HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-21, Page 3h dl on to s nrr>4ber of
1t1 the f''l tie the late,'
hi', *monk th
,'tl1 of wni-Verinlfr.eind.
Conrad vine:.'Mrs.. ;cite rovvi4. o,
" y.rr- Tsb and.. eons asr and• '` _.
Mr. ey Naylor of ,don; ;M,
ay Pawning of ." albetve;, fiti and
:lam* James fg ►f" w Str'at ')rd;
4n�. fix. end l tat d» O. •H'ardic : ►nd i5'aan
Jam,, �ieldl Mr. and . Neif�
�-_ onnell and sans, Mr., 4'0
r ;. i. y ,_ :•1tYt::,LL.. t..JY,.'K.�:.w
?K?enatt,.•. w , a
n1. ;'f, ya• ' + ? ', C.
Tifhfilti' ebf' ure, id+ei . otn�Mdr; »
•lam m' ' ,rriei andan,Garnaorxtestd.,
the, . "o(tOon of Oita C0'10 and --X4. Fred:Webbfwoallos;
'main'for Pleast' Mh'ndMrsSamuelu Reid' and
.44- rate: mliet oontrib td' the f.it 1 rWna.' rwu
and soon, 1094.
antelOP4UtOgiit ,e 'Mr in' '> '. '•and:. Mm. • Manson Reid,
uisa '. 'a lor, . Y 'Mr. Wm. •'°,Phillips,:':
,K the Mme ` �°
.a; ` ^, b,a.r1�5ia'
_• and
.: ,
8�r raall.o�ue�oyr+•,
Celr .!hig, Mxtialf 040 '
• , vectrlto At ,/and' sr Ccok, . r.
'rate ,►r' . .r�� 01ina .Altn ofAshfield; `Md
aid ," Mrs.' :y.u.'M0yna d.-faymily,.
#. laid [rs.'Wm. Cranston; "Km, ,,!`
x... ' ,.... !Cranston rn of Dungannon: I
..Afto•fueex+al kiss14uxaol d,
souse s . g"' 1. ,, ;Thea QV U c
ail +-� Sb O � � �::�
h a ;d as v'ot t '` iii ty Square.+" i� ,'
013*thain, !,$46,6' i Bigcic'sri , ..0740.44,
• Branbfom, $1,4;515K Belleville, ,563.E ►,
$51„000i . t;itCeilih, 159 0r
Oshaa,•w>i ',' 0, ()0; •,Olden $09.44 , $56,-
280; pethxborougI, $99,'1504 St. Thomas',
. • Woodstbek.
$g1,"1�d,, -Stratford, 't$>15$7.5a , •
$24,000,;,'.spall- +'S Ifs
*roves -_:1 utl 's list were
Smith Polio, $32',500; Barrie, $15a 07,
'. ,
Mr. Crop's letter to the inuilicilialities'
- - says;, ,°.! We must urge.. upon you' the
nese s2tt, of.pkceping your -hosts thin
the mount spedfid '•' . the •pro ince'
a: 4.
its 1140 14)roliriation . from tyour ownfunds, le additional. oontrlbtitian ' a.n 1
be .expecte'l free?. geverr naental sourees,
,: J S is°.main ehaix'm of;
:`'o hoo1Board g
Wien' re -e e!:t d tO
alua- ri„ • ' . `\'i �, .w
?a'was., also' aPPOint•ed as secretaat`y
addition to ;the above, the Board is:°coast*:
•posed of .;John hisholm, .`Thos Page,
.Anthony ' Wi , •,Ben Smith, 'Peter ,Graf °
andel; oho .Boyle. -
a7 ted yy�
' u ix.
c tx+�n�►a• �
read executives 9xrequired
engine' qr vu'ould draw 4'20' tone
pa AA
tore% o..vhat•• their'
demtos +�
co t taned-�,. R+
Ry 1440,11; jy the 'Qt
oolliery . ic, 11a,
*{ 4 4 L
Re,'r' ' Y X�fw'1fo
r i
m rl -fit r" en".
t some ef the
The rem, w�ill
e :Tail► to ' d
the effect filial ,.tt' 117 , .
sired "'to stake w`omplete:..:•
erste '4'. e etattoa v' ' �m ' 'was ' th
r best; on the other 144 it
to _Prot .by .ems and pro4portion ,l
'preferred kthe power oo thea d, ,l ,f.
motiv' 'adhptirld, ' emfrM"'"r ' 4 with 4
e- . ink, ,for the lrc'..
� *o
t �� � .yy1andt'
,t'o'o �..
labe fro
that atalionay Were that
0 'int *411.140.:t4 h.
.won t*, inch tire.,. the
0kMiante Of laederk
k V se d
` :rite l :'; d ,Se,ptet t` ox'
•' elle t ��
fir. truck wits,k s
he yid' of 'hip pew' ''
at tile north end of the.. t rwatn. fib±
who old; *. ppeuett,b/ that wSY'•?
the, Oleic as nti,took tele tivo
thein On Vis` own trisek,• ; l opxe'. nl
in court., las► fate' 401041
r j�yjLja h
of coca� '
e • ' taken Place
. ort
efru and �
� ar..
eaout'in .
-t , eaon
da You eft" '1'0u're . heading
for?" asked the Msgtsta te.' What do
you. Intend doing about .It? 'Motet
litartling Uneasily be!ore, than 1+v'>eU itled y,' p. "i. lr1 .v 1
4 , tot
o� otc
e. core .
m? 1
ra '1 at�t
cour'troo- m, 'madeno naw r. - ,
only one end 'to til• std.
Yctt ow;, 'that, don't you? a' the eadi
k„ (ueried, •
"1 have a, wife and familyz'that's 'got
to be supported somehow," was the an-
• "You apparently didn't -think' .of them
r t did this,' His• Worship au-
va hen
,'s=....rr�.'!�,rpY`•�r�.i,!,'�'eY'.�X:+z you
-;G :'x v�-_r- .,>o .;2e •,.,
Not .TQb. Sadat
"i larva, Dave«- • bab',lr F• etVa flawed .. a;.
.nickel." ' • '
"Ch; well,, it'll 'be bLi birthday next:
The .:prov.,:nee Starting off 1937 with a
;federal" ..cotribution 25 per cent. Tess
:than • that 'prevailing '• a year ago, . and
the Domfn Qr1 'g ernii ent has ax our -
ted: a policy of progressive recluet'bbn in
its granfs
-ln-aid.. We -reserve the;right
e 1. con-
ur rate: of as to
t0':� USt •
: • ur0. of one 0t
- ice
is 'I,'3ta�
above Ciao a
. state of day`s 1>~
The result‘ of icoratdering •the report . (Ilan Nationald
: postponed 2e somewhat different
las that the , direc>;ors still i • th
ime to offer a prize of $2500 for ar
Uwe' engine"`which shall be a de -
much s Cana -
i _ eC
time t a the latest streamliners of bh
meat than to omotives, Railways. Its speed
to. •that of it
predecessor of 198- years ago. A
`Ad cisioYl:, -'but ,resolved
-11 of Goderich •
•� COST ,e ..£OST COST
- , • "Mil. -1 ti•. ' 15 Apr. ' API', 15 �� -�t to 15-
AmOtiNTdo J�ave Feb..1 to reb. 15 to iV pa' 1 t4
1.0.00 .' ... - r , . .$.* .9:76' $ 9.80 $ 9.84 $ •9.89 , $ 9:93 •
8000 ., . . ' 48.80 . 49.00 49.20 49..45 , R 49.65
;..;, 1 'Tax, Bills
• ; Prepayment Receipts Must:be endos'Sed and presented along with 93 ,
' ,during fhe, first installment 'period• " , _
.riurirhase your Prepayment. pm `• t Receipts ,.riy' and have your money earning 5 per• cent.
° ..
cant,buy all now budget tai r Taxes this year by purchasing a_.r'eceipt..each
t ... ,
June Nicoll* -will be'allowed in ;addition.
.^idedr . iraaproyeuieut on those' mow Muse l and fifteen minutes.
as xesPeebs the consuMption of smoke,
xY e
Stream -liner lean' Toronto at 4
o'clock and at 10.15 is in Montreal,
covefingi the 333 miles in six hours
increased. 'speed, adequate power
moderate weight." Tuesday; October 6, the place being a
The stipulations laid doer.+. by life dir- level stretch of a "mile and three-�quar»
tars at Rainhiu.
actors were that the engine Must effec- grandstand was erected for lirivf-
tive-ly eorisume 0t aero smolve; • If it . leged visitors,. with a band playing at
weighed 6 taros it 'rninst draw 20 on intervals ; and thousar.s ' of spectators
the-(la3vei at. 10 ;rifles an hour, with t: canis to enjoy the. novel sight. Not- one
pressure not exeeedirtg 50 Ib. per s<- out of a hundred of them 'had ever wit -
Ii%; ---there'•-: mist 1 n two safety 'alvesi one - n sed atiy+tlsing props :itself _ on the
aa` "ioek up" ;one; it must ,be on springs, land, nor had- they ever seem any vele-
and have six wheels;. but if ;it only icle travel faster than a mailcoach.
weighed 5' tons► it need .only draw 15 Ori the 'first day, only some exhibition
tons, and so in, proportion; while if it runs took place, the "Rocket" being the
was tender. ' 41,6 tons tf�e#e".need+' only be first' to sally forth, making trips with.
fottr'Wbeel:s; the prfce was rpt to exceed loaded trucks at 12 miles an hour, alight
$2750. The card containing these con- at about 20, and With passengers' at 15.
Mons is date l,dApril 25, 1829, and the The • ms. Parell" did a- trip light, and
engines were required to'be ready • by .,the.. " yclopede ventured out, making a,
October. 1. speed ' of about .5 miles an hour."... Then
only five competitors appeared, name- came the "Novelty,' whie'h created great
ly, the "Rocket," entered �'eorgee and ; excitement by running without a load
1Lt b0it Stelihe t on 41./10 'Henry Booth: at 28 miles an flour, and established it -
the "Novelty," by Jahns Braithwaite and self as- the popular favorite.
lolut *lessen; the "Sans Pareii," by On the next day, betober 7, the
Timothy Eackworth; the. "Periever- "Novelty" did one trip, after which the
ice,'' by Timothy Bizrstall; and the bellows burst, and the 'proceedings Were
"4'elopede," by T'« S, 'Brandreth, the last ' adjourned owing to bad weather. to
being' worked by it paiir, of -horses, the meantinie the judges had decided
T,h0 judges were.. Nle'ho1aS• Woad, chief that more definite tests must be iinpos•
engineer of the' Hilijnga'oith collieries 'sed, and cards were given to the cent -
John trrpeth Bastriek. An engine 'build- petito"rk with the following conditlors
er, of SStourbr'idlge, and ',Tanies Itenred,y,..px lntec.? on them; The Weight the' en -
a . cotton splutter; of ' lefzester. Bines were to drat, in which t �t def
The first day of the competition was (continued on page' '1)
S M0140$ .• r*-
. Giradll to of'tt ,VMverslt° o Toronto
and graduate of the Ontarioyet*r'
College. '
Office in Mr. T. T. !M1ri�hy►, h"
ton St., coderieh, Telephone: pay 205_
night 249.
Magistrate remanded hini: "for a week
and 'ordered that the, tires be returned
to the owner.. -
Some weeks Ago . Arthur : Vance plead-
ed guilty to a charge , of receiving lodg-
ingg by fraudulent means and was ;Boat,•
ed three weeks on $200 bail to make
restitution. At the end of three weeks
he did not appear. Vance was present
in court on Thursday and- when a;'sked
t explain said that he had sicked the
chief of police from !,4stoivel to tele-
phone to tl e.--lV agtstrate and . ask for nn
adjournm0nt, 'The constable "told--Vanee-
h ! hpd)1t fixed up. Vance said he had
fust ;"Bled working aga a' xd--tht-t he
had only been making e'nai*h to pay
his board . and lodging. The Magistrate
adjourned the case for a. :month and
-told Vance that he must pay the si..„�Se
and also $5.80 -court vests.
Murder: h McLeod, who last week ap-
peared.on a charge of keeping .liquor in
a place other :than its private residence
and cal remanded for one week, ap-
peared again on the same charrge, and
an additional one of keeping liquor for
sale. Counsel _for the accused asked for
a: further remand of two week;, which
was granted. Ball vas renened at '$200•
•A Dungannon man, facing a charge
of driving while intoxicated asked that
his' -case• be adjourned for :two weeks. his
:ounsel explaining that ho had just
learned of the case and that he had.not
had time to prepare a defence. ' Bail
in the eumof 4200 -was renewed.
Percy Weida an Edmond Seeker.
Dashwood 'men charged "with breaking
and entering the property of Armen
Oestricher, Dashwood : storekeeper, and
stealirng therefrom three bags of beans
and four bags of buckwheat, valued at
$20, pleaded guilty. Becker, allegedly
the ring -leader, admitting that they' had
mild...Aiwa grain for $1.0.45 and that he
had gdt 810 of that amount. He had
spent $8 on new licensee for his ear.
Weido, a 38 -year-old married- farmer
living about three miles from the place
he robbed, told the court that he had
never appeared on a charge before. He
'and Becker had planned the theft about
two days ahead while standing on the
main street In pashwood.,aimed
that Becker had s,uggest l the robbery
to him and had tale him that Oestrich-
er wan going to be away for a couple of
days. -
"How old_do you think you'll be when
you get same sense?" -asked the Magi-
strate witheringly. Weida admitted that
he hadn't thought of his wife and fam-
ily when 'fie- took -the grain. He was,
fined $10 and costa or could take '30
days in jail.
Becker. 28 -year-old farmhand, faced
a combined `charge of theft last fall. of
two bags of grain and two bags of beats,
the property of w Rayburn Stephen
nipped 'with, a eR�tr iagn . c )
1c'ctrlc reatmeft. and •cbirb °
�lectronio f
practio, < hron1e,• ori and • norm*
Inseams, Lady in attendsar : �'-OtAe
hams. 2 to 5 and '1 to 8 pan. on ;Tues
Friday and 'Saturday, and on "Wets.
day 9 to 12 • a.ni:, oraly.f ,Consultation
nituy4 bo had bY% :p +1ntmeft, ndi
and, Thursday- at, Mitchell.'
A. N`. Art=1N9O 1', .-residence mi0 ,
_,glare -corner of --;Muth Street•-and.-13ri
tannia Toad. 0?.hone
EXE, EAR, 1stgetE, 'B11IROAT. •
Surgeon New York 'Orpth*-�
Late House su?rg
=Want a
Hospital, A r
ural A
I• o
the mi
Moorefield's ye • pltai and `Colder.
Square Throat 'hospital, London, 1•
i'Eyes • tested, glaQses supplied. -
.53 'Waterloo ,Bt. 8., Stratford, . Tele-
phone 20'f. .
Next visit Wednesday afternoon ant
evening, January 20th, from 2.30 to
p.m. Only.
14 b
banes: mare-than—
ua block, Yet
�' fIr tt:ICp nest Canal the friend nest11
They y acratts the whatever
people. itl$�'��+ .. or clarity pe, , use of the
neighboring. t1 ,�etenc'�''n �It
*ere Ill~ almost;tai instinctive . e o
awC hence the ce x! M a�'io caste had
the Tia !service . resent development
� '� greatly•
t+rlogd not
have yea its present
to them
of found.
exceetd% l % "�` V` la r.,:._,. ►,ant
• ... �tti. ;Chis . _f ..,lr OfC
d efPloYeeis t
West„ e�
—gin a .
j`. fps llj�4ltC r
consistent men a development tclrpi rows
ac f Which
rtthoa of .oi,� i »pelt 4on feed boon
o�c tdw t glias
a�tl ' iitripf'�'�ac advance.ort
'h�� safety."'
raI apparatus
mere has mor a >a t
orFro $-•- 'resfdent. Mex. Snot -
foot. SO firth;- Vices reskte It,- Jaime-- --_
Pepper, nirueefield; Secretary -Treasure:
M. A. Reid, Seaforth. •
rp t, :"a'Q�lex.• Brooad.toot, Sea -
forth; James Shaldice, Weit0X IW ar`
i1atox. Londesboro; George °
publtn; John. 'N. pper. Br= icefle1ci o`.
Connolly', 0ocierich. 'M Orth',1 s
forth, W. R. Archibald. Seaf
MoEwing, Blyth.
LIST OP ,Alk W. J, 'Yeo, Clin-
ton +'it. 1t No. 3; James Watt. Blyth
John E. Ftepper, Brucefleld, t. f, No. 1
it, F. McKercber. Dublin, R. E. No. 1
Chas. ..,(Hewitt, K,,�iiyncardine; R. Q.. Jar
muth; Bornholm, R. R. No. 1.
Policy Holders can pay their, mss
marts at Calvin Cutts store, J. g
The 'Royal Bank, Clio n, or
There is not a single slot,naehlin"
or pin board left in 'Huron. ►unnty•
according to police here rho tit on
A drive against the' gatnb,hn device
last week. Machine from one stnd o"
the County to the other• wenn idler
removed by the owner or were lied
by the police.f Three men ppear
Townsh49. 1113 was alone at the time in Magistrates Count this on
of this robbery. He had never been in charged with running sio achines
trouble before, "`� " • '
he told the court. illegally. ,
Becker said he could make restitution to
both Oc stricher and to- Rayburn . MOST MOT was,
th1 k this man had better be re-
manded a a 1s,'' said Wors lr.
"It i going along wap to let these fel-
lows off on suspended sentence. The
farmers can't protect themselves against'
this curt of thing. rx can't be 'inalratig a
good fellow of myself all the time."
wire Volland of Saltford did not tip-•
Oar oil a charge of driving with impro-
per brakes and the case was adjourned
a week. •
Hugh A keflhead failed to appear on
a trate .charge and both he andyY the
were -to be notified to appear in court
next week. $,
, ther
was a last minute rush for X131 out
markers. Very few of the b1 eek sn
white, variety oflast year are taoW sees
ntearly4, every ear or truck now bele.
ing the coronation year colors, red any.
The deep-r'ea• driver, was hard at w=ork
on the on bed. 'Suddenly an urgent
yoke cam oyer the telephoto which
onnsii`.°„ , boveeT",.
"WM''s the matter, chum7" he asked.
"Come up qu1ckIS .' he heard. "'fie
eap1ta1ne.$ just tale nisi the biaomin'
boat's; sinking 1►1
���� . farther ghat
to ,,e
`" a '"alWaySt the .'b1e as 11 'C scale It
Milverton, Ontario, Januar igth.--
eu'. George T. Watts, pastor o-
St. Paul's United Church, who suf
fered >a etraike on Sunday afternoon
While in a serious condition,• was re -
to. wl ming c :forty
1 at
his home today. '
Mr. Watts is ' a former pastor or
the North Street United Church.
lat Nights •ate Pepless Days
The potent tail;t lies in the hurried lila lad,
in the extreme nervous, tension and fever heat With
which we f'oliorr in the pursuit of w+ potation
" tend pleasure.
Late hours, want of tecosary rest, exeessivo
. •
mental or 'physicalcax�oa�lozst all put sr Strain Oitt the
system it. is ur able to with tend.: o 'odder oth a
� . you pass real0sea nights bald get tip in the ata 6txaln,
• wits; ne ambition to go About your daily 1004 44; . ..
• Take Milburs'A , ' +' . 'll aaa 0.4'what
Will do for