HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-02-04, Page 3OURT • ,,.00141e of ,Anbur14,charged wlth keepingna common gaminghouBe wa 1004 guilt* by Magistra TbUntlaI tiftert450,11,4014'W$.$fined $25 and, lus.eo -4:14$1 suo04, odd he 1iaI Vhielt Beadle- rune bad fOUntra, e10t400414n0in Whicli • were n mintsIre 41444.440 „the lite wasin plain Alight in a puhllo, Itiovisid0„"Cons, oy corrboratedIils evidenee,„, ,gunSellOithe4,4felle0 $flid 04410 Aeit deny thi -evhieh'pa, of ,tho /COU•• stables but lie argued that theta was no 'biticle#00,f‘0,ibeW; that the ma. ohirio had been' played, The,Ciewn Vointe .00 tifiWever,Viat tbis'***,A0i't heee4', TY, 1. All that had to be'slieWn WAS • at the nmehine was Oen to, thepubu, c.. :.Detenee counsel, asked that the • Magistrate be Readle, bacritattthe machine OnlY,a Obert 6'44 4 had'rlat it htitt.goOd A40, '0* e*ItaAcihig,:that if teWas arrested" V.Pe*.onld be -paid for bini. Robet,r eelr Of. fterisallsettled out of court on A. similar charge. , • E. 3. Hollinger, Osriett vatb, unlaw, • the )3edflod. *Oa 'without PaYinalqr: ,the same, wasgvenruntil,AprIl 1s1 to, make good the payments. .NYbo was'*oriti4g, 04 4 printing jels in Goderiel.i, said that, he had'. intended. Ming .for hI f404. and, lodging, 'and' • that he,had,notlef..0 the"hold with the ....ntention..oL.atadng 0., 'aid. Ws. Ljtt, tlte'Vern ant, , since reeSivinr his` surd* ..ons to appear in court: 110.1vos; able to pay her court. Tho : bill athounted to $5.4i40; IMiring 193A 1,416. Scouts Tiitseee the exacting s. tests required as qualification for the tbe Ainbniance litaws,..proriplonoy' Badge, Iu the six' years since 1930,, 1006 •Se�uts ,quope4 for, tlielNidge. 1-11 additionthousands pasta -the first aid tests`, ,required of°Seebnd Star 3160 Cubs and cond and pte ra Scouts. Many people never' Amens to get a good, , night's rest. They toe and tosa.,--lie awake and count sheep. Often they, Mame it on • "nerves." ulna it may ,be their itilleys.. Healthy kidneys 61te,r pelsolis Irons the • blood. If they,are faulty and fail, poisons stay)n the system and sleqpitssees#f heed - ache, bockoche often foilow.. If you don't sleep* well, try Dog* Kidney Pills—for half ,ft century the farorito remedy', 103 • 1)odcfsKi he Piiis ou-„ WO* 'Spent the h his son, Mr. 'Glenn MQiU, t on Wednesday -,Plest#04.;1*. charge of the ',Ohrlattla0 1%114040,1r, GrOuP' and'Ntrae, 'lett °by MIs Madeline '11V44exl;', 'The'iocri*Ore, lesson vas' read Oriteger,McD�we�l. from St. or r. The topic 'was gtven Pet4g144i 'Oondle' VoY4 iral4fin 444 _Batve7 gave :4 v1eh4duet. Jeax ell aeconoanietj, at the pLal:lo 1041 •?,vrAzp413, berild,itral? . . , KsitehisOn• • Word baa recentl 4*-eIt Teeelve4 tfiom Angeles; death..Yfrs;..lenrletta",'*. ".101#*bat .00thyear,' vridavte; ,tlSect,,,I4','Pref*On`In t1ie.'4etus*• ' .1441h 4,44 ,..',6#1,0,10; Cenrity;t4Hur�n, and aft,erwards In the CIty of St. . ..q1#6:k • Urs. 144 the daughter Not the Ate, 19#1. *44.-± Ott'41111; vArai Yer4 In V*•,7011(11,0410,, of • Vaal*, 'n14,01i41-y of Ohtatip,,,' the year 44341,.. And as slurried to pr.. 71.W.tioh "Iti. 1864. Thla sons,-,in4-41hree-?tia,t010- predeceased their moher,' as a )fltOi hokl, its atinual moung,'otr the alth c •, ano*VA'The eo*P41134 Vilifeh *I', 05-. 0 ousevillero bad, a sattaf*Oritt, Pam • , ht:vieonrorn:::hattintlaahio:11:::oel!4tioltiPt:utdriissoltehi: rnvIoxs, sou wore, to-ilooted a yws041, 'orators. , „, hie, re- tarr:trekattuir;a4nidraelkvilto, , ;arlratl.Or., a ,• , • ide John' Destosr, Wm.°Mate . . . , One of T.00 fitsjdo key into Lhe baseof a pole t� turn on one of the city's down(owr •ights. At RIOHT is a cluster Of five 100-wstit lamps is liBtAtiOlinittattiitrfl T01:19.0,9,. but gradually • MSS Lenore',Stothers' has joined the tralning staff' 'Of the Ooderlch Hospital..” , Viemerea Institute, Mrs. Chas. Elliott offered her home for the January meeting of the W. 1. 1$11•17h*SdaY,, The Oresklevit., Wilbur: )3134u, presided,. , ..A4 letter trOnt•Mrs. Clias, Congini wasro;ceivedi thankinethe *embers fpr th1r gifts to herduring,' her 111,, nese. Letters of" gratitude IMO IMO .fanaffies to whom • 2),44, been' $004 blankets', clothing: ixtcl *040) were also read, , jtheludhfiv an acknowledge - Ment. of 4' grant ftera ttnadlan Inatittite4ort-the-Blind. 3, D. Richardson deraen5trat44 'gandYinainfrand Mrs. Uhrten, Roach- • 'reviewed current events. Mrs': 0,Wo, Alton 044 * paper prepared by Zirre‘ R. Davidsoni on the subject of %Ole CeartesieS of Everyday Life." • °NM U. A. McKenzie, 1‘.1rtt. iton.and4traf-lt.-‘1)a-vidsort were- ti$4, Uar,Iater and Selielter, l.de' And 171 • TelePhOnet In 4$0,1 41. 2. UN, St** and General Auetisiaatn. Elgin Ave., ***lab, Sales made evert/Where and all efforts ' triads to 1,4't' You eatiSfaetion. • Varmsrs' •Sale Xoteet (Mounted. phone 119. " VETXRE4114 LstmOlictit ; ortultiste of the 'IlniversitY t %wants/ - and graduate of Ve Ontario terleame 46:44M* jeie'brotlra, Y • • 1r4:00inibell; aWeh7.*. Central rresB'cOillianSta.tr.-W:Ott h Campbell, ofr`westifeld, OnL l'110040,, mep,ula- • ,also three .,sitterS, lAra, yr. Rogerson,. tionet'oVer 800,000 persons, this city, of of - Jamestown; .#1;',"lvtra_ second largest in '.0ts' Part An.•••• .employi tour . lamplighters, .*seesliett 40es; caUt*rnlat 046-0Yrather'J. ls,Wton, relics Of ancienttintes, it Was reveal - 00,2000.1: andone • 'sister', Xr,4..John ed by` E. N. Ashworth, generaf-raanst- Ailes,- haArIng, passed ort some years ' ' ' *SHP]) .ELD, Feb. Anna May h-f-anct MIs Betty Bissett are in Toronto., •• Mrs. -fRobert 'Hibliens is visitMg in ,Toronto and Green:bank• . Mrs,: )(Sabena, Ross There .parzed- e.Way ftGodr1eiti11105- 0%61, on January 28t1i, .7.saheila We - 'Kay, -wido* of the 4tC1 Wilhlaxn ROM, III 'her 80th year.' 'The..futieral er‘tice was held at theborne of her brether, Mr. .John -Maeltayr on Saturday; and was conducted by Rev. ZOIM Interment as made In xintag ceme- tery. Ourviving are two .s1,5ter,s azd two brothers, Mra. '''Itteher, Gode- „rich, and” MM. MeGregor, of Duluth,' Dincart Of-Goderieh, and ,,Toking of 'Hirt- • kG The Present Stock Last; conce ALLW1111, Aylmer' jumbo ••PE•AS No. Titit 2 Tins 20416 Ikani ChoiceQuaty CORN X.O. 2 Tall Tind• ClaSsit CIXAt.151lt Tin. Helmet Corn a BEEP 3 IZ ot Tins EffioOrated • APRICOTS Shirriirsr MLre&4„ JELLY POWDR5 3Pkgs. 24 iLoluitya Ctystti: VitUITS „ Gatrigast nnd Lombard PLUMS.-.- OXIO CUBES' 4's ltrs Anstrullan Seed RAISINS; ger of the Toronto Hydro EIectric . System. ' • Th• is statement statement followed closelY. upon-tha ,t1saf torial director oPtElectrival News ana t.tfiineering, :who Stttted Toronto's street lighting system was 20' years out of Atte. Mr. Ashworth, however, pointed out that lamplighters were net employed because of at antiquated illumination system. "These men," he said! "tarn on each, of the.strect lights in the downtown area by hand, beanie the cost of installing an _underground able, so that all lights may be turned on at once by one switch, is 'too ex- orbitant, Many years ago the lighting was studied eare,fully and it was found the cost of installation, in- terested on .capital and depredation would, annually amount to more than the total -lent -1'y salaries of the men. It is for that reason we still continue to use lamplighters." • • ?rum on 600' Lamps -,The4oWiitowrt -area lighted By -the, lamps which are, turned on by hand, is approximately, a square mile in area and voltam ',between five* and six -hundred likhts. The vity allows thelamplighters three hours ea& day. • OMee in Mr. T. T. Murphy ,s; ton St. Coderielt. Telephone:. Day 303s, night 249. Clinton '111.10 Geit"Winter'i Supply .,;(4cluor for Own Use-- Magillbeate Doubtful Murdoch IVICLeod, 36,- of. Clinton, was ,sentenced to jail for two Months and his house was declared a public place, when he VMS convicted by Magi- strate -1V1akins, on a charge of keep- ing liquor for sale, when he appeared in Magistrate's Court on Thursday afternoon. PircLeodi-wholad-anneared- the pieviouS week eict had had his ease adjourned, .Was faced with two charges, the other of having liquor in a place other than his private resi-0 deitee. The second charge was ad- journed sine die, following his being found guilty 'on the keeping for sale count, Constable John* Ferguson, giving evidence, said he had made a search of McLeod's home on December 28th, under A search warrant for intoxico- -ing liquor, lielound three full vases of 'beer, one *Mei thl..bidrin 'a bed- rooirt', andthe other two in a store - loom. Another case had been opened and one quartlremoved. On the flocr were four empty pint bottles. The search was Made ebout 6 o'clock at night. • A _purchase slip produced in in which tb turn the lamps on. - The court showed that McLeod had pur- remainder of their time is spent on ;chased four cartons of quarts and a' cleaning lamp globes and in reporting" carton of pints on that day. Tho eon - repairs, - stable testified that he had. searched "There is One advantage in having McLeod's home before. The accused lamplighters," said Mr. Ashworth, is a married man 'with three children, "and this id in having the lights in- he said, :He told the court that he dtd Bisected every evening. Other parts of not. think 1114.44ed had had any been - the city, including the reeidential patipti for the past two months.' He tricts, are Inspected by patrols .every did Work on the public. highwsty ilur- 'thfrd, evening; This, of course, is not Ing last summer, however.. 'Constable\ sufficient for the crowded downtown Ferguson said that he saw McLeod's ' area and were it not for the lamp- lighters a special patrol wouldhave to cheek the business section. light." Claim,Streetit Dark Recently many objettionshave been Made concerning the lighting on city streets.. Early . last month the eity ...officer. said, Re staled that McLod The following , minutes 'or the West Wiwanosh' Counoil. bead on, January "Xelvlo. Otumnings. „Oro.. ,town$1111)- farmer, artfre n 4011r t at 32.25 ort llth, 'were 'received on Tuesday of this PriclaY Morning; to appear' before judge Nveelt by The Star from, itfr, Durnin T. M. Cos-tello to make aPplieation for Phillip.s, the township clerk: relief under the Mortgagor's and Vitr- Aliother. nieetnig will be held. next 'chat asioeraste-,1Alocetk. ..tone it)e.ltroVreioaloanimpear. eodt .Tuesday,. ' The first meeting e; the West 'Wawa, a mortgage on his farm, Setting out. osh-ToWnship_was helCon_aboiLe date, from his farm *xtear Atwood, he walked, •Reeve StewArt and -COurk,illorg -tAftcht. seven miles to ivionkton and there urged son, Gammie, Smyth and Webster, were Rev. James Gale to teiephosse to Code - present and subscribed 104.the necessary rich" and to tell the court officials Uit declarations of office. The following he (Cummings) Was ari 41i5 way., The are the officials for 1937; clergyman obliged b telephoning tor. Asse:s.sor, Ross Murray; clerk, D. Phil.--hlm and footing the 'nine Ups; eolleater, c. Alton; treasurer, w. ciurunings got rides „, on Xis 454mile A..13.0101_a0itors, Thos. Taylor' and W. journey in oil trucks; wagons, eta., And t MI1e .ehoo1 attendance ofiker„ D. meanwhile the court -officials, itleluding 13, Murray: board of health,. Dr. 9ToOs 44dge Costello, two lawyers, the mort- and DB&arrayanitary ir.speotorsgagee and the ourt reporter, waited J. Leddy and Thos. Salkeld; solicitor, patiently (?) . Whert he arrived, tired . . ; F •, c rocniounhisty Johnson, R. King, J. tournin (eon. 6). *red' hike along lohneg e the a 141 0. Hays; tenceviewers; W. A. 'Drier, tat7edq, hs oerrecnisf W. Arthstrong, P. Watson, G. A. Greer; that because of the dangers of driving. pounakeepers, A. Wown, R. Taylor, ca, there • were not lnany motorists out that Rekl, W. Nicholson, J. Walsh, J. Kina- day and he, had been 'forced to walk a Mn; M1d. Humphrey, W. A. Miller, D, considerable distance. ' Alton; +stock valuator, Grant, A., 'Counsel for the unfortunate traveller Anderson, J. Sproul and U. Thompson; stated that Cummings had paid. over On -Motion of councillors Gainnte and $4,000 in interest since. 1006when a Aitchison the -road supirititetidept was $2600 mortg'age was placed on his authorized to advertise for tenders for house. Tile principle and $500, arrears the operation or "the munMpalitrs- In -interest are still owir.gi. said- the crushing plant. The clerk . was in- lawyer. He asked for a six IDOrithS' strileted to notify those Interested in time extension and His Honor reserVed the Smyth drain that asseSsnients must his decision. He had granted Ctun- • !rings. an extension. on a pre:lous Qom - be paid by livtarch at, .1937. • DrittN711 PHILLIPS, clerk. atom 'Cummings set out for home the way he had come. BODY OF SOLDIER liquor permit on the day of the search and he had found two bottled of liquor' 27th, at which he -presided, and the in the ear in the garage adjoining the soldiers organized a :search of the house. 4A couple more bottles were whole .distriet, -without result, found in the toilet, there Were no On Friday, Jas. Virarlick of From - 'empty tartans about the house, tho lick went to investigate It stoppage in the intake pipe of the water syeteri, and found the body lammed into the pipe. Identification was rriade by means of letters in the p6ekets, a ring and other articles. Dr, L. R. Aiken, Courtright Oszn- ner, decided an inqiiest was unriece sarv. Rooney joined the 18th Batts. :lion on its'formation, and won a coin- iiiissi6it for Wow in the. field, -He- wes a ran Prealdent of the Liberal. ponserfative Association of Sarnia. He is survived by his widow and. sen, Kenneth. 4 LEGISLATURE ADJOURNED The Ontario Legislature adjourned on Friday evenirig„ until February 16. property' deArtortenr was ordered, to • oialee-ft*:t6thplete s'arre$i of street' lighting after an, aldermen claimed bread And' milk salesmen were /being held 'up at ,pistol point "Simply he. cause the streets Are Sti dirk." The day following this ordered irrystig4- 1tkirtz*,,eotoner!i4utt freed *MOtOrist of blanie n goinectb.r With the &Mth. of two women Otte's{ by the Motorist's automobile because of Poo; visibility at that point„..'„ithe ;jury retommend- ed 4 check of itinies'„where`the two W01110,..ritet their deaths,'4 While expert opinion havindieated that . Toronto's present System of Street lighting is out of date, the city is not contemplating Any changes 14 the exiat,ing faeilities, 410otditig to Mayor Robbins, • "We sivndsl, of ieurse, like' to see' hetter,Iiglting If we the Money,* hi librship said.. "Rut. we haven't aid oite't afford any, eluinge now. We've' get to very tiepitimiettl.at this time.° • ' The lamps in the downtown area are knee* As chiter lights, there he - fit# Ionise 'of 1.004/Mt power on each pole. These are gradually being replaced With poles Of one lamp Of SOO-waft power,:which are considered, ?more efficient, lio•Orever,the, new • poles are only being erected When one of theolder type is damaged or knocked down, lo nototlitcl "When Torot6's street lighting' system Was installed over.25 years _ tigo tfoy wonted more Iigbt than bags of potatoes on ttont last yeal. would be trotted by tone light"' 30,id'' Sit of these he sold last ,Month at Si Mitchell: ',The' big lamp* had itst dollar each. His grocery bill* are ell been .deicloped the* ami so they usa paid no, hefteld othe court. ExpIaIning tine -et lights., rive 130 -watt lamps, *by he had bought** nuith 'liquor on it might be pointed out are not .1fieeember 28th, he:said that he *Akita es one 504-wattlemp." gait to leave his car in during tho Whether TorPtitO will Oiehthiny had weather and A* he 144 got Ii#14 hazige to a tuft* 1110116th system of supply of hoot in for the winter. Ito street lighting whith will not swore that acre had 'Wert 'Atiather • tate the employing of lamplighters,. *sea beer under the bediiihieb 00,*6 Ichp*it, At atitrate the cite*. table Ferguson had misted In Ile flnanees will hale' to he Inc" able «o 1-te *elated that the tone -table bear the'expense. homi only fe4t , minutes atterhet,, McLeod, had got beck fro* Stretford; The 'Crown attorney -showed fhe ot that ittUoirt livhtg tkpetite counting thi cost of cfothi*;Wier 04*thisio4 uu Potitit DR. GEORGE A. McQUIBBAN former • DIED SUDDENLY overseas officer, whose mysterions Dr. George A. Meguibban, member disappearance 'November 28th last was solved by` discovery of his' WY' In f th Ontario Legislature for Wel- ° e North,died i T onto early lingtonn or , , tmhieretst6Glote sitairvntirLat Froorefield, six on Saturday morning,. The former a • meet- 'Liberal leader in the „Ontario Reuse He disappeared following ing of the 18th Association November was taken suddenly ill after sittinT in the Legislature last Thursday. - He • was in his 61st year. • A bachelor, Dr. MeQuibban was first elected to the Ontario legielature •in196 and was re-eletted in 1929 and 1934. had explained that he had just got home .front. Stratford and the that, *AS why he had not taken the Muer, in from his car. • The defendant had :also told the constable that he had •, made $250 on the roadwork. Mr. Fer- guson declared that there could not possibly, ha3re been another case:IA.04e. • house. C,onstable,,,Siong of Clinton agreed. With the statement of Copstable 'Fer- guson and said that he was with the • County offfeer when the Search was. made. He said he had .known McLeod for about 16 years and knew of no Work" that he had done in .the past few - months. Mayor Roltnes of Clinton testifi that he had known McLeod for 15 Or 20 years, and that the oteousad was doing nothing Until he had got Seine of the Clinton men %want on kr0- "Andel Highway No. 4, and on the Blue Water Highway. The Work last- ed from about Septentber' until the middle' of ,AeCember. ,,fte said that In, March -of rem tlia-toion-laz40.conio to Motiood'a sastatinee in tit* matter of A hospital bilI incOrred, by his °wife. 'Hi said that the hisativSY *fork consisted of a 48, /J014' Week at Ste an bout He *Ilse knelt that WO Inett 'paid McLeod We a day for transporta- tion to iuld from .work during That period. McLeod, testifying on his ovtri be- half; alma that anr,liguat he 1* -41 bought for hitt oft,,Use,sEe Itas three Iota be Stated and he grew *boot 18 DPATC1T,perS is140'ITrIONER. CUIROMACTOR. A RD DRIY4LISS1 GODPOWIt, - Equipped With electro.snagtietie baths. Electronic elcetric .treatment. *Ad chiro* Practle., chronic, organic and nervous diseases. Lady -its attendatite., OffirS' hours 2 05 and 1 to 13 p.m: on Tuesday, tiar-atut-saturdan7auct-cg-Iv day 9 to a.m. • oar- ConsultatIort MAT be Ilan by appointment, Zfendast and Thursday at sintchell. - P. ATKINSON, reablenei oftite, tomer, or South Street and, Bri- tannia Road.' Phone 341. EYE, EAR., trostronrrtcaT. - Late Home Surge= Iktpw *York. Orpth- thalmic and .s.ural Raapital, assistant at Moorelleld's Eye Hospital, and Oolde;rt Square Throat Hospital; London, Eng. • eyes tested, glasses supplied. . 63 Waterloo St. 8., Stratford. phone 267, . Next visit Wednesday afteratin, and evening, Fiebruhry 24t11, from. •440 • to, 8.30 p.m. only.' FARM AND ISOLATED Tewrz rite • MT= INSURED. OPPIOM.44—President, Alex. Broad - foot, Searorth; Vice -President, John X. Pepper, Eruceeekt; Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Raid, Staforth. OFIRD.71X)1Alex. Broadroot, $elt- forth; sautes eholdice, ,Walton: 'Witham Knox. Londeshoro-'George 1.10nbaN.ti Dublin; Zan. llepper, Erueenekt; Jas., Connolly, Ooderich; 'Mos MoyIan, Seas, forth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Mex. metwing, Blyth. =ST OF 40/01`173--W, J. Yeo, 01111. ton R. R. No. 8; Jame ir Watt. BlYtil John E. tioappert *Welled, R. R. No.' i; R. P. MeXercher, Dublin, it R. NO. 1: Mks. 10. Hewitt. 'Kincardine; R. O. Ju - mall, Bern/101in, Bt. Polley holders can pay their steseetp. nients at Calvin cat's afore, Goa:rich; The Royal Bank, Clinton, Or J. • 1. Reid% Eayileld. •It. may be due to lack of proper rest, the worry ever busittess„ e too free use of tea, coffee • or ',61iie-arthw g Orbitetlieurgr-the- sever esidiag • drudgery of 'housework, but whatever the ettuse you • have been. putting toe heavy strain on the -nervous system. - 1, If you are tired, listless, irritable, distressed, you . will, find in Milbures 11 k 1st PIM a rented,- to mike the weak nerves strong, the shaky nerves firm, • , a medieine that will help put you oh your feet again. • Mar. to Mar. 13 Apr. 1 to Apr. 15 May 1 to 15 • $ 9.84 •$ 9.89. $ 9.93 49.20 • 49.4$ . . 49.65 Prepayment Receipts must be endOrsed, and presented along with 1937 Tax Bills during the first installment period. • • Purchase your Prepayment Receipts „batty and hav your money earning 5 per cent.. interest. If you cannot buy all iow, budget yoi r Taxes this year by purchasing a receipt each, month. „, June biscOunts, wiji_be allowed In additiotl,