain carefully that the practice Is
undesirable, unpleasant, end're4ly ed. Plain. bugne.ss,"
sign of bad manners. Then .giv.-bini ,1116,4
every amistance yen can in breakin/ "rru"'"
interesting activity requiting the use
of both hands.
than he wtts litirtself•tafter.-
Dan 'When -bY. rights icnt
t011itlit. horse sorn011eM
there as an end in 'ew and
•meatit;to,sto. on, With, tthe Y.47PAPet
stele through the dirt,entrust:,
.doWs Pett
ing Men reeled. from .the alpie
table. end take -15iert tar/Me t
Plenty, That's anorder! No MOTO 11001- of liquor fumes • and . stele toba
' smoke and into the freell'air a vox*,
One by one, the big oil wer
extinguished. The games were 01
and .covers put on the tablOtA
tinny 'pinno wee, Shnt 'A AS I
yellowed kepi, were somethingVflID-
abia. Most orthoVrtenders Nerogo
ing off duty, -The4wairiper weS -
paring o use mop , and
Geld Rock's Wild bona ended„wl
the tenting of dawn, to ContutonCer •
again With the ebbairig`Ot (111$k** Bit
already on the streets, the real work-
ers whose- toil began with the •.dalst•*,
were abroed and •seurrying along - h
board sidewalk's. •.
Lord Jim Darcy sighed with wool-
ness and got out of big, stater
to one sid'e and stretch his ° tired„almoir
high above bis head. The
closed. The house lookout had eheekttt
up and gone to make his treport •
Reliman, waiting for him in the office-.
and Darcy had pocketed his own shsi*
of the night's takings.
He straightened his floWered-Weiat-
coat- MUL black string tie.. • With
cloth taken from a drawer in the Pitk-,
er table, he -wipedthe &Wit -from btu
glikening bocite. He picked Up hts,
big, wide -brimmed soft block hat* mot
wanting- to. the -open rem. deer, pas'#'
the closed door of Rellmatee o
went outside to bathe his face ear
hands in a basin of _cold -water se.
• bench beskle a pump.
(To be continued)
tn' 03014 what you will and what you
won't doi If he runs Out Of clash nud
dust, .accent all the I 0 Ws be wants
to write. The fool's honest enough to
Yott might even if
o' that claim, it yetfre -Clever enough,
want luy,.percentagef'
Darcy 143°1044CW:I moment with-
out -replyingt-turnet to-
ward the door.
"Wait!" Itellmaze.barked. "WO
Might as well have ,an, all-round un-
clerstandire Darcy, while we're ahont
it, like I was tellin' you 'Don't wait
you to forget. ....I want yoteto keep
away fron. that girl I was talkie
about, toe, understand?" '•
Finally goaded into making a move,
Jim Darcy whirled- swiftly and aa-
grily, his -composnre broken and hit,
inscrutability. gene. The fighting cow-
boy, look was on his face and in his
eyes- again, after so long time. But
not quick enough, for he whirled only
to find hiniself looking into the muz-
zle of the wicked -looking six-gun
which Reliman had jerked from ILI
holster beneath his coat. • -
"Take it easy, hombre!" Rellinan
warned. "I know about them der -
Angara you _sorry in your sleeves,
Darcy. Ws a trick you gamblers have
*--gambler's trick, just like I was tel.
lin' a certain party (mot.. But don't
'think you're quick enough to use 'em
-on me. You do as ordered you tor.
"That's one way of 'eliminating riv-
ali," Darcy said.
"/ don't have any rivals, Darcy, and
you'd be wise to remember that„Whers
anybody gets in my way, he's pt out
of it mighty quick. rm runnite thir
town; You got an idea that Pm -not?"
Darcy. fought himself to keep .from
making a wrong rnove. This was not
'the time for violent resistance, though
It WAS the lira tinte 'hail
inside the boast he had one he intended
should have a special Weaning for Jim
Darcy. With an iota of chance, Jim
would have been glad to shoat it 4.tit
then and there; but there. was no
chance. The least sign from him and
•Itellmen could merely shoot him down
and claim that Darcy had attaeked
him, and not be bothered about it.
'Some- day he and Iteliman would have
a out -on Many collate new; not on
one. The animosity between them' that
was peisonowf in its intensity would
come to the breaking point. But not
noW, •
"You heard inertia( you -a questiOn?"
Rellritari gritted. "Well?"
Jim nodded slowly . -"Oh, you're. run-
ning the town all right," be admitted.
"But you're not running vie Reilmstn.
No man does that, or ever has."
"I'M running' you as long ..as you
stay in Gold Reek, or in- the ituky
Way," Pte Rellnian 'declared. "You
and your fine Ways! Wonder who you
get, 'em from? 'You, and your fancy
elOthet and fine reputation! Lord :rim
the honest tinhorn! Who are you, to
Cry to stand up to me? This here is
show -down, Parcel
"About what?" Jim 'asked from -be-
tween lips thinned to a slit from ang-
"About everything. You're holdire
mty ',bend jtoo high -like some other
,peefile rye &Aril dia-Zie-iiirie-,-"Taie
they tome to no good end. You got to
understand ono thing, and, uriderstan-1
it good and plenty: I'm the edict
atenna herei-You're one of my men,
'the habit,. 1See that he has plenty o t'43tie tPP'Tent
, here .Darcy
do a lot.
'often obtained, by .tippealing to the "ad *449 ligh
In eXetilent reenits, site Ir(nala
Ian,* that, an
sTnonezney youtigettinjw'iL
end ms Join
Procure email ‘nmni-
cu• re met and teach him to use e
him to see it he loin keep his nand inteTterin0 ;with
eleaner and better ;trimmed • than, lito, 4/oiled
yours.. This him probably 'cured ntort „Eral concerted
nait4biters than &trotter method. • outside of gttring
d could slip a lot of
I. But you've got to stop
air viscrse ,
oddly. "/ &ail know X
with anY of your plans -
you value received for
poker ,table:" -
oWkd "Plenty,
t•Ist know it. Take thia
instance and that mtg. t
.sa well be eittled while we're- sett1M.
,e-lifkr. things. rve been &id tateb, #
considered ecoutin* around end eon-
s:4(164W. Most folks armind--bere
*Percolate *an Orthee nos 0 Ranth
ovcr he rioge. Why: he's lot that 'Whole
ifed Bottled up 0,2 the
rights, too. liunnitt' tine stock drd got
about twenty riders worltire for liirn
. "Are you -tfilnidng goirig into the
4fAtt1e Waite:sr Darcy asked„sltghtly
"%tem, exactly, .would be my
Mterest in that?"
not each. a bad busiress - the
tattle fasfatra." Raman, shrugged. '4"tycf.
thtik, cornier thing, if you ask' me,
big -
peter out, and the minin, garne an bust
tvernight. . llut folks alwalg haw, t'
-tat.. They ,toi tb have meat. 8ain Craig
gettire old-
Peraistent;thail.biting And thutribl the Use of ,yror
sucking. may be symptoins of, some "'Vial are.' Sr
general disturbance of the thild'a and you probe.
h Mad health. If such habits eon- Oral* affair, for
thine in sate Of everything, your doe.
tor should be consulted; -
'sure to 'aend gejil&titte to lore:nose and bigger front we Eglt wiirett vitOt ,001
POlitiame, lit TorontoA will -react, X
vote to, make it the ,ontatiirding miestrig
iink n the part.mitriean wai.
xey west, his 46,e00,4300. toltrfirtterit
'new '-tietit money Or their read over `the
Ateysi. sOlving an important missing
May 1. Serisus Tifiliftlitt
k 0mn is: ;'illotiotii Matter and the
tOroper thing td do ii to get rld of it as ..inlekly. ate
poMib1e if you don't it may result in congestion,
nifiturtmatioa and irritation in the head: and bronchial
adapted for, couglui, colds ota troubles of a bronehial
nature. It is to*poista o barks,..heiba and root a Of
reCognized value, „
'et * bottle of "Dr. Wood's", atid See how qtliekly
it will give the, desired. relief. Denq .accept
ourwS truly. '
P. 0.-X bave been betting ray thonleY
4i1-old-4nan-laeratag.sa, ke
to this ooderioh to Wain!, Ambassador
V4141 Orite:
Ris exrierielke with 0:4 $540.06t003.
deep water way likes to 'mewl canal Is
lesson to hint not to get to' jar sheiri
of publie op4ntoii
• Xedies.tf sitilf -of you hort bunions,
too stock of yoUrselves mid see it Yon
are entiTIOUS, and Whether you luxe
doWn.ittuthe‘irtenth lok ,'or a tanieus
French shoe. dealgrier, who tisaya WW1 -
duality shows in a tritlniiiti's waTh
The• fearful, larieuteseltui WOMATI,
walks like. Phalle Chaplin, • Wei out -
'Ward, be says; while- a Ingeon-foed walker
le titimilly eten. -stun1d. The tintid,!
tlpottieious women always plates het
feet tios-e--roi-ertielVetris-Ittlig, sr.:,
'end a *Oman with "a nervous teineige
meat letits rythnt in her striae. _
'A woman With appeal', walks along
evenly', firmly" and with, • pride," the'
Central heating is corning irdsis
greater favour itt Great Britain -00
this has brought, about 2aeraiiiil
niechdustrial Departtheat of the
anical stokers, according: 10 thaw'
d an National Railways. A 're
heavy tax on fuel•oil has turned
tention in this direction toWartis:**-
use of coal *ilia iaghnn sit ild
Impetus Jto the use of' .meelknitiat
Irer sofa
tarsi* wi
. The modern way to treat a cold ley
this: . Tvto "Aspirin" toads • the"
moment you feel a e,old coining On.
Repeat, if necessary, in two boare. It
IIron bave a sort throatleith the OM."
dissolve 3 "Aspirhir tablets in, X
glass of water and gargle With. thi%:-
twice.-The "Mpirinsf you take liv..
", iernally will act tts.00rabat „fedi*
•• aches, pains and At etlid, itself. 'The
gargle will. provide- ahost inStost6
relief from aortae* and tavine6s or .
your throat. Your/ doctor,we hat
sure. will approve tithia theatre! War .
of treating *cold. '
ap "Aspiritr tablets
Canada by , the Bayer
sor, Onterie.