HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-21, Page 2ing competltlOfl with industre„te441. _rer” 5IbIe. It Is mply matter xor ,141r %,4,01.4414,0, to'sdt • peopJ t,hey0. going ' *Woltotlit4g to put t nstall their own power, w3ietber by JMe8el y other I b In V th,4.140004 b ea Vit. 4ecisl°00ttejtol or .thete niu*eekb� made in tbe ,, , again a i itirot be o oity will roiclono-ntuniss, ort. Ve.to ben ect thi ir4ilthe leril in 11111 Iff,°;:tit; Plc Powe - re$44). BOdr00:11,$10,1e$`, Chalr$,‘ Magazine..ktacksi---Chester fiekl Tableg,—in fact everything„ to make your a real home. in the Confectionery Store you can get OverY, kind of Chocolates, Candiest,1,410§_anci Cioatette$, , e 4(tiftew Or rio Bnow Ituntsville4 carnival will not con'ecVecL by ost ted".. the word ,Sont out h,Y"' he" Ate viU ^ oeott or -e erVie lt,ait ' 0, 4 to toirnaginethey coukLhokLai carnival op ow. LOS!, the '1000r the .derie ALFBD 7 t 84. RSAV rANUARY 2104 10$7. .JJJECF 18 vivo -1004 The home immveirofplan i **sod theDominion , overninenc in. .-Co,opetattOn Avith. the. b41110$ enabIe ownerS, of 1)*Perkie5 to inip..roo, theiritereitioi tbart extent they nilielti" ,4114rWitte Aqentort$0.11nteide pintin1,1c 44ttltio be .done, IAA 'interier Painting:. 40nl& 0uid- irt*Iiet* 000ra Van be IlOdi Iheoti14':1110$0 inatail04, r reconditlonedr '04 bomes .redeeorated.• Lt i under- tood tbee ift. no Oeettsion ito fear IM Increase �f taXos . uch work k 40411,, a thc object.i twofold, td provide inXilevnient and *ISO.preerVe 0410100e propertlesi • which -4iie000 iniprovemen he. 44400 in wbich 'they ' are situated, 'Varion.a industries, ar� direotiy:."asslitte4".1*.044#19 n to the men lytpetvIOymakers , efzetall papera \and the people employed in pre • ditit'tbe ,01001.14 ina40,14, •'Of eoUr3e — property Owners must pay for -theimprove- tineas„ hut .00 Wins Can '130. itt* arr4014earaid it 1'041100 tttere0 tate% 414-Vithete. effort.. Sboula 000 lie a ',heavy Aseana for terl145, 'Ottiitek till,401110104. 400 '*1:41rem045#: 00 • plot'intitlit he jumped upward by the menet/40004 • %ut any unfair joy4rtees-fri direction hatio Iikey been,suitielpated. by the -0Oviriiiiint not allow• ed. . . . Usineas:may„ at some Origin -the future be regulated Dr -elitist eXCesOivielferips, but jf That day: ever co" es, • regulationishonlat alto cannibal o'c'oinpetition the oPuit.-diteetFin. In their eagerness to 'secure , V/erk,some '. PlAtrts* siCcept work. rates that Cannot 7,yield Ornate profit. ''13xtras.atre Ote. only looms ottavoi&,.. aetusl 'losses. in some instances Though fzz othOri Oleold he*mode` to take edVentake et ProPosat 4 • 4 endorsinghen the engagement. of °only ehere tants r Annietpal -Audits!. The *.eemere. Star , rernailte SOC11 appointments NVOUld Sato Onanunities, and that it its bet* to find 'Malt the SObo ratherlban job for the Tom, tould the erhineht to all,OW •partridges , land"tbe ery eats, otaxo Go aged. ,4,e.legivia,uoi$:„;isOarri...in.a,:ttc:11440,43:1010t1,1,avtlt,i470304,:tz3: peekIe0 \ t)11 mOr'e Joyful,' Another will conle • - • , . vtilt .1k01940yer be invented, „ erw-and",- vegetable growerS are .depending 'more- and more on broadcasts -et veeeiler reports *.fionl, theteOrollogical aliees and it 'these .are not given in 444 and on ,tinie they are or use, .".E. Atidn, reside* of the Ortarlet" Vegetable Toronto, -.4500tegon- announced 171 explaining the asaetiatiPn'3 request for oppeintnlent of an agrio cultural naciteorelogist. ^' .,otated 004 i3ritio ,timb IneteortlOgiat 110- been a pointed rta,- ' the' " varieut • cU;,'Atoo,,valpo .41,04 tue,ver; t4tv, ',Ekorsie14041:01.. x7:404. e-**44tittgo:0:4,310,p,rte:1:ailiti,go' 'th;t3r. greenbonee. vroaeatire. woo feeitit.t., -A. nee at the animate- the eitieS, leXter`toWlle the ',Ontario Government for reli d in 1937.-1111°Vv's where the tax, 00-erie 019i1411. some the unielpalitieg epend,' the 'money that they opi "the ve t1014roo Of lees of .^4 ntri but teiumobj qt. Pat/ o what?", "Well •soreeotie told. Vat that boid get, his „pants pressed hir Steam roller to run 00 them?" 1A74.01 „what a Atpric. Jit'Uken ,pri the 'Mira ib,Osit if one firm can do it ..com ruinous for all concerned, 4{ for a, +010.10 price, others can do. it -for Cannibal i311013100 ONLI-1)8 .14.Eqii.nONL .Berrie ,VItton4er is Again. leminding, the. County . Council, of Onicoi that it Nyistes. t0 'mud, .4).,1 the rate , , re nietiey by notatiendlint istrittly to business dur. , , .. , _ : .‘ , , , , . ii).g.' Zeit$1014, - ' • Ofie,ratepayera Who hate -the money save better interest than they'vill4get'freiti:4eby paylng their 1937 taxes hi advance. An advcrt : ' .;;Meotio this relze intOiinta'whielt canbe 44, :.?4,,P0(10Pt. simplifies,- fin4inengi and also' reduces the eitO0 ,Ovitxte .Nvailz. .over ;the tills): to the Poor house.'.• *have te` *Aix. The en, the tar." • RO.V., ohit 06d1V Ottawa 1314141 priest of the Church :of AssuhiPtiont „„, Ead view, .$1, eatiorh of Ottawa, who, has heen named Roman (10410;1/41`, b1.43,01) .' 11.0 thre, Ottawa, and 'Is among catada., Father Cody is appointed: to FOShoPi' gcl)onag - transferred' ,aa! bish,OP,:,?.et.):adlutator, with . •StteeesStOn„.;,,torehysholy 'Joseph. °Teary ',11kintOnton., outlay, Conti iluentli it is. Wort i-,010eUeeS early _bulbs Locall ;the absence make the.' .fornia so dis zards they , tally the Ma as Islande in bloom on the . T�ronto ,, and appeared .4 V 00 ground rec. -4herkare, t.ztny.eigne. of spring, :tat e• *inter. a*e,teealled,, rich: ',Teeple' Wile are wintering ,Gal tentO *Titlf theW *kip ..$0*. -01 441.i.•.- 1;iizek and 'cOineliticitSanie. ii104.61, land MOO ii'artothei-ssieit 'worth se g its waters tocirards;the /juke., r An4:140:.061.4 ,:subsequent 4e, , "It Is r.- reeSon, thaV,tht, ,/iregfe. Ut: Menet :4. tiOn. ' Out, .atarttling.,.!eba-lieUg0. Onalielne,"01". Ular '.:goVernnient,- nety per cent,o 010 PoPniation„ of every tern, 'eves fl wets, but not nine per cent. are interested, 0,00 to a nd, the Annual useetinge of !the IfortiePl" ttir0;',„Societ'ea: Thit, however is not throigh lack of apprWatio of the advantage's of such societies, but be- cause 00' re satisfied with 'what those who are Active- intereste•*the •vforls axe doing, and are.dispoeed to, lama heloxi4 'Sal* 4g-Canadis0, ° rliat-r0i0Vers.',1"Wa4:-well,, .4, way there- could °little- doubt, ' „'even Or =OA sanguine- would have hesitated a year ago to 'predict. progress 03" 'great that .which has - been ,• 44complisbed during: 106,." stated Attv =gin, Zn addressincthe me,eting, .3(1r. Wilson In Out": • • " merlons draught again affeete* large' areas .ttie west, with .real,iits.. that were shisestrdes to . the farmers usediatelr • concerned: - •Tliose --lentos who reaped f/06.1 cops last year benettit-- .inaterially by, higher prides, but, in the ,midst of 0; Moact,reeoverY, realn'ino ly That council Could' profitably send delegation t,1* 1*(43. • thiiik any, ajor changes,saighb•-:dieturb.7;0140.::. 13e'Thiron Council in action. satilifacto •conditions. The einthusissin, that enable)* grain in ,., are aThe gth Ocuncillik largo -boar; In fact the hitt,. the members's,. of the loCal lforticUltural gtiaetYft,O_P411-. '401 Allure Is 14 ciit, Of its nature in the Proviu000 and that eceounts antie• year After Year deserves every eticoUragement.,- for the yaste-of time, but netwithstanding.1W • ' nffe eighhoil eeellora lAfenc. 114 Palma .0wing At*etiele kg freezing **ether.' Such 'Coridi, *11 of th°°1 to 1/0 'cOmmentiael; but" it't‘ ** s'etisi°t41 ,tient were not titilmown in the,past and tOW11$ 11101404' , vtirtk comet/tea* the litiron`Courielleatainly disess. not. oweereparativelY large• boatils:of rater, like Barrie, with Itielf 'Open to `hersetire. NO grants- Ore made. it railway the waters edge, often experienced tem*. oilinbets or *Wieners or •pootagemile4e Ss ittietti porary booms ON ice was cat and ehipped to ctties by c)aoked, at `Itiost Om 4* tacanitteem. bold " mecet:' krain 1441, , This wintet has thins fon not furnished ice pt during council seessiuns, and others hold not a sugetext thicklie0 44 any Of the faversibly situated ere thsn one �r two during the year /or. which the: towns, to. Permit shiPreoutet hence OA uneesinese. Re. and get bigi 040 Inn. 00°11110 Irlgertilon has oliniiniitod' the dlin*Ild for t‘turiti tee requlrs that notice 'must lie strap. to 0, large extent* but not: ,yetkestebliihed to such • 'Of tie" te4" 113‘1411 °*'r &to* that ttiti labia and hays can be ignored. Owner* Y1)* *ter.. , of 'simmer hotelsuresorte And cottages are ceneertied 21"itur" OtiVf the prospects, but, 'winter is not over Yet 14. any "objeete of those bloom. I will Asis beard, pt thslr thaff. to their work wlien:' von, days rents, the tiuroniteii could —show their northern An ice -shortage. is 'threatened in nunibets of places PAPAW (*OWNS , liss stated;t-od * hlm—tbstthe prsia1eflee coin te may lie *ttr1btoct to their the fair s4ix en ch. t sense in reducing tlieir covering to was suppooed tiutt.thorsby tluo InouerEs- ' d ras1st*fleel tenthinied theft sytem 'the-VtoverronicUt.. of Canada4ut-of gra**busiitras.. sincerely to. be ho that she not be araWn into 'Industries 4itiees rewstainta have °- swam, a 'Wit lima* during the past year and thUp WI:ear!' with a heavier 'Moine of sale, bet/ brought envirrageinent, to the neWaPeint induirtry, • , •i&t: ,the limber industrx there boa been satitfacusry volume • from Great Britain ever Ante the bea thirtir44/ of tibeir building boOra. This dernand hitt been inaliatitned during the pszttear Ana, ,the raos t factor in the, improveMent cauditiOna oThevalue ot Pro- Oktotitit estobl,is' * new highi, word In lett rnitsionsiting apPreartundelY $360 compared' with 012 mlflion asa. -The of the cianatlisn Mining ind favorable than "ThrOUthOUt the191;nufacturing in. lOrel 1/1*h tiet °tr del*11144,4' °can October' reae11 stand alien as that in, the vatted iStates, for !tostince,,:deel,offeOthieitr with: the taxyt'sittatiOul The tiVehtation Of, gold' .1:1,tale 0:rated iStateOln0 the :reduction ,in 'the gold value tit;. other ' Curreueles; made OM* \Ialanitt011.1 this ' Past: Year. bY the capitulatiOn Or the turopeengotd. blec. intxOduted 40,04 infiatiOnalj. oforce into work % ,eaotoroyc '0 is; •en, OfloOragtitt to 'note that tills'. 'potettiality; :Setts to be.iunderstood:iy,the monetary autborttres in the tInited 'Skateotht.theL are : and talMig"' .tielmdte Tbe World 'has not previottsly ced. pertact *ligX1 • bprrowlitg, rates laalee been -so le4---for--solortg' a lime, . &fa- tigue*. on illiS4sasie al -14 artificial 'altUatiOn dOelOrti 'agesY 'Monet 1.15,43, 'Oil/Meta lora; ,oPeratAz 00mestbat alailM, but 44' wait is eVidertt.,that.'Opteniation Otit' Or hand will be to cresste-cOnditions **Web: can. be corrected- by In, some Miatiett- Vire are takes:1 to believe that the *increased itoterrunea regula- tion- of lonctral ocononir may tritikf0 it possible to continue' low ,intereet rates more or iota indelinitelys feei 'strong - II that. this Nieit is not correct anci tat the action now. being taken- by rto meant .preroature.' tiedtatatt% of the huge tiosirvo airetti:y! ocumuu-tea 7wit. be possible to prevent at tt 'seriou*. interruption in re:overY.. - enroll` bettor that we inanition the %ward, tiend for prolorigia period od. that 4sorterr sh011 ortsteed• in an onierlit Inantler, the .rairsinnun etwoutt.ement to. iteetpeogiw istpeetat*nwe ., inoit 'on, no siocceint to* -rower,' pc000. degerieri,4 te, Indtvidoitustircorsrust: -,--,--,--- . 'Persons -who know of Goderieli Old Boys or Girls it a distartee are Invited .. . • , .. , • ' =In the name and addresses below and mail to DR. W. F. 0,Apww-, acderi.cb, Ontario. . ' • ,. . will enable' the 'Committee to send an invitation in due course. Have you lost o.ilYthing? , Do you want a maid Or. help of any kind? Have you anything for tale, if So,' try An ad in The Star's Classified Column. Our. Clas,sified. .Colurrin Advertising rates in this:Column, :lc per wot .Or ligUre minimum charge 25C. if charged, 404- extra fo't boolkeeping cOstS. • tip Barg* EXCURSION EIRPlit. 1614.7 A7446C111144145'1*Alri; 4191141'5. 6. ft' *or, cobsvo.. nomad Thintalue, otaiatierBorriet OrillboNoth i3:1,:listrr**Matt-,01011118Licrailre.eavectli. Ontario IzePittetodngt- 103411100 MI, ileos Ontario on'ilte of Ventieksining as Northern 4004 giesadroons. •- • r1441: kUt ,G° yi6Beitmirge obi P�rlraps w 2b hats * this taittery a 111. boflet foolish after d. slrow MVO* tbo im044140Int bit 'bin', silk. 1 that their wady lithe thus to tut * Et*p1 bi men are old- OWn to Brant- • Obatinan, anelph„ Pat% Btratfoitto **Maroons" neereot Agent 112eit e Water* has fttliing 4104 afiti tp vitality ioxi If this Was 'not`a' ott a wort dt ta $ news note et:Sting that an Otte** radio in bet herd*, *taa 'Ithated, * It* Could t • I f�i t f prefer 1 to Potahonias. cash p1ce dellvered 111 town 11, in yard. By uing me alebtatisd IVRO COKE s tudure, the ore you iettric, use ftt othet coke& Thit milkos guile a ash prk delivered in tpiorn Gshp*nard THE A1R tkt 110 tk Is of bard fdive Radio Pro - SAO. 134 L. 114sit