HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-14, Page 6• NAC•4, 41444 • •-r141-- i pound flank 'teik; i* e.t1 butter and.flour; .; 1 tbazpO�1 bub- nituet pepper, pTtettpoori natiar4; . Weep/OS cider ,2 cup a P . P400. 0: Steak Inte, - Pieces", :,,,ieboig inobeL OW in flour. Melt: the tieaVY '00,;--,smi, brown 'tho, I.cnionland'Powdered heti* in )VO onton andbrown the VIC Steak and,ihrOWnf4lightly4 'our, ht and‘...i0.1,4011.0144',10.1c0"Iver:'the; cover -, tightly '414 •$41414°r'10'. l; hours', fintil 'steak it ,.1:404triccfeteak and Kiduey Pudding t one ... , Mut. Of steak or jetoWitig, duet 'Into emall view,. or brough ,lie Mineer. Grease ,e0d* basin ; h uet putry. Pu 4: '-iinetit.in layers,',With 40PPeit is between, season with peppr :„dash; 'vet flour. an POO in .4 little Water;', Put ver of *nit PaStry.On,4004'• this a pudding cloth ,Tle • altj,W,,•,:(Pring:thefoOrners-O tirend.-tie)-•.;Siin9301t;-74 r *roe or four -hours. ' Piet Itoaet . , -tl irds .pound rump beef, • ooi flour, salt and pepper 'to, to#Pe icea-inliOnr--4-. -PUP carrots, % euP diced celery, Suffed''itith suet -or lard, add water to cover, also -salt and Peir to tatter sliced onion, diced, oar. .diced celery, PoSis 0114 !iltY leaf. " - , • t 'Beet f,,qmitto.014 :bid,' 4- table- , butter, tablespoons salt and POPP•r. tenderloinAilinnied and lard- uti' well with Salt. Elate in a.ating pan and pour , hot Melted Ler over Roast 80 Minutes at degrees batting otcasionally. 1111ben done, transfer 'to • 'hot platter; Allieerwo flour in drippings and wadi" - d' Cook until thiekonetl, occasionslly. Serve this with tenderloin. Beef Steak and Wane"' Pie Twu pounds. risatid ..eteak and f 'kidney. Out up kidney and in litter' pan cOVered 'With cold 'flour, and, contnue . or another $0 Infinite** e Place ,rn largewsizedcaluierole, cover- ing top only with rich hiseuit dougb Bake 30 minutes. - Swedlsh:Meat Balis . und round steak ,fground, vorr fine); 2 tbispne; finely •• chopped onion; t tsp. 'esilt;'14. cups milk;, 2 eggs (beaten slight- ly) 4 411011 Cbrallakiir; 1 cup 20114 (for Pa, vi.); tspn PePPPr. Eat meat ;in bow and add 'onion, SaltepepPer,,Milk and,ogip.,1Z-011 corn $141m 400 Orunibe, A44 to iLeet Mixture. Mix thoroughly and:fniu into balis.Saute eloWly in batter, --. N Remove meat hills- from pan. Add milk to thi butter in which•the mea', has been ,cooked and pour, it over,tlie, 'meat Yield: -12 small meet halls 4 to . • . 4. . serlring$.* • Plauked Round• bring- to and Inint:eda oft, Add *teak out into fair - sold boil slowly .for 2- honrs, eees, covering ° fresh' . t; -thspm, chopped ,0,41011f, 1. 'Ogg ten slightly)t 1-2 Oup, ttp%, ,salt; dash POPOV; 2' thsprie. ohopped Par*. , -ley; 141b4 'rennd *teak„;,(ground) ‘, 1.• cup, Oorn flake crumbs; bacbn; "143-01#4.T.'.-NrOM.10tM,-ni career,' • casionr4 englnb worI in the raUroa Wing* a. 1ecomative-.7 th dailyIn a Palter lot, We* was count often „InterVievr with A AU lusLIO man who escaped from an few Mbrithi ego, seatert4ehaV gethmira$ and Ilictift ter Sear gam,On trye w1ti).-,F4 " •taxi &Ivo whora,he'plaMied didut *OW '14 might have wife and •140/4"..; During the day oi 24th be /luta been 'unhappy and ,11 heoatise• everyone, around, IUM Was hViag Ohristpula presents and 400lies„ Although this perste criminal and 'has '44ven convicted for many 'elloiitinga and« Videnees, Owe ,teteethhig 'which Me30,15 YOU .240 'Minh altinAgby at ,,the thought of , a Introarz„.beirig 'unhappy and , brooding" on ohrtatmee ave. - ' - A - 4 Miss'Cathertne Murray wu . *eek guestend of friends in.,TorOnto and Wes Mar- garet Conner' tave gone' tO Florida on an extended Lorne Smith 4of FalIs bas been visiting friends • in town for ithelastweels. E Dunn liaalaturne&frosn, a visit !with ,her sister, .31r,,e,,-•,-,1 ,Y Richardson ''''at-4":.Eginon4414.404' Riehardson, who has been ignite ill'. in Otepir's kfoSpitato London,,- 'is expocted 'lettirir to his hOnse this week. Ilia many friends, Will be Pleat., to learn Of his renewed TEM tiet , ur4 ,over at its - -monthly ceting On Tuesday, by the presi- nt,is,haiancia business' left Over, from a 'former Ong% was transacted and Mrs. F. fley 'was,ppointed Tea Con.Venor;,, x Ginn, 0n0r4Alie443iig- ylor, 'care of -the Mrtas, Work. liovers, atocking toque, ,: Scots and mitts are'th7he*nxt-for the Mis- sionarrhale which is to be peeked in Manch. Mlss Taylor will he 'glad ,t0 • give arn to anyone to knit any of .Saute onion in zfat'. Beat egg an add 'remainder of ingredients. MIX' thoroughly. ''. Forta fiat' loaf on .4 Plank, shallo*balang'.0an or, Platter, Plaee strip. Of baton, toots top.; Sur-. 'round loaf r with boiled-poi:4%0es, Baled .frt 0,410t 'oven (426 'degrees F.) about 00, minutes. 'Garnish Platter ' withf Whole bUtteredonions and'earrots. in Spinath, nests, Yield: 5,,servings. Steak, .Southern Style , Lat Thiirsda, moon\ Leaf'Ohapter Of the 1. O. 0,* MOthIP Tneetlafi in the Library Board Room. •Mrsi ' Ike tioarter's' reittSeeretarY of the 01 guides, will arrisve, in 'Ooderichi on January 29th, and will attend a* tea at the afternoon; and meet members of Ithe chapter. Later On intredueed to. the tWo Guide ; 'COMP -Thies- ' • t • d't,pArrie the .,the;')3a treat.' g Several' letters were lreeeivedironi ° s ifts • - . ‘, . • _ these • 0,,oik'are, planning to a bona :4froin' the t ZfriPle .Leafs, and * not .:nOted, warmth, get •get Were ret, .the,meetmg.. one-ofi the '.wdol,:','everiing..,:dreasee... ;la -,making them .:Pro,'Popn*v. It's so :awgiii to spend' an evenine.,sinv. Old tarreta, ohitto*., They balkv,. either,: bat .are:Mede of amid ‘•old an the Ile** eOnle 140/40$74VOUCIITIIII 1110tierri ears go ,eide „13Y sMe with carts*eiraWri,by 0=1004, la a eolndo' aneh: as` eivil von' or 'revolution seeM, aiskiTS.to lwany .:urapitodi than#0, to tome,' through eautettai or the soaves. diat or it all nia7 feA0** new irtOder# • SPO* 4S, hoped win*never 'lose its •,,014 'oharrn. , A..'„Yote of einks to 'the, apes mod by Mrs; J., A, ,Graham,, secOnkled by VrTe• F. stard4and the Mug, showed -their--OPPrecie4On-hY 44, eart ing • VFW • imgannon.,fingilean eft= , the 'setting of. a pretty "muter weI- ding on *Thurecian January /Oh at 11.VO1ock,'when Rev. J. 11,11-eoghe,. garrunite4 in marriage Miss Irota Lillian Rivett and (-1,91d10 fatter. The 4vIde-is .s, -,.daughter of 3&t. 04 *rig,' George Rivett of ;Dunganrieb, and and Ors:. Voter Carter of liucimovr, are tilt parents of the woe*: The bride' wore a'\br(ivaii crepe dress with button trimmings and 'silver •laCe, j$roivn hit and veil And tweed 0030' trimmed with racoon collar. IAA and Nire: \rrnest Carter of LuckneW tended the bridal couple. Ak' Wedding luncheon was ;fovea a the bride's 'home and later in the day a wedding -dinner was enjoyed at Ernest 1.Carter's, 1,-,ucknovr, eeption;;was leld at their hente in -the evening. ' • ° Mr. and lfrs. Carter have bought. * residence in Dungarmen And *in oecupy it on their return from short trip. Se , Sadden anoinuocettr.ri ...torysicofau:vet ,iiouheen .caredoing,. sioancebmtg4niges.. '"le:111toii7e4:,i1a3v"i'Y'usts7:01';'.°t..:11yo'Feriv';':11°v( can' nave 0 fairly sliceround flnelr; woven Wool' and titt.efl rAthei, 40 it iLAI Alittakie-.7.ivittleXit.7.arictIp0MT4-1tdtir -zitOst-or---fis'exe -try g- 644 a`,11a.r4ed tit4t4ert: 19. 1.YI!at PC:Un4er, Ok*Ote edge of thick-shas, without -holes Irk 'Them but., von. "V thir father is willink to h.1p Turn ithe stealc.oveb and treat loratioas' as iit,keis 'are *beat know - steak., Pat it on the meat board. 'get big as t e.- other side in the ,fitalYle WAY., Shown ,in." this. ye 4cis • doat Iv'ke174 e so oat ;things ere ..arid -will ; be- ore • 'Melt _fat in hot frying. pan,_ andsearworry, it your. old "sbees seem a trIng bother. than 'help. I can do :things the -steak on both sidesto'keep in tlie-• airr. IceeP- thera and be 111'541e. -alone note tiniodywo. Tho, father Juice, then pour over it one-half a. • *. stolid about sheepishly, eager to lido, eon of,tornatoest; and ,on top of it' Those of wou. who braved the liaavy but unable to break -through the arrf.ingbt'"1"8Which ."hUve' been cut leg last Item:14 iilght and 'ventured mother's unwillingness to give:, him in- very -40 slices. (Use about two forth .0ererewarded for yohr efforts if ati.OpPortunity.:" .-Inedintrisized oniona.)-„,Let4410,Atea 'on saw ralg lights of the ChrlstrilAS tree' t "No matter' how, awkward he is at sironier,on the back of the. stove 'for en the itcylare sighing' tiireagli the mist. first, a grown inan-,can 'Witt& 11°.*.• to about '4(5 Minutes,' covered tightly; it za0.1 ittle globe shone' with 1.pecultar help -dress his 11/tee sea • or Liattoxt, With -* , • ',- must cook slowly.-• If treated in this begtitoess, - teen:tingly suspended ' -air„ the diminutive With the efficiency buttons of his datigli. way the steak will be as tender ..as allsounds far airsandmuffled by testi sirloin. The combinatiOnt of tonin- the fog, the whole efteot was 'unusual used in the affairs of business 'he' tobe'alid:oniOns is a- very appetizing and a little Inystedouo, . • may oven put ug a picnic linich setts- ' one. Sea. son as re,iquired. % • z • I, • Teaehersfew aitYS.aid.'",'While we were waiting a 'week -end trip with the thildren. Waszsaiing, a friend *it at the Stager; gather* the necessary equipment pr *8 'unfortunate for the whole family d--4-,--tablespOons„,-2-cillopped P salt, And thicken 0 Sgt. INIELC., 001110t4Otizo•- tsvosiltseri, sitOciatttio t00 iff 11 ,07%** -100 VIVO *ATH• „ W** FO* tool* . 4‘..0E. LOU l'AX0 . Peer Olt 0114AltF-4114•0 . •for the trahi to come. 1- was watching 1. ,_ ,..,- , i_i_ .uardian . the people around me' trying atiot to lock when the -inotner refuses . oul .3011 • .. eac att. ni,e e ertieSted hiniseit and the host phildren and thiY t: bin, but hut 4.'41145 sEttiitivi :Aiirit. p~ it ,_...ti,!TreP01:_fe_d “h21: , inv_itation, ,,tei . tome ne would get flearer understanding AT . 0 v"4:414 ' -ml " 31145Y lemre IA ' . ' * home, ef the- many details 'tonne, tea • " h NC. wherl tiley arriVe at ttio station:lucre is homemaking an- ' the -4- `1‘t;!'1. . (Tho PI:ton /lines) one stands on One toot, then the Otiulr, fi,Tohn, and I knew very little about Allow during the midryaor,",sehoot vaert., something he may' hilve torgottein Be- of us had younger 'brothgre, or els- lidu. that.a large part of the reSpOttSi. PLiAe iti.4 ,xaind is ..a blank, he ferneries ters,"--said the. -serene Mother of one Witty of tearing thl.eliildren is .berne br, that, thzt wirid 43 ' ,$oid. Zvezturtily, the fainily„."but we learned -together. Ile, the Public soh* teach,.!rs, " „ .. guests' are safely ;towed away in the studied 'babyhood as serioUsly. as if - Those who 'am. riot members ot 'tome train and the host is lett • standing - in. it Were a deprirtMent of ',his:business Parent-teachtr organisation, de not .*.i. the wind with * red .hose and watery and -felt as responsible as I. for the weys. appreehtte the high ideals tn0st 03'63. 110,1100r that be must look as right: growth and ° dovelopement a tettivtetAxe. in regird, to. their ,talling, it he has bettO: "14t1b1y. affected," aa Our children. , We. learned parent. - To thf consciettious teSeher her surf nevtgagsrs read, be shout& at the `hood together and' in to doing we, es•,imoinfortable as they felt, Nearly' Meant' efforts and does', Alit allow At . vermte '011-itrettaat.,hWtiettAI 4kt-flak stea't4 Scrn"-0rents Do, :APPreciate t41 Velat1v63 the " „guest- has ma 'bow: father get betteracquainted High Mole of T 'h ' d. care: of chil ,nOthing, lett to Say.„., and usually, every- dren. . Parrs in • rrinte 44WArd reilited grins . foOlishly ;and tries thaik of bringing;uP Children „ for we wither Is more then More than 111AMIS, IVInabW and goes through exaggerated •drew near lit understandhig of each Of earning livellh Consider tortOrttoris ehoW. thittvhe ,- not other and realized the need of tger- born, high-mind:id Southern girl, .4-sto settles end re -settles himself; :Waders in:raising children. , 116read-tirticte4 resixoes her great tesportsihuity to her whether he shoi44 watch friend on child training aloud to Me in tne Clod, and to her polls. we Quote„...fitip shivering or pretend to be looking at o evinhigs, and we discussed trietly "south -0troline Aducationot - you °hook. thuldenlY he tezX*eatbezs e011ie- finding Out .'vihether, we, agreed on ha* a'lew Moments alone 'otter a pray'- ;tips oil the window rr.- certain phases of discipline and et for ine„ aPenao; f,riend- bat* looking 'tat& studying how best. 'oar- ""riret, a Prayer for love - tli* kerchief,' Tips- louder e.nol attrecti at- 5elees as well as the children.:" heart may be. filled With love to guide tentloli of whole ear, .11,41nials' his • Cemipetent itiotliere 'sometimes theme tittle heats str41 blinds atittiv to friend looks ;up And. be shouts "Ove my Maki hilpless fathers, but it wouli thitirt Atilt Aoki *tale, Wins' %ire to Mutt ?Mt friend can't be bitter. to accept help, and, work o jakyhalettotal taming from tbe, wry tpui of a high. trying. Inside.. the _train, the , traveller an good, 'nature, and gire begloutog on that long. road of learning Uoltri 'rePehe r&es hs sts tbm6 times* givirla ‘--80 that. they eet, and +owe the ttP. 1**t *116i1 lloW beautiful things around them; hokt PlOotagera are both the litt* hands so the little feet won't they there is ftlf Sod iurtatuve'rti_thini-oVett-4414.hoi 1010 t theestst, owe% ainittitintiOngt. the train. ,atitta,by initi-ating father Into the rrtes 01 roPer plate& - ,:,,,,z.'4eitea,..,,..,,Jpe' a 7,1",Atol$ •Oh. a prayer for patienee—liFith through - the . ritual . orange • . uce the '1,Ove to Jowl', artfully and help -'tlieet mut spinach, the, mysteries of a inall ;who are Slow; sittisaakalior to give me' Ai littl- otrainght intricate garmeTtts l*tatt--441 need it IOW% ntsid it and. the necessary, routine of Is, to knov .inst when to laugh. to 'te obild's. toy.thein . to..soe the tutu). thinga,' to 'hell), "Mother gets natin sod 4addy puts ' an the tuft thsy, oat,. ' tit to bed ohs oossic 411 the . 'next together, for often there comes time • when father's ald -would be welcomed and big knowledge of hone sad, child routine 'invaluable'. The 11 Nesily all Oodericli car nee red (the mil t ;14 the olo shows, up At 'week they, astute pla ,ft said ot *ma boy. "Wit iota of fon. Da4s1 tot 41t, wantit to know how to tat toe of us so =other can take a onto in a- while." Sometimes * mother may feel as If she tie tarried the burderi-sind ries 1,theavsiotastti,_„ many iresnents child tVilti. lng,butifsbest*rtaWlth the firit bab to do * ltttl. tether blatant by to -0 ration, the mtuts 1st tut olutions regarding Your -livinter's fueJ are now in order. 'fliousanls of tarlilies are glad that ..last year they 're -solved to ,use only ainco Coke in their furnaces. They are backkgairk as customers this year because** they kept their homeswarmer —at less cost; - 7 t'sjour turil nOW. .Wonyt yOu try a toix 61 the Modein scienti- 1 erq day in the great Hamco ovens at 1-familton? These are some of the advantages you " can count on (1) Lower cot per ton and pet season (2) lVIOre comfort in eveg room (3) Quicker heat in the, Mornings (4) Less labour 1:!eeauS6' 1ihter On the shovel and fewer ashes to carry out (5) No duir, soot or gai. give4 mar ii aPilleg4I • 114tt • AMILION • y.,..P,R01)(1C.T- 'COKE....'0YaK$ ADA- : ..H.AM00'.:::00K0' Sold by t • • °••• SrA01). /c.0' 'Mill'. *40 ,s0.!