HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-21, Page 4'bestThe oportuflity y04
Wal* have to secure abeau-
tiful, Lasting :Piece of
Modern Portiituro
settled in thcd1aMet In. 1812, cern'
lvtbseW YpTedk
aveoeouthe a M
for t period. She Is survived by
one brother,. Rev. Andrew Corldc of
•Portland, ure..
ras kL pcBeichert Broek. Str
derieb, a 00Ueln#
cen4noter d in the ic
o it
Street fro's
Goderieh *as40490s4
ofest .
• .
aytapatby Of he .•-oonarainitsr
es out to 7Mies Susie Aoliesof.iit•
ss' Of her sister,
For the 'Past; 0/01m iesra he
.46# the Whitera',. with MiZ
14,104going haat to her hOmeS.
ora'../or the .summer 40 •
Mrs.r'iCalbeelc was to love hert,
er klndly,.olieert amile wi11 he
mlaed among a largo.i,colrolo •
▪ friends, as well al:in the hw»o
w]iere her ,001aing 'WAS:1000d ;Or, with
suh keen anticipation .'•eaoh year.
JLrs.•ItOWell and her Son. , also Mrs.
Baur,41,1 of Barts#4 Mieh. Wets With,
ithe -er's sister, Mise S. AeheGn.
ere the funeralt wits beld °a ttir-
es. W. M. Aikens of Vlinton Is
pending, * Ow days With litsik ~.$0
boor. "
and Voetor and lifisS
Elva, of Clinton, also gr. and Mts.
Addisonratal, daughter of Londesboro,
were gue&ts on OatOrdaY Of Mr. and
Mrz. Ovil1e Bodges and Mr. Rabt.
MoCartneyl. The latter is not as well
as his Irarfriends would like to
Knox of Manitoba, IS viAttirg
her sister, Mrs. John CUdiaore.,
Mlss Mamie $haddiek of Uncles«
ro, aPent the 'week end with her
.couains, Misses 'Thelma \ and Beta:
elt Was given as
the cause Of deatlz. coiopor
Mooney investigated.On Thursdalt
Mr. Van it. had oohIploino4 of pstia4
:in, his 4.40.0 and again n Vridaz
when he finished Ilia lug from 'Me*
re Valle; be complained, of',.elles.;
'PaerS. thOrt, Or), ''•1ater'1), 414�o wa 64.,
Tbe family at one, .tirne flved on
• ,
St. • Atioeti: 6.0derithp.: Ms.
Bender ,t1104 verr Suddenly .0Mo 'time
VO.-, Vent,: ,0000 survive, Wilbur,
'0' tio taeOrge'. and Lewis. ten
L,ewlsBeador.1 nerrled
gigiet:daughter'of Ur, and Mrs. W.
: . I. 014'0 420
East Street, Street, O. aud jeoes.
lives in VdmOritorh• Alb0:te. '
e Jani
lJanwt oony tooHos
leat 9:94.3,11. for the Cradle Roll:4,':01,11114°. rdiallottlnrted ce on:°:711144.:eti:41
the Sqpdy
f 7
00n, 'WOO; rIvrt
at *
monthlylneethar of- the SaltZox
41404.17 will be 'held at tI
Mo#'14 ori ‘ ThUreds,
„OD zrirot 0!44 41,
Mi Ovelliat, Togo
cA zop,,,s0,, 0: .0.4-tViolAN ,AYER$ST A00METTES4
0 e is ,erinal, in _
d 0 , 1 5t , toil/4100434M of
tver Attraet ard. Coosa Cod irOr
Tonlc 444 Tissue Billido a a% s - SIAM ,
gr ,,:ivos. Do X:00,0li 611*00Eriti3fipialt0M0,04,00071xeMsu'rii:$,.!, :boo
loo ea Aka sa.or
11.°26:4* ' 59 ciirodes $1,0. -
, . . .
4 OM page
'nson and NO
'Ot'At. "at o
tovoloo. 4br rit4, Icieo., (vvrtlake Wroxeter 'arr unty' nlichWayslast Year' interest* on Sentative 'addresseld the 0=00 -Of
auv, oimea elms, were left 10013.3inge4 t 0404
or ICemrsld* 14°c there
111vOl..*.., Vitro, r. to be appointed ae a col3stable novo (*Pi" 4054,u$; toulmw1041.'4.1's 414194°-. c°114ervia`4°21 nut, tterso' *t_e• itat'e„
4)orkes xottrig 'Itobert tolt„ (Altnity wow a -lot of waste isiid 04914.T.he riiNts
caliveni Mal** 41:rest: .40* •' 'Ross 40 Regarthe, County Uoret)."',! — ' •
" .a4ict raftWAY'clit-ofea -blit„ Years, wow
at„.00 .'PO'rest'.14 -McClure And :Rea, ,17011er. -apporit' :eorni • ' from_work, one 110w,
' lgroltine 'repertaii."4017hat the report, ot. pass.'beforeartfrOturS could beit,reaut..2
oult.,.15107". 10v 1931 are "„pents pet .'.4.044 the,t.' 'county 00000tor shows that ..rio charge .
tPoolux,v;'.70oathiit See y eiear made to the couhtyln. 100 and 'that: 0,0u0;004' 13,0vIltaT4 exiNsTa Vat inEverett
ettoliters,., 41,001 een the same as his*hettg tbeY` 42.1100 in The, Oonlr at the end switte4avd rOferestatk'n: 'work'. woo now
-terri ArOteyielding 4,04) per acre, titt, , et)
tile 'Oar. th- analysis- 1 ' nxit
' • manY ars ogo a'
_ .
Se ' 'reversie. and expenditure,.'with eo. haying, arteti , usl
for caretaking ' was acepted at
th to 113e '.°1P4ers 'tc;4! tlie °//64-41. rnStitlita-IntegnIt*d'* istatimeht" \showing, oontirined,in the.' repoit'-f.,the,,,,eounty liSA -beer rkattog several.' thaysand.
tsch001...•for ,037 are: anperimoeraterk that ox 101/4 adults. ' negurio'reeel, andtto4 • ' trees every .Year a".r.trunber .yeait,.
Rge 11'0444 444 AgCr5f 4300:' 111(03.**/4 fit00,0 ;Whittear, VOpari**nt ":04, $240;,, .olates' •e*enditUres On general aczonnt
The • VagoaiiV 'thstttate tOrlhe,,B ,',00,tints.OxYable! and, reeeivabia. Won others- ,,were .,11,011t ,adoptint, eyetom,
1't 37,0*O'fie, litiented:.; '.•Its pee ilerattea,:' the .,operatinx deficit 'XII "additlea',•to several ..hienibero 'taking.
. ;prepare the 11440Cial In'-autoort: or ;Ate ,tertnest;, tie year1:14,rt *4110 „dleoussierf, *tect.'s0atteir
of the 'be po*0;,'
":1,1tanr,'ed sold 1(7 "Itenrer. ottinnitted o$"ti'
tied i4ar: Oct,
..".* 14*".1 ur, iirwe',•14:41*41,1-,dzit*utor \vv: 1,0 4,00,. itistret, Wlit be S3057. -less
LL 'O'%.'.' • ' eNpenses ,cOve.x • ,
strongly>, a.clyPeated the .adortion t'or some-
systematte,plan rereregation. •
'The, SessiOn 6;101de toniOrrow:
0 game ,off.Wixs."Owits,
donated basliet, of 'era the boo,pital- at ,CbrjtmaS, was .
‘7 -
%weeks. .o$4.
cler 413 • Seerstar% 4049.14' r9rtor* Oni on tenor .$270: a total f8132,00: for Pai, It is expao thq
servioe nu .papers, NrikortcP Oanto and donatieria; n, 986,, lios pie .01
'41...toilmiont toyilla Alran* z-' rug * 'Lao- Woe, grant county mnnkciPai. couYit4n*.nt' ''*2$6" *we;
y--40 • J.44creir--Air
Seed away Sunday, 441440,1 10 . ,,,4 ,
f ' th ' t • ' • ,itlf ta 4160. rive. TE-iii,.less,
"The •Salvation, .4170 Irt ZoottdOn'. te 4.n - - : ' \ . - hi 1930
the , home .0,1. er-sor1;,., Stewart 'Altil`o ' ' nary' 4neetirw of the W.; fiutt : itt ,ghio..•and • Si* ...Ohlidnen '' ' Irein. County .11191*,:r '1,411.41*'"3F.411 ' • '
r4htfOr'd 'ToWr.r.shili;* f011OWhOlta Onit iv,i's beio 04 . c4rxesco,3;,,41Nits-,;'04fot oiLtoi, ,,00101,4,.. .i.viar . or , Bethesda ettatioed„40 cot:f4:40q-,4i 1937,. 'Aix i17,1" •
' few-'*—liness Deeoased Who ,was 1 ' Ain; ' ' Atte ' - t ' Ivri • ' - ; - ' '-'. ' " ' ' ° .•' ' ' - • • ' t/saivo is. entisipated, for 'eonnts?'
a days,,...i i - . . , .. ' . . .1%,f0 lor loi tioith v on.. preoeh .,...: e liatotar att.ue. athne, to. 20tidgn , where ere 0 - . - .. - : . -
ill her sixty-eighth year was born • deviitithIat onterefeeo were taken 2 bYlvris. tii . -total ' ' hiriber * t inmates for ' ...the property' ..registry orate ".upa mpre; corn
in.1-rdtiurt. the 010 .angliter , to,, ,Iwtoy .phimok„ „.who„opened .the...nieeent , at .endingSepteniber. th; 1930, .-was , borer ,taspeetor,- $1,40-01,0re, new . P.7!
-goo Doot 4tia, 374J4...,.12467Ar.:.polvq.ivott,, ,,'+.-4-i,frivo. . 444*.: .1:5114 ,' 1 .t,Otzt. :, '4,1;,.:;..%-io. 40puict r,i4i, $15O1th 'AX_Ile , 1.40.0.,:': *Op: 4100;:' :$0iAtz1.st ' !cit.litr.;t:IxiiP
- ',At: 00. 'age of ,five 3rears ahen.,' W,here'er' the :$440,”. followed ‘.hy, w
prayer..,aa 1"..t. 7 . *0.10froo,‘;-.4'ts,0-.-aitio.;-:- iiiircosp:en---„le
*Pveti17° 0410Ps.gat4 wher0 she Sv° iPOU
,ed ' until, she , was .0101# 07'1 vied, reSponsively, . The •- roll ' 411.. .was 0Aincii, to,..eepoperate ,to. s',h 'etort fe. ,i4 placed • at . $9,i,90; 'le'.o ' certiat reoe Pts'
"rkie .00hrti, ..LerAbtonthe 'en.ditgesP•'. $30(10.`.11)4,''..irtatO
'-" , . ' „The 'OerM IOS'Ser4 , was
Yearo SiTaarkl. to0c 1,1tiVeSitterice'vntfi, irespbodedto.mitivtlie ,text word. 'Fear 'dnes ;the, cintorio. 1.41slattire 01' 'Ov ''""'P'114ittt,re ()1
lid hue tid*On the h .of Burford, m000nzt% .,orftea otate 001,14Not.1411therrav000t,rtgar4- $85,0,2Q: ' ,
the•-.Tonsterliti-Iilater-irovi-tzeoetaryfe--tePort4or 1950......-lvtr$,--040,- -the,
the •Whil0qhere. she ..*a$ att nient;* I 00044; 19to, .,drainage N'Yorit.V4n1* Order., to ttke'. 6Ouliitir't410,e5.",..'&111'1i*rtte 1.°r
ton feel, thillyl• sneeze a "few times; 'nose starts.,
to tun; then comes the -W(1 -which' if not attended '
:iminediAtelyr allottly- works down. into the bronchial
tubes, aid th0,004A
On the, litst. pign. Of told get ft' bottle Of Dr
You . will. find it to be 4 propapt;.1)1414,414,0. reliable
effeettia,yeniedy for vow' trouble,
It has been Ott the. 010liket .for the. list years..„
Doak experiment uitit Subetitute and, be Aleut -
/*Wed'. 1)r,, 3;VOod.10.;"
en's. Prints,...
„lust th type of Dress to buy in
January and wear everywhere until
u • Colorkilld Prints I
Just xi—Printed and bright colored
Dresses that have Style appeal.
You neediet-. telt them you only
pald igst
sses tosses,. 0
The racks are -of finds—.
Practical in4 -wearable Or
Very. gay and very IChies
that grand !Ow rice
101Biell.Velinlerif- OM, -W;e010, 1,11.044'4---011e4' ueuntY-Inill-rate tor-tOWAnd'141'
uig 'resided on farm Until -Om '16 iYearS wilt • read a Poem ,A,-,setondLrequest Irmo' Algot o Jaige5 is.$314.104. 4.t -
When ,theY'l tOolg• residenee..in -i.carpen er o*re :zolitited :the 00stange ,47,10ron: .00ti• - $01i4011 .11n$00`)r-
The, '01101g0THSlie was- •a-inehlboir. Of ivtoorhirow <lowered(thenOt-Provek toward lisifint.the0144r stso,•iirtk'xItaieeriy,-Sohool.inspootor;for_yest. ,
old after coining ite 'Burford attend- nem!' *ronies ard,:lesderS were selected otitvtions .reduced .to ar4welett a' `'14e.,5t1°11:11
chureh, She was a, member of k q, meetlng . closed :with. the -11707-1,' Stand that In their opahon Abe Vitorkmens Atet.eod Agrieultural
tlie Vaunt' :Vernon Methodist Ch4rch.;14,.,addreas on '''llie:Pecipe tor" gapr4- dien, Indigents ninth, presented his •• report arid
ed- the =Iroly Trinity and the •lialted for the rneetins du,r2o1; t4.0. the 091,1.0.1i, 'Oro' ..vvroto. connelliers.• •
Women's Guild*gob' Trinityi.int the Portal - of the -0Pening, Year"nesti n 'Aet should be amend -ii to
Chtniefi for 11, hurobet, of 3,reorS. She leact, the- benediction. ,•• -'f)roteet tehnioipalities an "
was a Melt:bet Of. the .docreinont lte.1 'The retinal' ineeting the . *fount so, they Would not ' have .
helcab Lodge and was a Vast Noble 1104 erase .0oeitty was ;told '14 'Onion oary.p.;b3stiroau,, agalxist omat4i.: 4:4 that,
grand; ;At the:Aline of her deatli obo Solvay •on Valdez with: Lot -alai •0`4.4Re. toad,
had the °glee or Chalitain, *. „.She WO' line , In the their. The ,13,:rograire. cor4- ,, , Another" retiut, fronk.'ticter "'count'
,aloo a member of the Burford W. .1; sioted or reedinist: "JolinnY GrutOr 14,, .0. 'wee .that the legislature shOuld ,repeal
Sutirkting are her aged Mother, Mrs. zaore", by Artheadse 2,0ssalfae; ___.'Iredu, le the Arzt 'whteh'iedulfee -imincialaelitaes to
grand, ekildren, Donald, eat' ' Marlton; IviaXwell Mears" W' ratane: Lasiali4e; for diabetio patients who.** 'tumble to
Joseph Denby; one -son, Stewart ; twirAsheto by Arnold Itelir,' 4.roe Fitz .and pay .25 per vent: of the toist of iris
Amy, One sister, Mrs, Will Ifunt, and and "Iteohng , by Gutlient'" by Mary' pay and,: that ..,t* isrovea ,aamtnie..th
One brother 'Ceotgo Denby,. Interment • Ifitr*ded.', Ititti. INiretlwain- delivered a whole 'of A*
was .made in the Congregatioaal talk on 04. Properly patantid otet,,,,;. : 4 Tomtit° Ann pored :ilk .tho
COnet,ery. . „ ,,- ' ' ' ' ' —11*. Ptgolst'. 2nsetito - ot ' the 7.,r..11., County- auditing for $260 lf, .g, thante
;'•"."--4"-*--7• Will he 'held Ott)..WeatOda$'evennht of cceiteinplate4 for 12$7,*,:they to 'their
Atalt. HILL : 'vett 0,104 ik13:_„,,_a . los.: 11.4b*. 1)4.,.144''' 'owa-lxivellini expenses; ..
ELECTED PRESIDENT 'MI's; 10141-'311e' ''eleemut''''°t.' '"itice4° .„,,, 'Vlienr-the- tOuntr -egitailiatir,-
. be conducted by the Vattor,i Pot, li-:, ,R,.- ,rnade, OA 1.47 it was
'taken: -10 granted
''. (ten ..titi. lied •frori Date' 1) ' ' ' "t'1140°Gtroatty,h9,111. illimi4,1, tthoe,,,.,,,_,•70_,,,,,vaag, . POP,- .4". rt..tlittee,stotiond.ii/orldthlt)te 4403.04veryouOd:ar ,i,rperwa,41,1.4?!
proidi, nt' declared, and the 'Innovation trlifixe *as 9, .Ate4fied congregation 004---tions,:tben, however, !were, ht.,suo
at li.941111g 41 r" per ' lle" over , 4114 'Present, at .1Thiethr Chock, , on Sunday, 0, .08:400.4 oatE, io Was, decided to ex -
above tife stall and entry Privileges „,,,„.,,Vts when the, pastor delivered ' a ObratOn, , tend the - thhe for another liVe-year
not •eomplelned Ot The . inidivay WAWA Iron% ti,x6, 4;,ext; wow" vitt sow- in two ,,,,,,,,,...,. The,end of tba. sesadi Ave years
NU .V;Olitiltte4 10 come did not put in awl veap, ,itt. 4.0.. Ile, that. gdeth forth Et'441114; ejr;iati:Tna iretv •Ijoie improved; it
an aPheartiree and t.htia this end of the ind wen** bearing Preaous seed ' likely the ink
, ' U therefore Mete thari- act "
show tell down ehU1 -dOUbtIeSs come Atain. With re,Joic, Will, be
Lstheoltu:41001frt.""yotrat wW:ileP°1114:th0;4071f,041113146144.$00113141ir'exCa: :Int•wialtnisituoirbt311111;121120:iO4,r, ,P4ringligia&tbein"":0thenweltiltlinseilke.6411.1121,rnftg ';:heXtended diftioA,..„....,..f6tinVo' directtberiemialllettee-Yearter4tPenoun,*.bt:
onettutie for
the, lett. wete,. sairico , •,t . totittsiuf an an , -, , , n16.001034 .win likely pt. t ,
the OrtrItilli year set the Swisrty's debt . and as. there is no **keit& ,tlifferente
in, thef:oiraluet of terra . prOperties, it is
ThUO there was 4 dello% of 437.01 On '
the raw. Tlik added to the iitneit of . OAA44,. ON WiNDAY ,-not. suitiotpoetoet ..-iti .ortkalitatilan °flue
ot �.r tban wt. . cioderich and Birth will ilSY ill Om ,1.4,°*-5****111161t` j 'fr. win be **clelecl A"bil °e6';*
, o
at 42100., The setretarr reported
'West Street rtalcliext. Vender oition
. ihdoeHi itallouttuou , sroo.ite4it vasonetilatiAlIng ofl oom
he tot ., at .13 starts at SAC, It *II,
1Pon't i
mitt t.
logo** 1..0).
his ot t
;11;.: 10
.. . • ..
talt •4.
. .
.... It
I.,,, .. yo.* 4.4n ',skit, 0..0 2 7
... •
..ainit fo7-Feli::-i
cp,mot Agents—Ask „rtir :Handbill—
ivf., BEATTi$, Vgto*ii 'Agent
- Canadian Pacific
ave.isi an
roitClothes put into the Valetor-way.
newlytinstalied Harman Pros and one of .our ,experienced
pressers gbarantee, Satisfactory results, -ReSidetis of Gode-
rich and Aicinity. a.re kisured, prOmpt, and courteous service by
phoning 30.
G. W.-
Let ,k4N1S handle 1I rOUr Dry -Cleaning ani
- .Look f the OitANCE, TAOS
yptit ,Potrunion—they.,intan 5P,ECIAZ,
values not advertised. • •
. • ... .4.
• .4