HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-02-04, Page 1-estimteS Fiiane • iter Dunning ias aked ParIa t to autherisei'the expen5itur. 6,000, to. Maintain and to Tocist1iltiitost, and other- tblgtt;tatits1;',1714;pac14%1;1010.4474., tol: Irke ora 1f09than ,v7a*: tbe anteniit year ago. Defence Zogitimates;Up Most striking Of this ‘year's 0, - varieoris with la* year's d�patmoii- t,al 'estimates is the 'Euro, being asked to provide adequate 'def.ellee legi11t;*4• ; or theleeuntry, ,1111111torii iiOvol and bre0o wi1 rerinke.OVer'' tbiztY' ee", million dollars in19S6-$7, as , ompared ith $14,400,000 fr. the trent Year. , Every braneh of the forces ing SC1f7dolendiveMeasures for ..t °Minion isItobe-strengthened„. Aiv idefertee faailities. 144 gee an liler000- f 102; planes *aecerding„to- the new stinlatee:•`Thio .nerease will brit)* Ar _00ence force Up to .284 acNues, many „.01 'which 00 P(i1V.7• . obsolete. The, new estin0Os also pro- vide for the training of noiar44;inen'in • 1ie4toYa1;-,Garradian-Air..-XOrm4. additional: 'h.ing!er aa: fadilities throughont-hte'eountrY.', ' \Im' re 'mints avy p ve OT WORRY'NG CLASS OF WEATUER s here for iX straigbt , Mitreriir-Vel -Oise; Won,"Bob." kown weather pophet'•'..*iict'(44doltioh 614. .1.103;i4er-,„ , ays the ground 11(40 „rkokt;tieOrs littrae., 00t..:104'..00V0114,1'. days 4eferO V000Ory, 2nd, but fttot, 'Tile.' elm tiurt, itli0i104 0070244'0111 0.4qthat *o; fo.*:,0was 7 TILe bear ctuId see hi badoW. • There have been,ItiOw:::01 ogre, -.2rteuto*Ith'tho,,story: regarding..: 1;4 "i37144biroit- fthe ':' Whole • thing ..Straight.initltenniter gene*tiOnS.OVO. Vt:7114104*OP: 09:00.01110it the t.lteogY.' :it-IlaS4'beSn'arglied' :that It isnot neceosort:forthe bear to eoine out of ,•-*Ioter quartertO ea ii ahadow. .0OP00p140100141,0*-010.."14011-.011:43,' 'Ithat-it)leed-:onlY beieunnY:en004.'1::Of the' bear to see his Otio40,v1::140010-' he js out of ,wititer,,--quartera:vr,:zOt0' .0* -.4404 is : • .The cstinkates,'':.alsO::provide for . Strengthening Of-040de terieelleet,`,: inekidettloth* iter.4::*$11,- lye the:add-Hien'. Of 473'. ttien te.thez.Peir sennel; new harbour. .defenee,equip • anent, partienlarly against•Snbrnarine attack, at at Aalifalc'. 'ESilnintault; .iroprOyed "Svireless istructiini4O2 four Modern jnine-sWeep,- 'Os, and inits:rOvemerit, of..tunnuiStion 0"rid- torpedo supplies.' • estimate t .fer repair and. imp,royeinent . of . coastal fortifieatiOne on, both At - antic and Pacific ceastg;_. * ' ' stlitku.'fot,IDefence . The new 'defenee estimates point.to, de.sire the-Part''ef' the Govern,, .inent to ;render ,Canada' leis" helpless than she has ,been in the peat, Li the 7 event. of attack by enemy ;forego...by sea,Or Iteeent develOpinents' have shown clearly that aerial .and ,under. water assault are real' dangers of anoclernlimes‘irrespective of eonstid'7. 01101s distanee..i.Canadian .ship-. ping and harbours are: easily withL the'attaeking Sphere' of enemy - it1 lib - *rine craft, And:beMbardnient 'froM, the 'air is net by any -.means the re., _ These are conaideratiens which "have 'ocetipied tile Minds Of Canadians, both oinelaTiand—uneffieini;-Aigint, tocem, years and WO been a growing• ." realization that the country's out- moded and obsolete equipment leayes 'prettY Much at che•Bierey Of of fen,- ve powers; loader Our own • rtS at defence are concerned,. This 't,gar's parlianiet*rir eathri_ates ' elate the first step in the, elliettien of •'righting the sithathni and placing the country in a position where it can AU on its own, behalf -in the matter of de- " fence. ,-.cipalities asked, for membership,. but no action was taken. , Young, asked permission to .4ut trees adjacent to. his property, this was granted. The Collector'tinte Waa extended for another Auditors "re6 Get, C. C: Ginn presented their repot, whieh was ,oceepted.. There were a. couple of cases; re- , ,euehre contest, for **Of -140, questing (fired relief,. !these were, left IMiSs Rebegea McItenzie- With titt.. agt upon, ' . • ;eryfooflsh, because • if the wasn't outside to see hfs bndow on the Set., date he vouldwt,gate.vhet or, there was any more winter or not :and' :44 t!iq- 'whole propbecy :fkould. be use leis 044 of no WOOL:, ..` Next tI3e question 0-L*14ht and dr . -Shado*S-ariSesi. New. if thebe riies: 1.*ht at he comes out. -`0,isott the .shadolYcht " does *it inean just n1,0delattY. winter, 'Weather or docs anyOw4t all verdict biting gales,._ driving snow and below Zero tenipera. tures. This seems a->bit,more-reaseri, able than .the ireyieres idea- because Dr,AVlit Oeintel niVIner7, W. en,A.‘ 06.-47. tit* t .101tte*. tt, eVrAlf Ootverb o W. lialkeke. Ike Noble Over 1000. bottles o railk have beon given out to the'ehildren of Cetrt School in the \Past five months, ViSo , aretb00,0431roccontotRiti:oeteroivitut,4%tetra,tngtiottlit the Wel. eflUTIUnt eating' held err git he Stated, that $14,43$ had betri Ceived for the fund during tbe * $3247 Wee given for elothii ' truck , eavy'tnielCdriven. Sproat Is now In $.i),0 Th .1) is hWn the batt&red. ca owe. the SOO, 'OP the .a0itlent kit) Produce -Mrs._ 34".• Oreei 'Ming. M. Balked.: nteaiie Oolenee-Mis. W. Do 41lowertiY.--Isittg. ItetOlg oink lvtiinti..4010tar-es......N.grc the" ,,bear'S shadow 011 I0eSdPS. was very iiglit ArOct: Welizio,sder the weather was wag cfaite modefate and - be- ide thati'moderate 'winter 'weather all. Numbers of -ire-60e e-trgliithe seg.: gestioh that the bearsare toe ..buSY on the stock market to.tother much with, 'prophesying., and. they have; given up this occupation as being old-fashioned and not good for their "ticker!! At Holritesvilits 1;t11 Auditors* Repot Atcepted " ACCOVNT4 PASSED: • in of epikvfor been , perarily disorganizingbusiness ai seheol, Staffs. Efforts;49rObat an bta*Witheut Inei-in',,bekOr the _reseX$ed ••fon varialAY rhos ti ouble that num - toys; •of.';'0 retirement to , cOunty Treasnre --IfT-7-ZrSkiree 'Prised 'Oen their nipit tabid'eupporters, .arneng the ave been 11.4y.114 040.0 hect*.vt1*.rlt, 61#, andofficils who Treasurer, itni:Oc were the • Crederich, 840,t4 htoido:ct '‘Se4torth forced to 110111e for. a '- Utx te.. 30;thie 104, 1,,irticti., they • had:velhaAaisho'le.,..eceforth:.'ilMokt,tw -Weeks. preyhinaly.' The • $angra ',Played a 'class ot. totoinstien playing which has:. been absent from cricti ;teams; tr. a goodiy, number of years, Perhapsi .they get: the idea ;rein Watabing.: the Junlor ;150...rines vay:. last ioriday,' \but ?whatever 1,=i0 the reisol, it, is hoped'. they I Ise*. *their ; ways -as cer!c; tab -0- Makes Or, ".04. better. type •.ef 110:413-§„, . - 7 • Va:4 Tast threngiout 'tht$, game,. 'With the &Mori' perhaps enjoYing an '..ect,gel.la the tiirsti two periods and Sea- The ferth having4 anght margin,* the last. .Aoth goal tenders; were called upon to 'Make, ,h.rilliatit 'saves especiallk *e.4.the . . , e Council of. the Township: of Goderich met in frolinesYllle on Mon- day, February lit, When 'all officials took the Oath of allegiance to his Majesty King George N't • .,,eorresponclerie0 from :the David Croli re 'Old Age .Pensimis end Mothers allowance was. read and filed, also form the Department of Public 'Welfare, Ontario Association of Rural Muni.: BLASTS, FROM , gLug MAR N • i'lligger and better than ever," the Marine Ohtb put On :one •ck.f their euchre and Club. :parties.: IVAtt. ICett- 71eth, Stowe Vtit "'rips ter t1li Ilikellwain "Otte in /fret* followed- hir to Reeve asteeke °to 'inquire into and Censtilation;..Wit.4ohn Cameron and Andrew -1%14i:stray were abreast 'for 4101 place but Mr. Cameron stood to, ".-wind-warcl anit sot.firot 1)riZe and _sr, wou.zehtstett leaea in the booby prize*. At 11 040. Ste*firb. • 13'onnY in uniform, *twitted lunch to 100 -,guests, staisistedlyy, capable valters. ' , All hands -Wrenched down decks for the dance, to the male of Braekett-' • 0'1 Preliesial. • . _ 13146 andpink.Were the prevailing' colors, the ladies dreataes dazzlingthe es as they putted to *id fro faith* clrcles and the figures of the dances. et.m. an ititerinission Vilit Called put on a Short pageant which Was fejleiveti" Mr. Pzerden' ItePairell, el -deice: anirent6re; lit McDonald, *tap date.; Mr. McCabe's:tin Mrs. &tnle tellfte, ,atep disoot1 Ithis Mtrgaret 040,:sonir and ,of000ro; lire. Manlia • In.teliff; sole' and Sitteali ',./Onti ritepstrick, tap int *tatted aid:laztocl tatmegennent are, greatly ples- with the aealetenee they are whit to that* ell who t*"k • and espeetallylttre..gtowe wh4 P (Con,/ 'Atceurita *1dt Department of flcalth, Insulin, $6.48; !Geo. .0‘;',".0.inn wood % for relief 'AcCourit, .0Z*, Ifogli, Olen, Weed .for $5.; &et .104r dim, relief aeectuht;. O. W. BaecMer, relief tiootintp$10.244,.' , talk, relief 'atoOnlit,' $10,1: Wes. Me - Lean balance On relief account, G. ThOintdon# registering births; mar. riaget anti deaths, -$'81$1 11. Salkeld stage:and .stationery,„ $18.• E.' , Aunnal 'es ,111 iree 'New IVIeraters Appointed t� Board of: Stekwar4A, ..0 itOrSeisioh: er Membrs Re-elected. VOTE P. THANKS. Noh ''Street ''Cltureh held Its. artnital„t „eongresatisMaV Ineetini last wite-sezretartee of the!oinetvutt salons .gave very ;Interesting reports of • • Ittilidd4 out, .;•eaforth receivhig foin their. year's work, showirl rau:h activ- While .the sailors Ore* .three.- , • "Short". stpridart. received, Injury :shortly after the ..:geme to,4 Started When lie went' up on a ,:tush and Vilt.3 ttiziPPOd at,.tho .SeefortivAtfetiee by Dale 'and, christy, Ire was forced to leave the iee for .a.,Xow minutes with badly gsteherl forehead. returned Scion aftltr, 'however', and seemed hone the Worse '10...the ..Stodclait had Just' left.. the 4ce When Its -Eatery' !came very- close after circling the c/ocierich nets, The ,Seafortb. man had. an ()Pen 'het to drop the puck in When, he ratne from behind the, goal, •lit chose. to. 'pass out719 • NiehOls. and Ws ..'worthY vinissed„ the het entirek,N, A ,vatezatkald, icHwttottgo, .coo;bloAtiott ,Carne very lose 1ithe fr,titidle of the ..period but :polo, Seater* rietiiiiiider, sit* .111:ttlY on *gcnOle'0''' hard shot torn .the tide. Shortly after a face -oft Itobinsan "notebed the snot seal of the tight from •a• iseratrible. to amid the pailorts 1110 st, .1,0 lead.- Ude ,evened the coiniter a minste loter.--wheri, after. ophtting ;the- d,efetice*; ‘drew Doak out -of the inet. ard lenge& the Pack - into the open. goal, •Ishe sailprs., again ,torged into thelead, shortly befiitetlie close of s s heat pass', ,,frOnt Ntatoonala ithd ietteta the'lWine beb,104,,teig. to make the, core 2-.l ,-for tiOdcfich, 'ibey cams close to adding another 4 Initiltelater AVhen '011seed the ntt end handleapPed.'.at''One or _another, bY, penalties., t -even penattles., kVA; :•were Jauditting,113:2$; Ger. C. Ginn,, ouditing,'0.00,,,,Supt. pay Volieher $12.26, - Connell adjourned tomeet on Mon- day, March lst, at 1.30 •- E. O. Thompson; 'Clerk. North York "ItwashiP. Council , 'has Preyed entering into , hQualzlg agreennt with the Partite/al tlieVerkki Met*. and !poled an aPiatisiatioft et 13,000. to -ptitelnksia materials tor' ten new be1nt nrePtitid.--14110 ate expected to 'be tour or Ate.toe wrote**, to for 440500 0'. They are to be built Under the ethane *lietetr font 300 to be built In the subintstot ity -In-- eachr '--"and. ehcodraglit rifles t from Play-offs -LaOt Night Stone -town • On Strange 100 ---.13E,ATEXA-11 • The 04(10714 -Marines can now bid adieu to all playoff heves. "-Only, the formalitY_df Playing _host \ to the Stratford the einfe• the year 15 left for the Marines. They can now -pack their suits, pads "and - sticks away, sit by the home - fires and -rend the newspapers each • .t(mornink to see who is coming out on top of. the league which they were "once a part of." Lady Luk refused to. smile on the Marines againje'et when they went to St,-- Marys to. en- gage the Stone-ToWners in la lea for- lorn ehartoo to make the league play- offs. Goderich Came out on the elicit end of a; sage, making it the first time in which the Marines, ot, any Other team in the league, have 'been Whitewashed this year. The Marines did not play unto their usual. 404ardtaz.10,1rney 1)4- ;the gi,Irne might have gone either way if fortune had given them just the 'faintest trace, of favouritism. The Stone Towners started- out like-sure*---winners-Aithe.n. they spored,Thirty _seconds after the face-off. "Weary" ,Swiger, in goal /or the. Marines, Stopped a shot from the blue -line :but allowed it to get away from him, and the „pack rolled under his skates into the net. Noble was credited with the goal. . The play for the next few minutes was i all tits Greensliirit$0 The Marines were wo'c- 011y weak in their cheeks and loose • in the defence. Bill 'Vow* broke miter from a ,St:listrys ganging attack -mid stiekhahdled to the Stone Town de- fence where he passed to Scriingeour "Who 'blazed a shot from the side right fat ffnclson in the St. IBililleyney started using bad ntan tactics when he- chopped seveile4I- '*oderieh boys across the hands but he failed tO.catch: the •eye of the referee. Midway through the first period, Ake - O'Brien -receive& a :nasty eye injury when, sifter working the puck trite perfect 'scoring position, . bp. was struck by the butt end of a St. - Marys t11416, stick .when the Green - shirt attempted to check Joe's Shot, With .01trien. off, the Marines Were foreed :to juggle their_ lines, sending fitiokrDnalrlirtcrleft, moving Wi :gins to eintre, and putting Barton' on the defence. , ° St. „ Marys again turned on the. power plays ard finally produced ,a tally when Stevens seated, frost st scramble in trent of the Goderich 'het: The goal can* it result of some very loose defensive WorkroirthrPart of the Marine& Noble, star 'Great. Shirt defenceman, wait struck on the .head tty fired by So -1311001r and was carried off of the Ice. This marked- the eeeend casualty of the. period, although .play was not Oviiriy rough. Just Wore the end of the period, the Stone Tofters made' .it ' 8.-4) When IC Stevens ficored from .what appeared. to an impossible side shot from the left. . -The Marines came ,to more, In the second period, but Were still weak ileorktgivitgasheseet,„ ' Dunsieth mode a '. dstngerous rush 'right * the start of this frame Ind came close minute later; when Stew- art passed out to him from behind the goal, but with Siviger Sprewled. Dun- sieth misted the open net. Mini)/ . received a penalty for slashing Norm. MacDonald, and Goderich int. (Continued on page 4) features ACV. C. P. Clarke's name, was adde to the members of SessiOn, and Messrs, J. E. mime,. W. t.,,,Pridliain. and M. Itobert,son, were re.oected,, ,* - Three new members Were.;appointed to %h3 Board StetvardS. Iviestrs. 14. E. lvfonowell, A. R. Scott slid S. ilalkose re-eleetect were Wag's. tishop, /4'0. Ciliapman and W. wot- Votes of thanka and appreelailon were tendered the ,pitstor,„ P. .and avtrg.,, also 'mks Line, for their 'fine swisart and helpfulness:: rgr, F. Player and the choir, fOr. their'. share itt the work by providing imisic,,and sOng,. arid „the ;sexton, Uri W. Andrew', or his ever readiness to shake things .com- fortable for the different 'actiVities In the- clunth,-- ' - • * The Women'', Association provided O social hour 4int-ing the evening. PAYING THIS YEAR'S.TAXES ' WELL IN ADVANCE The toWnsigtes relief budget thts year -ae 1 at $23,000. Thiz taleludes grant, .1$4,060i ',township ation to direct relief, 410,0001, ritkOV- 41.0.00, arid housiiht $141000. LAI GAINST Meti MAN' Tile stond Perio4 had baton gotten undr *ay,' *hen "Co*" tite)enstt *he had bon% playing In a elasisY. Vine ger the Sailors, 0010 a 71:4464)0 froin 'tkip.**Sictotiald. and Aunt the rubber past "Dolg-fritin: 10, feet out. Made it 3.4 for the. &Altai arid, they Attire 'desperatetV to :boa., that Mir& front .there0h.-, Itelitie grabbed the .11rit pen., any of, the game for tripPitit and -the "411ora nini�diateIY ruzhed. mot Doosalt4auti0na1e toti eat* thlik. titoO SO belng on, the', re- ceiving end, but :he was o Dol *fiett In a perfect 100044.positton The .5ftorz 44dwat444,0z.latit, deed Vita: 4; ,.eiowerbY a. . -Fine L. 044r4sT Pritehi0:5.-'-'m iat. , T. •VitiVite‘rdi, .W4 -!•-s aijceld, R. Stonohouse. 11, Icerahaw.Dr. 441tee; '• rott--4,.-SewOrhys W. i$4*(ott W. L.• Young, T, Gundry, Turner„'xt. pould.: 0. .14altliwalte. . . Saikel(1, l‘tleYer. ,M3PE/Wanr, xuelt, Mrs. Bissett, J. W. 'Vraigle. $4toof Section -40.. Stone- -1i .N80. IL-Tr,".''''EONV.ardeo- MIss aurae. Ohatk1et00) Grounds and Oates-presiditit„ ' Vide- Pnaidentia „and 0, ,1/..1.100*cr, *Ztvan, W. saa-oke,. Gundry. • Parade of :Px4e Artintals-Ohairmen Of Live Stock 'dorrunitteee. REBEKAH .1,0EIGE • "AT HOME" HOME' . A/embers of the Rebekah, Xietige ,•WerP "M. i14.0,11e", to their husbands and friends on NiTednesday. ,evening in the .04drollow3' Veil. Okras. were played (luting the al,t-enlilit and 'a short progrant was er,doyed. laisa Phyllis Lawrence Pla,Yed a piano Instrumental and $if.rs. Con. tisset a mouth organ selection, ae, companieti by ../diss -Mary -Buchanan: Mt 00.0,140 44tat.:#1.4.g. aceompartied by Miss Buchanan. stis. Robert Wilsop gaire several readings. Prizes for the cards 'Were -won by, IVfrs. Mii. J.A. presidentof' 40604' Fr*nk Saunders. Mrs. Saunders,.• ,,,r1 Atipo:10:00, ul:•york.that )0;4.heing" ;OW10 :en by tie Club,niihatIod:Ihe members for titt;,irei400.0440110yettil,,,Itts,,:o.00%;110,:peAriatt: , aineng.the ineanhe ' et4the ,000lteratipn,,,, there' had been, . .The repOrt of the neminating.ce In* ittee,vos"bronglit'llebY. ii*ne4titaioe.o04-yiplitountid:4,1",.004; 0:uncil 440:4:00:1070ti nt: 0. W., pre- sident0 itvq 44 3:* They - . aro as .10;Orlte te040,011ria r: 'oPresident,.01,.so.4 .Mis tiu Franlc , .0 D. Money, easurer„ es' DurnIn Correspendiog, Secretor 4 f E. 311411411114t ,11"$ 9 ,§001.041% Was Oailed,u le on '"Dir* blisfeting „Shot iron the zIe to•rt (c00tued on .pase.5) <4004011 tax0Yer3 Are, ont,„to. save to Ur. Nell Mefy,asaeasOr, and tax conic -04r gr. MacKay told *the. Star . that a Jetta .ninntiet of people 'took advantage of the 4110440 ,eforect for the 0.01,0Ytne*nt 01.'ta)414; Aliga $11,01 • ,000 being paid in before the end of 3anua, ThIa.fiZtrib about the !lone as lest yeir,i441 aunot140, .kovstOgiORitz 011 compathas in bntario tuid: Que- ttv taunted the vileieestie price of WEATHERMAN JOGS - *1014T, Whitt people living for 4v• 'Very OW year* in the far East begun to lose their %emote* for &tolls, but .that can't be 'sod for in Amuse In this iti'. titer, whith, touty'thei le Is 'heinftcom II and sundry who i don't reniatnber' 001,1Att4 had a .0114, lile r repol bsd 1ee sflOW, hi gOoline orie cent on Saturday. The tame 414 the price was rsti one tent per Pridharat:.Chil4 Welfare, ...MI and..Xrt,'inuindoef 8041 '.0,11,11'enekt Mrs. OttsOnatthl gittitrt.00.4, Sr*:. tartivivAIN. 14. uouttoi !)Ift Mts. W. G.Ite, %ton Mrs. W Ilisset, 'Mrs, .4014, Mrs. Sturdy* visiting Conlin tee AtIlto , Ntre;ISTowtOxvibei..MrS„. , R. Sahlows and .Miss thiehensiiifolanitits- Mrs. . and Mrs. Frank The secretaries of the various brall- .1tOhltr m`:.gifitolyttbe-tresli4ellttaaglef:olthuollopealidleresi,eatto., E. J. Pridhitint.lArs..1. A. Graham and Mrs. A. sturdy,Avtilged, visas for novel meetingi, .other 'Means orTrals. • ing fonds for the furthering of the ecilutieb:esclwrnrkii;viand;_ new-fielda_ tOt4, 011," Mrs. D. D.. Mooney, secertary of the • Club and a member of Goderich, PUbhi School. Beard, reVieWed the work *of the club 'during the past year. There Were 10 regular meetings end the club has a' paid -'up nieniberehip. of• 43. , people. MS. gooney was pleased to • report that through the efforts of tho club, *textual,. training' has been added to the sc'hool eurrletilmn. The quality ,ntathal)ragratnt,,predneed.hytthe-duh,- thoMbors during the Year has attained. • a fine standard and has been the nue- leus of a friendly understanding and oe.of.saechlet. high; Mrs. W. Pinaer,- influenecomorig.. 0 mem- vlotiwc;e.Atior.cchmasik._ Vwid.cannoo, pcfhighs,Affrite .butso.ntillybi,egahliddgeer:ditt tohetie.m%qtati;ematters; 'benefit than the financial gide. . • prlie for the lucky chair. . Viers D. Durtiin„. the treasurer, read. MR FRANK .spRoArr the financial report which , sbottted FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE ,:tytantr,$ivritense wetixreottisheesreemeloputentfaer the o Malt, who received severe head injuries 'rat's. Lane and Mrs. Nelson Orank sproatt. 28, -Year-old sea -forth $H048,..a.09,saltearvinag ad ,uboatliesnececoomf:titato.6d9.by In the level crossing accident which oc- Gaud a week ego today oh No. a hip- 13'wk(t,elittseeitesEevoisif erSrecoemdeieviVawdol.ilveichasendivolsoorsolsisiat„wbc_behoLethh. way, continues to baffle doctors as he Moss grinily ort And even shows signs ot. improving, although he Was accorded ,aPtnaiheadiribTareirsi,texpL.ve'sTutingrn.lhaon• sioldogt victint regains consciousness at times little chance Test week. The azektent .1wawasttesed 'Ihreerd iinntlxibto thhaeteeillebucr:dtrisheportreosivildrithitht:., elation rto the members. for the 'bona' 9eant: satetettiniadttotbve*cobleu•toy.eunt,denrsistantdruvinthtato is being said to him, althottgh he •hltn•t, ;11;evilloteodi. them skull is heeling by _degrees, POPULAR. IN LIFE' BADMINTON DANCE • ..REMEMBERED IN DEATH A MERRY FUNCTION ftllowirg the 'funeral. of William • 3 A colorful event Was held' in the Johnston, known in and around Ciode- Bedford-lr000dtelo'viciih Pririaddmayintraciniugb*, i'plrzollwers :wurtdithdlettorwl,3aiiiiii:d* b°Siddle :nor uliLigh 7iiehlednittir *twilit! Valentine donee. A etv-htindrad-to*na,PeOplestterided th 00:0sory exPentes and also for st suit- gay event 'Which was enjoyed by it.- ablis Marker for the grave. - -arge number of guests. . Ur. • 4ohrston vas a favorite at Novelty dance and. at, floor show'' time dances when called oil to fienbili were introduced al lit•thet the ramie, A 'stnit of moheY was itoti nitro whirl rustling 'Satins sitid letted the 'flaY bet'ore the- funeral for gliding feet. Misis Sheigiartt - ,perfortned, a taco tap denee aiol later' ,.btillat °tit:I*" *.• cOnthined. with Misses Ruth Duritheb tUflitt. it!trA'crutilLTLOY0.4MOHETvir obandz,i.' je bearts otryittith,efitt:dl n.marto1,„ Tit caught. by * 'little lady *hese '1121)0Y ulgcl It" frozen Gd. 4°41 Voice *MI flashing feet delighted last tionth apparentlyi aodoriling vital .statletlei at the town hall. Not • ervillenYingilie.ks"M'rethl;a:1711"-oist":tiorinuld one couple *44 0,1 deo during /ow. vrotietof :,:itsteart-rofaa.ocileldiCho:e:ottillioa mistaerls were ;:t11°T40 '4:14a4141(14°°.! 1444/1116.144111C;motaltid°):4: Oltislyst Brownlee accompanied. 'the lend -ogles 'butanes* howeveri lost year. Desith. ohnoitlrinled "the .The 411411nr"Ont decorated tiniugmblelt btrke: :16 44°t*04,17:40fIrt,iftiahs!:. tilr ledTieersindLW.hite. 'With strings of 'balloons strung suigle=velset overhead. guide month last' year *bile 14 pasted stitay iritylitigli.41401,4.-41044gw.413at: bei-,yuptamt.4.15—ralur isst month*. ' n LAKE, HURONCOVERED TEACHING ThE vomit BY yintrittEit DRESS OUT WAYS OF HEALTH Servant -ma* Z. W. Hussar of London, the noon with the barrel chest and the opringy step Who hos. been oohing the youth of Canada beet to live, 'healthy Urea for the. P*St, 28 Ith 04006tittbha-Sreebteditny.01:a.400edylveit4iochholfosoii 'Or(4, instrrittletivitrOirmeAtt. rititjor ,Itutstir it goiretoroetit Wee Who 1St' been tooling Wh,..tof vist l'e:cit years* BRIDGE, Stditt F. Baundera' t4arnett vo* bei:ot waa as letiowst Mr. O. Da 411 .U.datchit tAht the sOore NlcoI and . .10's Offik t • 'LAO itiltat ILO Seeti frOtil thc. there in the Vicinity Of Goderich to -day Pre. sentsa beautiful' tight, Mounds of and snow tovor the surface at to out, GOIAiliCH eliji.DREN as * oaten an zee. A *it'd or Thaw SAVING THEIR PENNIES 'may moth.. the .rititte liirOnt at any . , In December �f 1935 the pupil; ol Victoria and 004'04 School's In *It had $3,16t38.", Possibly leelthig orworti to o further touch of hard,„,„,i,r4 'Pies, Vito bed not only saVed every BAGGED ollor of that sum in the VennY,Bank )1 to Deteniber of ligitc, but had hetti. The I** rM sily increased it by ,110.82 or. to a when about30 t ete,1 .of 1141,P2.10. tb 8hefltte Potty *ix per tent* of 4116 pnpi1 t.'WM in tie tte(0.tothooltt named alone,Made .lotkofr belng .1 or 51. per twit of Noe* in hit% th letorito:ottrefott solida and 10 pet, cent In ittorNetrid, niinue;fld1,4 4WI. predicted, those who. would k see the lake in an ottrietive dres5 elt.m14 (10 once. "JACKS" itt e4 yesterdity, est 4r2 cos from